Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Dec 1966, p. 3

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pI RQ egal MBB BOE EN eI SP rae ae cat oe Prices | = ae Wants Ideas Adopted (iste ss: \ . -- i erie gps suggested OTTAWA (CP)--The Senate-|ing the government to move,are convinced there is a ground-|the problems are big ones in- 'Commons pane investiga-/promptly, for instance, in im-|swell of public demand for ac-|deed. ting prices will do its best to|proving the naming, labelling|tion to protect the consumer,|] The government will not guarantee action of the crop of|and grading of products. |and that the government's only/lixely do much on a consumer ideas it placed before the gov-| These will remain before the|choice will be to start turning|affairs department until it has ernment jasi week. 1G gh mere _-- the ei a legislation. in hand a report by the Eco- One of the committee's firstjand spring as committee F dinke | "Counell'vot Canada" on decisions when it started on|keeps the pot boiling--focusing -- pin «gp ay ae renanaiie Srothetiod food prices last fall was to turn|attention on consumer problems e poe asked for: gf out a report before Christmas. |with hearings in Ottawa|more cay cal facilities and 'The report is brimming with|and across rl bias yanhg PPvrnd prices; . -- suggestions, many of them ask-- Some com members bs ee ha pnw: > functions now divided among FRED JONES MRS, DOLORES ROSS MRS, EFFIE WHITE STAN HARTENORN ©. L. LENNOX WILLIAM) MAXWELL Ski pper Of Lost Trawler ral jeer atl "liming What do you think is needed better parking facilities. Some ' them." Mrs, Dolores Ross, 579 facilities and some of the of cents-off labels; a review of procedures for prosecution for rove the appearance of of the present areas are t0O Ritson Rd. N,: "I think. that stores could s{and a little bit a Detiewn area? Six far out of the way for any 4 \. an right the way that it~ ° renovation, but I think that | Wf. . tm Fi misleading advertising; broad people were asked this ques: convenient shopping. I think on the average it's pretty ié TIS as 1re requirements for deciieure, a fiom during man-on-the- that it would also help to im- !s. Maybe the parking could Dood." G. L. Lennox, Picker- tne, sonpenibte' sacdevltion -aecale' street survey. They said: prove some of the buildings be rg yt be gt -- that ing Twp.: "I think that the sv. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)--,but managed to scramble into vate companies, en acon ge y= -- Rogge Moone yA Bile wae y, worth a 'Whole city could stand for |phe skipper of the big British|the raft. But the report's authors face oe =" think that new bit." Willlam Maxwell head tittle i «ttre There are 'ireet improvement. As for |tiching trawler St. Finbarr says} "He reached for the ladder the fact that governments move pom We erie Sess lanier oy sar 0 7 iiler, ioe 'that might the downtown area, I think |19 of his men died in minutes/and I think he was too far gone|}more slowly than committees, oo gm gr neil ee aie hte pete jn a ety facing, but this that elevated parking lots |Christmas Day when fire struck|to have the strength," Captainjend that it is harder to legis- na a agen A ag nll oa fink I elles: that cost money." Mrs. Effie would be just what they need. jon the icy seas off Labrador. _|Wooldridge said. 'He made a|late than to make recommenda- fote, There ont My seat then Se henteve merchants have White, 487 Albert St.: It would centralize the park- | Captain Thomas Sawyers,|grab for the ladder and he went|tions. , : tinuity : the 'present sys- -as good a selection of com- don't really see anything ing and people could ge ener wee eee or ght rie o a I think he died | ' GINGER ALE tem." Stan Hartshorn, 359 modities as any ge Peet cong age mar garg oe gc shopping according to Socket oat as tsday aboard| Gray had "tried to get on the , fhe Nipigon; "I would like to see their parking situation hinders cep ie H ancientteh dragger Orsino, thelladder and he was very. bad. TON : ie sem | Ship that staged a rescue on her/The sea pulled at the clothes -- wis braun ="lmaiden voyage. he had on and pulled him back A Canadian transport depart-|into the water and he sank. Oa @ Ms 4 Md ment inquiry into the marine} No attempt was made by the B k es La Odds uo anning disaster opens today. Captain|Orsino to recover the bodies, he jj Tl 1s 0O 1 ; Sawyers told his story to. re-|Said. 