Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Dec 1966, p. 5

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WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY WI Roll Call Answered With Gifts For Hospital WHITBY (Staff) -- Members es us TnneS Wamen's Insti. tute answered the roll call by donating a gift for a retarded child at the Ontario Hospital in Orillia. Mrs. Russel! Saunders, who presided, took 'It Is More Blessed to Give than to Re- ceive' as her theme. © A request from the Harold King Farm, for donations of used clothing, to assist former prisoners, will be considered the new year. ing @ discussion of the Members Exchange Gifts An exchange of gifts was one of the highlights. of the Christ- mas dinner meeting held by the Royal Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary. The supper was con- vened by Mrs. Eileen Hum- phreys and her committee. Mrs. Myrtle Primeau, who centennial celebration, Mrs. Farl Ward was named to repre- sent the organization on tue) centennial committee. The spirit of Christmas was injected into the meeting by the candlelight program presented by Mrs. Saunders. Lunch hostesses were Mrs. Leesa Ferris, Mrs. A. Smith and Mrs. Ida Simpson, The Jan. 25 meeting will take the form of a pot luck supper. An address on "Wills'" will be heard, The large addition to the' Courtice D istr i c t High transferred from Branch 67, Lindsay, was welcomed. Get- well wishes were expressed to Mrs, Alfred Bruce and Walter Norris. The next regular meeting will be held Jan. 11. 5th Scout Auxiliary Work Commended Mrs. Thomas Spellen presided, thanked the ladies for the as- at the Sth Scouts and Cubs|sistance they gave her during Mother's Auxiliary Christmas| her term of office. meeting held in St. Joseph's! Father B. Varcoe addressed meeting room. She reported on the various Christmas parties held for the boys at which aux- fliary members assisted. The president presented Mrs. Vincent Mallon with her past- president pin, Mrs. Mallon Christmas Theme Of Unit Meeting Mrs. Floyd Smith, 510 Euclid| subject Street, opened her home to St. Mark's United Church Women| Precious Gift', Unit 5, for its Christmas meet-| and ing. Mrs. Mary Underwood She also gave a reading en- opened the meeting with @ poem entitled "Always Christmas Night'. Miss Laura Pellow assisted! Christmas with thé business session. was reported that 19 home visits and 11 hospital calls were made. The program was directed by| Miss Lilly Saunders said grace. 'Miss Florence Heard on the WHITBY PERSONALS Sunday School children of Pentecostal Church held their annual Christmas concert at the church. The superintendent, Ted Colbourne, was in charge of the program. The children gang carols, gave recitations and played musical instru- ments. They were given a bag of candy and a gift. Mrs. Gordon Kyle, 408 Dove- dale Drive, entertained mem- bers of St. John's Anglican Church Ruth WA for its Christ- During the evening Al |the group briefly corhpliment- 'ing. members on the splendid | work done for 'the boys. A pot luck supper was enjoy- {ed. The members exchanged \Christmas gifts. "Arizona Highways'. | Miss Heard read poems, "The "Brotherhood", "A Christmas Prayer'. | titled "By the Light of a Simple Candle'. Mrs. Underwood read "A Meditation", This }was followed by a delectable lunch served by candlelight land a nicely decorated table. A social time was enjoyed. social games and contests were enjoyed with prizes awarded to lucky winners. A pot luck lunch was served. St.. John's Anglican Church Little Helpers held its Christ- mas party with Mrs. William Bonk in charge assisted by Mrs. Gordon Kyle, Santa Claus arrived in time to distribute gifts to 20 children. The Oshawa Pentecostal Young People are entertaining residents of Fairview ige with a Whitby Knights of Columbus To Compete AJAX (Staff) --The Ajax Legion Pronghorn Track and Field Club obtained a_ four- minute miler to run under its 'colors recently. | Muzaffar Tareen, 27, an On- tario Hydro worker, was the National Pakistan one mile champion before coming to Canada eight months ago. He has run the mile officially at 4.02 but in practice has run the four minute mile. "This would put him in the top of his class in Canada," said Pronghorn Coach