Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Dec 1966, p. 49

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pipeperhomen errr tr te vr peeispwenignan THE OSHAWA TIMES, December 19, 1966 49 BRIDGE By B, JAY BECKER EVENIFHE INDS US; ITLL ANOTHER UNCA DONALD, IWANTA GLASS OP WATER= Pad 4 FAMOUS # South dealer, East-West vulnerable, i sii, Ab Shoas EAST 973 K1084 o7 Sae"* KQ5 Ad $KQ109862 + anne aseever Mc ye | y= WW "Sue Know THAT?) How're" TF YOU DON'T PHOOT eee WILL / ao \\ . IT CONTAINS "US "MR. BUMSTEAD:+*| TRY RIGOSTANIFLORIFAX ) | YOU SHOULD THIS NEW WONDER VITAMIN ALL RIGHT +..-ALL RIGHT «2 JUST LEAVE YOU HERE : your ONESOME ay Tees 1960, World vgs East Pass Pass Pass North '% ine + 6@ Opening lead--three of dia- monds, This hand occurred in the match between Great Britain and the United States in 1960. When the American team held the North-South cards, the bid- ding went as shown. The British West, having no clear-cut open- ing lead to make, chose & trump. Declarer took the seven with the eight, played a trump to the ace, and returned a low spade, the king losing to the ace. West, still playing safe, return ed his last trump, taken with the king. South now had to go down one, though he did not know it at the time, He had to choose between taking a heart finesse through West or a club finesse through East by leading the queen from dummy, As the cards happened to lie, either finesse was bound to fail. Actually South took the heart finesse and wound up going down one for minus 50 points, \ghe British North-South pair There's More To See (EAST MALL),.723-5278 i atte Brite saute ses anneal With Cable TV anna nanninananat, \e tt diamonds, 'The bidding ELEVISION LOG rough 7--Supermarket Sweep 12--Peterboroug! 3-6--Butternut Square 4-Andy of Mayberry 725 AM, 34--Emergency Ward 0 11:30 AJM Mike Ni 's Court TDating 2-4---Hol 4--Dick THAR'S ONLY ONE. THING TO DO, FORMER, PAPPY DON'T NEED A IDIOT. TO GIMME ADVICE, WIF YO" am, AROUNDS MAMMY SAID A IDIOT COULD TELL ME WHAT AH'LL AX HONEST ABE! HE'S AS SMART AS ANY ROWE! itd ONE! Hié WITLESS DOUBLE-TALK SECRET AGENT X9 HT UP WITH JOY ... Ge FOR CHRISTMAS 600 KING ST.E. - 1 Wats Wits Bs Wi Wis i i Ne Lae hae ime Ga tee tae ts 10 CHANNELS § MAKE YOUR TV SET LIG GIVE IT =@O}C43G O0008-G--=6 Limited Di attest tae tae tae tz a Oshawa Pb Lae 8 arb er hart SP PEED 2 a} dy 4s) pga saat 9 oss gob SP Bae Bert Sh 8 ert oor SPD toe SOMETHING NUST BE WRONG / 7 $26 NOTHING/ 1T'6 A TOT 10:00 PLM, 24--Run for Your Life 7--Big Vaney +6-12----Front Page Challenge 4--To Tell The Truth 10:30 P.M, .12--T.H.8. Cat oie Ut iene bie Baas 'Toronto Todey Damn Ne Date 4--News and Weather 3---Popeye and Pais 72190 PLM, Be ovle --M lIt's A Match News, Weather, Sports 6-2---Swingin' Country Search for Tomorrow 12:45 P.M, 6-4--Guiding Light 1:00 PLM, 1]--Theatre 9---Movie &--Dialing for Dollars Girt Taik 7--Ben Casey é--Luncheon Date 4--Meet the Millers 3--Movie 2~Merv Griffin 1:90 PLM. 64--As The World Turns Let's Make a Deal 2:00 P.M, 7--Newlywed Game 6-4--Password 2-8--Days of Our Lives extremely happy D gift, He played jack fro dummy and discarded a heart when the jack held the trick, He later discarded another heart on the ace of clubs, and the outcome was that he made the slam for a score of 920 points, It is hard to explain West's club play at ttrick two, Presum- ably his purpose was to talk South out of taking a finesse, but obviously he picked 'tht 'wrong time, the wrong placa and the wrong person. Photographer Wins Award THE HAGUE, The Nether lands (AP)--A Japanese pho tographer, Kyiochi Sawada, won top honors Friday for the sec- ond consecutive year in the annual. world press photo con- test, His United Press Interna- ional picture from Vietnam, called Dusty Death and show- 12---Rocky Family Theatre 6--Superman 6--Mov 