Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Nov 1966, p. 20

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27------Rooms for Rent "ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | HOUSERERPING room ilighe or double stove, Free parking, and north General 725-8150, 26--Apartments for Rent TWO MONTHS FREE Modern yt ha one, two and three --_|ing, Apply 184 Beatty Avenue bedroom apartments |tow SaNT ana ules, willing Yo mind Two bathrooms phone 7282100" even ral A THREE complete turnished rooms one Fenced-in playground bedroom, Ma rivate 5 ie "Ne" children, New Suliaieg Oshawa sout Telephone 725-0657 or 728-2226 ONE, ROYALE ments, Ai 'acs og Cou Telephone 668- Tyne Soom Telephone APTS. 119 NONQUON ROAD 1 ond 2 bedroom suites nine available, 773-9921, STREET E, Heated apart- View anytime. 728-5282 " 4 BOND op, floors private. entrance, No REGENT ARMS tnldfen please. Telephone 72: MODERN one bedr aut com- 4mmediate Occupancy = end twee hadenn seanen peer private, Excel residential area, Garage. Stove fc, included. $95 month- ly Tele Telephone Career apaite ments, close to Oshawa Shop: ing Centre. Adults only. TELEPHONE 723.6944 Between 6:00 and 9:30 p.m, FOR RENT or SALE 12 ROOM HOUSE 162 COLBORNE ST. EAST 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, November 14, 1966 25--Houses for Rent 96--Apertments for Rent CASA MANANA IS YOUR. BEST CHOICE OF APARTMENTS IF YOU DESIRE @ MUCH LARGER ROOMS @ CONVENIENT, CENTRAL LOCATION (neor Park Rd, North) @ QUIET and GRACIOUS ATMOSPHERE @ REASONABLE COST @ 1-2-3 BEDROOM SUITES LET US SHOW YOU THEN YOU DECIDE "CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST (RENTAL AGENTS) Eveninas 668-4416 725-5067 Office 723-5221 WENTWORTH MANOR 275 Wentworth St. Oshawa You will enjoy living In Wentworth Manor, con- veniently situated for those who work in and around Oshawa. Within easy walk- ing distance of stores and schools, RENT INCLUDES: @ Dropes @ Heat and hydro @ Stove and refrigerator @ Porking A few choice 2 and 3 bed- room suites still available. Rental Office and Model Suite Open Daily from 1-9 P.M, TELEPHONE 723-8701 Reg egency Towers 349 MARLAND AVE. 725-2227 Premier 321 MARLAND AVE. 728-6722 Modern 1 end 2 bedroom apartments, drapes, stove, frig and hydro supplied. New- ly decorated. Balcony for each apartment, controlled entrance with elevator ser- vice, storage and laundry facilities on each floor, broadicom in halls, ample parking space, close to Shop- ping Centre. Apply or tele- phone the above numbers. SHELDIAN MANSIONS 885 OXFORD STREET Within Walking Distance South General Motors gy area, 3 large plus bath, and natural fireplace, eda a thermostat. $90. Available im 1962 GMC truck, cenatien, Bet Brives tor quick able Pert % long ee baie Sump th combinant and holst, Ven 'end, D.P. axle, wat! cite waht ta Mires. pei dnssendln oe NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that Ronald Edwin Schneider, of 945 Sim- coe Street North, in the ce of Oshawa, in the County of ;| . presiding Judge o the County pres Ho the the' Coty of On- oe at his Chpirioert in the Court House, % East, Whi ' st, Thursday, 'embe 1966 at 10:30 welork in the e to change his name to Ronald Edwin 'and that of his wife Leonne Gayle Schneider of 945 Simcoe Siréet North, in the City of Oshawa, in the County of Faby to Leonne Gayle Sny- paren: ot sol Pj Sist «ogg To Sydrey, lately, Bowmanville 623-5406, be OOM, Kitchen end hydro | : ab) 16. 'Telephone 723- ri HARRY DONALD QUALITY USED CARS 1962 Chevrolet convertible, fully equipped, good condi- tion, priced to sell, Lic, H83709, 1963 Volkswagen Coach, good condition, Ideal 2nd cor, Lic, H77240, 1962 Envoy sedan, 4 speed transmission, good transport- ation, Lic, H83722, , Comet, 4 door sedon, d economical transporta- tion. Lic, 344753, 1958 Pontiac sedan, 6 cylin- der automatic, good condi- tion, Lic, 83372. "WARRANTY ON ALL UNITS" All cars are completely winterized Motors. Tel elephone 7 fy ROOMS fo be rented separatel jaiow. Tenants to share first tingle gs vie ug ahead Apply $. after 5 p.m. Two ici large rooms in new home, close to buses and earning, irs park- Ing. 726-7130 ai PURNISHED single and Scans rooms avaliable at the Oshawa Motel, Tele- phone 723-9761, In jor; 516 33---Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED Buying A New Car? Sell your ted car to 'Ted' Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and 'Save' TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 day of October, carafor