THE OSHAWA TIMES, , Dacomber 27, 1966 y (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) So THEN IO SELL. THEM BUZ S.|WYEr ; ' OVER AT THE SPAPER OFFICE. ne Opening Jead--fi In a great many hands the - declarer finds it is much more © £2-GULP!-NO--BUT HE SPLENDID!!~AFTER THAT, YOU oth » dangerous to lave one oppon WILL, AFTER AH KETCHES NEWLYWEDS CAN DROP IN. AT THE A Bi fo lead than the other. AN' MARRIES UP WIF ORPHANAGE AND ADOPT : ¢ LI'L. ABNER~ON YOUR LITTLE SON" ? oy HAWKINS The general is logi- cal enough beyond dispute, but applying the principle to a parti case is not always as easy as it sounds. ; For example, tet' declarer at four spades r re pore he ie ; feorparee ree mimtiaiaiataiaie |the ace. If you now 'start : 10 CHANNELS ®*PERFECT RECEPTION ® : if |about how to yg |you're wasting your § MAKE YOUR TV SET LIGHT UP WITH JOY... ioc {GIVE IT =~OO-OGG=--a FOR CHRISTMAS | Bz! However, if you Oshawa *9OC*DOG---6o Limited There's More To See "(EAST MALL),.723-5278 MF to think about the ---- eee With Cable TV age, |wind baa? dae eae a & deel kolbien ER Pt see cP sah sib ane ane ae eh eB aie ase a eh ane gee aoe a ae sha Rg ss keep West out of pity Ses 8 A «ili f1| TELEVISION LOG HUBERT Eo is eterborough Channel 1i--Hamiites Vi--Merv Griffin istrate's Court %--Toronto 9--! Spy 6--Rochester 7--Fugitive 4--Dick Van Dyke t--Buttale 4--News Special 2-4--Hollywood Squares if 35 a6 € es Fe a ie Toronto 3-4-12--News Magazine 12:08 NOON 4--Buttato : PM 12--Cartoon Party 3--Barrie 12-7-4-2-8-3-6-11-9--- News 7--~Neney Movie 2--Buttale Weather and Sports %~Toronto Today 1:20 PLM, é--Luncheon Date ¢--Viewpoint 4--News, Weather, Sports TUESDAY €va, 4--Movie 3--Popeye and Pals 5.00 P.M, 11,.25P.M, 2-8--Jeopardy N--Family Theatre 1}--Plerre Berton 12:38 P.M, $--Superman é--News, Weather, Sports Movie 7~--Laramie 4--Skling with Stein Vit's @ Match he PM, 3~---News; Weather; ase @D King Fectaree Spnduentn, Ine, 1900. this, the defense is out of ness. If East returns a trick two, you take it wi ace, draw trumps, and take a © diamond finesse. ' The finesse loses to the king, Vibe but East, the non-dangerous op- rida osu tichio 'cChuntry : ponent, is helpless, He can score * a4--Jonnny Carson 6-4--Search for Tomorrow = the i term om or ~~dieton 1% PM. i ; later, but you wind up with tea Aver PM. t4--Ouiding Light " tricks as a result of your fors- 2--Passport Two 12--Movie 500 Pe - sight at trick one. 9--Hawk N--Theatre 6:00 PLM, 7--Movie r -- on oiaiing for Dollars ! YOUR JOB IS v &--Reach for the Top AM Girl Talk TO HELP ME " 48-12---News, Sports witt Mow = SALLY 5. SALLIES 100 ALM. 7--Ben Case Chuck Healy Mystery Theetre Pe Berg ae 39 PM. WEDNESDAY Meet The Millers 12--Glrl_ from UNCLE 8:00 A.M, 2--Merv Griffin l--Pierre Berton 4--Captain Karigaroe ovie 3-6-9----News; 20 ALM, 1:30 P.M, Weather; Sports Ti--Albert J. Steed 64--As The World Turns 8-2--Huntley, Brinkley 9--Romper Room #~Let's Make A Deal 4--News et l 6:55 A.M. 200 PLM. 7:00 P.M, 7--Dialing tor Dollars 12--Take A Chance Th=Little weopie Girt Talk 7--Newiywed Game 9--F-Troop 9:00 A.M, 6-4--Password &--America Hi--Little People 6-2--Days of Our Lives 6---TBA 2:30 P.M, 3-12--Ed Allen 19-Celend 4--Honeymooners | 9--Uncle Bobby --Calendar s--Petticost Junction | & Smile Time %--Peopie in Confile 2--News; Weather; | 4--Bonnie