David Jack. Coach Jack said that the new- comer to the club had re- ceived a good deal of his train- ing from American coaches. He said Tareen had chosen the Ajax club because he was not interested in competition run- ning all the time. TO AID COACHES Tareen will also be assisting Jack and Assistant Coach Arn- old Coyne of Pickering. Jack said he hoped Tareen would run under the club colors at the Telegram meet at Maple Leaf Gardens Next Feb. 21. He also hopes the new runner will compete in track events at Cleveland and Detroit. Arctic Owl Visits Dunlop Co. Plant WHITBY (Staff) -- Arctic Owls'seem to have invaded On- tario County in flocks. One large white owl was re- ported to be passing his time at the Dunlop plant here for the past two days. The owl was last reported to be sii on the north east cor- ner of the plant. One reason suggested for School, designed to take care of growing education- Pakistan Mile Titlist For Ajax - He said he felt the club, which was under Legion spon- sorship this summer, is stead- ily improving and that four girls, all under 13, were con- sistently running a sub three- minute half mile. One of the best young run- ners in the club is 13-year-old Maureen Powers who will be a definite starter in the Telegram meet in the under 16 half-mile division. She has run the dis- pra in a creditable time of CLUB IMPROVING _ Coach Jack said the club is improving and membership now totals about 75. He said a physical fitness program for men over 25 was gaining sup- port and eight or nine men were consistent attenders. Asked If his club would in- clude any 1972 Olympic mate- rial, Coach Jack said it was difficult to pia hopes on young boys and girls but added: "If we can hold on to some of the young girls they'll be on top of the Canadian competition in three or four years." The coach said the club fs working toward raising its members to the level of top competition in Canada. Next year the club expects to enter "Pronghorns" in 50 or more meets in Canada and the neighboring states. Now Open ABNERS BOOK SHOP "For Greet'n & Read'n" e e ° e OPEN 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M, al needs in the area, is nearing completion. The UNITED APPEAL TOTAL $22,788 WHITBY (Staff) The Whitby United Appeal Fund is steadily growing and stood Friday at $22,788. Re- cent substantial donations in- cluded $300 from the Andrew Foundation and $250 from Dominion Stores. Final figures resulting from the recent door-to-door can- vass are now coming in. The town was divided into eight sections and the amount from two of these is $730. The appeal's target is $34,900. No date has been set for the winding-up of the campaign. COURTICE SCHOOL ADDITION NEARING COMPLETION THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, December 17, 1966 § Work To Delay) Road Traffic WHITBY (Staff) -- Due to the construction of the new CPR overhead bridge, in Whitby, traffic on Highway 2 will 'be restricted to single lane at this location between 8 a.m. and = Pian 18 the Ne. partment of Highways said to- day. In addition Highway 3 wiii be closed to traffic for 10 - 15 min- ute periods at about 10 a.m. and 11.30 a.m. to allow the contrac- tor to erect steel beams for the PROCLAMATION CIVIC HOLIDAY Pursuant to By-law Number 2747 THE TOWN OF WHITBY Tuesday. December 27. 1966 has been declared a Civie in the Town of Whitby for the af observing Boxing Day, of which ell persons ore. hereby requested to take notice and govern inemseives accore~ bic D. G. NEWMAN, Mayer, GOD SAVE THE QUEEN new bridge. Whitby Town Police will be on duty to direct traffic from the area, The stéel beams.are being transported to the site om the CPR line. The heavy vojdme of rail traffic during [the week prevents the work being done on weekdays. addition, which is being built by H. M. Brooks Lim- ited, of Oshawa, is seen in the left foreground. The official opening is expected to be held early in March. --Oshawa Times Photo 4 MEETINGS AT R. A. HUTCHISON PUBLIC SCHOOL (4 blocks south of Blair Park Plaza) SUNDAY 11:00 A:M.