i'd Uh a {nero rronce emma: Sm ean tegen a 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20---Real Estate for Sale 20---Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20-----Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, November 14, 1966 | GORDON ~ OSBORNE REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY DIAL 668-8826. 48 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA DIAL 728-5157 THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED CLIENTS OVER THE YEARS WHY NOT YOU! 723-2925 668-6226 723-2563 723-0288 728-9326 723-5145 725-6788 George Sulliven Vera Krisko 786-2401 Barbora Reynold 723-1887 Nick Van Den Broek 668-2675 Willis Eade Bessie Crysler Morris Fogel Marlow Hancock Steve Lehon Clore Shank Bob Johnston 725-7036 $1500, DOWN -- 3 BEDROOM PICKERING home with spacious lot, low toxes, shade trees on fenced pro- perty, Many extros included in the price of $12,500, so coll us without delay. NORTH EAST OSHAWA BETTER HOME on 6 friendly street with attached garage, open fireploce, built In china cabinet, full size oat room, three bedrooms ond 2 baths. A must to see ot $24,700. WHITBY 2 STOREY BRICK INCOME fhome on Dundas St., No. 2 Highway corrier, Six families occupy this home and pay nearly $4200 yeorly rent to out of town owner. Should be @ good investment at the price of $25,000 with $5000 down. 5 PLEX NEAR SHOPPING CENTRE : may be just the investment you are locking for with all units freshly decorated ond rented ot reasonable rates. Live in one unit free ond let income pay the mortgage payment and other expenses, Call us today about this neot property. OSHAWA SIMCOE N. SPLIT) _ fog home with hot water heating, four bedrooms, family roont, 2 fireplaces. Different but interesting speculation with 91' lot on busy Simcoe St. Full price $16,500 with about $3500 down. NORTH OSHAWA RETIRE & INCOME This eight room brick and two Car garage may be what you are looking for with five rooms downstairs presently renting for $135 monthly ond three rooms and bath upstairs rented for $95 monthly, Close to Simcoe St. N. yet away from the heavy traffic, makes this a very desirable rensidential property. Real living here with open fireplace and mony other extras found in a better North End home, Could be a dandy retirement property with upstairs income to pay toxes, heat and other maintenance. $26,000. 3 BEDROOM EAST OSHAWA $16,200. lmmaculate home on corner lot with -- -- peek one i ality construction. Serle gut kitchen motes a tat here, Need ebout $4,000 down payment. 200 ACRE FARM WITH 10 ROOM HOME Neor Lindsay, Excellent soil, creek ond extra large bern and mochine shed. Why worry about lay offs when you can have independence ond fresh clean air to breathe. Full price only $16,500. ADELAIDE ST., REDUCED TO $11,700 Twe storey brick with two ear garage, new roof and new forced elr oil furnace moke this on interesting buy for an economy minded family. Lower taxes will help out the budget too. Month- ly payments only $75 on this three bedroom home. EAST OSHAWA -- IMMACULATE BUNGALOW Not too far from 401 highway on neat, clean street with three bedrooms, Hollywood style kitchen, portially finished recreation room, excellent decoration ond many extras ss fenced rs. Close to schools and only 614% reortgage. Priced at $18,200. . SCHOOL ONLY A STEP. AWAY WHITBY Three bedroom brick bungalow with sun' deck, garoge, on 50' frontage lot with landscaping. Walk-out basement, partiol rec- reation room and other interesting extros, Full price $18,200. THICKSON RD. BUNGALOW $19,900. Three bedroom brick with cosy open fireplace, clean decoration. Lot is 75' by 300' and all rooms good size in this pleasant look- ing family home. Taxes ore lower here and mortgoge interest only 6%. WHITBY SPLIT with ATTACHED GARAGE Seven room brick and stone on paved street with wide frontage lot hos two bathrooms, walnut kitchen cupboards in Hollywood style kitchen with G.E. colored electric stove, decorative walnut panelling in living room and indirect valence lighting, In- cludes heavy broadioom in living, dining and master bedroom et the price of $22,500. A treat to see this beauty. CENTRAL WHITBY BUSINESS AND HOME $22,800 Seven room brick with two bathrooms, two fireplaces, full size dining room, three bedrooms, panelled den or office, divided basement with recreation room. Lot size sufficient for business porking needs. idea! for Accountant or other business needs. 