CHILD GUIDANCE Heifer Project Helps Underdeveloped Nations|" es sees By GANKI U. Maune, SoS cattle, sheep, rece and try have been sent to farm, Mr. West for many people a they could pasture give fresh milk daily and produce calves that would, in turn, produce more milk and more calves would be a better answer than the dried ixture. It was a historic event when an Indiana farmer said, 'I'll give a calf if someone will raise her." That calf was the different kinds of Heifer Proj- ect animals to be shipped to various countries of the world. Dan West's vision became a .jof heifers were -|money with which Multiplies reality wher fn 1044s boatload shipped to Puerto Rico. Since 1944, more than 1,000,000 animals including goats, . rabbits 84 different countries. Included in the January-June ts of 1066 were: 51 , 194 heifers, 60 sheep, 167 ts, 97 pigs, 20 guinea pigs, 47 rabbits, 40 hamsters, 104 boxes of bees, 60,000 chicks and 2,500 turkeys. Where did they go? Mississippi receive eight per cent, Latin America, 62 per cent, the Far East, 25 per cent, the Near East four per cent and to Africa, one per cent. Individuals like you and me and our children, churches of 21 religious groups of all faiths, foundations, farm and service organizations donated these ani- mals. While some farmers give thoroughbred heifers them- selves, most give donations in "heifers" can be bought. Many children in church school classes, 4-H Clubs, and FFA have donated to help buy "heifers" for needy families somewhere in the world. Of all the money received by The Heifer Project more than half is used to pay for animals and transportation about a third for technical assistance and only a tenth for administration, illustrate: $25 will send 100 baby chicks anywhere in ithe world; $15 will engage a Tepressuwuve ts teach recip!- ents how to feed and care for them and $5 will cover the cost of arranging this. | SIGN CONTRACTS As the gifts from The Heifer Project = distributed directly to the needy th: h local vol- untary welfare leaders and or- ganizations in the respective countries, and not through. their government agencies, it can't stick to the fingers of the politi- cal powers. Besides, The Heifer Project Peace Corps have signed contracts for mutual -- in Bolivia and Equa- or. Just see what this enterprise does for building up high grade livestock and poultry in various countries, as only the highest grade are sent. , In 1953, for example, The Heifer Project sent thrée plane loads of eggs (216,000 in all) to poor Korean farmers. By 1962, they had multiplied to 6,000,000 chickens, half of all the chick- ens in South Korea, and this half produced 80 per cent of all the eggs sold in the larger cities there. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 7, 1966 21 One German farmer who re- ceived a heifer after World War II wrote: 'It must take a lot of love to give a foreigner a cow. Each person receiv: a pledges to present his gift's first offspring to another, The Heifer Project gifts thus for|multipiy. Hach is a living e e that lives again and again. stigma of charity is avoided and the recipient gains new knowledge and self- . His immediate and future food sup- ply is increased along with in- come from the sale of surplus eggs and milk. He gains skill and knowledge in the care and raising of an s, Anybody wishing to know more about this enterprise of love, The Heifer Project, should write to Mr, Thurl Metzger, LIFE P.O, Box 269, North Manches- ter, Indiana 46962. ANSWERING QUESTIONS Q. Our two children, 7 and 5, are constantly bickering at the finase table, What can we do?) Expect some of this, When it exceeds what you can endure, send the children each to an- other room to finish this meai. WHEELS KEEP TURNING WINNIPEG (CP)--The wel- come wagon organization of Winnipeg has a staff of 20 women visiting an average of $00 new families a month arriv- ing in the city, Most move into homes vacated by about 300 families moving away each month, The typical family has two children and the parents are 22 to 32. 576-2111 With Your Telephone Pastor-- Rev. Fri Spring @ Daily Messages, Encouragement And Praye r @ Be Sure To Call Today Simpsons-Sears First Cuoice Because of Value... Quality... 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