Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Dec 1966, p. 36

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TIMES, Monday, December 19, 1966 | IN MEMORIAM yen For Sole 38-----Coming Events eer BENZ *100 icaecht ROAD se mans '983-50 KINSMEN SPECIAL CHRISTMAS fees BINGO ere ea oe ee cena ste We ? \ ater. Telephone Best offer, 7 pm, 2105, ihid IMPALA two - door haratop, V- pt a =? weering fadio, ete, T vate, Telephone 7250887, 31 Cars for Sale % VOLVO and PEU te MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer ' jalizing In Volkswagen Se and Service 160_ Simcoe South 728-0051 pe se 0 pm, after 6 10 TURKEYS AS DOOR PRIZES 2 JACKPOTS 53 -- $350 57 -- $550 $25 Consolation Prize PLUS $10 i, a ) eg "Game ULAR Last 5 Games $30 Per Game Early Bird 7:45 Sharp Guaranteed $5 a line $25 full card EVERY TUESDAY _Admission $1.00 00 NO BINGO ST. GEORGE'S HALL BINGO has been cancelled tempor- orily, May we wish you all A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO Nos. 53 and 55 TONIGHT - 8 P.M. RED BARN TURKEY DRAW DEC. | EXTRA BUSES 9th on" 32--Trucks for Sele WAL te heltten, good tires, $180, Telephone 729-53) i RG ake 100, 'Telephone 466-4570, 33---Automobiles Wanted Gone, xoal ideal second cer, 72) NEW KINSMEN BINGO No, 53 -- $350, No. 57--~ $550, SEE SATURDAY'S AD EVERY TUESDAY 7:45 $1.00 ADMISSION CARS WANTED oa ce A New Car? BIRTHS ieee en uae we In ed away three bec 1, 1962. Pied - ; nase 19, 1956, in our NO Will always ay TN hey, Loved Wife and family, tinge Lssanevic, whe o eeaad away roe comber | areal * SUL Time takes away edge of pts Bul memory turns or Always iy deughter-iniaw Ann and -- PARROTT -- In loving dear father and 4 grandhatner. Bi Re who pas away Gone » deer father, gone forever, wer ; oF ae i oy smiling face. ry Riew' on earth yl fake vou Lo ad A happy father we once en sweet memory still, How the But death has left @ Yonelineas The world can never fill, --Gadly mi and ever by his family nt Pu. REID -- In loving. remembrance of @ dear brother, Alenanaer WSesityt Reid, who passed away December 19, 1960, As you were, so shall you be, Always in my memory, ' wSadly missed by Sister' Jean. REID -- In loving memory of our dear oar Alexander (Scotty) Reid, who pass- December way 19, 1960, True was his heart, 'nis action kind, His life was @ pattern to those left behind. God knows best for reasons divine, But memories last for all time, w=liver remembered by Mother, WOOD -- In loving memory of Clar- ence Roy Wood (Unci Vg A tag left us vo suddenly December 19, 1965, Gone but not foreetien. Always remembered Wood and family, WOOD -- In loving memory of two dear brothers, Ff, ember 19, 1965, No length of time can dim the past, Too many memories hold it fast. As you were you will will ene be, Forever 'in my memor Ever remembered by Vilster Ethel, A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanance and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office. 723-2633 LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral arrangements for all occassions, easter - © -- CEN 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 After hours 725-7928 OBITUARIES | dale Manor and 63 Hilleroft St., in failing health for the past itwo years, died at Oshawa Gen- ral Hospital, Dec, 17, She was Sell you fused car z. "Ted" Talk to New Cor Desier and save" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 ee. oe WRECKING CO, cers ee ot aa leor Street Bast, 725-231) for COLLISON -- Jack and Marie (nee Yo announce the birth Ambrose, on Thursday, 34--Automobile Repair FRED STONE Breoklin Phone 655-3653 Motor Rebuilding Cylinder -- Pinfitting esleeving 'and Robert Richard "punce, Richard Entered into rest in the family residence, $35 