'We had six more men to porters Wednesday night. get in the ship. They were in s * s ed i ; F d T Rocked by explosions in her|@d shape." On Rash Of Jail scapes r1gl rip forward crew quarters = en- Wheat Pag oe ime OTTAWA (CP)--A pair of in-|gine room aft and torn by fire|identified only as the Hamburg, trepdi i peg hak Jan,|for 38 hours afterwards, the ~ bo aoe prs and i y j igi -mi i, |foot St. Finbarr went to the|transferred it to the Orsino. iH MacSWEEN toasts to "absent friends" dur-|trucks witn long ladders--were 15 on a frigid 6,750 mile trip ielon' ick) ps So many roegyre Christmas season. being allowed to park beside through Canada's -north, be- ee ee re aa fire BODY LANDED City-Wide Deli prisoners have been .escaping} The home office is investigat-|the wall of Stafford prison. lieved never before attempted. Brees tat and just 40 miles) Wrapped in a Union Jack and ity-Wide Delivery from British jails that enter-|ing allegations that a Canter-| Frank Mitchell, 37 - year - old Ain Dry bP a Mg broke otter in Hare Bay on the|strapped to a stretcher, it was MITCHELL' prising bookies are laying odds bury jail officer sold keys to|Dartmoor escaper who has been field, Toke 4 etary bit the cart northern tip of the island of winched over: 'the bide (of the S on the exodus. prisoners who hatched an un-|free for,17 days, was reported ' fouridiand. Orsino: about an hour after she of modern coureurs de bois as|New docked Wednesday, before the DRUGS plot. dy td_give himself up after . : , Newspapers, running box-|successful escape p ee coon 4 '|they puffed cigars and told a| Captain Sawyers said she car-|* st " B e ae hed sae Chal eeaties seat *ytione Sain tai cones a ake Doorn deg Wednesday | ried or yg 4 Rr Ra sae nb Ne Mtn -- Pin 9 Simcoe N, 723-3431 captures, depicted convicts a mroteste ' about their plans. men with her and he believe warders solemnly drinking'escape kits'--in the form of now! after he has given @ Press/""n,0y pian to travel by snow|they died within 10 minutes|*!"¢- Conference. mobiles from Goose Bay, Lab-|after the fire broke out. SINESS BRISK rador, to Cape Lisbourne, Al-|__ MD Expects U.S. To Rule [Tsosmster'i 5. evs soli ariving, com ine i FAL, TO, DEAE and uvcag suburban Hendon decided to do|May. Their twisting, treacher-| Two ot agg er ons nen some business on the trend,|ous route will keep them far tojnumb from oy se i -- which has displaced the|Canada's north and they expect peratures, fe! < pe rigi Drunkenness Ass Illness _ |resiie'ss + tavonte fonc'e1 average temmeratares of 4 de-|vatere and peiaied ze gossip. He put up the odds on|Stees below zero. mae ------ es cubins how many prisoners might es- Both men decided to make tte ny or yg ve Beng sin NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP))York told the 10th annual On-\.o5¢ in a day. He laid 5 to 2 ~ trip yy ne two years ago. Captain Edward Wooldridge United States law may recog-|tarlo Youth Conference on Al- against one prisoner escaping, | Then = F onayreney a Year ap- Be ga eer eogh bd oop ged nize drunkenness as a symptom|cohol Problems Wednesday that);"}, 1 against two prisoners, 10 ve , ay a to make eS eee sae Chee er otal aah sears, Ce og agp gg age to 1 against three. He reported henmecdat feo a Ltd, | Sawyers that seaman Harry able offence within oi a page to gr cys aon . a brisk business. Bg ast on aera 4. \emith and witeless operator ria sedical A stats es tom.|merely » symptom, and that a|. The parade began last Thurs-| provide the vehicles and under-|Thomas Grey "'were in bad con- obo "slcobolt ~ aia mee fone to punished for|day when five men bolted Wal-|write the trip. dition. They were in the water Dr Marvin oy Block of New bein sick . ton prison, near Liverpool, at} Mr, Levasseur operates Le-|twice." - > pease laws making drunk-|2D0ut, the same time Earl|yasseur Freres, a floor-cover-|' After three men made it up . enness a crime result in a re.| Mountbatten criticized the --< ing firm that he founded. Mr.|the ladder, Smith found himself volving door for skid road al- institutions and recommended/Comte is president of Valley-|unable to complete the climb coholics, he said went gg ---- bac field Express. and fell back into the water security Rev. Gordon Winch of Tor-\eyery modern device. HH PH RH HH | E t id hai f half Vote Result [toicer'ttota se siutshed tr], Te government warned tg I mg St ae ie apis ie es a a alcoholics and more hospital jailers today they may be fired MONTREAL (CP)--The slim|peds should be made available|unless they stop the rash of majority of Quebec's governing/for persons wishing to reform|prison breaks. Union Nationale party has been/from drinking. Sir James Mackay, on his reduced by one vote following; te said there is a lack of|first day as head of the home a coe t eeeaciat facilities Becasen