'MAK CHICKEN "i _--" ssl MORE ELIGIBLE TAN YOU THINK E. BEEN Wei ¥ 1, a, Ds, By ' Oshawa CABLE TV Limited aS "¢PERFECT RECEPTI | E YOUR TV SET LIGHT UP WITH JOY... 8 GIVE IT coocc-oo FOR CHRISTMAS } ~ MY DARLING GIRL--TO EXPOSE YOU TO THE PHILISTINE ASSAULTS OF MY BROTHER!/ DID HE. WOUND your? pip HE CONDEMN ME? ee, >}? HE DION'T CHANGE MY MIND ABOUT YOU ONE LITTLE Bit! I'D BE HONORED TO TRY OuT FOR youR "HELEN OF Troy?" SECRET AGENT X9 baa Gat Gas? ST a ae a PolP cL Pas Pade Pel Pere Pos Pe. x ~ ree 78 NO ANTENNA There's More To See With Cable TV Rae Pee et ee D TELEVISI Hamiltes Toronto 7--Stage 67 10:30 WEONESDAY 9%--Sports Hot 6:00 P.M, 12--Woody Woodpecker li--Movie 8-Superman J--Laramie 6~--Viewpcint 4~Late Show vie 3--Woody Woodpecker 5:30: P.M, 12--It's, About Time 3-6--Music Hop 2--Passport Two 6:00 P.M. F--Twitign rneatre 9--Gunsmoke Nation's Business 1.45 0:38 PLM, 6--Nightcap 12--Leredo N--Plerre Berton 4--News; Weather 12.9 3-6-9--News Vi--Night Life 2-6--Huntley-Brinkley 7:08 PLM. 1i--lection Coverage 9--Batman @--Lowell Thomas 6--TBA 4--Lowell Thomas 3--Daktari 2---News, Weather, Sports | 0:55 A. |. 7--Dialing for 7.2 P.M, Girl Talk t--News Weather 7:38 P.M. &--Pastor's St 12--Winners' Circle 9~Andy Williams #2--Halimark Hall of 311-12----Ed A 2--Boro's Big Fame 7--Batman 4--Pegoy Neville 4--Lost in Space 6--Dialing _ tor @--Jack LaLa 3-6-9-11-12--On 4:00 P.M, begieiets Vi--Boecial Movie 10:08 9--Fractured Tt~Ea Allen 7:43 PLM. 6--Nation's Business 7--Movie 312--Green Acres 8.05: PLM. 4--Parad Hockey 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3612--Musle Canada 9--~TV Bi 7--Donna 1:00 PLM, eed 4--Frank Sinatra naga tt gr 24--Bob Hope 10:00 P. Ti---Election Coverage 28-1 § 4-Danny Kaye 3-6-12--Intertel 10.05 P.M, Vee--Merv, Griffin 12--Cartoon Party reat 7--Money Movie T1100. 12-11-9-8-7-6-4-3- Weather, Sports 11:20 PLM. 1.25 PLM, N--Plerre Berton 4--News, Weather, Sports &--Leave It to Beaver Viiae P.M, ta 24--Johnny Carson P.M, 12:00 A.M, Tl--Mystery Theatre 'Sigg 2:00 PM. THURSDAY 8:08 A.M, 4--Captain Kangaroe | 8.30 A.M. | 1i--Albert J. Steed Romper Room 9:00 A.M. Marri Sports 9--Uncie Bobby 4--Bonnie Prudden #:30 A.M. 4--Love of Life Bonnie Prudden jperman Show AM. 34-4-12--Edge of Night 8-2--Thanksgiving Parade jes 3-6-12--Canadian Schools 10:90 A, Morning T PRE (SIO gS Uae Oe om wae aml ast an eb aso 2a ON LOG J--Supermarket Sweep 3-6--Butternut Square 1:8 AM, %--Magistrates Court 7--Dating Game M. 12:08 NOON 9%--~Toronto Today é--Luncheon Date 4--News, Weather, Sports 3--Popeye and Pals 8-2--Jeopardy 12:38 P.M, 12--Movie 44--Search for To morrow 2-8----Swinging' Country 3---News; Weemer); 1:00 PLM, 9--Movie N--Theatre @--Dialing For Dollars, Girl Talk 7--Ben Casey nee Date 3--Movie 2--Merv Griffin Mv, 2 -- News, 1:0 PM, &--Let's Make a Deal 4--As the World Turns 2--Merv Griffin 7--Newlywed Game 4--Password 2-8--Days of Our Lives 2:38 PLM. 12--Calendar 9--People in Conflict 8-2--The Doctors 7--Time for Us 6--Coronation Street 4--Linkletter's Party 3:00 PLM, "M. Dollars -- age Confidential dy %--Words and Music 7--General Hospital lien Time 4--To Tell The Truth Top 8-2--Another World 3-6-12--Take 30 3.25 P.M. Dollars, 4~News inne 3.30 P.M, tarie V--Dennis the Mensce 9--It's Your Mave 7--Su Phrases Y Tine 28----You Don't Say 4:00 P.M, VW--Super Comics 9--! Love Lucy 8--Match