10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, December 29, 1966 Break With Chin By WILLIAM L, RYAN peace in Vietnam, despite AP News Analyst avowals from Moscow that the : Soviet leaders will take no such China has exploded another| initiative unless specifically nuclear device and thrown yet/asked by the North Vietnamese. another bomb into the rubble of Soviet-Chinese relations. SEE THREAT As much as any other one; Moscow appears now to see factor, weaponry hasjin China's nuclear club mem- contributed to 'worsening rela-|bership a real threat of nuclear tions between the two u-|weapons spreading to other nist giants and may yet be the|countries and of a world situa- element which makes the break|tion developing beyond the con- complete and final. trol of the two major nuclear cats fis Sa Ay 's an again monopoly" of the Russians and cess of these tests "is a heavy|the Ameticans, and has given blow to... U.S. imperialism|the impression that it believes and Soviet modern revisionism, |the more nations that get the which have been collaborating|bomb, the better. in' a vain attempt to enforce their nuclear monopoly and|own propaganda, that there is sabotage the revolutionary|a "holy alliance" against them struggles of all ressed peo- of the Russians, Americans and ple and ipoiveeed antions," Japanese, they could be moved Building Industry Panting: Blast Aggravates | will It Get Second Breath? By KEN SMITH Canadian Press Business Editor TORONTO (CP) -- Cai- ada's vital construction in- dustry, running fast during the last six years of strong over-all growth, found itself panting for breath in 1966. Now, the question is whether it will get its second wind in 1967 or have to pause for a breather. While 1966 figures still are not complete, it appears likely the industry's total bus- tuted to curb inflationary pressures have been blamed generally fer the uncertain. ties that have developed in the industry, especially in housing. PREDICTS INCREASE But many businessmen have said concern about the Squeeze on corporate profits, rising costs and taxation is causing a serious re-examina- tion of a lot of projects that had been scheduled for a go- ahead signal. ng ew , Despite thése factors, Ar- mand 'Trottier of Quebec City, president of the Canadian Construction Association, has predicted a further increase for the industry in 1967 be- cause demand continues strong in all categories. He told an economic outlook semancr at the University of Toronto in iate November that construction spending in 1987. would probably reach about $12,000,000,000, a gain of seven to nine per cent. Again, however, pbout half would be eaten up by higher prices, and in making the prediction Mr, Trottier noted wryly that construction men by nature are born optimists. Hardest hit by tight money eae 8 een ing a aia yg under National Botting et to 7% per cent from 6%, some im- and that rising rents follow- iness will fall short of early ictions, had been expected the fotal value of construction in 1966 would rise. 14 per cent to $11,200,000,000 -from 1965's $9,900,000,000. By December, however, some industry sources were suggesting the increase would be only. 10 per cent, to $10,- If the Chinese believe their! 999 999.000. No matter which figure is closer, a disturbing factor for the industry is that half the improvement comes from gain will amount to only five to seven per cent, well under the 10 - per - cent - a - year in- crease the Economic Council of Canada says is needed. Tight-money policies insti- higher prices--so the real § | EVERY YEAR -- THE BEST FOR LESS 2 Ooeewee @&] @ @ @ @ ay ' NEW YEARS E\ Ree €) @ HATS @ HORNS @ BALLOONS @ NOISEMAKERS @ STEAMERS 9 P.M, TILL ? | Modern & Old Time DANCING ADMISSION Couples 6.00 Single Tickets 3. ESERVED TABLES RESE Tel: 725-3093 725-0022 (Table Accommodation ¢ EI sede in the pictur: for 1967. Not much, however--oniy about 20,000 additional starts Pe ¢ A 1967, al- hough economists generally agree Canada needs at least 200,000 a year. The third annual review of the economic council, pub- shed in Navember. nin. pointed housing as a danger- + Qus pressure spot in the econ- |f in several metropolitan areas Dense AA FREE! FAMILY SIZE PEPSI "+:,con" WITH EVERY 2.10 PURCHASE OR OVER. rye tan sy EI eg ig oT ee OPE ey" ing: the. Ifack of accommoda-: tions covéd become a 'power- ful fact®r in rising living Predictions about