Oxford Street, Oshawa, on Monday» December 19, bg Richard Bunce, be. loved husband of the late irene Butt (3) iad Bunce hdd ih Ma Path year, Resting at the Arm strong Funeral Home, Oshawa with funeral service in the chapel Wednesday, 2), at 2 p.m, interment Mount Cranksheft end Valve Service 36--Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM EARL GILLIARD ALL PERSONS _ having > ga against the Estate oO WILLIAM EARL GILLARD [30 9", ster late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, General Motors Employee, de- ceased, who died on or about the 18th day of November 1966, ere eae notified to send in to the undersigned on or. before the 3ist Januery 1967 full particulars of their cloima, after which date the estate will be distributed hav- ing regord only to the cloims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED AT Oshawa, this Ist day of December, A.D. 1966. HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN HILLMAN 36Ye King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrices, Violet Kennedy and Gertrude Kennedy. St. Gertrude's AUDITORIUM TO-NIGHT T 8PM 690 KING E. ot FAREWELL | FREE ADMISSION Snowboll Jockpot $260. 56. Nos. $20 Consolati | Mh im his 6ind pm Lawn Cemetery. national Councillor, Lions Club Suddenly at Memorial » ville, on Sunday. 1h, 1966, Deac. jard 'ot ww pol Street in his 64th year, Beloved hu: Ne! Bounsall, Gear father of we e Button: shaw, Jr. on Smith phe tery. Tone HEINTZ, Christiana Stevens Entered into rest at the Ajax and Picker- ing General sg on Saturday even- gy ge 96 ae beloved wife Yo. jeintz_ and dearly loved "margaret (Mrs, Robert haat. re step-mot C. €, McLean) Po Weston, and 'he ee William and Bernard Heintz of Emma (Mrs, J. A. Funeral service a2 one, Bowmanv' LA) Wie service tonight at 9 p.m. of New Liskeard, A pr will be held at the William &, 1 ighway, Sherrin Funeral Home, No. meg Township (ivet east m. Har: ees » Ny Al@x) on Moncey pe am. Graveside service nd a inter: a Pakenham Anglican Cemetery, Tecseay afternoon, © % on ar. rival of motors 2:30 p.m, Faw ip Nicholas Hal *: ae A, Vere" Roane end 'and' father of Nydia, ig mv 2 am, Lawn Cemetery. KULACH, Stanley Suddenly at his Home on Sunday, Dece ber 18, 1966, Stanley Kuleh of a Soneny in Wis = P.--4 the Northeutt Warusorae n Home" Notice oF Aimer MeCONKEY, Pierson Andrew Entered into rest at the family residence Union Cemetery. REESON, May i = eet wid tesidence, 352 Ritson Red. , December 19, 1966, Ethel Mar Mamet Yin her 82nd year, deloved Cemetery, Brooktin, |, WILCOX, Norman &. At Memoria! Tene kay tind seen gg Ba Of Rhode Pearce, dear father ae ll (Mrs, Martell Burns) and Don. Resting at We, ae meer Funere! Chapel, Reg. Jackpot 54 Nos. $100. GOOD PARKING Extre Bus Service Tickets dvoilable et the door $20 Consolation. Good Prizes in the chapel on Tuesday at kone Interment Bowman. vitte Cemetery, Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all Advertise Your | Vacancy | in the Times Classified a watch roomers come running Phone 7233492 | GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 GODDARD, Herbert L. (Deee.) Inter e lers, Resting at the 0 7 sister, Laura and two brothers, | Blake and Gordon Short. Christians 'of |LOw, Mer.) wher of! ivate into reat in Torento orretel » December 17, 1966, -- 'The late Mrs. Brownson was born in East Whitby, Aug. 25, Aone |1892, and was the daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs, Albert Short. She was married in Port Perry, Oct, 21, 1930, to Philip a predeceased in June She was a member of North- minster United Church and United Church Women. The deceased is survived by: one daughter, Mrs. Lorne Bryans (Phillis), Oshawa; two sisters, Mrs. Norman Welsh (Florence), Oshawa and Mrs. Edward Clarke (Audrey), Bow- manville. Also surviving are two broth- Elmo Short, Greenwood; Russell Short, Oshawa, and one granddaughter, Heather Bryans. She was predeceased by a Funeral was held at the Arm- strong Funeral Home, Monday Dec. 19 at 3.15 p.m, Officiating minister was Rev. H, A, Mel- Interment was in Mount Lawn Cemetery. HERBERT L. GODDARD | The death ocourred sudden- ily, Dec, 18, at his residence, 131 Church Street, Bowmanville, as the result of a cerebral hem orrhage, of Herbert L. (Deac.) ing | Goddard, me was in his 64th iyear, | Born at Elgin, New Bruns- wick, the deceased was a son of the late Frederick and Laura Goddard, A resident of Bow-| manville for 52 years, he was/ married there 40 years ago. An electrical contractor, Mr. } (Goddard worked in New York wy. | City and Toronto before moving to Bowmanville. During the Sec- ee World War he served for jthree years in the RCAF as) "ian electrical tradesman. A member of Trinity United| Church, Mr. Goddard was very "active in the work of the Bow- manville Lions Club. He served, as president of the club in 1952- 53 and was an International, *. | Counsellor. Mr. Goddard is survived by his wife, the former Nellie Boun- "/sall and a daughter, Mrs John ment /Buttonshaw (Barbara) of Bow- manville. Also surviving are a sister, Mrs, Jack Herold (Evelyn) of Komoka, Ont.; two brothers, Fred of Montreal aid Laurence sons. The funeral service will be {held at the Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home, Bowmanville, at 2 p.m, Dec, 20. Interment will be in Bowmanville Cemetery. 'Rev. George Ward of Trinity as, sae Church will conduct the serv NICHOLAS KORNIC In poor health for five weeks, Nicholas Kornic, 214 Mitchell Avenue, died Dee. 17 at the Toronto General Hospital. He was in his 69th year. Born May 22, 1808, at Malech, White Russia, the deceased was a son of, the late Mr. and Mrs /Kenneth Kornic. He was mar- ried June 18, 1927, in Oshawa. A resident of Oshawa since { sorrow hg oa "hemimbared wave by Mom, Dat pasty gt faba' de 'me LABANOVICH -- In loving fortery of by Mra, Norman Wood, who }conduct the service, of Bowmanville and three grand-| ' Model Sonja Pugin wears a red wool nightshirt with traditional sxstehing night- 1923, Mr. Kornic was an em- ployee of the Ontario Malleable Iron Co. for 37 years, He was a member of the Workers' Benevolent Association. He is survived by his wife, the former Vera Redko; three daughters, Nydia, Betty and Marion and five sons, John, Timothy, Alexander, Kenneth and Nicholas, all of Oshawa and seven grandchildren, The funeral service will he held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 2 p.m., Dec. 20, fol- lowed by interment in Mount Lawn Cemetery. Canon F. G. Ongley, rector of St. George's Memorial Anglican Church, will Quite often it is the smaller communities that set patterns nd trends in construction, manville was one of the first municipalities in Ontario to have an electrically - heated school, Now, with three schools heated in the same way, the town is surging ahead with this modern form of heating in other kinds of construction, There are 111 electrically. heated homes in this town and 82 apartment suites, These represent a high proportion of new construction for a popula- »\tlon of 8,000 In the nearby villages of Orono and Newcastle there are 46 more electrically - heated, single - family dwellings and eight apartment suites, once again a sign of progressive |techniques in construction for ne "THE NIGHTSHIRT RETURNS cap, designed for cold win- ter nights. The outfit comes from Lillywhite of oe P Photo _ Pickerel Date Remains May 13 TORONTO (CP) --A depart- ment of lands and forests spokesman said Friday the