5 ACRES AND HOUSE WHITBY Live in neat 4 room brick bungalow, grow raspberries and woit for development. Some trees here too. Beat the inflation with o good property buy. This may be it. Inspect and moke offer, ACREAGE iN WHITBY FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT We have 26 acres in the Town of Whitby waiting for o buyer to see the possibilities for a quick development. all house on property presently rented helps pay the toxes. WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH BUILDING Commercial possibilities here for some line of business or fine mesting hell fer lodge, church or recreational hall. Solid build- = and excellent comer lot in centre of town. Inspect and make er. GLIDDON AVE., OSHAWA $21,500 Better built brick and stone bungalow with sharp decoration, apotiess condition throughout. Has full dining room, sunken living room and three bedrooms. To be seen by appointment only, Need ebout $6,000 down with one mortgage at 614%. 4 BEDROOM NEW HOME IN WHITBY $23,800. Electric heating and naturol fireplace assure a comfortable home for the-new owner of this popular James St. property. You must see the extras and the fine workmonship in this brand new family home with the 12' x 12' kitchen, larger thon average bedrooms ond 2 vanity baths. Some trees here too. WHITBY TWIN HOME $12,700 Three bedroom brick bungolow on paved street with lower monthly payments. If you have $5,000 down your payments could be os low as $86.00 monthly including taxes. Slightly higher if your down payment is tower. Try us with en offer here. 4 BEDROOM BRICK WITH EXTRAS $14,900. You can't go wrona here with this Whitby fomily home with extra room in basement, atteched garage, broadloom in living room ond other features including recreation room. Inspect this one today if you ore interested in value. OSHAWA RIDGECREST BEAUTY Brick bungalow with car port ond 3 bedrooms. Needs new owner that appreciates o better built home in'a fine residential district. Come see this well equipped home with a 44' x 14' panelled recreation room for indoor play. Built-in stove and oven, patio ond landscaping complete. All for only $22,900, CLOSE TO PICKERING $7000 Two bedroom home, insulated for all year. round living with goroge. Con be bought for this low price if you have 4 good down poyment. Toxes ere lower here toe so ect quickly, GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN 1, Solid 1¥%4 storey brick home within walking distance of shop- ping area, schools ond churches, etc, Home carries for $105 per month with low down payment. You couldn't rent a home as large for less. Call to-day--to- morrow moy be too late. ASKING PRICE $9,000 Il, Are you looking of @ small on a quiet street? Then we hove just what you're looking for, Opportunity plus! you may coll this two bedroom home having sun porch with awnings. situated on a good siz- ed lot. Call for further parti- culars. NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS I. And we cannot offer you a better investment than this por- ticularly well looked ofter tri- plex in Oshawe's popular North Fast. The 2 bedroom apart- ments hove balconies, paved parking. Vendor will consider comparatively low down poy ment with a list price of $35,- 000. INCOME PROPERTY IV, Large income home, pres- ently netting $150. per month, for sole in South East area. Purchasers can live for the price of taxes per year. Rentals will carry mortgage and interest charges. Within walking dis- tance of downtown, Wall to wall broadioom in living room and downstairs bedroom. Large bright modern kitchen will ap- peal to the women. Act now on this profitable investment, to- morrow could be too late, $1,000 DOWN V. If you can pay rent you can own this 5 room brick with large rooms, forced air oil fur- nace for your comfort. A large lot 82 x 226 ft. ideal for the children, Don't wait and be late, call to-night for inspection to buy, 2% ACRES BUSINESS PROPERTY VI. Situated just North of Brooklin on Highway 7 ond 12, with 441 feet of