wracking, Higher it] MARKS & MeNEELY 200 Wentworth, Bast Tee me 17 King Street 6, SHAW 1 AUTO Wi 'whe RING 6. Oshawa, Ontario. aoa Bloor" street ein, Pei aM Solicitors for the Applicant, SEM AUTO PARTE ~ = weed care Township of Whitby TENDER Ws Nelson 9 'street * Talephone mae WANTED -- Corn for wreck No Tevdave in duslisnta learly marked os 0 charge tt towing, Telephone ASAD Robert Nichols, orn contents will be received Mf the undersigned until 4 MONDAY, NOVEMBER roe 1966, tor one (1) only 1967 truck --« 25,000 GVW. Cam plete with dump body, Tender forme and wmpecifica- tions may be obtained from the Township of Whitby of- fice Brooklin, Ont aon 'os ae i Apply 202 COMFORTABLE room tor gentleman igs Apply i 4 nae 323 Athol East Santa Comes Early To GRENFELL SQUARE ial Bonus To Everyone Moving In Before Christmas IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1 end 2 bedroom Suites FURNISHED room in clean q quiet hon home, walking ig ty to south General Motors, Tel Telephone 723-2408, ONE OR ao furnished or unfurnished rooms for rent, In private home, Kitchen, and tba gt? privileges. Bloor and Wil- son area, Telephone 728-8556, WN AND MARY -- Large clean bright room, suit one or two refined business gentlemen, Separate light housekeeping avo! COMPLETELY | room, with stove and refri Suitable for one gentleman, Apel 237 Athol Street East or 725-0803, ONE, | large, unfurnished room, in clean, quiet, home, Kitchen and laundry privi- area, Close to bus, Girls THREE ROOM apartment, also bache- lor apartment, refrigerator and stove, Private entrance, Downtown, one block from four conrers, Telephone 725-1932 until 6 p.m, THR ROOM apartment, newly an piead very comfortable, parking, im late possession, abstainers please, 'ial rer after . LAKE VISTA area -- furnished apert- ment suitable for ing mother with one child. Day care alven by landlady. 723-4567, RELIABLE or wanted to share new | | i] with own furnished private large furnished living » bathroom,share kitchen, Electric nee "sliding private patio, double end. $85, monthly Sead Apply 34--Automobiie 'Repair FIBREGLASS FENDERS FOR MOST CARS NOW change those rusted out fenders to New Rustproof Fibregloss. SPECIAL ONE WEEK ONLY '57 Pontiac 19,95 '5B Pontiac 29.95 '59 Pontiac .. 33.75 resident quarters. Corner of Highway No, 2 ond Thickson Road between Oshawa and Whitby, 723-8321 @ AM. © "Your RAMBLER Dealer" NICOLS Motors Limited On Highway No, 2 Just West of Thickson Rd, Whitby 668-3331 Cars bought and Sold MORLEY STALKER MOTOR SALES 137 KING STREET W, OSHAWA 7236322 -- 723-8311 On t the Spot t Financing DOWN---$30. MO, 59 - 61 models your choice! BILL BENNETT MOTORS 484 Ki WwW. 723-0371 CONVERTIBLE TOPS Nylon $89.00 up Repairs to all makes of cars, Antique upholstery and re- storation. BILL'S CUSTOM AUTO TRIM 409 Brock St. §. Whitby, Days 668-8101 Eve, 655-4575 1955 CHEVROLET "Ranch Wagon', $75. In fair condition, Telephone 728-9569 after 4pm, 'é) PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, Ve automatic transmission, power steering nd brakes, new top. Good condition. lephone 728-7758 after 5 p.m, 44 PARISIENNE, V-8 automatic, two- loor, powered, Mist Blue, white top, dark blue Interior, new tires, winterized, 728- 9389 after 4 p.m. |'S5 CHEVROLET, four-door, blue, n room win situndry ~and| tires, Body working, painting just done, . $ {large room with laundry and Kitchen iprivilegess' Central. Telephone 17 Box wel ~< "Glaan, 7 Teraey ream, for 7 Gentlemen preferred, Apply 118 Division Street, Oshawa, Mee one large furnished "bed-sitting room, * {Apply 238 | Drew or telephone 728-1075. MODERN newly furnished room, kit pet and bathroom to share with one pereen. North GM headoffice. Phone WHY PAY HiGH ox Very comfort adie 3 room apartment, private entrance, bead A seen anytime. Brock Street Wes! valla . @ FREE HEALTH CLUB of Ing # arrow Funerel Chi Tunas for service Py oy 1g 4 lovernber sth 4 "odes Me * 2.30. Inter. "sraowonn, prs Delton Scar! General 'borough Fa ME pr November 12, 1966, Dolton beloved husbe ONE ment for rent, central $65 monthly, Telephon Two ROOM apariment, one child ome, $85 monthly, Available now, Apply 777 Rowena Street. Telephone 723- 7480, Lowest or ony tender not necessarily accepted, @ SAUNA STEAM ROOM @ SWIMMING POOL Signed Wm, H. Wallace Clerk Township of Whitby Brooklin, Ontario 1, DANIEL ©, NICHOLS of 02 Ro) br Street, Oshawe will not be responsi for any debts contracted in my neme anyone on or efter this dete November 11, 1966 without my written consent, Daniel ©, Nichols | # 38--Coming Events @ FOR RENT @ Apts., Houses, Rooms, Room and Board. Office Hours: Tues. to Fri. 10:30 a.m, to 7 p.m. Sat. 