Navy Capt. James A. Lovell Jr., bearded but nappy lifts a U,S.S. Wasp aked cap after he and his ellow Gemini 12 Astro- naut, Edwin R, Aldrin, were taken aboard the re- covery carrier in the Atlan: tie Ocean yesterday, The two spacemen ended their four-day mission by land- ing on target in a choppy <i REAL HAPPY SPA A urea CE MAN sea, They will return to Cape Kennedy, Fla,, their starting point last Frid later. this morning. (AP Wirephoto) Neither Side Will Break Air-Line Union Stalemate | OTTAWA (CP)--The interim supply debate ended in its 1th day Tuesday but the govern- ment still has not got the spend- ing authority contained in the money Dill. The Conservatives and New Democrats, who have been bat- tling the government over armed forces unification and a new natural gas pipeline, stopped talking in late after- noon and the resolution was ap- proved without a recorded vote, Often MPs agree to waive the rules and, following approval of an interim ied resolution, pass such bills through all stages in a matter of minutes. But when the government sought second reading for the bill Tuesday, Arnold Peters (NDP -- Timiskaming) with- held the required unanimous consent, : The bill will be back for sec- ond reading today, and then will be sornesaes to the Sen- ve thority for the rest of this month, Within a matter of hours the Commons had whipped through a bill to amend the National Housing Act, giving it approval in principle and completing Clause-by-clause study, The supply bill, third reading of the NHA amendments and estimates of the National Re- search Council, the Medical Re- search Council and trade and transport departments are scheduled for debate today, not necessarily in that order. -CAT-LOVING CHILDREN THWART VAXHOLM, Sweden (AP) Cat-loving youngsters armed with red ribbons are sabo- taging Polle Paalson, a bi- cycle - mounted sharp- shooter hired by the town council to exterminate stray cats, Officials in this small coastal community north east of Stockholm outlawed stray cats bec a4psé they were hunting pheasant and other valuable fowl, Paalson | SWEDISH TOWN CAT-CATCHER was told to shoot all cats not wearing red ribbons, School children formed gi- gilante cat-saving bands and tied life-saving red ribbons on every cat they could find, Nearly every child carries a length of ribbon in his pocket or schoolbag in case a cat was overlooked, The official cat hunter, who is paid $1 a cat, now sees nothing but red on his tour, Radio-TV Stations Clash -|second natural Money Bill Approved 1l-Day Filibuster Ends The supply debate, high- lighted during its two-week duration by Conservative and NDP attacks on armed forces unification and the routing of a gas pipeline through the United States, con- cluded quietly, NDP Leader Douglas urged that it be stopped, saying his party had made its point about the pipeline, The government's stubborness against sending the unification bill to a committee before second reading was no justification for the Conserva- tives to prolong the debate, After the supply debate ended, Labor Minister Nichol- son, who reports for Central Mortgage and Housing Corpora: tion, said the NHA amendments will help persons in the low-and middle-income brackets to buy homes, The amendments extend low- interest, jong - terms ioans to/| those who want to buy and oc: cupy older homes, In the Senate, where mem- bers are waiting for the Com- mons to complete the interim supply bill, Senator Norman A, MacKenzie called for a federal vote in university training in| the health sciences and in ad-| vanced graduate and research work, Senator MacKenzie (L--B,C.,), former president of the Univer- sity of British Columbia, said Railways Mediation Extended OTTAWA (CP)--An extension to Nov, 30 of mediation in the railway wage dispute was an- nounced Tuesday night by