frontage. Situ- ated on the property now is a lovely 1% storey, 6 room brick home with walkout basement, presently used to sell Antiques. There are also 2 extra lots that may be divided. A substantial down payment is required. For more information and inspection call to-day. DO YOU LIKE NURSES AS TENANTS? Vil. Then this large 4 bedroom brick home is just for you. Lo- cated close to the hospital, large living room with fireplace, separate dining room and kit- chen, full basement with ample room for workshop etc, A double gorage completes the picture of this excellent buy ot $17,- 000. See it to-day. DUPLEX Vill, Close to. the shopping centre. Two large three. bed- room apartments. Ready to move in. Excellent mahogany finishing, 6%4% mortgage. Many extras such os two baths, electric heating, oll aluminum doors and screens, located on o large lot 150 feet deep. DO YOU NEED 4 ROOMS IX. If so you could be inter- ested in this well kept home located south of King Street East. Idea! for a large family, two bedrooms are extra large, also a modern kitchen 12 ft. x 11 ft., oil heat and large lot. Call to-night to inspect. WILL FIT YOUR BUDGET x terest, principal and taxes to one 614% mortgage on this 3 bedroomed. bungalow which is 5% years old. Total price only $15,500 in one of Oshawa's tine oreas, Give us a call now, we will be hoppy to show you this home. CORDOVA ROAD XI. We have a nice four room bungalow near General Motors South Plant. New kitchen cup- boards, counter top and double stainless stee| sink, new forced air oil furnace, all on a large industrially zoned lot. $1,500 DOWN -- TRI-PLEX XH. Is oll we are asking for this real money-moker. Situated in the north eost area of City. 3 separate apartments, 3 separ- ate entronces, 3-separate both- rooms, Look! only $19,500 full - price. Quick! call and ask for further porticulars. INCOME PROPERTY Xili. Collect $85.00 from vour upstairs tenant and pay $80.00 on your mortgage. That is all you have to do when you buy this centrally located 2 storey . 3 rooms up end 3 rooms down--ail in' good condition. Come and see for yourself, FACTS ON A BARGAIN XIV. Three bedroom brick veneer bungalow with L-shaped living and dining room. All rooms better thon average size, good sized lot, terms arranged. Hurry and coll us now!' for an eppointment to inspect. NORTH EAST AREA XV. $2,500 down for this 6 room, 1% storey brick home. Modern kitchen, nice sized liv- ing and dining room, oil heat Ideal home for the growing family at just $15,700 full price. 4 BEDROOMS XVI. 2% storey home. on Gib- bons Street. Completely finished recreation room. 'w garage ond paved drive. This home is in spotless condition in a very good residential area. Bus ser- vice at the doorstep. Close to schools and shopping. WE LIST TO SELL WE AIM TO PLEASE We charge 4% on exclusive Watings only if sold. If you are paying over $90) for rent you can pay less on in-| GUIDE REALTY LTD. + 16 Simcoe St. S. ® 723-5281 4 BEDROOMS XVII, We offer you incompar- able value in this split-level bun- galow with attached garage. Apart from the regulor features you are entitled to expect in a fine, modern home, you will be delighted with the matching broadioom and dropes. The comfortably designed kitchen, the double wall to ceiling closets and the efficiently divided base- ment, All this on @ quiet court close to schools and churches. May we prove our point to- night? HIGHWAY 2. FRONTAGE JUST PAST KMART XVIII, Ideal location for set- ting your business plans into action, Large lot 150 ft, front- oge, Ranch style home situated on the side gives lots of room for business use or living quart- ers. Owner wili take ime moit- gage. Inquire now end arrange for inspection. MAY BE YOURS FOR ONLY $15,000 XIX. Five rooms on main floor with finished, full length room upstairs. This home has hard- wood and tile floors and is nice- ly decorated, Large lot with spacious front lawn and a good garden with raspberry and cur- rant bushes, Phone and let us accompany you through this hi ome. TIRED OF RENTING? XX. This two bedroom bungo- low is priced to sell at only $9,000. Large kitchen, _ full basement, forced air oi! heating and three piece bath. For only a reasonable down payment and monthly payments