Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Dec 1966, p. 13

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ps i ; ef ae ne OP et Ee Oy je Oe 6 es OG We Os Oh i: iB ee SB Os Rh Oa A CW RR ik ake oak A a a a ae ees Alta Gas w 100 625 @25 625 --S5§ Alta Nat wos WwW | Aigoma St 7) $22% 2 2+] Alcan 910 330% Wis WA Alcan pr 25 $374 374 3% Alumin pr \ 24 $19 18% 18% Alumin 3° 125 $98 39) o® | Anthes A 250 320% 20% 20% | Argus 8 pr 65344 4 446 +h 100 450 450 450 | Girl Recovering After Surgery TORONTO (CP) -- Allyson Burleson, 5, of San Jose, Calif., who underwent a complicated heart operation a week ago, is getting better every day now, the Hospital for Sick Children here said Wednesday. The operation -- transposition of the main blood vessels to the! girl's heart--was performed by| a team of doctors headed by} Dr. William Mustard. The condition of the girl's heart, reversed since birth, re-| sulted in a reduced oxygen sup-| ply to her blood, causing it to thieken. HORSES | FOR SALE 942-1101 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 29, 1966 13 ORM tc aes oa eone) magh eay Oa OT ga ne INVESTORS UNCERTAIN tor waiting to see whether tight money will continue. He wants to know whether the economy will continue buoyant. worried about the effect of inflationaty wage settlements on profits. Analysts See Stock Rally After Decline In Market By LARRY DWORKIN Canadian Press Staff Writer Canadian stock markets are riding a wave of uncer- tainty into the new year. A flock of ifs has the inves- in a quandary. He's He's And since the New York Exchange determines to Aside from _ international factors, there were domestic influences that affected Can- adian prices in 1966. The rail strike was one. The govern- ment's opposition to steel price increases was. another. A> third was the December mini-budget with its tax in- creases. LOW IN OCTOBER Canada's prime market ba- rometer--the Toronto indus- trial index--hit its high for the year in January when it reached 175.60. It began fall- had a low of 35% and a high of 68. Rio Algom was 24%. a low was 19 and its high TE vsutrest, Brinco grabbed power from the company's } opiaead Falls site in Labra- or. The stock traded 2,800,000 shares during the year, fluc- tuating between 3.80 and 65. Vancouver showed record volumes for the third conse- cutive year, highlighted by Cascade Mol: um. which. a great degree the direction of prices on Canadian markets, he's wondering whether the United States will be forced to raise taxes to pay for the Vietnam war. A year ago most experts were optimistic that 1966 would be marked by record high stock prices. Instead, after a good opening month, the market went into a tail- ing and reached its low point in October at 136.98. At year's end it was back up to 147.59 but that was still 20.97 points below the 1965 close. International Nickel, the world's largest producer of nickel and the key stock in the Toronto industrial index, is a good example of how the market performed. Inco touched a high of 108 ybden traded more than 10,000,000 shares at prices ranging from . 1.03 to 5.15. : At Toronto, TSE index | was down 17.16 to 141.52 and golds 4.84 to 153.21, while base metals edged up .40 to 84.81. Volume was 975,652,000 shares gaa with 984,934,000 in posite 16.79 to 140.98. Volume was 270,000,000 shares com- pared with 377,000,000 last year, At Vancouver volume © reached about 314,000,000 shares compared with 300,000,- 000 last year. 000 last year. ACTS FOR YOUNGSTERS Dick Van Dyke is to star in the movie of Chitty, J Bang, Bang, Ian story for children about a magic car. ; OVER $8,500.00 spin that sent some prices at Toronto, Montreal