La- bor Minister Nicholson, who said he is convinced that pro- gress is being made, Mediator Carl Goldenberg of Montreal was appointed two months ago under the terms of a parliamentary bill that ended seven-day national rail strike, The deadline for his report was Tuesday but there was pro- vision in the bill for an exten- sion if progress was being made, Mr, Nicholson told the Com- mons that both railways and unions agreed to continue the negotiations and asked him for an extension of mediation, He accepted the request on ihe condition that Mr. Golden- sre report no later than Nov, in Monireai, Mr, Goidenberg said: 'I'm continuing long and hard negotiations and my intention is to report to the minister as soon as possible," Nearly 20,000 railway employ- ees are involved, mostly in non- operating jobs, The strike-ending legislation in early September gave them an 18 -er-cent interim wage in- crease over two years. They want 30 per cent, although undergraduate train- ing might be left solely to the provinces, advanced graduate and research work are a na- tional concern "'and can only be dealt with and financed on a/ national basis and at the ne-| tional level," | NEED A NEW FURNACE? Ne Down Paymente-Pirst Payment December--Call PERRY Doy or Night... THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 16,1966 9° MAIL GOT THROUGH ico. Wallace, author of the SANTA FE, N.M. (AP)--Aj|novel Ben Hur, was territorial letter arrived here for Lewjgovernor of the region from Wallace, governor of New Mex:-!1878 to 1881, A REMINDER that interest Is paid in the fell ond it's the IDEAL TIME to let Central Ontario Trust take the TIGHTNESS out of YOUR money by 4% paying you % on CHEQUING accounts paid end on SAVINGS accounts paid and compounded quarterly (¢] compounded quarterly, Mo chorge for cheques written, gid #107. when invested in our GUARANTEED way GH INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES for 5 He 10 years, Authorized Trustee Invert- ments, 4 SWITCH NOW to your Community Trust Company, Earn 50% more interest on your Savings, Enjoy the longest Saving hours in. Oshawa ond Bowmanville. ' Monday = Thursday 9 -- 5:30 Fridey 9 -- 8 Seturdey 9 -- 4 + 723-3443 | Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation 19 Simece St. North Oshawa --~ 723-5221 23 King St. West Bowmenville --- 623-2527 Toronto Market Sought OTTAWA (CP) -- Lawyers tuted "an abuse of their right! pressed willingness to resume,the dispute, Mr. McGregor {s negotiations, neither would take|known to oppose federal inter: their transportation elsewhere) the first step, " i vention, Ree . ja epe i as a nationwide strike against] 'The union issued a statement! Meanwhile, airline and rail-/l@shed head-on Tuesday at alto broadcast. . a hearing to decide whether a} The clash came as the board) Air Canada by about 5,200 ma-| Tuesday saying it would wel. ss a 4 . chinists enters its third day to-\come a government-appointed |" switchboards were flooded! parrie television station should/heard an application by CKVR ' ime '\with reservation requests as|get an improved signal into| TV to move its transmitter site Oh are were no signs of a ys: ay ash a jfive regional air carriers tried) Metropolitan Toronto. |closer'to"Toronto and maintain break in the deadlock between} 'We have already indicated|to link most of the major cities) Joseph Sedgwick, counsel forja competitive signal in the) the airline and the striking In:|our willingness to recommence|" Air Canada's dom estic)Toronto radio station CF RB, Aten. _ et ternational Association of Ma-|bargaining at any time and Toutes, told a public hearing of the} e@ present site is just out- chinists, which began the walk-|would welcome any procedure; The transport department is- Board of Broadcast Governors |side the community 60.