just like rent, you may move in, Give us a call on this: home now. BRAND NEW HOMES XXI, We have exclusive listings on two attractive modern homes featuring well designed kitch- ens, 3 and 4 good sized bed- rooms, dens, ext washroom in divided basement and garage. All wiring is underground in these electrically heated, quality controlled homes. Our sales staff will enjoy showing them to you. 2 STOREY HOME XXII. We have just listed this lovely clean home with a sepor- ate dining room, hardwood floors upstairs and down, and garage. Call in to-day and we will be happy to make an ap- pointment to show you this home. ELIZABETH CRESCENT XXIII. Two blocks from High- way No, 2, We have just listed this 5 room brick bungalow with two additional rooms in the basement. Walking distance to high school ond public ; Excellent condition. Listed for only $15,900 with $274 taxes represents a very good value. Call for more informatior JUST LISTED XXIV. 6 year old brick bunga- iow in the north west area, situated on @ lovely ravine lot. Fenced back yard, nicely land- scaped. Home has been very well kept. Don't hesitote to call us as this is a bargain and won't last long. Just a few blocks to school ond shopping. Call to- day. $14,900. XXV. for this brick dream home on Evangeline Drive. An attrac- tive 3 bedroom home with mod- ern kitchen, extremely large living room, 4 piece bathroom and a full basement, which has o fruit cellar 16' x 14', Also features a fenced is back yord. Close to schools, bus service to downtown Oshawa and the South G.M PRICED RIGHT XXVI. If you are looking for an executive type home, this spaci- ous 3 bedroom brick and stone bungalow is jus: for you. Huge kitchen and dining room and large, deep-piled broadioomed living room are just sortie of the tottractive extras you will find available in this immaculate home. The price will suit any budget. Call for an inspection to-night. CUTE 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW XXVII. located in Bowmanville, close to schools ond play- grounds, Featuring a bright liv- ing room, hollywood kitchen, 3 piece bathroom with vanity, re- creation room, laundry room ond a very good garden. Cail us to-night and. get all the infor- mation of extras that go with this home, such os o 2 year old Cold Spot Freezer, bamboo _cur- tains, etc. - EAST END BEAUTY XXVIII. You just have to see this beautiful 2 Sedroom bun- galow with underground garage Hollywood style kitchen, beau- tifully finished recreation room Extras included too numerous to mention, so call to-night, a rea- sonable offer will not be re- fused, MELROSE ST. AT HARMONY XXIX. 4 year old 5% room clay brick bungalow with beau- tiful rec room with bar and 2 piece washroom, large hollywood kitchen with fan, 4 piece tiled bathroom, pierson type windows, aluminum doors and screens, oil heat. Situated on a well landscaped lot. 2% STOREY BRICK HOME XXX. In our preferred South East area, on a quiet street close to bus service. This home pro- vides a good income as it is presently divided into three completely equipped aport- ments. We will make an ap- pointment for you to inspect if you will give us a call now. List with confidence with GUIDE REALTY LTD., Realtors 16 Simeoe St. S. 723-8281, Open daily from ©: o.m, to 9 pm oe we GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 155 Simcoe St. S., 723-8144 NOTHING SPECTACULAR But the price! Three bed room clay brick bungalow. North-east area, close to public and high schools. Full price $15,800. To inspect call Helen Bryant. STILL LOOKING? Weil stop! Here it is --~ 3 bedroom brick bungalow new- ly decorated with 4 pce, tiled bath, separate dining room and fully landscaped Jot. Pric- ed at only $15,100. Seeing is believing. Call Dolores Ross. BUNGALOW ATTACHED GARAGE Only 1% years old. North East Area. Extra large holly- wood kitchen, broadioom in living room ond - bedrooms. Creck ot back of 135 foot fuly fenced lot. Carries for $112. PLT. ot 644%. Be sure to see. Call Margaret Lee. $3,000. DOWN For this cleon 2/4 storey brick home with gorage. Car- ries for $80. monthly. Central location, See this home today. Ask for Tina DelGobbo. OPEN HOUSE Daily and Every Weekend FOREST GLEN HEIGHTS by ARMSTRONG HOMES (Harmony Rd. N. opposite Eastdale Collegiate) $12,900. FULL PRICE 2 bedroom bungalow with private paved drive and gar- . Neat as a pin. Toxes only $174.22, Come and see this today, Call Pauline Beal, ASKING $18,500. Well constructed spotless 3 bedroom brick and stone bun- galow on large beautifully landscaped lot. Double sized modern kitchen, full high,dry basement, garage and paved drive are just a few of the attractive feotures of this lovely home. To see call Tina MeMullen. FULL PRICE $13,900. 