card but the best-selling lines are packages at about $3. Packs of 20 or 25 identical cards are growing in popularity at the expense of boxes of assorted cards, 'It's a lazy man's way of doing his Christmas card shop- ping," said a retailer, "You pick out one design and you've got 20 or 25 cards." Contemporary cards -- those You can pay anywhere from|with cuie or sich muimor oi an) 4 five cents to $1 for a singlelof{-beat scene--have a special-!som: va added with the same fe- sult, MADE BY HAND Another good seller in both French and English Canada shows a@ village scene with the houses in gold on a blue back- ground, eee In, Quebec, there is good de- mand for hand-made 'cards by local artists which sell at. $3 10l 8 me Ht ae: Interest In Centennial Shown In Yuletide Cards By THE CANADIAN PRESS The spirit of Christmas 1966 « bringing out. the spirit of Canada's centennial 1967, Christmas card manufactur- ers say cards with scenes of local landmarks are selling well where they are available. "The strong trend toward this type of card 'probably reflects a growing interest in Canadiana and the association these cards have with the Centennial com- ing up next year," says a spokesman for Coutts Hall- mark, a major producer of Christmas cards, In Toronto, for example, available scenes include a re- production of a 1929 painting of the St. Lawrence market, St. ad Cathedral and Osgoode all, Several manufacturers report increasing popularity of the more costly, personalized card but add that the card with an uncluttered scene or drawing and a straightforward message is also favored. And traditional designs show- ing poinsettias, nativity scenes, holly and Christmas bells con- tinue to find a good market, Sometimes it's tricky to fig- ure out what will sell, For ex- ample, one card designed as an : experiment showed a show he mm iscene with birds barely visible APARTMENTS REPLACE SHANTY TOWNS | FOOTRALL yy FOOTBALL Iding material, sama of the 'buildings Soar inate cons tom: Abeasbh. im. France. the STANDINGS replacing the bidonvilles North Africa, where Arabs shanty towns are mostly of that has grown up on the flattened discarded ofl cans wood, the name caught on, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Final --(CP Photo) se <0 marae National League Eastern Conference Latin-American Riders ane es a Year's Leading Jockeys | 0 326 340 .643 Cleveland 0 403 259 .643 St. Louis 1 264 265 .615 Washington 0 351 355 .500 1964 and gave first call on Mélaaee Hd po oy services to John Galbreath,/New York 1 263 501.077 "But I want that title," he|owner of the Darby Dan Farm, | Western Conf ve said recently, "It's all I think! When Galbreath's highly\creen may . 0335 169 about--how many rides have lirated three-year-old Graustark/patimore 9 5 0 314.226 got today? What did Baeza orwas sidelined permanently Los Angeles & 6 0-289 19 Velasquez do yesterday. jearly in the season and with no|can Fran, 6 6 2320 395 I came close once before.| outstanding two-year-olds in the|Gnicago 7 2.284.272 But the racing officials wouldn't/narby Dan string, Baeza iinnesote 49 1209 304 recognize the 47 winners I had/hooked up with Neloy, It proved | netroit 1206 317 in Cuba that year." to be the richest one-two combi- Gomez, who lives in Toronto, |nation in the history of the! now admits he was wrong injsport, with horses trained by! refusing to answer the draft|Neloy winning around $2,500,-| call, Buffalo 49 Mi I ,, 000, 1 was young, I was wrong." Hooper brought Velasquez to|Boston popula ge gee ver: are r Vv students