'til 3 p.m, LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce St. 728-1070 LUSANNE VILLA 330 GIBB STREET Exciting prestige -- building, centrally located, electrically heated. Roomy breakfast nook and kitchen, tennis court and d barbeque. ' THREE | large Tooms with bi jt, uitable for couple, a! conveniences. Sear Faneer setae SOR Den neler ere pa ll Tepertenaet. 'Saline, Ae THREE ROOM basement Ni trigerator, stove, drapes. Immediate pos- t housekeeping If desired, on main floor. | seencay, chen for Inanection. After 7 p.m. 728-7930 atter 4 p.m. FWO BEDROOM aperiment private en- trance, all conveniences, etal De cember 7, Telephone 728-2 SUBLET -- Two - bedroom apartment, $125 monthly, stove, fridge, broadioom, electric heat, Two children welcome, close to schools, Telephone 723-5325. COUPLE ONLY-- Irmmediat artery Near north enral "Mehore |, 728-6502, LARGE, CLEAN three-room _ unfurniah: OTHER SPECIALS '62 Pontiac Taillight assembly 15.95 '64 Pontiac Taillight assembly .. '65 Chev Grill 14.95 suitable ot Hillis Cemetery. WHITE, Evelyn May Entered into rest_in the Oshawa o> rai Hospitel on Saturday November 12, 1966, Evelyn ey Boal, beloved ie of Bertram White; her Mrs. Walter Famme (Lorraine) of Cihon and rg of vred Feed es Merritvilie, Onts er ol inistique, reat poly A Resting at 'the Ms fue neral lome, Oshawa ah gh tes ir* vice in the chapel Monday, fener at 3.15 p.m. interment Mount Lawn Ce- metery Oshawa. In fieu of flowers s donation in her memery to the Cancer Soclety would be appreciated, france. Parking, dry cll 18.95 Heat and hydro inuaaed. Avaiiavie Ne. vember 28, 723-0112, BLOOR-SIMCOE --- Two bedroom apart: ment, refrigerator, stove, laundry facili- ties, Available Socariner 1, $95, month ly, Telephone 725-0748 SUBLET. "Modern | m apart ment, controlled entrance, balcony, piped In stereo music, southern exposure from = Pitt his floor. No children under 12, 728- 1 Free Hydro @ Oshawa's Largest Suites @ French Provincial Kitchens @ Indoor Parking Available @ Outdoor Guest Parking '63 Pontiac Headlight rim .. '64 Pontiac Headlight rim .... '65 Pontiac Headlight rim OSHAWA AUTO PARTS 1175 Nelson St, 725-2162 35-----Lost and Found LOST -- In Bowmenvilie arena, silver colored Wittnauer wristwatch, and wallet with 'personal papers. Reward, Telephone James MacDonald 725-9704 or Bowman: ville Police, WANT ADS reach mMousanas or interest- ed prospects every day. Take advantage tA the vast audience by telephoning 'a 36--Legal Judicial sale of house and premises being part of Lot 20 in the First Concession of the Township of Pickering. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO BETWEEN FRANCES DRAGAN, PLAINTIFF, and THERESIA PFUNDT, et al, DEFENDANTS. Pursuant to the judgment and final order for sale made in this cause there will be offered for sale by public auction in one parcel -- with the approbation of the under- signed Master, by the Master of the Supreme Court ot his Chambers at Osgoode Hall in the City of Toronto in the County of York at the hour of 3:30 o'clock in the after- noon on Thursday, the 17th day of November, 1966, the following lands and premises + 19.95 » 13.50 TEN PERFECT CHANNELS the finest. in ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS Relayed directly to your home via interference free Cable TV. eping Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 IN MEMORIAM GRILLS--In lovin; memory Grills, Columbus, whe passed Sere vember 14, 1965, hours and days of pain, Rental Information CALL 723-5111 380-385 GIBB ST. home, no children, Gentieman only, room in Men only. Apply 36 Fernhill e only. _ Telephone 725-0556, ARTHUR STREET, Single room tor LARGE furnished bedroom, kitchen and| private home, Gentlemen _preterred, and bed-sitting room, Private bath, park- tremens | OPtonal, Apply 42 Fernhill Blvd. [DROOM apariment, private 728-5984, vate entrance, parking, h Guty gab geble my 070 irominy. Dundes Street FURNISHED 'bedroom with kilchen priv. phone 725-0782, BRIGHT spacious furnished f centre, vd. 725 nn | 7295. : | FURNISHED bedroom, woman preferred, One "Tight housekeeping "Foom, for gentieman in a quiet home, Abstainer gentleman, Near north General Motors. Parking space. Immediate possession. laundry privileges, parking space, shift worker welcome, 574 Crerar Ave. Close. | to bus line. Telephone 728-8706, Kitchen ing, sults two men or working couple. 