3 bedroom, 8 year old home. Carries $94. monthly. Beauti- fully finished extra bedroom downstairs, built-in breakfast nook in kitchen pius many extras. Must be sold. Owner KEITH PETERS REALTY LTD., 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST REALTOR & P NORTH WEST AREA Cash price of $14,000, Brick bungalow on large lot close to Stevenson's Rd. North, In- spect this new listing with- out delay. $1,600 DOWN Real opportunity to move in- to a modern 6 room ranch bungalow with 3 bedrooms, bathroom with tiled walls and colored fixtures, 21 ft. family room with picture win- dow, attached garage, patios, lot 75 x 150 ft. with trees. Close to Oshawa and a full price of only $17,500. VILLAGE HOME Immaculate brick home with spacious living, dining room, kitchen, one bedroom and bathroom on the main flosr, 2 bedrooms and bath on sec- ond floor, oil: hea#ng, gar- age ond nicely landscaped lot. Inspect ond make an of- fer, Asking $17,800. LARGE HOME 3 floors and full b nt DIRECT FROM BUILDER ! ! ! Prestige Homes Harmony Village Walnut Court off Florell Drive. Harmony Road South, east of Donevan Collegiate. "LUXURY LIVING" Features Include @ Lorge ravine lots with yeor round stream @ 2,300 square feet of finished floor crea @ 400 squore feet of recreation room with notural field stone fireplace @ Sep- erate dining: room with bal- cony @ Built in dishwasher @ Radio intercom system @ Wall to wall broadioom in liv- ing room, dining room, hall and all bedrooms @ Two cor attached garage @ Quiet paved court @ Plus 33 other special features too numerous to mention. TRADE IN YOUR PRESENT HOME NO CASH: NEEDED Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. BUY NOW SAVE. $2,000 with forced air oil heating, 2 bathrooms, garage and paved drive, excellent Simcoe St. location. Asking $17,900, In- spect this one tonight by tall- ing 728-7328. DUPLEX $16,900 with 12 rooms, 2 bathrooms and 2 kitchens, This property is good value, only walking distance from downtown, Try your low down payment. HAMPTON $11,500. 6 room home In good condition with oil fur- moce, garage and private drive. Good economical living in this family home, $8,500. 9 room home in very good condition with oil furnace, garage and private drive. Good economical living in this family home. LOVELY HOME $17,900 5 room brick. bung- alow, nice lot, private drive, fenced in yard, screened patio in rear, T.V. Tower, olum- inum storms and screens and 4 piece bathroom, all extras included in this price. K. R. BELL and SONS LIMITED 723-6541 ECHO'S NEW HOMES "In The Heart Of Oshawa, Whitby"' 18,290 FULL PRICE 634% N.H.A. MORTGAGES Down Payments From 1498 MODELS ond INFORMATION leaving town. Try your offer today. Ask for Tina Del- Gobbo. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, Member 0.D.R.E.B. Courtesy, Integrity, Service CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST EMERSON COURT AT FAREWELL & DEAN L. N. BIRD REAL ESTATE LIMITED H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. Open 9 o.m, to 9 p.m. $117. MONTHLY Woting for you et « price and down pay- ment you can afford. Don't wait any long- er. Go to Waverly Street south of King and just west of the Oshawa Shopping Centre and see the home that was built with you in mind. Call 728-1656. BACK SPLIT Brand new full 4 bed- room backsplit at $18,000. full price with $3,800. down to one 644%, 25 Year N.H.A. mortgage with monthly poyments of $130. P.ILT. If you are price wise, | need not say more. Call Dick Pocock 728- 1656. $2,500. DOWN AND CARRIES LESS THAN RENT Delightfully decorated value plug brick bung- alow, Fully finished rec. room. Lorge fen- eed back yard and modern detached gar- age. This custom built home is simply load- ed with