7--Laramie Movie g:30 P.M, 12---Gilligan's Island Leave it To Beaver é--Music Hop 2--Passport Two Vi--Pierre Berton 6--News, Weather, Sports 4--Skling With Tein 11:30 P.M, 24-Jeny Carson 7--Movie 6--Election Coverage 4--Movie STOP CRYING ! FREDDIE A WOULDN'T BITE YOU! 6:00 P.M, t--Twilight Theatre 6--Giiligan's Island 4-8-12----News, Sports with Chuck Healy 4:30 PLM. Ni--Plerre Berton 12--Combat 3-6-9--News, Weather, Sports 2-4--Huntley-Brinkley News 4--News 14,35 P.M, 3--Inspector Maigret 1:40 PLM, 9---Court Martial 12--Cheyenhe W145 PLM, 6--Girl From U.N.C.L.B. 12.00 A.M. N--Mystery Theatre TUESDAY : 8:00 A.M. 4--Captain "eee 8:00 A, 1}--Albert Steed 9--Romper Room 7:00 P.M. Ve-Gilligan's island 9--Fam 4 Affair True Adventure 6---TBA 6:55 AM, n Hayride 7~Dialing For Dollars, $--Hero Girl Talk 2--News, Weather 9:00 A.M. Sports Ni--Little People 3-Ed Allen EVERYTHING ABOUT OMAR STANISLAVSKY, IS A LIE, JULIB <= STARTING WITH HiS NAME. HE'S REALLY HAROLD PFENNIG } AND WHEN HE PUTS YOU ON ABOUT BEING AN UNAPPRECIATER DESTITUTE ARTIST..- » HE'S REALLY SITTING ON 5O PER CENT OF HIS FATHER'S CUSHY 2.90 P.M, 9--People in Conflict 6--Coronation Street 7--Dream Gir 4--Linkietter's Party 2-8--Doctors ust THOUGHT Ir WAS YOUR VOICE SAYING *COME IN!" 7:30 P.M, 1--Donna Reed 9--Luciile Ball J--iron Horse 4---Children's Classic 3-6-12--Don Messer 2-6--Monkees 4--Bonnle Prudden %--Uncle Bobby 8--Smile Time 2--Bezo's Big Top 9:30 A.M. YOUR HEALTH 3:00 A. l--Marrlage Confidential 9--Words and Music 8-2--Another World 7---General Hospital 4--To Tell The Truth 36-12--Take 30 3:25 P HE'S STRICTLY FOR, THE BIRDS~ Wy AND I QUOTE NO LESS AN AUTHORITY (Y THAN RALPH . © ALLSWERT, 'THE crmc! 12---Ed Allen Time Whiplash &--Gloria 4--Love of Life 6-9---Ontario Schools Mademolselle De Paris Q--Jack Lalane 10:00 A Timed Allen Time 8:00 P.M. 1 Dream of Jeannie 9---Bewitched V--Daktari 36-12---The Saint Movie Seasonal Eggnog 4--News 3.30 P.M. Farmer's Daughter 9--It's Your Move 30 P.M, Li 9--Andy Griffith @--Roger Miller d--Rat Patrol 4--Lucille Ball 9:00 P.M. Vi--Let's Sing Gu? try Music Hell 4-Andy Griffiths 7--Felony Squad 34-12--Perry Como 9:30 P.M, t--Merv Griffin 9--Big Valley 7--Peyton Piace 4--Law and Mr, Jones 9--Fractured Phrases 8-2--Eye Guess 4--Candid Camera 3-6-12---Casey Jones 10:30 A.M, V--Morning Time %--TV Bings 6-2----Concentration 7--Donna Reed d-Beverly Hillblities 3612--Friendly Giant 11:00 A.M, 12--Romper Room li--Mike Douglas %--Mr. and Mrs, 24--Pat Boone 7--Superman Shew 3:4-6-12--Edge of Night 28----You Don't Say 4:00 P.M, 1i--Super Comics 9-1 Love Lucy &-Mateh Game 4--Secret Storm 3-6-12--Communicate 2--Mike aves 4:30 PLM, N--Zorro %Movie ovie 3-46-12----Time for Adven- ACROSS 1, Quotes 6. Pour 10. Beetle 11, Kind of pony 12, Goad 13, Bombastic speaker 14, Brown, as in the sun 15. Hindu sa- cred city 16. Ceremonies 18, Anger 19, Conjunc- tion 20. Arrowroot 21. Mrs, Tru- man 22, Fought MICKEY MOUSE AREN'T YOU SCARED OF ALL THE DIRTY LITTLE GERMS YOU'P SWALLOW: YOU CAN'T GAT WITH SUCH FILTHY HANDS, BERTIE/ op in) tie a t i | Yi Ke Ke sh of tio 4 co) chi Th Ke pul 1 chi _ 3. Mock . Blunder 5. Continent: . Lollobrig+ . Not . Aunt, 5, Lure 7, Java tree CROSSWORD 21, Col- ered silk sash? Scot, TInjure abbr, ida Cuban presi- dent 23. Not brief 24, Word tested . Guides . Cavalry mounts . Ketttes uncle, niece, ete, toba dons 2 fe' 22, Former group 25. Minstrel 27. Thin > 28, Shelves | le |S) ae VIN} (yt TATTIA) Pitre] SIAITIAINBBAIMIATS |S] Saturday's Answer 30. Josip Broz St, Ablaze 33. Places 36, Seed vessel 38, Greeting 24, Cartoonist Addams eee ee 26, Mlectrically charged atom 27. Man's i m 29. Hindu Cy pillar 30. Duty on vessels $2. Coming up 34, Nourished 35. Overturns 36, Sound made by & bullet $7, Bout 38, Crowd $9. Epochs 40, Notions DOWN 1, Cuban premier