Aas, eeiiy a EO or Fens wee eee Organist Has Yule Recipe: Little Hymns With Message "We Have A Jolly Time Singing Christmas Songs And Playing Christmas Music' »» Rhyddid Williams: (Right) With (Left To Right) Mr. And Mrs. "Ab" Vass, Mrs. Fred Woods And Lloyd Henry --Oshawa Times Photo ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN HURON JEAN de BREBEUF IS AUTHOR Jesuit Martyr's Carol Gets New Look TORONTO (CP)--An Indian Christmas carol, said to have been written by the Jesuit mar- tyr Jean de Brebeuf in 1641, has been given a fresh dress for Christmas, 1966, and Canada's eentennial. The Abitibi Paper Co. has printed it, between hard covers and twin stories of the Huron Indians and their Jesuit Supe- rior, Father Brebeuf, as a cen- tennial Christmas card. Christmas Carol, is The little book, A Canadian being | mailed to about 28,000 friends and customers of the company and others, including about 10,- 000 Canadian libraries. About 60 per cent of the mailing list is also receiving a recording of the carol in French and English by St. Michael's Choir School in Toronto. (Jesus is born) tells the Indian version of Jesus' birth, in a lodge of broken bark, of how he was wrapped in a rabbit skin and showered with gifts of fox and beaver pelts from neighbor- ing chiefs. More than a century later an- other Jesuit, Father de Velle- neuve, heard the carol sung by Huron descendants in Quebec Originally written in Huron, the carol, Jesous Ahatonhia, and wrote it down. In letters to his fellow priests soon after he became Superior of Huronia in the early 17th century,Father Brebeuf noted that the Indians particularly liked the story of Jesus' birth and had built a cedar and fir chapel to symbolize the man- ger. The Huron nation had its zen- ith in the rich fur lands south of Georgian Bay from about 1610 to 1650. They controlled the area's fur -------- a IN Rosslyn Arms A DISTINCTIVE NEW ADDRESS wid APARTINENT LIVING «. oo oe NN i trade, and Champlain. marked their domain for a French pro- tectorate, The Recollet mission- aries, and later the Jesuits, were sent to minister to them, and built Ste. Marie, the first white settlement west of Que- bec, as the community's re- ligious centre. But disease ravaged the tribes, reducing their number to about 10,000 from the original 40,000, and the continuing war with the Iroquois further deci- mated them. About 1650 they left Huronia, scattered and bro- ken. Father Brebeuf and other Jesuits were burned at the Stake and Ste. Marie was burned to the ground. The paper company calls its version of the story, which skips lightly over the stake-burning, a "gentle version for Christmas reading."" It says it chose the theme for a centennial project because the Saga of the Jesuits and the Hurons is a lasting one, a key link in the forging of Canada. The book includes four-color reproductions of the illustra- tions of an earlier version, printed in 1927, By TONI MAHEUX of The Times Staff As Santa Ciaus is io ciiidiren, so music is to Rhyddid Wil- liams, one of Oshawa's most experienced musicians. "The best way to spend Christmas is to be with your family, attend church and sing plenty of Christmas music," says Mr. Williams, choir direc- tor and organist for King Street United Church, Now completing 37 years as an organist, this Welsh - Cana- dian, who couldn't make a liv- ing with music in the Old Coun- try, says Christmas invites an after-dinner sing-song "'if you're not too full of turkey". Mr. Williams will testify that choir practice at church can be quite pleasant around Christ- mas time. JOLLY TIME "We have a jolly time sing- ing Christmas songs and play- ing Christmas music," says the 72-year-old organist. As his five favorite Christmas carols, Mr, Williams selected: © Come All Ye Faithful, Deck The Halls, Silent Night, O Holy Night, and The Huron Indian Carol, A man who says he is "mainly concerned" with music at Christmas, will spend it with his teacher-wife and their two daughters' families. The Wil- liams have six grandchildren. "We've got to keep children interested in Christmas with song. Little Christmas hymns with messages are especially good for kids," said Mr. Wil- liams, whose career is starry with success in the way of sil- ver cups and gold medals. At one Alberta festival he di- rected six different choirs that all won first places in their re- spective classes. "When we put on a Christ- mas program, it's a big event,"' said Mr, Williams. Recalling his early choir days, Mr. Williams said his 80- member ladies' choir made an- nual visits to hospitals and mental institutions where pa- tients and inmates acted as chairmen, announcers § and stage artists for the