Diotrtvted by Ring TI | \\ 7 oa IC vores surrine On WRIGHT! ¥ PONT ty THAT'S THE LAST TiMe VoL KT YOU WEIGH Me ON A FAT FMM P-P WHAT KIN 'A BACHELOR DO FO' TH'GAL HE LOVESP 10 CHANNELS °PERFECT R de ed ate ae a eh ed ee MAKE YOUR TV SET LIGHT UP WITH JOY... GIVE IT =@C)00G===6)43= FOR CHRISTMAS O000G--h? Oshawa 4y.4) 4) My, Yt Limited There's More To See With Cable TV poe fl. R tthe OALET HUM HAVE A BITE F HES alt PA HABIT Channel 12--Peterborough Channe! N--Hamiites 'uttale 'uttale lL ememnnaall SATURDAY EvV@, temp ih Fit wiartion ns Racing Sweep: Fe Rrankenseln, er » dt i) PM, 1--Flipper #1? Looks Fishy S41)--Buge Bunny 2--Buftalo Jamboree #00 P.M, ld=A Charlie Brown Litt tone Upon, ttle! ire "a pyneere y fe and the Lend |! aN Weather Lost In space Death Valley Days on PLM, 1d--Love on 8 Rooftop NewEollege Basketball Flintstones lovnd Table wb l12--Beverly Hilibiiiies d--<News, Weather, Sports ne PM, 1 | ey VeDance Party awrence Welk ' M--Christmas Music 4=Piatols 'n' Petth coats t Impossible vi Vike PLM, "ay With Steln he PLM, D--News, Weather, Sports| tNew, Spor ~-News, Weather, taj 135 PM, SUNDAY 7d AM. | in France i Pr Ls d--Herald of Truth 2--Agriculture, U.S.A, ' 8:08 AM, \\--Sacred Heart S--SHHN! Children %--Christopher Program | 4 Word of Lite 2--This is the Lite 62 AM, 1}--Oral Roberts P--Beany and Cecit comedy Capers Funny Company | o:8 AM. \--Cathedrat Chines j 9--Cartoons | P= King Kong wry Pig 238 AM, Lttatan Journal P--Linus 4-Uncie Jerry's Club Church invitation e808 ALM, \--Caraselie Stingray 8--Faith For To-Day AM Ve AL OHA Junior Hockey Ahete Ny bo on t=--Wish You Mere #-Social Security in raDiscovery "46 jacovery 3--Protile 2~Youth Searches ne F. | %Peyton Place Concert Populaire 4--Chureh service nevet 3--Spectrum 2--Faith for Today i AM. Were 4d AM, Adventures in Living 100 NOON rts | 19--Rex Humbard P--Itallan Album &-Fiim Featy d=Bum and Substance 4--Face the Nation his PLM, 4--Film Short d--Living Word 12) PLM, \--Father Meehan é=<Nature of Things 4~Living Word d--Herald of Truth Movie 12.48 PLM, 4--Forest Rangers 3612--Pro Football 2:08 PLM, VeMorat Koehler j= Teactrin F--Hocke Wid Kingaom ne PM, Open Mind 2--G.E. College Bow! Pmtssves and Answers pe Beli Telephone Hour 3:45 PLM, 4-Pro Footbal! 4:00 PLM, Chall 2--Buttaro Bitte Preview s, News 3-6-12--Sport: oor aR PM, Tiny Talent Tine %Daniel Boone &--Raindow Stage ?--First Neme Only 3@12--Country Calendar Pro Footbal! 5.08 PLM, punk ag Nd Kingdom J--Movie 3612---Umbretia 3.3% PLM, %--Brand: New Scene | 8~G.E. College Bow! 6--Hymn_ Sing 3--Flipper 6:08 PLM, | VexLost in Space | Voyage | @~Tom Decker and Com pany 34-12--Walt Disney 2:8 PLM, &--Bell Telephone Hour y--Man Who Never Was nee PLM, Walt Disney Monkees ?--Voyage To The Bottom of the Sea 34.12--Hey Landlord 4--Dr, Seuss Cartoon | 34+12--Flaghback | Walt Disney ae OM, Vi Movie r--FBI 34-4-12-Ed Sullivan Show 2 PM, i! %--! Dream of Jeannie N--Mey, Lendiord ~ ly Willems 10:38 PLM, Vy--Detectives Diary What's My Weather, Sports Lt TELEVISION LOG d--Christopher Program Toguloinnle Show Wie PAM, 4+--Movie ie PLM, i] lMark Seber 11.40 PM, JAlfred Hitchook S--Ingight MONDAY 4.00 AM, 4--Captain Kangaroo 0.38 AM, \}---Albert J. Steed Romper Room 0:08 AM, %--Dialing For Dollara, Girl Talk 9,00 AM, i--Hd Allen t--Smile Time 4--Bonnie Prudden %--Boro's Big Top 9.00 AM, 4-Love of