Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Nov 1966, p. 23

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, ee November 14, 1966 BRIDGE | (rop Record-Holder in Masters'. Individual Championship Play) FLAGSTONE 601, THIS IS HAYRAKE 503, CAN HANDLE SPANISH. SEND YOUR MESSAGE, BUT IT BETTER BE 600D, THIS ISMY LAST TRANSMISSION. OVER. DONALD DUCK BECAUSE WHEN 4{]/I!, I GET HOME I'M @3 74 . L ERM CENTRENSIED, Irn 8 TO reat OBJECTIVES. 1 Si esate gar ara gases 842 y doe a : © Bing Features Syndicate, ine. 1966 World sights resmrwed. IF THEY HAS MER Fo' 5 ENTERTAINMENT THEY'LL BE SREERRECH: PEEP EE TELE LESS EEL EE ETE ESET TET E ELE HAVING EMERGENCY LADIES SH FR MEETING TO DISCUSS ALLOWED?) ENTERTAINMENT. BEFORE BUSINESS ."" TOKYO MIRRIONAIRES IS JUST CUTE DANCER, E FO EPIDEMIC OF WHAT'S GOIN! ON, SONNY P UTA BUSINESS "7" ae sf OH, WILL. AH ARRIVE IN TIME WIF TH'G.N.I'P THE LONE RANGER MICKEY MOUSE » MUGGS AND SKEETER ON ad) a7 Bhd Md PERFECT RECEPTION 600 KING STREET E. (IN THE EAST MALL) SECRET AGENT X9 10 CHANNELS NO ANTENNA There's More To See With Cable TV RBVBILLE, HOW DUMB CAN YOU GET/ THE Fg vow HUMILIATING / ts BEBN MAKING TELEVISION LOG Hamiites T--Peyton Place 4~Andy of Mayberry Channei %Toronto 4~Law and Mr. Jones Channei 8~f » 19:25 A.M, Channe! 3-6--Emergency Ward 1 Channe! 1:38 AM, Channet Mike las Semaine '8 Court 7--Dating Game oll Squares 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 12:08 NOON 12--Cartoon Party 9--Toronto Today +-2--Jeopardy 10:00 PLM. b2--Run For Your Life 7--Big Vail |. 3-4-12--Front Page Challenge 4--Jean Arthur 10:30 PLM, 12--The Cat 9--This Land Is People 3 A-Go-Go 4--I've Got # Secret 3--Candid Camera Movie 1:00 PM, 12-11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News Come ao Werther Weather snd sports 3--Popeye and Pais 11:28 P.M, 3 6--Viewpoint 1a-Movie ee 4--Movie 3--News, Weather, 3 : 8-2------Swingin' Country MONDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M. 12--Rocky and his friends ii---Family Theatre... . 5:30 P.M, 12--Gilligan's Island @--Leave it To Beaver 1:25 P.M, é Music Hop ll--Plerre Berton OF EM HAS A GUN/ WD /T 1SN'T GOING 70 BE EASY TO BEAT EM OFFS 0) 2--Passport Two 6--News, Weather, Sports 6:08 P.M. 11:30 P.M, %--Twilight Theatre &--Johnny Carson 6-Giiligan's Island 7--Movie 44-12--News, Sports with| at acer Chuck rege oe : | 11:45 P.M. N--Plerre Berton 6--Girl From U.N.C.L.E. 12--Combat 1 A 3-46-9--News, Weather, ports 2-8--Huntley-Brinkiey News 44--Search for Tomorrow 12:45 P.M, 64--Guiding Light 1:08 P.M, '1--Theatre 9--Movie &--Dialing for Dollars Girl: Talk 7--Ben Casey 6--Luncheon Date 4--Meet the Millers 3--Movie 2--Merv Griffin | 2.00 A.M. t--Mystery Theatre TUESDAY 8:00 A.M. 4--Captain Kangaroo 8:30 - A.M. \l--Albert Steed 9--Romper Room 1:30 P.M, cae P.M. ¢-4--As The World Turns 11--Gilligan's Island }Let's Make a Deal 9--Family Affair 2:00 P.M. @--True Adventure 7--Newlywed Game 6-- 6-4--Password 2-4--Days of Our Lives 2.390 P.M. 9~People 'in Conflict 6--Coronation Street 8:55 AM. 4--Midwestern Hayride | %Dialing For Dollarsy share Girl Talk 2--News, Weather 9:00 A.M, Sports 3-11-12--Ed Allen 7:30 P.M. 4--Bonnie Prudden 7--A Time for Us N--Run, Buddy, Run 9--Uncle Bobby 4--Linkletter's Party 9--Lucille Ball | &--Smile Time #-0--Doctors | 2--Bazo's Big Top 2:00 A.M. %--Words and Musi¢ 82--Another World 7--General Hospital 4--To Tell The Truth +-6-12--Take 30 3:25. PAM, $ 7--Iiron Horse 4-Gliligan's isiand 3-6-12--Don Messer 2-8--Monkees 8:00 PLM. &--1 Dream of Jeannie 9--Bewitched 1--Daktari 3-6-12--The Saint 9:30 AM. $--Dialing for Dollars, | Bonnie Prudden 4--Love of Life bag (eS Pedi is 3--Jack Lalam 