--Family Bible Hour and Sunday School For Information re Other Services, Phone 668-4576 FREE 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE By Our Locel Service Contractors SAWDON'S FUELS FURNACE OIL -- STOVE OIL AND COAL 244 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-3524 CANDLELIGHT CHORAL SERVICE ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Corner Centre and Colborne Streets 7:30 P.M.--Sunday, December 18th Junior, Intermediate and Senior Choirs will sing the songs of Christmas in the candle-lit church. 11 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP "Prepare the Soul" A Complete SERVICE © Heating © Plumbing © Kitchens COMPLETE COMPLETE *|Council,. No,.4895, is entertain- ling the members' children at a the migration of the owls is an expected hard winter. 'Christmas party on Sunday at | Columbus hall. | Lisa, daughter of Mr. and "\Mrs. J. W. Hutchinson, will be Jone year old Monday. | Mr. and Mrs. William Ianson, |Peterborough, were dinner | guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Smith, 118 Chestnut Street West, before their de- \parture from Toronto for a flight to London, England, Mos- cow, Germany, Switzerland and FOR STRIKE FUND AJAX (Staff) -- With refer- ence to a story in Wednesday's MON. TO SAT. 113 Dundes Se. W. Whitby |) PHONE 668-2492 issue about cheques being hand- ed to strikers at Centralab, Ajax, a spokesman for the In- ternational Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers points out that only two cheques were presented, to be put in the strike welfare fund, Cheques were not given to individual strikers. OSHAWA TIMES Evening Programs Start 7: & 9: Saturday Matinee at 1:30 TIME! BROCK WHITBY PICTURE RE-PRINTS Aveileble At Knights of Columbus 6th Annual TOWN OF WHITBY Applications will be received until 5:00 p.m., Friday, December 23rd, 1966 for the position of Cashier-Stenographer. Appliconts should state age, morital status, educotion end experience. Salary to commence $3,298.00, plus the usual fringe benefits. Applications to be oddressed to the undersigned. SAVE $ $ ON AUTO INSURANCE If you are an Abstainer you save up to $22.00 on your auto insurance. See. J ig ee OHN\ RIEGER 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA DIAL "afee 728-7567 ------ FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 Brock Street N. REV. DeLOSS M. SCOTT, Minister SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 AM.--"Faith Tidings" Radio Broadcast CKLB -- 1350 On Your Dial 9:45 A.M, -- BEGIN bas kf THE BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP & PRAISE PASTOR'S MEESAGE-- "Faithful Stewards" 7:00 P.M--CHRISTMAS PAGEANT" "COME TO BETHLEHEM" Presented By The Senior Young People "Don't Miss This Beoutiful Presentation" WEDNESDAY EVE., 8:00 P.M. MID-WEEK SERVICE OF PRAYER & PRAISE "You ore never @ stranger at Faith" SUNDAY, DEC. 18th MIKE KEENAN 7:30 P.M. NU-WAY PHOTO Created Te SERVICE Individual 251 King St. E., Oshewe 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each 5x 7 -- 1.25 each 20% Discount en Orders of 3 or More Pictures | Spain. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Augus- tus, 227 Palace Street, visited their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Augustus and new baby, Laurie, at Kitchener. JOHN R. FROST, Clerk Administrator, A405 Dundas $. W., WHITBY, Onterie, NEW YEAR'S EVE BALL COLUMBUS CLUB HALL 133 Brock St. N. Whitby On SAT., DEC. 31 9 to 12 P.M. Butfet -- Refreshments Prizes Favors $12.00 per couple FOR RESERVATION CALL J. MeCarroll -- 668-2561 or Wm, Debosky -- 668-8112 Whitby Lasco Steelers we VE css Woodbridge Rangers Whitby Community Arena Admission Adults $1.00 -- Students with cords 306 "Watch For The North Bay Trappers" (aR) Requirements | The Women's Auxillary to | Catholic Church Extension STAFFORD BROS. members met at the home of LTD. Mrs, James Smyth, 711 Dun- das Street West. Part of the MONUMENTS 668-3552 evening was spent in knitting 318 DUNDAS EAST For His Christmas PIPES » O2¢ghae | NOW YOU CAN JET CPA NONSTOP ro * HAWAII FROM TORONTO and crocheting for the Mis- sions. Winner of the draw was Mrs, Gerry Hendriks. The host- 1 jess served refreshments. The | jnext meeting will be Jan. 18 at | the home of Mrs. A. Vallee, 104 ! | | Brock Street North. | WHITBY Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ward, 105) CLOSED : Mary Street West, _visited| BAPTIST MON. & TUES, (Colborne Street West at Centre) | Dec. 26th & 27th friends in Sunderland. Minister: Rev. Jehn McLeod Westminster United Church Oe ear | Most Whitby Stores will Re- Sunday School, Oshawa, will be|] Mrs. W. &. Summers, A.T.C.M. |} eu Open All Day Wed. Dec. entertaining residents of -Fair- ! Until 6 P.M. view Lodge Monday. WHITBY STORE HOURS 1 OPEN ALL WEEK... | Dec. 19 to 23 Till 9 PLM, | | i CLOSED CHRISTMAS EVE Close Sot. ot 6 P.M. vooe 8 98 i ii sainene Pentecostal Church 307 BROCK ST. N. -- WHITBY 1 P.M. "IN. HIS STEPS" Dramatic Christian Motion Picture Most Appropriate for the Christmas Season.