i sie anal eee Se Eee 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, November 14, 1966 November Is Hunting Month.. Hunt For Bargains In The Want Ads Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 10--Farmers' Column 17--Female Help Wanted |18--Male Help Wanted yj 10% ByR1SCOIT | Deer & Moose | pepeseNTArives WELGERS BUSINESS SERVICE DIR nore mowsouuy sam | "ete tte 44 4 CUT AND WRAPPED ~ | Why not phone 725-5151 to FOR YOUR FREEZER. discuss joining us in promot- REQUIRED BY (me _. TELEPHONE 728-1487 | SHOWCASE COSMETIC Wilson Welding & Marine Accountants Building Trades Mortgages TV--Radio Repairs BR a one ma srr hep aa NAIRDRASSER, experienced, for full swt ~anD aa Linea 1a BD aa gt hoes ate canis ten and = Apply "The Mayfair. $6 Slectrolux (canada) 'ami Ful YALE, PRIEDLANDER AND CO, Char- i 4 Accoun' icensed ruste B. ies AVA Bank Sin Smene. stea ; t Residential MORTGAGE I - ~i 11--Pets and Uivausaak HAVE YOU A PLEASING personaliiy?| McNally CO 7204163 ask tet Bank: Oshawa, 7371, j } a pecceiyelt for an interesti eer 0: NS, BEAD > Charter- Commercial aw Vi K-W RANCH Beauty Counselor." 'Earn "while veo JANITOR wanted tor hotel, oe Aen ad Accountants, Financial Trade Bulld- 1 d tri | LO ANS for = tearm, ._ Calt eg . Grose, 725-5235. nen rene Ts hou Bogs. thle, 7 sh, $7 hatin, CAN B industria if Met) ,| All types of horses for sale. WOMAN ¢ OVER 25 fo come in and mind 5590, Oshawa Tim abies Roney calee: ental Recalls me Aitecayiors Moneys available for first perfect C ke $25 down. Easy terms, Trial |tnves, cilran, one, thea! soe. 10M | WaIraR 6OR " BEVERAGE' ROOK, rides, h ides, sleigh rides tead: WILLIAM ¢. Wer Bicone Charer- penne _ Sede 4 and second mortgages. Open i g k : Se. way Hep RAC $9. (Rm Bulalie - Central. Park aren, 726| shy gemplcyment, | uy val Mgt Ho a ed Accou Ocho eed . 'or ©! your Construction Vv » ' * a i bare ah OE . a8 Certified General py ee pb na Boe yan tha ra eens 1 th. Spacious box stalls. Ask for |REMALE EXPERIENCED HELP wanklonewseme" 27 King treat Ws ¥ jenera " | , qR5" i 7 \\ i i - . y ¢ ¢ GaRDOH ROA 'Oshawa Shop- and agreements for sale pur- reception was mae By / P/M rey 3 or Ted, Pickering 94as \/e8. Ane, SE ratephone S2san7, |ACCOUNTANT tor senior position 71 ping Centre, 725-959. JAMES ALLEN & SONS | chased. , ARTHUR Ke WV : DOMESTIC HELP needed. Must be relenced in' cesar" Must, be. experi. poe ise baawenag eaves 1 be 725-6126 M. F. SWARTZ on ' RY) Franvunrs Sy ' Mable, ftv five-day. week, Telephone 728-2604/ resume to Box 58667, Oshawa tend » . . Lm, ne ne rp Bitcat 'Nor North, 725-0297, Res, 723-7605. 26% King St. East 10 Nz N ' ' Te HILLTOP RANCH EXPERIE! TaNCaD a Counter girls wanted, SESIRAN WANES ag ares JOSEPH rset ean: 7 "Band sre OSHAWA HOME Oshawa, Ontario } WHAT Tie, ' \ Horses boarded, bought and | Telephone 942-2212, which does vnotrequite 'capital, Write ee Ste 723-4833, IMPROVEMENTS 723-4697 channels BES1 SOURCE OF . : / , we] sold. : WAITRESS experienced: nights 5 te, 1:30 Box, 8672, for personal confidential Ine i ddd ERT HOSMAR, Cheriered Accoun'| Custom Built Kitchen--Bath- with CROP Gran " HANCOCK ROAD NORTH __ |ranti, § Bloor E. WE URGENTLY REQUIRE two or three K np I gg Wh lead i Od Osh! room -- rec, rooms ---- and Ist and 2nd Mortgages -- ol Gomane, Syepolr®. PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? : 728-7768 728-5738 iN t In the Want Ads, pl homes now started ue Barristers H. McKOY Pro no CORN, DECREED extnistiens DAY TOBE | oer Ihwanted" "od ana. eet iit Dial 72304021 Only. those. with a proven ables 'record SREER AND KELLY, Borrisiers, fal 725-8576 bs: ayia li on t .ptapbengtehthe, ait [ter training, Toad oro leet. "|eed apply. For «confidential interview GRE arr' y i ost ntenn | or training, talking strain. Apply» T. 