725-8352. Two Ne COM, apartment, private em /SINGLE, CLEAN, QUIET, furnished = ren, lephone light housekeeping, refrigerator, close to hone i HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, completely TV" outlet, heat, hydro. Cha wele Eastin Whitby. Telephone, 6422 furnished with kitchen, refrigerator, Available December 1. 344 Buens vista TWO ROOM apartment, built-in 725-0746, Hleges if desired, central, parking, Fi ele- clean home, close to shoppin "ikitehen privileges if desired, Abstainers Apply 171 Nassau Street, Oshawa, Abstainer, 725-1036, | ONE, BRIGHT, furnished, bedroom in __. |TWO_ LARGE furnished rooms. ROOM TO RENT, light housek hospital, bus stop at door, Telepi wo BEDROOM sarin bath, pre pe aed Lynd private. Bei cig 6&D stove, shower, bus at door, ten minutes stove and refrigerator, drapes, park' Phone Now and place your order or Cable TV igi from South General Motors, for one or located on Eigin Court. Please |two girls or gentlemen. 208 Bloor St. telephone 723-4948 after 5 p.m, West, 726-9940, THREE apartments for rent, $70, $80, a Telephone 723-2333 Ed Disney Real- WHITBY -- Two - bedroom, heated, cen: tral location. Telephone after 8 p.m., 668-3791. SINGLE ROOM for rent, sult gentleman. Immediate possession, Apply 260 Athol Street East, CHEERY, comfortable room for one or) mere, kitchen privileges optional, tral, pleasant area, Block north of hi 58 Aberdeen St. 728-3928, RNISHED housekeeping room, stove! and refrigerator, central, Apply 204 Drew Street, ONE LARGE kitchen pr 728-7442, ROOMS FOR RENT, nightly and weekly rates. Apply Queen's Hotel, 67 Simeos Street North, ROOMS $10 each to share, and $15 single. Board optional. Abstainers preferred, Free parking. Telephone 668-: 5201, CENTRAL OSHAWA -- Two furnished|' rooms, share bath, Heat, hydro Included. Suit lady or gentieman. A e- -|Phone 668-3088 after 5 p.m. ROOM for gentleman, -- private. vision, Telephone 728-5726. CELINA, 288 -- Room tor rent, cooking |' facilities, Abstainers, Saturday anytime, yg days before 3 p.m. Telephone 728- THUNDERBIRD TERRACE -- Ore. and), two = bedroom apartments, laundry facil- itles and lockers on each floor. Large suites with utilities and drapes. Thermo- statically controlled In ¢ach room, under- 190 Nonquon FAO ENOROON apartment, refrigerator Stove, heat and hydro included, south GM area, Telephone 723-4515. BACHELOR APARTMENT, completely furnished, Apply 281 Simcoe Street South. Apt. |. TWO ROOM heated, furnished, self-con- tained, light housekeeping apartment. im- mediate possession, $12 weekly, 92 Or- chard View or 22 Orchard View Blvd, SUBLET. Very spacious modern apart- men, two bathrooms, swimming pool, dama: ene Prepaid, Children wel- ground parking available, Road or telephone 728-9726. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. Apply 68 Street, Apartr nent 9 anytime, iv LET -- Three room modern apartment In Casa Manana, frig., stove, ah og Intercom,, etc, Available Decem- . After 5, telephone 725-1272. ors = BEDROOM apartment in apart ment building. Stove and refrigerator, C) laundry. facilities include: duits only. Telephone 723-4953 or 728 TWO-BEDROOM apariment for rent, re- | friges ~r stove, washer, dryer Included, le rti t r INISHED, Suitable for | Avail December 1. ee 371 Albert it room apartment. fo! Wu -- or $ pl servers two gentlemen. Telephone 728-577. WILSON - OLIVE -- Three - ern 7 "ROOM APARTVART, apartment, new bungalow, redecorated, entrance and bath, available October broadioom, spacious, private entrance,| Telephone 725-2849. Stove, refrigerator, Parking. Near shop ping. Heat, hydro free. 723-6304, THREE - ROOM self - contained apart- ment, $75 monthly. Suitable for nurses or |working couple, Private entrance, elec- trically heated. Stove and refrigerator. Abstainers. 728-0976, BACHELOR APARTMENT, suitable for 'oung men, Self + contained. Private en- rance, TV outlet. Close to bus. Parking. 