' THEQSHAWA TIMES, 37 Wednesdey, December 7, 1966 SCARRED BLONDE WINS DAMAGES B.C. (CP)--Damages of $9,- ; pa Ege 4 va awarded to a dant. wha sawe she can no longer wear a bikini because of a large scar on her right thigh. Joanna Thomas, 33, won the award Monday in an ac tion against Royal Columbia i962, caused extensive burns to her leg. She was undergoing a back operation when a cauterizer caused burns that left a six by 1S-inch scar on her leg. "T don't like to be seen in public in my bathing suit," Mrs, Thomas told the court, She said she no longer wears a bikini as she did before the aceident and found herself handicapped in many sports activities st she and her husband previously enjoyed. A defence lawyer suggested tere were perhaps other styles of swim wear that would cover the scar. "But I'm still young," Mrs. Thomas replied. She was awarded $8,250 damages including compensa- tion for timé lost at work and $1,490 special damages, Her husband was awarded $500 special damages. Metro Tax Hike Ahead TORONTO (CP) -- Ratepay- ers in Metropolitan Toronto may have to pay higher Metro taxes in 1967, without a corres- ponding reduction in local taxes. Joseph Eakin, Metropolitan Toronto finance commissioner, Tuesday predicted the tax in- crease because of the transfer to Metro of local services, in- troduction of a school levy and a jump in construction costs, he five suburban boroughs-- York, North York, East York, Scarborough, Etobicoke -- will be expected to meet 55 per cent and the city 45 per cent.of any future Metro tax-rate increase. CBC President Promises Probe MONTREAL (CP) --Marcel Ouimet, a vice-president of the CBC and director of its French- language service, Tuesday promised a thorough investiga- tion into allegations that the CBC ordered a news blackout on a CBC union-management . Otiimet said this after a delegation from le Syndicat gen- eral du cinema~et de la tele- vision--the General Cinema and Television Union--had read a statement containing the allega- tion to a group of federal mem- bers of Parliament and CBC of- ficlals in the Montreal head- quarters of the corporation. The union, an affiliate of the Confederation of National Trade Unions, announced during the weekend that its 100 members at CBC Montreal would work no overtime as of midnight EST Sunday pending salary adjust- ments. The union delegation said Tuesday the CBC had forbidden the use in its television news programs of news concerning the overtime ban: Negro Comedian Flying To Hanoi LONDON (AP) -- American Negro comedian Dick Gregory told a news conference Tuesday that "'man is more important than Christmas" and that's why he's going to Hanoi to entertain U.S, troops captured by the North Vietnamese. Be said he is going thera as a human being and as af en- tertainer, His trip has been arranged through the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation which brought him into contact with North Vietnamese officials. Gregory said he will go to Paris Thursday, get a visa and then fly to Hanoi for a meeting with North Vietnamese _ offi- cials, Then, he said, he will fly back to the United States to gather films of the recent Notre Dame . Michigan State College football game, some Cassius Clay fights and a porta- ble record-player and some rec- ords for returning to Hanoi to entertain the U.S. prisoners on Christmas Day. Ex-Army Man Shoots Il] Wife SAN FRANCISCO (AP) .