Twenty-Five Years Ago Japan Hit Pearl Harbor It was lefts mais of aa wreckage in minutes. and World Capitals Gloomy Over Rhodesia's Choice By REUTERS nesburg Stock Exchange todayjers he still opposed the use of Many world capitals reacted|as nervous selling was apparent de) gpg A duis gloomily Tuesday to the smvue-jsogn aiier ine eachange opened a ae pag Bie! 0 sian cabinet's decision to reject igceaded i ecutive the British blueprint for ending|°° 'tamond and copper secretary of the African. libera the 18-month-long independence shares all recorded falls. tion committee of the Organiza- tion of African Unity, said that SEE ESCALATION if sanctions were to be mean- The mood contrasted sharply} General feeling in South/ingful, they would have to be with the rising hopes of the last| Africa was that the rejection set|total, But the attitudes of South few Gays, sparked by Prime /the stage for an escalation of|Africa and Portugal made this Minister W118 o0n's yneeting|the Rhodesian crisis leading to|uniikely, and the obvious solu- aboard a hyd = My Psp a sanctions war involving the|tion was force, ng td oae remier lan whole of Southern Africa. A Portuguese foreign minis- } ; Bang vg Mal py or hg try spokesman declined to com- Stormy Weather Plagues Italy ment. Portugal's African. terri- Rhodesian decision as a defeat|tory of Mozambigite, landlocked for Wilson. Rhodesia's main outlet te the La Nation said Wilson had not/sea, will play a major part in hesitated to stake all his. pres- ROME (AP) -- Fresh snow piled up today in the central and eastern Alps while thunder- storms rumbled across much of Italy in a continuing spate of violent weather, The Ombrone River, whose flooding made Grosseto one of the hardest - hit disaster towns in Italy's flood belt Nov. 4, once again rose to the point of spill- ing over, Elsewhere rivers began to re- cede. New floods unleashed Monday by intermittent rain and cloudbursts at Bologna, Mo- dena and other northern com- munities eased overnight. But the swollen Tiber River kept more than 100 families away from their evacuated homes at Prima Porta on Rome's north- ern outskirts, By ARR PEARL HARBOR (AP)-- Twenty-five years ago, at pre-jone U,S, plane' got off Siwesy Tine Sm, Mewslt time leraund. a bomb struck a fuél-storage| tank between Hickam Field and Pearl Harbor and Pte. Frank Frucci looked at his watch. (|s "Bernie, it's five before eight), --if we're going to make it to mass, we'd better hurry," said Frucci as he peered through a window from the third floor of his barracks trying to see w, all the noise was about. Frucci is @ restaurant opera- tor in Niles, Mich. He also is chairman of his state's Pearl Harbor Survivors' Associationjat her berth. and' as such he is re-visiting Hawaii on this 25th anniversary Arizona, . of the Japanese attack on} Oil slicks sometimes appear Pearl. P around the memorial, formed About: 3,000 visitors, are tojby tiny droplets escaping from take part in ceremonies at the|the barnacle-encrusted. Arizona National. Memorial Cemetery of|h the Pacific overlooking Hono- lulu, while a smaller memorial service is scheduled at Pearl Harbor. Many, like Frucci, are sur- vivors of the attack. Others are relatives of the 2,409 military men and wonien. who .were killed on that eclear Sunday morning. LEFT A WRECKAGE Pearl Harbor was the pri- mary target of the Japanese dive bombers, torpedo planes and horizontal bombers, but ad- jacent Hickam Field also took much of the enemy's fire power. z358 any moves to apply sanctions to Rhodesia, Tass, the Soviet news agency, reportin g Britain's request for a Security Council meeting, said this was a continuation of the British line of transferring re- sponsibility for measures against the 'Southern Rhode- sian racialists" to the UN. Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman of Malaysia told report- tige on efforts to "get the + mag regime back to legal- {eg Prices sagged on the Johan- Gunmen Hold Up Montreal Office MONTREAL (CP) -- Three hooded men, armed with sawed- | off shotguns and crowbars, Mon- day night held-up the Montreal Transport Commission offices in Montreal East and escaped with $8,562. A police spokesman said they later abandoned a car they had stolen and changed to another car. No one was reported injured. surface, Frucci, looking over the scene of the holocaust now, said: 'We consider what happaned in Hawaii 25 years ago to be a part of history . . . none of ua ILLUMINATED CATTLE DARTMOOR, England (CP) --Cattle roaming loose on Deyon moorland are to be fitted with reflecting necklaces to re- duce the number killed by ve: hicles on unlit country roads. More than 200. died last year alone. WILDCAT STRIKE ed up on site as some 2,000 Expo workers protested a plan which would have forced them to travel to the a part of American history as Valley Forge . . . what ha pened at Pearl Harbor should be remembered so that such a thing is never permitted to happen again." BOTH LOBLAWS OSHAWA MARKETS construction site. by bu The plan was later rescin< ed. --(CP Wirephoto) Pierre Dupuy, commis- sioner-general of the 1967 world's fair (bottom), turn- > SPECIAL! PREDRESSED 3 LB. AVERAGE FRYING or ROASTING SAVE 14c per Ib. LB, -- GRADE \ "A" SPECIAL!. COMPASS BRAND---VAC PAC SPECIAL! PICNIC STYLE SMOKED PORK SHOULDERS ., 49: SPECIAL! PRESSWOOD WIENERS..........;;: 45: LUSCIOUS TROPICAL FRUIT! LARGE SIZE! GOLDEN RIPE! BANANAS FROM ONTARIO'S FINEST ORCHARDS! FANCY GRADE! McINTOSH APPLES SPECIAL! POWDERED Mil. KO SKIM MILK sh thee eRe SPECIAL! ALL FLAVOURS JELL-0 POWDERS SPECIAL! Fancy Cream Style Corn, Choice Mixed Vegetables, Choice Peas and Carrots, Diced Harvard Beets 10 = 1.00 AYLMER VEGETABLES A AQ? POST'S CEREAL 2 = 43° SWANETTE 3 65° KRAFT MUSTARD 2 Shopping Centre Store Open Wed., Thurs. and Fri till 9:30 -- Downtown Store Open Thurs. and-Fri..till 9 p.m. 1-LB, PKG. RINDLESS SIDE BACON........;:: 79: SPECIAL! SHOPSY'S--VAC PAC 1-LB. PKG. SAVE 5'26 per is, 2 CURLY LEAF TYPE! READY TO COOK! FRESH SPINACH SPECIAL! LOBLAWS TRUMPET INSTANT COFFEE SPECIAL! Swift's Frozen Turkey, Chicken, Beef or Beefsteak & Kidney MEA i PIES as SO. ae SPECIAL! MONARCH VEGETABLE OIL -. SPECIAL] DAINTY INSTANT FRIED RICE -- CELLO PKGS. 6-OT BASKET 75: 99° 3-LB. PKG. server 3-07. PKGS. C \ 10 FL. OZ. TINS 32 FL. vem OZ, BTLE, y 8 FL. OZ. SQUEEZE BTLES. 12-02. PKGS. 200's PKGS., F. is here to fight the war over| Mrs. again. Pearl Harbor much/ceat; Mrs, D. A. Wilson and cent; Mrs,' C, Sweet Pickled Corned Beef... 75:)"« British aclentiats to take jobs 3 = 19's: - MeCansh, cent; Mr..and Mrs. E. astedo, 51 per cent; T. Prest and Mrs. R. §. Ruddy, 50 per cent. East and West -- Mr. and . F, Armstrong, 61 per Mrs. J. R, Frost, 57 per cent; 4. Coles and E. Anderson, 56 lg ag Mrs. O. G. Mills and A. W, Armstrong, 56 per Freeborn and Mrs, N. Famme, 50 per cent. The club's Christmas Pa will be held Dec. 14 at 6 p.m. 3 ; dep oe 8 oe 4 mB a a 2F pr : fe ? es 8 &a oge G 3 "Bee ft int we ib e 'i #358 2 BP; a} gg EE" Ers eee ee p aa) ain alt! | E iE and Mrs. C. Davies,. oon and Mrs. LONDON (AP) -- Another s drain". operation to get- the United States and Canada it about 10 € engineers, math- ematicians, physicists and fuel technol "We 't want Britain's