Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Dec 1966, p. 5

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WHITBY DAY- BY DAY Host To Senior Citizens WHITBY (Stalf) A : Benior Citizens Unrinunas dinne: wae held at Whitby: Baptist Church accecered By ins wenmens el for Christian Swrvice, Mrs, Jeg een =~ in charge 0 program and rea the aien of many of the Christ. mas carols, Mrs, Cyril Ritch accompanied at the organ for Christmas carols singing by the congregation, Solos were rendered Mra, Ross Ward, Mrs, John MeGraw UCW Unit Presents Slate Of Officers A thought "Christmas ts a time for giving gifts' opened St, Mark's United Church Wo- men's Unit 7 Christmas meet- ing, presided by Mrs, Thomas Farndale, During a short business ses: sion it waa announced that a pot luek supper would be held Jan. 4 preceeding the general meet: ing, Tne new «late of officers was resented as follows; leader, rs, Thomas Farndale; secre tary « treasurer, Mrs, Frank Dalby; program conveners, Mrs, Ken Soble and Mra, Gar- net Juby; phoning committee: Church Groups Pla The poem, 'Magic of Christ maa," wan read by Mra, H, T. Fallaise, leader of St, Mark's United Church Women's Unit 1 and 2 Christmas meeting held at the church parlor, Whitby Baptist Church and Mrs, Kelth Surridge, Per: farming in -- -- meng Pogson and Cathy MacNeill, Mrs, Wayne Smith and" Mrs and Mrs, John McGraw, Rev, John McLeod clon event with prayer, A short busl- ness mmecting wan held, A committee was formed to seléct the color scheme for the interior of the new church, It was also mentioned that the next meeting will be Jan, 17 in stead of the regular date, Mra, Ron Pascoe, Mra, Charles Meaher and Mrs, Borg Jorgen: en. The members enjoyed the originality of hats made of paper plates, Mrs, Ron Pascoe wan the prize winner, Mrs, Gerry Cox was in charge of the devotional period and program, A film entitled "Bach with its own paint Brush" was shown, This was followed by an auction sale with Mra, Todd Lintner acting as auctioneer, Tea hostess Mrs, W, EB, Duffy was asaiated by members of her committee, The next meeting will be Jan, 9 at the church houne, n Lucky Luncheon § with a pot luck supper at 6:30 p.m, All annual reporta will be submitted, Mra, A, Archibald led in the worship service her theme was "Don't take Chriat out of Chriat- WHITBY -- AJAX The roll call was answered by|mas," members reporting that $2) Mra, Charles Broughton WHITBY (Staff) --A_ cor: oner's jury Thursday night rece ommended that all gliders be approved and certified of flight worthiness by the Department OF tiatavert isuowmE tne death, Sept, 90, in a home-made ro giider, of a Sd-year-old urora chiropractor, The inquest into the death of Peter Ash revealed that he died when the tether on the glider broke and the machine crashed to earth at the aban doned Goodwood airport, At the inqiest, conducted by Coroner T, EB, Lennox of Ux: bridge, Pathologist Dr, H, J, Barry said that the vietim had Board To Study Centenary Plan PORT HOPE Alan Strike, chairman of the management committee of the Durham dis trict high school board, has sug: gested the board undertake a centennial project, Mr, Strike commented; 'I wonder as a board whether we shouldn't do songething to en- courage a centennial contest, such as an essay contest on the centennial year with the board providing a prize, Per. haps there are other avenues through the board = area, think we should be thinking about it and should be doing something aa a board," Approval For Gliders Recommended By Jury to the back of his head tearin: the connections head and neck, wWInnY nAV Whit stable arrived at the Goodwood about 30 mph, victim's fatherdn-law, two lengths of 50-foot rope which had been us tow the gilder, Constable Mallory said As had been Hospital at 12:50 p.m, Mr, Sercombe said he the gyro-glider two days rived at the Goodwood airfiel He said Ash had made prior to the accident, that the accident happened, GUST BROKE ROPE Sercombe said that when Ash was airborne on the second trip, slow (standard and auggested it was he motioned to him to down the tow-car, between the Deiachment OPP Con-|worthiness inspector Charies),.1 avid Mallory said he|patchelor said he investigated|"aly, 262 of Gordon ' . Sercombe of Aurora, gave him een eee ne ae ee 'nylon ing, the pilot could have pitched Court of Canada. ronounced dead on arrival at the