Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Dec 1966, p. 15

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20---Real Estate for Sale JOHN F. DeWith 14 Frank Street, Bowmanville Phone. 623-3950 112 ACRE FARM, with 7 roomed home, barn, gorage. Stream. Considers low down- payment or house to trade. Asking $18,000. 000 DOWN. ed brick bungalow, Oil heot- ed. 4-pe. beth. Mahogany cupborads. Twindow windows. Asking price $16,750 with $100 monthly, $2,500 DOWN. New 5 room. ed brick bungalow. Oi! heot- ed, 4-pe. both. Lovely a chen. Asking $16,00) Terms. haat 500 DOWN. .5 roomed ick home in Bowmanville. central. All tee Hig Aaking" $13, conveniences. 500. Terms. . FAIL patel with 5 bed- rooms. All modern conveni- ences. yg Pines = room. Double garage, double lot. Price only $13,500. 4 ACRES, with large 4 bed- room, brick bungalow. Oil heated, 4-pc. bath. Stone fireplace. Asking $22,500. 10 ACRES. 8 roomed brick home, 2 barns. Stream, Con- sider. $5,000 down. 10 ACRE LOT, close to Bow- monville, nicely treed. Tile drained. Price $5,000. Terms. AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL: Don Mountjoy 623-3614 Tom Donnelly 985-7264 Phyllis McRobbie 623-7159 Ross Davidson Bethany 30r2 Lyle Mason 392-3964 Metcal REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. MUST GO! 3% yeor old bungalow with paved drive, deep lot, your own garden and a well decor- oe 514 room home consist- ing of hollywood kitchen, 18' living room, 3 nice bedrooms, well landscaped, fenced lot, poved streets, close to schools and bus, and best of all the price is 'reduced to $17,900, which is far below reploce- ment cost, early possession, WHY NOT inquire? Now about our trade in values on fine homes 3, 4, 5 bedrooms in o lovely built up area, where you can enjoy living. These homes are fully decorated. Phone today for further information. WRAP THIS UP and open the door to your home before New Year's Take advantage of the lowest interest rates now on the mor- ket, some at 6%4% save yourself $2,000 in interest. Stort the New Yeor right, just think 1525 sq. ft. of biv- ing space plus basement ond priced at only $16,900 N.H;A. mortgage and only $3,100 down. LISTINGS above are some of the real good values, if you don't see what you want, call me ond 1 will try to locate it for you. CLOSE TO schools, a lovely, 3 bedroom brick house, only 4 years old; well decorated, awning, broadioom, fenced lot. Ask- ing $15,900 try an offer. OPEN EVENINGS -TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 John Osborne 728-5836 John O'Driscoll 725-8585 Jack Hogan 728-1554 Joe Maga 725-9191 Eldon Kerr 723-9178 Bob Johnston 725-9365 Member O.D.R.E.B. We list exclusive ond M.L.S. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED GIBBONS STREET 7 room split level, 2 bath- rooms, patio, good clean home and central location. Recreotion room started. Let me show you thru. Call Jack Appleby. Evenings 723-3398. VACANT $8,900. Attractive 4 room bungalow with gorage. Two bedrooms, kitchen, living room, 3 piece both, oil heot. Low taxes Home vacont. Must be sold May be seen anytime. Just cali Roy Yeo. Evenings 725- 2217. 101 Simcoe Street North 728-5123 SEE oral COMPARE DIRECT from BUILDER TRADE-INS ACCEPTED 3 and 4 BEDROOMS This weekend between 1-5 p.m, Corner Harmony ond Olive MARIANNA DEVELOPMENTS 723-0575 (HOWE jexcelient house and two barns. 23--Reol Estate Wanted 26--Apartments For Rent 26--Apartments for Rent 27--Rooms For Rent 31---Compact Cars for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Feidey, December 30, 1966 93 TWEED OLDER TER tonne in nen: other parts area but would consider city if rit price ae ge Se Have buyer with oad cash payment. Call Bill Johnston, 1066, Schofield-Aker Ltd. to MAVE CLIENT with all cash wishing FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshawe and District "Real Estate Board Bowmanville --- 2 bedroom bungalow, 9 yrs. old, stone fireploce, lot 108' x 106'. Treed lot. Bowmanville's best home value. Only $8,900 -- Terms. Bowmonville, Carlisle Avenue -- 3 bedroom