and Van- couver to the lowest levels in three years. In Toronto, the average price of industrial stocks fell 22 per cent during the year. The only bright spot in Tor- onto was western oils. The same general conditions pre- vailed in Montreal and Van- couver although the West Coast market was buoyed by record volumes resulting from mining speculation. COULD RALLY David Bryson, an analyst with J. H. Crang, a Toronto brokerage house, says: "We enter 1967 in a better technical position for stock market rallies, but the prob- lems of tight money and higher wages are still present, aggravated by the lack of U.S. investor participation in our industrial stock market." Iimar Martens of R. A. Daly and Co. says a U.S. tax in- crease would just about kill hopes of a market rally early in the new year. in February and fell to a low of 79 in October. It started to recover following an an- nouncement in November of an increase in the world price of primary nickel. At year's . end it was around 94. Most brokers say that al- though the market showed slight improvement in the fi- nal month of 1966, it was due to technical conditions rather than changes in the economy; there was no news to stimu- late the market. Western oils were the only major group to excite inves- tors during 1966 and the oil index climbed to its highest level in nine years following fresh discoveries in the Rain- bow and Zama Lake regions of northwestern Alberta. D° IN PRIZES! Own es win-a- prize HERE ARE LAST WEEK'S WINNING ENTRY COUPON NUMBERS The index was up 28.87 Ist Prize -- 50.00 572245 |7th Prixe---- 5.00 A18600 points for the year, ending up around 131.35 after touching 2nd Prize -- 25.00 21390 | 8th Prize --~ 5.00 475991 its high of 135.84 in December. 3rd Prize-- 10.00 498552 | 9th Prize -- 5.00 TO CONTINUE ACTIVE It has been estimated that 4th Prize -- 10.00 906385 | 10th Prize 5.00 72202 the area contains about 2,000,- 5th Prize -- 10.00A449266 | 11th Prizbe -- 5.00 147126 000,000 barrels of oil and win- John Van Luven, president of the Vancouver exchange, is more optimistic. He pre- dicts a good year for Cana- .| dian markets, counting on higher stock prices because of the inflationary trends in - dicated by higher wage rates and prices. A number of brokers say Canadian stocks are in a bet- ter position to respond to a rally because they are selling at only 15 times their earn- ings on the average while a t| number of the so-called high flyers at New York are more ter drilling activity is ex- pected to reach an all-time high, promising further mar- ket flurries. Among the most active is- sues were Banff Oil which had a low of 7.75 and a high of 19%, Canadian Superior 18% and 32% and Dome Petro- leum 13% and 39%. Uranium held the limelight during the summer months as rumors of hefty sales abroad were flying about. Denison Mines, which has the free world's largest known reserves of the metal, stood at 6th Prize -- 5.00 193472 | 12th Prixe---- 5.00 103143 HONOLULU VACATION 44079 Holders of winning stubs MUST CLAIM AWARDS by DEC- EMBER 31, 1966 at CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST and SAVINGS CORP. or NATIONAL TRUST COM. The CAMARO draw will take place FRI., DEC, 30th at 2 P.M. in front of NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY than 30 times. 