VANCOUVER TEACH - ERS Candra Marshall (left) and Virginia Good experi- ment with a blackboard piano being used experi- mentally in Vancouver New Blackboard Piano Modifies Public School Music Classes VANCOUVER (CP) -- The pase teachers are playing lackboards in city schools these days, The Vancouver school system has a new 'musical board that allows teachers to do just that, Music teachers are able to play the Japanese . built tran: sistorized board for their classes just as if it were a piano, Music comes out of a speaker mounted below the board to cor- respond with the notes chalked on the music board's surface, Students are able to see and hear the notes simultaneously, "It's a perfect audio-visual tool," says Fred Turner, the school board's music super. visor, "When youngsters see a teacher chalk on a treble clef, then a note and then by touch- ing the note hear its tone, they will never forget it as long as they live," Mr, Turner told about 35 school music teachers in.a recent demonstration, "It's the finest tool I have seen for wiping out musical il. board with his finger, an elec: trical circult is completed and the note is sounded, "You can tell a student about tone and interval until you are blue in the face, but the music board will immediately com. municate the idea that notes stand for sounds," Mr, Turner said, He said the board will over: come the piano's limitations in music teaching, The piano takes the teacher away from the class and creates an artificial gap between the sight of the note on the blackboard and the sound of it when played, The music board has a black: board surface with a five-line staff printed on it, Invisible carbon-impregnated strips sep- arated by non-conducting ma- terial carry the low - voltage charge allowing teachers or students to complete the circuit with a touch of the finger, The portable board costs about $300--"'leas than a piano," said Mr, Turner, Vancouver school board has bought one of the devices and literacy in the " CHEAPER THAN PIAND Teachers operate the boa pair holding a meta hen the nd to the device, plans. to buy more if it proves successful, The University of British Co lumbia and the achool board in nearby New Westminster are student touches the/also using music boards, A PRETTY PAIR. A Persian Kittens Make Ideal Gifts Become Quiet, Clean, Gentle Pets' Persians do not require any) As pets in the home Persian) kitens are ideal. For quietness cleanliness and pleasing dis.) position, they are beyond com-/ pare, Each Persian has its own per} sonality and rapidly makes it-) self at home, In homes with children they have established a reputation for gentleness When you visit your pet dealer| te buy a kitten, ask for one about ®14 weeks old, At this; age they will be eating solid foods and will be at the attrac: tive "kittenish" stage MINTED SALAD APPLES (Yield; @ servings) @ small red apples 1% cups water 14% cups sugar ¥% teaspoon green food color |possible different treatment from most other. cats except that they should be combed every day if Because of thelr long claws it is advisable te provide them with a scratching post so} that they do not damage the furniture, Scratching posts and the proper combs can be bought} from your pet dealer While adult cats will sleep on a rug or under a chair, a kitten will prefer its own bed or cat box, This should be placed away from dampness and draughts, % cup chopped dates Pare and core apples. Com- bine water, sugar, food color ing, and extract in a large saucepan, Bring to a boil and add apples, Simmer gently until apples. are tinted, and sender, the bridal party at a dinner this evening at the Georgian Motor Hotel. Lingerie Departments Cater achools to teach music, As a student touches the notes titan gn the, blackboard, Pamela Peterson Tomorrow's Bride Feted At Parties A bride of tomorrow, Miss Pamela Anne Peterson, has been feted at several showers) | and teas, prior to her marriage to Christopher William Lehman, Mrs, George Batchin held a miscellaneous shower at her home in London, Ontario, Guests