Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Dec 1966, p. 18

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poi aoe RRR A eg ez sat Ni ipa pa WE MRE AMAIA cags ce, ' 1@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, December 17, 1966 ete agperantiragte RE-ESTABLISHING BRITISH MARITIME TRADE ae $60,000,000 extension to the docking facilities at Til- bury, England, is under way in what authorities hope will re establish Britain as the premier centre of maritime trade. This aerial view shows the first stage of the develop- ment program completed and the second stage under construction at centre, (CP Photo) -38--Coming Events MONDAY 8:00 P.M, BINGO ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 King St. Eost ot Farewell -FREE- ADMISSION ~ FREE -- ~ 20 Reg. Gomes--Tota! $300. SNOWBALL--$260 In 56 Nos. _ Plus $10 each horizontal line. J $100, Nos. $20, Con, " SHARE THE WEALTH 'Good Parking Tickets Avalloble ot The Door Extra Bus Service No Children Pleose j=~Hver remembered DEATHS IN MEMORIAM OBITUARIES BROWNSON, Lillie Hospital, on Saturday, December | Lillie Short, beloved wi Philip Brownson, mother of Mra. Lorne Bryans (Phyllis), Oshawa, sister of Mrs. "Norman Edward Clarke (Avdry), Elmo Short, Bowmanville, Oshewa; with Funeral Service ionday, oer Mount Lawn Cemetery, Osh MAGUIRE, James ane @ lengthy lines, ol ber 16, James Maecire beloved father of Mra. R, Francis (Marilyn), and Thomas Marold of uner ee Bi thy, for | servieo in tne chapel Mond 1%, at 2 p.m, interment Groveslos Sane, tery, Brookiin. Visitors ng pm, Sunday. 'Minister Lieutenant Ayre. Entered into rest, in the Oshawa Genera) | Welsh (Florence), Oshawa, Mrs. |2Y Greenwood, Russell Short, in her 78th year, Resting at} the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, | December 19, 1966, at 3:15 pm. 'pasted away foe Ontario, Friday, Decen TEDFORD -- in loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mra, @. Tedford, who departed to ovr heavenly fe of to 'ie | home, December 17, 1965, Gone but not forgotten. | Sadly missed and lovin by daughter Pearl, Lt Nell, Evelyn and Ruth, ngly remembered + Grandchildren TOR OAR In loving memory dear dad, Archie tereeer who December 17, 198 As angels keep their watch ve there, Please Gad, let him know That we down here do not forget, re ee end miss him *% wf Lovingly y daughters Key, Donna end Frances, TERWILLEGAR -- in loving memory jot @ dear Dad and granddad, Archie Ter- Torento, dear er of Whit inte V7, jby2 ti in Ws sat an year, wResting at the W, C. bal ind penned eee Beautiful memories sre woven This is @ picture we wer oe ee In our hearts your hon "| aloe love end to cherish Lair gar forget. | IN MEMORIAM BINGHAM -- 'In Le fagy Fy mane of a re wife and mother, Agnes passed eway December 17, "a © happy hours we once enjoyed, How sweet thelr memory still, But death has left @ loneliness The world can never fill, by husbend and! tamily. MANNS -- In loving memory of @ dear | \grandtather, Waiter Manns, who eranee ag four years ego today, Decembe Bileen, condiiont Rey end ae. nilaren 'on. LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements ond floral arrangements for all occassions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 After hours 725-7928 eral Motors when he retired in 1965 after 50 years of service. He is also survived by: two daughters, Mrs. Murray