' ° ' e might require the outlay of mil- bi Bh ye te bemgpe peor oe THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 1%, 1966 4] rh F , Alta, . . Disney Perfect Picture ono dlrs and perhans| FORT. MACLEOD Ala, (> | re er fo, a : ' it gy etre life was solitary ry pobry ge Wie a Tu | 'dfama and arch : , F ' . 5 } a nner # : : An one S Favor A e Uncle He had a few close friends,|hold down the 1966 mill rate, | | on net Disney was a [banter in front of his teen-ageyinto his briefease and head for poise: ayers voy hgh "ie we) es ont A syepoane IT' S HA PPENING ry jal man, even in Holly- |son. home, where he spent the eve-| wife, Lillian, seldom appeared} pi sunis then offered pared headeuarters for off | "That was a disaster," Walt] ning reading or ante films. |8¢ bo ar + nw > He proven the surplus ote ged types. His career was |said later, "you siwuis save) 1. ony great men, Wait occasions he atten a ban-| ae ; unique. Disney, the man, [seen the mail I got over it. I'll) ™ any & » Walt! quet, often to receive an awara.ig differed materially from his never do that again." Disney was a loner. He knew|But such gatherings made him public image. AP columnist |HAD RARE TALENT each day the loneliness of mak-| uncomfortable, and he was ai- H] Bob Thomas, author of two His public appearances and|ing command decisions that'ways happy to leave. books about Disney and his jhis none a to Cnoagg . ( ethods, writes about the jsomewhat antiseptic Image 0! fomed movie innovator in |Walt Disney. Behind the image- Held Over at ' five articles beginning to- |was a human being, a man of EVERY YEAR -- THE BEST FOR LESS day. rare talent but possessed with The Cadillac Hotel's 5 vik 6 Need a links pinion normal feelings ov a ge BOB THOMAS He was no prude. His boy- eh hood on a Missouri farm pro- Coronet Lounge @ NOISEMAKERS @ STEAMERS ee 'S se a ee i le al le le ln a oe ae HOLLYWOOD (AP) --What kind of man was Walt Disney? vided him with a realistic atti- tude toward sex. But he felt NNY BRITE | Modern & Old Time Everyone knows the publiciinat jt had no place on the +1 @) m&o earth, the perfect picture Of)" «sey is a yery private matter IN | janyone's favorite uncle. for most people," he reasoned: and the SEQU. Ss 9 bid WAL epg the pod Pea be fortable, when they see it por- | agate A\ing a 40-year period. Almost in-|tray: in public." RESERVED TABLES variably they were sunny, opti-| He was a taskmaster. He ex- LYN HOWARD | RED BARN Tite Cyt lle | For pletely suitable for family audi- same loyalty and zeal that "he THE C ADILLAC HOTEL iinie Plan To Be With Us New Year's Eve ences. applied to the studio, When eh Paaeweaeae @ @@ = a a a Climage. He was folksy, down-to-| on, DAN CING ADMISSION Be ee ns er litt ei ty a toe. FEATURING THE EXOTIC DANCER mistic and wholesome --- com-|pected of his employees the 600 og Rarely did he swerve from |they failed him, he fired them. 4\that formula. Parents gasped bho Disney vig 7 to eg mae as aaa when a modern couple sipped|ward merit and achievement. '\martinis in a Disney film, The|Many of his employees contin- EVERYONE LIKES A GOOD SHOW On Sale at all NOW SHOWING! "|Parent Trap. ued on staff for decades. This Christmas give Books of