22 THE OSHAWA. TIMES, Thursdey, December 15, 1966 CITY GROWS FAST An assembly-line city near ital, is going up at the rate of Pretoria, the South African cap-jone house a day. lin SS gg a DS te al | For All Your Christmas Canadian Auto Output Rises While American. Sales Drag Although the United States auto industry continues to cut year has climbed to 158,000 from i2i,900 last year, helped back production in the face Of/py an increased output of lagging sales, Canadian output is on the verge of establishing its fifth consecutive record. Aided wy sharpry higher ex- ports to the U.S. under the Dodges to 92,000 from 47,000. Dodges are the biggest export Chrysler is making to the U.S. under terms of the pact. Of the Big Three, only Gen- eee CeO EEC TEV TO! eral Motors shows a drop in production to 330,000 cars and trucks from 384,200 in 1965. Part of that decline is due to a strike at the company's Ste. Therese, Que., assembly 'plant. Indicating the growth the key auto industry has experienced during its run of records, pro- duction in 1962 was only 505,- 000--the first time output had topped the half-million mark. U.S.-Canada auto trade pact, Canada's production so far this year totals more than 844,000 cars and trucks, up about 44,- 000 units from the similar 1965 period. For the whole year, produc- tion is expected to reach almost 900,000--up five or six per cent RCA VICTOR - the pick of the portables -specially priced for 'gifting' RCA VICTOR stereo ... perfect family gift @ Decorated candle table centres @ Door knock- ers @ Table centres @ Unusual fancy balls @ In- door and outdoor lights @ Novelties @ Gift wrap- " ping @ Christmas trees (colored or plain). RUNDLE'S Garden Centre 1015 King St. E. 725-6551 REFS LS ° ene Decorating Needs, it's... ww 6G (2 & = RUNDLE'S from 1965's previous record of Yuletide Gift 855,476. The gain, however, will be well under the 27-per-cent in- and crease achieved last year over 1964. i There has been a slight in- Trim Shop crease in Canadian sales, but @ the major factor in stepped-up iS : --. ao oon a ' ' n the first 10 months of this Decorate your home with beautiful exclusive dec- year, Canadian auto. makers oration, and trim. Visit RUNDLE'S Yule Tide Gift eet out rp at = i " » el a " and Trim Shop for the largest selection of Christ- oer in fgg y 1965. 4 . Shipments to the U.S. have mas decorating Heeds. been most noticeable in the pro- , S T A T | 0 N duction totals of Ford and|f.e Ls > er ger post two companies a _ at have made the most pro- gress in taking advantage of Chr im T S ] the auto trade pact so far. - 1S as ire a e€ ge' car protection up is ALL SIZES 95 Dec. 3 was 182,000 compar PRICED FROM a UP mera aedenek roo ee 9 THE MOST RELIABLE TIRES ON THE MARKET TODAY 000-unit increase in the output TURKEY DRAW 4 pdegoverng which Ford is ship-|| > ruRKEYs WON EVERY WEEK. Anyone Purchasing « Tire % et Dove's Fina Station is eligible to win « Christmes Turkey. a DOVE'S FINA STATION 792 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH The company's truck produc- tion also has climbed sharply, to 86,000 from 38,000. About 38,- 500 of this year's assemblies have been sent to U.S. markets. Chrysler's car production this THE TOWNSMAN -- 'Distinguished simplicity Is the keynote of this modern cabinet in fine wood veneers '®@) of Natural Walnut or: Satin Walnut, Two 8" and four 344" speakers matched and balanced to pro- vide RCA Victor "Golden Throat' tone. Pilot and Record Player Compartment Lights, Record storage space for up to 35 albums, "For 'The Good "Foods of Ghristmas save big--- RCA VICTOR 'Wise Santa' Special Super-powerful New Vista tuner, 12" deep focus, ie | space age solid copper circuits, lifetime guarantee, F built-in monopole antenna; oytside ontenna ter- New Vista minals, earphone plus 15' cord included. PICTURE-PULLING POWER STEINBERG " , ' 1 SOLID COPPER CIRCUITS GUARANTEED FOR LIFE TAKE IT HOME TONIGHT -..... 139.95 Super powerful New Vista tuner, 19" deep focus picture tube, space age solid copper eir- cuits, lifetime guarantee, built-in dipole "V" antenna with outside antenna terminals, Ear- phone plus 15' cord included. YOURS.FOR ONLY ......000 199,95 = wy It, USE OUR 'INSTANT CREDIT' Powerful new vista tuner, solid copper eirouits, transistorized IF circuitry, new vista TX-61 chassis, pre-set fine tuning, illuminated channel indicotor, all range tone control, two speaker, static-free "Golden Throat" FM sound, automatic scene control circuits and 23" picture. 259.95 WITH TRADE New for "66-EXCLUSIVE RCA VICTOR recording CHRISTMAS ALBUM PAY NOTHING TILL FEBRUARY '67 featuring world-famous | recording artists y) 9) HI-FI or e -- wie STEREO. Zi RCA VICTOR fun- RAC VICTOR color tv é filled gift ideas ... ..- family gift with a year round plus! #2 rn ee ae ee TURKEYS PRE-DRESSED, COMPLETELY CLEANED , ONTARIO GROWN a a ee ee eed Pet at Young Hens Young Toms 10-14 LBS. 20 LBS. and up All Stores Open Late Tonight and Friday night. te oe fore eee THE DORRANCE -- A standout value In big-screen, fine wood color television. Whether you're mixing or matching, you'll find this Contemporary lowboy a decided asset to your decorating scheme. The front of the cabinet is highlighted by striking mesh- weave grille cloth and a concave base rail,; Naturol Walnut veneers and selected hardwoods, ceveeeses+, 095,55 wrt Trave Automatic stereo portable record player with BSR ghanger, high efficient 5" oval speaker plus 4" ex- tension speaker in detachable lid, Separate volume €ontrol for each specker, AS LOW AS RCA Victor "Nipper" transistor radio. AS LOW AS ; oe ee 4 Oa eS EE 7 Mipre RCA COLOR from .. B.F GOODRICH HOME & AUTO CENTRE 88. KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 725-4543 Chaistmas Hours Open Every Night Till 9 TIN Christmas Seturdays Till 6 p.m,