'ee payments with a low ¢ a a 2 Pm tam Wl ga Broad, 114 Elgin East. Seay Sh yas y50e"5, a Mot oad citors, etc, 114 Kl East. Dial a Eoerd bi is nate Hotta essivunce honest J. M. Greer| EXPERT PAVING. Free ealimates, in-| mortgage loan, ie = ==. |Cozy-J RANCH, Reg'd. German shep-|!8---Male Help Wanted _|ésiws Broxer: nce pl 3368; Terence V, Kelly, GC, 728-Icludes grading and fill, two-yea! 2 P et sendin $53)' Thomes H. Jermyn, BA, LLB, 725-ltee, 11 years In business, 'Terrano paving, A gt MS Pd 9 ferds, ue, Stig INGFS. in thel 9 eer ARE vou looking 'tor a pa : GAR, Mon- ; ) ine JONES, LLB, Barrister and CARPENTRY New and repairs, block] ager. , cable 5-- Trailers |8--Articles for Sale equipment, clothes. Ashbyrt 655-4662. Are You Interested farlo, county? Many y, Rawat is Sellcltors 86 King, Street East, Sulte 307, ment work. Free estimates, $20-7680 | T ELIEREOR DC LABRADOR. RETRIEVER crossed| In q Rewarding Career ? |¢#/n $230 and up per hour, Write Raw. ia 25-0351. "toa BRANCH REALTY tv TRAILER CLEARANCE RUTHERFORD"S pupples, five weeks old, for sale. Téle- © |Neigh's, Dept, K-310-26, 4005 Richelieu St., 723-6137. Residence 7: ae ! ei aw FUAETERINE 'and repairs, stucco, INVESTMENTS LIMITED 3 room groups, Living Room, cea aa RACE Rene -- HERE 1S WHAT pe nee er se JOUN DB. MeLAUGHLIN, B.comm., "Comm., LLB, | sidewalks, remodelling, rec-rooms, Free 4 Barrister and Solicitor, 22¥a King St. E. ati es. C. Wood, 728-3420 or 728 51 King Street East, Oshawa. TRAILERS, HEATERS RE- Bed Dining R $399 2S ai ae i PTT we ae et GRIGERATORS Authonnd | $099, "4849," S69. toy [Eaul"int in ME ot] Zollar'e [imitad [ree nmene HUMPHREY' BOYCHYN and HILL. ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS -- Service on trailer heating and terms, Immediate delivery or [ad white stud service. Elaine and pore JULIUS 1, in the year 35) just east of Courtice WOW TO QET IT you go rot tnd tw experienced, hard "working real estate Frank Shewring. Telephone 723-5930. 19--Male and Female MAN, 5, Solicitorsy 368 KING | roofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, ftire- Refrigerators, aero. Ee, aa NS Riera, re er, een INVESTORS call ph tid layeway, ' GERMAN SHEPHERDS, Conada's finest Help Wanted TENTH realdenes: EA, OEY | RoORING, hol tar ond gravel, singlen,| FOR SALE -- Prime Ist 723-5278 MILLER HEATING Rutherford's porter ay Ces, "Gini tha gor Siher' rst mortgage funds avaliable. ears ora a on and H.) mortgage, $8,300 will buy 9 Tudor St., Ajax, 942-3491 pile 156 Simcoe St, _ South -- ie Sistienberd Kennels, 942-6469. '| RETAIL MANAGEMENT TAXI DRIVERS = facta dah daa ood PRETTY F PLAY nd |} t PUPPIES f, 1 hi bred Si. ' 1 JOSEPH "P. MANGAN, OC. .S°lsireei|PROTECT YOUR CAR jrom co ana] $9,800 4 ig RAMBLER TRAILERS |3 to 6. and AY. and erly, dresses, ee ee ery ate eae Enea a] = hak tading wae Port or full time. Beet sh' oshawe, 726-82 32, Fl ded yer garene built now with pacing BY li fale Bisco a SALE RENT condition, 725-8233. male, $15. female, Telephone. 723-2625, | * Excellent training program Minimum age 25 eee a [6 lab, over ments, ex F ae VACUUM REPAIRS, ai GISTERED Chi 4 F Panes fisher end Notary reac, The pina' oarimy <Pavmvente, arranged. Pickering area. For further Open Sundays 2-4 P.M. brushes, etc. Pick: Ube "duivary sen ee. Tea Wave Rad sone oe Sore ed chan those) MERCURY TAXI ee i i : eming Vacuum Se » Main Street, | need! d also hi di i serene pulling a id evel NELLIS HOME improvements, general information ca BUDDY TRAILERS Pickering. WU rvice, Main Stree ering hs ave medical papers wit ndus' ry ani ability Shh. 35-47 ae nea. repairs. foc. rooms, remodelling. Free JOHN KOSTENIUK APARTMENT SPECIALS -- beds $1é.