FAMOUS His venture into sexy scenes| Walt rarely relaxed. Occa- FAMCUS PLAYERS began and ended with a se-|sionally he had a drink with key PLAYERS a; DOUGIE DAY and His Nites ONE OF THE MANY EXCITING AND TALENTED ACTS THAT WILL BE APPEARING IN HARRY'S HIDEAWAY HE'S THE TOPS quence in Bon. Voyage when a|personnel after the day's work THEATRE TICKETS THEATRES Ernest. Lehman is per- |Parisian prostitute engage djwas finished, More often he Packaged in the bandy gift cartonette haps the most successful Fred MacMurray in a bit of would pack scripts and reports among screen writers now THE EXCITING STORY OF t work in Hollywood. Hi s S$ RISET ---- tos's ace» |Man, 47, Collapses, Dies | fovie'sranoom. | a rere Ce ie tree | Watchi Natalie ar kis _fad Sma salto tera | Watching Three-Car Crash ; EE ETS, tat Seah Ht 34 tae LAURE r (AP Wirephoto) PETERBOROUGH (CP)--Ed-| Hugh Robertson, 65, of Peter- Ss ' KEPT SELF TO SELF | ward McCarthy, 47, of Peterbo-|borough, a passenger in the : ' TE PEE Edgar Buchanan of TV's Pet-|rough, collapsed and died Sat-|O'Connell car, was in serious DRIVE-I ticoat. Junction once worked aS|yrday night after watching aicondition with injuries to his a forest fire observer, when he| three-car crash in which three|right hip, head and eye. 1N A PAKULA MULLIGAN PRODUCTION ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY & SAT AFTERNOON hen saw only two human beings in| persons were seriously injured.|~ Ins Be DAISY clover three months. _____| 'The accident occurred when IN-CAR HEATERS AT NO EXTRA COST | ed Ex reese "of [aoor driven iy Jack O'Consee, Pope Extends PORERT REDFORD - RODD WcDOWALL - RUTH GORDON ABSEE Cee te et a uma eI AK TN [with another driven by waiter) Yule Greetings TECHNICOLOR® PANAVISION® FROM WARNER BROS, | Ridley, 55, also of Peterbo- |rough. VATICAN CITY (AP)--Pope PLUS SECOND EXCITING FEATURE! The O'Connell car went On| Paul wished the Sunday crowd) j and crashed head-on into oneé|in st. Peter's Square a merry Apurrv ance |driven by Martin Richards, 42,/ Christmas. Se em lof Peterborough. | Appearing at his studio win- A are glowing 2 Mr. Martin was taken to a Available Toronto hospital in critical con- cpl y's pope told Lang "even on Sunday" dition with multiple skull frac- U " 000 persons in the square: b, tures. His wife, Margaret, 42,| ,, 4 7 A.M. to.4 P.M. was in serious condition with mate ae ' ns : it 8. . Dec. 22, Jan. 2 pokes facial bones in hospital) "i at is, we want for you a a DANCING 2h Of Ok ak Ok Ok OOK OK OK aK OE a a OE a OK Ok Ok a Ok ok Ok OE OR Ok OA -------- a a a de dy dy. db. oe, ee. oo. oe of eS eS SSS Sef $15.00 day truly good and happy, a day NIGHTLY Dien te = bo urme por he ey, a Po - PER HOUR Reds Threaten "Tpechape you have. a need for a" , - : ar f EARING THIS WEEK » Phone this as well as a desire for it. ney Se M MH Life is full of anxiety, of con- 728-5162 nimaries ie and pele May Coristasas Sh a moment of jo 0! own at: FOR RESERVATION WARSAW (AP)--Polish bish-|0°,".tu tor your families." munique disclosing a govern- pn cas ment threat to close several ecclesiastic seminaries. The communique read in an| Bring The Family And Enjoy Yourself "Special Return Engagement" churches said: oe 4 | "The Polish state educational | b sine | : CHET ADAMS HOW PLAYING" -- |[Tutteritles have demanded the WHERE THE: rought back by popular demand. 