Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Dec 1966, p. 18

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pz THE OS" AWA TIMES, Pridey, Docomber 16, 1966 Extra Christmas CashI s NoFurther Away Than--"Action" Classified Ph s Phone723- 3492 ; Be ae | Galt: The Direct Clas ifi sified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mond .m. Monday to Friday, Satu . rday 8 to 12. SERV cE DIREC &TORY a 6 orm ane 11--Pets and SCRAP BOOK By RASC SCOT ere et eae 18--Mele Help W ae ; 6216, Rd. N, Telephone - F anted 20--- Real Sass Building Trades hy Servis iii cin : Estate for 7 Mortgages Boraer Colle Honey "elon, ie tacks SHINGLERS - See REPAIRS 7V_telib Weowins saa Pa ec] SUB-CONTRACT fl te Terations | MORTG city See ee ot See contract. «| CU UIUC te ADDITIONS senor. api radios, ik "salle H baggy REAL . 4 repairs, Service $25. down, TO HOM 7 days 942-1101, : RO sot plage FACTORIES LOANS Av FO severe soles coal 12--Antic 783-1138 16 Sj LTD. ona ond Kitchens Moneyi evallable for fst orgie ty. diet les Wanted TOOLMAKERS Simcoe St. $ laity. installed, Sal ? Valley ie DRA' : re 4 mortg : ond Service 9 hig wear FTSMA James Allen & So morigeget 'Ne bomih, First | 0800. Al Stall $25: sabions toouian sib a " ; a INS | and ogreer tortpages ~ feos! | 725+ Highest prices larmac Industri 1 725-6126 ice 'eements for sole pur- work guaranteed. pene eee el see MecNell's| WHITBY, LIMITED m Trade Bulle a aes be HO COLOR Ref RB | 1606 Charles Street MiRACL Y OF : ast so ere i with RACLE ; Be en me Tt lng ear the Be od REPAIR 364 kia tt OR BLACK RV mosle i cal, badge i - Whitby 468-4981 \ ES iW"P-OvER as, Accu pg comms ki ERVICE Oshawa, L laers All work guar: 1 aig |Oshawa eres, Take bert "atte =| Sonn Glidden Ave. 7 ant, 30% King Stree eet. ergo ond sheet mata 723-4697 TRIO agin 3--A ie for Rent Dept, Bosh AB FO. box ile pees Soares en Art ell ae {R.1,.0. TELEVISION Tob ; < eereara a "| ich with ide ond stove st ond 2: les, Chairs, 1 ATS Dow idge ond s 668-8901 PAYMEN ind Mortgages 728-5143 << Gallery; 4, Linens, Dish- ie reas lw nstairs you will vind PORTRAITS Whe TS TOO HIGH? ie ; ab . Urns, Puch Bowie, Cotes Ste an 8. willing of goad ine Coan i Yy not consoll RVICE as { fear, Men' , Bridal |% Marti Ossie Martin 728-5103, W; elStoM FRAMES PLASTERING -- | morose with Tow' com sai ar fivonco von '| Ys RAMON cower wp ie hin tek uae aa ge ys rot TURE" Sa Btent CLARK STUDIO Plastering re bea V, Service ere ag : PERFECT SET PA | SA : and Female | <¢! egically located pairs @ special For compl * BATHE. 4ME ACE oF TE RGEANT'S RI Help Wi nted e! of land in Oshawa' par 'Open from Algo partitions, lath ty | DOUG TERWILLBAR, Moet DOMIN Lpeathingiiidal: EOF YEARS 463 Ritson Re ENTALS ™ pe slags ah "_-- 325 BROCK nd at ment , lating, ce- og j WILLEGAR, M ION aa roam ( MADRID) n- Rd, S. 725-3338 7 re lots, NORTH and stucco, ses 0» Mae T fit Widladaudets TAX | WHITBY 668-4497 ELEVISION HALL F | DRIVER MMEDIA : Teleph BRANCH Ri 7 'OR RENT S Wi POSSESSION Borriste lephone 728- INV! EALTY _728-5154 9 ea, @ Dances Pat g pgacniianly serriten _--___ SSA HOME |B Wry oes Meek Osten a ag woe a Articles for Sale 8--Artich Stogs @ Benguatn © Shower, Meek Neth Eas section mac Fes Barter Slory © 0, Kine cut IMPROVEMENTS ona a Res, 725-6310 "New entals vars Ae SMALL nee PT Fao gre ov eauer | MERCURY TAXI take $18,800. with' $9,000, . Humphi stom Bullt Kitch able. W, Sch COND mortoa: A Md s' AS Crucianelll, 32. ba IN for beginners to 300, lates up 72 down or $17,500, 000. H 4 Ade pated ca gig sire... Senerarane -Reazter, 14 f Ase! LCAN WIVEL ROCKERS $2 gion, "120 'bass, ans, M45. Large ra x] C. Borun 5-4771 existing $10,800 fo.an ot G General Repal 3 ---- and Saab Facon naan FURNITU HOSTESS CHAIRS A.50 |BOVS skates, sizes 6 Seth, lke new, P. Sol 725-9718 expanianceo "har 6% mortga NAKA. ha Avaliable ot ssemoatie "Chore RE AND Platform ROCK $14.95. ln teen d 9, $5. each, » Soltys 723.433 portunity dresser of $109. gage with H. Hormation 'call iiaaate oF ie APPLIAN RECL ERS $39.95 ween elophone. 728-|WHEEL CH 2 |air biviiets 'trom don, Ne gh al terest, 'oteeael "5576 fae ee re os|_ Sinn cues $3095 le Mace one a aad sl So oes rare CARPENTRY sepa, oo a Math SON FURNITURE |fsthit tr 5° ae gavel érewn |e sea borin, abu lang Le nr az} COMMERIC and » ve, "aaa ane renee bles and Hennick, Berrisere, 31 King Street Well Drilling--Diggi Lad SPECI aL RCA VicroR i complete, People? Oshawa Bi I Pgs oh F900 Sanece in re rant ered. Rigg vo PROPERTY TILE and hardwood | Music HLL GIBBTIS be eee eae Syiehira, aiehoniatuhiounkmuenien: ition," Piause: teenie trial ren ; 'IV, 10 room felter, (custom floors ta sical Se 10GIN@ = $50, O anne! ante the 2 Sa telephone T2s406e 7726, kitchen, | 20. brick ustom kitchen cabinet. ele, carports wane vices ROE gad @ Pty, Tauchine, special | Rose Gost, just eect 6 ryentanne, Inselled,| Wo" Sassenger" cere. 14--8 Gaal Gakola Yer Gale | baw loa & alleen ATLANTIS PAVING ond conerele, Get wee PB i Mey A BAND? Rock and rit os ene See or ate ELECTRIC 5; of Ritson Road, | Tiree manual" awit It 0 feet 'tree usiness Opportunities aac John Street, pay ro your érivewey. pe and concrete. western, Clark' ae RABcr atc. SARRMR: Nesy phone 7; witches, etc, $4, T treet South, larg mcoe Sg ee aenee ees nate oe pone ae ok teal Sar aren cana aaeg| Dewar cme new 132" tor fil perce BUILDING REPAIRG -- st Removal WRISTMAS SALE -- Cred tion. Telephone 239608 EY; tltable tor| Exclusive opening | NORTH places, ' Serer serene, fre FP RIRNAND GIRCK66 Wine Marie Oh ae hair |meblie SKEDoO | ano it Terms] THRE Suing = Ae ong sa Bat sake 'On i Aa ase area OW y, 'NOR WEST AREA : a oy y MONO © denmve. Telephone reg Dec Tor 20th ine ip Eger Som sows, ter" Baver| $1o:i 50 also tall and winter 'coats 10,' Con pire Operation for aner bungalow. ee Py room brick |repatre, Range ate are Tigi, 5 . Telephone Tat. Prone Gano ord | 241966, Per cent. Sale. ends pec' |is@ Call luct used in the bull ard ey Hol "Ca are Sit ieee and Heating ml Heap: cotes er cope Rental and rie $s5'King st. Bs eee eae vagy Bare crnamentel pha hag ion { rpentry ey i, ~ [USED Gihawa | NOR j television $50, f wa to (nk $e. $6,200. Th red investment ing room with plen ive CLASSIFIED RATES i _ tng, non Geen meter remedel- aa ver oraogm, sae) wd tour burner | ev RON, BABY. Threecvay carriage, demonds Mae + Bree ei for