1 08 OM ASAE Setar Cin tet et Sa or er we ) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuondey, November 18, 1966 mont for Rent (cantare ate ners act et Ne pact eo eeeneee Wound == Single room for rent, Suit 6--Apartments for Rent 26----Apartments for Rent "Two apa Aratabie~Aovemeer ti "Tlapnane" 728: | saa ae Cumann . Brest wit |Eeoy leans MOTOR 4aLee Ph ee |shatteal | FURNISHED sa cantaned Tween 5 La tom rate home |'64 automat Volkswagen Sales and Service ' to 'T Towers aval etrierator and only, A\ I Immediare: ies Tomes New and Used Cars ne wea oat a fe. ed" antenna, hea! off street park- |ly. 74 Oshawe Bivd, South $o ; : Ls ié if For Prestige Living evenings 334 RITSON RD. S. ogee y ma ee ee ee |W" RENT = coping EE LE |e, ae 723-3461. "TED CAMPIN MOTO apartment in Cose my TED pre IN MOTORS drapes, intercom,, etc. Available Decem- | ¢, Two rooms In four-door, power steering and Open Evenings 723-4494 he 725-5574 LA CONTESSA eo At adel EG ce a ee = igs z & z 'apartment in apart clean furnished, house: VOLVO & PEUGOT SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. cars : u desi | Prenier ith ake (One, SNEED Ge ve [rene eae eins | He MERCEDES BENZ -- |GaBt BRE sy Raat APARTMENTS 728-6722 ee ea eareeaaas General Repair ond OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted care : m : g ined apart |FHREE-ROOM a stove eeping room, also house- ' $75 monthly, Suitable for ur88e oF leivged, 4, TeeDhone a, oe | rpemator married "cole, Apply cas Auto-Electric Service for, wrecking. Tires and parts for save ! ly heeled, Stove and. retrigerator, | clerk St - wmiestomatic "Must sel. 723-| Jake and Bill's Garage WANTED -- Cars for ee No 728-0976, i" 7 SOND STREET, Heated apart. FURNISHED room In ceen let home. | 9573, Rd. § ; towing, Telephone BACHELOR APARTMENT, suitable for ch mie Teese Fie 'on N° Tra south or |i MERCURY, power PP sh " 300921 Reber Mena ; |children please, : Vrance/ ve em ioe nen parking. (MOD ream apartment come ra, ere ts deer nara bond FULL - TIME SALESMEN -- Closnified tov. fig Inc fe | area, ' G Ads sell Pg "ovate Ercan pei agri ares, Telephone 723-88! ZOLTAN AND NICK'S oS around the fect Dial ow Wo TAR noon pon al Hoar ly 19 OC: Your Authorized Datsun Alto two: -"pearoam ream ape iment of tae> pai ea "as also na ee SINGLE ROOMS | |e and by | ee 34--Automobile Repair brakes, sae yeaah mae ard Rac URNISHED one - bedroom "a aa et Seu "'elephone 72-131 and BOARD $1,095." Apply Hayes Va Store, ras. a ae vg FIBREGLASS Be enn At a nae RSENS "a OLBIMORILEherdin_paner ee iy Heat, ass mae nt ie PAE, | tea very. con comforialey a rina mime Apply: ing and. brekes," 994 Cuble. 'inch motors 728-0051 Figo gar very ¢ ee itreetlon meaty extras. A-1 coneltion. F SHEIDI AN iStetlen, "Has manny, pe sewian a 25 Division St. | Ressonesiy eng 0 or best offer. Telephone 7isiw7ie "| NOW change those rusted li wowaab a, Wve of 3 Ove Ave and parking space. Avalloble. immedi nO. '7 Beran : | MALIBU chevelle $5, Si Sisc'| out felidars to New Rutiproot [vow Gee "ed ately. Adults only, 'Telephone. 728-4257, $5 sap Vallable NOW. 1ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen |wanting to trade be Sereda ¥en racio. Telephone igen Bs, Fibreglass. as any' Goble" contracted. here + BE eB Ee ] ROOM ment in trie willing to share single beds, lunches|some other car, ee MANSIONS Bley "ounawe 8 Contre, rug, | 748: jachen, laundry done, Close to south|é p.m, = sak TT a 1A mh a. hy Bn date, Greses," Stove, rergarator,. balan, [SUBLET -- GM, Telephone 728-7978. _ __| 1940 BUICK Le Sabre, needs some body | custom radio Like new. $975 Telephon SPECIAL we OY eae Avatei a. neat Min "welcsme,|ROOM AND BOARD for two Girls oF] work and tires, #380, Also 1996 Olaame I942-t993, : ONE WEEK ONLY 3 B85 OXFORD STREET | RIVERSIDE DRIVE -- Two - vecroom (Coe to schools, "Telephone 798935," pana, with tingle beds. Avalle| 1325. -- SACRIICN GALS on thie macharieaiy! '57 Pontioc ....... 