- Full length 80 minute film. 11 A.M.-The Pastor Preaching "ve" Special Gr. |. 35.00 Exclusive Maple-wood Distillater removes pea 29h and julee. ideai for beginners = Treasured by seasoned smokers, Every Wednesday at ene 4:25 p.m, CPA jets nonstop a to the sunny beaches of Hawaii. (Also daily jet service from Toronto via 11 A.M.--"Our Ministry" 7 P.M--"A Man's Mistakes" 9:45 A.M.--Bible School Bible Study ond : Prayer Wed. at 7:30 P.M. Children of Royal Canadian ' Legion members will be enter- tained at the annual Christmas party to be held Sunday at the Legion Hall. Santa Claus will be present to distribute treats and gifts. f Mr. and Mrs. Gordon John- jston, 840 Dundas Street East, are celebrating their seventh wedding anniversary Monday. Dinner guest will be Mrs. Johnston's mother, Mrs. Asa |MePeake, Toronto. Vimy Ridge LOBA, No. 639, will hold its Christmas party ,, Monday at the IOOF Hall with ja dinner followed by an ex- jchange of gifts. Tender Call =| TOWNSHIP of WHITBY Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 4 P.M. . Thursday, December 29th, 1966, for the supply of Petroleum Products, to the Township of Whitby for the year of 1967; in the following approxi- mate quantities: 1, Diesel Fuel 4,500 gallons. . Standard Grade Gasoline 20,000 gallons. No, 2 Furnace Oil 3,000 gallons. ~ Steve Of £00 gallons . Motor Oil, Heavy Duty, 250 gallons. (in 45 gelion drums) . Hydraulic Oil 125 gallons. (in 45 gelion drums) Best wishes are extended to/ Mrs. D. B. Irwine, 526 Kent} Vancouver Dec, 15-Apr. 29,) | Street, who is celebrating her Sothink of something | 'thday today. different this winter - think . | of Hawaii! Only $45.90 | down for a 23-day economy round trip from Toronto, balance in 24 monthly instaliments of $17.49. See ur Travel Agent or nadian Pacific... and- Chadian Chafee AIRLINES $75- SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE 121 Brock St. N. -- Whitby 668-8361 ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron at St. John Whitby Rev. W. J. S. McClure, B.A. Mr, B, G, Devereux, Organist ROUSSEAU HERITAGE 7 ee HOUSEA Ontario County's Gathering Place for 9:45 AM, CHURCH SCHOOL CLASSES 11:00 A.M, "New Visions of God" Special Christmas Proise Nursery Kindergarten and Junior Congregation during Divine Worship 'EVERYBODY 'ELCOME Ajax Holy Trinity Anglican] EMMANUEL Church will hoid its annuai Family Christmas Carol sere] REFORMED ice Sunday at 7 p.m, A social] 403 Rossland Rood West Rev. Harold Hesselink Camoplete Travel Arranaementsa end Travel Information Call or See FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL OSHAWA--WHITBY BOWMANVILLE--. BROOKLIN 57 King St. E., Oshawa 728-6201, 728-6202, 728-6203 ae "The Living Star' (Last In the series of messages on the Person of Christ) 9:55 A.M.- CHRISTIAN EDUCATION HOUR Rev. Maxwell Case--Minister Roger Sauve--Assistant people seeking unusual Gift items. WON'T YOU DROP IN AND hour will be held following the) service in the Church hall, | Mr, and Mrs. Dean Ormiston, | Brooklin, entertained at supper | on the occasion of their daugh- | ter, Shelly's, birthday. Present were: Mr, and Mrs, Orvis Jamieson and daughters, Leslie and Susan, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy }Coster and daughter, Connie, |Brooklin, and Mr. -and Mrs. |Earl Ormiston, Whitby. | 10:30 A.M, ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL SEEUS SOON? The Lowest or Any Tender will not necessarily be accepied, Wm. H. WALLACE Clerk, Township of Whitby, Box 150, Brooklin, Ontario. 216 MARY ST. E., WHITBY PHONE 668-3483 | | 7 P.M. ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED i

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