as long as the cuteness|to be has an overlay of sophistication, Pa oye ye ang a large, man wearing a a card that reads: |it's happy Christmas." of designs in the background, It was a slow-seller. Last year the scene was shoved into the background and one bird was moven to ine foreground, It sold like wildfire, This year a few more birds and "Have Here's where to find gifts for everyone CHRISTMAS. GIFT SPOTTER VM LCN ALN NNN ENN | MN HEN Holiday Fun Holiday Food Gifts for Everyone Ne ALE MT NNN A Make it a MERRIER CHRISTMAS with tasty APPLES from ALGOMA ORCHARDS SPECIAL CHRISTMAS GIFT BOXES (All Varieties) VY bu., Ya bu, sizes ALGOMA ORCHARDS Gifts for the Home Gifts for Her The gift she wants... FASHION WIGS HAIRPIECES POSTICHES A gift certificate will solve the problem of how to give a hairpiece.., WOODLYN - A Christmas Gift of Enduring Beauty Largest Selection of Tropical Fish in Town Many Rare Species Available For Christmas Giving ALSO MAKE A DATE TO Viste bee THE GEORGIAN Motor Hotel @ Fine foods served in a delightful festive atmos- A Gift That Keeps On Giving... A CABLE TV GIFT CERTIFICATE 10 Perfect Charinels OSHAWA CABLE TV 723-5278 East Mell Centre A great selection of acces- sories ond beautiful aquatic plants, We specialize in the complete installation and maintenance of aquariums for offices, hotel lobbies, and restourants, etc. OSHAWA AQUARIUMS To Celebrate 299 Simcoe Street South BEAUTY LOUNGE THE HOLIDAY SEASON | RR. No, 2, Whitby 725-4585 a1 Sites VEE iae Ride With A MERCURY TAXI TURKEYS STUCK ? Be A Christmas 725-4771 CAPONS "" " : Order Now for Christmas Belle" inva Holiday 14 ALBERT ST, FRANK HOAG STUCK for a Sees ae HAIRSTYLE. BY wa's Most Modern Taxi What about a oe Rossland Rd. West SUBSCRIPTION? Over 300 LES SALLAI Oshawa 725-6837 good wishes from you each @ recent graduate of Bruno's ore You can have the paper School ef Advanced Hair De- AILED to OUT OF TOWN sign. 4 FRIENDS or DELIVERED by Stylists Delores, Sallai carrier to FRIENDS or REL- and Ann. Borret ATIVES in OSHAWA and Specializing in Wigs ond 'Hoirpieces AREA, Call the CIRCULA- SALLAI TION DEPARTMENT ot 723- HAIR' STYLISTS 182 Simcoe St. §. 725-5581 - 3474 for full detoils, the most flattering feminine gift of HH PERFUMES @ Revlon @ Tabu -- By ORLO ROBERTSON By contrast, Gomez take for the year will be about $80,000, NEW YORK (CP) -- Latin- American jockeys, led by a Cuban with a big desire to be No, 1 and two cool, resourceful Panamanians, have forced United States - born riders to take a back seat in thorough- bred racing this year, Riders from south of the US, border--arriving in increasing numbers since controversial Manuel Ycaza found gold on United States tracks 10 years ago--have enjoyed their most successful year ever. Avelino Gomez, a 39-year-old Cuban who plies his trade in Canada and Mexico, is headed for the ampicesh phere, @ Top-flight entertainment you're sure to enjoy. @ Be sure to book your Christmas and New Year's reservations now, THE GEORGIAN Champlain and Thornton 723-4693 The Safe Way 857) 643 571 500 417 308 308 WISH YOURSELF MERRY CHRISTMAS with a new ECHO HOME L. N. BIRD REAL ESTATE LTD. 723-0321 668-8941 Tillie Ryan 728-2313 Lillian Cameron 668-6762 Tee rew ee we ee ee Oe WO eee we PARTY HELP Neat, efficient waitresses evailable. Banquets, Wed- dings, cocktail parties, Com- plete bar service. Catering arranged also, Reserve now for private Banquets, Wed- for New Year's, 576-1835, Denver American League Eastern Division WLT FA 9 ' 358 255 . | 315 288 | Pg Moi ate poy Md U.S, in 1965 