19.95 38--Coming Events Couple or Ree ant Mae Mio Pe ee pele : ; 7s FORD Galaxie, convertible, fully mais radi iw tree, Baas offers ng "58 Pontiac ....+.. 29.95 schoois end Within Waiking Sistcnce - ROOM oF room and boai equipped, can be phone 4 : c 1 gan be seen at 8. 59 Pontiac ..+e0++ 33,75 TEN PERFECT re at hend th. General' Motors citi al i room Kitchen, | france, ina Laurer origi airs willing te io "thare, Luncnes prose Sirest; ate: ie KARMAR ---- SA tp € pists parking, pr = ig 04 hydro uded. lose to Centre. 725-510; inst MBTROR vo gowr, payer sper METEOR two door, power 760 Giia, ie GOS] IBS Chey... desis B37D ted, Heat" and ult | Verner SB, 72E0112 ri | WHITBY -- Central locetion, Shared or ha condition, Ap- cog one'8 bs o og ch suites CHANNELS Oshawa's only T.V. bore 1" olive |SUBLET. Modern two-bedroom pase a controlled entrance * oo deposit am child waicerms ve ment contre Gurance beeen eleoy y, ied private, reom wom f fer young: gentlemen. P Park- mi iw Sinate "iar Finacg 185 CORVAIR- Monza hardtop, buckel| OTHER SPECIALS the fanaa to protect you MODERN Wwe Bedroom Soom ayn j3eventh floor. No children 'onder 12. 728- ROOM AND BOARD tor gentlemen will telephone 725-4479 for further particulars. fs eo Ey ate oe 186s Transportation at @ Swimming Pool Sry ecliy and parking. Electric heat, SVR ATE - -- lass: te ete a |e CHEVROLET, ee, Gaon 80 sedan, Va] 81495, 'Brooklin 686-3508 a >a aa y .. 15, ENTERT 'AIN MENT your: door FM Music and CENTRAL PARK BLVD. 1. Three-room Mheereter, oi cngrinaet euler. IT na 'eoara ter besttevien, #0 brtres hats |origiast fur tt weir 32--Trucks for Sale Taillight assembly .. 14.95 SPORTS Inter Com. sement apartment, priva n for ind town. A home you will be Presid Open for inspection. After 7 p.m, | beds, close to north GM and down' 5) METEOR hardtop, 390 cuble Inch| isa OMc panel truck, Va ton, excellent} '65 Chev Grill Division Street. hift, radio, 723-9137_after 6. proud to show Two Bathrooms in |WaWiY "DECORATED two - bedroom |france. No smell enitdren. Telephone 705 | Room ANB @OARD,lunchea packed. (Hi or es ch eg hoe: Ale: - (OU ARE TOOKING FOR: iH 'hee 5 le only, Available Pe lle i MOL Bn sabres cn Beene | veletone V10500). 725-91 SINGLE ROOMS end board. Apply 25 |four barrell carb, ri speed sti Condition, Priced for quick sale, Port Ni .» 18.95 Relayed di ROOM AND BOARD, lunches packed. |1955 CHEVROLET, 327 motor. % SHE oo V-582, five-ton, Headlight rim 19.95 j OOM all 2 bedroom suites wnat ga Cropping. chiveren eed pai pb 8 Abstainer preferred. Telephone |ratio three speed transmission, posl-| wheel base dump truck, eaten nt VISIT Share bath with one other family. ak TWO-ROOM apartment, private entrance, | 668 traction, new tires, A-1 body and in- and holst, V-8 engine, 18,000 pound rear] '64 Pontiac Free Parking Backyard, Heat supplied. $95 monthly. |anared ath, $70 monthly. Dundas 'Street ROOM "AND BOARD for gunlomen, AND BOARD tor gentleman, |terlor, 176 Roxborough. BP. axle, five-speed. Clarke tran Wecduiche vim ,..... 