Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, November 14, 1966 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Martir, Italian Aide old Ialks On Viet ROME (AP)----External Af: fairs Minister Paul Marin of Canada ed the final phase of his tion European tour by conferring with ister Aminto'o Fan- fani of Italy on peace p, ospects for Viet Nam, His talk with Fanfenl, last year's president of the UN Gen- eral Assembly, was tho first of a series of confererces with Ttallan government leaders be- fore Martin meets with Pope Paul Tuesday, The two ministers first met for 90 minutes, then called in their experts to dis- cuss details of a wide range of aubiects of mutual interest, These include Italian emigra- tion to Canada, Italy ranks second only to Britain in emi gration to Canada, Martin flew to Rome Sunday night from Moscow. In the So- viet Union and in Poland he had sounded out government leaders on the outlook for get- ting Viet Nam peace talks etarted, Profit Reported NIAGARA-ON + THE-LAKE, Ont, (CP)--The Court House Theatre, which stages the an- qual Shaw Festival here, had ended a $15,903 profit in 10966, theatre president Calvin G, Rand announced Saturday. Total 1966 box office take was 905,084 in ticket sales. Mr, Rand announced that Paxton Whitehead, newly ap- pointed artistic director, is in Winnipeg on plans 1967 season, He is ex- to disclose the program early next year, Roskings aré "way up" for a foreign film series which the Shaw Festival sponsors will epen Nov, 20, Mr. Whitehead eaid, Eight films will be shown. Meeting Proposed OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis- ter Pearson has proposed a Nov, 23 m with provincial government concerned with vocational education to dis- cuss federal withdrawal from the field, | A epokesman for Mr. Pearson eaid Saturday the date is still tentative. Such a meeting was agreed to at the recent federal- -- fiscal conference The meeting will include dis- cussion on definition of such terms as adult and senior ma- tions of higher learning, the Four Asphyxiated DETROIT (AP)--Police said fumes from a malfunctioning stoker-fed coal furnace asphyxi- ated four persons in an east side home Sunday. The owner of the home was not harmed, The victims were Mrs, Rose Richardson, 50; her nephew, Richard Womack, 5; Eddie Jones, 47, and Mrs, Carrie L. Coffee, 40, both roomers, Gordon Murray, an assistant Wayne County medical exam- iner, said all four victims died of asphyxiation from carbon monoxide fumes, i Two Killed DETROIT (AP) -- Two per- sons, including a Canadian, were killed and one Canadian was critically injured Sunday in a three-carcrash on a rural road. in suburban Plymouth Township in western (Detroit) County, Ma ant Ridge, Mich, In critical condition in Mary's Hospital taine, 18, also of Windsor. taine, Few Protests TORONTO (CP) -- A_ sex: education film, which last week sparked a controversy involving Toronto's board of education and the CBC, was shown on tele: vision Sunday night and drew only a ripple of reaction, even from the children who saw it, The CBC said the phone calls it received were normal, equally divided between complimentary and derogatory. The film was shown on the CBC public affairs program |}who think inflation is strictly a '.) deal with a bride's family, Now, jor crackdown on international narcotics trafficking, Wayne Killed were Richard Le Blanc, 17, of Windsor, Ont,, and rie Sargent, 20, of Pleas: St. at Livonia, Mich., was Richard La Fon- All three were riding in the) same car, driven by La Fon- Brides Costly NEW YORK (AP) -- Those phenomenon of Western civill- gation haven't had to ante up cowrie shells lately to buy: an African bride, Time was a young swain needed only two of these small, colorful shells to complets 2 in the Cameroons, it takes 15, 000 to 50,000 cowries, On Santa Cruz, in the British Solomon Islands, the price of a bride has gone up to at least 10 feather coils and specialists have taken control of the whole from the bird catching ig & PTICe OF & CUii, Boy, 14, Charged WINDSOR, N.C. (AP)--A 14: year-old boy was arrested Sun- day and charged with three counts of murder in the fatal shooting of his father, mother and baby sister last May 28. The boy was identified as Roger Barnard Lee of Wood: ville, a small community in northeastern North Carolina, The slaying at the Lee home were first ruled murder-suicide by authorities after Lee 4old them his mother, Essie Mae Lee, 41, shot his father, Willie Goodwill Role Asked By Brosio PARIS (Reuters) -- Manlio Brosio of