728-0243 after 6 p.m. TWO LARGE ROOMS on main floor. is boa is troubled nights are past, And in our aching hearts' we know He has found sweet ays 3 Ay boop Septoria Dork ak anak jaughter-in-law Sort" a }* Gren Joe and Bryan, na branachi GRILLS -- In jovi memory father and grandtetners Charles Sienen te Who passed away November 14, One by one the befor ieee fadi ng fh Rke the ¢ cow, fe know the pel Tye the good, are ir, the ng vst we They are waiting for us Po Bg bere re no on can Pa mar, us lone! wen reg lt Gone within <a ies ajar "patie --Sadly miss: rill arena tule by rd is family anh For Prestige Living LA CONTESSA APARTMENTS IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR: ev rooms with ample stor space, Free hydro na electric heat with | individual room control. Sauna Room Swimming Pool Recreation room with PHONE 723-5278 Oshawa Cable TV BINGO St. Gertrude's AUDITORIUM TO-NIGHT AT 8 P.M. 690 KING E. at FAREWELL FREE ADMISSION Snowball Jockpot $210., 56 Nos. $20 Consolation Reg. Jackpot 62 Nos. $100. new an ally good. or best offer, #4 PONTIAC "Parisenne, hard hardtop, 263 283 automatic, black with maroon dabei A-1 condition, $1,800 cash, 723-6730. 43 BUICK, four-door, _ 'hardtop, power power steering, brakes, excellent condition, Must sell, Best offer, Telephone 728-6428 after 5:30 p.m, 1965 MUSTANG, V-6, four speed, Trade T 623-5842, ville, GRILLS, radistors, all car paris, Late models our specialty. Courtice Auto Wreckers, 723-5238. "55's up. Trades eccepted. Terms ar 55's up, Trades accepetd, Terms ar- ranged, R. B. Motor Sales, 50? Bloor E. FURNTSNED ROOM for gentieman in| LIENS PAID OFF, We trade up. us Street West, Telephone 725-9928 oF 72| ood home. Apply in-person. 380 Arthur | Choose from over 60 cars, No down mal treet, ____. | ment, Gus Brown M u Nd er THRE! seme CADIEST Large, newly furnished room, | 1968 OLDSMOBILE J d- ply 291 ry suitable for one or two young ladies./top, power brakes and steering, mist pertinent oor elphone Misa, Pos: Kitchen privileges. Close to hospital and| blue; A:1 condition inside and outy also Tele THREE-ROOM apartme good loca- tion, heavy duty 'wire M eaReicion' an- fenna, 240 Ritson Road South, For Infor- mation apply 214 Arthur Street. INE AND TWO-BEDROOM apartments in new building, downtown, 80 William HOMES -- In loving memory of @ dear sister "Biddy" Hi ad passed a soe 8 He 8 193: =~ tod '00 rly loved to be forgatten, --Always a mf pe Pn red by sister Alice cGHEE -- in ever loving memory one dearly beloved tony Fore who wit piecemeal a No damage deposit 723-3684 or 728-7983. mrachanteaey A-li low mileage, execu- kitchen facilities Fabrie Draperies Pressurized, odour-free corridors required Swimming Pool FM Music and Stove and refrigerator. Private entrance. Also two + bedroom apartment on_sec- ith private entrance, Tele- FURNISHED | "one - bedroom apartment, $80 monthly. Also three - room apart- mon! bbe ROOM apartment, newly deco No refrigera' Ags Bao eg to shopping. Availa! Dec 7. roreRy Includes heat, hyare. ber $7 Telephone 'OOM apartment, stove, frig., car; Best offer around $2,650, Call a = _. way -- tive HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for rent on| {Xe 0" Be), Oe King Stroet \ West. Telephone 728- 7226. ST 7 = 7 NEAR HOSPITAL, comfortably furnished a wear ene Sore room, An quiet home, for business gentle. |'ltlon. Sound body, clean. 728-8450, man, {elephone 723-1024, |"64 OLDSMOBILE hardtop, power steer- ria Biaaonereeeall c ing and brakes, being described as the house and premises occupied by the Defendant, Theresia Pfundt, an the North side of the Kingston Road in the GOOD PARKING Extra Bus Service Tickets available at the door $20 Consolation. Good Prizes way November 14 | 1954, ag in the heart en a a picture, I manors et al 's frame | shall ke Because he was one of wi hen Sunshine fades, and shadows fall, But love and remembrance outiasts all. 394 cuble Inch tor, 2 4 raition. on Township of Pickering in the County of Ontario, being Part of Lot 20, Concession 1, Township of Pickering, County of Ontario, more particularly described in the mortgage registered in the Registry Office for the Reg- istry Division of the County of Ontario, as Number 125979, which _ property Rr hydro, drapes, infant welcome, Apt. 4 or cali wi "| heated, gt 25 Mill Street, ment, rorciperstor and stove, $85 ly. Heat, hydro Included in rent. 725: 93 LARGE ONE-BEDROOM apartment, n location, $85 monthly, private onirenss se avalianh reer 728-4 CHRISTMAS MERRY-GO-'ROUND BAZAAR WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16, at 2:30 P.M EA ROOM -- 2:45 P.M. SUPPER -- 5-7 P.M, Inter Com. --Sadly ue and ever lovingly remem- bered, Mothe: ROLLO -- In loving memory of David ' Ried who passed away November 5 Remembered always by Chris, Mer! David, Doug and "Bebby" ~""™" Marlone ROLLO -- In loving memory father and grandtether, David R. bh who passed awa) be 28--Room and Board |posttractions many extras, A-I pr SINGLE ROOMS and BOARD Apply: 25 Division St. |ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen 63 RAMBLER American, two-door, ex- cellent condition, low down payment. Easy terms, Licence H85080, Wellman for Rambler, 728- 7351. 