extras, Holly- wood kitchen. Why rent. for cramped poy quarters --- just call Dick Pocéck 728- 0656. $104. MONTHLY New red brick 3 bed- room bungalow, tovely neighborhood. Public school just across the park, high school 2 blocks, ond bus serv- ice ony 2 blocks, Coll George Myles 728- 1678. $14,000. This clay brick 2 bed- room fungalow in Stevenson - Annapolis crea is a real borf- gain. 80° x 120' lot nicely landscaped. Perfect retirement home. Call 728-1678 $90. MONTHLY this lovely 2 bedroom Full P.1.T, payment for this lovely 2 bedroom bungalow with only $1,500. down. Large lot, close to down- town. Private drive. Call now 728-1678 Licensed REAL ESTATE MEN, to work with high calibre broker, new office; 3% sell- ing, 75% to salesmen, not ao M.L.S. member, All replies strictly confidential. Contact *BILL' HORNER, Box 57919 FILL SPARE ROOMS with paying RALPH SCHOFIELD _ SUPERVISOR BEAU VALLEY BEAUTY Beautifully maintained split- level home; with all those extras things completed which you find in a home 3 years old. The front is stone, and fram the walkout doors of dining room you reach a large balcony overlooking a love- ly landscaped garden. The floors are broadloomed and corlon, throughout, and in addition to 3 bedrooms there is a master's den. A gracious home which you should con- sider. Try $5,000. down. WELL DEVELOPED AND KEPT HOME On nice lot on Kawartha. A home you'll proudly own. Sec- luded garden. Good finished basement apartment, panelled and brick finish ree room and bar, Oversized garage; All this and many extras, $3,00. DOWN AND ONE SINGLE MONTHLY PAYMENT 3 bedroom quality built brick bungalow. Only 9 months old. Attoched garage with en- trance to basement. Extra 2 pc. washroom. Patio doors from dining room, Many more features, area close to schools, DO YOU WISH TO SELL? If the answer is yes, then you should list with Central Ont- eario Trust. Why? Because we have FUNDS ond FULL ibaa to finance the sole. OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE MAY HELP YOU SELL OR BUY, LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL Allan Thompson 728-2870 Tom Houston 668-4416 Charles Chaytor 668-2291 Ralph Schofield 725-5067 Office Phone 723-5221 $1,654 DOWN NEW QUALITY BUILT 3-bedroom brick bungalows N.H.A, FINANCING on quiet court neor Oshawa Shopping Centre Priced from $17,950 full price JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR 728-7377 SIMPLE MONEY TALK: Classified Ads sell things you don't need for SPOT guests, Dial 723-3492 te help now for an ad-writer you . phrase an ad. (ete CASH, Dial 723-3492 for an ad-writer now! A naa ee a ee ee a ae a 668-8941 Lillian Cameron 668-6762 Tillie Ryan 728-2313 723-0321 BE HAPPY IN THE HOME OF YOUR CHOICE AT BEAUTIFUL FOREST GLEN HEIGHTS 20---Real Estate for Sale ' Metcalf REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 KING ST, E. JUST OUTSIDE CITY Two to choose from, Both % ga place and affording excellent high hill view. of city from either location, One west near K-mart, the other north, Ask- ing $17,900.00, VACANT -- $1,500.00 DOWN Excellent brick storey and a half home in handy east end location. Paved drive and garage. Four blocks from ing Plaza and school and only 1% blocks from King Street bus service, Others ilsted from $1,000.00 down, Hurry! OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE "Dial 728-4678 Bob Johnston 723-9178 Frofik Frankfurter 726-3616 John Osborne 728-5836 Jack Hogan 728-1554 Joe Maga 725-9191 Eldon Kerr 723-9178 MEMBER 0.D.R.E.B. We list exclusive & MLS. SIBBY'S REAL ESTATE LTD, 728-7576 TWO FAMILY HOME For the price of one. Substan- tiol two storey brick home, Two bathrooms, Large lot, The income from upper storey will quickly pay for this good investment. TWO STORES AND TWO APARTMENTS $31,500. Is all the owners are asking for this fine Osh- awa property. Let one of our courteous salesmen give you more information on these and other Oshawa properties by calling SIBBY'S at 728- 7576, 46 King St. W., Osh- owo 4,900.00 -- BRICK BUNGALOW, nine years old with three bedrooms, In excel- lent condition, situated In the North End of Whitby. Low down payment with terms, Call Irwin Cruikshanks at 728-5205, Schofield-Aker Ltd, SETTLE INTO THIS large family