DISNEY CHARACTERS MOURN WALT Duck, surrounded by other characters, mourning the death ot Walt Disney, thelr 'This Miami News cartoon by artist Don Wright, shows Mickey Mouse and Donald i ma ts Appeal To Reprieve Heifer Turned Down At Whitehall LONDON (CP)--The cham-jafier protests showered on Car- ion heifer voted too beautifulldigan buteher Jack Evans, who 0 die by hundreds of British bought Pride Moreta for £1,800 animalevers must, it seeme,| (63,000) at the Smithfield Christ: meet her date with the slaugh:/mas show last week terhouse deapite an appeal by a) Fvans and Pride Moret's member of Parliament to Agri+/hibitor both signed a Smmithtield cultute Minister Fred Peart, jregulation binding the pur A apokesman for the agriculjchaser to have the animal jay ag ig said deg 4 slaughtered by Dec, 28, m r haa "no power to in frre ith the ules of the| Rit aM, ae | Smithfield ock BOW, /on national television, the tra: require the champloniditional British ou champion heifer to be aympathy for animals began, @ certain po: cancelled orders whi ring of in peril in the inter | Housewives the/With buteher Evans for Christ: S0monthold = Abers}mas roasts and a petition was named Pride _ signed by 600 citizens of Cardi Mig fom by Da-/gen,. The Royal Society for the bor MP for/Prevention of Cruelty to Ani: Welsh the Welsh city 'et Cardigan, mala offered to ) provide Pride Pte: MCE en tr oa Oe For the money you need to do your Christmas shopping for a cash advance Enjoy the confidence of with cagh in your pocket oe Feady cash from GAC, And shop early to make sure you get your first choice of gift items... the sizes, colors and styles you want, Stop in or call your GAC office. You'll get Prompt, personal service and convenient monthly pay- ments fitted to your budget, Get a cash advance from GAC for holiday shopping... oF for any good reason, aD SE EN BEM Simon Street, North... Phone 728-7825 oem EM MOND wie rs 20 Yonge Street, South Phone 884-4488 A LOANS UP TO Gees FINANCE CORPORATION, LTO. Pane RATT é " phone S070)? ewer) Phone 698.9887 PEW Dundas Street, 'West, «Freat of Tower BAM Danforth Avenue (Oppeste Shapers Word) &2 Vaughan Road t St, Cree dy ". ©. 2848 Egtinton PR ah fast (ERS aNO8 01 Brim tay Read) SAA Bi. Clair Avenue, Went Si, Chew Ot Oak weed) NOB? Yonge Street. DOOPA Dundas Street, West. * Phone 4818856 Phone 767-918) AVANA. M. FLORES Bi ANA (AP) This sun: baked bean island's §,000,- WVU intimmimnis cece = Tattaned holiday season again this year, Although there la no onal position on the issue, Cuba's 8 |Communist regime soft-pedals|of felon religious observance «of Banta "Claus is classified as a dirty capitalist and his Rirlines Cut Group Fares | ROME (AP) = 'Ths teletnee| neport ag ey (IATA) announced today cu of up to 32 per cent in ra fares for the ter North tle routes, reduced fares do not in« volve individual first and econ- omy or tourist class tickets, but ere tours arranged b vel agencies, Tn the new pricing system any | of 15 persons can make up & group without belonging to a formal organization, a stipula tion previously required for group tour fares, The new fares, expected to fig into effect Jan. 1, will be valid every day in 1067 except for five weekends during the peak: sum: mor season, They will be valid every day in 1068, The time limits are a mini mum of 14 days and a maximum of 21 for trips to Europe and 16, to 26 days on tnips beyond the Mediterranean, Under the new rates a round group fare ftom Now York to London will cost the individual pe compared to $270 previs ourly, A. E, JOHNSON, 0D. OPTOMETRIST 14% King St. East creator, who died Thursday, AP