the public has eioevs pais ons department, rh June not accepted that alcoholism|sent letters governors "election in "Ro uF 111 © consti-| cannot J cured by taking a|prisons demanding an end to se- tuency. pill. curity slackness. In a majority judgment made public Wednesday, a three-judge Be meer at Gs Felenie PROVINCE OF ONTARIO IN CONJUNCTION Liberal candidate, Francois WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA Boulais, d llified the elec- tion of Yvon Hamel of the Union AND MUNICIPALITY OF OSHAWA Nationale, leaving the seat va- cant. The ruling leaves the stand- RE UIRES TEACH FRS ings in the 108-seat legislative baggy ed r. bee Nationale ' 55, ral > lependent 2, vacant 1. FOR RE-TRAINING OF THE UNEMPLOYED Lawyer Pothier Ferland, who represented the Liberal candi- date, said Mr. Hamel has until 4 Jan. 7 to appeal the verdict. for theunemployed early in the New Year. Thereafter it would be up to Courses will be conducted five nights o week, six hours per night. Premier Daniel Johnson to set ' will be ired for the following sub a date for a byelection in Rou- 1, ENGLISH, MATHEMATICS, SCIENCE: Grade 7 end below (including ville. remedial reading), Grades 9 - 12. 2. SMALL ENGINES, DRAFTING. Apply in writing or telephone between the hours ef 9:00 A.M. ond Saws Supplied | °°" #*'s==" W. G. FAWCETT, B.A., © ig Prog To Save Wh al es Adult Education Centre, ¥ ary eg Ontario. EDMONTON (CP) -- A Van- couver company will supply two power saws for cutting a second air hole for a herd of whales trapped 1,200 miles northwest of "_ ae. N.W.T. . J, son, acting as Ed- B: U; ; : monton representative for the OCLUL Inuvik Lion's Club's save-the- ; whales campaign, said Wednes-} '/THE MOST PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE" day the saws will be flown here from Vancouver and then air- lifted to Inuvik. foot cutting blade, also will be used to enlarge the present hole through which the beluga : whales breathe. The Location waned tp ee ta Wokbence Lake Th in Beg 0s Lake e Setting 17 penally the herd numbered! The advanced method of construction cate up to five whal iss- ' we aes The Quality and The B f the H A Complete e Beauty of the Homes S E RV | Cc E Are Unquestionable Without Comparison © Heating : © Plumbing In Oshawa ® Kitchens | 10 different Model Homes with Delightful Styling COMPLETE and Breathtaking Interior are on display now. ® Bathrooms Some tre |} TO KEEP BEAU VALLEY HOMES SPARKLING PH. 668-2991 CLEAN, THESE HOMES ARE SHOWN BY aa } APPOINTMENT ONLY F BH HY HHA HHI SALE You are cordially invited Full-time teachers with good treining and experience, with or without f f ie itt be ived for the U to attend a LAST LENGTHS SALE Imported sultings custom Air Canada's in the business of getting you comfortably from more places in Canada to more places in Europe than any other sirfine. From Toronto, Air Canada offers weekly non-stop There's nothing like getting away or, at least, getting service to Frankfurt; daily "Europe 870" service to a head start on planning family visits, business trips Paris and Frankfurt, and daily flights (including or just plain pleasure-seeking. Check. the low fares non-stops) to London and Glasgow (Air Canada with and then see your travel agent. He's your specialist in BOAC), There are also regular Air Canada flights trips to Britain and Europe and he'll tell you all about from Canada to Moscow, Copenhagen, Shannon, Air Canada's "Fly Now -- Pay Later" plan; only 10% Zurich and Vienna. down with the balance payable In up to 24 months, tailored to your measurements at a substantial discount 14-21 day Economy Excursion return fares, (valid during applicable fare periods) TORONTO -LONDON *345 TORONTO -FRANKFURT 9412 Every suit sold in this sale ie hn re ty dea AIR CANADA @&) quality. Choose from this wide range of luxurious fabrics now! by Kassinger Et et Ey Hf FOR RESERVATIONS AND TRAVEL INFORMATION CALL 'Dromey we Mois Wot" Hl = DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 104 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY, PHONE 668-8867 FOR TRAVEL INFORMATION CALL OR SEE FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL oven 57 KING ST. EAST 728-6201 IN PRIZES 23 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH CALL FOR COMPLETE TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS Phone 728-7974 MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE HH HE Bb 25 KING ST. OSHAWA PHONE 723-7001 SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD, -- 723-2265 & SONS LIMITED 2 stnut St. Wert ONT. | H

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