after the jockey |New York 6 2329312. a Canadian citizen. jhad tied or equalled all Baeza's| Houston 411 0335 396. Gomes, Bassa and Velasquez records in Panama. |Miami 11 0 213 362, in number! are a study in contrasts, Baeza| Pincay, whose father still) Western Division 'orge Velas-lis cold and silent and, on the|tides in Venezuela, is a rider/Kansas City 11 2 1448276, i Ms Panamanian,| parade to the post, sits a, horse| With arms like a miniature full-/Oakland 8 5 1315 288, ffering the chief opposition|fike royalty. back, He made his debut last/San Diego 7 6 1335 284. after poker-faced Braulio Baeza} jf he has won, Gomez leaps|JUly 1 at Arlington Park. 410 0196 381, decided to take a vacation the/from his mount with arms ex- last month of the year. |tended. He smiles, bows and Gomez, forbidden to ride In} gestures to the crowd, To a the U.S. because he rejected a/jeering woman he once called; LIKE ARMCHAIR SHOPPING ? Phone 668-3311 For details on Gift Packs of SELECT APPLES RED WING ORCHARDS draft call during the Korean| "why aren't you home look- War, rode his 300th winner inling after your children? I'm do- Canada before departing at theling my job,"' end of November for Mexico) Velasquez, who does most of where he ran his total to 311)nis riding in California, figure -- Dec. 11, although riding/to be close to the $100,000 mark only three days a week. in earnings, Velasquez was the Meanwhile, Velasquez hasitop jockey at Atlantic City, been slowly closing in with &@|Monmouth Park and at Garden busy schedule at Tropical Park/State Park's spring meeting. in Florida, With 287 victories before receiving a five-day sus-; YCAZA HAS COLOR Svtier BE THE LIFE OF THE CHRISTMAS PARTY Learn to play the guitar, bass, and drums, Lessons now avail- able, Age no barrier, Phone: 942-5282 --- 728-3892 ARTIST SUPPLIES Easels --- Oi! Paint Sets -- Canvas Boards ---- Mediums -- Books, ete. By Grum- bocher -- Reeves ---- Wind- sor Newton, Gifts for Everyone GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS ELMER'S GIVE * * * your pension Dec, 12, he had an out- side chance of catching the vet- eran Cuban, Baeza, however, sewed up the money-winning title before start- ing a vacation with record earn- ings of $2,909,687, Until he hung up his tack for the year, the 26 - year - old jockey from Panama also was in running .for the race -- winning champion- ship. He won 296 races with his 1,315 mounts, was second 219 times and third with 186 others. Baeza, who broke Bill Shoe- maker's seven-year hold on the money winning crown in 1965 with earnings of $2,582,702, can credit much of his increased bank account to the success/ by the Daily Racing Form, lists slightly more than 200 Latin Jockeys, Some have won more races, money but able' to match Ycaza for color. on the ground for a total of lmore than 500 davs, The Racing Manual, published Americans among the 1,500 few have won more none have been The 28-year-old Panamanian is not the hell-bent-for-leather rider he once was, but he still rides his share of big winners, It has been some time since Yeaza has been suspended, but in his early days his riding tac- tics so aroused the ire of rac- ing officials that he has been Baeza, Velasquez and 19-year- sreat, aged aboard Buckpasser and otherjold Laffit Pincay Jr,, the latest top horses trained by Eddie Ne-/of the Panama riding sensa- loy. He stands to make around tions, were all brought to this $300,000 this year as jockeys re-|country by thoroughbred owner ceive 10 per cent of the money|Fred Hooper. Baeza bought