brick home in immaculote condition. Close to everything, $12,500 -- Terms. Bowmanville, Frederick Avenue -- 3 bedroom brick bungalow with gorage. Large lot. Owner transferred. $19,- 500 -- Terms. Bowmanville, Veterans Avenue--3 bedroom bungo- low, double gorage. Nice clean home. $14,500. -- Terms. Call 623-3393 After'9 P.M. Rod Krug 723-7900 Clare MeCullough 723-7843 Joe Borneski 723-5787 Andy Keys 728-0196 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Pot Yeo 623-3077 Roy Foster Orono 983-58C1 Howard Forder Brooklin 655-3853 George Beaton Port Perry 985-2987 OLIVE REAL ESTATE LTD. (Realtor) 515 Brock St. S. Whitby 668-5853 YOU HOLD THE KEY to Happiness and o lifetime of wonderful living in this im- moculate 3 bedroom bunge- low with attached garage. Huge 17' Hollywood Kitchen with double sinks. Lots of cupboards, storms and screens, 4 pe. ceramic vonity bath- room, 18' living room. Locat- ed near schools and bus. For further information call Aud- rey Moore at 668-5853 or 668-4088. 10 ACRES Older 2 storey insul brick house, featuring 3 pc. bath- room, huge living room, gar- age, born, greenhouse. Ask- ing $12,500. Coll Audrey Moore at 668-5853 or 668- 4088 ON PAVED ROAD 3 acre wooded lot with creek. Asking $5,600, Call Audrey Moote at 668-5853 or 668- 4088 for further detoils. SAVE $3,000 LUXURY HOME Brand new 4 bedroom, 2,400 square feet, 2 car garage, natural stone fireplace. Ex- tra large recreation 'room, wall to wall broadioom. Stone . front, lorge ravine lot. Will accept your home as down payment. One. mortgage for balance. Immediate posses- sion. 723-6541 PRIVATE, $12,900. Three-bedroom brick, two-storey, full basement, new oil fur- nace, large kitchen. immediate posses- sion. Low down payment, low monthly payments. 723-6541 $300 DOWN, $75 month. Four - bedroom, two-storey, kitchen, dining room, living room and bathroom. 25 miles northeast or two-storey ine between King Adelaide, Simcoe a Wilson Road fad Please call 728- sis, W, 0. Martin Realtor, 24--Stores, Offices, Storage 5,000 SQ. FT. of Floor Space in Downtown area Third Floor -- both passenger and freight elevator services SEE: T. L. WILSON OSHAWA TIMES 86 King Street East Phone 723-3474 tet Heat, Rygre." RENT. 9,000 e it. 0. FOUR - | ROOM heated j professional of- of- fice for rent. Central downtown location. Reasonable rent. 725-8640. TWO STORES or offices and two, two- bedroom apartments, centrally. located. Telephone after six, 725-2511. 25--Houses for Rent FURNISHED | "APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1, 2 and 3 bed- rooms. Immedi- ate occupancy in modern apart- ment building. Ideal for bache- lors. Families with children $IX-ROOM brick house and Bag "0 pri- vate drive. Close to North General Motors plant. Apply E. G. " gaarahall telephone Brooklin, 655-3894. WHITBY, Modern two-bedroom ment. $105 monthly. Modern Three-bed room bungalow. $130 monthly. Call Ww, Schetzmenn Realtor 668-3338 or 668-3253. THREE-BEDROOM, storey and half house, with garage, close to schools, buses, shopping. Available . January 2. Telephone 728 NEW SEMI-DETACHED, three-bedroom house, near vonin ge Shopping Centre. hone 725-6293. apart- welcome. DIAL 723-234] Ideal family ily home, T. SIX-ROOM BRICK house, located. Metephore 723-7596. THREE-BEDROOM bungalow in Whitby. Kitchen, bath, dining room, living room. H January 15. T 668-8118. $95 MONTHLY rents ~Targe ~~ seven-reom house, close to Oshawa Shopping Centre, separate and public schools. Telephone 723-1463. use, centrally sm. "MONTALY = Nassau Street. Six- room no furnace. Telephone 725- 0332 or man, efter 6 p.m. 26--Apartments for Rent $33 $ START THE NEW YEAR By Moving To GRENFELL SQUARE SPECIAL BONUS TO EVERYONE MOVING IN JANUARY FREE @ HEALTH CLUB @ SAUNA STEAM ROOM Oshawa's Largest Suites French Provincial Kitchens Indoor Parking Available Outdoor Guest Parking 1 and 2 Bedroom Furnished Apartments For Rental Information please phone 723-5111 OSHAWA'S FINEST APARTMENTS INDOOR HEATED POOL COMFORT of Oshawa. Large lot. immediate pos- session. 