1 of the rect of six a A caer ecctesiastic seminaries \ HOTEL L ANC. ASTER » |j/and have announced their inten- THE SCREEN STEPS | tion to close four of them. We i Ea OW AMINEFIELD! = |)otming ot an extensive. cam hives) OSHAWA RACEWAYS Prigoung priests. it isa gravel (J ia and HOBBIES co at | iiareoetale mission S's andl) (Calle foe f «FEATURING: . They're Back Again! 'The Fabulous command its apostolic mission. . . an ' +8 'Model racing at its fastest an attempt to undermine the - P ee . " BELM NTE exclusive Tathority of the Holy a oe largest model = See over the seminaries." | 4 : & : ' ; . Convenient parkin : LICENSED UNDER Rick on Plano; ond FOOD RUNS OUT Scratch built supplies ' ' ' oberon Stare That Crazy Screwball The world's food production aS ; ; Complete kits from $5.95 ' THE CIRCLE OF LOVE: : RAY BELMONTE increases at one per cent a year . ; * InBlushing Color : ; Y --_ , s eal eo Ss ATTENTION STUDENTS eS fos Georgian Motor Hoiel : . INQUIRE ABOUT OUR 4 - 6 CLUB : eon Thornton Rd. South at Champlain Ave. i : : All schoo! m : Oye. 18-31 jn en hee at YOUTH... Trance . ASK DAD... FOR A CHRISTMAS GIFT SEARCHING ®t (QQsorsarp If In doubt give your FULL OF ACTION! AOR oS we van or noe 08 Out One of our latest model cars an ideal gift for fun, <a Al our GIFT come in end see them on display, c Show Times: all us about our junior racing program 725-5353 : MARSHALL NAIFY ' MALAMONDA' 1 ahi. a PRcSONTS y gy \ 7:00 -- 10:20 P.M. HUGH MICKEY JAMES a -- h : 0 BRIAN ROONEY MITCHUM } TEX RITTER --- SONNY JAMES 2 LA RONDE Tarzan And The . 8:30 P.M, 'AMBUSH Valley Of Gold HITS Doors Open 6:30 all an BM cant Ma ed e THE NEW RT, re « ue tun n your te s2"Gnd on. Show srorty 6:90 Mie. Mii Cc ia ae a ODEON THEATRE : . HEAR FREE IN-CAR HEATERS a] : *&, THE ELLIOTT CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE ELLER REVUE 12" LONG PLAY | . ame Entertainment Nightly et 9 P.M, MATINEE SATURDAY 4 P.M, TO 6 P.M, 9 | oe FULLY LICENSED H JUNDAS SI WHITBY 139 Different Titles In Stock COLOR we " | | He's The Biggest Hero In The | by ne tene aed fl AL HIRT @ PAT BOONE ii BLACKWOOD BROS.@ EDDY ARNOLD A COUNT BASIE @ CONNIE-FRANCIS | Beethoven to FLOYD CRAMER = @_ BING CROSBY | KATE SMITH @ LAWRENCE WELK The Beatles! | Give Groovy Gifts that Make | The best in Entertainment the CONWAY TWITTY @ SLIM WHITMAN Yule Hits With The Young A HANK SNOW @ LIBERACE rie || Carousel Inn OSHAWA 559 Bloor St. West 723-5271 Hi 87 Simcoe StNo WILSON & LEE LTD. TY'S Sy | _ REVELAIRES The Sweetest Musi¢ This Side rth Phone 725-4706 [| wis ingest Rhythoe Ay 9 ' "Easter Ontario's Lorgest Music Centre | RECORD CENTRE Entertainment NighHy et 9 P.M, Matinee Saturday 4 P.M; to 6 PLM. EVENING 'til 9 'til CHRISTMAS EXCEPT SAT. 35% Simcoe North 723-0731: @ FULLY KIGneE 9 Cer SY cere eae © see oe way you like it. Hl Records are the gifts they will really love you for ss « fecords to add to their collection, You'll find ra Git thew fevers Sits Sp cf thelr faverite artists at Marty's. Be sure and see Marty's for the Biggest Selection. 7 E kil