concert. "We used to get splendid re- ception but choirs are not as plentiful as in the past," said Mr. Williams. Organ-playing not only re- quires concentration but it can be a tedious task for one's feet, he said, "But I will remain an organ- oe for as long as I'm well," he ere he regrets the pro- gressively increasing maths' ot of commercialism in Christmas, he says there are traditions that keep Christmas spirit alive, Sending Christmas cards and dressing up like Santa Claus are some cults he likes but you can see him singing or directing a sing-along more often than not. "Christmas, like Good Friday and Thanksgiving don't mean as much anymore, There aren't as many concerts and oratorios as there used to be. Everything is getting commercialized." The 30-member choir held their annual Christmas Choral Service this year at Kingsway College, Dec. 11, their tem- porary quarters since King Street United burned almost one year ago. "O Come All Ye Faithful" in manuscript form was found in 1946 by an English vicar and used in chapel among Roman Catholics. John Francis Wade, who copied music for Catholic institutions and families wrote the hymn in 1744 and set it to the music most frequently used today, Since then, it has been translated into more than 125 languages. 0 COME ALL YE FAITHFUL O come, all ye faithful, Joyful and triumphant; © come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem; Come and behold Him, Born the King of angeis; CHORUS © come, let us adore Him, O Come, iet us adore Him, © come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord. Sing, choirs of angels, sing in exultation, Sing, all ye citizens of heav'n above; Glory to God in the highest. Yea, Lord we greet Thee, Born this ay Me ote Jesus, to Thee be glory given Word of the Father, Now in flesh appearing. An old Welsh tune, Deck the Halls, was once used by Mozart as the theme of a composition for violin and piano and tells of customs of the Yule season that date from pagan winter festi- vals, As long as the forest-cut Yule log burned -- feasting and drinking lasted. The holly wreath with its prickles and blood-red berries became sym- bolic of the Saviour's crown of thorns. DECK THE HALLS Deck the halls with boughs of holly, Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la. Tis the season to be jolly, Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la, Don we now our gay apparel, Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la. Troll Mase ancient Yuletide carol Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la. See the blazing Marie before us, Strike the harp and join the chorus, Follow me in merry measure, While I tell of Yule-tide treasure. Far away the old year passes, Hail the new, ye lads and lasses, Sing we joyous all together, Heedless of the wind and weather. The most widely-used Christ- mas carol, 'Silent Night', has been translated into 90 lan- guages and dialects. Written by Joseph Mohr, an assistant Cath- olic priest Dec, 24, 1818, in an obscure village in Austria, the carol has universal appeal be- . cause of its beautiful portrayal of the Nativity story. The mel- ody was composed Pf Franz Gruber, the and teach- er of the village school. ' SELENT NIGHT Silent night, holy night, All is calm, all is bright; Round yon Virgin Mother and Child! Holy Infant so tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace. Silent night, holy night, Shepherds pray at the sight; Glories stream from heaven afar Heav'nly hosts sing Allelulia, Christ the Saviour is born, Christ the Saviour is born, Silent night, holy night, God on high, love's pure light, Radiant beams from thy holy face, With the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus Lord at thy birth, Jesus Lord at thy birth. The melody and accompani- ment of "O Holy Night" is the work of Adolphe Adam, a French composer of comic operas and ballets in Paris but the English translation has been done by John S. Dwight, co-founder of Harvard Musical Association and editor of a journal of music. People flock to the largest Paris churches to ame Adam's popular composi- ion. © HOLY NIGHT 0 night! the stars firs By ee " It_is the night of our dear Saviour's birth; Long lay the world in sin and sorrow pining. Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth, . A thrill of hope, 'the weary soul rejoices, ; For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn, Fall on your knees, O hear the angel voices! O night divine, O night when Christ was born! © night, O holy night, O night divine! 