were friends and neigh- bors of the prospective bride- groom's parents, Mr, and Mrs, W. E, Lehman, London A miscellaneous shower was given by Mrs, H. G, Stuart, Toronto, Those present were relatives and friends of the fu: ture bridegroom | A tea was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, F, EB. Conlin, by Carol Conlin and Miss Kerry| Clifford, two of the bride-elect's attendants, Miss Peterson was presented with a turquoise bridge set, The neighbors neth Samuel Wallace Peterson, Switzer drive, parents of the and former) neighbors of Mr, and Mrs, Ken:| bride - to = be, honored Miss Peterson with a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs, John MoNab, who was assisted) by Mrs, Cyril Johnson, The bridge club of which the prospective bridegroom's moth: er is a member, presented Miss Peterson with a multi-purpose toaster and broiler. Following the rehearsal Mr, and Mrs, Lehman will entertain the sound of the note comes from a speaker attached to the device, e~CP Photo Ge ANUARY BRIDE To be married Janu. ary 14, is Miss Marie Reta Cordelia Laviolette to Mr, Murray Alan Lockie, The ceremony will take place in St, Joseph's Roman Catho- lie Chureh, Calgary, Al- berta, The bride-to-be, the daughter of Mr, and Mra, Edward Laviolette, RR 3, Oshawa, is a graduate of the Oshawa General Hospi. tal School of Nursing, class of '64 and is now on the staff of the Foothills Provincial Hospital, Calgary, The pros- pective bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lockie, Calgary To Apprehensive Male Shoppers Ry KARIN MOSER MONTREAL (CP) If you're a man who'd like to buy your wife some filmy lin- gerie for Christmas but are afraid to venture into the lin: gerie department, take heart, A woman who deals in lin- | gorie says that when you real- ize how much your gift will be appreciated it should be easy to overcome your shy» ness, 5 . "Woman is queen in the boudoir and a truly romantic man will let her know it," aays Janet Acheson, divisional commodity merchandiser for Eaton's. "More and more men are losing their reticence to come into the lingerie department and select a negligee or some other frilly item they would like to give the woman they love, "And about it, there is no doubt a woman who re | eeives such an intimate gift | from her mate may be assur ed he cares enough to dress her in the most alluring out- fit his ego can conjure up," Miss Acheson regrets there are still some who regard the lingerie department or douti- que as no-man's land "Rather, they forgo one of the loveliest tributes they can pay to woman and instead buy an automatic can opener or some other necessary piece of merchandise "Most men do not realize their lady fair often suppres: ses the urge to splurge part of the family budget on a lacy gown or petticoat because the | children need new shoes or winter coats, so, it's up to the | to the | gentieman to come rescue," Miss Acheson says buying lingerie need not be an awk: ward experience because most department stores and bouti- ques have qualified sales peo- ple. who are happy to help when given some idea of what is wanted "The strongest demand is still for sheer black or red items, although such scrump- tious sherbet shades as peach | and lime as well as butter yellow, nude and delicate blue all make up some of the most enticing sleepwear and day wear on the market," Before setting out, you'll need the correct size, If her dress size is & to 10, lingerie marked petite is right, 12 to 14 indicates small, 14 to 16 med. jum and 16 to 18 large, When the salesgirl knows whether she is tall or short, fair or dark, she'll be able to suggest suitable styles and colors. "Prices need not be a bur: den although, it is pleasant to note, most men do not care what it costs as long as it looks fabulous," Negligees--coat and night: gown ensembles--may range from $15 to $25 with higher: quality imports from $35 to $200. Nightgowns alone begin | as low as $5 and. increase with quality to about $30 "Gaily-printed bikini panties with matching petticoats, Edna. Ann. Hata. We have