Mac- kay (Betty), Oshawa, and Mrs, Ross Jeffery (Joyce), of Osh- awa; two sisters, Mrs, A, Bon- nell (Georgie), Toronto; Mrs. W. Spencer, (Regina), Florida; two brothers, Ralph Braund, Oshawa, and Harold Braund, Toronto, and three grandchil- dren, Funeral will be held at Arm- strong Funeral Home Monday, Dec, 19, at 2 p.m, with Rev. J. INTERCITY LEAGUB Points Taken: Grits and Grinds % Aces 6, Waters 4, Wheelers 3, Bank of -- 2, Crystals 5, High Singles: Kaye Collard 267, Bar- bara Gern 166, Eddie Fiegg 265, Darrel! Nickerson 246, Ed Greenfield 235, Judy Campbell 224, Dorothy Meiniryre pa Mery Learekkers 217, Frank Nicolle 11 Wayne Johnston 212, D, Walsh 211, in High Triple: Mary Laorehers | na High Triple: Eddie Flagg 664, OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS |i" MEN'S CONMERIAL, Leacue took both Geo, Lint high tri ee Oe oe single (os ian tripe | Nest | Meee ig t iiern 662 ime 219, '288))' Dalton ord aot (236); Ken Bent 683 ( ins, i ve Clocure Tx 'a90, 2). High Singles: Bill Lemtane aa Marry | 8 , te 4. ie bts A A hp igo 8 2) Paries Pal is ee a MAGILL'S MIXED poco al ne 6 High "is ag ' 8, ee 'om. 2 Campbell 514, peiie oe ete a ences abi 2. CANADIAN ORDER OF Sel Herero a Eilon i Lee ervey Salon itt site a a bat sla bonshern ee 207, 208 Ben "sh fad ber yt win "ete ow ste sd "stoge 8 Winners a our ay draw ¢ Don \ mecoy, Mike Hbertvone Soanne 4 Smith. rhe scien gui a Pasig tia ah (ay Py crt ; aS way Topas cap. T. Stogwin, 677) High Single -- R, Covisl! sen, 349, P, Hane Gifts for the Home | eect et NRT NRT NA TNR A Gift That Keeps On Giving . . + A CABLE TV K, Mofiat, Simcoe Street Unit- ed Church, officiating. Inter- ment will follow in the Oshawa "/Union Cemetery. MRS. LILLIE BROWNSON Mrs, Lillie Brownson, 63 Hill- croft St., in failing health for the past two years, died at Oshawa General Hospital, to- day. She was 74. The late Mrs. Brownson was born in East Whitby, Aug. 25, 1892, and was the daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs, Albert Short. She was married in . Port Perry, Oct. 21, 1930, to Phoiil Brownson, predeceased in June 25, 1966. GIFT CERTIFICATE 10 Perfect Channels Here's where to find gitts for everyone i a CHRISTMAS ONAN Holiday Fun COMMENCEMENT MAKE A DATE TO VISIT. 05s GEORGIAN Motor Hotel @ Fine foods served in o delightful festive atmos- here. e Top-flight entertainment you're sure to enjoy, @ Be sure to book your Christmas and New Year's reservations now, THE GEORGIAN Champlain and Thornton 723-4693 OSHAWA CABLE TV 723-5278 East Mall Centre WISH YOURSELF MERRY CHRISTMAS with a new The Safe Way To Celebrate THE HOLIDAY SEASON Ride With MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 14 ALBERT ST. Oshawa's Most Modern Taxt PARTY HELP GIFT SPU UV NENT UN MU, Holiday Food CUCM NATUR NNT, Make it a MERRIER CHRISTMAS with tasty APPLES from ALGOMA ORCHARDS src iS 1 San ALGOMA ORCHARDS R.R. No. 2, Whitby 655-4961 TER Gifts for Everyone A Christmas Gift of Enduring Beauty Largest Selection of Tropical Fish in Town Many Rare Species Available: 'por Christmas Giving ALSO A greot selection of acces- sorles and beautiful aquatic plants. We specialize in the complete installation ond maintenance of aquariums for offices, hotel. lobbies, and restourants, etc. OSHAWA AQUARIUMS 299 Simcoe Street South 725-4585 , as Gifts for Her The gift she wants... FASHION WIGS HAIRPIECES POSTICHES