home before winter, enjoy the fireplace on chilly days and new home has four bedrooms pills washreom, also double garage. ring your wife and cheque book. Tele phone 723-4651, Don Stradeski Realtor. Evenings 725-5639, ARLINGTON AVENUE, near hospital, three-bedroom home, plus family room, only $2,500 down and one mortg: for the balance. Call Bill Johnston, ae. 1066, Schofield-Aker Ltd. HAVE A low down payment? Can't afford payments thet carry too hi R, Jones at 728-6661 ( to see this home, Completely from top to bottom, into, Is this two-bedroom but ol 's choice locat! janxious to sell. Make an offer, Cal Jones at 728-6661 (668-4003 evenings), 121--Farms_ for Sale utitul view, This) W. and den, | 3253. ? at even! redecorated OSHAWA, Vacant and ready to move In one 1 Ree FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD, 21 King Street West Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board LAND AND FARMS Scenic 10 acre trout streom Fetes abn at 500 down, if 50 SCENIC. ACRES with stream neor Castleton pond ait Ont. $5,000 pond site,' "$5,000, -- $1,500. down. 5 ACRES with brick home, ell eonven- iences, barn, Neor Orono, $14,500, 123 ACRES Stock farm, 12 miles large brick home, Chon 3 road frontages, $35,000. + Terms, ' Call 623-3393 After 9 p.m, Ken Hockin 623-5055() Andy Keys thatyy Pat Yeo 623-3077 Rod et 723-7900 Clare McCullough 723-7843 Joe Bamoski 723-5787 Roy Foster Orono 983-5801 Howard 655-3853 ton Port Perry 985-2987 $16,000 BUYS 137-ACR gee iveaadroam home, xed Hatt 03, Vv r 5 Stream. Commuting distance awa. W, 0, Martine Realtor, a4 10 Srv nig "orn, pea Rees a farming, Modern conveniences, Darn 5 Ing only $9,800, For particula call W, %. rs i tor, 758-5103, bowie 22--Lots for Sale 12 Large L ots 2 miles from city, tn attrac. tive crea, Some lots. by public end Paved street, Close school, new high school bus lines. PRICED TO SELL Phone 728-5579 NINE CHOICE sere own forma, 19-1194 cides wich KING STREET BAST, 57' 107', Neth are tat bam aesa aan Schatzmenn Realtor 660-3398 or 66. BUILDERS', "speculatoral Lots: News eds sk Stradeski Realtor, 723-4651, oe 23--Real Estate Wanted LISTINGS WANTED L. N. BIRD id jong ESTATE LIMITED 68-8941 668-67 728-2313 'ol and family reoms in basement. has been transferred and is 668-8841 (or 668-4003 evenings). $5000 DOWN buys ing which Pend s Fae | for only $150 per month, Call Bill Joh Ston, 728-1066, Schofleld-Aker Ltd, | HAVE an excellent, modern, 3-bedroom home in Oshawa, with large recreation Owner forced make a quick sale, Call Rae Jones at oe bultd- and equip- ment plus five-room apartment, Carries ne LISTINGS WANTED NOW SIBBY'S Rec! Estate Ltd. 728-7576 329 McDONALD Sturdy old hou: Street, i ind some tile floors, Close to and downtown. Full. prive $9,000, be cash, Please feel free and talk business, Credit must welcome. Apply al $!IX-ROOM, two storey house and gar: Available now. Bloor East Gistrich Tele: phone 728-6507. Port Perry. se on corner lot, Seven rooms plus bath, good kitchen Na a schools come 'Union toiks address. URGENTLY REQUIRED Select city, home and rural property for cash buyers, DON STRADESKI REAL ESTATE 63 King Street West 723-4651 $117 MONTHLY, Come and see . Three bedrooms, Fully deco- A can offer early possession, Call 728-1656, H. Millen Real Estate Ltd. Four beautiful home, large 17 MODELS BUILT BY ARMSTRONG $1,500 DOWN feoturing Life time aluminum siding, clay brick, mahogany trim, Columbia kitchens, built-in range and oven. Storm screens ond doors. Garage and carports available. SEE THEM TODAY AT HARMONY RD. NORTH Across from Vincent Massey Public and high schools, or ca GRIFFIN Real Estate Limited 723-6461 or 723-8144 Head Office ANIALNNNA DULAIUUY BROTHERS LIMITED NORTH EAST SPLIT LEVEL 1 year old 7 room split level with atteched garoge. Built in stove and oven, separate dining room, living room, 3 bedrooms, spacious family * room, 4 piece and 2 piece bath, full basement. Asking $23,500. NHA. 6%% mortgage. Home is immacu- late, Must be seen. Call Roy Yeo. Evenings 725-2217. SPECIAL $8,900 4 room bungelow with gar. age. 2 bedrooms, kitchen, liv. Ing room, oi! heat, low taxes, . Owner moving from. City, Asking $8,900 with monthly payments of $75. Immediate possession. Call