Prudden &-8--The Doctors Sports 2--Boro's Big Top 7--A Dream Giri 7.28 P.M it 9:30 AWM, ere Biro? p M. a ar | %--News, Weather, Sports bi gs Live 0 Fabia | 7.30 P.M, &--Gloria V--Marriage Cor 12--Musical Showcase 3--Mademoiselle de Paris| %--Words and Music Jack LaLanne 8-2--Another World 10:08 A.M, 7--General Hospital Ni--8d Allen Time 4--To Tell the Truth YOUR HEALTH i %--Fractured Phrases 3-6-12--Take 30 Gilligan's Island 6--Meta Schools 3.25P.M, a8, jalrt from 6-2--Eye Guess +News J.N.C.LE (--Candid Camere 3:38 P.M. 4 Lf 6:00 PLM, 312--Casey Ji Farmer's Daughter t educa = iy yam Hour oat aM. ois Your Move enin rain 8:38 Pm, 10:30 A, 11--Morning Time 2-4---You Don't Say ay ce ae |!'--Laredo 9--TV Bin, 7--Superman Show ' M Illn P | 9--Musical Showcase #-2--Concentration 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night 4 . ystery ess I'LL HATE MYSELF IN THE | 7--Freedem's Finest 7--Denna Reed 4:00 P.M, = as ione erm ; : MORNING, BUT I'M EN ROUTE. | if 4--Beverly Hillbillies 11--Super Comics : " U d S PROS | 4--Red Skelton 36,12--Friendly Giant 9--1 Love Luc' Bicd TRATE MYSELF 2 wie ph 11:00 hm. @--The Match Youme n er tiny BEFORE HIS THEATRICAL os i TY OMAR THE $--certienntes Home Dougan" pnd ag het By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD BURLINGTON, Iowa (AP)-- MATESTY, R STANISLAVSKY! 3-6-12--Quentin Durgens %--Mr, And Mrs, 2--Mike Douglas S Medical and scientific sifl- 2,8--Movie 4--Andy Griffiths 4:30 PLM, ' iipgmicost Simcion | recaonernasqsere" | ene' "ee!" | By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD) tor will tell you exactly which|{¢ causing esupleyess to hecome | Zbove on & Roottop 24---Pat Boone SWoody Woodpecker | Dear Dr. Molner: What is the/day to start and stop. ill while working on @ secret | Review 3,6--Emergency Ward 10 +6-12--Time for Adventure| Meaning of softening of the) The pills appear to be the|project at the U.S. Army's am- © |brain and its cause? Does it/most reliable method yet de-|munition plant here. have any bearing on a person) vised for birth control short of} Adding to the mystery, army CROSSWORD having a stroke?--M. H. total abstinence from sexual/ac-|spokesmen said, is the fact that The term really doesn't mean tivity. For maximum safety, it|similar operations at other am- 7 much, It's a carryover from|is wise to take the pills for one|munition plants are per. earlier years when we really|complete cycle (a month) be-(formed without trouble. ' ACROSS 4. Height: 23. Candle- [SFR |didn't know much about the/fore being sure they are fully| It was estimated that 50 to 4. Geek lettee . ahbe pre feints | brain, effective--hence start one cycle|100 of the 200 persons working © : , RIASMETIUINIORIA) | A more exact terin for soften-|pefore your marriage. on this specific production line, ° 5, Without 5. Founded tree ls | hair 6. Man's 25. Belong: jing would be atrophy, or shrink-| 1, some instances, the same(have been affected in the last - 9. Pert. to nanie jing of a portion of the brain, | medication Fi t four months. Most are women, fern spores 7. Noisy ' } as well-as Cepernation. _ jan irregular pret ge» Iliness develops sporadi . 