1963 PONTIAC Pe hardtop, bucket » Ve, tomatic ge shift, radio, Priv Telephone 725-4256. 's4 CHEVELLE, six cylinder, automatic, radio, snow fires, Immaculate, miles, private, best offer, Telephone 623-2421 gs after 6. Ss ing, schools «nd churches near at hand Oshawa's only T.V. controlled entrance to protect you Transportation at your door Two Bathrooms in Y TWO-ROOM 'apartment, , Separate en- all 2 bedroom suites trance, $65 monthly Inctuding heat and hydro, Day ca an be given to one or two children, 13-1927, | ONE, TWO AND fi TR | ments with refrigerator, stove, Intercom BEDROOM apartment, ? heated ed on jcontrotied Ply ent elevator service, tle fenced-In playground. 822 monthly. Whitby 668-6980, ")Glen Street or " * call 723-2347, THREE - BEOROOM apartment in tri:|MODERN twobedroom, 2 ba' throom [nl by Oshawa. Shopping "Centre, rug,| apartment. $130 monthly, heat, hydro in- part Brock anat Including all services, $95 month- Free Parking Sedroann aparT Free Hydro Model suite furnished by Wilson's Furniture Store ' A home you will be proud to show VISIT MODEL SUITE OPEN 1-9 P.M 728-7942 Stove, refrigerator, balcony. Avaltable immediately, 723-4932. Rive Be, ORIVE -- Two - bedroom apartment, fridge and stove. Private en bbaipe rey facitities. Couple or with id. Phone 728,266), wa Toom, kitchen, "LA CONTESSA" 140 Nonquon Road 725-1481 OSHAWA'S FINEST APARTMENTS INDOOR HEATED POOL COMFORT CONDITIONED Double windows for noise and draft control thermo- stat in each suite. OPEN 2-9 P.M. DAILY SAT ond SUN, 11 @.m. - 7 p.m. Oshawa's largest apartment building offers the best fea- tures, Souna Steam Bath, 6'x 18' Bolconies, 20'x18' com- bination Living and Dining Rooms, 4 quick elevators, 2 Olde English Decor Lobbies. Bus stop at door. Mode! siute Broadioom by ANGUS. GRAY- DON, Furniture by WILSON'S FURNITURE. PRINCESS CAVALIER VISCOUNT DIPLOMAT 1 and 2 bedrooms @ stove @ refrigerator \, & broadicom in-holis @ inthe com @ F.M. @ Balconies @ Immediate possession, Close to shopping centre and all schools, 728-4283 Apt. 111 340° Marland Hviny parking, private entrance, heat and hydro, Suit iDR bathroom, newly decorated, couple, one child welcome. 341 Avenue. MODERN two + bedroom apartment, re- frigerator, stove, drapes, balcony, laun- dry facilities and parking, Electric heat. Telephone 723-5416, SIX + ROOM apartment on main floor. Apply 592 Drew Street. Olive | 728-5262. jcluded. Children allowed. immediate oc- Cupancy. _Telephone 723-8860 afler 1) p.m. MARY AND ELGIN -- Three-, or four- {room apartment, furnished, _avallabid n|now, parking available, Telephone 725- 6304, TWO-BEDROOM apartment, $110 month- ly. Stove, refrigerator and laundry facill- ties. Available anytime, modern buliding. QUIET, country three-room apartment, five minutes from Oshawa, private bath and entrance. Adults preferred, Town Line north. Telephone 725: FOUR . ROOM a bore garage ava rt Lavemens ent, in private ie, Children over none after 4 p.m., anytime. SUBLET --"Three - bedroom apartment in Whitby, alt modern conveniences, Tele phone 668-5347 CENTRAL PARK BLVD. N. Three-room basement apartment, private entrance, private bath, couple only, Available December 1. Telephone 723-8801. [ROOM self-contained upstairs ent, newly \decorated three-piece bath, $65 monthly includes heat and|~ ag Central location. Telephone 728- aEWLY DECORATED two - bedroom apartment, private go Close to ONE: BEDROOM apartment avaliable Im mediately with electric heat, hot and cold water, hydro, stove and fridge at only $110 monthly. No damage deposit. Sibby's Real Estate Lid, 46 King Street West, Oshawa, 728-7576, MAIN FLOOR, three, possibly four rooms, bath, heat and hydro included. 345 Oshawa Blvd. South, 725-8608. | '66 PONTIAC Strato Chie! automatic, radio, whitewall tl miles, $2,400, Apply 189 Windsor tice, 728-6918. '64 PARISIENNE, 327 engine engine, automatic, four-door, har atop, power steering and brakes, radic, ite walls, discs, Tele phone 728-9543 after tive, willing to share single beds, lunches packed, laundry done, Close to south GM. Telephone 728-7978. ROOM or room and board for one or two girls willing to. share. Lunches packed. Close to Shopping Centre, 725-5102. re has a postal address of R.R. 3, Kingston Road, Pickering. The property will be offered for sale subject to a first mortgage registered as num- ber 125979 and securing op- Wai v=-- Central location, Shared or joung room for intiemen, Park- en mic Stas TV. 8 Yi nal, 668-4928, 1965 GRAND PRIX hardtop, fully equip. ve td Bi in ped, Including hh abd Telephone 723+ 0169 after 5 p. or, V8, R ing to share. Six-day week, lunches | a a |1964 RAMBLER, Clanale, four-door packed. Parking. Telephone 723-0566. . ) a ie "tet gi jaufomatic, ny extri or §7 COLBORNE STREET EAST. Room best offer. 