A_ gift certificate will solve the problem of how to give a hairpiece, WOODLYN ert LOUNGE 81 Simcoe N. 723-1143 TURKEYS CAPONS Order Now for Christmes FRANK HOAG Rossland Rd. West Oshawa 725-6837 STUCK ? STUCK for a GIFT IDEA? What obout a TIMES GIFT SUBSCRIPTION? Over 300 good wishes from you each year, You can have the paper Be A Christmas "Belle" in a Holiday HAIRSTYLE BY LES SALLAI © recent graduate of Bruno's School of Advanced Heir De- You suffered with eourenty Ze knew not voce oe ud | You fought to get Neel 1¢,| But ell was in vain. j'| When God called you home | To His garden of pp it's true whet (CARD OF THANKS PATTERSON -- | would like to take jthis opportunity to thank my relatives, lana end visitors for flowers, cards ifts, during my recent confinement MAILED to OUT OF TOWN FRIENDS or DELIVERED by carrier to FRIENDS or REL- ATIVES in OSHAWA and AREA. Call the CIRCULA- Neat, efficient waitresses ovoilable. Banquets, Wed- dings, cocktail parties, Com- plete ber service, Catering arranged also. Reserve now sign. Stylists Delores, Sallai Bor; and Ann et Specializing i Wigs dnd Hairpieces She was a member of North- minster United Church and United Church Women. The deceased is survived by: one Mrs. Lorne LIKE ARMCHAIR SHOPPING ? Phone 668-3311 ECHO HOME He pons Bld the bent Sadly wee A Ba the loaionscted a and | ean [the pt Bs ¥. But when we saw you sleeping » tree pain, P| ORMISTON -- In lovieg 'our dear mother, Mr he, A Osh- within reach of ali GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL| 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 a a fot wish you back iy minaed by the | |_-Seaty missed by family. memory of %. Ormiston, who passed away July ry its) and our "|deer father, Mr. J. 4, Crensanen. who pasted sway December 18, 1944. Gone from us, but eit memorles Death can never take away Memories that wit! areere linger While upon this earth we s ~--Always remembered by ne "Yomity. LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanonce and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office. 723-2633 | HUGE LINER TO VISIT The France, 66,000 - ton passenger liner shown at bottom in New York harbor, will be the largest ship ever to sail up the St. Lawrence River when she visits Que- bec City next May. At top is the 42.000-ton Empress | jand staff en 2A +| { awa General Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. J. Maroosis and nurses axMilehael Patterson, THORNE -- | would like fo take this jeer. to say thanks for calls, cards ind Good wishes from my many friends orien my recent confinement in hoapi- tal, Special thanks to UAWA, Dra. Voll- mer and Grant, --Dick Thorne, OBITUARIES | WILLIAM JOHN BRAUND ge omy John Braund, 75 Gibb died today in the Oshawa \Goneral Hospital, He was 64, The late Mr. Braund was }born July 21, 1902, and was the json of the late Mr. and Mrs. |Frank Braund, He was married May 17, 1930, | in Oshawa to the former Mil-| dred Barker, who survives. _He was an inspector at Gen- | Bidied Dec, 14 s thew, of Britain in Quebec harbor, the largest liner so far to visit Quebec, | (CP Photo) | jlow in Mount Lawn Cemetery. '} mediately ot daughter, Bryans (Phyllis), Oshawa; two sisters, Mrs, Norman Welsh (Florence), Oshawa and Mrs. Edward Clarke (Audry), Bow- manville, Also surviving are: two broth- ers, Elmo Short, Greenwood; Russell Short, Oshawa, and one