Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Dec 1966, p. 36

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$6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, December 7, 1966 A Ottawa Food Price Probe NEWS IN BRIEF Enters Closing Stages | - 2, . CABINET AND CHASSIS 'ARE SENTENCE 88 GUARD URGES PEACE EFFORT OTTAWA (CP)--The parlia-,aged uniform or inexpensive | - VIENNA, Austria aera Pata cM ype: le han 2 mentary inquiry into food|containers for goods. Special | PHILLIPS TAPE RECORDER 'A 56-year-old former S.S. (Nazi |Dr. iiaat oF thi National Coun. (Prices entered its final stages/displays have been both decep-| aiic} sergeant described as|president of the National Coun' iniesday with a rap at the|tive and selective, by giving the : | ; Vie CAN BE ADDED IF "the hangman of ae i Chatdings forces to join in press. (Supermarkets and a deience vijimpression oi savings thet 2! 4 : ; DESIRED was sentenced to 10 eday i eon Sohn The one. |the competitive system. ere, and by leaving out : Cy ---- = -- : . fie Be hig Treb- time U.S. cabinet member| The Consumers' Association|month after month some high-| , -- hailed recent proposals for an|0f Canada, relate complaints|Price staples. international summit confer-|from some of its 30,000 mem- Committee economist Warren) ence of religious leaders, includ-|Ders across the country, ex- James was given the job of} ing Pope Paul, to try to help tended the list of alleged retail-janalyzing data collected since | (Reuters) --Fi-fsettle the war in Viet Nam, |ing abuses already before the|1962 by one housewife and sald CANBERRA Australia's Nov. Senate-Commons. committee. to support a charge that super-| nal results in ed Tuesday that RETARDED GET CENTRE The Canadian Manufacturers'| markets know the items that 26 election pute 1-Country coal-| EDMONTON (CP) -- A $10,-| Association claimed its mem-|™make up the consumer price in-| the ruling L . Seats in Par-|900,000 industrial research and|bers are restraining price in-/4ex Published by the Dominion| ition will have training centre for the retarded|creases more effectively than|Bureau of Statistics. | BUILT-IN TAPE RECORDER (Optional) Fully Portable GET FINAL RESULTS iament, 10 more than Prev | "first of its kind in th 111 I n the/ wholesalers and} retailers,| By keeping these prices down,| rang gl er Pro there |World--will be built in Edmon-|mainly because' they face the|retailers could cause DBS to) wil! be one independent. Tabu- on it ba pert oe rigors of competition at home understate the actual increase | Jation of the votes took consider- Agni an ys! Me : ac-land in export markets. |in food costs. | i able time because Australia|CeP' -rclare ve af vue thon he The committee, trying to, The manufacturers, more con-| uses the preferential voting SYS-|; 4 tio) work and make them | Wind up hearings on food prices cerned with rejecting charges | tem under which the voter picks eAitaonariin and lay down a report by|that corporate profits are the, j candidates in order of | his prerting. Christmas, has scheduled. an-|"villain" in the rising cost of st paca nv wor he oss me en ce] WITH SOLID STATE MULTIPLEX ' LONDON (AFP)--The possi-|two next week. jlain is "an impossible demand} WILL TALK EMIGRATION | |niity of a visit to thé Soviet| The witnesses Thursday will| Which the economy is forced to OTTAWA (CP) -- The Crech|Union by Prince Philip was be-|be from the Canadian Labor|Scale down through the infla-} 4. will never hear the end of this! Phillips AM/FM stereo 'overnment has no objection '0ling discussed in parliamentary|Congress and officials of the) tionary process." | ae 'deal ' 4 i i dian offi-| nine ; ; fl in. a Contemporary all-wood walnut cabinet.. Think of the at- discussing with Cana j,(cireles here today. Well-in-jhealth department's food and pigcusses DEMAND | : yal a an : ill : holi cials the emigration to this\formed sources said members|drug directorate. They will talk| > S°USS aMA! if tention. this high fidelity radio stereo wi receive over the oli- country of nationals who &l-lof the Supreme Soviet, who re-\about regulations governing, Making up the demand are| days! 4-speed automatic record changer, with diamond/sapphire ready have solatives tn. Oonid cently visited here, had dis-|standardization and labelling. pos icin soe a Vine bed cartridge will play all your favorite records. Four 8' Due-Cone 1 2 inister creetly sounde re- jeverything, m lf . . vi rCeechoslovakia said Tuesday|snonse an pose ar 4 the | VIEWS VARY lsarvitea | more. wages, niore Speakers Gigraly, two more in oa A Mtr the exciting sound. as he arrived for a visit 0 Can-| prince would receive, The separate hearings of the|tax -. supported welfare pro-\j Al! mew modern design control panel makes it easy to operate, ada that "if there is an interest consumer group Tuesday morn-| grams, all at once." Newly designed Solid State FM Multiplex : delivers. clear multiplex on the Canadian side we might STRAIGHTEN LINES ing and the manufacturers in| 'The consumer representatives|f signals. Come in make arrangements to have it in your home discuss" the reuniting of fam-| QUEBEC (CP) -- When the|the afternoon rarely touched on|and manufacturers crossed on|f this Christmas. ili Quebec legislature convened|the same topics. | int--th iti that sa Dec. 1, all