723-654), MASSON STREET, modern five - room| ranch bungalow with attached garage| and breezeway, nicely bandscaped. Wash: | er, Oryer, frig. and stove included. For | appointment to see call Elmer Fredin,| 725-2753. W. O. Martin Realtor, 728-5103. | $1X-ROOM, two storey house and garage. Available now. Bloor Eas! district, Tele phone .728-6507. VACANT! Three-bedroom bungalow, Aarge kitchen and living room, ree room, fenced lot, In an area of fine homes, $15,500. Name your down payment, Don Stradeski, Realtor, 723-4651 THREE BEDROOM house. . Fireplace, | gas furnace. West Oshawa. Immediate pos- session. Telephone 723-2573. NINE-ROOM spacious older Simcoe Street, good for subleting, housekeeping rooms, boarders or Low downpayment or = rent. Stradeski, Realtor. 723-4651. $1,000. DOWN. Six-room, 1'-storey with garage and new furnace. Near north General Motors. Thirty days possession. Call' Bob Johnston, 725-9365, Metcalf Real Estate Lid. 21--Farms for Sale 125 ; ACRES. Choice farming fand with Never- failing creek. Approximately 33 miles to Oshawa. Exceptional value at $30,000. For particulars call John Sandy 725-8010, W. 0. Martin Realtor, 728-5103. 23--Real Estote Wanted URGENTLY REQUIRED Select city, home and rural. property for cash buyers, DON STRADESKI REAL ESTATE 63 King Street West 723-4651 "home off light flat, Don LISTINGS WANTED pe SiBBY'S Reol Estote Ltd. CONDITIONED | | Double and draft control stat in each suite. windows for noise | thermo- | OPEN 2-9 P.M, DAILY SAT. and SUN. 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Oshawa's largest apartment building offers the best fea- tures. Sauna Steam Bath, 6' x 18' Balconies, 20' x 18' com- bination Living and. Dining Rooms, 4 quick elevators, 2 Olde English Decor Lobbies. Bus stop at door. Model suite Broadioom by ANGUS GRAY- DON, Furniture by WILSON'S FURNITURE, PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS __1221 Simcoe St. N., 725-9934 CAVALIER VISCOUNT DIPLOMAT AMBASSADOR @ 1 and 2 bedrooms @ stove e refrigerator @ broadioom in halls @ inter- com @ F.M. @ Balconies @ $99 ond up @ Immediate possession. Close to shopping centre and all schools. 728-7576 |SIMPLE THINGS TALK: Classified Ads sell things you don't need for spot cash. | Dial 723-3492 for an Ad-writer now. ¢ 728-4283 Apt. 111 GET MORE FOR YOUR RENTAL DOLLAR CAVALIER APARTMENTS A lovely place to live. Modern. and convenient, with electric heating. The features of this beautiful building must be seen to be appreciated. FREE TAX! SERVICE BY APPOINTED CALL 728-4283 for appointment or see Henry at 340 Marland Ave. Apt. SHELDIANS MANSIONS 885 OXFORD STREET Within Walkin South Genera Distance Motors No damage deposit required Swimming Pool FM Music and Inter Com. Two Bathrooms in all 2 & 3 bedroom suites Free Parking Model suite furnished by Wilson's Furniture Store MODEL SUITE OPEN P.M The first five families signing leases receive something special. 728-7942 For Prestige Living LA CONTESSA| APARTMENTS | @ Entrance controlled by closed circuit TV Free hydro and electric heat. Sauna Bath Swimming Pool Rec Room Fobric Draperies Close to shopping, school and* churches. VISIT "LA CONTESSA" 140 Nonquon Road 725-1481 FOR RENT New 6 and 7 room homes in prestige area. Completely de- corated. Some with attached garages ond carports, $150 728-4678 _ ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in presto home. Call between 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun ond Fiat Dealer . in Volk Repair waged Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 728-867 | ROOM, furnished, ladies. gentiemen, extra kitchen facilities, free Corina, cl to north GM or' hospital, Telephone 150, # VOLVO and PEUGOT de MERCEDES BENZ TWO furnished rooms, kitchen end bed- sitting room, $10 pret close to bus and jainers preferred shoppii laza. "Abst: Telephone on Fab-6168. ba gre ROOM, weekly. Telephone Hy Harmony Rd. S. lady, Sas oF or apply Spacious 2 bedroom LOWER SUITE in mew modern duplex, built in stove, frig., dryer, broad- loom, children accepted. Only $105.00 monthly. Call Central Ontario Trust 723-5221 APARTMENT FOR RENT Like something better for less? Just like living in your own home, 5 room, 2 bed- rooms, large modern oport- ment in Tri-plex -- washer, dyers, stove and fridge. Newly decorated, immediate occu- pancy. $120.00 per month, Call ULOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. 