a large for Your Wife or Daughter OME Assortment of IN AND LET Wemen THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 16, 1966 15 Telephone 723-3474 for Mrs, Edgar Bradley enter: tained members of Simcoe Street United Chureh Women, Unit 3, at the Oshawa Golf Club. for their Christmas meet: ing. Following afternoon tea, a short business session was held and a social hour, The sale of calendars has been completed and the first meeting of 1967 will be held at the home of Mrs, Uriah Jones, Friday after: noon, January 13, Mrs, Paul Farrow and son, John, who have been residing with Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Farrow, Christie avenue, for the past year, left on Monday to join Corporal Paul Farrow, RCAF, at Dana, Saskatchewan, In town tomorrow for the! Lehman + Peterson wedding in} Northminster United Church,| }will be Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth) Dr, and Mrs, Colin Couper,| Montreal; Mr, and Mrs, David Alpaugh, Galt; Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Ayres, Norwich; 'Mr, Warren Prince, and Mr, and Mrs, Charles Prince, Islington; ;Mr, and Mrs, W, EB, Lehman, Mr, and Mrs, G, F, Batchin, Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Prince, Mr, and Mrs, Orville Eadie, Major and Mrs, A. A, Chisholm, Mr, Lex Chisholm Jr, Mr, William Chisholm, Miss Sue /Chisholm and Miss Mary Chis+ holm, all of London, Also attending the Lehman: Peterson wedding tomorrow will be; Mr, John Lehman, Mr, and Mrs, C, E, Lehman, Mr, and Mrs, Maxwell Strang, Mrs, Gladys Manewell, Miss Margaret Armstrong, Mrs, |Peter George, Mr, and Mrs, H. G, Stuart, Miss Mary Me- Kendry, Mr, and Mrs, L. H, which are the rage on the fashion scene, start at $4," While Christmas, birthdays and anniversaries are obvious times for such purchases, "try surprising her with some- thing lacy for no reason at all,' says Miss Acheson, "It is absolutely astonishing how much more womanly a busy housewife and mother be- comes," Miss Acheson also has a hint for the recipient; 'Never return or question the reason for such a gift, but accept it graciously and charmingly." Lina Taylor, perfume and cosmetic co + ordinator. at Eaton's, suggests that after selecting the lingerie the male shopper may want to round out the day with the purchase of a bottle of his (not her) favorite perfume, | "A woman should wear the | scent that pleases her mate, | as she is not supposed even |dish, Chill until firm, Garnish 14,1967 at 2:00 p.m, to smell it, If she does, she is wearing too much," 1 ... And. For Gitt Set containing Goddess Touch Luxury Sopra: Dust y Coes ing SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Women's Department Upshall, Mr, and Mrs, Thorold Lehman, Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth McPhail, Mr, Charles A, Leh- man, Miss Eldrie Reckman, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Hough. ton, Mr, Douglas Houghton, Miss Lena Turloy, Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Begg and Mr, and Mrs, Peter Butler, all of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Charl- ton, Park road north, cele. brated. their golden wedding anniversary, quietly at home last week, Mr, and Mrs. A, Ey Blatch, Burk street, and Mr, and Mrs, C. B, Heard, Gibb street, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs, William Wilson, Fonthill, On- tarlo, last weekend, Miss Hazel Barrie, Quebec street, entertained the literary) W. Peterson, Beloell, Quebec; |8rouP of the Lyceum club at a/ CONVERTS TO TROOPSHIP Christmas party in her apart: ment. Christmas poetry and stories were read, gifts were exchanged and refreshments were served by the hostess, Touch Of Ginger Fruit Salad Secret For those who prefer a light dessert after a rich meal, nothing is more appetizing than a fruit salad and this one has the added digestive quality of a touch of ginger. Made with an artificial sweetener, it is also low in calories, Y% cup cold water 2 tbsp, (2 envelopes) un- flavored gelatine 1 20-o%, can diet de luxe orange-apricot drink 2 eggs, separated 1% tsp, liquid