5 7, 1966 direction of Howard Cook ' Movement: From this rest : 2 cups etrained tomatoes FOR FRUIT SALAD © i, Sec stsenrtlat nena teemaanebetttaane sented three numbers, oad KEEP IN TRIM position, rock forward to a sit- Carrot Ring 1 teaspoon salt * A delightful, fruit salad ting posture, Roll back, and dressing can created . ' A bumorous skit on 'The ° * Yq teaspoon pepper DIST AFF DIARY Maorfly " © pi Kovg Pare Most New Mothers Require --_ _ forward, five times For Par ty Dish 2 teaspoons minced onion prcin -- ae wiped as the mouse and Mr, and Mrs. Position: Lying face down, on| 3¢ you have a. dinner party; Mix the ingredients in the|/own cooked dressing. Summary of reports of meetings and activities Of inousias Forrester as papa' and - S immin Cises bed or mat, with pillow protect-| coming up, create @ colorful as| der given. Pour the mixture Oshawa women's organizations as compiled from reports mama added much to the Stomach l g Exey f gy Ties ll Lift alternate legs| Well as delicious mila, il I ee bets a a pty lef rime 'te cross comedy of the skit. By IDA JEAN EAIN thie contraction ta » slow count! about 12 inches up, hold for a| "Carrot Ring Deluxe", recom-|'M 8 pan of hot water. | xadif gency coll your tg SUDMitiea vy Lies secswimisem Vernon Osborne led the group When a new mother requests | five, and slowly release, Re-|slow count of five, and lowerjmend food speciuisis ai mac- grees F). until 'firm, abow <p * SIMCOE STREET UCW KING STREET UCW 10 /in & sing song assisted at the)" len 5 8 program that will|Peat five times. Do not hold|slowly. Repeat five times with|donald Institute, University of| 8" lacadld Ob a Sah olala ps 723-7073 ie After a brief business period,| Mrs. Donald Cutler, Tyler sino ee, Pt ieee tae taslere tana: from tip|your breath. each leg, Do not bend knees, do|Guelph. Crunchy orange. car- Ppp an a tiletore on Fees moy be- edjusted In conmulte- f the president,|Crescent was the hostess when to toe, literally, where should) Position: Same as above. not roll, rots form a ring filled with a cooked and celery. ith. the Supervisor. Mrs. 8. G. Lailey, Simeoe/Unit 10 of King Street United/FRIENDLY DOUBLES CLUB|she begin? Begin with those im-| Movement: Rais¢ hips to a| This exercise routine can be|perfect-b mixture > of Te with a aa eo mint, eee Street United Church Women|Church Women held @ pot-luck| ne Friendly Doubles Club of|portant middle muscles, straight line as you stretch arms|taken twice daily, if your doctor | green peas an yoet pe age viewed a modern film, 'Be-|supper. Mrs. Roy Lee's group! aibert Street United Church| After the baby arrives the|back on floor beyond head. In "hs ce etellialiaie Uind vs 6 Lanion tas tupatae Pron cause They are Different, conducted the Christmas Wor-/neid its monthly meeting re-|abdomen will feel marvelous!y(this raised pesition, contract wean iim te Cake 'epscitio| dian e commen fn ma bs e* - ype ny ind plastics -- sed ek te een rien ey 'et ae conditioners is after the' baby ' ans on r ale and p ter many a young mother. is , ELUXE reservations as they struggled|demonstration were described ET Moy oe Rogier 0 surprised and bien te to find|forcibly. Hold this contraction to arrives, I 'you failed {0 exercise pean er DI es with problems such as labor,|as successful. presidents Mr, and Mrs. Stan-|she has an amplified abdomen. |@ Slow count of five. Return hips bred Seacsiine ol cape Sree subs : education, integration and! Dates to remember were:liey Gray. Plans for both the|The overly stretched muscles,|to mat, raise again and repeat ri sn shart week, provided! $f Oan gh and alcohol. December 8 UCW generallChristmas Party and New)particularly the long front mus-|3 to 5 times. (Do not arch your] & Lem Se regularly 3 eggs and