de- partment had reversed its de- cision to change the opening date of the pickerel fishing season in parts of Northern On- tario, and ry 1967 season will open May It had ceetuity been de- cided to open the season May 20 next year. The move brought strong protests from tourist op- erators in the North Bay-Sud- MRS, ARTHUR REESON A lifelong resident of the dis- jtrict, Mrs. Arthur Reeson, 352) ceased, who had been in failing) health for 15 years, was in her 82nd year, The former Ethel May Ham- mett, the deceased was a daughter of the late William 22, 1885, in Whitby Township, she received her education at Brooklin and was married Feb. 19, 1908, United Church, her main in- iterests were her family and her garden, Mrs. Reeson, who was pre- deceased June 3, 1951, by her husband, daughters, Mrs. William Rahme (Marie), Mrs. Norman Boddy (Ruth) and Mrs. Lioyd Rora- beck (Wilma) and two sons, Merle and Kenneth, all of Osh- awa, Also surviving are 10 grand-| children and five great-grand- children, The funeral service will be jheld at 2 p.m., Dec, 21, at the McIntosh- Anderson Funeral) Home, Interment will be in) hs tga Cemetery, Brooklin. Rev. L. W. Herbert of King Street United Church will con- duct the service. FUNERAL OF seph Wesley Childerhose who died, Dec. 15, at the Oshawa General Hospital, in his 75th | year, was held at 3.15 p.m,, Dec, 17, at the Armstrong Fun-| eral Home, Major John Wood of the Sal-/| vation Arniy conducted the ser- vice. Interment was in Mount | Lawn Cemetery. The pallbearers were Lioyal | Halliday, Russ Davis, Bernard ' | only $445 sightseeing, Travel Agent or Canadi and Emma Hammett. Born July|™ A member of King Street|~ is survived by three} | JOSEPH W. CHILDERHOSE | The memorial service for Jo- | bury area who had already: be- gun their publicity campaigns | land 'were making reservations |based on this year's earlier MRS. LILLIE BROWNSON Ritson Road North, died early, opening. Mrs, Lillie Brownson, of Hills-|toqay at her residence. The de-|. 7" The decision was made by Rene Brunelle, lands and for- ests minister, in consultation with his department officials, after representations from out- fitters in the area concerned, Mr. Brunelle said in a state- ent: Full details of the opening dates for the fishing season in all of Ontario have not yet been announced, |Delves, Len Weeks, Ken Cor- rigan and Jack Tonkins, FUNERAL OF JAMES H. PIERSON The memorial service for James Herbert Pierson, who died at the family residence, 22 Nassau Street, Dec, 15, in his 75th year, was held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Dec, 17, Rev. L. W. Herbert. of King Street United Church conduct- ed the service. Interment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery The pallbearers were John Manning, Bruce Fulling, Har- old Tubb, William Thompson, {Tom Thompson and Michael |Brennan, | eo s Give an EXPO z| Weekend Tour MGke your Feservations now for weekend tours to the World's | \ in Montreal -- Weekly from Moy |B to October | DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE WHITBY 668-8867 2 weeks in Lisbon and Madeira with CPA Enjoy a week in Lisbon, one of Europe's most fascinating capitals, Then another week on tropical. Madeira Isiand. 15 sun-filled days in all TIT/ST/182). Low price includes economy excursion return fare from Toronto, hotels, some meals. $45 down, balance in 24 mont ily installments of $17.71, See your jan Pacific...and Arrangements "FOUR 57_KING ST. | 728-6201, 728-6202, 728-6203 SEASONS TRAVEL OSHAWA--WHITBY--BOWMANVILLE--BROOKLIN end Trevel | E., OSHAWA small communities, At present, an additional 12 new homes are being built with electric heating and a 52-suite penectanss block is nearing completion. Gene Bethune who is building a house on Liberty Street, Bow- manville, and another on Duke Street, firmly believes in the | value of electric heating as a factor in selling his houses, "It is the nicest heat on the market," he said, . 