Italy, NATO secre- tary « general said today France's withdrawal from the organization's integrated mili- tary command created a deli- cate situation with which the alliance must live. At the opening of the NATO parliamentarians conference, he said: 'We had better adjust to it with the maximum possible goodwill and tolerance.' Brosio said France's 14 NATO allies were led by events to es- tablish a two-tier organization, France, by belonging to certain alliance bodies and contracting out of others, had become a "special status" ally, This did not mean that a dual organization, with different classes of allies, was adopted or approved in principle, he d fering iG Franté, he said it would be difficult to draw a clear borderline between where the Atlantic Treaty ended and the military organization from which France had withdrawn began. "Perhaps we should avoid subtleties by merely saying that France remains both an alli- ance member and a participant in certain parts of its organiza- tion,"' Brosio said. Two Killed McCoy Lee, 51, during a quar- rel over money, 13 Questioned | ROME (Reuters) -- Italian police held 13 Italians for ques- tioning Sunday after swoops throughout the country in a ma- Among those picked up were Sicilian brothers Salvatore and |Ugo Canebba, 65 and 56 respec: tively, held in connection with the alleged export over many years by a Mafia gang of re- fined narcotics to Canada and the United States. Police said the gang since the end of the Second World War) had built up branches in Can-| ada, the U.S., France and pos- sibly Latin America, Bodies Recovered | PARRY SOUND, Ont, (CP)-- Police said skindivers recovered the bodies of four missing hunt: ers from Clear Lake, about 30 miles north of here, Sunday. Dead are Edward James, 56, of London, and Russell Thomas, 23, David Poole, 62, and Joha Poole, 52, all of Lambeth, Ont., near London, Their 12-foot boat was found companions. Police said the boat contained the carcasses of a deer and a bear when it sank Thursday. Parry Sound is 100 On Tanker capsized Friday by two hunting/-- In Blast ASTORIA, Ore. (AP)--A _LI- berian tanker whose captain and motorman were killed by a time bomb explosion Sunday anchored off here today and a search was started for other bombs, Seven others of the 47 Chinese crew members of the South Korea-bound tanker grand in- tegrity were injured in the ex- plosion that killed Capt. Ho Lien-siu and motorman Chiu Yungiye. The bomb exploded aboard the 535-foot vessel when it was off the coast after sailing from Longview, Wash. The coast guard said it was found in the engine room and exploded on deck where the captain had it carried and was photographing it. A demolition team from' the U.S, Navy ammunition depot at Bangor, Wash., was flown here to search for other bombs, It was summoned after a pilot re- ported that a device resembling a bomb was found in the mas ter's cabin and that the crew thought there might be more on board Soviet Poet 55 Perish In Accidents 'On Weekend In Canada By THE CANADIAN PRESS Forty-seven traffic victims were among at least 55 persons who died accidentally across Canada during the weekend, A survey by The Canadian Press from 6 p.m, Friday to midnight Sunday night, local times, also showed four persons drowned, two killed in fires and two in hunting mishaps. Quebec had the highest death toll, with 19 traffic fatalities, three drownings and one killed in a hunting accident, In Ontario, 11 persons died in traffic mishaps and one drowned, There were five traffic deaths reported in Alberta, four in British Columbia, two in Sas- katchewan and one in Manitoba, Two persons also died in fires in Alberta, There were two traffic fatali- ties in New Brunswick and one person killed in a hunting mis- hap, Nova Scotia also had two traffic deaths and Newfound- land had one, Prince Edward Island had no accidental fatalities, The survey does not include natural or industrial deaths, known suicides or slayings, The Ontario dead: SUNDAY Pauline Mitchell, 21, of New Toronto, and her sister Beulan Mitchell, 23, of Burlington, when the car in which they were travelling struck a bridge near Oakville; Dan Gill, 58, a Kenyon Town- ship councillor, when his car was struck dy a train at a level h crossing near his home at Alex- WEATHER FORECAST Sunny And Cold Tuesday Winds Light TORONTO (CP)--Forecast is- sued at 5:30 a.m. Synopsis: A weather disturb- ance moving through Northern Ontario is giving snow to this part of the province, Tempera- tures will be near seasonal nor- mals across southern and