Stretch Following the film, Mrs. Rob-|meeting at St. Andréw's United| Year's dance were discussed. |Cles, when not re-toned, get|back.) es : a NE NED TP NR an rete oR gree enasaion Church at 8:00 p.m.; December) shutfieboard and crocinole|{labby, take on fat aad sbeend. Pay ol yah | ay a a a a a oe Your Dollar . Mrs. George ree, |11, White Sunday; January e 0 que muscles whic! a. ; : oho recently lived in Brant-|4, Unit 10 path at the home of Site toubrolich wee. " curve around the sides and front|Snugly, then hug knees to chest! Christmas Just Naturally Calls for. . . ford, added much information|Mrs. Douglas Redpath. charge of the program. The|® the abdomen also need ton-|With encircling arms, | : j somal to the Six Nations HAPPY DOUBLES CIB |evening concluded with cake = bh the waist tends to | by Penrose caw " a Steven Salmers sang' "Teach| Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sud-|*04 ice cream, served by Mr, Beginning exercises can be Custom Mads or : THE FOC J D p LA N Tr | AT " | dard' in charge of /@0¢ Mrs. Harry Snow, Mr, and Ready-to-Hang Flowers, so festive, 10 ,pleasing @ won- / 4 Me Thy Way" and 'Without a 8 ome Mes fv 7 % Mrs. William Pike, Mr. and|taken toward the end of the first derful gift for the one you love, Coll : Y\\/C ~ . s Song. the regular meetin King/mrs, Harry 'Towns and Mr.|week. Follow your own doctor's Tr \eday. 'ana wines rder HAS PROVEN a S _umromerimmcs--cummrameran --ateeeneor,-- eumammans eRe | ol se aumuns emma vow lore Un Cc om Mr. Bovis Sick "iho ie noma acs] | DRAPERIES | sd i ee." . progra: A meeting of Unit 4 of| The business was conducted algun demiieis can be taken the third and] ® OMFS 9 Oy i CHAMBERS FOOD LTD. Albert Street United C hureh|py the presidents, Mr. and Mrs, fourth week after the baby ar- 33 Ritcon Rd. S., Oshawe -- . , Women was held inthe friend-|James 'Bell, The recipe makes sufficient |rives, bars feat 0: SIPUETRIN Finn inverected' bi. your feed" lee; Piola! Nau "Voie: Aammangmionas ship room with Mrs. Joseph) y+ was announced that the|for four to six people. Preheat! position: Lying on back, on| -- Since 1919 -- i 576-1760 eall at: Wiltshire, leader, _ presiding. ' the oven to 350 degrees F. Mrs, Wiltshire read a poem, (Gqud'he held cn Tharsdsy| Grease an 8 x Sinch baking|Ped or mat, knees flexed, soles | WARD'S on ee, tg the First Christ- December a at Northminster eth ggg mg aaa Movement: Pull up - and . in Simcoe St. at Athol 1188 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH | ADDRESS In charge of devotions was! ws. Atlan Taylor, Mrs. Jack| "read, Cubes, two tablespoons | oremly wiih the abdomina 725-1151 L "Order Early To Ensure Delivery" 5 ial NAME melted butter or margarine,|™uscles until the small of back bel 4 Paton Mls Tune and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald) anq 1 tablespoon leMon juice. | touches the bed or mat.. Hold Ps A AY LS | EH annamaker conducted the) Drain and cube 2 cubs of can- : < <-- Se d read the poom "A Child is " ' Ps Nis St Yt rn." Members were favored pe ig aad Christ-!ned peaches and blend into the {rs w i mixture. Place the ture in This" by nad ate Satine Fun and nonsense was the|the greased pan and hake for ton. The Scripture lesson was |Program. The members of the| about 20 minutes. Fof a really read by Mrs, Wilbur Down, |8toup formed a band using|scrumptious treat, serve peach The study book on Canada kitchen utensils as their musi-|crumble with thick whipped eonducted by Mrs. James Scott, cal instruments and under the'cream or vanilla ice cream. Grought members back to @chool days again. The Christmas party will be & 6.30 supper to be held at the Wilowdne, Wednesday, Dee & @ FRAGRANT GIFTS & CANDY FOR MOM! ' In » VV Prices Effective sane ae aes hy ae . 