Jack by. Evenings 723-3398, 101 Simcoe Street North 408 SWITCHES The og man between 20 and 2% can ex switch jobs six or seven th » in many cases the change will be to @ totally new career, And the place to look for the best ig the "Help Wanted" column in Ne Times' Classified Section, Whether you're unemployed or looking for @ better job, check "Help Wanted" now! erator th rooms. Central, Whitby. Garage, paved drive, Only $18,500, Terms. Call W., Schatzmann Realtor 668-3338 or 668-3253. MASSON STREET = Lovely ranch bun- galow, attached garage, closed-in breezeway and fireplace. A real nice home, For particulars call Elmer pa 725-2753 or W. O. Martin Realtor, +5103. SPACIOUS delightful 5 room brick, over- size kitchen. North end residential area. pegwee $15,900. H. Keith Realtor, 723- 463, PRIVATE SALE -- Three-bedroom home. Fireplace, broadioom, many extras, $17,900, with $3,900. down or best offer. . monthly includes taxes. Immed!- ate possession. Apply 25 Sunset Avenue 'afternoons only. INCOME HOME, brick, two bathrooms, two kitchens, four large rooms down, plus three-room partially furnished apartment upstairs. Property now va- cant. Immediate session, Price cut drastically to only $12,700. This Is @ good buy. Call Jerry Coady at 728-7576, Sibby's Real Estate, 46 King -St. Oshawa, BEAUTIFUL RANCH style bungalow in quiet area, with basement apartment to carry payments, May seen by ap- pointment, Call 7234651. Don Stradeski Realtor. evenings 725-5639. these|! NEED, reasonably ¥ two or thi room home, away er who has @ falr ey ce Wijwe Johnston 728-1 ir . 24--Stores, Offices, Storage 5,000 SQ. FT. of Floor Space in Downtown area Third Floor -- both passenger and freight elevator services SEE; T. L. WILSON OSHAWA TIMES 86 King Street East Phone 723-3474 STORAGE inside clean . Som tent trailers $15 full seater Niches . ee $1,500. DOWN for fast actlon, on cozy 1ve-storey_home,._in__ excellent. location. Just off Simcoe Street South. Three bedrooms, garage, oll heated. Very eas- ily. carried. You can move cel in, Please call Walter Mittler, 728- or 72 Realty Limited. 7 VOM Orick f iow with finished recreation room. South end of Oshawa, Telephone 723-5945, PRIVATE - One and a half year old, six-room bungalow. Close to schools and shopping. Very reasonable. 723-9503, DUPLEX -- CENTRAL, two, th 6 GARAGE FOR RENT, ideal for storing siering boat. Mary and Adelaide area. Tele phone 723-3211. GORE = penteas 1,000 eee jew. King Street in Bowmanville, Aise new office space, second floor. Telephone 423-7664. STORE FOR RENT, suileble tor office or store, buzy, central location, Reason able rent. Lease to suit tenant, Ideal for tent-all store, 668-8807. 25----Houses for Rent self - contained apartments, completely remodelled and rented for $90.00 each. Priced to sell with very reasonable down payment and terms. Cali irwin Crulk- shanks at 728-5205, Schofield-Aker Ltd. VLA PROPERTY -- One-half acre lot with neat five-room bungalow, just off Taunton Road Bast. Asking $13,500. For particulars call John Sandy, 725-8010 or W. ©, Martin, Realtor, 728-5103, $1,900. DOWN -- New, brick bungalow, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Large six room clow, north-west rea. Bigg ses in garden, $140 monthly. Telephone 723-7164 two months old, Large living room, with natural stone fireplace. Built-in range in Hig fully decorated, fully landscaped jot, T 723- FRESH FRUITS and : VEGETABLES READ AND USE THE MARKET BASKET NEW executive home, three and two bathrooms, sliding patio ed fixtures, attached garage, dentall area, Close to schools. $160. erences, 728-2886 after 5:30 NINE ROOM house with all "> Burketon, Telephone 263-2666 after SIX" ROOM, two storey house. All iy located. Phone veniences, central 9700, TWO-FAMILY HOME. "Two kitchens, bathrooms, etc., garage, close to schools, idea! for two apartments. Telephone 725-7009 or 725-8677 after $ p.m. CAESAREA -- three-bedroom home, three lots, with option to buy. Write we J. 6B. Martin, 4 Waxwing Place, Don Mills, Ontario, H1 41054, EXTRA LARGE, six rooms, three bed rooms, kitchen, dining room, living room. partly furnished, ger an. ne $170 month. 48 Harris SIX-ROOM house, 69 able immediately, Ce ee eee tween 9 |. fer appointment.