up won by their mounts, his contract from Hooper in Christmas Day Lonely Time On B.C. Lighthouse Island By RON SUDLOW | Sao . : ~p, _ |copters PINE ISLAND, B.C, (CP)--/ "since we have many friends Christmas Day can be pretty| and relatives we would like to lonely if you are stuck on &!be with at this time we would wind-swept little island off the|like to take our holidays over coast of British Columbia. the .Christmas season, but re- But after 10 years, you learn/lief is not usually available." to make the best of isolation But his childfen, Marian, 8, "We always hope for some and Rex Jr., 6, have learned mane coming atound Cari. oe bed Ys. ug -- at as, it sn't ha ed | s . y've plann R yet han' Rex _ ie ing et a. chickens. S t lecorations in the He is principal lighthouse! 7 keeper on Pine Island in Queen |chicken house," adds Mr, Charlotte Strait off the north)" Wren you live on Pine rites end of Vancouver Island. He/ vou do your Christmas shopping and his wife have been here 10/034." mare | "Christmas: cards and_pres- "In the past we have felt especially lonely at Christmas|°® '© be mailed out have , October, , » been on hand since but we have got used to it, a Sawn oh The cards are bought a year ahead, otherwise we can't He and his wife and two chil-'them early enough." wks: dren will have Christmas dinner! Other Christmas supplies, in- with the assistant lightkeeper/cluding the turkey, were or and his family. The visit will beldered in September and de brief because of working shifts. |}ivered during the second week A M-hour watch is maintained. | in December by a coast guard VISITORS UNLIKELY Fe be bes, i : | wn, ristmas That will be: the extent of/pay will be like other winter our social activity as we can'tidays on Pine Island It will g0 anywhere from here. probably be raining and blow- "Neither can anyone come ing hard here from elsewhere--at least} "I will rise at my usual time it is not practical to attemptiof about 4 a.m. and light fires vixits here in the winter. Seajcheck over the power plants ang weather conditions coast guard work boats or heli- makejlight and radio beacon befor lanflings here risky or impos jPassing the local: weather to the sible by any means other than'coast station at Bull Harbor," 4 whiskies are sently blended into every drop of Adams Private Stock. That full, rich flavour isn't easy. Party Clothes "THE FESTIVE LOOK" Vadiant Cleaners Oshawa Shopping Centre 7 23 PICTURES ....from $9.95 CEDAR CHESTS from $80.00 SMOOTH-TOP MATTRESSES ... $35.00 POLE LAMPS from. $8.88 DINN' E SUITES from $37.00 LAMPS, MIRRORS, KINDER. GARTEN _ SETS, CHAIRS, HASSOCKS, PLAQUES, SMOKERS, MAGAZINE RACKS. WILSON FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST, CARPENTRY TRIM WORK == REC ROOMS AYUYITIVING RYUTING R. H. COMPANY COURTICE et <a RUTHERFORD'S 3 room groups, Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room, $399, $499, $599, $699. Easy terms, Immediate: delivery or layaway. Rutherford's 156 Simcoe: St. South GET SPOT CASH WITH TIMES ACTION ADS 1120 Simcoe St. N., 728-2361 Pick-Up and Delivery ENJOY THE FESTIVE SEASON Depend on Motor City Cab For Fast, Courteous 24 HOUR SERVICE 725-1127 SAFETY is not A Gift iTS AN Accomplishment and We Suggest You Have a SAFE and HAPPY Christmas by travelling with HEARD'S_ TAXI 124 BROCK ST, NORTH WHITBY 668-3732 NEEO HELP IN A HURRY? Place « Help Wanted ad now by dialing 723-3492. CLOG ET Gifts for the Home COMNEMAMC MANNA, Get A New TV Tower BETTER CHRISTMAS PROGRAMMES OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. Tounton