'A TIMES, Tuesday, December 27, 1 ROGER APPLIANCES ¢ and FURNITURE . eee bay REDUCE UGE STOCK " -- Yy Z mc EASY _ HOOVER ELVINATO tomatic Washer "Constellation" 30° DELUXE Z Model No. 300 list price 324.95. ~ A A REAL BARGAIN AT ONLY Vacuum Cleaners Antique Copper 199. 95. with tool rack on side. AUTOMATIC RANGE ee ee List Price 229.95. Never Before Such Value for Such A Low Price. sate ter ore re aa tati BZ 139. 95 -- an Gy i jj tt ogee wii oe GET 2 EXTRA Tools inside. oul rer gored yea whe 190) wer watt mn, LHW lh rceotennesce ds cama invenrony sats 69.95 Dn -- a. .x., PROVINCIAL ee D hi = . ha DELUXE 3-PIECE MODEL TK-400 GRUNDIG COLOR LIVING ROOM GROUPS : RECORDER -- In neturel meple finish. | include panel bed, chest, FREE | FREE | sated a 2 speed, four track electric } Reguler Het 69.93, bo dresser and mirror limited id sd Panel bed, double rane list 199.50, ir f sh- Ee uhes pecan yo a My INVENTORY intity. with mirror dak chest | INVENTORY coco lee let' by | CLEAROUT Sepa ae nova SWIVEL caret' tpe.gg | See ene ir list pi 9.00. cme 39.95 49 50 CLEAROUT We carry Kelvinator, Inglis, You Save 270.00 | You Save 30.00 | ROCKER WRINGER WASHER <c 99,95 s with pump McClary-Easy, ... a 100 watt chessis in beautiful walnut = cabinetry. Regular list 699.95. INVENTORY SALE 5-PIECE CHROME HOOVER Portable Kitchen Suites Buy one at regular price. ae m\ Vacuum Cleaner _ W.W.T. with purchase of 2-piece | CHESTERFIELD 100 QUILTED BEVERLY -- meee | MATTRESSES wou. aost eee Hl We Thank _FRIDAY | =r seaaacs tha : REFRIGERATOR 8 You! Sail 6 PLM. PRICES SLASHED : ew Bg Sctc te cee e dur the A REAL GIVEAWAY AT ee ee ee ON ALL a; ae Now we wish to show our ap- preciation by peemion ne) most a Sa fantastic sole we've ever had. : et We've slashed aot ices halen, a Rage ¢ like this! Unbeliey ome! pad for yo eal W.W.T. a the velue is pe the Afi brand names -- G.E.; Kelvinator; McClary-Easy. ------ eS pon are slash ea bey yond com- ingii is see pore anywhere! FREE PRIZE INSIDE EVERY ATA mE Mor ot Rener Aoptionses Fern, tnite yes te, shmmeot. fet \ : , WASHER OR DRYER RECORDER lke you never oe raved befor 1 All prices slauhed for feat clear Valued from a ROGER ANNAERT $10 to $50 icc Reguler List 169.95. HTH Cicorout 99.50 YOU SAVE 70.06 FURNITURE HURRY! and APPLIANCES fo Save in '66 @ FREE DELIVERY - e USE OUR HOUSE FINANCING PLAN - ' 50 BOND ST. EAST - Next to U.A.W. Hall - TELEPHONE 728-2151