plesire fie, 26" cm eat APS nsertion ot 2 recreation rooms, end, sfalrs, Free est: eg oe: one DRIVING to fata hb seed evan. Poa KENT ELECTRIC QUITAR, 7 pick ohn ley ovnibans: of oe : Seah ove? Gant ES epee Pe oc fe fee Se 25S ae eet oa oe a cee ad "rer ls ete . Sine 2 tt I words j|honest tradesman, . Engineering, FURNITURE -- jest, 725-4543, = player, Ii ox 52279 is write asphalt dri netens Wins 'een' 76-096. work, 3S ftere tide Testa PIANO -- player, like new. walnut 52279, Oshawa Ti SO n bach yord ve, fenced 2 words, m9 rts: 7 ay only $ new fur-|Phone » $495, fine mes. . Priced + ply spo urea Rug - Upholstery Service Sage" SNe ee Sage Sted nee P| bar Sgt Pov in fer ead 15--Employment Wanted opie inapestion 'ean pig besoneng "_ ae Ang 4 Cay 'and 'ares, PROFESSIONAL sharpening Bes Best one Sey aul tpenent | SY pag a eet Moar t} prices: new 10 fe concert 'aa coemervenes. Tuned Sat ane en en'g desires home _for 145. BROCK SOUTH ner by colting to seh ses ar, woah ah re Larus an) SS CNIS | -------- a "Gon los eee ay Semen I CR a eg fr nuevo and al eae, Wore WHITBY: TO DOWNTOWN 3 vane mana «s| Dentistry 2 Day Service velora a Telephone (wisi or Taba ou BOO doacaaiadaiies | Lone veal abot Vi. Home Sagi ahi we. a two) SRRePOeT FFF ser Pick-Up and Delivery RAMBLER TRAILE drown a SPECIALS -- bets LOL RT retriperator_ teen, 'emale Help Wanted 668-5823 > dew loaded n excellent ean. NOTICES oa goon RL King Street test, it ngus-Gr RS [Street 4,815. 16 Bond Street west 2s 00h anos OFFERS m 4-3084, co --rec, ji extros ; 'per insertion with LE Asa laaeae ca aydon SALE -- RENT v Street East, Valley Creek, 728-440 Bond] sired Chinvatua, IRS male "chwmplon SMETIC fewer vote TY. Snes aw com witnn'e eddt-| D " 728-6254 Open S VACUUM WEPAIRG, ll maken, hoses 5100, All papers supplied | registered, REPRESE om Bm ge IN MEMORIAMS ins dome | Dresemaking ae ae BUDDY TI Lad 4PM. |Pleming ra, me a ae cate, Vaccineted, rcuaing, heath pd SN ag PICKERING veatian tie sone cae 4 ; paved Se 3 bane ts Ste Site "ge tea. dane refenione relly, CHESTERFIELD vat mode wer non aes mar Tas BAROAINE. All ead GE er peli Gal at wir arawers ppg nll t.ho Acreage on. hashiwey 10,2 dow gre roan Tole © days, ree het pend CREASE = Geet WaT a, cost. Lot at Twey Pomme con tieaewe Onan ween 7 and 9 Ridgew: | ng us In wi je be con v CARD OF TH. coats, peg Experily fitted For FREE ESTIMA ___ bot _at 401 and 28 fresaeer $29.) oats, Srere rats FRaa Furnace cleaned, ie promot Audley star l on, the venient it financing, Mpa 4 ANKS covers, Beastly t hy TE call 6--Mari bunk bed: , mar} Guaranteed tr SHOW! 4 d High Sore fit word and. wach |G Sun tn tena 728-3651 ti arine Equipment ture, 20 Church pas $16.08) | roll-away| Fp purchase d troublefree winter ae = CASE: COSMETICS pee mgs good hwestment iat 1 ENTRANCE \ pate winin 8 x energe it rdening and S INTERIORS EV 'ARCRAFT", Grow fre, 30 Grch Sra Company, | CADIES, turn spare ti . Vil. Onl " u by WiNt Inrude Traveler, noite, MAS SUGGEST! ENCYCLOPE Pe eR TA: personality ime into cash. ly yeor and ifat's NT ; pplies : 39 Simeoe St. ogg week. Marine Storage end Suppl sg PO ber gg es Mle large, eal cane, "EDIA. 2% volumen, in bask ane car. an eunet, 'Telephone HOUSE TO ee sised bod half words rn 81.78 tor the) . peernotrany by baie AND -bOLAATY ESSURGT eres and Suny ie pie age Lg A Bgl a « REFR a BLE babysitter requ RENT 'chen, 15° eaturing huge kit» (Word 'ech therestter 20 experta, ie AN arches ftresse iar room red "to » 15 ? Ads) inte a" yeers. Workmai Estab-| ren' iD POLA ts from: $80. 