55% near the year end. It | NURSE (i. WIN 25.00 IN FREE GROCERIES EACH WEEK IN THE GROCERY BONANZA CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE LTD A REALLY GOOD PLACE TO BUY * A FINER USED CAR 300 DUNDAS ST, EAST @ WHITBY @ PHONE 668-3304 Enjoy J@RDAN WINES" Anywhere...anytime shen v Jordan Valley Crackling Rosé Jordan Valley Champagne |] 55 King St. E. WHYTE BROS. Furniture and Upholstery FOR ALL YOUR FURNISHING NEEDS Automotive Trim 623-5252 BETTER WASHING & BATHING Whiter, Cleaner and Softer Clothes. ' Softer and Cleaner Baths with No } Bathtub Ring. | Call CULLIGAN 668-2200 j BEAVER LUMBER co. LTD: "Home Improvement Headquarters" 419 Dundes E. Whitby 'S STOCKS TODAY ; es TORONTO 10:40 A.M, STOCKS 10:40 Net | t r Distributed by CP Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 5 ' i i : Toronto Stock Exchange--Dec. Ati Sugar 100 $94 914 94+ Quotations in cents uniess marked $.) ati A 0 $20 2 2 2--Odd lot, di ) XF--EX-] Bank Mil 110 $82% 52\4 524 + % Seen Be 2ees Foresees Long Boom from Bell Phne 858 $46V2 46% 46% -- Vo : Bow Valy 200 $114 11% 11% ores MINES Brazilian 1557 $102 10% WA--% BA Constr 100 $5% 5% 5%4 10:40 Net | BA Oil 162 $322 32% 32% : ind x ae; "Lumber did not fare as well Stock VICTORIA (CP)--The econ-jsumer prices index, Averag Agena ue age gg ag be Frost " 'S 30 a ad Ke omy of Britich Columbia had/prices for the year were up 3.7|owing to the tight money situa- Amite 'oo a 3 TaN fe an exceptional growth in 1966)per cent, the highest increase|tion which served to restrict U Dev 500 aie +3] See cos 1 i influences, | since 1951." . new housing starts. Arcedia oe ae | ee Ee ee. + lee er ighinbhha Minister "The manufacturing indus Bankti nd Commerce Minister > eS So Gon Com 9 20 Sie 3 7K ee ke said Wednes-|UAVISH INVESTMENTS try, boosted by additions to ca- -Oq Can Perm 750 $9% 9% 9% Ralph Loffmark sa' Hi id th taini 10 ak me + 3| Con Brew 1108 $7 7 Tie day © 68 e main sustaining! nacity, achieved an 11 per cent Be ee RS too 1 +3] C Hydro ae ja ag ag The minister's prepared state-| forces of the boom were @ COM-| increase in output while exports rou! Reet 1000 23/4 23¥4 234 oie min: ao nt was accompanied by a|Dination of buoyant overseas/increased to 14 per cent." | a PR 678 $544 54 54 vei f markets, expanded productive! He said the personal income wnker H 1000 16 16 16 M4 8% 8% + M%| government summary of eCo- ; : a --§|, CPR pr A, A Ba ' capacity and a record-breaking 1 pacity di timated 14 Camp Chib 2900 45 630 690 --5§ 1 6 level recorded an estima € Petrofin 222 $10% 1 0% nomic activity for 1966. Comp RL 20) $2 2% Bia + Ye T 50 $15 152 152 | level of capital investment. © cent 'increase over. 1965 € Ty oa wm 1 | Se tie | The summary contained the|"*'; pe hated Cdn Tire A 600 $144 14% 144+ Vol le | Pulp production was up 11 1 Howine # ig C Dyno 900 135 135 135-41 sf Bh b started which "even allowing for an in- y € Westing 110 $19% 19% 19% + %|prediction that a boom t: i 1 oduction € Jamiesn 200 120 120 120 | Chemeell 120 $12% 12% 17% \in 1961 will continue through|Per cent; mineral production. \crease in the price level is an Contre i500 ise 1515 pe ale iy 9 ee Ba OU saad year. reflecting gains in copper and|impressive gain." Me _ a : ' lybdenum, was up 18 per Seepee 700 sim 15% 5 - ? rion . 4 = -- a | Mr. Loffmark said 1966 was pr dag ey ash rochlnts ve. BOOM BRINGS PEOPLE ag a ol Wie 'omputr" --'130.«$8%4.«84«Bla + 4 \@ Year Of exceptional growth for creased 15 per cent; and the| 'Because of the favorable chi sto a a Sie mie oe ee ees, despite tight value of fish landings was up|economic climate and associ- Coch Wi 2900 175 171 171 --4) Con Dido a se lmoney, rising prices and con- 95 per cent j ated heavy demand for work- Sonlgp ee ee er Cans Gas 130 S15 No Is -- 4 tint g shortages of skilled la-| : ers, the population increased by C Hall «= 400 DS 2 | EO ' mu bor. : | 4.1 per cent, the highest rate cae won. eS lal rae nll 280 slime ii vim |". . A persistent problem) PRODUCE witdessed since the peak Of the ce np cove ab val DISH