Game 4--Secret Storm MA, ime $.6-12--Communicate PP Nike Bovgles ly Glant 4.90 PLM. ~. V1--Munsters 600 KING ST.E. (EAST MALL), 723-5278 THE OSHAWA TIMES, 'ednesday, December 7, 1966 ee Record-Holder in Masters' id hig ws North dealer. ' Both sides vulnerable, North dealer - Opening lead--four This deal was pla Paulsen, ,Los Angel occurred in a pair ship, where great stress is placed not only on making the contract but also on making every possible trick. West led a spade, taken with the ace, and East returned the queen to Paulsen's king. Paul- sen had to discard from dummy on the spade, and made the far- sighted discard of the eight of diamonds. Making eleven tricks was now a cinch, but making twelve was more difficult because of the possibility of taking a club finesse in the wrong direction. Before committing himself to, a finesse, Paulsen first chashed the A-K of hearts in order to better gauge the makeup of the hand. When West showed out on the second heart, he decided that West was likely to have the greater club length. Accordingly, he led a club to the king and a club back to the jack, East showing out. By now, Paulsen had a count on West's hand and all he had to do was take advantage of it. This he Diamonds: K-7-4, West -- Spades: 10-8; Diamonds: Q; Clubs: Q-8. With West's hand virtually an open book, Paulsen now cashed carded a spade, and continued with the three of diamonds, When East followed with the six, he finessed the seven to produce his twelfth trick, Paulsen's method 'of play would have failed if ditmmy's last diamond had been the eight instead of the three, TAKE THE DIME -- THE Ss EARMARKED FOR FOREIGN AID YOUR HEALTH Irritable Husband Heiress Denies Divorce Planned NEW YORK (AP) -- Ailing Woolworth heiress Barbara Hut- ton denied Monday she plans to divorce her seventh husband, Prince Raymond Doan Vinh of La 0s. The much-married American multi-millionairess was carried from a plane from Paris in the arms of a friend, Colin Frazier. She was cordial with reporters until asked whether she had left the prince a $3,000,000 cheque as a divorce settlement. "No!" she snapped, her ~|smiles changing to a frown. May Have Problems By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: My hus- band, 70, is acting queerly and 9:30 PLM, 7--Peyton Place 12--Romper Room 1--Mike Douglas Mr, And Mra. ~ CROSSWORD ACROSS 1, Jacob's brother 5. Pecks 1.M 46, Japanese outcasts DOWN 13. Meas- arch 26, 9. Forays 1967 10, Mountain 2.R crest 12. Scandina- vian capital 13. Deer's horn 14, Lures measure sediment 3. Decorate 4, Pronoun 5. Followers ofaFrench 21. Sweet revolution. 16. Chinese ist length 6. Branches of learning 7. Babyl. god 19. To ward (off) potatoes 23. Perform 25. Peach State: abbr. 27. Decants 8.Resembling 28. Belgian a pillar 9, Bake 11. Belonging to ' resort 29. French river Ireland 31. Standards PIAICIE IT MES IL IAS IH {LIRIAIDIE BEMIA Feit 1A] Gi INIS} iver MAT IC MAIPIOIL DO] spelling ASS sas SF 1 Hw Al 'Li I am frankly worried. When I try to fix his meals and ask him what he wants, he flies into a rage and shouts that I should know. Then he slams the door to his bedroom and sometimes stays in there until thé next day. Other times he will just get mad over nothing and go out with the boys, I have heard that men this age become senile. Do you have a pamphiet on this, or what can you say to relieve my mind?