-.miles) out Monday, designed to accomplish this." |sued operating certificates to the Barrie station was licensed nort of Toronto, The move| Although both Air Canada) Labor Minister Nicholson told|E astern Provincial, Nord- to serve that area, not Toronto,| would take it to Palgrave, about} President Gordon McGregor|the House of Commons it is toojair, TransAir, Austin and Pa- but now was turning covetous/30 miles southwest, putting it) and Mike Rygus, Canadian head|early to decide. whether federal) cific Western to introduce emer. eves on the lucrative metropol-|some 16 miles from the north-| ats . vention is needed to settle/gency air service for the dura-|itan market, ern fringe of the metropolitan) of the _machinists wnton, = interven saab - aon of the strike, | Richard Rohmer, counsel wal anea: | sa) Extra-flight schedules, shuttle| CKVR-TV in Barrie, said CFRB| CKVR-TV argued that Tel Vietnamese Fronts See MONTREAL (CP)--Canadian air travellers continue to. seek! The TRUTH is, The Cost of Living is DOWN! Check "THE KINGS" prices. Guaranteed to SAVE on Every Pound jhad been running a Se pana hei it obtained a power In- oe adie beaee va Mt sas.(!? influence the public against/crease in 1958 it has been serv. Heavy Fighting With Cong fighting fared. anew on. widely a anew on widely ted fronts ey av U.S. infantry" atid the Viet Cong in ist war zone © near the Cambodian border and U.S. marines and South Vietnamese troops were locked in heavy fighting with Hanol regulars near the buffer rone between the two Viet Nams. U.S. planes, backing up the Americans in both areas, rained blows at the enemy, One ma- rine helicopter was shot down but there were no casualties, It was the 224th helicopter re- ported lost in South Viet Nam in the war, As the marines fought the North Vietnamese soldiers about 10 miles south of the de- militarized zone, B-52 bombers struck in embattled Tay Ninh province 60 miles northwest of Saigon for the seventh straight day, following up 104 strikes on Viet Cong positions by smaller slack, Bad weather over North Viet Nam once again cut heav- ily into U.S. air strikes , The U.S. Navy disclosed that it had sunk or damaged 299 Communist cargo barges off the coast of North Viet Nam in the first 20 days of a new campaign--called Traffic Cop-- to choke off seaborne infiltra- tion into South Viet Nam, Admiral Roy L. Johnson, commanderin-chief of the Pa- cific Fleet, said Traffic Cop has had a "substantial effect" on the Communist supply line, RESHUFFLES CABINET In other developments, Pre- mier Nguyen Cao Ky's govern: ment announced a cabinet re- shuffle and U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge denied re- ports he is quitting his post. The Ky government said it would swear in four new cabi- net ministers today to replace men who quit as a result of the tactical bombers. dispute between northern and katchewan"s air-passenger serv- jthe Barrie station that coristi-'ing the Toronto area, ice less than 24 hours after the} start of the strike, | The 600-member Toronto local) of the Canadian Alr Line Em-' ployees Association, however, voted Tuesday not to cross picket lines of the striking ma- chinists at Air Canada facilities. | The association is an inde-/ pendent union representing Air) Canada's reservation and ticket) office staff. But an Air Canada spokesman} said not all of the Toronto sales staff attended the meeting and "a. good percentage" of them| are continuing to come to work, | PARTNER WANTED For National Expansion in Uriic Food supply In- dustry. More than one hundred customer outlets possible, in Toronto area alone. Successful pilot operation presently active in Oshawa District, Min- imum investment of 15,000 to 25,000 dollars secured by total assets of operating company. Par- ticipation may be on active or silent basis, For com- plete information write: Box D16, Oshawa Times, 86 King St. E., Oshawa . Rest in bed IF YOU WANT TO COMPLAIN GO AND PICKET SOME OF THOSE STORES, BUT... IF YOU WANT TO REALLY SAVE, YOU yey AFFORD NOT TO SHOP AT BRIDGE- CHICKEN WINGS, Ib. CHICKEN LEGS end BREASTS, Ih... Canada Packers DEVON BRAND Sliced Rindless BACON u 75° RIND ON 69% Conade Packers lst GRADE BUTTER u §9*. 