3 $19.95, | der AYO, tw: pil ge Aas! gh ' 10 x 10°one AUETION SALES Tr ideas Iresseg retro Credit termes Nhat antele ang sales, Wilde Renal Service RRARaGy bet Wilson's Purnt| otter. gla {ike 'new. make | Catt" edesiens Pons, in Sos en eee gue Vine TO Se ae R INCH PER INSERTION. GLOXINIA BULBS ont. ronan Lea rare rarManes, Oe Jann | SCRARGUT PRICES. continental "beds TyPewnirens, ars | eae yaia pc bréadl th with vanity, : anne AMARYLLIS BULBS Eeemoman Tees oe aSTERFTALDS y a dare ae ne cron reves, sown, Wiad retin: aon ie "et slvr: Ball, teeaeg| ot Aveuen inmediately." |e vronce ledding up fo cane i pm. DAY PREVIOUS ICE SALT ar tor estimate. bistered "an djcut UCR AND SCOTCH pine 1 TWOPIECE CHESTERFIELD, Two. ond Hamilton, Ragian. vice, trades, Bill 985-2645. te ; Il dnd down to -oentre Lost Se eta: trolen theta cor mate-|plumbing supplies He trees, treah) Allin, Goad. cond table, two table | FENDER AMP 18--Male T panelled rec beautifully $e Ry Be usticarion p> afi CHLORIDE Sree ramin helstevings 36 Ghanes sure sink lunar ei Oe on ie Mone" Box. $7293, Osh pas wand? tage eee Help Wanted : HICKSON'S ROAD a7 8 x us rection room pintas \W Sales Chinn, "sae Hitiskde, 23-7008, 13 ar aetncslen "telanee eee \8A--Christm rees 'orm, with railway sidi out ub! Me i { im DAY OF PUBLICATION WILD BIRD M a ee ee rae." ja a on ee oT QUAL peso we fan raiwoy |: how 10 Inapeat Too ges Pues pave ie SA MDCURE.. |... ABELIANC fer Salo |ersgy co or Yoconone Hana CHRISTMAS ITY we Gimems" |: Won taeeuak Fam. DAY PREVIOUS WILD BI > E CHRISTMA Ge) p TREES WH 'OR aie SMALL eAginin® DIPLAY BIRD F ee emearia REPAIRS Typewri Vaed, "Call yout' Weal" Royal Spruce. eo I all ry BRASS fie Vill; Made hs an or te 4 p.m, day previous; 8 cob STA EEDING é bggotd repairs to all maki ae dealer, Tate ancien LIBE sam 6'-8' -- 85c. : Two yeer old, three lew Site 2 ane bore meets! water $0 Sree ate oat | Six Ser ae ee. | FOUND Sr matter | rt he te CORRECTIONS is AND SOFT SALT @ ALSO PARTS af VICE BAYS peat Seay Gites. Cree Contre as Beanie North RY with ch provincial ki district. - This am. DAY OF PUBLICATION PURITY DOG M AVAILABLE @ | FOR FASTER SERV bay eunelee re 3 scoteH we pee ecstacy ol kitchen | clean home fea 'scetionaly hope pi deal EAL ICE |oitts. s GIES -- ideal o SCOTCH PINE Christmas, trees. kitchen; s res a large fon, Be harged ove aye tue ane TED DOG FEEDS | FURN ALCAN we ALIGNMENT SPECIAL = wom aectman i eri Rist pe Forestry, aa eran es 4 finished recretion room NUMBER RENTAL, 8.8 ner TER DOG FEEDS y Pb ot one APPLIANCES poe Deda. Bord; ive RENT THAT ae -- sat, han. EWOIER primed STEN wd treat AJAX WHITBY i rt now: for ti tne forward eplin box 'ont fo) SUPPLIES Telephone 723- on whee! 