13,50 East in Whitb rnnlon 0 x 20, 12 Aires. Best offer. ve near south GM, |195) PONTIAC, 6 By auroral, Telephone 723-5987, fh". Be yr bs "LA CONTESSA"| © Free TH pat = oe . ith kit}|TWO-BEDROOM apartment, = 'ator | parkiny teclittes, 8 103 Ritson Road South, | with radio, new fob, Telephone 723-5387, 11 a.m, + 4 p.m. 65 Pontiac F Hydro chen, BEDROOM sermon Also | stove, heat and hydro Cac con fas tlon 668-6782, 1958 CHEVROLET halfton. Best offer) Headlight rim 140 Nonquon Road Medel suite fumished by | sneesromnePtacte" airy | om. tee Teens. Zee ROOM, AND BORED wvalann Pru |i» CHEVROLET. oh cynaw Senger |Fataa ener't pre" "en ens ' ' ' room r gentieman or lady. t ssion. Wilson's Furniture Store pa East. Inna hm, naveees aria ae week, Whitby 668-5242, baie 'or best offer, Telephone 723-8748 Hi re van, Very good running order. OSHAWA th + ROOM t) rt-jinct'ate possession, $12 week! after 5 p.m, jee gl lo camping ven, 725-1481 MODEL SUITE OPEN want, Aysllebte December 1. ABB 'en lane | chard. View or. 22° Orchard View. Bivd, | ROOM oF room and meals for two. clean phone. 7202062 or 922-6000, AUTO PARTS Cable TV 1-9 PM tale parbecue, Perk Road" South, | 725- 1175 Nelson St. 725-2162 SUBLET. Very spacious modern apart | Roce ge Meters. Ample parking, 81 Park band Fier "UP Gaver truck. Telephone . mM, ment, two ' LARGE two - bedroom apartment, 108 |damage deposit prepaid. Children wel- $ + ND BOARD flemen, good 5--Lost OSHAWA S 728-7942 Rossland 'East, stove, refrigerator, wash | come, 7472 fon Ae ES a WaT CHEV. sedan delivery, best_oter| 3 end Found PHONE 723-5278 er, dryer, television outlet, storage fac! |tWO-BEDROOM apartment tor rent, re-|Ritson Road Sou Fotephone 729-8561 "/Lost -- In Bowmanville arena, silver " 2 frigerator, stove, washer, drye' wittnaver t FINEST Taina entire Available 1. Apply yah Albert 30--Automobiles for Sale 1956 ay ok HALF TON In good condl- Soy masta' Reward, Moennig TV partment, centrally | Street or 299 Montrave, Apt. 4, soto Bb a Tee $250 or best offer, Telephone 725-| James MecDoneld. 7 725-9704 oF Bowmen: -Oshawa Cable APARTMENTS CAVALIER Si kar Ph Sele PRET SCDONALD bere in es : DOO ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments, (ONE AND TWO-BEDROOM iEATSE VISCOUNT ferigeraor one eae faclinigs. 3130 |S Sroet West Te pone 7259008 sPr FORD 'SALES al five feet (5') of rear yard shall be red for each POOL and $120 monthly, Telep! 725-9086, Fwor AND "THAWEDRDROOM aper?- 520 King St. West NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO THE storey in excess of five storeys which eddie oy reor yard DIPLOMAT jens ora t Sc AEE |atinat OY tte Matte] --- 723-524 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD by "anton etl Geet session Coa edad Wiel Pe Ss ' the Ci rt gig stove © refrigerator @ |LoWER DUPLEX, feat and tyare bua aiwcou FREE ieetets private | PRICED TO CLEAR! be pag agernel . f . b ce to ee OG 8 cree Se ee ee end draft control therme-| | tom @EIM. "@ Belconies [Taverne bau. No cain aher aw tence Parking ---- a | #66 MUSTANG, 2 door hard se a Pye ati ' Sue he 18.A Nothwithstending enything here herina suite. --_ , 8 automa- and use assed contai No pérson e iy epucbneih ding oe hom © lnmemiete poemeerion. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. Apply 6 ep eee te with radio JI719S. senton 48 of The gona Act. -- the following regulations regarding lot erea ere Close to shopping centre ond | Wayne Street, Apartment 9, anytime, a OPEN 2-9 P.M, DAILY all schools, FECEUBIGEM aetna, on. Wis ATTRACTIVELY "66 FORD CUSTOM 500, 4 In Re3 Z a the minimum size of the lot shall be: SAT end SUN, I]. @.m.