Good For Health By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: What about egg-nogs? Aren't they good for people? You always advocate cooking eggs. -- Mrs. C. N Yes, and I'll keep on advo- cating it. Raw egg is such an ideal material for growing germs that laboratories use it for that purpose--raising germs used in vaccines, for example, Many an egg has no harmful germs, to be sure, but keep in mind that if no germs were present, an egg would never spoil, And eggs do, including unbroken ones. Some germs can penetrate the shell. Germs can enter through tiny cracks, too, Some- times the prevalent salmonella organism gets in, Cooking des- troys the germs. But live sal- monella is the cause of 'food poisoning" and diarrhea. So to be safe I'm going to continue to fave my eggs cooked, Egg-nog? Yes, it's a nourish- ing concoction and I like it, especially at holiday time. find it easier and less expensive to.order it from the milkman. Besides, the dairies pasteurize it, which takes care of the germ problem, It keeps longer, too. For folks who insist on mak- ing their own, the best method of home pasteurizing is to mix it thoroughly, then bring it barely to a boil and let it sim- mer for 10 to 15 minutes. That will pasteurize without curdling it. Dear Dr. Moiner: Is it neces- -sary to give a child a bath every day. I have read that it is not necessary and can even about a mother asking if it is all right to havé children bathe morning and night. You an- swered yes, it is good hygiene. Please straighten me out.-- Mrs, LK. Somehow the word "wash" was changed to "bathe." Washing morning and night is good hygiene. I don't know any way of getting statistical evidence, but an enormous number of upset stomachs, cases of pinworm, and more serious ailments unquestionably would be avoided if all children ing a dead Viet Cong soldier be- ing behind an armored pe carrier, was chosen from 2,840 pictures by an-inter- national jury. First prize in the feature sec- tion went to John Rous, a Washington photegrapher. for The Associated Press, with a picture called Hither and Yon, and showing U.S. President Johnson and Vice-President Hu- bert H. Humphrey, Larry Bur- rows of Life magazine was first in the color section. FOOD FROM THE SEA The Canadian fishing indus- try, with a catch of 2,670,000,- 000 pounds in 1964, ranks eighth in the world, were brought up so that it is' second nature to wash their hands before eating or putting fingers in their mouths, But two baths a day are a lot of baths, and with a skin tending to dryness, it can lead to itching and skin irritation. The right number of baths for children is the number neces- sary to keep them clean, In hot summer weather a bath or shower a Gay is usually right. I don't object to one a day in winter unless skin irritation re- sults, but if a child stays rea- sonably clean, one or two or three baths a week will keop him smelling all right. Dear Dr. Molner: Would to- mato juice cause gas (no pain) in the intestine? I drink two glasses a day for my Vitamin C as I don't like orange juice.-- R. | T suppose you might be sensi- tive to tomato juice but am inclined to, doubt it. Stopping the tomato juice for a week or two should give you the answer. be harmful as you wash away body oils. Now I read in your column | Dear Dr. Molner: Can a 36- /year-old man who landed in the 'hospital for acute alcoholism ' safely have a drink before din- ner?--Mrs, W.M. The rest of your letter (which I deleted) indicates that the man does indeed have some some ponderous problems, but alcohol obviously isn't a safe means of relief for him, After his past experience he should leave alcohol strictly alone. The one drink may set him off on another spree. "But I always got his : & WHOLE check!

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