Board of Directors:. Rf. A, Laidlaw, Honorary Chairman J. G, Hungerford, 0.C,, Chairman Harry H, Wilson, President &, ©, Fox, Vice-President Melvyn G, Angus President, Lunham & Moore Limited J, D, Barrington President and Managing Director, Melntyre Porcupine Mines, Limited tree B, Brown loe-President & Director, The Bank of Nova Scotia Fraser W, Bruce President, Aluminum Company of Canada, Limited . F, Carsley, MBE, resident and Director, Canada Vinegars Limited André Charron, 0.6, Executive Vice-President, J, L. Lévesque.& L. G. Beaubien Ltée, mas 8, Duncanson airman of the Board, Moore Corporation, Limited 5 ©. gil. LL.D., F.8.A, loe-Chairman of the Board, Canada Life Assurance sSetrengty tir Bale Sraiak Salada Foods Ltd Honourable F. J, Hughes, C,, LL.0, W, F, dames W. #. James, 8.8.W, Buffam and ' ooper, Cor " weoilogiats A, Hazlett Lemmon President, The Canada Life Assurance Company Argue Martin, Q.C, Martin & Martin, Barristers The Right Hon, Vincent Massey, P.C,, CH, 0.6.L., LL.D, John L. MeCarthy Viee-Preaident and Director, The Canada Life Assurance Company Anaon ©, MekKim, 0.8.8 Chairman of the Board Courtaulds (Canada) Limited Neil J. MeKinnon Chalrman, Canadian imperial Bank of Commerce Graham Morrow, 0.8.6. Director, The Imperial Life Assurance Company F, Willlam Nicks Chairman of the Board and President, The Bank of Nova Scotia W, M, O'Connor Colin Osborne James C, Pariee xecutive Vice-President, International Nickel Gompany of Canada, Limited H, &, Pearson, M,C, Chairman of the Board, kirk Holdings Limited Ronald W, Pearson, D.8.0., M.0. . Alex, Prud'homme, 0.0, lreetor and Vice-President, Aluminum Company of Ganad: Limited cus " Renault St-Laurent, QC, St-Laurent, Monast, Deameules A Waltera, Barristers Frank A, Sherman Chairman ot the Board, Dominion Foundries and Steel, Limited Prank H. Sherman President, Dominion Foundries and Steel, Limited John H, Taylor President, Liquifuels Limited Rdgar F, Tolhurst Chairman, Tolhurat Ol Limited - Stanley M, Wedd Director, international Business Machines Company Limited D, G, Willmet President, Anthes Imperial Limitea J. Elmer Woods President, The Monarch Lite Assurance Company G. D. deS. Wotherapoon, 0.8.0. £.D,, 6. . : Vice-President and Director, The T, Eaton Co. Limited 1966 oe 1966 1965 |INCREASE 20,049,166 | 764,016 CAPITAL. FUNDS 20,818,162 SAVINGS DEPOSITS 200,688,892 | 106,843,317) 9,745,515 86,482,867 | 42,416,939 | 44,065,928 GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES ESTATES TRUSTS AND AGENCIES 1,191 ,681,908 | 1,113,917,016 | 77,634,202 PROFITS BEFORE TAXES 3,572,583 3,250,155 $22,428 TAXES 1,690,917 1,667,672 123,245 NET PROFITS 1,881,666 1,682,483 199,183 very gcd ' in more ways than one. In our 69th year -- again we've improved on the year before, It's a standard we expect to-maintain, We work hard to do it. . But the "facts and figures" aspect is only one reason why we say 1966 was good, \ Our "bouquet file" is another. It's a collection of letters from our clients RN AR » across Canada telling us how much our efforts were appreciated. \ They weren't necessary (after all that's our business) but they were nice, x At National Trust we're equally proud of all our 'dividends'. The ones we give and the ones we get, And when you come to think of it, perhaps > it's one of the main reasons why we've had such a good year, National 'Trust SINCE 1898 er" wes Toronto, Montreal, Oshawa, Hamilton, St. Catharines, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Victoria,