Seag 190 833% 3314 334--%|quring 1966 was the steady cevinua booby 'evcle' in S987." ¢ 23200 27% 25 "4 ar ok g : Dp ju y Givigrt top sine tou Tou 4) Dore foot tee tis as i --a (climb of the Canadian Con') TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale! The labor force jumped 6.8 Deer Horn 2000 16 1% 16 Dom Coal 220 $5% Si. Sie oe eee \to retail carton eggs average|per cent, an addition of 40,000 DrEldone 00 17, 107,102, + 1! otasco" Sit Side a a | DIVIDENDS |weighted prices quoted by the|workers. Dicknsn ee ee cee. ee ee ee Prorebeneiliyd beso rg ro " | The economic review reported Bary $2 12 "yay 1| feng at Mm | By THE CANADIAN PRESS |iomsra)" A small a2 line 'ot catches" ond heh Oe RE gs A Ford nde "10819-1184 118%--1'4|..Jockey Club Ltd., common 5| frees: 'Wholesale price t0|prices, enjoyed a landed value Erocoeur 000 1} Nt 6Me as ae ae 8 {ae pense lb -- Feb-\country stations fibre cases| which' "exceeds the 1965 total m GP Dri A 100 290 20 290 --10 |28; 6-per-cent pret. S' ; the Toronto Board of Sian vk 30 800 8m Om pee ew Se fe ht Ai conte, Sepercem, pee ane Trade pe wholesale ZS Bati-| te previous pba' 4 ) aon: en | OR ae an ee +48) Grw tite 25 ssw seu sy |B 13% cents, $5.60 |g ers: Extra large 49; large 46-!900 in 1958 by 10 per cent." Se SG | ese Gee ee aiaee tre en igs ante Oo al 9 eo eee a jawker pd = * ereus ' ' ' He adie 10" 1 Ween to at oe oe w|..General Bakeries Ltd., com-| Butter prices: .Agricultural| addition of halibut landings by Hydre ex 240 130% 10 fat | Husky Oi 435 siz 126 tame-- vei mon 6%4 cents, Jan. 31, record mabilsetien bang -- B.C. fishermen from United imp Oil 342 $57 57%, 57% + Ve! & rlots: in, score 59; ' be *t00 a Fa Bi tat Imp Peat pod Sik on ame as bee 39 par 58; selling 61. in Rae na aati Iron Bay T 125 255 | coept 2» + | Ind Wire 500 460 455 | Co RE. ETRE Ra a tz 'tuts | BUSINESS BRIEFS | PEAK FOREST EARNINGS eS BB hl ence eS tee _| STOCK MARKET | te 8.c. forest industries had ee eee St int util 100 $25%4 25% 25%4-- | By THE CANADIAN PRESS TORONTO (CP) -- With the|®Tecord year in 1966 despite int Util 100 $27%4 27% 27%4-- - | 4 4 ', Ker Add ws $134 1 m= We inter Pipe 25 $83 ra a -- | STEEL OUTPUT SLUMPS |exception of a few speculative) {ailing lumber prices in the last C"putau "310 819% 19% 19M-- YW) JoHtern w 900 Siac 1784 17a0 Steel ingot production in Can-|issuyes, trading on the Toronto) py. - on ge ae Lake Lyn zi 13 13 8 +1| Jockey © 350 985 385 385 -- 5 jada totalled 119,441 tons lastistock Exchange Wednesday Pais: eadvation: ta at: a Ms0 LOnt Com 300 4% 4% 4% --10 | week, down 31.3 per cent from) : ti steinls arene "i! Ty P 250 $19% 19% 19% eek, Pp sagged 'as in als w tain AM 5 om Leu Fin" 1000 410 410 410. --10 |the preceding week and off be sag to sustiio way atreteth, |e Tee $1,037,000,000, u in --I0 | " -F " " Kiting 2 BB | eB eke he" | shanply trom 157.886 tons pro! Only 2,095.00 shares changed value has exceeded the billion Madsen 2200 2 Leb Co pr «$3814 384 38% duced in the same wee hands compared with 2,902,000) 5 Marchont 's00 148 165 es Ms uid 300 23% Bae sae + [Year the Leanne agi bs Tuesday. | eston, capital investment in Martin 500 28 Br 2-- Va i * Statistics reports. The bureau t . | : peg Hes, Se ogo GRO) Drerae Ee ae ae def pomcln, bated nl pena ang heh lag tact aa McWat 200 3 OD = Maserer 4 pied ped unm weekly output during 1957-54 | cents on 270,750 shares. New|000. The pulp and paper aie aa Mentor ao oe | MErCP 2 2 Ry equalling 100, was oad ana| imperial added 13 cents at 2.53\try Jed the list with $220,000,- Minore 3200 2 2 Tl --Vs| Mon B 124 Sie irs Wa | Week, 181 a week earller, lon 58,000 shares and the PCE/ 090, followed by logging