'aligrenard bed cOnaet ona ara 7Ep262 Yooey ger even, Nore | Bower ca ees py agg King oie heme corerted te 3" YEAR OL cot no as possible, to we) BRITTANN Harri correct castor ¢ inspect and | Corona osacher office model SCOTCH Pi . ° ree apartments, IX, _ Brick D 7 coer oe IA MAL is Alumi ; and riter Smith-| coe NE Givi both aa gh \ Ee ed Taunton "Rood Sales | Comect condition, dear, [Ex foo Som en TOD anagem te, Oey cummed requires ie Liltaeton" pills ged rower pratanes piles, however forwarding such re 00 . rrect condition . $6.88 ay AwO FEC Na eakiatiax airy Queen, and in » home. yeon Lorde; bei ae yd Sinershun the by neg er-Smith tincnp 1k Hampton © Pars bxtte: it. eciiied bs Bg Mg Rn Ry eg & TREES -- "Come wood kitchen' provides p ly- a. a7 : if required F ces, One | rniture | beave ut It cou choose of room plenty Be ceponaioln for repllen uncaled fr 16 CELINA ST. Co. Siding, window P ag one @ Torsion bar adjustment a si sien Soa line papa da f=] COREMAKERS | ¢ $150, PER ACRE ners Li for fay syle. in 723. . 3, ston < i. et ve ners, rock ~... | SCOT 5 slid bhi shh tur tedien tae 23-2312 723-1139 years prtadbeg railings, 16 e Home Furnishings ey "ermal, Barone!|= Grorlege, apap SALE, Vs mile west wih ome helf bush, half clear bit oy Be pri to back p tanto te errare, Is Thartmenytoomed DELIVERY SERVICE Siding Experts. Lowest Pric - BRAKE SPECIAL TYPEWRITER, now drab i 9--Market B eh eee Ideal for a yeas diate esaetion for imme San We = it, ; rer beyond the of any_avertiemant A A QUARANTERD REPAIR to all aa Ae Pe Business Machines, 7007780 Senkine bate nal With creer "reo cag ia e MONEY MAKER peed Se rie cores oe them gown, RINT Call" Slim, or 7 Gah act Bay atl eee ten 'oyaline, 4 wheels, "aeolian wae 1g Ontario No, 1. Sheboges, 75 ne divide, Good terms. FOB ths salt contatoad The Oshawe Times ae wale Se Or cane eae hans A cl Bett age BM ie ahd Aine. ike Spies, $2.00 a bushel end oundry CAST ys t iin this clagsity por Be Figg bo the Paes TRIMMED cod Gr aoe Linte ita to all makes, uma, polishers. Ri 728-5143, a, $50. TRIO Ti re, Iso Meintosh, @ bushel modern buragion' ation. we wks ea on Call Tasah88e ot down. Limbs pth aoe nh aa rere WHEEL Ch RESTAURANT BQUIPMENT abc Road, (reat Srchardh tidy and" court Experience 1 NEW E pet BE ag Shane esos AS SE . |Heering Se Septic Service Lalaitecael NCE SPECIAL © |foe' sinner "ait "an MENT: Tiree-pen QUANTITY OF ae 3 3M crea sik "de . ine prt ta: & wii not be held re vice SePric TAN each ights per wheel | "'8. with cups, Bawa Hein sale, Martin Van 0} a Table turnips tor (2.20 § : m_ cottage Bho oe pyttne rive. and x Seo Ne Tae eee Sere rca, Walter lrg S04 Chesnut Sree SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, ERLAROER ANG DEVELOPING cae! -- .20 Starting Rate) fe to $6,500, down." with only rectiy, all advertising matter D » Agere _ d4n-2868. FRONT-EN RS, erent for 36. and $28, ftw, PING equip- O--Farmers' , "SPO temant Many Inner ot etver pened S'_ |Surveyors RONT AN WEES AT -- [lights $48 boy's winter vmoael Neo, wink] OnAD oe Soe AFTER HOURS XI, x cae HOME oon tere is $680 $120.50, |i, Pulm AND TROL Deuces | tee, eat ut Two pers ate sa up, remy Marple Par Apply aku _-- Winhection of thas teeiin tae all 'ur F iva easy vo mace 4 gg get Sirvayera. it Ein Street Wan, Phone UNIROYAL TYPEWRITER, ici WE danderd ie roe, Telohane Calc! Mempten | 241 MONARCH A < ae 1 dapadn \ Sire terg ork ly bu ay salad ring Aid Se EVAR Shes Song Sean ruateher: sah fas ard, 11--Pets VE . Woodward .. 