granddaughter, Heather Bryan- son. She was predeceased by two brothers, Blake and Gordon Short. | Funeral will be held at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Monday, Dec. 19 at 3:15 p.m. Officiating minister is Rev. H A. Mallow, Interment will fol- L. N. BIRD REAL ESTATE LTD, 723-0321 668-894) Tillie Ryon 728-2313 Lillian Cameron 668-6762 GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS PICTURES ....from $9.95 CEDAR CHESTS from $80.00 SMOOTH-TOP MATTRESSES ... $35.00 POLE LAMPS from $8.88 DINNETTE SUITES from $37.00 LAMPS, MIRRORS, KINDER. GARTEN _ SETS, CHAIRS, FUNERAL OF MISS JOAN RUTH LAMBERT| Funeral service was held Fri-| | agg. Dec. 16 in the Armstrong| Funeral Parlor for Miss Joan Ruth Lambert. She died Dec, 14 in her 87th year Interment followed in Mount! Lawn Cemetery with Rey. John) Morris officiating. Pall - bearers werr; Ted Snow, Edward Broadbent, Ed- ward MacFarlane, Wendell Brewster, Ron Bowman Robert Heart. | FUNERAL OF DAVID MOUNTAIN Funeral service was held Fri day, Dec, 16 for David Mount-| ain, of 454 Madison ave,, who , In his 20th year Service was held from the Armstrong Funeral Home to St Mary - of + the - People Roman Catholic Church at 10 a.m, Interment followed in Resur rection Cemetery with Rev, N J. Gignac officiating, | Pallbearers were; Neil Mat Roy Saunders, Gerald Sudebury, Don Sudabury, George Murphy and James Cou sins, DANCE HALL -- | is RESTAURANT ft. fr Street East yn i | =" = SOLD." Boao oe Wesh, Motel or Co - ete. ere Speculative proper. 'all Doug Cormichee!, Fay. 7463, RAS SOUS CARMICHAEL. For test, personal attention cell him im- 723-7463 Representing H Keith Ltd. Realtor and| HASSOCKS, PLAQUES, SMOKERS, MAGAZINE RACKS. WILSON FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST. CARPENTRY _ TRIM WORK =» REC ROOMS R HC ROOFING H. COMPANY COURTICE aiffhigl MON i, RUTHERFORD'S 3 room groups, Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room, $399, $499, $599, $699. Easy for private Banquets, Wed- for New Year's. 576-1835. BE THE LIFE OF THE CHRISTMAS PARTY Learn to play the guitar, bass, and drums. Lessons now avail- eble. Age no borrier, Phone: 942-5282 --- 728-3892 GIVE * * * your Party Clothes "THE FESTIVE LOOK" Vadiant Cleaners Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-1023 1120 Simcoe St, N., 728-2361 Pick-Up and Delivery OY THE FESTIVE SEASON Depend on Motor City Cab For Fast, Courteous 24 you" SERVICE SAFETY Is not A Gift IT'S AN Accomplishment and We Suggest You Have @ SAFE and HAPPY Christmas by travelling with RD"S_ TAXI 124 BROCK ST, NORTH WHITBY 668.3732 Neen HELP IN A HURRY? Help Wanted ad now by aallng r Guise terms, Immediate delivery or layawaey Rutherford's 156 Simeoe St, South GET SPOT CASH "WITH TIMES ACTION ADS Gifts for the Home at a A a Get A New TV Tower BETTER CHRISTMAS PROGRAMMES OSHAWA 1.V, SUPPLY LTD, GIFTS YOU' Taunton Rd, Fast---723-8131 LL ADORE ON EVERY FLOOR Carpeting. for the living room, bedrooms end halls. A gift your -- whole family will enjoy FREE ESTIMATES AND E ANGUS-G 282 KING ST. W. This Year... XPERT INSTALLATION RAYDON 728-6254 For details on Gift Packs of SELECT APPLES RED WING ORCHARDS Gifts for Everyone ELMER'S "The Christmas Store with Gifts Galore' Got gift problems ! Drop. into Elmer's Bargain Mouse end see the lorge selection of gift ideos for the whole family. ELMER'S BARGAIN HOUSE STORE HOURS: 