government and op-| {one point--the proposi wd a KNOWS NO PENALTY psig "mnie iced enh tint ie tea aca were se OTTAWA (CP) --Defencejother for the first time in 40)-------- ILLUSTRATION SHOWS PHILLIPS Minister Hellyer said Tuesday|years. In previous sessions, | (OPTIONAL) TAPE RECORDER he is unaware of any policy which denies promotion to armed forces personnel who re- either party in power has had | such a large majority some of| its members have had to sit on) AVAILABLE IF DESIRED (AT EXTRA COST) Reg. $330 Value Tape Recorder Extra WIN A 25" PHILIPS COLOR TELEVISION FREE DRAW PHILIPS 25" $1225 COLOR TV fuse to leave their families be-|the opposition's. side of the! hind when they a eg -- chamber. | was replying in io tee to Donald Pactnnis HONOR POLISH HERO (PC--Cape Breton South) who) TORONTO (CP) -- A moni- asked under what authority the| ment to Sir Casimir Gzowski,| new policy was being imposed. | soldier, engineer and teacher, is | MEN to be placed in a park named/ PROMOTE RCMP for him on Toronto's lakeshore. | OTTAWA (CP)--Promotion of| Sir Casimir came to Canada in| Chief Superintendent Henry/1841 and helped found the Soci-| Cooper, the roth onge ghd baad of Civil Engineers. al investigations, to the ona assistant commissioner STUDY IN FOREST was announced Tuésday. Also} WINNIPEG (CP)--A_ record) announced by Commissi 000 Manitoba students have) George McClellan was the pro-| visited the provincial forestry | motion of Superintendent Ge-|association's "school in a f | rald Engel, native of Edmonton, | est" to learn woods lore. Part to the rank of chief superintend- | ies from 103 schools spent a day | ent. each >. a aot site and | each child was given a spruce! RENEWS CHARGES seedling to plant at home to MOSCOW (Reuters) -- The|commemorate the visit. | Communist party newspaper : Pravda renewed its attack on NUMBER PAYS OFF China today with an editorial} OXFORD, England (CP)--An | charging the Chinese leaders|Oxford man who entered a} with '"'subversive activities,"' | competition Bed guess the | the Soviet news agency Tass re-|ber of attendances at an exhibi- | here. The editorial claims |tion put down his phone nun: | PRIZES INCLUDE... that help to Viet Nam could|ber with a zero at the end--| ie He have been broader and more/and won. Arthur Rising got | * THE CAMARO ONTARIO MOTOR Everyone's thinking... talking . " effective if Peking had agreed |first prize--a mini-car--for get- | NEW SALES looking at color television. Here's to joint action with other social-|ting within 62 persons of the | your chance to win one -- a 25" po aan ann correct total, i @ 7 Ser Necation HONOLULU VY": coretien Phillips fiddle free color TV with ola Pay oe completely automatic color tuning. @ Winter vacation for two to the See it tomorrow! You could be BAYMOTORINN ,,. SKIVILLAGE watching at home this Christmas, OWEN SOUND © Electrohome portable television set Parkwey Television © $1,540.00 in merchandise vouchers hn... lin... NORM FISHER'S Meet Market --) wae, a For Personal io F. j Service Ce at COME IN... GET YOUR FREE DRAW TICKET We suggest you call in often! You will receive one free draw ticket everytime you MEAT PRICES' HERE ARE LAST WEEK'S WINNING 7 ere LOWER ENTRY COUPON NUMBERS... | w drow telat avery te, You pay on at NORM FISHER'S 2 oe a nace on Ist PRIZE--50.00 chased. SMOKED PICNIC SHOULDERS POLISH SAUSAGE SEE WHAT 1.00 WILL BUY... BOLOGNA ay'th'rnee 3 Ibs. 8 SKINLESS WIENERS ...... 3 Ibs. 5th PRIZE--10.00 6th PRIZE --5.00 » saints tivad 2nd PRIZE--25.00 HEADCHEESE 12." 49° Q9 [oe rezt to 6asa75 ie eae ON THE PURCHASE OF A SUNBEAM SUPER POWER CLEANER 5g¢ | 7th PRIZE--5.00 ae Oth PRIZE--5:00 aoe 770290 Joh PRize--s.0o 172683 11th. PRIZE--5.00 537289 wh Prizt--i000 59739 GET $20 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD CLEANER uw. 49° SAUSAGE ANY ONE ITEM HOLDERS OF WINNING STUBS MUST CLAIM AWARDS BY DEC. 10/66 AT CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST AND SAVINGS CORP., OR NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, PEAMEALED BACK BACON - Seghtere A SPARE RIBS . 39° BREAKFAST BACON... 75° © FREEZER SPECIAL ° BEEF HINDQUARTERS . Ib. 59% SIDES ... eee db, ae CUT AND WRAPPED FREE MOST STORES PRICED. COMPLETE WITH DELUXE SET OF CLEANING TOOLS TRADE-IN § a ALLOWANCE Come in let us give you demonstration. It's priced complete with a ' deluxe set of cleaning tools including a 12" bare-floor brush . . . stain- less steel wands . . . no-mar wheels. It's beautifully colour keyed -- y p 0 | 74 chrome and blue with disposable dirt bags, 5-year hose guarantee. ou ay n y 'e -- SHOP LATE TOMORROW Open Thurs. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Canadian housewives who have tested the new Sunbeam "660" report that it reaches deeply imbedded dirt that no other vacuum could touch. For all its power, the Sunbeam Power Vacuum Cleaner is safe on the finest of floor coverings. Powerful suction dislodges imbedded dirt without damaging carpet fibres. ---- ee ee ee ae oe oe om omy FRESH KILLED Turkeys - Geese | Capons for 1 _ Christmas Order Yours Early \ / CLOSE SATURDAYS AT 6 P.M. BONUS DRAW SAT., DEC. 10th Electrohome Portable Television Set Open All Dey Wednesdey--Closed Monday Norm Fisher's Meat Market 22 Simcoe St. North Phone 723-3732

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