10:00 A.M, 1i--_ Its a match shun, Buddy. Run | 9--Fractured Phrases 8-2--Eye Guess | 4--Candid Camera | 36-12--Canadian Schools 10:30 A.M, 4--New: 3.30 P.M. 1l--Little People 9--It's Your Move 8:30 P.M, 7--Superman Show %--Andy Griffith 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night @--Roger Miller ay J--Rat Patrol 4--Lucille Ball 24--You Don't S 11--Morning Time 4:00 P.M. vanad neh en 1--Funny Company i oncentra' 9--1 Love Lucy ae vee P.M. 7--Donna Reed &-Match Game 's Sing Out 4--Beverly Hilibiilies fet Storm s--Ceuntry Music We | 3.612--Friendly Giant 3-6-12----Communicate 11:00 A.M, 2--Mike Douglas gene ee | 126Romper Room 4:0 PM. 36-12--Show of the Week 11--Marriage Confidential %--Mr. and Mrs, 9:30 P.M. 28--Pat Boone 4--Movie --Merv Griffin 7--Supermarket Sweep 3-6-12--Time for Adven- 9--Big Valley LIVES... HER HOM! PIES ARE DELICIOUS / ANY TIME T HEAR ¥ aIF T WERE AN 'A' STUDENT: APPLES YESTERDAY... WOULD YOu I'D TAKE HER ONE ,, LIKE TO TAKE ONE 'TO YouR TEACHER? APPLE LOOKS LIKE A Bribe! CROSSWORD AOROSS 1, Orioles, robins, etc. 6, Short gaiters 11. Close to: t. DOWN 14. Eat eeu Boe 1, Igneous 16. Stop S REBMIAIOIR, rock 20, Four- ae ki 2. Mass of line EILMAMIOISIM TOIL stratified stanzas Rein a 22. Kind RIE INDIEIR 8 Belnging to of pear PUVGMAIIERITA I. ging Dear [ENISMIOIGEIE MALY anantlered 25. Flesh NIPIE| py Savas Aease Fe] Di lO ey ge PIADIAMISIOISOM 6. Aroma Saturday's Answer 7. Diversions 8. Biblical lion 9. The ankle: joy pagoda anat, 32. Ruled marks 41. A conson- 10. Namesakes on paper antal of Mr, Brody 38. Disfigure digraph 1 fz i¢ ® 19 | poet. 12. Unit of weight ofa diamond 13. Skid 14. Covet 16. French river 16, Cue 17. Under the word: Latin abbrevia- tion 18. Guided 19. Old 21. Threefold 39. Chinese Y 25. Size of coal " GY, 26, Young is salmon 31, Cattle thief 33. Regret 34. Conjunction 35. Join 36. Legal rep- resentative: abbr. 37. Instigate . Jury . Eng. fruit ies 48. Celerity DIAL 723-5278 OUT OF © King Features Syndicate, Inn, 1966, World rights reverved. I TRIED TO TALK YOU WON'T YOu P THAT COLOR, en, YOUR HEALTH Diabetes Control Needs Regulation By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: Please an- swer these questions about dia- betes; 1. After you start taking dia- betes pills is there a chance of being able to stop them? 2. What-is-the- difference. be- tween "high-biood sugar' and "sugar in the urine'? Which is' worse? ; 3. Does scratching: (itching) go with diabetes? 4. Does diabetes affect vision? Seeing double, blur, etc.? 5. Does diabetes make you get overly exhausted all at once? 6. Is it possible to have high- blood sugar and not sugar in the urine? You can guess that I have just learned that I have dia- betes and have been put on four pills a day.+Mrs. L. K. 1. Sometimes it is possible to stop taking pills Jater, but usu- ally not. In some instances, in- sulin is necessary if the pills fail to control the diabetes. 2 and 6. Diabetes results when the body cannot use sugar prop- erly (the insulin produced by the pancreas is insufficient for body needs). As the amount of sugar "gets ahead of you," the excess ac- cumulates in the blood. That's high-blood sugar. At still higher levels, sugar "'spills over" through the kidneys and then appears in the urine. With proper diet, usually aided by medication, you may keep the excess sugar level low enough so it appears in the blood but not in the urine. Indeed, more male genital area. Controlling the disease helps subdue the itching. 4. Diabetes may cause tem- porary visual symptoms such as you describe, triggered by vari- ations in the blood sugar level-- high io low, etc. This changes the stigar content of the eye fluid. 