28 Wellington Street, Bowman: and board for gentiemen, to share, single | viiie 623-3935, beds; close to north GM and d_downtown. | er aKa ST iWver eulenaTigy power SINGLE ROOMS and board. Appiy 25 brakes, very "good shape, 1959. R Re over 90 Division Street. _ sem!-autematio Must ROOM AND BOARD available, "apply 167 2573, Ritson Rd, South or p 725-0379, SINGLE ROOM, board optiona south General Motors. Home 35 oc packed, parking. Telephone 723- sell, 723 31--Compact Cars for Sol SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. Volkswagen Sales and Service New and Used Cars "Close 'to Soon AND BOARD, lunches packed, Parking, Abstainer preferred. Telephone 668-5287. ONE - BEDROOM apartment, centrally located. Available immediately. Tele- phone 623-2609. "7 BYRON STREET NORTH, Whitby. schools and Childre Share bath with one other ternity, Large backyard. Heat supplied. $95 monthly. Telephone 728-4236 evenings. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT Grenfell Square 723-5111 380-385 GIBB ST. ANNE APARTMENTS 1221 Simcoe St. N. 725-9934 A SERVICE? Check "Business fm the Want Ads tor reliable MUST BE RENTED! Sublet Two bedroom apartment. No reasonable of- fer turned down. Owner of this lease hos been transfer- red out of town. TELE, 723-5111 Two - 1 A apartment with. Aas apartment with bath. Availad June }, SIMCOE STREET S$. Choice of one or two bedroom apartment, heated, private en- frances, parking. Telephone 723-9433. chen, bathroom, parking two + bedroom apartment, first leer with kitchen, living room, bath. 728-6909 or 50 William East. THREE - ROOM self-contained apart- ment, Available December |. Apply Nan- te Barbecue, Park Road South, 725- CARGE two - t Bedroom | 'Spartment, 108 Rossland Ea: love, refrigerator, wash- er, dryer, sslevisien outlet, storage facil- a paved parking. Adults, 725-1310, NEW one - bedroom apariment, centrally located, balcony, electric heat, frig, and stove, perkivg. Hydro pee. $120 monthly. after 4, 723-2050. ONE AND TWO bedroom ments, electric heat, free hydro, 'drapes, stove, refrigerator, and laundry facilities. $120 and $130 monthly. Telephone 725-9886. KING STREET EAST, 335. Modern. seif- contained apartment, $100 monthly, Avail- Adults only. Apply R DUPLEX, heat 2 and | hydro & paid. One bedroom, full basement, $70 monthly. Telephone 723-4533. No calls after 4:30 oA fwo-room apartment. Sult- able for two persons, Parking space. to. downtown, Apply ARTMENT --- $80. monthly, Re- rator, stove, heat and hydro 'free. one or two people. Available October 723-6324, 723-0896. fr' \sut » 5S Albert YOU Are One of the Thousands Who Read TIMES Classified ACTION ADS EVERY DAY To Place an Ad Telephone 123-3492 ROOM AND BOARD | jor 9 gentieman, newly decorated room, near south GM, parking facilities, 863 Ritson Road South, 723-8364. ROOM or room and board, wy floor, reasonable, 302 Jarvis Street 723-7592. ROOM AND BOARD availiable. room for gentieman or lady. week, Telephone Whitby 668-5242, ROOM AND BOARD available for one or two gentiemen willing to share. Park- ing avaliable Telephone Whitby 668-6740, 334 RITSON RD. §. 7 61 Open Evenings * VOLVO & PEUGOT te MERCEDES BENZ General Repair ond Auto-Electrie Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 ZOLTAN AND NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 '$8 MERCEDES BENZ, 180 diesel, $300 or best offer, Telephone 728-1972, 64 MALIBU Chevelle SS, Diplomat bive, V-8, with radio. Telephone 668-8655 after 5.30 p.m. "6 VAUXHALL stationwa: cellent running condition, terized, $375 or best offer. "63 VOLKSWAGEN statlonw tires, win- 728-0558. gon car, custom radio, Like new, $975, Telephone 942-1593, . Private Five-day ROOM or room and meals for two clean quiet men. Close to shopping and south General Motors. Ample parking, 81 Park Read South ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen, good home cooking. Lunches packed. Apply 148 Ritson Road South, 30--Automobiles for Sale _ MORE CASH Poid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 MERCEDES BENZ TORONTO Clean, ex- 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday till 12:00 noon | 100 DAVENPORT ROAD SACRIFICE SALE on this mechanically A-1, 1962 Corvair Monza convertible, auto-|j AT BAY | matic, radio, new tires, Best offer. Tele- {phone 263-2275. 