construc- tion's ccwurse in 1967 have been ca ly ed with cel uncertainties in- volved, Pessimitsts point to the an- ticipated continuation of tight money Gt some moniis, aa Faus ene WE |.00K FORWARD TO SERVING OUR PIATRONS IN THE YEAR AHEAD! NicMURRAY"S Invity> you To Enjoy The Holiday Better! ... ms lint Take Home Orders. Of Ae os COUNTRY STYLE FRIED CHI q ENGLISH STYLE FISH 'n CHIPS (WR ANY of the OTHER GREAT | McMURRAY'S TREATS OPEN DAILY 4 P.M. TO {| A.M, : PEPI'S PIZZA PALACE | 64 ROSSLAND RD. W. "723-0241 | [| Beautifully Decorated BOTH STORES, New Banquet Room 134 SIMCOE ST. S. LL [> os Still A Few Openings FOR RESERVATIONS New Year's Eve Dinner Dance Heading the Entertainment Ray Belmonte Duo --Plus The-- Roger Farr Trio Will Supply Continuous Dance Musle @ NOISE MAKERS 6 Bonquets Wedding Receptions Dances Private Parties Use the Coloniat's beautiful New Facilities. Phone the Restourant, Colonial Restaurant 10 Bond Se. W. 723-6021 Dec. 3iist.--Clese 6:30 p.m. NEW YEAR'S DAY OPEN 2:00 p.m. McIIURRAY'S DRI'@E-IN-RESTAURANT Simeoe St. N. et Taunton Rd. 728-2291 'When in Southern Coliternte vieit Universe! City Btvdloe ""*THE IPCRESS FILE' IS A THINKING MAN'S 'GOLDFINGER' WEWSWEER o With each Chinese explosion|to rash actions despite their Soviet nervousness has in-|past record of caution. This is creased. This explosion could be oe, so in the confused enough to push the Kremlin into|State of Chinese politics in the a more active role in seeking|wake of the violent purge. | The Vietnam war appears to , rb F eae 9 abrasion - offi- | ARN oviet nerves. Moscow : Students Urge blames China's attitude towardif™ D "piah To Be With: 'Us New Year's Ove Ss hei ' 'jthe U.S.8.R. for the American|" * FRIDAY * End To Exams |sejict.° cneuita",.iet jue moecreese a ing rema un ! HAMILTON (CP) -- Abolition with Moscow, the Americans The Big Fun Dance iH i 4 a in > the first would not have dared the risk/] The Sounds of the Big Beat onge ations up hy involved. The implicati The: Placd sa Maat years Fcc rmegge Ma 4 Acom:|that there might be more es- il Hes puter evaluation of stud calation leading to a general (ils Gaueer war in 4 esal Wednesday --* Poreeragye A The Kremlin is unlikely to AND THE geet Me Ontario want to bring about # situation CONSULS joys' Parliament. in which the Americans could i members achileve victory in Vietnam. But : ecross Ontario are a as matters become more diffi- Admission $1.50 the 46th session of the Parlla-\cujt with China, there could be Dancing 9 to 12:30 ment, an interdenominationallincreased Kremlin interest in 6 organization formerly spon-|/finding face-saving devices for sored by several Protestant/noth sides in Vietnam which 5 Qs churches. could scale down hostilities and | Patrick Boyer, of Brace-|jessen imminent. dangers. If the ish awe bridge, Ont., minister of cur-/Russians undertake this out of] -- --. --< s--_ oo rent affairs, said in presenting/desperation, it will be the Chi- the resolution that the presentinese nuclear bomb which method of educating Canadians|pyshed them into it. Then the) DEAN ANN- is inadequate because it is!Soviet-Chinese conflict would be} MARTIN MARGRET based on written examinations)jyst about unbridgeable. which do not measure an in- KARL MALDEN dividual's true education. SUNDAY MIDNITE | MA ORDERERS HORROR SHOW! caer Af@buuwen pictures RELEASE - ee, ADULT ENTERTAINMENT, -- Color Bone He Lusts APACHE GOLD For Revenge... COLOR -- LEX BARKER Thirsts error Mon. to Fri. Show Starts 7:30 Fort ! Set., San. Show Starts 6:30 PRES IN-CAR HEATERS CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREB V\\) BAY R ae ER OT HICHAEL CAINE Stes." || @ ADDED ATTRACTION @ @ HATS SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S MENU Including Bottle of Wine 20.00 Per Couple IT COMES TO SERVICE YOU GAN - e ® F. y "(8 TO-DAY! 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HCO STUART GORGE LAS "WALMM BOWERS ASU AON CHENG TODAY FEATURE AY: * ae | ADDRESS in \ OCCUPATION HOTEL Where You'll Find Fun end Enterteinment for New Yeor's Eve CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE AT NO EXTRA COST i? 1:25 - 3:20 1:30-3:30-5:385 SHOW STARTS ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON IN-CAR HEATERS A; AT 7:30 P.M. PHONE 725-2645 5:15 - 7:20 - 9:30 7:40 - 8:45 TE PEE evinn ae oe bs DRIVE-IN Shas ne : [ A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE jt Exact Date of Birth