'From a builder's standpoint ! don't think there is anything finer, It helps sell the house, With elec- tric cable heating, furniture can be placed anywhere, When you stand in front of the win- dow you! are just as warm as Misery standing at the opposite wall," Biectric, wasevonie ie: ite an Bh being used in the new ahart- ment buil¢ling being finished on King Street, Bowmanville, by Goulding Wrothers of Whitby, They have also installed a heat reciaimer which recovers heat from the exhaust air coming from the partments and dis- tributes it {through hallways and entries, Each suite is equipped with a 40-g:allon electric water heatcr as 'well as the exhaust fans and electric ranges and refrigeratons, Laundry require: ments in the basement are handled by two 100-gallon elec: tric water heaters, three elec- tric clothes washers and two dryers, The owners of the build- ing, Dr. and Mrs, J. EB. Hendry, own anothey 12-suite apartment block and a} small office build. ing in Brockville, both elec: trically-heated, Other builders who have been featuring electric heating in all or part of their construction in and around Bowmanville in- clude: Glen Reynolds, Gene Bethune, Dwyane Beers and John Van Oosterom, all of Bow- manville; Joa Lyon of Hamp- ton; Peter Vogl, Floyd Nichol- son and William Irwin of Orono; Alwood Homes and Percy Allin, of Newcastle; James O'Malley, Walter Schleiss and Oshawa Wood Wood Products of Oshawa, Guys AND DOLLS MAJOR "| the second se wes powies ty Perry's with 3747 the hi le game was bowled by a 4 wn 1361, he Guys = Al. yrs Be Sa hie aware 760, es 759, Art Smart 724 (301), Herold Ballem 7* (318), Cari wy he acs = John Trott 7os, For = Mavis dl 900), Avarey" Burnin 7 ann uy Heald 74 (374), Joyce Bell 735, Marion gn an or Bats Budey 685, Ev Ren Marion Hutohins 668, ih Aver erage yes = Guys: Harold Ballem aviit jeods yy 271, Ron Bragg 1, be Bishop and Licyd Sabins 248, donn 7 243, For ihe Dolls -- Bernice Buday 234, Janet Peel 223, Joyee Bell 218, Bea Kotelko and Marion Dingman 217, i's always good news when a bowler bowls @ nen score and this week it was Nancy Love's turn when she came up with the high single score of the year for the dolls with @ 374 single, eis CITY STORE League w= June Grice 482 (258, 224); 28 (276); Nelda Thompson 425 (207, 218); » 216); Fairley 7 Hill 420 (203, 217); Rose Stovin 416 (273) and Ada Fioody 410 (234), 200 Games ---- Betty Black 223, Hazel MeNell 213, Mary Frobel 212, James 210, Ann Peters 207, Vera Szik- stay 20) and Edith McMahon 200. fe in witllornson 461 (273); Mae Jamieson Rumpel 222, Myrna Baldwin 214, Marg, | Nora OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS Team Standings -- Nu-Way Rug 10, Kinloch's mene | ] ent ) Jury Lewy bevel) Swan's U 6, angus "erivdon arget 5 V egh Hl HRs and Kernay Jordon's leviete rv) "and Riviere syiiga tH alr TOWN AND COUNTRY LEAGUE Team Standing =~ Untouchables 39, Hermits 32, Jokers 30, Swingers 27, Cheerios 27 and Ai 25, High Singles -- Bariine Keeler 241, lsabelle Calder 224, Buoy Nichols 238, Iso- bel Lng 216, Barb vonare 26), Irene Brabin 248, Fern ler 203, apt d Starr 219, Sharon Zerowney 303 and Mari: Pauline Starr 627, Untouchables won oh first section, nen was a faulty fuel pump, so he LONDON '(CP)---Members_ of bad -- of Commons are vig i ueeze of austerii MPs' dining room has covered it can save £16 10s (849,50) @ week sak Pg Ager bem mats table- npuiel House Leader fchars Uroaaman, YOU CAN'T GET AWAY KIRKCALDY, Scotland (CP) =A