sweetener 1 8 02, can diet sliced peaches 1 & ov, can diet pears 2. thap. finely diced candied ginger (8 servings of 6 calories @ach) Soften gelatine in water, Heat orange-apricot drink to boiling; remove from heat, add gela- tine and stir to dissolve. Beat egg yolks; add about 2-3 cup of the hot liquid grad- ually, stirring briskly, Pour mixture back into hot liquid, continuing to stir, Cook over medium heat for about 5 min- utes, but do not let mixtére boil. Take off, add liquid sweet- ener and chill until partially set, stirring occasionally, Meanwhile, drain sliced peaches and drain and _ silice pears, " Beat egg whites until stiff, Beat partially set jelly until frothy, then fold in egg whites. Add fruit and ginger and fold in carefully, Spoon into & sherbet gl 8e8 or into a pretty "lacs see ate oy with halved seedeu grape vu frozen strawberries. Above: Gift Set consistiny Shave, After Man-Powe Quality ot Work Most Important In Advancement By ROBERTA ROESCH How can you pilot your job ship to sail to a big career? To get a nautical opinion on this, 1 talked to a man who put out to sea to navigate a career as soon as he graduated from -high school. ' He is Capt. Milton L, Russell who commands tie 55 Miam! which sails on three- or four- day cruises between Miami and Nassau, 'The $8 Miami, which has a passenger capacity of 580 Is operated by the Peninsu- lar and Occidental Steamship Co, "As a native of Key 'West, Florida, 1 developed a love for the ocean at an early age," though I became seasick on small fishing boats, 1 decided to embark on a career in the mari- time profession when I made my vocational choice," Russell signed on the 85 Cuba, which sailed between the United States and Havana, as an able-bodied seaman, Be- cause of the good record he achieved, he rose quickly to the rank of quartermaster and served in that position for four ears, In 1938, he became third of- ficer aboard the $8 Florida, In 1942, he was promoted to sec- ond officer and was responsible for navigation and other duties, During the §econd World War, the SS Florida was con- verted into a troopship and Rus- sell remained on board through- out the war. Then in 1947 when "the vessel resumed cruise serv- ice, he was. promoted to first officer. This year in mid-No- vember he took command of the 8S Miami. Capt, Russell has had a perfect safety record, "We've never had even & docking incident," he says. To job-holders and careerists who are looking for opportuni: success, Capt, Russell charts the following course from his own experience, ACHIEVE QUALITY "When you want to get ahead in your chosen profession," he told me, be more conscious of the quality of your work than the quantity of hours you have to put in to achieve that qual- 'In addition, Capt, Russell points out four more observa- tions that will help any individ. ual book passage to a better career: 1, Refuse to relax for a min- ute in such important matters as study, training, and alertness to what is going on around you. 2, Pay attention to detail. 9. Learn to assess human na- ture and peoples' likes, dislikes and foibles. 4. Strive for a perfect record. SOCIAL NOTICE | ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, Edward Lavio- lette, RR 3, Oshawa, wish to announce. the engagement of their only daughter, Marie Reta Cordelia, to Mr, Murray Alan Lockie, son of Mr .and Mrs, Frank Lockie, Calgary, Al- berta. The marriage will be jsolemnized Saturday, aa 4 Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Calgary, Alberta, of Super Smooth Shave Lot Cologne r deodorant fn, oS Left: Deluxe Gift Set containing After Shave tober, Duper Smoot! ons Pe Deodorant, Hair Talc, Tale Deluxe Gift consisti Beauty. Bath, F conateting of Set Dusting Powder, Spray Cologne, Hand & Body Lotion and Perfume 10.08 a har Ohewe, Bae 1005 Someone Special... She Deserves a DESERT FIOWER christmas Drop in and see our complete Shulton line ties to pilot their job ship to - _These '678 hove what it tekes whichever wey you GOOD NEWS! ABOUT TOWN shopping week to go before Christmas! But