| PUPPIES, part Border Colles, six weeks Liberol benefits PRS cc A J » - is ,s ar r Col s, x on 720-206), PORT HOPE dressers $10, cribs $10, stoves $19.,\old, Tan 'wlth white markings, $5. each. Company policy of promotion LARGE MODERN Real Estate office ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete. Get 723-8144 "BUILT IN OSHAWA" Lot ot 401 and washers $15, 16 Bond Street West, 25 Bond| Telephone 725-4394. f ith requires two licensed = Real Estate Smart your driveway paved by experts, 20 cents _ ox: Street East, Valley Creek 728-4401, Sonera fom. win agents with @ proven record of listings sq. ff, All work guar, 3 years, 723-0281. FIRST and SECOND AT OUR OWN PLANT HOUSE. TRAILER FOR SA\ n- | pe Nears | PONIES FOR SALE. Various sizes, ideal Opportunity for high-level | 8nd sales. For confidential Interview call Business Tn Mateo MORTGAGES ably priced, For more information tae:| CONTINENTAL BUD BARGAINS, mat- gifts. Will hold until Christmas, Tele- : y 9 Bill eeters at Schofield-Aker. Call People REC ROOMS. Order now for Christmas, w ve vod better phone 728-5725, tresses na price. Finest quality Pos-| phone 723-2593. income 723-2265 ghd or 725-1726, evenings, Sing the Proises Sere Seecan jon eee --All Classes-- Nedelh aA faed BP gh third off pax sees, on™ Meadboards, one-| SeRSiAN KITTENS, cream end blue: Interesting and active 'ort ce) of * call Don , Y | City, Rural, Vacation-- wer for ney 6--Marine Equipment rd_of 1 nist cream. Also one black one, anulsninant 20--Real Estate for Sale Oshawa ROOFING, CHIMNEYS, ail types SUMMERLAND WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE Used| broken, Full grown and six months, Action Ads cement work, sidewalks, slabs, stoops. SECURITIES LIMITED ert "STARCRAFT" new Traveller boats, | furniture or anything you have. The City| Telephone 723-0734, Strong expansion program Frank McCann, RR 3, Oshawa, 655-306). ' Evinrude motors, Open evenings and/Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street : prog i YOUR LOCAL chimney cleaner, Chim: Member Ontario Mortgage « Ve |weekends. Marine Storage and Supply| South, 723-1671. 12 LARGE GEESE, six hens, one fon of creating unusual opportunity CLASSIFIED RATES neys bullt, reoaired, po linings Installed, Brokers ¢ PLY LT Ltd. Brooklin, 655-3641, = tv TOWERS SPECIAL -- Blot tower page Sat pp ec sg dt pid aw for progress bap roofs repaired, Free estimates, 723-2997.| 112 Simcoe St.'\N., 725-3568 SUPPLY LTD. USED ALUMINUM car top 12 boats.|structure, all-channel antenna installed,| sole, "6-730 'after é pm, . : jag APS sertion of 24 words, $1.00) ra are FIRST AND SECOND morigages ovell- TAUNTON RD, E, rien piene «wie Wentny ser ond East, Jus oer ok Ritton Taunton |-- repisiered quarter caa;| Applicant Must Be Able i 'ae. each) 3 con-/ Carpe able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock Uust East of Ritso J Y. Si ea es oe . ila naan NO t eeite uneriene: ef 30° Oars 12.8; 2 ood esti AES ERE ES Street North, Whitby, 668-3338. = n) WINTER STORAGE Boats, motors, efc.|GAS FURNACE, like new, Sel of Taun-|oygine osnet ears old. Quarter horse To Relocate Periodically uf secutive ise! REMODELLING, trim work, cupboards,| > bb gelding 9 jorse, nine years, Reg J additional wo! Ye, | ech recreation rooms, and stairs, Free esti-/FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. sale 723-8131 - 723-8132 |wide Rental, Whitby 660-3226, dry tubs. Pellet gun. 191) slide projec-|tered Appaloosa mare, four years. Ap- unior Matriculation 723 2265 secutive Insertions of 24 words, 04; mates. Telephone 725-7044, agreements purchased and sold. Hennick RECONDITIONED 5, 7 and 1 HP out yall with alge Feligious slides, Other) poloosa filly, three months, Quarter horse! / is Essential zi additional words 2ic. each. and Hennick, Barristers, 21 King Street beard motors; also 2 engine fest rank antiques. 