- 7 p.m. 728-4283 Apo 25 ml grapes. Intent welcome! FURNISHED ROOM door sedan, 8 automatic, TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the City 6,000 sa. f. for the first § dwelling units or less regerd- Available in private home, Nes ih alltel bec pa of Oshowa Intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board pur- less of the in eoch dwell- Apt. 111 ONE, TWO AND THREE bedroom apart Call between 5 and 7 p.m. : suont to the provisions of Section 30 of The Planning Act for ing unit 340 Marland controlled entronces, auveter service! 82 PARK' RD. N approval of By-law number 235-66 passed on the 17th day' of together with additional lot area for each dwelling unit an swimming pool, fenced-in leyeround, 822 STOP! October 1966. A copy of the by-law is re oe s me excess or as poe m mF _ Street or call 72% : . os FURNISHED 3 Facteieac = "a balraam 728-867 | These used cars must be sold fi Pn a tae of the' purpose ond effect o yrtaw is 1'000 ay Rovrtpen peri gee r igo spar ed." Chitren lowed, 'trea haat, hydro i | HOUSEKEEPING room single or double] ore are on at special prices. Any person interested may, within fourteen (14) days after 1,275 sq. My for each additional 2 bedroom unit AP ARTMENTS as tied etter | p.m, |retrigerator and stove, Free parking.) '64 HILLMAN WAGON, the date of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver to the 1,550 sq. ft. for each additional 3 bedroom unit MARY AND ELOIN, -- Three, oF tour: Riakers. "Teltohee nen [ET = -37969X, real. clean. Clerk of the co of Oshawa notice of his objection "- aonenve together with on oddlitionl 275 square feet of lot-orea for room partment, turn! e sai iw together with a statement oF the eac room in any dwelling unit (except those included es FURNITURE, FOR now, parking avalleble, Telephone 725 |2 elon onente Se arate fret Heart] on RAMBLER CLASSIC og | such en oblection. one of the 5 units permitted on a lot of the minimum size) TWOBEDROOM Gpartment, $110 month- eee serarom Arey He i dag gene The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said by-law in a dwelling unit containing more than 3 bedrooms. PRINCESS RENT , refrigerator and feondry facil Win id. 5. after 5 p.m. low, low price, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any in .R-4 and R-5 Zones:the minimum sive of the lat ahell Ot Bye Available anytime, modern bullding, |TWO NICE large rooms in new home,| «go CHEVROLET, Biscayne, 6 objection to the by-law will be considered. Notice of any 6,000 sq. ft. for the first 6 dwelling units or less re- AT war = boat Ay Men eter oe) automatic J12712, priced to pa yoo we) be held will be given only to persons who have gordless of the number of bedrooms contained in each country three-room rimen, | SaisaeD single and Gauble years ; led an objection ing unit, ANNE Grenfell uit prefered Town oval gg oR aah i last day for filing objections will be NOVEMBER 22nd, together 'wih additional lot area for each dwelling unit in 1730, excess as fol APARTMENTS FOUR «ROOM spariment, Ts pivale COMFORTABLE room tor gentlemen} All the cars on our lot DATED AT THE CITY OF OSHAWA THIS 8th DAY OF 675 sq. ft. . Children ever apy. Aeon, Se, 4 pm, 323 Athol East are Winterized, NOVEMBER 1966. 