--L. D, No, no pamphlet on it, be- cause such emotional outbursts don't fall into any: simple for- mula. They take many forms. Excessive anger is one. An- xiety, withdrawal, depression, suspicion and a good many others exist. Is this behavior something new, or merely an intensifica- tion of the way your husband|R has always been? One must be more suspicious when a mode of behavior is entirely different from what has been his normal actions. It's also wise, when such be- havioral changes occur, to lis- ten. Find out (without prying) whether your husband is wor- ried about something--money, job, health, or whatever. DISCUSS PROBLEM I don't like to hand out the easy-sounding advice of "go to a psychiatrist," although in some cases that may be neces- sary. It's better to discuss the roblem with your doctor; tell him what is happening. He:may be able to help or he may ad- vise you to get specialized assistance, Calling such changes senility isn't hecessarily a good idea. We ol! ont alt hut ee dan't all fly into rages. "Senility" may mean that he has had a stroke or other form of brain damage. It may also be an emotional upset which does not involve any physical injury. IT would like to "relieve your mind," Mrs. D., but I can't. Perhaps your doctor can, be- cause sometimes the underly- ing cause of such a change in temperament can be identified and helped. It isn't natural for a person to change personality just be- cause he is old. Whether goud or bad, there still has to be a reason for the change. Dear Dr. Molner: Is corti- sone used in treatment of hay fever? My son, 18, had one shot of what he believes was cortisone, and it seemed to help. Maybe it was just a mild season. Would such a shot be -- every year? -- Mrs Cortisone is indeed used to give hay fever victims some temporary relief, but it is un- usual for a single dose to pro- duce such complete relief. 1 must assume that your son has very mild hay fever or the season was extremely mild. Whether treatment is .advis- able each year should be judged by your physician, but I doubt that a single annual injection would do much good, Dear Dr. Molner: I read that the way to prevent flabby breasts after having a baby is by taking advance precautions. What are these?--Mrs. M. B. I think you are worrying too much, The essential precaution is not to gain too mitch weight during pregnancy. Since the breasts are largely fatty tissue, thaw il) "Then there are no plans for 'Ja divorce?" she was asked, Miss Hutton answered: "That's correct." Miss Hutton stopped at Kem nedy Airport en route to Mexice City where friends nad said. sive planned to get a divorce. The divorce rumors started in Mo- rocco where Miss Hutton has been living. LEARN TO SERVICE MOOSE JAW, Alta. (CP)-- Technical instruction on Tutor jet training aircraft is being given 25 Malaysian youths at the Canadian Armed Forces base here. Their country will be taking delivery of 25 Tutors from Canada after they leave here Jan. 20. LENNON WORKS ALONE John Lennon of the Beatles is acting alone in a new British movie comedy, How I Won The War. (aw maw) hesame Wi SALLY'S SALLIES flabby. if you gain, then lose. Note to A. D.: Alcohol is high in calories, therefore should certainly be avoided by your diabetic son. It is no wonder that he has bouts with shock. He is dangerously risking his