cen- tral Ontario today with cloudy skies but as this weather dis- turbance moves into Quebec later today northerly winds will bring colder air into the entire province, The prospects for Tuesday are for variable cloudiness and some snowflurries in the north country but the rest of Ontario will have mostly sunny but cold weather, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake On- tario, Haliburton, southern Georgian Bay, Windsor, London, Hamilton, Toronto: Variable cloudiness and a little milder today. Clear and cold tonight, Mostly sunny and cold Tuesday, Winds southwest 15 becoming northwest 20 this afternoon and light tonight. Northern Georgian Bay, Ti- magami regions, North Bay, Sudbury: Cloudy with a few snowflurries clearing and turn- ing colder in the afternoon, Mostly clear and cold tonight and Tuesday. Winds southerly 15 becoming northwest 20 to 30 this morning and light tonight. Thompson Slate At Liberal Meet TORONTO (CP) -- Andrew |'Thompson, leader of the On-| tario Liberal party who has) For Tonight Cochrane, western James Bay regions: Cloudy with snow changing to snowflurries in the afternoon, Mostly clear and cold tonight. Tuesday variable cloudi- ness and a few snowflurries. Winds northwest 20 to 30 be- coming light tonight. Algoma, White River regions: Cloudy and colder with snow- flurries clearing in the after- noon. Mostly clear and cold to- night and Tuesday. Winds northwest 20 to 30 becoming light tonight. Ottawa region: Mainly cloudy with a chance of a few light flurries today clearing this eve- ning. Tuesday mainly sunny and cool, Winds light. Forecast temperatures Low tonight, high Tuesday Windsor .., ».. » 20 38 St, Thomas ..+ .++ 20 London .., s00 0. 0 Kitchener ... Mount Forest ... Wingham ... Hamilton ... St. Catharines. ... Toronto Peterborough eee Kingston ... oss Trenton ... eos « Muskoka... o.. » North Bay ... « Sudbury ... see os Sault Ste. Marie . d To Speak : On Friday job at his previous pace. been sick more than four weeks, will speak Friday to the BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEONS andria, 100 miles east of. Ot- tawa; Thomas Moore-Smith, 63, of Nanuet, N.Y., in a two-car col- Uision near Carleton Place, 30 miles southwest of Ottawa; David East, 18, of Toronto when the car In which he was riding crashed through a fence and hit two parked tractor. trailers at the Niagara Falls municipal airport. SATURDAY John Henry Padimore, 85, a retired farmer, when struck by a car on the main street of Athens, 12 miles north of Brock- ville. ; Frank Brooks, 4, when struck by a truck near his Toronto ome; Gerald Gibeault, 14, of Corn- walt when the bicycle he was riding collided with a car in Corn ll; Catharines after his car over- turned on the Queen Elizabeth Way; Paris Meeting Set To Draft New Atlantic Alliance Look PARIS (Reuters) -- NATO parliamentarians are expected to draft the broad lines of a new look for the Atlantic Alli- ance in a five-day conference opening here today, The conference, which meets annually, plans discussions of possible reforms within NATO following France's withdrawal from its integrated military commands, The proposals are in a report to be presented by Emi Hooson, British Liberal mem- ber of Parliament. pin "4 Pd the. parlia- mentarians w to transfo: mone ransform tary organization into a political bone unity, conference sources said, The delegates are expected to Support two immediate objec: tives--establishment of an At- lantic Consultative assembly and support for Britain's entry into the European Common Market. TO SEEK RULE CHANGE The conference also is ex- Francois Lamontagne, 71, of Welland, when struck by a car as he crossed a Welland street; FRIDAY Sam Morello, 44, of Toronto, drowned when he fell from a ship's gangplank into Toronto harbor. Alexander . George Fearnley, 57, of Toronto when his car left Highway 19 and struck a tree about 15 miles northwest of Stratford, . ss at KARN'S LAYAWAY NOW * POLAROID Autemetic Color Pack CAMERAS Models te Choose From FREE ! (Reg, 19.95) CARRYING ciding whether to resume his) pected to support to debate a NAA E Aluminum Awnings Porch Enclosures Storm - Sereen Doors - Windows Prime Windows CMHC Accepted Aluminum Siding Jalousies ince from a purely mili-| othe recommendation asking France to relax its rules which govern flights by Allied military air- craft over French territory. President de Gaulle said last month that permission for over- flights would in future be ted on @ case-by-case basis, is presented a major problem to the allies, currently