--'I kissed her and I shot her," said the 73-year-old retired army master sergeant Tuesday to the police he summoned to his apartment. On the floor in a red house coat was the body of the master sergeant's wife, Vera. Lane- hart, 56. Police quoted Walter Lane- hart as relating: His wife had been so sick that ~she had pleaded with him for six days to take her life. She had a fear of hospitals. Yet on last Thursday at Latterman Army Hospital, she got word she must undergo an operation. Since then she had kept beg- ging him to get his gun and shoot her, he said. "TY kissed her and I shot her. I thought I might as well get it over .with. I'm not well, either. I don't know how long {1 hava to live Jess' . ina fruit cake? Not much! , * In fact, we think just enough to hold the fruit and nuts in place. You see, our Jane Parker Fruit Cake is over 2/8 fruit and nuts. Every cake is just bursting with Canadian cherries, pineapple from the Far East, citron from Italy, sun-drenched raisins from California and meaty pecans from the South. AND ONE OTHER THING YOU SHOULD KNOW: It's the same wonderful cake... at the same low price as last year. ----ei¢ Ien't that good news? . Is it any wonder Jane Parker Fruit Cake is one of Canada's most popular Fruit Cakes? Is it any wonder it's become such a favourite gift item? Is Jane Parker Fruit Cake a good reason for shopping A&P? It's one of many. lane cous FRUIT CAKE | Th-LB PIECE 3-LB RING 5-LB RING si $9.69'$ 3.99 aman BLADE BONE RFMOVED SHORT OR CROSS CUT RIB ROAST BLADE ROAST Meals Are Made wih' een Right" Meats SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY CANADA'S FINEST RED RR ANP CTFFR REFF Ib BLADE STEAK ryA seu +69: BONELEGS SOLID MEAT J PORK LOIN ROAST pl Bi '59: SID BACON \ ALLGOOD SMOKED, SLICED, RINDLESS, No, 1 GRADE ecu PORK All SAUSAGE 49: 053: MAPLE LEAF PORK SAUSAGE MEAT Fresh Baked Foods! PIE n= AY: BEEF BOLOGNA -- BAR CAKE 389: WIENERS =' wor" OLD FASHIONED BREAD (.ce%s" 240x112. 3s COFFEE C AKE JANE PARKER RAISIN TWIST a 3 9 ' CAKE DONUTS *"srransenchttssveer"? 2. oto Qe TWIN ROLLS POTATO CHIPS fe PARKER arena JANE PARKER BAKE'N SERVE SAVE 40 JANE PARKER PLAIN toll pkp & Qe Shop Early For The Holiday! Grocery Values! ay A&P CHOICE QUALITY CREAM STYLE te. SAVE UP TO 19 OVER OTHER BRANDS IONA PEARS myaneane AYLMER BEANS S2i\OUR SUSE Mth 2 4 torinn 2 Qe MUSHROOMS ""scerssct® 3 onc OO INSTANT COFFEE wsvris'eeece2 6c OF TOMATO JUICE wii FN 8AF%, 2, s2tcnin & Qe JUNIOR FOODS "wz, uveteseeet 5 vscien Be m0rF ing inaton 5 5 OXYDOL Detergent CHEESE SLICES 9" works @Qc (PLAIN, PIMENTO OR OLD ENGLISH) a 10-fl-oz tins 55. 5 j M4fhor tna 99 (270 OFF So Fresh--So Low In Price! AsP Produce! MONARCH (8 OFF DEAL) SAVE AN EXTRA Se Hb eke @b Be roxeks 2,5 ieorohs 3 De _ 2 a 70. russ gy a, y eee oka ot 2, vols Be A ivi 99 3 Hox OO 1s-orrell Ap 5c (BUTTERSCOTCH NUT OR CHOCOLATE CHIP) on SHORTENING CHEERIOS CEREAL CORN FLAKES "ane ROBIN HOOD FLOUR = *"* DOVE $0 AP WHITE OR PINK TOILET TISSUE cottcs) SvaksGni'erion MARGARINE "= PEACHES AUSTRAL FANCY QUALITY, COOKIES SLICES OR HALVES PILLSBURY SLICE 'N BAKE SAVE 40 SAVE 4 NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P | 1 0 ' ID Florida Marsh Seedless Full of Juice 'GRAPEFRUIT White or Red No. 1 Grade size 96's ARIZONA NEW CROP -- FRESH -- GREEN NO, 1 GRADE -- SIZE 24's LARGE FIRM HEADS LETTUCE NONE PRICED HIGHER AT AQP! a 2 12 33° Florida, Stringless, Fresh, Tender, Ne. 1 Grade GREEN BEANS -2.9: NONE PRICED HIGHER AT AGPi * Texas Curly Leaf, New Crop, No. 1 Grade SPINACH 2.39. NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A@Pi G All prices In thie ad guaranteed through Saturday, December 10th, 1966 -- Oshawa, Whitby a b Poeenneete "A a ve WAVAY Support Canada's IIA Centennial Projects BURNS RINDLESS VAC PAC SIDE BACON MAPLE LEAF BEEF SUET cum SUPER-RIGHT BRAND. VAC PAG COOKED HAM woreke 2, De wm 5 3. 133: om 59 Rog. Prive bag Ble = BAVE Co 2b poly beg Mh Qe Reg. Price bag O80 -- SAVE 4e 2b poly bag MQe Morton (Beef, aTA er Turkey) Reg. 3 for Se--BAVE 140 T PIES & t-0x rho De SMELTS HEADLESS and DResseD 6b Be COD FISH STICKS sts 33 A&P FRESH FLORIDA ORANGE JUICE "Thg'Real Thing" A@P Brand Reg. Price btl, 400 -- SAVE 10: Fancy > PEAS Freneh Fried ork ORANGE JUICE ress storm 39 "The Real Thing" A&P Brand Rog, btl. 690 = SAVE 140 ORANGE JUICE rest stort 75¢ Mutt 'N. Jeff Reg. Price 2 tine 200 -- SAVE So CAT FOOD u Vena 47-02 tins &Ye Noxzema Reg. Price btl. 790 -- SAVE 100 HAND LOTION ésoztel 6 Ye Welch's Frozen 12-fl-oz, tin 480 GRAPE = concenmr | Doren Se Choteau Thierry 69c . 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