Scarboro General had observed his son-in-law operate fore the accident and that they ar: hitch holding the rope to the at about 11:15 avm,, Sept, 90, the gyro-copter from parte and had ia Vik completed It about. a month had a pilot's licence in 1957 but On Sept, 80, Sercombe said, Ash had made one ascent and that it waa on his second ascent Sercombe THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, December 16, 1966 § THREE HIT COURTS TORONTO (CP)--Only three of the 351 Jabor + injunction cases in Ontario that réached the courts from 1058 to 1068 died as a result of a severe blow|lance after the crash and that|were eventually disposed of after trial, sa oa, far tha Rand rammissian inquiry into use of injunctions in Jabor disputes, sey The atudy save that B\police were at the scene shortly ate: the. Sinwulence Won ase to the hospital, Peanestmant af Men aly seapet cio: os meet wood Airport pending, at about 12:35 p.m, He eald it ee rtm ant fant ee Ser The commission, which was a clear windy day and eati- mated the wind velocity at He said the also deal with other aspects labor legislation, will pub: lic hearings in Toronto in Janue ary under Ivan C, Rand, fore mer justice of the Supreme south runway, He said the gyro- glider had a atick for lateral control and piteh aa well as a the event of the tow rope break: 2 overeerecmn ene the nose down and gilded to COLELLO OLORETS safety using gravity to break hihis fall, A ROPE CHOPED GIFT SUGGESTION Batchelor said the nylon rope A PASS-BOOK FOR A used had a 1,200 Ib, test strength and would have held the glider NEW SAVINGS ACCOUNT The first deposit in @ except for the way it was at- tached to the craft, He said the new Savings Pass-Book will encourage "Habit of me @ mighty nice Christmas t, VICTORIA. and GREY TRUST Whitby, Ont. 4) slider was of a rough metal and had apparently chafed the rope, Inspector Batchelor said Ash that it had lapsed in 1058, He said no licence was needed from the department for a gyro- glider and no inapection of the eraft was needed, He sald two similar fatalities had occurred in Canada in the past 10 years, Batchelor said the construe: tion of the Ash glider was below "on the crude side," said 'he slowed the towing car jem to about 25 mph and then felt a atrong gust of wind, he said the rope broke and the gyro glider seemed to go off balance Roard chairman, W, C, Keyes added that he thought some of 4 : and went down, Sercombe said he drove to TALKS CARS house calls and nine hospital|showed pictures of the trip she visite were made, It was de-jand her husband made to the cided that the unit would aell|North West territories, She gave centennial spoons as a project|full details of the varius places for the coming year, visited, Members were reminded of} Thanks were expressed to the "Lucky Luncheon" of Jan.|Mrs, Broughton for this most 96, Tickets are now available, |informative travelogue, United Church Women's an-| Tea hostesses were Mrs. H, nual meeting will be held Jan, 'T, Fallaise and Mra, John Hare, To Remember Shut-Ins At Christmas The Afternoon Branch of All|selected to bring In the slate of Saints Guild held its final meet:|nominees for the January elec: ing of 10668 at the parish hall,|tion of 1067 officers, During the business session) Mrs, Donna Martin, president, donations were made tovarious|thanked members for their co worthwhile projects, also to wel-|operation and wished them a fare and Anglican World Mis:|Merry Christmas, Mrs, Stanley Armatrong closed with prayer and a social hour followed with Misa Louise Melntosh, Mra, R. BE, Smith and) Mrs, Thomas Henatock as! hostesses, the achoole had decided on something permanent, Mr, Strike added that he thought this tied in with cen: tennial projects, education week and the centennial year, | FIGHTS LAST NIGHT By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS SHOP Portland, Me.