Mrs, Alvin Lytle, a high-fashion lampshade; Mrs, James Walker a chapeau a ja playtex; Mrs, John Gavel, a mopsy style beret; Mrs, Kenneth Farrow, a soft three-ply bonnet; Mrs. Robert Clements, a bewitching, their green peau de|pjack, cone-shaped topper and In Oshawa for the Armistice Beneds Foreman, the bake tee "Seen | ay lt Gary Tummonds, a winter Ss Nt table; Mrs. ward Forgette nes intern: for'the finale af the Potianjand, Mrs. Lous Lootama,.the|ceved warm welcome st En) "rg "Accouiticnords, Mra, iAid 'etic holding ©, dancel ston and" moat kp : linen table; Mrs, Charles Hiltz ' fielg Laurier McKenna (lead); Mrs./Naval Veterans'. Club, Viola/#!! 18 the fact that a. Millenium, Major - General F-Jihe country store; touch and|musical evening in the Enfleldir.." Mottatt (baritone); Mrs. \ntecet. 'Thi ises to be the(@al relationship exists F, Worthington, Ottawa, Colon-|take, Mrs. John Powell and| United Church, Robert Boneham (bass) and ioee at aftaie UCVA pe Es the various tes el Commandant of the Royal|Mrs, Lloyd Young; children's| Director William Knight in-/vs, Horst Weggler (tenor), \aied to di dit d\n turn, creates the|table, Mrs, William Hayes and|cluded in the program seit ragtin peach ated * | Canadian Armored Corps; the tire "Somalis Gibson: white ele.|"Sweet Adeline," 'Cordbusters' pres ig prod agh that it will become an annual/Petween th former ambassador to Poland,|,nant, Mrs, Mervin' Buchwald; |March," 'Swannee," "Lone-inurgery Rhyme * song," "-- The dance is plans lanned to fure "Nothing Seems the Same Any-|,,L%¢ UCVA was formed inither this Pa relationship, G, Hamilton Southam, the tea room, Mrs. Ken-|somest Girl in Town," 'What's and Colonel Jan Rudnicki, een Ostler. ' " the Use of Dreaming?" and more," "Ne February 1963, The purpose of J u w Ashmolean and to bring the many vetere Chiat of Stat Fre ag palit Saviour Again, Thy Dear!pand,"' "Ma, He's Making Byes) is organization is to co-ordi-lans and their families to uring tea at the Mammoth|Name We Raise. at Me" and "End of a Perfect ("ate the many activities of the Many guests will be in ate being held next] Mrs, William Roser was the|Day," closing with "God Save different groups = in suchitendance; there will be prizes "femcee" and as banquets, armistice serviceslig be won, and other attract- - THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 16, 1966 5 ~ 2 charter of headquarters, UVA Council oe cae 3 To Hold Dance he ome athe are The United Cou .|P t. There is not oon yee Sauee terference whatsoever Enfield Applauds Sweet Adelines' Musical Program Wearin SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Telephone 723-3474 for Women's Department cond world war, were the week- end guests of Mr, and Mrs, make fe Jan Drygala. Miss Agatha Morey is visit- ing her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Sagar Morey, Verdun road, prior to her departure for Vienna, Austria, Miss Morey is a secretary With the Depart- ment of Trade and Commerce, nen np adian Embassy in Vienna for three and one-half years. Final arrangements w ¢ completed yesterday snvecahen week by the Women's Auxil- lary of the Oshawa General Hospital will be Mrs. E, G. Storie, Mrs. Michael Starr, Mrs, R, S. Irwin and Mrs, R. C. Ross, Mrs, J, A, Vivash, Columbus, formerly of Oshawa, film con- vener of the Provinciai Chap- ter of Ontario IODE, will be guest speaker at a meeting of the Norsworthy Chapter,In- gersoll, November 21, Ding-Dong Belles: Mrs. John Rousseau (lead); Mrs, Donald Fear (baritone); Mrs. Paul Junkin (bass) and Mrs, Bruce Sharrard (tenor). An audience participa: tion sing-along was much en- joyed. Mrs, Donald Fear was the commentator for a crazy hat show. Tne modeis were Mrs. Elmer Down, wearing a straw hat adorned with autumn leaves; Mrs, Kenneth Logan, 'wearing a red rubber bonnet; introduced the/the Queen." The chairman of the board of session of the Entield United Church thanked the Sweet Ade- lines and refreshments served by members of the board, HOUSEHOLD HINT BHiouse-siips iv cut down on washing, and. drumhead