JURY & LOVELL oer te toe ek St el ell ak te ee a al a aa eal nt ck een ne ae aa epee = 4 ate ab ad aa aie 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, December 17, 1966 TES ae ANN LANDERS Unrestrained Animals fm Annoy Many Guests Landers: My hus-jof enthusiasm, the belong to a bridge|should be kept out of sight. eet once every two another's homes. | | att ing over the furniture, crowding}, "Interested" 'but she is n us off uring "| friend. "as :, sort around under the tables|too. I also had a husband with iservatism along these lines is|ing the first three weeks of ( 2 a great many fine qualities, but |advised during the first three|April and th it September CHANEL oo gf eo, unfortunately he had 13 ,etk-|weeks of March and throughout and 'October. Do, be cautious Pert 55 00 ness for pr . june, ever, 'with monies the first oe My 'husband and 1 both Uke lotten he just had to go off and| Where your personal life is|three weeks re ei ance. Do feel that as ests, we Bg the right to|tied six years living room when we sae ag 2 ; Dear D. G.: I do. People who Cosmetic Dept. have pets should ask guests if they m Oshawe - Bowmanville - Whitby co Ry 'they sense a lack|My husband still sirays ever. crazy to throw him out, livestock highly 'satisfactory year, with|tween now and' Feb. 15 since Dear Ann: I stood up and|during the first three weeks of increased A couple (1 will call them the |cheered when I read your ad-|March, the last week of Sep-/this period, Next good dogs the size Oflvice to the "Interested Friend"|o¢ October and throughout next|weeks of March, the last week ty mules, Whenever we plaY| who wanted to wise up a neigh- bridge at the Zs home these|;o, about her husband's extra- November. And, where financialjin September, the first three it animals are running loose, lop-| curricular activities. She M&Ylexoect many gains--notably be-lout next November. I had "Interested Friends," sow a few oats. We were mat- concerned, look for happy de-|throughout June, however. 1 d what was po - 'put int ts 'dur 5 te "atten bait tivities shoul their dogs|!earned wha ' interes ing the latter half/activities should enliven a lar, Ly : ona rp dlgget bo ee, pad g ta Henge ot Joauary, in dg fuss part of the year, with the = ir ?--Dog- goned [2nd I w and late October. no' ejcent on sentimental matters Sate Pesnle who [the babies with the bath water.|the "romances" of May, Sep-|during the latter halt of this Ss 8 Next month we will celebrate|tember and next November too|month, in February, June and ind having animals|our silver wedding anniversary.|seriously, however. If careful to|late October; on travel and It once in awhile but there are so|cles -- especially in late Feb-|for the next month, the first many rewarding and wonderfullruary, early March, late June aspects of our marriage I'd be|and early July--your home and day. Routine affairs will prob- THE STARS SAY (ty. estas stars wit noe By ESTRALLITA enterprises but in the latter FOR TOMORROW connection, practically any con- ee oa bi structive plan or endeavor mar y, res' some progress. that an group activity should nee ey Ma r prove Sighly enjoyable. Also|FOR THE BIRTHDAY f If Monday is your birthday, favored: romance, travel and entertainment interests. your horoscope indicates that FOR THE it would be advisable to take BIRTHDAY : If tomorrow is your birthday,|advantage of all possibilities for ssi hasanssane indicates aladvancine vaur inh atatua he occupational affairs advancing|stars promise not between now and mid-Fébruary,|ing results for peg A but tember, the first three weeks|for advancement: the matters are concerned, you can|weeks in October and through- ©/tween now and Feb, 21, during|influences also indicate an a the first three weeks of April.|vance in your monetary status in September and October. Con-|between now and Feb. 21, dur-| - and Se) Aci integrity three weeks in May, next June miber. born on this day willjand Canada signed an agree- endowed with intellectual|ment Friday to expand the Raj- and creative ability and unusual |jasthan BOOST ATOMIC POWER NEW DELHI (AFP) -- India atomic power station and map its output to 400,000 to build the ex: yjavoid friction in domestic cir-|stimulating social 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES: Phone 725-2686 kilowa jee ie yore ' : vided India with credit ties For almost automatic basting|amounting to $38,500,000 to pur- of roasts, place the fat side up|chase mate! and equipment the rack, As. the fat 'meits|trom, Canady, For Santas Who Need Money: A CREDIT UNION Loan this ed