726-5217. grade mare, 723-0169, after 5 p.m. Over A Quorter Century of 723-7 oe * stance Dunbarton 1967 SKI-DOO SNOWMOBILE BRE ~"puppl ; , ' ees." ver Woda charge Cartage ribose cai siieiplcai HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED 1 edt dier, world's |BNOWMOBILE by, Bomber. Pi ig bag A Dachshund puppies, Black Please Direct All Replies To Box Service witnin . if PIBREGLAS BOAT, Jill trailer, 75 vehicles and McCulloch chain saws, Telephone 668-6506. Number OPEN DAILY ' s then 24 sept Alar i ares TV TOWERS Evinrud tor, electric start, Electra|"OW on display, United Rent-All Marine, ee Mathed of Counting -- Lene wen CARTAGE WANT TO RENT A BAND? Rock ond ARE BEST EntTs extra ges' tanks horn, fights, ete. (S35_King St, E, at Wilson, 728-5565. 19.9 Articles Wanted 56313 9 AM, TO.9 P.M, counts Sevlation courte bs roll, rhythm and blues, country and 668-6653. TWO-PIECE CHESTERFIELD, two end ; bag Pe gmat ts OF ANY KIND western. Clark's Studio, 10 Richmond | tables, one coffee table, two table lamps, | MECCANO and LEGO, complete sets or Oshawa Times INCOME PROPERTIES counts two docaren ate = h, @ HOUSES @ BARNS @ SHEDS |St. Booking Agency, 728-2092 WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! 7--Swap and Barter Allin. Good condition, Box $7293, Osh-[bits_and pieces, 7254233 $3 4,800.06 = Saneiay ind awa Times, ' . ---- 2 store' BIRTHS~DEATHS-- pi reniae gta Re- |Optometrist T R 0 SINKS AND" VANITY" units" $39.95) Fy FowaRS SPECIAL -- @ H. airiciore, 000 USED FURNITURE. What have with 2 apts. Each with 1 Bs in, ee oon (Fintan aE ee, 9 ae Be" de, Nunya "site leh aoe THO. Yo ae Bath Clow 63 GM $2500 . Wt not paid within 6 days. am pion ra treet North, Suite 6, Oshawa, Telephone i 1 re: 006 a GOOD USED FURNITURE wented, etc. / lose to tional charge pal 728 7020 728 1892 723-419), TELEVISION ales Fanks. H. Chinn, abe Hitiside, big > Pacroriwerery style, iateet prices, tie Seba MacNeil's POWER S down payment. IN. MEMORIAMS : r Corner Bond. and Division wa eet --=--=wen|8ix months, barely used. Custom up-| Furniture, 668-5481, 668-6526 art $2.25 for the ag Hage F he Dentistry Painting and Decorating 728-5143 8--Articles_ for 'Sale holstered. Telephone Claremont, 64-2188. Wanye -- Used machinery, all types ot pro lat : apt. home Serser aie, adaltional charge It nol bald CAREFOOT," DR. JOHN. Mu | Dentell BAINTING and paper hanging, free es- ----|LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN set, very|ot woodworking and sheet metal me! SUPERMARKET -- rooms, living room, Htlon Surgeon, 172 King Street Best, Oshawa. /timates, Telephone 723-3100. complete, Tape recorder ang finer. chines. Top prices paid. Telephone 728- kitchen and bath in each ts 8 deys. For appointment, 728-5171. TELEVISION--RADIO Long distance Dunbarton 1-839-174 7677 after 6 p.m. RE UIRES apartment, Lot size 244' x $2.5 tor he rat 38 words and Pikes "inein Norte Gonane ter] notoarephy N e \W tnd appliances. One lection eniy. Freity|13--Articles For Rent Q 129"Low down' poy 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, For 24 HOUR SERVICE Forres Simeoe' South, 72Saz710 AN EXPERIENCED $24,900.00 appointment, 728-5842 or Res, 728-0441, | WEDDINGS, parties, children, In black vit 4_Sime not paid within @ days, and white and color, Most .reasonabie GUITAR, Gibson Southern Jumbo, nice Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- 3 opts 1 COMING EVENT: Dressmaking Poy Pgh a8 er HOLMES SIX SERVICE BAYS peti a oo es, Cutlery, Glasses. Coffee GROCERY 2 bedroom--one 3 bedroom; '$s ' $2.24 por inch (Glaplay)) 81.78, for