avoid conflicting with each other also to present a united front er when the need may arise, and T!be heard as one unit represent: ing all veterans' organizations, gitis juaiiiica its Saisie fice needs to be done to improve services; to This has been achieved to a certain degree in the past, and it is felt that UCVA has ey bus GTS and dressing time, An added/its image and status, bonus---no blouse tails to pull out from skirt bands, U.C.V.Ay is not an organt zation in itself, and has no ions. All yeterans are invited along with their ladies, and it is hoped there will be a large attendance, Chairman for the dance is Ken Shaw, and the hosts are Oshawa Naval Vet erans, HNISEHOLN HINT Live in a damp climate? Burn a small electric light continu. ally in the bookcase to protect books from mildew. for the mammoth Christmas bazaar being held tomorrow by the Women's Auxiliary of the Oshawa Police Association. Mrs, William Hayes'is the general convener; Mrs. Lawrence Av- ery and Mrs, Douglas Cox are in charge of the Christmas table Mrs. Dennis "Mackey and Mrs, AL PATTENIGK'S MOMENT LL ae a SAVE! at OUR NEW LOCATION 22 KING ST. WEST ® LADIES' ° MEN'S ° BOYS' °¢ GIRLS' @ CHILDREN'S WEAR Temple dedicated to all re- ligions of the world, On the} temple was a Swastika sign considered~a good symbol for thousands of years by Hindus. Many beautiful slides show- ing India's art and sculpture) of gods and goddesses were | viewed with pleasure. The uni-| a Ee ei PRE ER concn manent te Ses Many interesting dolls Corfu doll is a man on a was dressed by Mrs, Nor- will be on display at the camel, brought back from sr Psdeban Meyer 0 ate. - Oshawa General Hospital Morocco by Mrs. _ Leo- the mintative. ia enn Women's Auxiliary mam- nard Wakeford; Mrs, E. boots were made by Miss moth bake sale, tea and festi- | F, Cuthbertson, convener of Sally Parker, who is in |versity (of which Mr, Sinha is a val of dolls November 25, the doll display, centre, is charge of leather craft |graduate), the Medical Insti- Shown here with some of holding a Spanish doll dres- work at Simcoe Hall. Mrs, j|tute, Library, Parks, zoo and the dolls are Mrs. Harry sed by Mrs, Alfred Austin, Irwin dresses a skier each |garden scenes left a feeling of| Taylor, general convener, right. The dainty little doll year for the display which j|nostalgia for beautiful India, holding a doll brought back in authentic Austrian cos- has been an annual event this summer from the Is- tume, was purchased in sponsored by the auxilary land of Corfu by Mrs, Har- Austria for the auxiliary for a number of years. old Tonkin; in front of the while the skier at the right Oshawa _Times Photo | Oshawa Camera Fans Embark On Magic Carpet To India and that of his court ladies, A series of slides showing the Herwal Siaha took members|ed by balconies: towering to ajmonstrous instruments used in Let's Have A Party Wa Rent Tables - Chairs Chine - Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls - Coffee Urns Buffet Pieces » Trays " Wedding Cokes. Taj" come alive with beauty | as did the twin-shaped Pearl Mosque which was built for Shah Jehau's son's personal use of Oshawa Camera Club to his homeland by means of movies and slides photographed while on a quick trip to India to height of 237. It has intricate carvings, has relief with Ara- bic quotations from the Koran. An intricate network carved 18th century observatory and designed by Maharaja Jaih} Singh had great impact. Sargeants RENTALS Near the high school which] 463 RITSON 725-3338 OPEN THURSDAY Sa.m. to 9p.m. attend the funeral of his father./out of white marble made "The|Hermal attended was a Hindu wn When he left, Oshawa was wrapped in winter snow. How- ever, he left his snow boots, gathered up his camera equip- ment which has become a real part of his life and set off to his native land, After some hours of travel he was ce by his family including : fn a warm and stapetnote way. A review of this was shown by movies, Then, a a ge folksong of the "Boatman" the north part of Bengal was used to in- troduce slides, Starting at Dar. jeeling which is at the north- | west part of Bengal with the | Himalayan Mountains to the | north and Bay of Bengal south- ward. This is the location of Mr. Sinha's home and famous Darjeeling tea. A photographer must have patience yet work Z | fast to capture the changing) 7 | mood because mist, cloud and sun play against each other, Both Buddhist and Hindu Temples have their own unique | architecture, Examples of these | 7777777 é ( | were shown in excellent detail! 