--Renaldo Vic: |i @ Wellpeper and Murele toria, 198%, Pittefield, Mass,,|) @ Custom Drope: stopped Floyd Brown, 142, New 4 Broad! s house to phone for an ambu- ----a HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF PORT HOPE Veteran writer W, Arnot native Port Hope in 1901, as honersy phan Now, 65 yeara later, the urer of the Canadian section On " vio ore second, Little Tales of Port of the Commonwealth Press out his first book of hits Hone, 'iy ready, At 86, he Union torical sketches about his Board Honors Agreement With CUPE ie ie Angeler -- Jerry Quarry, Benjamin Meore Pointe ir aren a1 DODD & SOUTER schotleites Ratified By School Board ji. WEST ROUGE (Staft)=-Pick:| ering Township Area 2 Schoo! with the |10, Fy during} Las Vegas, Ne oe Ls v Willard 107 Byron 80, 8,, Whitby PHONE 668.5662 What Is The Difference Between Car Dealers? Since no deoler hes @ monopoly on the produce he sells, the essential differ: ence is in the character of the dealer him= self and the way he runs his business, We heard this expressed very well re- cantly by @ dealer eequaintance whe runs @ very successtul business. Speaking to a customer who hed just purehesed 6 new car from him, the deal. er acid: We never forget you could have bought this cor anywhere, All we hove to sell you ls good service, honest treatment and reliable quorantees; "We're going te do our best to deliver those three things se that your setlafection with this ear will make you went to buy your next one here ond speak well of us to your " Needless to say, thot dealer enjoys @ repeat business from loyal customers that ls nothing short of sensational, In @ nutshell, he had expressed the automobile dealer's very reason for existence, Price concious car shoppers soon come up agelnat the feet that the dollar difference from dealer to decler le very close competitively, Profitability One-Stop DECORATING (CP Photo) York, 2, GULL, Paints and Varnishes after two meetings union representatives the past alx months retroactive to Nov, 1 General maximum increases were $400 from Nov, 1, 1066 with a $300 increase on Novy, 1 of next year during the two year contract, The board tentatively decided that its inaugural meeting in 1987 would be on Jan. 3 with ita first regular meeting of the new year scheduled for Jan, 10, OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS Aveilable At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251) King &. 8, Oshewe 8x 10 -- 1,50 each Sx 7 -- 1.23 each 20% Discount on Orders of 3 er Mere Pictures Roard Wednesday appointed : Fairport Reach Ratepayers PICKERING (Staff) The and is)Wynn, 109%, Riverside, Calif., and Tony Montana, 167, President Glen Julian to repre-|Piekering District High School Phoenix, Ariz., drew 10, sent the achool area on the Pick:|Roard ratified ita first agree: ering and District High School/ment with the Canadian Union BROCK Frening Programs Start 7: & 9: WHiTeY Saturday Matinee at 1:30 Board, hia Public Employees at its Mr, Julian will take over the/meeting thia week, GET SET FOR THE HEIST OF ALL TIME! PURAIIONAET PRETURES We eanociotuon with REVEAL ARTE wad SMRETIA FOTEAPONRLS ia \ sion. Mrs, Ronald Carter offered te look after Christmas remem: brances for the sick and shut: ins, also for residents of \Falr- view Lodge, A nominating committee, con-| The next meeting will be Jan, | slating of Mra, R. KE. Smith andj10 at 2:30 p.m, at the parish Mra, George Lomax, was'hall, Huron Carol Sung At Vesper Service A living picture of the nativ-jwas related to Canada's Cen: scene, in. which the char-/tennial Year and emphasized acters were dressed in Indian|three themes, "An Act of Re: coatume, formed a colorful and|membrance," "An Act of Peni: impressive part of the CGIT\tence," and 'An Act of Dedi-| Christmas Vesper Service at/cation," St. Mark's United Church Sun-| CGIT members conducting day evening. the service were Joyce Weat- girls represented hunt:jlake, Joyce Osterhout, Sandra ers and chieftains who, in the|Ridley, Karen Corkan, Holly Indian setting, replaced the|Rentley, Dale Heron, Janet) traditional shepherds and wise|Law, Dianne McCullough, Mar:lalso appoint three members|Algoma Steel Corp, Ltd,, pro: men of the Biblical narrative,/garet Smith, while the Separate School Board) viding for a wage increase of During the presentation of the) The service closed with the|will appoint two and Reeve/3i cents an hour, tableau the junior choir sangi;members of the CGIT and/Clitt Layeox will make up the| 'The local voted 65 per cent "the Huron Carol, Explorers lighting thelr candles|iast person on the new nine-|in favor of accepting & new con: The candlelighting ceremony'in personal dedication, man board, tract, Basle pay now ia $2.33 ea ' i Li's qe tee oe gpa i ls 1z¢) urc jtor / yas also sa e ex: e local represents about Senior Cit ns Dined At United Ch Aes the board to operate|workers at a company mining Mrs, Willlam E, Davidson{All United Church Women's close to its budget limit this operation at Wawa, about 150 and Miss Laura Pellow were) Units assisted, year, miles north of here . Mrs, R. A. Phair accompan: | -~ SS EEEIEEEEEEEEEEREERERRREROEE --s bag bran -- ied at the piano for carol eing:| CUSTOM-BUILT GIFTS!... A Perfect Christmas Present. thelgroup with . accordion selec: | Chi Cc ti tions, ts Abbott Mra.