728-4678 Member O,D.R.E.B. We list exclusive ond M.L.S. @ FOR RENT @ Apts. Houses, Rooms, Room and Board. Office Hours: Tues. to Fri. 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sat, 'til 3 p.m. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce St. 728-1070 ROYALE APARTMENTS 1 ond 2 bedroom apartments. Available anytime. To view please telephone 728-5282. REGENT ARMS Immediate Occupancy One and two bedroom opart- ments, close to Oshawa Shop- ping Centre. Adults only, 723-6455, 723-6944 Between 6:00 and 9:30 p.m. FOR RENT or SALE 12 ROOM HOUSE 162 COLBORNE ST. EAST TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT Large living room and kit- chen, private entronce ond bath, loads of storage room, free parking. Main block in Whitby. 668-2861 LARGE one- and two - 1 - bedroom room. epart- ments in apartment building. Not ren . Near schools and vall- --.|ROOM AND BOARD, LARGE Ei goed Wao) ge furniture, hot refrigerator "ne bens for two people. Possession Immediately, Tele- Phone 728-9147. with and television. Srust General Renoir and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshowa 728-0921 DEATHS IN MEMORIAM FURSEY, Robert James At Oshawa General December 30, 1966, Robert 'beloved husband of Mery father of Mrs. Sidney ) Cornwall, in his 93rd_ year. Mcintosh-Anderson Fu: <er COCKERTON -- In 0 fo goon te wo Forsy 3 180 1961 TRIUMPH HERALD with snow tires, four-cylinder, economical, condition, $200, cash. Telephone Ask for John, 43 VOLVO 544 sports sedan. Fi Motor CENTRALLY ar Bl furnish- separ: fully eyeing Kitchen at tv erteriotcine outlet. Parking, One person only, $13 weekly. 725-8560. CLEAN, bright, two housekeeping rooms, ageing Quiet Lig Ag only. can be arranged, body ' clean ror, tad. mle 32--Trucks for Sale bought, parts for sale. tron and metels bought. 89 Bloor Street. East, 725-2311. Fe Wary. i greets with house- keeping privileges. Suit young gentieman. Or room ber board, Parking, TV. Tele- | motor Phone 668-49; SINGLE F SoonT Ti te $12, fo = $10, semi- private $10. Whitby 668-520 ROOM and. kitchen, a furnished, stove, frig and hot water. Parking space. Apply 410 King § Street East. ATTRACTIVE ~~ bedsitting 1 room with kitchen and laundry privileges. Parking. Close to transportation. Wilson and Olive area. Shift worker weloome, 574 Crerar Ave. ROOM FOR RENT, weekly or nightly rates, Hotel restaurant, open till 12 p.m. nightly, Lunches and meals available at weekly rate if desired. Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe St. N. TWO SINGLE bedrooms, fully kitchen to share. Suit twe ladies, Telephone 725-1918. SOUTH-END private furnished rooms. Gentiemen only. $7 weekly. 'Telephone 728-8353, 28--Room and Board SINGLE ROOMS and BOARD Apply: 25 Division St. |COLBORNE STREET BAST, 87 -- Room, board, for gentleman to' share. Close to north GM, central to downtown. ROOM AND BOARD for one gentleman willing to share room. Close to down- town, Telephone 728-5455, ; equips business WANT TO FEEL AT HOME? Room end board for three gentlemen in new. home on Buena Vista Avenue. Single beds, home cooked meals, lunches packed, rec- reation | room, laundry done. 725-3978. ) five-day week; near. south GM, Shop- ping Centre, night sweepers welcome, Ih. free parking. 55 Park Road Sout! CLEAN HOME for centlemen, parking, home-cooked meals, TV. 43 Garrard Rd., by K-Mart, 29--Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT three or four bed- room house north end of city. Telephone 723-0678. 