12 noon to 9 p.m Sot, 9 am, to 6 p.m Closed all Dey Mondey 253 BLOOR ST, E. 728.9479 ENJOY CHRISTMAS TV PROGRAMMING With Your Qwa Antenne HOT DIPPER GALVANIZER TV TOWERS Are Best Order Yours Today TION DEPARTMENT ot 723- 3474 for full details, SALLAI HAIR ARTIST SUPPLIES Easels -- Oil Paint Sets -- Canves Boards ---- Mediums ~-- Books, etc. By Grum- becher -- Reeves -- Wind- sor Newton. et Edgar's Decor Ce tre 34 King St. W. 723-7381 182 Simeoe St. & i 5 5581 the most flatteringly ferninine gift of all PERFUMES @ Revion @ Tabu MAKE IT "A TRAILER CHRISTMAS" Give Trailer Accessories. Miller Trailers AJAX 942.3491 GIFTS FOR THE HOBBYIST Mode! Automobile, Alrplene, Boot Kits, The Biggest Selec- tien in town POLLARD 92 Simeoe St, N., 723 9312 AN © ATHOLIC RTICLES ETC Lew @hortment of Resor fea, erveifix and nativity sete PARKVIEW VARIETY STORE 98 Olive Ave, Mra, V. Boch and: ewner, Open till 10:00 bm 725.8232. Gifts for Him McCORDICK'S 360 Wilken . Yasa7nt Gifts for Him or Her ASK SANTA FOR A PONY _ FOR CHRISTMAS Horses Boorded, bought ond sold over 7 winter seoson, HILLTOP. RANCH HANCOCK RD. N. 728-7768 or 728-5738 "|Trees end Trim 5,000 TREES ON LOT Nursery Grown Pruned Scotch Pines Also Spruce and Balsam TRIO, TELEVISION Comer Bond and Division 728-5143 ALL THE LOVE A GIFT CAN HOLD in a PORTRAIT by CLARK STUDIO Sitting by one only @ Cuatom Fromes @ Art Supplies WHITBY 668-4497 325 BROCK ST. NORTH ~ Give Something FOR THE HOME CHECK THESE SUGGESTIONS Cedor Crests $75.50 Mattresses $18.95 up Bedroom Suites $109 up Desks $24.50 up Réciining Choirs $64.50 up Best: Selection at Davenports 367.50 Breakfast Sets $29.50 up Hostess Choirs $10.95 up Lamps $5.95 up Rocker Swivels, $29.95 up Lowest Prices A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR PURCHASE UNTIL CHRISTMAS M. COLLIS FURNITURE CO. 78 KING CHRISTMAS... the Time To Give The Finest @ Pierced Eorrings S Yraicnes * @ Diamond Rings @ Stone Rings And> Many More Beautiful GIFT IDEAS f GALBRAITH JEWELLERS AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA 725-0332 AJAX ~~ 942-0407 OSHAWA FLYING CLUB Christmas list, her a flying for as low as ive him or ift certificate @ Private and Commercial Flying Training @ Pleasure Flights Oshawa Municipal Alrport 728-1626 Chrysler Outboards CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 9.2 hp. Rey. $95 -- Special . $297 z bi) Reg. $650 - -- $488 WIDE RENTAL SERVICE Whitby 668-3226 Gifts for Motorists -. ase nm VFS VIVE 202 UWoys GI MmOoiornNg Protection ond Service with on O.M.L. CHRISTMAS GIFT MEMBERSHIP Call EARL BROWN ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE Oshawa 723-5203 728-8334 6 ft. + 7 ft + 8 it, Sprayed ony Color For nominal Charge. Oshawa Garden Centre 1259 Simeoe St. N., 723-116) OPEN EVENINGS CHRISTMAS TREES A-1 Pruned Spruce and Scotch Pine Prices, all sizes, $1 Apply 18 Grenfell St. 2 Streets east of Oshowa Shopping Centre CHRISTMAS TREES ond DECORATIONS RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE LTD. TAY poe _ecer wer wee S Ring &. |GHINN'S. Park South at Hillside, Fresh Sect cut spruce and ch pine, 98c up. Sorayed and delivered. 728-7288, 723-7088. No. 1 SCOTCH PINE, Spruce and Bal- sam Christmas frees, plantation hat 4 3 reasonable prices, free oan seo Bloor St. &. Telephone 723-228 WANT-ADS DON'T COST---THEY PAY

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