750 sq. ft. eight welcome, Tel atter 4 p.m., BARRAND, ESQ., 950 sq .ft. for it bedroom 1221 Simece $t. N. 725-9934 Square bE 7, rdays anytime. FURNIBWED room In egn HED room Tn clean quiet fhome,| See these men for good deals, ay CLERK, 1 1150 $4. ft. nak eal x carmel gic @ 1-2-3 BEDROOM SUITES 723-5111 pa Se ne ner avalionlo Ww | Veleohene 720-2000. sans SIM Foamaan 50 CENTRE STREET together with an additional 200 square feet of lot erea LET US SHOW YOU x water, mya and fridge at only |ONE OR TWO furnished or unfurnished DON IBEY OSHAWA, ONTARIO. for each bedroom in any suite except those Included es THEN YOU DECIDE 380-385 GIBB ST. Real Estate Ltd. 46 Street West, tea" leony privileges. Bea Mana wit. peidiaphle Aubaiie pmiantcnrdnelne oh a ten ' wate LN rn nag Me AM e ' size in a dwelling unit containing more than 3 bedrooms. ; en - . . BY-LAW NUMBER 235-66 The following oreas may be included as lot orea to perched FoR ") vane Npsre ced bright vom any = 5-9 refined "Your RAMBLER Dealer" OF satisfy the of this section: (1) that portion CENTRAL TWO MONTHS rate sparen, Sy min _*'! NICOLS Motors Limited | THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA eget | or cack of the pooge ected t jocated, Available immediately, Tele-/BRIGHT spacious gr ond room Hg a phone 629-2609. clean home, close to On Highway No, 2 being a by-law to amend the Zoning By-law and the Off-Street below grade level of this site; (2) portion of @ roof ONTARIO FREE th Ma BL WORTH, Whitby. ia cit ie ged satan nn Bivds 75 Just yee of ee as8 "9g Parking 'by-law of the City of Oshawa. vat pea pal Penson sry ck "i the oan regen rienent: with berm, Whitby - : me 1. FURNISHED bedroom, mn preferred, 7 roof or deck area of the parking gorage is located TRUST Mod sane Unturnished central, heat, [kitchen privileges if desired." Absteiners BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as a by. _ thon 3 feet 3 evel {id no part of ern oem. any, Telephone 725-0556, Cars bought and Sold of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa by the Council thereo' Hered ox k Apo sg ae ot eutemabiies (RENTAL AGENTS) one, two ond three ites ets Mn tte heat netae| MORLEY STALKER Pia nie ny and (iii) that part of the walls of the garage protruding bedroom rtment: GBR, \ 3 1, By-law 3325 as ammended is hereby further amended by Evenings eget) QPArtMents -- |EVRNISHED two-room, selbcontalned | Apply 17! Nassau Street, Oshawa. MOTOR SALES a Y above grade levelare banked with fill on a grade of not (ARTHUR AVRRET, Einsie room tor amending poragraph 2 as follows: 725-5067 Two bath . apartment, private atrance ind, bath. prenen pbc tA Rg 137 KING STREET W. by adding to the paragraph opposite the words: more than fifty per cent (50%) and sodded. hyd Office 723-522) for two eduite. Apply 106 Wittiam street Space, Immediate possession. OSHAWA "Apartment Building, flat or other building containing three 4. By-law 3415 as amended is hereby further amended by edding Fenced-in playground = | sagawobeueomunmalnd abe 7 io 723-6322 -- 723-8311 or more dwelling units" thereto os Section 18.B. the following CASA Ni buil apartment, $85 monthly, Including heat, onary piliges ere, Leng in On the Spot Financing in ar anc the following words to the paragraph opposite 18.B Nothwithstanding anything sareinadtes or herinbefore . lew buildi lights, water and garbage disposal, Tele- |worker welcome. 574 Crerar Ave. in Colour | f contained, no person shall erect any apartment psa Oshawa sout! phone 907-467, lou, BRIGHT, furnloheds bedroom Tn DOWN--$30 MO provided further that in any apartment building containing ing containing 21 or more dwelling units unless fifty COMPLETELY furnished basement |private' home, Gentlemen _ preferred. 59. 6) models. 