with you when you join our sant Onsen at rents a hae. tiful goid pen and pencil set FREE, YOUR COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION OSHAWA CENTRAL STUDY GROUP SUITE 2096 -- OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 723-4945 -- 723-4911 a NEW FOR 1966 --ENMITH director" HEARING AID CREATES "CIRCLE OF SOUND' FOR REALISM G ees NEW REAR OPENING NEW FRONT MICROPHONE Front "port™ wperience. only % ounce, Try it--in case you haver't heard, YOUR AUTHORIZED ZENITH DEALER IMPERIAL (OPTICAL co, L 11 Onterie St. ------ eae ing you can tell me about my|June and September. husband that I don't already; Ac know. Why don't you tellibe in' me something about your hus-|highly trustworthy. band?" Please spread the word, FOR MONDAY cided as I have to live peace- you something about your hus- activities: the next month, the band," I replied: 'There's noth-|first three weeks of May, next h ssibility of Annie, it might make life easier un? eee : ace: Ml for other women who have de-isronday should be a fairly good family-life should be exception-|_ % The last time an 'Interested|ally pleasant. Best periods for '. ebay Friend" said: "I want to tell|travel and stimulating social . ry J id born on this day will) ° tive, conscientious and fully with that which we cannot change.--Resigned and Content/money but the credit cards Dear R. and C.: Great_an-|need--*¥2 ing bachelor, new in this town and still living in a hotel. There are no unmarried girls at the place where I work so a fellow has to make his contacts where he Custom Made or yritay iid Swen wing to seta y was the lobby (reading your column, DRAPERIES in fact) when a good-looking gal struck up a conversation./| @ HOM She said she was free for the evening so we wound up doing the town. The next morning my wallet|| ES @ OFFICES e! -- Since 1919 -- swer and one worth remember- Meow yg Pr hr ng gh lon ; ; time, I hope you have learned Dear Ann Landers: I'm alinat's girl who is free for the evening can be pretty darned expensive. 1 was missing. I have no proof / that she took it, but I think she WARD S did. I know where she works Simeoe St. at Athol 728-6239 and I wonder if I should call a . | jand ask if she can help me 725-1151 find my wallet. It's not the meeneiene treason asenne mar to complement the gentle Finoneing. make Pinewood Terrace " OPEN +.» with new Innovations to moke life eosier . . . housework less @ chore spocious floor plons . . . ettroctive belconies and sliding glass patio doors. Bathrooms with more vanity end cupboord space . . . larger mirrors and added powder room, And kitchens with loods more cupboard space and roomy eoting areas, The homes in Pinewood Terrace ore priced conveniently for you, from $19,675.00 to $22,- 950.00 and finance terms end trode In plons can be easily arranged with 634 N.H.A. pinewood terrace Located on Wilson Road North, Just south of Rossland Rd. East. "KASSINIGER Another beautiful mew Kassinger development. Every home in Pinewood Terrace is designed sloping valley. Homes with « fresh new glermorous look about them . « with better, more Pinewood Terrace ineorporates Kassinger eonveniences, the convenience of services which "ANOTHER PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE", EVERY SATURDAY and SUNDAY From 1 to 5 p.m, (Any other time by-appointment) MODEL HOMES ARE DECORATED wo SCHOFIELD-AKER ©. - 723-2265 CERTIFICATE SPORTSWEAR Lid. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE _-- INVITES YOU TO -- Shop In Comfort LET OUR CAREFULLY TRAINED STAFF HELP YOU CHOOSE Open Every Shopping Night Until 9 p.m. Including Tonight MOR erate sya f HERE YOU WILL FIND THE LARGEST STOCK OF SPORTS- WEAR IN OHAWA TO CHOOSE FROM... YOU'RE SURE TO FIND SO MANY THINGS SHE'L LOVE. REMEMBER OUR PRICES ARE AS LOW IF NOT LOWER THAN ELSEWHERE. WE GLADLY EXCHANGE CHRISTMAS GIFTS. SWEATERS ......ss0c.s. @0G4b SKIMITTS. ....cccdsss 408 we Sie. he eee CURLING GLOVES ..:.... 7.98 SKISLIMS ........ oo. 20.00 " chaise a ius oe CURLING SLIMS ...... 20.00 " CO-ORDINATES ........ 20.00 " BLOUSES ........... a DRESSES {ta "sates, "16.98. a ee re eee SUITS nok spate tad ony OB? CAR-COATS ......05.. 25,00 " COAT 'enews ee? ROBES or DRESSING 'ina COAT --fenma.ttinmnes 50.98 os oak 0b eS bos eee 0 ob SHIMMERING "" | LOUNGING PYJAMAS .. 17.00 " i oe de te . | DRIVING GLOVES ..... 6.98 " EVENING SKIRTS | 15.00 | \ MIX-MATCH OR CO-ORDINATE THEM 2 A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY PURCHASE WHEN IN DOUBT Pe tags SRE SE RR OSHAWA <2" SEIGNEUR'S == ; CENTRE Pies Uo erat RKegt Hd : ' : : i