30--Automobiles For Sale DOWN----$30 MO. 59 - 61 models your choice! BILL BENNETT MOTORS 484 King W. 723-0371 MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 lunches packed, ped, able January 1. Ajax, 942-0130. FIVE = ROOM spariment. Available Jan- vary 1, Telephone 723-1811 mornings 9 i evenings after 6 p.m. DROOM upstairs apatment, modern, heated, in new duplex. Available January 31, $130 monthly. Apply 574 Cartier Avenue. ONE - BEDROOM basement apartment, with three-piece bath, for, cupboards, sink, heat - hydro iIn- cluded. Also use of laundry facilities. $85 monthly, 723- 7096. 334 ASH ST., WHITBY. Three-be apartment in duplex. Large kitchen and living room. Electrically heated. Heat and) hydro supplied. Telephone 668-3597. $95 MONTHLY, one-bedroom apartment in modern building, Frig, stove and February 1. Telephone 725-8088. FOUR-ROOM basement epartment. | pletely private. $75 monthly. Immediate Possession. Apply 247 Graburn Avenue or 725-2432. LARGE TWO-BEDROOM apartment, ex- cellent location, wall to wall broadioom, stove, -frig, laundry facilities. Please! phone 728-5282. TWO-BEDROOM basement apartment in Whitby. Heated, Stove and frig. Tele- Phone 986-4257, ONE-BEDROOM apartment, in a private jhome. Large bathroom. Telephone 725-) 2159. LARGE TWO-BEDROOM apartment in apartment building, $110 monthly. Avall- able January 15. Telephone 723-5805. MAIN FLOOR. two-room apartment. Aiso four-room apartment on second floor. All facilities paid, 725-8608. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. Apply 68 Wayne Street, Apartment 9, anytime. Aiso one | for $80 per month, WHITBY -- Large "three - room: 'apart. ment, available January 1, $80 monthly pg heat and hydro. Telephone 668- 6127. TWO and three bedroom apartments. Im-| mediate possession. Apply 291 Marland) Ave. Apt, 107 or telephone 723-6134. FURNISHED two room apartment near downtown. Apply 195 Albert Street. ONE-, TWO- and THREE-bedroom apart- ments in modern building, centrally jo- cated, age hg ee hg children under 12. Telcrhone 72 Five - on ee electric heating, stove and refrigerator, avaitsbie January 1. Telephone 728-3546. MAPLE GROVE -- Two-bedroom apart- ment, heated, immediate possession. Two children welcome, $80 monthly, phone 623-2488. WHITBY -- Two-bedroom apartment, stove, refrigerator, drapes 'and broad- loom included, also one bedroom apart- ment. Telephone 668-5480. THREE - ROOM completely furnished apartment, private entrance end wash- room. C to downtown. Whitby 668-4656. FIVE ROOM apartment for lease. Laun- ary sen lines Available January Ist. Tele- phone, 723-17 td Tele- Regency Towers 349 MARLAND AVE. 725-2227 Premier 321 MARLAND AVE, 728-6722 Modern 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, drapes, stove, frig and hydro supplied New- ly decorated. Balcony for each apartment, controlled entrance with elevator ser- vice, storage and laundry facilitites on each floor, broadioom in halls, ample parking space, close to Shop- ping Centre. App'y or tele- phone the above numbers, 340 Marland NEED HELP | ine : chute? Plave a 'Help Wanted ad now by dialing 723-3492, a BEDROOM apartment, "with stove and thar private bath and entrance. Telephone 723-6321, GNE BEDROOM apartment, fridge and drapes. Sound - proof, new! decorated. Available immediately. Ap- ae Park Rd, South or telephone 723- 4 ) stove, SUBLET. Two-bedroom apariment, $145 monthiy. Heat and hydro included. First month rent free. Telephone 668-2339. WHITBY. Two-bedroom apartment, $110 newly decorated, appliances supplied, balcony, adults preferred. Apply Super. intendent, Apt. 5, 105 Craydon Road,| Whitby. THREE-ROOM FURNISHED apartment,| private entrance. Apply 284 Chadburn, WHITBY -- Three-bedroom apartmen main floor of duplex, Quiet area, pit dren weicome. Stove and refrigerator supplied. Telephone 655-4726, GET CASH FAST... SELL WITH TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS stove, refrigera-| broadioom. Centrally located. Available) | Days 668-8101 Eve, 655-4875 4 190768 Easy to finance, trades accepted ~~ downtown, t Lg Tene arranged. Bloor E. MERCEDES BENZ TORONTO 100 DAVENPORT ROAD AT BAY 927-5030 CONVERTIBLE TOPS Nylon $89.00 up Repairs to all makes of cars. Antique upholstery ond re- storation, | BILL'S CUSTOM AUTO TRIM 409 Brock