Life 8---Gloria 63-11--Ontario 8 t--Jack La Leanne 10.00 A.M, 121d Allen Time %--Fractured Phrases O2--Bye 6 34--Carey Jones 4--Candid Camera 10.98 A.M, \i--Morning Time TLV. Bingo 8-2--Concentration y--Donna Reed 4--Beverly Hillbillies 34-12--Friendly Giant 11.00 AM, 1e--Romper Room Tike las ir, and Mre, B2--Pat Boone J--Supermarket Sweep 34--Butternut Square 4--Andy Griffith 12:88 AWM, 3-4--Bmergency Ware Ve The AM, %--Magistrate's Court P=Dating Game 6-2--Hollywood Saveres 4--Dick Van Dyke 12.0 NOON 1--Cartoon Party Toronto Today #-2--Jeopardy {eer nave . and Pal éLoncheon Bate 4--News and Weather 12.9 P.M, Movie Vetta A Match #2--Swingin' Country 46--Search for Tomorrow 3--News, Weather, Sports | Was PLM, | &4#Guiding Light 1.00 PLM. lh Theatre t--Movie &Dialing For Dollars Girt Talk | r--Ben Carey | é=Luneheon Date | 4--Meet The Millers | Movie Merv Grittin ' | 1.90 PLM, | S--Let's Make A Deal #4+--As The World Turns ] pacoaht i doNewlyeed Goma a P. 12--Calendar 4Linkietter's Party 3.00 PM, il--Marrlage Confidential 9--Words and Music B2--Another Wortd 7--General Hospital 4--To Tell The Truth | o612--Take 30 | 328 PLM, 4--News a. PM, h-Fermers Devenrer S--tt's Your Move | &2--You Don'? Say | P=Superman Show | dd ld--Bage of Night i 4:08 PM, | }}--Super Comics } I> Love Lucy | &--Match Game | @--Secret Storm | 34-12--Commounicete t--mMike Dougies 4:38 PLM, } j | i | }--Firepall XUS Movie %---Yoo! Beer | 600 KING ST.E. CROSSWORD ACROSS DOWN 1, Barrel 1. Particles strip of 6, Garden tool time 11, Bower 2. Fish 12, Ocoult 3. Dwelling power 4, German 18, Midday name ee aba . ion 15, Unexploded a bomb 6, Smudge 7. Cat's feet 8, Moslem title 9, Part with 10, Military formation 24, Quantity pass of paper 21, Objective 16. Cut 22. Tolerable 19. Song bird «EAST MALL),.723-5278 (RTATNICTE Man IMIA JOE) [AIGT TOTS MENG ID IATA 5 t EVIE INESIALS | POT TPEIRIGIEL [SIT ESTA MERIC IG IL Mn o1O) 28. 26, Second 2 7 growth YOUR HEALTH for this?--S. R. V. Of course there's a reason. dlood vessels. enough to break some of them lets a little blood leak from dlue mark, a bump that wouldn't bother/t someone else. enough particles called plate- lets, which are important in causing. it to clot when a vessel |i: is broken. irom a@ cut, A special sindy of this is the situation, excessive sometimes they don't get enough calcium. Finally, Vitamin C (from to- 4@--Movie Weather, Sporte' 34-\8--Ferest Rengere Fragile Capillaries Lead To Bruising * By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: I am 11)citrus fruits) has a good deal and full of black and blues, and/to do with the strength of the this is ugly for a girl. At the /capillaries, so if you aren't get- slightest bump I get deep pur-/ting enough of it, you will be ple bruises. Is there a reason/better off by drinking some juice every day. Your parents should bave The question is which reason./your bruising checked by the A bruise is bleeding under-/doctor; it may not be serious neath the skin--we have a vast/and if the exact cause can be network of capillaries, or tiny/ diagnosed, A bump hard|chance of correcting it. Dear Dr. Molner: I am a girl them, and that is the black and/of 11, My mother makes me go/flimsy to bed at 9 o'clock and then/they ever grow back?