| rhe CGIT girls were respon: | | ina a ine By Fallaise and Mise as sible for the feo gue centre ' . T. Falla pieces on tables and name | Newton received the guests at/ cards, Gun Cabinets the door, Mrs, C, BE. Broughton was in etc. Rev, John Smith said grace|charge of transportation for Made to Order and the 63 guests present en-/senior citizens unable to. man: joyed a lectadle juncheon.'age on their own, Whits Gilt Sorvice Held At St. Mark's | The Church Schoo! anh ote racmard i be sone eer ation joined in worship atitalents and efforts next Sun: ~ ree and Choice of J I-SE ' I ER Sigh called The minister waa assisted by | ROOMS for RENT @ s, H. Edwards and Ray) Moderate Weekly Retes j t. Mark's United Chureh on/day evening in the presentation Sunday morning when the an:jof the Candlelight Choral! nual White Gift Services were | Service held and gifts of money and ------= were presented for wel: ver, || A be Corte Resteurent on \ ANS y Ss R $ In the evening leaders andi] *#h Apely James MANE. LN . R members of the CGIT led the! Whitby Hotel congregation in the Christmas, Vesper and Candlelighting cere.) 207 Dunder West | Whitby 668-2337 ost on the board from Alban| The union membership at the ------ Ward. three achools includes care takers, cooks and matrons, Mr, Ward, who served for _The ratification was passed two years as the Area 2 repre: gies fh regent ig Pe ° gold pin an esk set by the * hoard at its meeting, He was) S eel U also appointed as one of the| t nionists three representatives on the) newly formed Pickering Town:| Accept Contract ship Library Board, Two other persons, who will) SAULT STE, MARIE, Ont ve aepteecnes by we Seared to|(CP)--Local 8033 of the United alt on the Norary rd, Alston] Workera of America Mrs, B, B. Phin of Rouge Hille nuraday voted in favor of ac: and Mrs, N, Rowan of West Rouge, cepting a three-year contract The high school board will|with the Algoma ore division of seen eaten enna cnnn enn ea ry eam amma ener ATTRACTIVE lial Prices te eult your budget, Dealers of Meffet builtin even end surfece waite, Alee Suppliers ef general con- Jet Settera beware, trectore throughout the eree, Being 'in' is not all Margueritas and Daiquiria. Ever hear of Gooderham's Bonded Stock? Not expensive enough to be considered? Who says a fine Canadian whisky haa to coat a lot? Point ia, its favour is rich and smooth and that's what taste is all about, And what money you save may take care of villa tips for a day, Also there's really no reason to travel to Acapuleo for your merrymaking, Or Monte Carlo or San Juan either, You can have a grand time OX - a In different patterns, colors, marble and woodgrain tops, with a choice of Arborite er Formica Post Form -- (retled counter tops), There is also $ different designs in Bath- room vanities, Remodel that old-fashioned kitchen with new beauty, new appliances that eut down Mom's work load and brightens her life, Over 13 different designs in Custom: Built Kitchens to choose from -- such as French Pro- vinelal, ltalian Previneial, (knotty pine), Modern, ete, re and mission purposes mony, Music was provided by the junior choir, The junior, intermediate and' ----. "Aecutron" [viva csna McCullough Jewellers te HEADQUARTERS for the WORLD'S ONLY ELECTRONIC TIMEPIECE ACCUTRON' » BULOVA riandvome Steinieses Stee! hand-epalied hour merkers. eater strap, Woterpresf* motected. McCULLOUGH JEWELLERS LIMITED Whitby Plaza -- Whitby -- Ph, 668-5051 ae BROCK ST. S. See Our New!! VINYL COVERED KITCHENS in 4 Different Colors ! CHARLES ST. here aimply by knowing where to go. And what to ask for, x R. HR. CABINET RADY " HENRY ST, THE R. H. CABINET co. LTD. 1614 CHARLES ST., WHITBY PHONE 668-6911 Open Mon, to Thurs, 9 am, to 5 p.m. -- Sat, 9 am, till Noon Open Fridey Till 9 P.M, Or how to cut down we on little extravagances. maak GOODERNAM'S NAVE BEEN DISTILLING FINE CANADIAN WHISKIES SINCE 1832.

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