since eauide inane nda aon cieanaen tek pad «4 le ci if A 're idaan, thaybe wine elthe tollaving migdneters at help! HOME FURNISHINGS! BETTY HAYDL INTERIORS hos many Christmas gift ideas in small wares as well as ferger furnishings. Greatly discriminating home fanciers would be @ pretty threesome |i haa stn ver gp Ray ighter in several color choices of gold-rimmed' Italion glass. color bonds, imported-tea sets (including soucer and plate) present a pretty picture when each setting is of a different color, A charming dresser ensemble, with gold fl 'over gloss, corvour shel, comput tandinered edie fer pies ool ft, © elegant for living or Gadrotor. #0 . ore soe Be aa bi coet in gold Ls peek is are to ray re just some o' love! item: BETTY HAYDL INTiRIONS, 15 na, walSeep in and 190 r ings .ot reesonabl prices excellent quelity, on 7202688," ¥ ay) a * * * ey ptbereynct * YOUR OWN! fokinga not this Christmas but for iny @ to come you can start planning and now for that home you've always wanted, OLive howe REAL ESTATE has exclusive listings of all the loveliest homes and properties in pk ey hes yyy wip ie tad yy are interested in ses insure a per! inal choice, visit OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE, 515 Brock. St. S., Whitby, at your earliest convenience, ~ 'one of her competent sales representatives will jo open ree) Mi pie Mw your special desires, and help lust the rr location require, priced right duit your budget. Phone 668-5883, i * * * * APPLIANCES OR FURNITURE! You should stop in ot ROGER APPLIANCE & FURNITURE STORE and look on thelr beautiful line of inexpensively priced house furnishings, Whether it's furs niture for living, dining or bed: , kitchen equipment, handsome floor coverings, or TV and Stereo entertainment, Gre sure to find what you want from among their versatile cohgction. A bed- room suite comprising a lous "Mr; and Mrs." double dresser, with two tall mirrors, a chest with two roomy lower drawers upper peel cabinet, weve add @ note of "old world" ele- gance to any ir, A plumply tufted sofa chair, with Mandarin tapered backs, come in vivid blue with black embossed gril pattern, while others. come upholstered in the new quilted lower patterns, practical leathers, etc, Twin washer end dryers, for utility room or kitchen, are available in brown or White, to» peter win reavenine, tines The range. See for yourself the vely choices by s in at ef Nee 2, torr 9 ina ERS, 50 Bond St. E., Oshawa, * * * * FLYING SERVICES! Anyone desiring a quick trip back home for Christmos or a surprise visit with friends et o distance, may hove a flight arranged to any destination on the Continent just calling the RON POULTER FLYING SERVICE, 728.6135. binges provide a plane and pilot for you and in no time can be on your way, According to tradition the RON POUL FLYING SERVICE should be holding their Christmas "cocktail hour' this Sunday at 2 p.m. This is an event held each Christmas to which RON'S patrons, employees ond their families get to- gether to enjoy mutual interests in the field of avietion. Last year they. were honored with a visit by Mayor Gifford of » and en roast he will Fay ottend on, yeor, It's bg when visitors look around various rtments comprise Ri POULTER'S establishment at the Oshawa. Airport ond Sesers fomiliar with what's taking place in regard to aircraft housing end maintenance, * * * * Soe when you aut need it Betts at CLINT TUNES . Best to s t VICE STATION on' Wentworth Sha Ouhewe south, for your oo Lg gp -- If you ge ng too much gos, r filter, @ slow acting or stuc! A excess! fast or rich idle could be the asin: Defective if S wane bon one gallon in » 80 it's worth having @ set ot required intervals, Bssig és anv timing w 1 the power, pe e mileage. wi Gled to Fee is eniaee A BONS, ond eae of the Texaco abrir teva: ear ad be needing. ne728-584 1. * * CUPBOARDS OR VANITY! If you're b>v'ng te prepare hal! man Pe ee eee eee oe@ny just res . ¢ Christmas 90 by without changing the siiuation. Lovely new cupboards in modern aye and beutiful, finishes 4 Bt | et wef H, heme