5 @ TOILETRIES & TOBACCO FOR DAD! a ena apes thirteen members present. ah = alate A 8 @ NOVELTIES & STOCKING STUFFERS FOR THE KIDDIES! sy ' TOPS CHALLENGERS '. : , f Tore Cactonatrs held Geir A Y ) Za We Reserve The Right regular meeting at Fernh i } DY ys Park Clubhouse with the presi- pay } ac To Limit Quantities dent, ae Mareere Stuart pre- b N / siding, and welcoming a new i } member, Mrs, Dorothy Van \ Neo Declers Please Bruggen. The weekly queens were Mrs. oe Bw: i} h Frances Carroll,, Mrs. Stuart, \ ee K " Mrs. Verna Gay, and Mrs. fy oN ay We 1 f DISCOUNT ST RE Jean Carter, Hand Shell: Soaps and =A All Discussions were held on Hand Lotion emid flowers. calorie counting, which would| Blue Gress, June Geranium. be helpful in curbing the ten- $3.25 dency to gain over the holiday "iat | Pre G ETTE a3 | NEW! GILL It was decided stutfed toys made by the members would : ae be given to the Salvation Army . nied I RAZ BR for Christmas boxes. It was announced that after the instal- o->e ni lation of officers next week f Blue Grass Basket--a there would be a social even- \ aie flourieh of flowers end . ing. } Aa, ribbon and a treasure of ey) sey Bath Soap and Travel-Pak ' Compare 8 MESMC we ; Dusting Powder, Also in at $3.95 A combined luncheon and Y AG June Geranium, $3.00 " . monthly meeting of the Mary eee Elliott Smith Mission Circle of First Baptist Church was held ii home of ie overeat aN :. OLD SPICE AQUA VELVA Mrs. Harold Parrott gave an interesting talk on her recent trip to Africa, when she and her husband visited their son- pp hens gone er in-law and daughter Reverend Harold Fuller and Mrs. Fuller Loos Aliya wate Pg who live in Lagos, Nigeria and have worked among these a for several years. Mr. uller is the editor-in-chief of the African Challenge. It was announced that next month's meeting would be held in the home of Mrs. Ralph Hopson. Think Mink -- Think Mink -- Think "think mink" MINK Stoles -- Boleros -- Jackets. TUXEDO RENTALS Sargeants RENTALS 463 Ritson S. 725-3338 2 ; ---- S 2¥2-LB. BOX MINUET -- BY SMILES 'N CHUCKLES Compare et $2.50 77 es v \ NY a Sek ARS i CHOCOLATES | 77 ' holds Blue Grass Flower 4 j N , Py Mist, Bath Soap, Travel- \ A RA i Pak Dusting Powder, « ; = 6.50 6G cs f \s te 7K Think Mink -- Think Mink -- Think j | ERED PDE TT on 2 4 NEW! COLGATE DELICIOUS 2 Ib. {CARITAS 1 BAN, set oes m ] com'emme | goormpaste | _ PROT CA Xi & \k\ FLASHBULBS | "Instamatic cat LOTION 'ec AFTER SHAVE [iy 104" 4%-oz. Reg. 1.50 Reg. 1.25 c 97° aL CAMERA 5 Sys: Ss. aia eet > @ Lightweight, automatic. @ Instant loading with Kodapak Cartridge French Basket is a treasury film. of Hand Lotion, Bath Soap, Travel-Pak Dusting Pow- FIRST QUALITY -- ATTRACTIVELY GIFT BOXED 3 on $].00 ie' Auternatic 'flesheubs. peo on ~ * 00 h F @ With wrist strap, film, flashcube and N % $2.00 : batteries. PR, i Reg. $23.75 Pistia iti tat ition Bays "SS ink Mink -- Think Mink -- Think Mink Think Mink -- Think Mink -- Think Mink ca:6 The natural curl relaxer, Family Sizes -- Reg. $1.19 ! 3 Compere at $4.95 ' ' q./)) . Favourites... 4) { , ae bougust of bath proton, | for the ey . ' eee : Luxury Bath Salts, Dusting § | a , Bath Soap, Blue BOOTS | Wiener! SSS BARN wotiday Seas -- . = : rr Magilla Gorilla WONDER CURL Miles One-A-Day SHOES S in 1.36 : BUBBLE BATH Shampoo, Creme Rinse and- VITAMINS -- Assorted Bubble Bath SLIPPERS . ie " Compore at 98¢ 20 cc ss Gennaro 0100 100': -- Reg. $3.99 Mémoire Chérie Basket ; - a FOR | gives her Bath Salts, Dust-- ry) | hs 8 a | ig Powder, Hand Soaps. EVERYONE | = ~-- FROM -- MODEL { Jury and LOVELL Li. 3 DISCOUNT SHOE STORE ¢ _ Cosmetic Department STORE Everyday Is Savings Day At... 55 KING EAST | Downtown Oshewe Pa ay ae 5 OSHAWA -- BOWMANVILLE -- WHITBY