10, Fragrant --8. Catch ofa RRMewrir] | if cam result from a stroke, sng in that way can improve|ally without warning. ; : . * ee BERR S| (0 fst. |chnce a gine) (a we iM ce eI nase 'yaad being done before the pills came . : SHE JUST CAME INTO] [YEAH..1 ACCIDENTALLY DROPPED AND BUSTED HER PIGGY oq. nestling . EPRIMMERIE Rs} |may be bruising or bleeding of 5 he used for contraceptive! COMeY Pin Spoils SOME MONEY GANIC ABOUT 10 MINUTES AGO/ 11. Slavs SNLASEEREEL |the brain tissue, altering its\pursoses.)" Aside trom: euch ae 15. Lawless eigners iay's Answer | structure. Or a blow may cause gf ; V person 29. Egyptian = 36. Book of a blood clot outside the brain ne yy oe there is any Perfect 450 Game 17.Mah-jongg --__ president hours but inside the skull. This .can|Drosnects of becoming present! Bowling inthe Oshawa Mixed ° MICKEY MOUSE Ie) oe Fe it fee 100g, alt tees eet jiece 30, Forward 37. Forearm prospects of becoming pregnant 38. Hawalt 1 bone Seeaiie fe the --e Cause) when you stop using Nag Major League (5-pin) this week, pa ' "Softening of the brain" can| ; 21. Escape 35.Frontof 40, Astonish. . . | Dear Dr. Molner: I developed/fraction of an inch of achiey- 22. Shank a boat ment be used loosely to apply to boat small cyst on ohe 'nipple. Myjing "the bowler's dream," @ ; ic doctor said there'was no cause|Perfect 450 score. fe \for alarm but I 'could have it} Ballem rolled 1l-straight Z be married soon so would like left-corner pin wiggled but re- information on birth control) Two months ago the cyst fused to topple dnd be het fe | Ss are married? Do you have to|considerable amount of matter total. @) ; | 38. take them every day? Are they) Came. out. Singe then more" has ; 39. Arm of sea Harold Ballem came within a of these conditions, ' B I+ / 1 Mol : Dear Dr. Molner: I plan to| moved if I choge. strikes but on his final ball, the + Man's V/ ills. Is. it true you have to|opened, and beigg a compulsive' ; a Y Start taking them. before youl type I squeezed/it gently, and a|Settle for.a still very special 448 WHAT FLOOR ARE TH always effective? Is it easier to}come out. Will this become ajsomewhere in the system. If RIG a | . Bent tube j ition? iski ; } become pregnant when you stop) Chronic condition? Am I risking|that is not found, one can in- | og pa using them? How do I go about/infection?--R. E. F. vestigate the possibility of a | "Argentine getting them?--Miss E. T. | Cysts of all types. continue to| nervous disorder. A third possi- 39, Light wood So many. letters these days|secrete matter of some 'sort,jbility is menopause, and its 41, Sleep sound sound just like yours,-Here are|some slowly, some rapidiy. Soj"hot flashes." You do not tell | 42. Bearded, some answers: jyes, the condition can be ex-|me her age, so I cannot guess . as rye You will have to go to your|pected to continue. There is al-|whether that is a likely answer, * 43. Oscillate physician to get the pills. He|ways some risk of infection. -- 44, 365 days ' Y will give you exact instructions.| You should see your physician : Follow the directions he gives|to consider whether removal is LEWIS DOWN you, not the rule that someone] now advisable. 1. Stock a else may follow: Not all the! OPTICAL peer pills are alike. | Note to H. J, R.: In regardil oiiched for over 30 a : In general, you take the pills|to your wife's excessive sweat- . treet _-- pf teem i daily for about three weeks,|ing at night, a physician's first 10% a West then stop for a week. Your doc-|suspicion is usually infection ' t