--Miss K, Sometimes a person who has/complains when I wake up at unusually fragile capi laries/?7:18 in the morning, She says/but it will take some time. gets a black and blue spot from /that is too early. I have tried '0 reason with her but she just I don't like to say that mother s wrong, Growing girls need He or she will also bleed more/too late, However, 10 hours (from the blood is necessary to see if/9 p.m. to 7 a.m.) is a reason-jhow itiwcn able amount for a girl of your| whether you get plenty of exer. Calcium is also essential in|age, and I do wish your mother /Ccise. healing these small breaks (or) would agree. that so long as you big ones, of course). Milk has/go to bed at a reasonable time,jyou'll probably keep that oof a lot of calcium, and most/you should be allowed to getjunless you start gradually ge! youngsters drink plenty of it./up when you've had your sleep.jting your weight under control, Among older folks, bruising is|When people wake up, they/Fat youngsters don't automatl because/wake up. Dear Dr. Molmer: I acquired uA In most hands you don't to do anything specta get the best possible you need to do is keep on ing the right bid or the play whenever it's your and nature will take care of rest, For example, take this which occurred in a Life Mas- ters pair championship. It was easy enough to make three no- trump; the trick was to make four against the normal heart lead by West. The extra 30 points would certainly mean very little in. the ordinary rub- ber bridge game, but, in dupli- cate, an extra trick is -- ly worth its weight in g Those declarers who ex: ed proper technique were warded with a good match point score for making four no- trump. They ducked the heart lead when East played the een, and won the return with ace, ' When they now played a low spade to the queen, East gen- erally ducked, and when South returned to his hand with a diamond and led another spade to the king, East took it with the ace and returned his last heart to the king. N Declarer next cashed the of spades, hoping for a 3-3 4 sion, but West showed Three more rounds of 2 e crtlst it without the tet had been dealt the A-x Bf Girl Missing For Six Days for a, ie-year-old city. gt a has been missing from her home since Dec. 10, Lilles Hazlett, of 408 Mary St., is described as five po | four inches and weighing 110 pounds, She has a slende# build and fair complexion. Her hair is dark brown, straight with bangs, She has blue eyés, When last seen she was wear- ing a black skirt, black tweed coat, red scarf and blue and white sweater. She was wear- ing black and red overshoes, e202 ese cabs . ve finally li the habit but my eyes now look and very weird. Will Yes, they should grow back, Dear Dr. Molner:. I am 12 says, "I know what's best,"/and have a pot belly, When I Or the blood may not have Deak you think she's wrong?--jam older will this still be ~ T am five feet two.-- "D's not unusual for kids your Therefore such asleep, and I'm not at all pleased/age to be a bit "potty" and person bleeds longer and the/with the way some youngsters/then thin out as you go into.a black and blue spot is bigger./are allowed to stay up much/growing spurt, but I can't say whether that will happen in your case because I don't know , waich ar Fou weigh or. If you are overweight, then cally turn into slim people, They stay fat--unless they start exercising more and eating mato juice or orange or other/the strange and terrible habitjless, a