Rd, Eost----723-813) GIFTS YOU'LL ADORE ON EVERY FLOOR Carpeting for the living room, bedrooms end halls. A gift your whole family will enjoy. FREE ESTIMATES AND EXPERT INSTALLATION ANGUS-GRAYDON 282 KING ST. W. 728-6254 "'The Christmas Store with Gifts Galore" Got gift problems! Drop into Elmer's Bargain House and see the large selection of gift ideas for the whole family. ELMER'S BARGAIN HOUSE STORE HOURS: at Edgar's Decor Ce tre 34 King St. W. 723-7351 @ Yardley @ Max Factor @ Chonel McCORDICK'S PHARMAC 360: Wilson S. MAKE IT "A TRAILER CHRISTMAS" Give Trailer Accessories, Miller Trailers AJAX 942-3491 Y 725-8711 Gifts for Him or Her 12 noon to 9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed all Day Monday 253 BLOOR ST. E. 446-5473 ENJOY CHRISTMAS TV PROGRAMMING With Your Own Antenna HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS Are Best Order Yours Today T.R.1.0. TELEVISION Corner Bond and Division 728-5143 ALL THE LOVE A GIFT CAN HOLD In a PORTRAIT by : CLARK - STUDIO Sitting by Sart only @ Custom Frames @ Art Supplies WHITBY 668-4497 325 BROCK ST. NORTH Private Stock is the 29-whisky whisky. THOMAS ADAMS DISTILLERS LTO. TORONTO This Year... Give Something FOR THE HOME CHECK THESE SUGGESTIONS Cedar Chests $78.50 Davenports $69.50 Mattresses $18.95 up Breakfast Sets $29.50 up Bedroom Suites $109 up Hostess Chairs $10.95 up Desks $24.50 up Lamps $5.95 up $29.95 up Reclining Choirs $64.50 up Rocker Swivels Best Selection at Lowest Prices A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR PURCHASE UNTIL CHRISTMAS M. COLLIS CHRISTMAS .... the Time To Give The Finest Pierced Earrings Woetches Diamond Rings Stone Rings And Many More Beautiful GIFT IDEAS GALBRAITH JEWELLERS AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA FURNITURE CO. w 78 KING ST 725-0332 Gifts for Motorists ASK SANTA FOR A PONY FOR CHRISTMAS Horses Boarded, 'bought and sold over the Winter season, t HILLTOP RANCH HANCOCK RD. N, 728-7768 or 728-5738 GIFTS FOR THE HOBBYIST Mode! Automobile; Airplane, boat Kits, The Biggest Selec- tion in town, POLLARD 92 Simcoe St. N., 723-9512 ROMAN. CATHOLIC ARTICLES ETC, Lovely assortment of Rosar- jes, crucifix and nativity sets. PARKVIEW VARIETY STORE 98 Olive Ave., Mrs. V. Bach- and: owner, Open till 10:00 bin. 725-8232. Gifts for Him AQOOOSELNANOPO CMAN Trees and Trim 5,000. TREES "ON LOT Nursery Grown Pruned Scotch Pines Also Spruce and Balsam 6 ft. = 7 ft. - 8 ft Sprayed ony. Color For nomingl Charge, Oshawa. Garden Gentre 1259 Simcoe St. N., 723-1161 OPEN EVENINGS CHRISTMAS TREES. A-1 Pruned Spruce ' and Scotch Pine Prices, all sizes, $1 Apply 18 Grenfell: St. 2 Streets east of Oshawa Shopping Centre CHRISTMAS TREES and DECORATIONS RUNDLE GARDEN CayTRE LTD. 1015 King E. ™ 725-6551 |CHINN'S. Park South at Hillside. Fresh cut spruce and Scotch pine, 98c up. Sprayed and delivered, 728-7288, 723-7088. No. 1 SCOTCH PINE, Spruce and Bal- sam Christmas. trees, plantation grown, reasonable prices, free delivery, 509 Bloor, St. .&. Ti WANT-ADS DON'T COST--THEY PAY OSHAWA FLYING CLUB Christmas list, give him or her a flying gift certificate for as low as $5. @ Private and C iol Flying Training @ Plecsure Flights Oshewe e Municipal -- Airport 728-1626 Chrysler Outboards CHRISTMAS SPECIAL " Special . $488 WILDE RENTAL SERVICE Whitby 668-3226 Give 365 Days of Motoring Protection and Service with an O.M.L. CHRISTMAS GIFT MEMBERSHIP Call EARL BROWN ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE Oshowa 723-5203 728-8334 AJAX --~ 942-0407