5. Fatigue can be a symptom of untreated or uncontrolled dia- betes. Low-blood sugar also can produce a sense of exhaust or sudden weariness. This can result from taking too much in- sulin (or too large.a dose of pills), and is but one of many reasons why insulin (or dia- betes pills) should be carefully regulated in quanity, and kept in correct relationship to the amount of food you eat and the amount of energy you use up in exercise. Dear Dr. Molner: My hus- band, who is 45, has stretch marks along his buttocks. I thought only pregnant women got these marks. What causes them?--B. S. Stretch marks result when the tissues at the surface of the body are stretched to much and too rapidly, beyond the limits of their elasticity or "stretchabil- ity." It depends both on the stretching and the ability of the tissues to stretch without break- ing, which varies from person to person. Women are more likely to get such marks because avoid a diamond loser. I doubled, for reasons not ex- -- A-K and hope for the queen to drop on either the first or sec ond round. But Weiss knew he ol situation called for abnor- mal Ne hotetagly, after cashing the K-A of spades, he led the jack of diamonds with appar- ently not a care in the world, but it did me no good. Weiss huddled a while, afraid that the lone queen might be on his left, but finally came up with the, right answer. He finessed, and. thus made the slam. It would not have helped me to cover the jack with the queen. On the bidding, Weiss was convinced that West had at most one diamond, and the odds were 3 to 1 against. its being the queen. Had I cover- ed, he would have returned to dummy and finessed against the ten. I should have bid seven hearts, Coercion Claim At Volvo Plant DARTMOUTH, N.8. (CP)--A union official said Friday Volvo Canada Ltd. is trying to force workers into accepting its terms in a contract dispute. : Roland Iriving, president of Local 720 of the United Aute Workers Union, said a state- ment by company Manager Gustaf Ostergren that men may have to be laid off for a five- to nine-week perjod is "just a lever being used by the com- pany to get the men to agree to its terms as quickly as pos- f | sible." Mr. Ostergren announced Bjand 76 members of the UAW lo- cal to an agreement. He said he had asked the parent company in Sweden to suspend all shipments of car bodei san dc_ e toostnpmno bbodies and components to its assembly plant here until the labor situation is clarified. Prisoners Flee Burwash Quarry SUDBURY (CP)--Frank Oli- ver Smith, 24, of Sudbury, Al- fred\Kalbenback, 19, of London, Ont., and Roger Lee Bell, 20, escaped from the quarry at Bur- tog Industrial Farm Thurs- ay. Smith was serving two years for break, enter and theft, Bell two years for robbery and Kal- tenback one year on two charges of assault. SALLY'S SALLIES "Of course, my shorthand and _ typing is a little rusty..." i] of the rapid stretching of the skin in pregnancy, but it can happen to folks other than preg- cases of diabetes are discovered by blood tests even though su-| gar has not yet appeared in the! urine. 3. Yes, pruritus (itching) can beg symptom of diabetes. It is| especially common in the fe-| nant women. The marks fade in color but there is no way to get rid of them. They are, essen- tially, scars, Note to Mrs. V. ¢.: Alcohol off balance. True, being & psy- chopath and being an alcoholic are two different things, But a borderline psychopath with a record of repeated trouble with the law should certainly never touch liquor. If he does, that's can push some unstable people a matter for the law, not for a » doctor.

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