21 or more dwelling units at least one parking space for cent (50%) of the area of the lot is landscaped. MANANA Telephone 725-0657 |close'te bus line. Ressonsbie, Telephone | cwve-1@ Dut. tine. Telephone 72-706 our choice! every 00 UniNe Se part tharect aed Ga. provident following areas may be included as landscaped area to Pp preg LARGE furnished rooms. Kitchen y s (a) within the building itself, or satisfy the requirements of this section: (1) thet pore 18 YOUR BEST CHOICE or 728-2226 Gna a pOROOM--tarmaned and bedaltting room. Private bath. park: BILL BENNETT (b) in @ parking garage so constructed that the roof or tlon of the roof or deck of @ parking garage 80 con- OF APARTMENTS pewly decorated, Parking. Central, Tele | 7m MOTORS deck of the garage is located at or below the grade level structed thet the roof or deck of the garage is located IF YOU DESIRE MUST BE RENTED! phone 725-3206, ROOM TO RENT, light housekeeping 484 Ki of the site, or at or below the grade level of the site; (2) that Sublet t bed ONE-BEDROOM apartment ¥ triplex, | optional, Apply 42 Fernhill Bivd. 723-0. oat {c) in a parking garage so constructed that the roof or portion of a roof or deck of « parking garage | which is @ MUCH LARGER ROOMS ie wo or pret eg ab "sat Oley "av vod oT: sete. CLEAN, QUIET, furnished deck of the parking garage is located not more than 3 landscaped ond so used and constructed that; (i) the @ CONVENIENT, CENTRAL [| Pgs reasonable of- prone, T2a808. nt housekeeping, tetrigerator, close te CONVERTIBLE TOPS feet above grade level, provided the roof or deck is not elevation of the roof or deck orea of the LOCATION a ell boomy all a Of | RURNIGHED 'ilchen ond Two bedrooms nese zines = Nylon $89.00 up used for the parking of automobiles and is landscaped, age 1k loceited niet more thal S feat bhabe porki (near Pork Rd. ntl phapged yada for two Quiet and clean. Ap- HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, _ completely ROOMS, ~ gompetey Repairs to all makes of cars, and that the part of the walls located abéve grade level ran no part of the roof or deck is used for porki e pad and CANCIOUS o ply 62 Aberdeen Street, Oshawa. furnished with kitchen, retrigerator,| Antique upholstery ond re- are banked with fill on a grade of not more than fifty of automobiles and (iii) thet part of the walls of ATMOSPHERE TELE. 723-5111 BACHELOR APARTMENT two rooms, | stove, shower, bus at door, ten nines ateration, per cent (50%) and sodded."' rotruding obove i. f banked fill @ REASONABLE COST * furnished, sult two, gentlemen. | from South General, Motors, for, one . garage pi ing grade level ore with ._Totephane 7204 _|twe eles. or gentlemen. 268 Bloor' Si. RILL'S CUSTOM AUTO TRIM So-that-It- should read as follows: on a grade of not more than fifty per cent (50%) end The mm halal RENT @ ® fom 'pure Pes heer ca for. en -- iy Av hes Ce colliaanr t COLUMN ii 5. By-low 3415 he --- Ricms, Room fege, Stevenson 5 vers rumediate . pestession. 4 : ve. S55-40 COLUMN ft. : 3 WENTWORTH =| si Sis ee [Esti erm _px (eneen MORE CASH | aUSEORRURPOSE | MINIMUM PARKING | af Stn 186 te Slowing ar pre 4 : mended by adding an Sen? "3 digg bid vere fg pathos entrance." Ney mere, kitchen privie mr emtionalt core psi a 7" FACILITIES REQUIRED 18. Land used for the following Purposes shall be aunt N + Sat. se ated, Suit couple, oF |tral, pleasant area, Block north ot het-| Paid for Good Clean Cars. | tires or mune dwelling ame? 1. parking space for each to be landscaped within the of S 18.A MA R Pagel ASSOCIATION women Ar 6 bam, 746750, _ _ =. gees St in <aj| Trade up or down, Liens paid. 6d Ne Sere: eine pont | anit pas 1 pated pel 18 of Sila oye Pky ee for ype of end @ TWO-BEDROOM = apartment, reir wi ry space for each three in tional' rpose oa 275 Wentworth St. > Bruce St._728-1070__ close to, shopping, snd, bu po DODD MOTOR SALES Units of port thereof, provided