668-85: kitche with Hol Cali Classified Direct 23 Athol St rvice OV AN, ANO | PLEISEMAR CENTR a Tegister, $40. 729000 and Livestoc 83 i on anieel lywood . W. Phone Surveyor, iN, On- UGHT AND Four: ke Mrs. lot. B ve 723-3492 i 723.800) o ee Corres. whe 'Now ES nitures Moplencan Sears "Secon pote org ea a "YEAR-OLD MARE Th foal to Lee .... .. 668-4949 $17,600. ba Ask only TV--Radio Repai rhea Name of Fase GNdeine ee ond 'Sect ©. Ta0-7000. a, fn Shock. Totes Me tral E. H, Cootes al ois P about fog re TIR t VERING ci Se FOR ou Cc IND! 0 MUSIC. LESSONS 17 Park a P aueed Be per fot W 7 ful wings trom | for for' Dave. otter Telephon none naaSEN, <S or pho : XH, $2,900, Dowel . * rt 'torey LASSIFICATIONS | ine grenade TV. TOWERS |----fs 2s [ee me rs on ee ee ' pomine ct na ee ers. qualified teach- ey speed tran: performance V4 en- Broad, Tle ign East $800 lot itchen with 7 "* Colume 3 BUILT IN OSHAW. 20% O 1. ee ee cae , 942-4 DOLLARS DOWN s of cupboards, A" FF ON PIANO AC ERNARD poppl 1 TWO BRICK sere. Phage --Trallers Gultore supplied 'at ._ AT OUR OWN PLANT On Fi PIANO ACCORDION, 120 bats: captlonally wel ea, registered, BUNGALOWS eps maintance Marine aa 'ami size, new condition, Telephone 72: Ta jondertu! marked, $ x Situated for a bus easy S--Swep Sapo 942. hese Incl fee. We give you @ better' POO! y Size GIRL'S DRESSES, sizes Pasaare. | Nold_for 'ceheene B..8 chitaren., whi . Evangeline D om Street and rent end eon Stop paying hee or toe Rol SMR tower for less Money L TABLES Price tS. Yipee Pasa coats BANG. Nard Gomes as TOWN $100 rive, carries for own eq building your \ Ropers Cate i ar rere A one Topi OSH 20% OFF ia aOR Bags al Wr | marin tua Ye guar OF AJAX | Pick op. yout hays from Bi ie i EAST OF . Two Pca ~ ERNMTORPTELE-- aval te : caries eee tL i slr AWA T.V MATTRESSES AND. |e SPieCe CHESTERFIELD, -- ona einen "cithen Aso, asa ACCOUNTANT | it%6 22887 or 725. | Xl. WILSON ROAD t Opportunities ean after py} 'education SUPPLY nd BOX SPRIN ismos. Teens rasa." forsale a ts aa Applications wil Estate Ltd. nson, Real with 4 bed % vorey home bs sa >aaee ea i. it dears. salen LTD. sii er Stan eigen oe aringerweihers, SERVICE, sll breeds, podios by. the wl pa TEN Aches si kitchen; finished a pamerend Mein Wantea ko a RD. E No Down , Reg tenis +t "ipollenes and | ReTRiEVE! tinels, at, ry. :00 p.m., Thui bets TH STRI tower two bathrooms, T.V. Real Soatetee Help Wentes Prompt Fagg ay Uust East' of Ritson) Poyment - Charge It wRERLACH 723-0011. jances, 452 pohly lie iB Puta Gale iW ed 29th, 1966 the cst Priced ei $4, EAM, srivate roter and ¢ vag Eis eee tracts tevited. "Kare Clean Genet| 723-8131 - 723-8132 ZELLER'S LTD. lm Ton delivered, Teles beeen, Pow Be ary, hard Rowd Bast treo Ranch, nd of bd are tay pag Seales Seon we | ee drive and o good gar- Farms tor ' . ing Service, i. " Toews SIAMESE a a. 725-2737. jax. Applican king $1,000 Oshawa Cali 723- RES «> TaAVaioaL acho 1 ewe er Seow TE a | ais, SATO utes] coy