927-5030 ~ RENT THAT VACANCY through Rent|190 KARMAN Ghia, 9 Ads, a its EASY. Call 723-3492 tor an ad-irnechanical condition, fer today. tween noon and 3 pm. jood paint, good all 725-8522 he i y $12,890.08 with interest thereon at 7% from the 15th day of September. 1966, repayable in combined payments of interest and prin- cipal at the rate of $103.87 per month and the balance of principal. fallina- due on the- 15th day of November, 1969, which mortgage shall be as- sumed and paid by the pur chaser and also subject to a reserve bid fixed by the said Master, The purchaser shall pay down to the ven- dor's solicitor on the day of sale 10% of the purchase money, not including the mor- tgage to be assumed, ond shall pay the balance of the purchase money into Court without interest within 30 days after the date of sale. Adjustments to be made as of date of closing, The pur- choser shall search the title at his own expense. In all other respects the conditions of sale are the standing con- ditions of sale of the Court as modified by the conditions of sale settled by the under- signed. On the premises is said to be erected a detached, six room, brick bungalow, full base- ment; a two car brick garage; two and one-half bathrooms; two fireplaces; panelled rec- reation room with bar, Lot size is approximately 200' x 770'. Further particulars and conditions of sale may be had from Messrs. Newson and Sheard, 330 Bay Street, Toronto 1, Ontario, DATED at Toronto this 21st day of saat 6. . G. DUNN" Master held at U.A.W. HALL Sponsored by KING STREET UNITED CHURCH WOMEN husband, ey November 1} remembered son aetanier: in-law Edna 'an " grandsons, ROLLO -- In loving memory of @ dear David R. Rollo, whe passed lothing can ever take aw Pal love a gl holds dear, memori inger every di Rpmerorenes keeps him nea td near, rtd ways by w ag BINGO ST. GEORGE'S HALL Albert and Jackson Sts. Every Monday-7:45 p.m. 20 regular games $10 and $20 2 JACKPOTS Ist $210--59 Nos. --Ever remembe: and Shirley. dear he soy Ada Sugden, "whe ened awa! November 14, tupden, r 4 The bright blue eyes, 'ied beloved face That we no longer see We carry mc In wy hearts In loving memory. --The Family, TURNER -- In loving Ltseticat Mg devoted mother, saran' Elly: ie bag er away November '14, Y Though absent, you are ever near, Still missed, soveee always dear. red by daughters, Onda $5 each horizontal line 2nd $160--56 Nos. Consolation for each $10 Door prize $15 WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office. 723-2633 BINGO Nos, 54 end 57 TONIGHT - 8 P.M. RED BARN EXTRA BUSES LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral -arrangements for all occassions, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 After hours 725-7928 NEW Kinsmen Bin CARD OF THANKS 0 $1600 IN PRIZES SEE SATURDAY'S AD EVERY TUESDAY 7:45 $1.00 ADMISSION United Church, Friday, November 11, at|R 12 noon, BUCHRE, oe. Club, Buletie Avenue, stview mee Auxitlery every ands : Bm. S0c. Tea served. 6, 11S o'clock. Sim-/1 » HOWARD J, Hughes of 594 Olive Ave- nue, Oshawa will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone on or after this di V4, 1966 without my 7 nesday, 1 coe Man ome Sigma Chapter, Sigma PI heartfelt tha kindness and s ing our recent ly wish to thank Dr. E. Z. Millan, taneccne Association, RUMMAGE SALE, Unit 2, Centre Street eg ay taps Red Cross Soci SEVCIK -- We wish to express our inks and appreciation to our many friends, relatives and neighbors for thy shown to us dur+ ba ay We éspecial- le . McClure and Chu at 5 plex Funeral Chapel. rs, Frank Sevcik and Payl. SMITH -- 1 wish to express by sincere thanks to Dr. Campbell, Dr, nurses and steff of Oshawa General BETTER THAN RUMMAGE SALE. Wed-| Hospital for excellent care received while was a patient there. Thanks to so Beta) many geod friends and neighbors who so kindly sent those who visited me. A special thank paso abl oso eu UAW Hall on Bond | you to my niece and nephew, Str vernper 1S af 1.90) Arthur Sy Codrington, --Howard 4. t ihe pm by Vallervlew park Association, --Dorothy venenve lovely cards and gifts and nen Smith, P le Ontarle.

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