St. S., Whatby RAMBLER SALES, SERVICE and PAINT | Always a good selection of used cars. Easy finance at | No. 2 Highway Just West of | Thickson Rd. Whitby 668-3331] yi 177 FULL PRICE for '61 Oldsmobile, door, hardtop, fully powered. Licence See it at Nicol's Motors Ltd. No. 2 High- jway, ie west of Thickson's Rd, Whitby | 668- 1963 cna 'sedan. Radio, automatic. Licence number J-2329. Must be sold this week. Days 942-4200, evenings 942-5693. '63 RAMBLER, 2-docr sedan, sun gold ex- terior with matching interior. Licence 432435, Easy to finance, trades accepted, See it at Nicol's Motors Ltd., No, 2 High- way, as west of Thickson's Rd. Whitby | 668-3331 |1964 CHEV, sedan. Automatic, Very clean car. Licence No. 380+ Days 942-4200. Evenings 942-5693. |i6§ RAMBLER Classic, 4door sedan, one| loriginal owner, In immaculate condition, very economical to operate, Licence 28801E. Easy to finance, trades accepted. See it at Nicol's Motors Ltd., No. 2 High pall ae west of Thickson's Rd. Whitby 668-3: radio. BIE. "64 FORTE Parisienne, two door hard- lop, power steering, automatic, V-8, 5 (82514) Uniroyal master tires, radio, rear speaker, A-1 shape, $1,795, Tele- phone 723-8846. TOW TRUCK Dodge Power Wagon, four wheel drive, hydraulic snow plow, needs work, $895. Brooklin 655-4401. 33--Automobiles Wanted oved SHAW AUTO TT RECKING €6. Cars| special thank: '$ to Or. ji pil Mrs. Wallace Cowan, Brock Street --Doreen, Richard and Marion, LES -- The family KNOW Clifford Knowles fal to sincere of the late express their jation to ail CARS WANTED Buying A New Car ? Sell your used car to "'Ted'"' Talk 'Cash' to the New Cor Dealer and "Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 WANTED cars for wrecking. No c charge for towing. Telephone 728-4549. ped|34--Automobile Repair FRED STONE Brooklin Phone 655-3653 Motor Rebuilding Cylinder Reboring Pinfitting @ Resleeving Automatic Transmission Crankshaft and Valve Service 35--Lost and Found Lost -- hound, white 'with 'brown on head and one hip. ig of Courtice, Berra tag No. 114, Telephone 723- 5817. LOST--German Shepherd pup, 9 months old, in Taunton and Simeoe area on De- cember 26, white, answers to Prince. Any- one with Information please call 723-0105. 36--Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS » Re Motor City Building, Osh- awa formerly occupied by F. M. Sissons, F. M, Sissons Ltd. and J. and M. Leasing Ltd. Preparatory to @ sale of in- ventory of used cars and auto parts at the obove stated premises, any persons having claims against the said in- ventory are required to file full porticulars of such claims in writing with the undersign- ed mortgagee in possession before the 4th day of Janu- ory 1967 end the undersign- ed shal! not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not by then have notice. Industrial Development Bank Mid-Ontario Branch 250 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario 38--Coming Events TO-NIGHT Holy Cross BINGO sito P.M. St. Gortronie's "Auditorium 600 King E. Snowball Jackpot $190. in 56 nos. Reg. Jackpot $200 in 55 nos. ST. JOHN'S PARISH BINGO EVERY FRIDAY AT 7:45 P.M. Corner Bloor and Simcoe Jackpot 51 nos. and $110 20 Games $10 and $15 Two extra games at $25.00 J 'pot and Share the Wealth \3 --Notices NEW YEAR'S EVE BALL At Dnipro Hall, 681 Edith St., one block east of Ritson and Bloor, Saturday, December 31, 8 p.m. Buffet, Refresh- ments, Bar, Door. Prize, Noise- makers, Hots, etc. $5.00 per person. Ample parking. BIRTHS MABIN -- Merton and Audrey (nee Wood) are pleased to announce the ar- rival of a son, Dean Edward, 7 Ibs., 9% ozs., on Monday, December 26, 1966, at the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. A brother for Brent. '66 AMBASSADOR, 4<door sedan, V-8 automatic, fully equipped in showreom condition, Save a $1,000 on this car. Licence H 85420. Easy to finance, trades DEATHS accepted. See it at Nicol's No. 2 Highway, west of Thickson's Rd. Whitby 668-33. LIENS PAID OFF. Choose from over 60 cars. No down pay- ment, Gus. Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. §999 FULL PRICE, your choice '62 Dodge Dart, 4door, 6 Bld slant engine, automatic, or '62 Ford, joor sedan, automatic. Easy to finance, trades ac- cepted, See it at Nicol's Motors Ltd. No. 2 Highway, just west of Thickson's Rd. Whitby 668-3331. SAVE DOLLARS! cars, '55's and "We trede trade up, down. Several good used up. Trades accepted. R, B. Motor Sales, 509 "65 CHEVY, 4door Bel Air, automatic, one owner car, in top condition. Licence 96312, Easy to finance, trades accepted. See it at Nicol's Motors Lid.. No, 2 High- way, just west of Thickson's Rd. Whitby 668- 3331. $577 FULL PRICE, 3 your yr choice of '59 Chevrolet, V-8 statlonw: , "58 Chevro- Hlet 4-door sedan, or '57 Mercedes Benz, |diesal, very economical to operate, Easy |to finance, trades accepted. See it at |Nicol's Motors Ltd., No. 2 Highway, just 7%, | wee of Thickson's Rd, Whitby, 668-3331 |S) PONTIAC hardtop, new fires" with many mechanical parts replaced. Body le my lent, except for small dent in back |. $375, 728-6075. ia FORD, excellent condition, mechan- ically perfect, fires and body good, $275, __ Telephone 725 1690. 1964 PONTIAC Parisienne, automatic V8, power steering, brakes, $600 down, take over' payments. Will accept ojder car on trade. 668-6615, iss2 BUICK, A' condition throughout. BIRCHALL, George Entered into rest at his residence, 1478 Simcoe Street North, on Wed- nesday, December 28, 1966, George Birchall, uncle of Mrs. Hattie A. Brown, Merion Clare and James Albert Clare, Taunton, Mass.; in his 92nd year, Rest- at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with Funeral Service in the Chapel, Saturday, December. 31, at. 11 ae Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery, JONES, May Elizabeth At the Oshawa General Hospital Thursday, December 29, 1966 In her in year, May: Jones formerly of the Alta- mont Nursing Home, wife of the " Samuel Thomas Jones. Dear mother Mrs. £. Israel (Olive) of Guelph, irs. R. Schad (Fern) of Oshawa, Mrs. J. May (Welma) of West Hill. Sister of Mrs. R. Winter (Nell) and Mrs. G. Winter (Doris) both of Pickering. Resting at the Jerrett 'Scarborough' Chapel, 666 Ken- medy Road (between Eglinton and St. Clair Ave. East) after 7 p.m. on Sunday. Funeral service Tuesday, 11 a.m. inter- ment Resthaven Memorial Gardens. Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be greatly appreciated. Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Priced at $50, Telephone 728-1322, Telephone 728-6226 ; : Itern, Send 50c. thanks 'their kind poling! nei $s and relatives for the many deeds of kindness, messages of sympathy and lovely floral tributes ex- tended to them during their recent be- reavement, ~The Knowles family. OBITUARIES | COCKERTON - In loving a Dad and Mother who December 30, 1947 and January 27, Those we love we never lose For always: they will be Loved, remembered, Always in our memory. --Fondly remembered by daughter b onal beth, son-in-iew, Padi Vivian and Garry. COCKERTON -- In loving memory dear father, Alfred Raney args tant | away December 30, They say hy nde an sorrows, And helps us to forget. But time so er has only proved How much we miss you yet, or A ne . bear meant. fo lose you | No one vel ever know. <-Sedly missed by daughter jo gl in-law corer grandchildren and er ROBERT JAMES FURSEY day at the Oshawa General Hospital, following a lingering sickness, of Robert James Fursey, of 126 Fernhill Boule- vard. The last surviving mem- ber of his family, he was in his 93rd year. Born at Utica, Ont., the 'de- ceased was a son of the late William and Eliza Fursey. He received his education at Utica and Mitchell's Corners Public Schools and, prior to moving to Oshawa, was in sales and serv- ice branch of the automotive in- dustry in' Kingston and Corn- wall. He retired 20 years ago. Active in church work, Mr. Fursey was a member of 'West- mount United Church. He calfe Street Methodist Church and later served in a similar capacity- at King Street United Church and sang in the church choir, While living in Kingston and Cornwall, he was superin- tendent