sun tant | Bi Ag 725.2857, Reuter, pen_'elyfr 7 pee : -- MON and re, Wi tud service Chocolate and ty eels gta mson, Real Estate Ltd. a.m, to 9 25--Houses tor hear 24 HOUR ' EY -- if mesh Sreee Peeree, sides shod service avaliable, PIR qualificati te Ltd: S p.m, 'After 26--Apariments Money to Loa SERVICE won't go or | your cor |feeh pleypen. buopy, en, cary eri (SY, BERNARD 316. pole sa. Salary : aie inn a adn oo gl n T dhe ag Sel stuck In the ture, Urgent, "moving. S76- baby turn 57%, Sal UR. Teeenens FARSI" leone Taeastd ' surate with exper- ROCKED ACRES Leonord Biss: t--Room and Boere 1 wit. Loan Vv RENT. is In an accident -- HORNER ol eT 728-6614, .| tence and quolificeti NTAL Judi ell 723-2070 meoWanted to Rent HALL, LOAN: yor up to eaane : ALS request the best, © keys, NECORDION, 12 basses, CAL MESSAGE FROM TH ions. $20 Knocker (0" JO--Automodliea your bills of Interest to at 8 TOWING , OSHAWA | 7102 F007, condition, $90, Tel » three Caneel CAUe Gee ee 8 o ge SR Donnell) ; Yor Sale or for any consolidate HOLM 24 hou ; 6.30 p.m. jephone 723- | PUPPY carefull LUB, Choose you . Beauchamp, Immed 723- Cars coroeee braviding_ You So main Call r service, |HIGH abi Wiss @ * \ late Italo : 8771 Trucks for ow oe ployed end have ered. cred "@/ ELECTR ES plage as $3. Long die. |oiner BACK SWIVEL rocker, Sit) hair accommedation, apie -ns ad wae Clerk-Treasurer, Bil Millar Fasassy . phone | Jean eis 723-6329 e--Avtomabte, Reve" ONICS page Raia Bon ent dl Sewn, Wares Gorse, ts Crore 'ialpe Tate vacebebe Hem 4 ooo "ean he 12 King's C 1186. 7 or 725- | Jack G 725-4330 Stet one Pome TIME PHONE deily. Peri Storene SOc. [erm nena mM courte. Weibe, Russet ries ss tesa tar Pet Alex, Onte 'haga Leon Marines 728-2634 ct ates cee as aT NRE 8 |e te ae fa, et i eaene ne Sere Lamson | Sain, geal Row SIF 668- piste with cov 16 'ond stand, South: Store, 446 Simcoe City to ak more for ty gg for seller CAR dies AQUIN sabe ry 728-5581 BRI D As Hwa wand beth. Telephane | VIR i caitcale af Cokes Whatever the} All USES "he Estate L El, Ani ueller = 728-0208 NG RESULTS! _ [fre extimeten st work qvereniens. For | STOVE -- "tia sparim rn RETRTORRATOR: ia ae wa mun ow oe 67' King St, E od Gi. don Taenen: (Sr oe Te Oe all werk quarantead. a ee apartment ae ni oo Telephone 728-0236 between 1 and [aot young. fumnon cen skunk. Prefer: AUTO DRIV pore ir se awa Marilyn Fitzgerald pits Pad Breet Seuth, Whitby. & [Gee Racine TOORY. goa aes PORTABLE TELEV FUPRIES -- Springer Spaniel AWAY CO E. The average man between E bap aed $ocaase in good condi: py redios, i Lapgerd from 344) 283-8457. weeks old, Please wa Ter. Terant ' Saee to switch jobs af ® and uM lyn Cassel 523.3 95.3 foot Soul siechne utters TRISH SUNTRR jephone 0 1, Ont. 362-1 tes in meny cases the x er seven} George N 710 se bee ew "hie Valley creek, Inia SUTTER PUPPIELreclciored 137 Yonge St. 391 @ totally nee ei change will be} ymeyer 728-424) [rai end dhak. sce oe (Arcade Bldg.) |! ind the place fy loyd Corson 733 as TE PORES [ah ag ree sae femme] ech rent» aaa Soares ese er| Oe ee naan row! ide Realty Ltd | Realtors : 16 Simgow St. $ aor)

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