we 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, December 17, 1966 BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE NEWS IN BRIEF POLICE CRUSH MOB * PARIS (Reuters) -- Baton- \ Ghice Friday night ar. about 300 young persons bia and Church Cathedral for three years. TAKES OFFICE GEORGETOWN, Guyana pen A David Rose, took of- as governor . gen- eral of Guyana, the first Guya- nese to hold the post of Queen's representative in the newly in- yaaa Commonwealth na- ion. i SEEK icy OTTAWA (CP) -- Solicitor- General Pennell said Friday he hopes to be able to announce Monday whether the govern- ment will grant pre-Christmas clemency to a group of British Columbia labor leaders in H for eon ta 4 a court injunction. He made the statement in reply to H, W. Herridge (NDP--Koot- enay West), who has been pressing for release of the men. A Favoured Gift With Everyone BURNS SHOE STORE i King West Oshawa -|MacMillan, COMPOSER GETS GRANT EDMONTON (CP) --Louis Applebaum of Toronto, well- known composer and musician, commission from the Edmonton Little Symphony and Keith » executive secretary of the Canadian Music Centre. The centre is responsible for the administration of the $60,- 000 centennial commission grant and the performing arts program of the centennial com- mission. Mr. Applebaum's Fes- tival Canada composition will be pla for the first time by the onton group in 1967. PRAISE OPERA STAR LONDON (Reuters) --The Daily Telegraph Friday praised the performance of Canadian bass Napoleon Bisson in Thurs- day night's presentation of Ber- st}lioz's first opera '"Benevenuto Cellini" at Covent Garden, Bis- son sang the important part of Teresa's father, the papal treasurer Balducci who would prefer his daughter to marry Cellini's stupid and cowardly ri- val, sung by French baritone Robert Massard. EXPO TICKETS READY MONTREAL (CP) --A total of 4,291,700 tickets will be avail- able Jan. 1 for the 672 events at the world 'festival of enter- tainment to take place here dur- ing next year's world's fair, it was announced Friday. More than 110 different groups will give the performances in four Montreal theatres and in the 25,000-seat Expo stadium, FILM TO BOOST OTTAWA OTTAWA (CP) --A Toronto film-maker will shortly begin shooting a 20-minute color-and- sound film on Ottawa "with the aim of attracting tourists by the millions," it was announced Friday. The film, to be pro- duced by Moreland - Latchford Productions Ltd., will deal partly with the capital's past but the emphasis will be on the city's present character, A pre- miere of the film will be held in Ottawa in December, 1967. FROM PULPIT TO TREE LOT VANCOUVER (CP) -- Rev. run against Attorney - General Robert Bonner in the Cariboo byelection Nov. 28 and failed, is selling Christmas trees. Mr. Dent, who plans to teach at 100 Mile House, a community in the Cariboo, in January, said he may return to the ministry but not before his teaching commit- ment runs out next June. | LEWIS OPTICAL Established for over 30 years 10% King Street West 723-0444 PICKERING (Staff) --A heavy docket with over 60 cases| fanned Maniateata UW Tawmun when court was held at the new Pickering Municipal Building Thursday for the first time. He sat from just after 10 a.m. until 5.20 p.m, Found guilty of assaulting his wife, Richard Clarke was placed on suspended sentence for 12 months, bound over on a $500 bond to keep the peace and warned to stay away from his wife, Mrs, Jean Clarke, 837 Moretta Avenue, Bay Ridges, said the accused dragged her out of a car, threw her on the ground, punched and kicked her, "I am terrified of this man, I daren't go back to the house. . . after the incident I locked the door and called police. He broke a window and got in. I got out of the house and