at $57,- prod ee eae 45 $86 86 86 | 164 a year earlier. |Explorations 4 to 32 cents on! 99\000,"" Nealon iano i 3 ? ae Nar G ; "® tome 2524 2a + Me FREIGHT LOADINGS EASE | 89,000. Also the "resurgent fruit in at Groc p a+ Y | 89,000. f : Nomex 'w 200 9 3 Noranda | 210 S17 47% 4% | Revenue freight in. Canada| The industrial index dropped) dustry paced British Columbia's "N 20 5 36, 38 | Qglivie 100 $13%4 13% 134+ %\ was loaded on 73,253 railway |-28 to bag a ake agricultural production to an Si loot Wo ie te is til pec pee wos oso" (cats. during the seven days) , eee a ga nding all-time high." ve N 3000 8 «#88 «§ --'%| Pembina 425 $11 11 MM -- vended Dec. 14, a drop of 4.8 per) arpets 56! The apple crop is expected to Mr pe me % | Eow Com OS sla 2 -- i cent from car loadings in the| and 30. Bank af ig Pmt up 20 per cent and prices | ~4 ris | SSCY-| Fj i Norbecke"; 1300 8, 4 ® | Royal Bnk 53 $68% 68% 68% same week of 1965, the Domin-| retreated 1 90 Oa Om nested ee in meet arene. ies r me Normetai J 10 ah | Russell H 200 $13% 13% 13% + %/ ion Bureau of Statistics reports. | 'gu My 4: |crop was six times that o 3 S10 465° 5 ASS Sayvette 150 390. 390 390 -- ; ; Coal and Woodward A advanced} 1 1 peach and apricot N Rank a : 2 +1 Seaway $00 380 350 0 83 1~0 | Cumulative i were wit auch 16:8 etd 2 Parse alpen ato Opemske 82 945 940 940 | Selkirk A zl $8 8 8 1.8 per cent for the year a . R | v s . | ~s _ | i -tak- | ' vas Se ae ok %| See Can "tip Sane av tan + 0| 8,877,783. cARS. Pe igi ar |, ihe 1s strawberry cr°p wat) Pati Shopper Ct 200 | | Pex' int oe eee: ott Ye Can. B15 $20 19% 20 + Me CPR EARNINGS UP | gains. Dome fell % to 43% andjincrease in the strawberry Sat (eee aos Tor'bin Bk Ha So7% sr sm =| The pene My va Rall'| Giant Yellowknife 35 cents to| acreage was expected for 1967." Pine Point 2215. $50% 50¥e 50% Tor Iron W 100 $25% 35% 35% | announced Wednesday its|g 99, ---- freon io ize las 1a Towers A SS oe |net earnings for Jan. 1 to Nov. : eo index, golds were down KET ig noe Se ee al lh pg 4 be floc fel ae $43,532,726-- |1 97 to 151.82 and the TSE. .22 BOND MAR 'Algom ah aad + ¥%| $6,867,173 more than was earne 'ined : $23% Bh -- | | to 140.93. Base metals gaine TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana eoaae ee oF a Unas 'inv 'ts0 sa 1a a + | by the railway in the same pe-| 4» +5 94.83 and western oils .40| dian bond ot rose % point 130 $14% 14% 14%-- | Un Carbid 283 $20 19% 19% |riod last year. Net earnings for|i, 139 98 in active trading Wednesda Setelite ( 250 71 2 2) +1 | Un Go = Seen ane ase' "| the month of November were sei in active 8 y- Sherritt i ile Mee INE. are RR i v4 Ss rd | $4993 301. an increase of $486,- Short-term Government of $i siller, 1209 ve 12s 1 ay | Wen GW 375 sume 2% 2M -- W455 cover' the game month in| RULES SILENCE SINGER Canada bonds closed up 15 to 20 Sil Stand $500 103 101 101 +46) bed ind oe yo. 120 a 1965 | BIDEFORD, England (CP)--j|cents with the 4%4-per-cent Oct. Steep, Tomo ass sea || Weston mae ou \The singing Italian chef at a1, 1967, issue closing at 99.10 Sullivan 725 350 350 350 | Wsin hp 25. $86. 86-86. --2| PRODUCE FEWER EGGS |Devon restaurant had to go|bid and 99.20 asked. Tee) sso Wo 100 \s +4] 'hes gsm tala cut Egg production in Canada|back to the kitchen because his Long-term Canada and pro- Tribep 1000 95 94 95 +4) Sales to 11 @.m.: 513,000. | amounted to $4,400,000 dozen in|immigrant's work permit al- vincial bonds closed up % point Tundre m7 2 DB --)) --_------ |November, a decline of 4.6 per|lows him only to cook. The|with the 4¥-per-cent Sept. 1, hy Bortesn 2500 6 % = = 3 FOREIGN TRADING |cent from November production|owner told the labor ministry | 1983, issue closing 86 bid and Un Keno 100 260 240 240 --10| Provo. 