Wirephoto |Moreta with "a home for the rest of its natural life," Workers in Evans' slaughter: house refused to kill the animal and Evans himself said he would not order them to do so, Unmoved, Smithfield authorl- tles maintained the rules would not be broken. Submarine Sandwiches Meal on a KAISER ROLL A First In Oshawa "BIGGEST LITTLE MEAL IN TOWN" TAKE OUT OR DELIVERY CALL 723-1001 20 BOND ST. WEST OSHAWA Open 24 Houre @ Day -- 7 Days @ Week First at Fairweather 1967 sleepwear by DORSAY Spring Colours: ae Pink These romantic coordinates & Asan shapely Du Pont nylon tricot of sheer 15 denier nylon. Gown a Baby Do have softly gathered necklines; lace- Sched deep hemlines. S.M.L, Peignoir Set is of double 18 denier lace yoke all 'round, lace ag sleeves. Matching gown, S.M.L, x y, daby dodis: 5.00 gown: 6. 00 , Tue digi: 20. 00 FASHIONS OSHAWA SHOPPING CANTRE memory is being erased from he mindy of those who remem ber that he vg to bring thom aifte on Dac. 'The phim is on year-ena| festas and the Jan, 1 celebra- tlon of the eighth anniversary Fidel Castro's assumption of power, There will be @ few toys, nuts land candy for children and some wine, rum and possibly an extra quota of meat and beans for their parents, But/@ aig: are Teg there = en tvetethe last year, aed Rational Holiday Awaits 8,000,000 Cuba Natives All holiday items--food, drink, under the rs aig system of toys and gifts are rationed under the communist system of equal GibtwEUUL, r Toys went on sale last week and many children fi them |; December 19, 1966 29 THE OHAWA TIMES, Mender, country scons earnest wie ta of tourist attra fe "er. § Havana's Morro Castle and te centuries-old cathedral, Cubans have little hope of enjoying their favorite Christ- mastimetheal of roast suckling a ree ane vintn vem iniwon | they are lucky enough to get) into one of the few en: right away, Some will receive ham Dec, 25, others on Jan. 6, "the Day of the Three Kings. The few holiday decorations in downtown Havana have no religious theme. Pew homes show any indication of the day Christians celebrate, Christmas or New Year's cards feature bells, flowers, that serve pork, Chittrts View UNLIMITED | AL. PATTENICK'S a a SAVE at OUR NEW LOCATION 22 KING ST. WEST * LADIES' * MEN'S e BOYS' ® GIRLS' ¢ CHILDREN'S WEAR OPEN EVERY NIGHT MON. to FRI. UNTIL 9 P.M. SAT. UNTIL 6 P.M. FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE MEN'S THERMAL SLIM LINE SPORT SHIRT aleeve. pe PALERMO PLAY DRY OVER PANTS * 1,88 button down plelds and plein |Atteched beets, Waterproef, windproef. MEN'S SUN VALLEY MEN'S. AND YOUNG MEN'S COTTON FLANNEL BATHROBE i te m te CHILD'S 2. 3x ONE-PIECE NYLON SNOW SUIT Zipper front, ak lined, At- tached hood hes fur trim. 100% Virgin Weel, A Cene- den --". BOYS' 2-6 CORDUROY DRESS PANT and SHIRT SET lnviible double knee, Cordurey elbow patch on pleld shirt, re * 2.88 GRANTEX Boys' Double sect. Conadion mode. SMeL, Rep. 1.08, Boys' Mr. Brief T-SHIRTS Reg, 1.50 a, MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S Chareoal, GIRLS' 8.14 KNITCREST CARDIGAN 100% VIRGIN WOOL 1 3.88 MEN'S CREASE-RESISTANT GRILL MEN'S & YOUNG MEN'S FLANNEL LINED Wide Wale Corduroy SLACKS Brown, Nevy, Block. FANCY KNIT imported AcLines and Jumpers in color C 1 ful yelvets, Size 3.4.6, Res. 5.95 2.88 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S Imported 100% Pure Wool PULLOVERS and CARDIGANS Styles include V-neck, turtle neck, crew neck. All colors, M-L-XL, Velwes te 19.95, From 5.88 10.88 TODDLER BOY'S 2-PCE. SUIT The Above Merchandise Also On Sale at AL. PATTENICK'S DEPT. STORES . AJAX PLAZA' 100% Virgin Weel, buttons, White, pink,