motorist who evaded pay- ing his half-crown (37-cent) toll on the new road bridge over the River Forth in March, 1966, found the bridge operators are even cannier, The Tan). Nairn for the halfcrown and were awarded it in court eight months after he crossed the bridge. LOSS DOESN'T COUNT LONDON (CP) -- Rediffusion Television, one of Britain's pri- vate broadcasting systems, lost about £1,000,000 in revenue in 1064 after the government pro- hibited cigarette advertising, said chairman John §, Wills in the annual report, But in-|® creased revenue from other sources came in and net income increased in 1066, TRY ADDING HEAT WHITBY, England (CP) ~The National Dairy ' Produc: ers' Association has approved a plan to sell »..rplus British milk to eastern Europe by canning it at high temperatures, This "'ul- tra-heated" milk is said to. re main sweet for six months after canning, SOUND GAVE CLUE RAMSGATE, ~Kent motorist Maurice Lugg, unable to diagnose the knocking in the engine of his 18-year-old car, sent a tape-recording of the noise to the factory 90 miles away. Mechanics told him it fixed it, LEAVE CHEESE GAP CHEDDAR, England (CP) -- Cheese connoisseurs will find no vintage November and Decem- ber, 1966, cheeses from this England (CP)|--- NEWS IN BRIEF : aren't The milk board rd cut off milk pen W808 @ Wier tere tration for loss of trade during ice, was impossible for people 'to get to our shops for Pry days," said one, "Most of the area wast fenced ae pe va between £200 ($600) and MAIL CURLS TOES LONDON (cP) the post of- fice is. investigating a formal complaint from a man he says morning mail delivery upsets his central heating system, He save the slit in his front door is jammed open by mail and byl draught upsets his thermo- stat, BUT WHO ELSE? EDINBURGH (CP) -- Brit. ain's 10,000 stamp dealers and collectors with deposit accounts at the post office's philatelic bureau were given new num- bers when the bureau moved here from London, Number 007 il ahaa to a man called ond, TRADITION MUST END WORKINGHAM, England (CP)--There is no demand any longer for a charity set wp in this Berkshire village in 1752 to give "six cloth caps and six cloth coats to six ancient men," There have been no applicants for years. A WEEK OR MORE BIG PAY JOBS WAITING for MARVEL GRADUATES Marvel Hairdressing Schodis in principal cities offer ex. clusive "MARVEL training, Complete DAY or EVENINGS, For rag brochure, write or visit MARVEL BEAUTY SCHOOLS Established over 40 Dept, OT, 219 Bloor fw. Somerset town because there TORONTO OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! Take advan BUSINESS\MEN'S LUNCHIEONS Dihad _-- '. a8 5:30 p.m, to 8:00 p.m. Geod Fired Reasonable Prices Parking Rear of Hotel MOTEL LA' FASTER 27 KING w = and of it! 24 hour sar. ae oar trucks a fel on Budget he F walaie.. NOW 1S THE TIME TO CONVERT AND CALL McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES 723-3481 Wwe KING ST. W. CHRISTMAS TDINDI NIDU | be 8 C TO OUR LOVED ONES. It is a beautiful gesture of love and devotion to the memory of a mother, father, wife, husband, daughter, son or those beyond the immediate family circle, a faithful fri iend or kin, In the sincere hope of rendering a helpful service to those who wish to select an notice for Christma fied Department of appropriate memoriam stime, The Classi- the Oshawa Times will once qgain publish a special page 'of Memorial Tributes on Saturday, December 24th, To ensure that you appears at this time, rt "In Memoriam" phone the Classi- fied Department Before; Wednesday, December 21st. The TIMES OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- 723-3492 668-3703 EARN UP TO $100. Gi

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