7 i Me Xe ¥ 1. NN LAST 3 DAYS Sale Ends Saturday at 6 P.M. FRIDAY 9 A.M, to 9 P.M, -- SATURDAY P.M, MEN'S Lined Durchide DRESS GLOVES All Sizes, Knitted Cuff, 'Reg. 2.95 99° QUILTED NYLON SKI JACKET SHIRTS Red - Black ~ 3.99 2.88 Blue Reg. 10.95 LADIES' J oz32;™ FLANNEL GOWNS Snow Suit QUILTED LINED Flannelette. Reg. 3.95 Reg. 10.95 1.89 6.88 MEN'S Fleeced Lined SWEAT SHIRTS 1.33 INFANT'S CORDUROY CRAWLERS Assorted Colors BOYS' 3-6 YRS. LONG SLEEVE CORDUROY SHIRT DICKIE FRONT Reg. 3.95 1.23 BOYS' 6-16 ALL WOOL HUNTING LADIES' FLANNEL PYJAMAS AF ALLIS PYJAMAS _ MANY COLORS Reg. 3.95 MEN'S THERMAL SHIRT AND DRAWERS Reg. 2.95 1.23 BOYS' 3-6 EXTRA HEAVY DOESKIN New Stretch Jersey Knit PLAID PANTS SHIRT 99 Red -- Green -- Blue Reg. 5.95 MEN'S -- BOYS' Wool Worsted 2.22 SKI CAPS JUNIOR DEB Girls' 7-14 ALL SIZES Reg. 1.95 Stretch Nylon 57° LADIES' First Quality NYLONS Reg. 98¢ WATCH § Bryi such as Ohirdom and Birla Temples, Scenes of activity in the fruit) and vegetable markets were | full of meaning. The children| especially fascinated him as they hovered over the food, One little girl carrying her brother | on her back, made a charming | f74 character study as did another group of Tibetan refugees) 7 whose mother was selling cur- ries. Humans and animals alike |/} Dack Style Reg. 4.95 CHILD'S NYLON LEOTARDS top. 159 .... 09 7 - 10. 199 B Reg. 1.98 .... iehU SLIMS MANY COLORS Reg. 7.95 4.28 Sr S = | | make life . interesting. Alf "Llama" in a garden by the roadside, while a difficult "Lama" travelling from house | NA | to wee begging | made Pew \ ¢ i | | rea ETGUPS Is dresied in colorful costume execuling 9 giaceru: movements of hands and body ' CHILD'S 3.6 YRS. in traditional dancing routines. A j Since India achieved indepen- \ } y | QUILTED NYLON dence in 1947, Delhi became | ® @ Ski Jackets capital city. Monuments of} great beauty stand in both old! and New Delhi, One of which) Free Goggles Competition Stripe Reg. 10.95 shown in clear detail was Iutab 3.99 Minr, an architectural wonder consists of five- storeys separat- MEN'S Sizes 15-17 - SOCIAL NOTICE slg primp pens WORK SHIRT Green Uniform MARRIAGE ahead features. ... Reg. 3.95 " 1.44 The marriage is announced \ 17 jewel prectaton® movements .+. Pant to Match » 2. 66. Reg. 4.95 .. MEN"S 30-42 FLANNEL LINED Wide Wale Corduroy SLACKS 4.44 Child 3 - 6X Showerproof Gabardine 2-PCE. SKI SUITS DETACH.HOOD GREY WOOL BLANKETS Reg. 4.95 2.99 Child's 2-4 Stretch Jersey Shirt JUMP SUITS Reg. 5.95 Flas is a' gretsiee weak tite te years! Factory-fresh quality Swiss watches at unheard of savings! Choose from Dia mond-set, Calendar, Dress- Waterproof, Self-Winding, Dress, Sport, Nurses S.M.L. Reg. 2.95 Charcoal - Brown . nee t2.95 Black 2.9 Child 2-3X 100% ACRYLIC PILE FABRIC SNOW SUITS 2 Pee, Style Quilt Lined Reg. 1.98 meg 1608 Reg. 12.95 Pi 10.88 8.88 99° The Above Merchandise Ales on Sale at AL. PATTENICK'S DEPT. STORES AJAX PLAZA of Maude Agnes Wagar, King- SS i att dei ston, to Douglas H. Lander, S wie! sides ; «. WipeSé cand Chane Gadlaanet Oshawa. The ceremony took place on Saturday, November, GQ . erowns, Buy today for a lifetime of pleesere! 12, 1966 at St. Thomas' Church, U R N S JEWELLERS deacon N. R. Stout officiating, 20 SIMCOE STREET NORTH assisted by the Reverend J. A. Coombs. Think Mink -- Thin "think mink" MINK Stoles -- Boleros TUXEDO RENTALS Sargeants RENTALS~ E 463 Ritson S$, 725-3338 : Think Mink Think Mink -- Think { k Mink -- Think Jackets, ink -- Think Mink -- Think Mink nk Mink -- Think Mink -- Think Mink OPEN FRIDAYS TILL 9 P.M.