COMPANY on Charles St., 4 . They oustom-build et their factory whatever desire wh into your particular kitchen : . And 4 plies for your bathroom. Vanities are so the women in your family... just like in your own home... with drawer conceal all your beauty aids and heirdo poy a h towels, plus a drawer for Dad's shaver lotions, With these hidden from view in thet extra built-in storage space, your bathroom will really have that new look for 1967 ond on. So get your order in early in the new year, Phone 668-6911, * * * * A NEW RAMBLER! Are planning to trade car in for @ < raw SAR Ou Mak ee oe id a iite ¢ hi ler? at them seating with ' + 5 @¢ONOMY, Qo power, roomy ed interiors, and streamline beouty of Sutae un' Tob rust-proofing, Various. models come in various price ronges in Rambler American, Rebel, Ambassador, or Marlin, Stop in at the TOR SALES, your Rembler Dealer's big modern show. room on Highway 2 between Whitby and Oshawa, end have one of their sales people show a around before making final decision. Like to bet you'll switch to Rombler for '67, Phone 668-333), * * * * BEAUTY FOR CHRISTMAS! Nothing gives more delight to @ woman than knowing she is looking and feeling her best for you, the man in her life, and for the inspiration she she meets during her daily rounds ofsectivity, Her most prized gift this yeor could be the nest egg you might give her to in in beauty . . . pe @ pretty new perm and plece or wig, rejuvenoting focial, a slenderizing number of other delightful aids to glamorize her for the Year's Eve festivities, and on th 967. She will en be 4 Key we the x pny CLINIC HAIR ath establish- x, Oshawe areas. an appointment, call 728-4623, Yaaasst or 725-7221 in Oshawa; 942-5911 iy Ajax, or 668-306) in Whitby. * * * * SMOKES AND ASSORTED GIFTS! SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE, Whitby centre, has for the smoker his favorite sinoretien, tats and tobacco, both Canadian and imported, plus his ite pipe by Brigham, and other makes, For ladies, boxed @ hair dryer, bathroom scales, or any of the various toiletry sets in delightful scents, ore always . For men, an "Old Spice" yf ene en appealing ng aroma, @ novel, a favorite magazine, something in sporting equipment, or @ dependable "Paper-Mate" pen would be much appreciated. For teen-agers, @ clock radio, a "number" point set, a Timex wateh, or a porteble typewriter for homework, For children, all sorts of gomes and toys, And for the home, outdoor spotlights to cost a Christmes glow, holly wreaths to decorate your windows and doors, and plenty of ice cream and pop on hand for "open house" are sure to make Christmas @ very hoppy occasion for everyone, Phone 668-8361. * * * * TREAT AT THE CAROUSEL! Some time during real treat's in store for the girl whose escort plans ot the CAROUSEL INN, You will thoroughly en' there whether hoving dinner in the lovely tenn (open 7 a.m, till:9 p.m, daily), or enjoying cocktails in the * where populor entertainers from Toronto or other make the CAR INN your stopover rs for com- plete essurance of overnight comfort. Phone 723-5261. * x * x CLEANING SERVICES! With the holiday so near, rush those lost minute cleaning jobs to POLS CLEANERS, Bioir Pork Ploza,.. Whitby. Whether it's bedspreads, drapes, winter clothing or party attire, PEL'S will have it good as new in a jiffy mS their Us HELP YOU! ... AL: fdna Ann Hats OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE but not soft, Drain and chill For filling, blend cream cheese, imilk, and lemon juice together. cream Add crushed pineapple, dates, cheese and nuts, To serve, slice apples 1 tablespoon milk harizontally into 3 stices 1 teaspoon lemon p filling between \pnies \% cup drained crushed pine-!may frozen for easier apple (handling, | ing % teaspoon lemon extract % cup chapped nuts 4 eunce package -MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 SIMCOE NORTH 723-3431 Free City Wide Delivery Open Evenings Till 9 p.m. Till Christmas Spoon for all articles in need of cleaning and laun to coll PEL'S DIAPER SERVICE to eliminate be