'Led by the light of faith serenely beaming, With ing hearts- by His cradle we stand; So led by light of a star sweetly gleaming, | Here came the Wise Men ' from the Orient land, The King of Kings lay thus in @ lowly manger, In all our trials born to be our friend; He knows our need, to our weakness is no stranger, Behold your King, before Him lowly bend! Behold your king, before Him lowly bend! Truly He taught us to love one another; pr ye ut love and His gospel Chains shall He break, for the slave is our brother, And in His name all oppres- sion shall cease. Sweet hymns of joy in grate- ful chorus raise we, Let all within us praise His holy name! Christ is the Lord! O praise His name forever! His power and glory ever- more proclaim! His power and glory ever- more proclaim! One of Canada's first teach- ers and missionaries is the author of "The Huron Carol'. Father Jean de Brebeuf, a Jesuit missionary to Canada in its early settlement, wrote the hymn while he lived and taught the Huron Indians in a crude forest settlement. Living in con- stant fear of attack, Father Brebeuf and his missionary or "TWAS IN THE MOON oF WINTER-TIME 'Twas in the moon of wintere time When all the birds had fied, That Mighty Gitchi Manitou Sent angel-choirs instead; Before their light the stars grew dim, And wond'ring hunters heard the hymn; Jesus, your King is born, Jesus is born, In excelsis gloria. Within a lodge of broken bark The tender babe was found. A ragged robe of rabbit skin Enwrapped His beauty round; But as the hunter braves drew nigh, The stad rang loud and high. Jesus your King is born, Jesus is born, In excelsis gloria. The earliest moon of winter- time Is not so round and fair As was the ring of glory on The helpless Infant there. The chiefs from far before Him knelt ; With gifts of fox and beaver pelts. Jesus your King is born, Jesus is born, In excelsis gloria. FLOWER FILLS RIVER Water hyacinths are so thick jin some regions of the upper Nile that a man can walk across the river from bank to bank. Chinese ee Jood Welk's Popularity On TV Strong After 10 Years By BOB THOMAS street. It reminds me of the ° i ide open spaces that I knew HOLLYWOOD (AP)s-- A\¥! bronze plaque in a gleamingly +t back in North Da- modern building in Santa Mon- ica features a life-like bas relief} Welk's persistent good humor of its owner. The inscription; |Seemed as strong as ever, per- "The Lawrence Welk Union|haps because of the recent |Bank building--dedicated to. all ratings for his Saturday night those who made it possible." |ABC television show. One list- Lawrence Welk does not own|!"8 Placed him as No. 12, Union Bank, only the six-storey| "Yes, we have had our best a beg i pod _ jo ratings this season, and it is 'ranch. On the r of the|very gratifying," he said. "It Wilshire Boulevard building the has. always been our experience one-time farm boy runs the various Welk corporations. to be beaten by the new shows "T like it here," said Welk in|at the early part of the season an interview. and then catch up and some- "IT bought this property be-jtimes pass them as the season cause of the park across the|progresses." PICKWICK Cleaners & Shirt Launderers 434 Simcoe South 728-5133 Senitone is more than just dry cleaning. Next Week's Activities AT THE CIVIC AUDITORIUM December 18th to December 24th Sunday - December 18th 10:00 a.m, + 1:00 p.m U.A.W. Hockey 1:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m, Family Skating 4:00 p.m. ~ 6:00 p.m. Duplate Hockey 7:00 pm. - 10:00 p.m. Oshawe Senior League Monday - December 19th 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Thursday - December 22nd 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Oshawa Figure Skating Club Fridey - December 23rd Special 6:00 p.m, - 7:00 p.m, Businessmen's N.H.L. Tyke Hockey -- i» | Chinese Dishes 8:00 pm. Junior 12 NOON TO 2:30 P.M. Oshawa Minor Hockey Hockey, Oshawa Crush- 8:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. men vs. Kingston NO. 1 $1.00 gua icas u Egg Roll, Sweet and Sour : oc Saturday - December 24th Pork, Chicken Chop Suey. oo a NO. 2 $1.25 Oshawa Minor Hockey Egg Roll' Sweet end Sour | League eps, Chicken Chow Mein. | Tuesday - December 20th 6:00 p.m. - 8:00'p.m Figure Skating Club 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m Oshawa Minor Hockey 12 Noon ~ 2:00 p.m. N.H.L. Tyke Hockey League 2:00 p.m 4:00 p.m Children's Skating Under LICENSED UNDER L.C.B.0. 10% OFF' ALL TAKE OUT ORDERS ° CENTRAL HOTEL GRILL 7 KING. ST. EAST Wednesday - December 21st 6:66- p.m, = 6:00 pm. Figure Skating Club 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 pm 14 (parent may Public Skating accompany) MERRY CHRISTMAS ICE RENTALS Phone 728-5162-3 s is the anteroom of si your home in the Rosslynn Arms Apartments. 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