without limiting the generality of the foregoing shal ° LUSANNE VILLA waaiie % ROOMS, FOR RENT, nigh ana won 314 PARK RD, SOUTH further that on any apartment include land used for lawns, flower beds, pr Fog Oshawa BROCK STREET ©. nemo creed gates, "Apply Quee fa "Motel, "67. Simcoe 723-9421 building containing 21 or trees or planting of any kind, private walks, putting 330 GIBB STREET room apartment with stove, refrigerator, | Street North more dwelling units at least greens, bowling greens, tennis courts, You will enjoy tving in in Buta gration | buliinn, hydra, ieee lncluded. Avaliable im: ROOMS S10 each Ta sh share. ond $15 "4 MERCEDES BEN Z one parking space for every courts, swimming pools and pool areas and playgrounds. re _. |Board optional. preferred, aphaiie chetad ter Pad centrally located, electrically |ONE-BEOROOM apartment, stoves re-|Free parking. 1 588-5201. Hee by dad thereof shall 6. By-law 3415 as amended is hereby further amended by adding whe werk tn ond eiturd heated. Roomy breakfast frigerator, washer a4 a oe heal. [CENTRAL OSHAWA -- Two furnished TORONTO (a) tet ti the building itself thereto as Section 18.D the following: nook and kitchen, tennis nih Bul Tse" Dundes' Street" See (FOOMS, share bath. Heat, hydro included, 18.D No opartment building containing 21 or more dwell court and barbeque. Waitby.. 723.9980. nes iret Sait lay oc gentioman, Abstainers. Tele-| 100 DAVENPORT ROAD or ha yp sh gett Bers ar the parking rele FURNISHED two-room Tule TECEGSNTAINERS jeans y second Heer | ROA Suallenay piven tae: A ™ consisted Sher tie tet ments of Section 20 of By-law 3325 as emended for 4 Ete "e eo, a bartng soecn, spore, | Spartwnnts 6 private entrance. One child | vision, Telephone 728-5736. 927-5030 or deck of the gafoge is been met. RENT INCLUDES: Hee! Syreet Sues ea EG Ss cs su WF eos cooking located at or below the 7. No part of this by-law sdenll chiets tone Seis aaa © Oren NEW APARTMENT -- sei, monthly, We | FN epariment, heat ard weet ays og Rg Bi he Rel Bt mgood grade level of the site, or approval of The Ontario Municipal Board but subject there- © Hest ond hyde ok ee ay. ge So eae ah ol, 9. and. brakes, new. top. Good condition. in @ parking garage so to this by-law shall take effect from the date of its passing. 13, 725325, THREE ROOM chieslghed ROR (FURNISHED ROOM for pentieman In Udi Pins dlh os constructed that the roof e aad col i Gabramhaa aperieaned pean on TL rete By-law read a first time this 17th day of October 1966. = seve meee i PARK ROAD NORTH -- One bed. | suitable for one girl, $55 reantny of two |Cage PY Peron Sm Artor lg = gern ge Oa or deck of the parking By-law read a second time this 17th day of October 1966. es monthly inctoging "teat 'ced hoore: Yar Sopptie. --=_-- TADIES! Large, furnished room | gesauen sp Se' Se OF est: otter, pc ge Fig ngihiced PE ada time and finally passed this 17th day of Ate tox hath os COMPLETELY furnished bachelor ape SS rate, envrence eed pinto g ege "Crone the heapital and ip ge hardiep, | 33 ae gr 'ey Soi : Age diac L North-districh. $18. week rking. Suitable for two gentlemen. (COwntown. 7233684 or 720-7983 0 wants eweroen te fOOr oF is not yman »R. 7297480, m Telephone 728-8794. ie HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for rent on|A:! condition, $1,800 cash. 723-6730, for the parking of auto- MAYOR CLERK TWO-ROOM many Raat ee [FAIRBANKS STREET. em tor | Ke. Sree Week, _tonenene Te. 5 BUICK, ee nae ee mobiles and is landscap- trance, $80 Recluging heat ond ied ope tor Suitable = NEAR HOSPITAL, comfortably furnished Eee ta: bot init Teta eee ed, and that the part of tment hydro, One or weicome, | work' No Guiren, room, home, gentie- a yr fc, "Tetohene_ rb, ws [mon Tope iene sence aan ail cer parts, Late ad ial' oa eaieae EXPLANATION OF THE PURPOSE AND bed: ' ir at yom, teen witcher, sii She BESROON "eporement ---- CENTRAL. 