flying more than 2,000 aircraft over France every year. Apart from reforms aimed at myn | streamlining the alliance the parliamentarians are to discuss their dispute over the sharing of nuclear weapons with a view of giving West Germany and r non-nuclear members a vee in Allied nuclear plan- ing. wore Comfort Wearing FALSE TEETH Here is a way temp pate diconfars Pheer n proved po kied on Upper and lower plates holds ther firmer so that they feel more com: Tortabie, No *ulniny, Booey, pasiy taste or feeling, pa a at drug counters everywhere. vase ALUMINUM OSHAWA FREE PARKING Storm Window troubles forever... install Showroom and Factory PHONE 728-1633 95 ATHOL ST. E., OSHAWA Sliding Gloss Patie Doors Aluminum fer Frame and Walle For bodies of Trailers end Pickup Trucks ~ Tuesday and Wednesday Specials - LEAN AND TENDER CLUB titled Sunday, and was followed by questions and answers be- tween an interviewer and about |30 Toronto school children, some/ Humber Liberal Association, | The speaking date, Mr.) Thompson's first since he moved to his farm north of Orono to} recover from influenza, high) blood pressure and exhaustion, was announced Saturday at the annual meeting of the Toronto and District Liberal Association, | Party sources said Sunday night Mr. Thompson will prob- ably return to his Queen's Park office Tuesday or Wednesday, l y word from his doctor before de- epokesman said, Baby Returned DENVER, Colo. (AP)--A 41: hour search by police and| agents of the FBI for a kid: miles south of Sudbury. 9Se -- 1,35 DINNER 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Geod Food Reasonable Prices Parking Rear of Hotel HOTEL. LANCASTER 27 KING ST. W C C STEAKS 59 TASTY, SKINLESS 3 9 LEAN MINCED : ! LEAN MEATY PEAMEALED Cottage Rolls 55 Bridge Collapses | Confused as young as 10 years old, N 5 . ANTWERP (AP)--A 150-yard whose [ae (AP) ~e four-lane bridge on the highway/Versial Soviet poet Yevgeny baby ended happily Sun-| © QUIVIVOrS |between the Belgian cities of| Yeviushenko wound up the first gs ah. the safe return of}, MATSUYAMA, Japan (AP)--|Antwerp and Liege collapsed|week of his sensationally suc- the three-day-old child to. his|Authorities gave up all hope to-| Sunday, plunging seven automo-|cessful U.S. tour today bewild- parents, iday of finding any survivors of|biles into the Nethe River and/ered by one complaint -- he's The a Mre. Wit jthe crash of a Japanese-made/killing two persons, Sixteen|not far enough to the left to suit he son of Mr. and Mrs, Wils/airjiner with 80 aboard into the/other persons were injured, | American leftists, Dat cnis tein eae Sea Sunday night. | The accident occurred at Rh gg in his hotel suite, abdu ys 'Six planes had searched the| Pulle, 10 miles east of Antwerp, the 33-year-old Siberian--a_ma- ing from a fourthloor nursery \ SOATEROS ne crew of a barge that hedlior innovator in modern Soviet | jarea in the hope some might) . 4 | at Coloraro General Hospital.) hea land, and 60 boats /iust passed under the Dridgejliterature -- said such critics | j have reac! Police are holding Susan/ nicked up 2. bodies saw the sudden collapse and were "without brains," | jas, 29, of Denver for in|" There were 45 passengers and| Notified police. An investigation) Yevtushenko was upset by -- -- pc agp a ge five crew members on the YS-11, ¥@$ begun to find the cause. criticism that he had watered " s twin-propjet that went down *,* down attacks on U.S. policy in woman admitted taking the} : y 8 during a rainstorm, Twenty-two Political Clubs jthe Vietnamese war during his child KITCHENER (CP)--The On-| . jof the victims were honeymoo readings which are breaking 2 / ers, ! . all records for poetry recitals Tt was the fourth tarie Young New Democratic) fourth major er! Party said Saturday that it win/eere jattempt to establish political lelubs in Ontario high schools A Cerrying Cose makes it easy to corry everything necessary for on- S teking. Holds ¥ hgun, several boxes of film, Flashbulbs ond eccessories, FREE... With eny Polercid Color Peck Camere. n Good N Te & When Buying or Siling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker -- President Bill McFeeters -- Vice Pres, SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. Aides said he is awaiting fina MEMORY PAYS OFF i KING'S LYNN, England (CP) Percy Tyce, 61, bought three} fourpenny stamps issued in} memory of the late Sir Winston Churchill a year ago and found "hte dean coil " jthey were imperfect. Now a) acai grey war ae Ne (stamp eater has paid him A committee report presented |terminated as