00 sas Sas S38 ---S 112+ year, the Dominion Bureau|Giovanni:-Montemurro, 34, sang|86%4 asked. Wr" Mine Kr) oo pi py --5| Cowichan 3000 19 19 19 +1 lof Statistics reports. Cumula-| because he liked it and was not Day-to-day money traded at Yk Beer i We Ca Woo io 12 1a te =). tive production for 11 months | paid, but the officials were ada-|4%4 per og aie eke | Gunnar 40 100 100 this year was 377,800,000 dozen,|mant. "It is very sad," said Treasury bills ende e day | Int Bible 1500 95 95 95 +10 |down 4.4 per cent from the|Giovanni. "The only place I can|with the 91-day bills at 4.95 and OILS, GAS Youre Ho 2000 itd Me sa --2 | same period of 1965. sing now is in my bath." 182-day bills at 5.05. Am teive 100 "0h 24 20% | Bite a 4 , P : Sen ro ten there's a kind of woman Caivert 000k 4 24 Pp 1800 225 2% =|) Sete ho is Be =} owa ay who adores adventure, 1h = . 0A 30%+ ve Ein ot 38 S38 an relishes a hamburger on x i . * . : Dyna % io 2s Ms ds a a bun or an intimate dinner for two. She loves the lively French 4 470 2 . im Hom Sib $05 30 as -- 4 taste of pert and pink Jordan Valley Crackling Rosé. Mill City 28 m8 Ot a . . Numec 1900 208 208s 4 You will too. Try Jordan Valley Crackling Rosé anytime. a 'we we 48 'Il enioy it Place @ 2000 195 191191 You'll enjoy it. P O00 44 42 42 =o Prairie Ol} 1000 400 40 0 Provo Gas 1518 535 535 535 +5 Scurry Rn 950 $194 194 Wat 530 62 62 62 Stanwell 100 © 20 BD Triad Ol 550 200 200 200 Union Oil 750 $332 BY 33% U Canso 2400 370 65-45 -- 5 Wespac ms 2 n 12 W Decalte 600 M5 MS M45 INDUSTRIALS | Abitibi 280 397% 9% 9% | "WHY DO IT YOURSELF" CALL Joe Kozak FINISHING CARPENTER Custom Kitchen . Cabinets Bathroom Vanities Recreation Rooms & Bars 1084 Simeoe N. $ 723-1991 Happy New Year HEARD'S TAXI and CARTAGE 124 Brock St., Whitby -- 668-3722 Cadillac Billiards 17 TABLES " FM Background Musle Broadioomed Fi OPENS AM. s TT PM. "Bring the b. Family" Lad- ies, Gentlemen end Children -PADDY'S MARKET Furniture and Appliances USED WASHER PARTS & REPAIRS CALL TODAY Complete Line of Beatty-Thor- Crosley Appliances @ HAMPTON 263-2241 Each week for the next 26 weeks there will oppear throughout the advertisements on this feature the letters forming the name of a famous person or place. All you are required to do is read each advertisement very carefully, pick out the letters and identify that person or place. Send your answer al with your name and address to the GROCERY BONANZA EDITOR, ¢/o The Oshawa Times, no later thon 4 p.m. Tuesday of each week. The first correct answer drawn will receive, compliments of the sponsoring business, and Duffy's Super Market, the grand weekly prize of 25.00 in free groceries, Enter today. Last Week's Answer -- St. Nicholas Lest Week's Winner -- MRS. G. MATHIEU, 172 a St. with - Parents, ted in CKLB Bidg. 725-8112 360 King W. Oshawa SISTER'S RESTAURANT featuring HOME. BESTWAY MOTORS Complete Repairs And Service Te . VOLKSWAGENS 668-4792 Dundes et Centre, Whitby COOKED MEALS & PASTRIES 150 WILLIAM E. Quick Short Order Service 154 WILLIAM E. "The Home of Better Food Values' DUFFY'S SUPER MARKET 948 Simcoe N. "We Deliver' -- Open until 10 p.m. for your shopping convenience 723-9371 © Ideal Dairy Products JUG MILK Guernsey Gold 2% .. 68° Homo Milk .......64++ 63° Refreshing, lively, lightly bubbled Golden, sparkling, extra dry 725-4541 SUZANNE HAIRSTYLING "Colour Specialists" c 101 Dundes W. (Over Bank of Montreal) Whitby (Mrs, S$. Lemieux Prop.) 668-3442 5 JOHN W. DENIS STUDIO Your WEDDING Photography , Speciclists end P aca DT NT Sa

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