2 Orem of kind East fur lmodels our specialty. Courtice Auto with fill on a grade of EFFECT OF BY-LAW NUMBER 235-66 723-8701 fone single. furnishes 'besroom. 'Centreity [oer "ist. "Apply. "fo. apartment S:°m05 [ond refrigerator, 'mn one quiet gentie- |\ wes oodtawe not more than fifty per located. Apply 141 Church Street, Montrave Avenue. man. Apply abo' Up. Trades accepted. Terms ar cent (50%) ond sodded By-law 235-66 amends by-law 3325 as amended (the off-street ROYALE BACHELOR APARTMENT, completely | TWO BEDROOM apartment In triplex on /ONE bright, raid Bedroom In pr se op nm aes ao ine a parking by-law) and the Zoning By-law 3415 as emended to . ished. Apply 28! Simcoe Street South, lew, 4 Avenue, Available December 15th. /vate home. Gentlemen aproterred. Che | cn Mi tne cy ! h furthe: nded require' that apartment buildings containing 21 or more dwell- a mbieatralessssibin 7 -_ I al Ra RS SONG ' LIENS PAI OFF, We trade Se) 2% Oe oe Mab be sented do pin tie viene bY | ing units shall not be erected unless 50% of the required pork- . pay neg gc apartment bedroom, lemen, oer 3 fac amending Special Cond 4 119 NONQUON ROAD [8 Sow, 8 North containing trig and |broadioom, stove, fridge, washer, rver, 'and downtown, Kk and bath, | ment. Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 720-7375, "to a maximum height of 10 storeys" ing can be located within the building or in unde ; "4 "2 Clove, Aguile only monthly. 72eSM6, fale, conditioned. private, parking. "South -- South | Cat at 63 Drew Street or or telephone ™ Leg OLDSMOBILE Jetstar, 4 door, hard. end substituting therefor the following: sty underground parking garages, and amends the : mune Iranet cee Reta sie an Phone FRI. FRIgWOLY WORE: Giwrt Toriehed Bod | ees. A contin tate 'nd hy 'ie Mie ge Mle a genie se: al bn: ahell provide: certain, estan tar andl oe a: Apartments, Apt. \. long BEGROOM aparimen! In WAIT. Geaeunen ier mechanically A-l; low mileage, execu-| 90 that the Section shall read as follows: tnd BrOVICS: COrtait ,IRTOnN 1a Stegner sear View ts THREE-ROOM apartment for rent, a New building, Telephone 668-5645 after | telephone % south pg ag Bg around $2,450. Call formerly required, and to require that no person 728-5282 vate rr snes brivate, entrance, re |6 725-7024, 723-4003_oF Special Condition 6 any apartment building containing 21 or more dwelling phn AT ed me space. -- ROOM apartment, newly deco- CARGE unturnished room, "warm, hot pag nc Ee fee) Maw "Notwithstanding any other provision of this by-low, unless 50% of the area of the lot on whi ich = shore IRLR, No rar ora Lane probes ms body, cleen, 7288 4 se districts loc: i ilable for land A SERVICE? Check "Business |SUBLET -- Three = bedroom aperiment lhomsing" Avaitet re eee b ae bulidings to be erected in any R-3, R-4 or R-5. use dis located is available scaping and to define te the Want Aas ter rellebiel in iyo," modern conveniences, Tete-[montniy Includes heat, yar, Weis cove fe = Covaiet pernina Gn came lend. eceare reirigwretin, Teachers | to which this-condition applies may: be erected without ony | which may be regarded os landscaping, and, to amend = anene vancare ly, Apply 25 Wiles & 723-0160 after 8 p.m. en height, provid , that on edditional- eondition "6" te remove height rest