ran around and he threw stones at me," she said, ; Clarke said there had been marital problems and he had complained to his wife that she was not looking after their six children properly. In passing sentence the mag- istrate said there had been some provocation. STOLE $183 A 28-year-old_Delhi, Ont., man who came to visit a former employer in Pickering and sub- sequently stole $183 worth of tools from him was sentenced to 12 months definite and six months' indefinite. Gary McCarthy, of RR 1, Delhi, pleaded guilty to break, enter and theft at the premises of Maurer Construction Ltd., Pickering Village, on or about Oct, 22, and admitted a crim- inal record. All but $20 worth of tools had been recovered, said Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck. While Mr. Charles Wood was sleeping in a house in Rama Township Nov. 18, Marjorie 1@19k and aast= a= Sf Husband Terrified Wife _ Marital Problems Blamed led to a further three-month suspension and fines totalling Jack Grant Brown, of Old For- rest Road, RR 3, Pickering, who pleaded guilty to the of- fences on Highway 2, Pickering, June 30, Police had to chase William Bice, 20, of 32 Fraserton Cres- cent, Scarborough, through some bushes after stopping his car near the Scarborough-Pick- -- Town Line, court was old, insurance, failing to notify pur- chase of a car, and minor con- sumption. He, was fined $150 and costs or 15 days and his licence was suspended for six months, William Newman, 19, also of Scarborough, was fined $50 and costs or 10 days for minor con- Te at the same place and ate, UNDER SUSPENSION driving under suspension, Wil- liam Baker, of 245 Verdun Road, pleaded not guilty be- cause he said he was disquali- fied for not having insurance poo in fact he had it at the time, Magistrate Jermyn convicted him on this charge as well as for driving while impaired, to which he pleaded guilty. The charges were laid in Pickering Township Oct. 8 Baker was fined $150 and costs or 25 days and banned from driving for nine months, Two men arrested by Pick- ering Township police and put in a cell ripped the steel screen from the cell window and threw it on the floor, the magistrate was told. Robert Barrett, 21, of 140 Wharf Road, Bowmanville, and Brian Blake, 27, of 260 Mark- ham Road, Richmond Hill, were both fined $50 and costs or 14 days for wilful damage and $10 and costs or 10 days for being drunk in Greenwood Road, Pickering, on or about Dec, 9. FAILED TO STOP Frank Gregor, 52, of 531 Bella Vista 'Drive, Rosebank Station, was fined $10 and costs or three days for a Highways Traffic ineroski, 18, of 736 Victor Drive, Pickering; Richard Parker, 19, of 517 Powell Rd., Ajax; Alfred Quirk, 20, of Toronto; Richard James Amodio, 18, of Toronto; John Cole, 17, of Old Forrest Road, Pickering; Gerald Bunte, 17, of 55% Admiral Road, Ajax; Donald Hanson, 20, of 2 Argo Road, Scarborough, Act offence of failing to stop _ Fines of $25 and costs or 10 Avenue, Oshawa and Brian Charles Keeler, of Scarborough, for having liquor in a car. They were in separate cases. PEOPLE USE STEEL Per capita steel consumption in the United States varies be- William Gandy, of Graburn FOOD SERVICE | _Complete Service For All © RECEPTIONS © HOUSE PARTIES © SOCIAL AFFAIRS Bice admitted driving without | 4 An Oshawa man accused of! after an saanidant Magistrate Jermyn comment- ed it was a very minor offence of this type, Gregor backed into a parked car and caused $25 damage. He pleaded guilty. After an accident involving three vehicles a charge of fail- ing to share the roadway on or about Nov, 3 in Pickering was laid against David Snoddy, of 310. Palmerston Boulevard, Whitby. He pleaded guilty and was fined $20 and costs or four lays. William Dall, of Lakeview | Avenue, Pickering, denied fail- ing to stop after an accident and being drunk in a_ public place on or about Oct. 9, Both charges were dismissed, MINOR CONSUMPTION The following were all fined $50 and costs or 10 days for minor consumption: Wayne Parker, 20, of 921 Sunrise Ave- nue, Fairport Beach; Fred Per- MAX'S Submarine Sandwiches Meal on a KAISER ROLL A First In Oshawa "BIGGEST LITTLE MEAL IN TOWN" | TAKE OUT OR DELIVERY CALL 723-1001 20 BOND ST.. WEST OSHAWA Open 24 Hours a Day -- 7 Days a Week STAN STARR SUGGESTS: Make Her Christmas A Lasting One... MpMrances Christine Pavis, 26, from the Rama Reserve, stole his wallet containing $20, said Mr. Affleck. Pavis pleaded guilty and was remanded out of custody until Jan. 11 to appear at Brechin. FINES TOTAL $175 Driving while disqualified and while impaired through alcohol 23-Doy Escorted Tour T DA Pi .00, ° Vein 9808, 00. Siehescolng end Ex 25th te 16th, 1967, 623-3265 COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE 14 Orchard View Bivd. Bowmanville, a Look at these Example Buys! RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK $8.00 PER DAY 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS | 14 ALBERT ST. 725-6553 -- MONTH PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE Oshawa QUAL EM ITY STEREO RADIO 50,000 WATTS-VERTICAL POLARIZATION eration. MOSPORT PARK EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES In keeping with our policy of employing LOCAL labor, part-time jobs are open for the 1967 racing season as ticket sellers, parking attendants, etc... We are looking for responsible men to work on weekends with excellent remun- MOSPORT PARK. ATT: Mr. Rene Bertheau, Apply in writing, giving your address and phone number, to: CANTRACK MOTOR RACING CORP. LTD. 1290 Ellesmere, Rd., Scarboro, Ont. WHAT A WONDERFUL GIFT! ! AUTOMATIC WASHER & DRYER Seats OR, deal dat Str ; 4 9 9 OTHER MODELS FROM $418 A PAIR DRYER Separately *159 oh iin Oi *259 2 YEARS FREE SERVICE DRYER--Fully iiumineted contro! panel, EXCLUSIVE clear air filter, step-on door opener, interior illuminetion, eute- matic dry end time cycle, ONLY ... on Parts and Labor on all Wringer Washers. A brand name a washer with pump and many other time saving $129 AS LOW AS . J . 7 . . . * Before You Buy ... Give Starr a Try! WRINGER WASHERS features, | _ i. , iw 7 Fe Be Be FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 491 RITSON ROAD S$. -- 723-3343 Open Nightly Till 9 Till Christmas x tween 800 and 900 pounds al ssmcnmanstacsucresmneseai:" CALL 728-7305 _ finan Chistnis Vedes UNLIMITED Specially Selected SCOTCH PINE from CANADIAN CHRISTMAS TREE PLANATION will be sold at OLD KING ST, CHURCH SITE (King St. fost at Charles) Unlimited Supply, Buy early for beat selection, STATION Christmas Tire Sale ALL SIZES 11.95 uP PRICED FROM 'THE MOST RELIABLE TIRES ON THE MARKET TODAY TURKEY DRAW 2 TURKEYS WON EVERY WEEK. Anyone Purchasing « Tire at Dove's Fina Station is eligible to win @ Christmos Turkey. DOVE"S FINA STATION 792 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 24 hour on-the-ready-te- serve Oshawa with fost, efficient radio dispatched ALWAYS ON CALL! si) oo re" ~ McLAUGHLIN COAL AND SUPPLIES LTD. 110 KING ST. WEST 723-3481 saeco SSR rE a8 For All Your Christmas Decorating Needs, it's... s (S RUNDLE'S Yuletide Gift and Decorate your home with beautiful exclusive dee- oration, and trim, Visit RUNDLE'S Yule Tide Gift and Trim Shop for the largest selection of Christ- mas decorating needs. @ Decorated candle table centres @ Door knock- ers @ Table centres @ Unusual fancy balls @ In- door and outdoor iights @ Novelties @ Gift ping @ Christmas trees (colored or plain). RUNDLE'S Garden Centre 1015 King St. E. 725-6551 NS a ee Liles ee mene ee nai laa OREN