of the Sunday School, a member of the choir and a member of the official board. Mr, Fursey was a member of Cedar Lodge, No. 270, AF and AM and of Corinthian Lodge, No. 61, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He received his 50-year jewel from both lodges. Twice married, Mr. Fursey was predéceased in 1938 by his first wife, the former Mary Herring. He is survived by his second wife, the former Mrs. Mary Clatworthy, whom he married in 1940; a daughter, Mrs. Sidney Bateman (Marion) of Cornwall, two grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. The funeral service will be held at the McIntosh - Anderson Funeral Home at 3 p.m., Jan. 3, followed by interment in Osh- awa Union Cemetery. Rev. Dr. G. J. Minielly, of Westmount United Church, will conduct the service. Friends are asked not to call at the-funeral home before Sat- urday evening. The death occurred, early to- |< served as superintendent of the {ine Sunday School of the old Met-/19%. tropa tiga ee - mM tovi ther it's hard to Why some things have to be, But in His wisdom God has planned Beyond our powers to see. A day of remembrance, aay, recalled. Without farewell he left us all, To be with us in the same old way, Would be our dearest wish today. --Sadly missed and ever remembered by deughters tlsle, Dorothy, law Jimmy end grandson Dennis. JOHNSTONE -- In loving memory re dear husband end. Join: ae who passed eway wm, y purpose see, 'Thee. pe! cannot, Lord But all's well 'hots one Ever remembered by son ler-in-lew irene and grandsons ind Ronald, done by Jack, a deugh- Robert JOHNSTONE -- In loving memory ind end father, Fan RAM away Cneeier » 'This day we do remember And loving thoughts we give To YE op no longer with us But In our thoughts still tives, --Ever remembered by wite Lily, fer Lily end son'n-lew John, So re beeen dough LING -- In loving memory ef @ deer brother, Harold Ling, whe pessed eway December 30, 1964. Ul end just in all hie ways, tend cg respactad tthe as af te In a he suffered end petientiy "TRL os AU YO HE Pee 1s sad but wy = Te sat Ot rene ee His dear today ~Lovingly and family. LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements floral orrangements for "a { 728- After hours 725-7928 A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanance and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office. 723-2633 1, 2,3 SEW! By ANNE ADAMS TRIPLY GREAT for town, college, suburbs! Sew overtop and. slim skirt in vivid wool tweeds, twill, checks with jewel blouse in harmonizing ton'e. Easy-sew. Printed Pattern 4949: Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Yard- age in pattern. FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in coins (no stamps please) for each pattern. Ontario residents add 3c. sales tax. Print plainiy SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., 60 Front Street W., Toronto 1, Ont FALL'S 130 BEST DESIGNS lively school, sport, career, glamor styles, all sizes, extra features in néw Fall - Winter Pattern Catalog. Clip coupon in OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS Storybook Charm By ALICE BROOKS Few, easy stitches -- presto! Storybook motifs come to life on children's clothes, ' A child will point with pride to this delightful embroidery. For shirts, dresses, suits, Pat- tern 7122: twelve motifs, 4% x4¥% to 644x5 inches. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for each pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times Needle-. craft Dept., 60 Front Street W., Toronto 1, Ont, 'Ontario resi- dents add 2c. sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER NAME, ADDRESS. 210 MOST BEAUTIFUL NEEDLECRAFT DESIGNS in new 1967 Needlecraft Catalog! Knit, Crochet fashions, afghans, quilts, embroidery, toys, gifts, Two Free Patterns. Send 25c, today. 12 Tomar heirloom quilts -- complete patterns in color in Museum Quilt Book 2. Quilt. ing motifs, Send 60c. Send also for Quilt Book 1-- Catalog -- choose one free pat- 16 complete patterns. 60c.

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