soon as possible," [S168 for 'thelr rarity. value. (h., t the group's annual meeting|%¢ Said. "If some people don't said the clubs should not be Understand that, it is because jdominated by older people, and hey are without brains," should be free of influence from |_ His readings are given in |school principals and teachers, | Russian -- Yevtushenko speaks More than 33 delegates aiiended |! Sagtish--and his audiences jthe meeting, acluded not only young DEMONSTRATION LIBRARY BUSY A report said the government/iMtellectuals, but older refugees A large group of the attend.) Since the re ~ opening of the|has the responsibility to see {fem Russia, who just want to ants murses' aides left the) McLaughlin Public Library,|that no student is denied the Dear the language. Oataria Hospital, Whitby, by|Oct. 3, 1,000 persons have vi-|right to finish high school be- chartered bus Monday morning/sited the youth room and cir cause of financial dittic te take part in the Civil Ser.jculation during the opening vice Association demonstration|days was 1,500 in a seven day at Queen's Park. Those taking/span. Total book circulation in| part in the demonstration are/all departments showed an in members of the staff who will/crease of 10,000 over 1963. The be off duty during the day. [automotive tex thooks pur. chased with the General Motors | By am ATTACHED, utemotive text books, pur. chased with the General Motors Hope last week, attached n0/g1.999 donation, are now avail: Dlame to Mrs. E. W. Milgate./anie for circulation RR 3, Bowmanville, in the death of 15 + year - old Tadeusz) FELL ASLEEP Uszacki, who was killed Oct.) Police say an Uxbridge man 23, when he ran inio the path/fell asleep while driving along of a car, is yee Road (Newmarket 5 oad) early Sunday morning, | STILL IN COMA iHis car went into a ditch ana Seven ~ year ~ old 'Kenneth init a hydre pole. The driver, Parish of 206 Gibb St., has now [Chesstey Stickwood, 24, of Bal: been In a coma for 28 days. isam Street, received a cut over | His condition at Toronto Sick [his eye and $450 damage to/ Children's Hospital today was/nis car ; again described as critical with/ no change. He received severe) HUNTING COMPLAINTS head injuries when he ran out! Whithy OPP have 38 general | in the street near his home rrences in. their book tor | the past weekend -- more than | and was struck by an automo dule. usual. These include hunting complaints and reports of drun- Bacon, 20, and his wife, becca, were overjoyed with the return of their son. Hospital) crash in Japan this year and the ag said the nine-pound,|second of an All-Nippon Air S-ounce baby was in good con-| ways plane. A total of 321 per = but had "a touch of a 28 King Est Phone 723-4621 Open Evenings ti! 9 P.M, sons were killed in the other three ® THERE . See Sat te G8 ed BY ie Central Ontario Trust take the TIGHTNESS out of YOUR money by peying you on SAVINGS accounts paid and compounded quarterly . Hurry! Hurry! you have only a few days left to buy Canada Savings Bonds without paying accrued interest i uities, it asked for the lowering of the) voting age in federal and pro-/ vincial elections to 18 years. MOTHER KEPT QUIET LEICESTER, England (CP) Keepers at Twycroft city 200 were surprised by the nen | jpected birth of a baby alpaca Hama to its pair of the South/ American animals, The female's | thick, shaggy coat hid the int / pending arrival of the roo's first | baby Hama from the experts. Pome SRI PRESCRIPTIONS a m PLANNING A.:, © BANQUET © CONVENTION © MEETING First Class Facilities For 20 to 400 Guests Quality Service Experienced: Staff RESERVE YOuR FUNCTION NOW! 723-4641 xe = INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES for 5 to VO years. Authorized Trustee invest. ments. TCH NOW to your C cm y ys = o meow. Kem, 30% Resa interest on your Savings. Enjoy longest Sovi rs in Oshowo end Bowmanville. ~ Mondey - Thurdey 9 -- 5:30 Friday 9 -- 8 Seturdey 9 -- 4 Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation 19 Simcoe St. North Oshewe -- 723-522) 23 King St. West Bowmenville -- 623.252) oct SCHOOL PROJKCT Albert Street Home andiken - driving School Association eel at its November meeting that) the teachers and students of | the school will prepare a school | history with photographs and/ material collected fromparens of the district. The project will be the school's Centennial Pro- fect City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S DRUGS B® Simcoe N. 723-3431 NEED A NEW ACE? Ne Down Payment--Fint Peyment Decemder-- Catt ' PERRY Day or Night... 723-3443