2-tb, Limit with $5.00 purchose or more, CANADA PACKERS Peameal Back BACON BY THE 79 ¢ PIECE LB. 8%e Sliced SIRLOIN, ROUND, T-Bone Steaks RUMP ROAST u 79° CANADA PACKERS ECONOMY WIENERS 3 us 89° BEEF Short Rib or Chuck Roast LOIN Pork Chops MAPLE LEAF Canada Packers SHORTENING The BS? raid at mid-day Southern factions In the govern- came about the same time a) ment. battalion of 600 to 700 men of; In the Tay Ninh sector where the U.S. Ist Infantry Division | Operation Attleboro continued, made contact with a Viet Cong }a unit of the Ist Infantry Divi- force of unknown size, The out-/sion reported destroying a Viet come of the clash was not yet/Cong camp and finding 15 reported by U.S. headquarters, jenemy dead, A U.S, spokesman Elsewhere, ground action was /said they were killed by air MD Faces Murder Trial FRANKFURT .(Reuters)--Dr Horst Schumann arrived here from Ghana today to stand trial ier TRO Hawes WMTMET GF Gt Feat 30,000 «persons under Hitler's '"merey killing' program The 60-year-old German doc ter, who lived in Ghana for many years, was also charged with about 30 deaths resulting from sterilization experiments at the Auschwitz extermination camp in Poland Date of his trial has yet to be determined Schumann was expelled from Ghana Tuesday night, dringing to a close a four-year battle West German authorities waged to have him deported Schumann told a Ghana ap- peal court early this month that he supervised the wartime kill ing of between 80,000 and 120, 000 insane people to make room for wounded German soldiers. Schumann, who for the last few years worked in Ghana as ) a physician, lost his appeal not to be extradited, At the appeal hearing, Schu- mann also admitted performing sterilizations at Auschwite and Grafeneck death camps which German authorities allege claimed 30,000 lives A, E, JOHNSON, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST 14¥ King St. East 723.2721 u. 69° Boneless Sweet Pickled COTTAGE ROLLS u 37° u 99° WIENER BUNS er HAMBURG 4.1 BREAD 24-02, Loef 5 24.02, 1.00 LOAVES BEEF STEAK PIES we. OO" Ib. pack 55° SUES, Ws Sees sssenses OO ICE CREAM Pome Va Gallon FREEZER SPECIAL Cut, Wrapped and Delivered FREE COMMERCIAL BRAND BLUE BRAND RED BRAND SIDES ...... Ib, 49¢ | SIDES ...... Ib, 566 | SIDES ...... Ib. S76 HINDS...... 1b. 59¢ HINDS...... Ib. 65¢ WINDS .... tb, 66¢ FRONTS. .... Ib, 44¢ | FRONTS .... Ib, 476 | FRONTS .... tb, 48¢ HEAVY Red & Blue Brand HINDS OF BEEF u 99° 130 te 175 Ibs. 2. Drink plenty of fluids 3 . Take Aspirin to reduce fever and relieve pain ASPIRIN WILL MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER FAST Cake Mixes ANGEL FOOD CHOCOLATE FAST REUEF fad figibalaly HEADACHES coLps BEEF LIVER BEEF TONGUE, |b. BEEF KIDNEY AND HEARTS, see eee 94 SIMCOE ST. NORTH HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS Rolls 99 LOIN END 73: Fresh Pork | - Ib sHouLDER AQ¢ --- eee Th | Orono--tst Grade ROAST CREAMERY 5 3 Heevy Commercial Hinds of BEEF u 55° 150 to 175 tbs, Heavy SIDES OF PORK u 40° 100 to 110 Ibs, i ottage Rolls 53: ior 69: 69: 79: ( U.S. NO. 1 RED EMPEROR Lean Rolled POT ROAST ied a me Tender Beet i SHOULDER ROAST Fresh Pork---Tendertoin CONVENIENT CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE HOME OF 3 @ "THE KING Meat-O-Rama °""" OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. 728-336! 909 SIMCOE ST. N. BUTT ROAST 59: BUTTER PRIME RIB '| Granulated STEAKS 7 Q¢ SUGAR Leen Meety Tet 4 Ribs Prime Rib at the crosswalk