te] DRESEMAKING. Eixperiiy flied sult, sa SR BT FOR FASTER SERVICE. |wnite 'RIGYELE, 38° wheel, maroon M1 Urns Punch Bowls, Bridal (Word Ads), covers, drapes, 668-2372, TIGMoIng GRE Teens ELECTRONICS AG Ween, ak: Wear, Men's Formals, White ' cov STANDARD typewriter, $25.) portable, ment; separate meters. In- DRESSMAKING, allerations, ~ S uT?a,| ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS ang remodel- e $35.3 adding machine, $25.) cash regis-| Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, € $300 th RST NEE par INSERTION, --Jeoats, dresses, 'ete, Work done profes: a ag pF Bon Fagg eg vt For P Service Coll ter, $35.) electric multiplier snap, 723-4434 come of $300 month. Close 2 Pi s Talonaity. Mrs. MeN sa756, eA Se or Prompt Service Co He eee eased Pin". [SKATES A large selection ot new ana SARGEANT'S RENTALS to oll facilites, ; i i rd, a ed. Also hi ' DEADLINES be nnd OREEMAKING; also) piles, Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark Whitby -- 668-5679 soul bet We BE priced Neekin atieee, Toe cue 204] 463 Ritson Rd, S. 725-3338 AND AN EXPERIENCED $25,500.00 alterations on ladies' and gents' sults, Ltd., Plumbing, eatin: fe : ig and Engineering, é ; f : WORD ADS West aren, 728-8297, 255 bimncos Sirtat Souths wheel alignment, inspect and | Bond Streets 725-6344, ENTERTAINING? Filly to one hundred One 3 bedroom apt. on main 5 pm, DAY PREWOUS Po 7 aR ee ERS Rust correct castor and camber, TACO ACE HEATER with fan, large|people? Oshawa Tennis Club for . ban- floor with living room, dining 0 Vs ; f ipable of -- fou Like jquets, parties, weddings, Bar, kitchen, 4 + LOsT AND FOUND Gardening and Supplies [Rug - Upholstery Service T.V. TOW heat Gon sek eee ee ing fur rooms. Like |avels, partie, "wedding BUTCHER Mica ae 9B Pry om gg a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION : Mines i itis etatce ts COLORED TV correct condition . . . $6.88 |suyine on Tmccine- furniture or ap-| WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, room" apartment: on second @ Ports, extra if required pliances, Call Elmer, Hampton 263-24| reducing machines, sick room. supplies. floor rents for $85.00 month- pinrus AND DEATHS al ° aul We do RECOVER your a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION Winter Ideas CHESTERFIELD at modest em ng white @ Torsion. ber 'edjustment |o" 262208. Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, ly. Lot 79 x 232'. Close to i -Hour Service GURNEY - aac a ate : 4 aR RE ORNs. WILD BIRD MIXTURE For FREE Tetuave = 723-0065 or 668-5830 extra, tion, $50, Por Lonely it 14--Business s Opportunities | Good starting rate, usual shopping and bus. : RAE'S RADIO & T.V. 36 PIANO -- Re-conditioned and re-vernish:|SHBLL CANADA LIMITED has @ serv. company benefits. Apply 4 BEDROOM 5 pm. DAY PREVIOUS 728-3651 ed, Telephone 942-2702 ice station for lease on a bi artery H. Hen i} NF WER SEED 28 RAKE SPECIA lome in excellent area close SU LO B CLASSIFIED DISPLAY INTERIORS by WINDOLF : CRIB, high chair, double bed and three-|Better than average income, minimum 1 column -- 4 p.m, day previous) Bok} §=WILD BIRD GRAINS Y CITY TV televisions, radios, Most popular cars, First /SRIB, high cha rig gg Be Investment required, Fer information, to the manager, 564 to separate and public schools, 1 4 NK ! ' tnwe or larger -- 10 a.m, day previous. BIRD FEEDING 39 Simcoe St. N. service and repairs. Service Quality Royaline, 4 wheels, nue after 6 p.m, . &, Van Zant, 728-6421, King Street East. 2 baths, Attached garage. stove and frig in each apart ANCELLATIONS AND SNA i % 1, Frene ------ CORRECTIONS STATIONS PROFESSIONAL pe i Mg Belair $14.88 inyer cottes, maker" solar, "hot *as9| 15---Employment Wanted -- Hida Di ga a 9 aan. DAY OF PUBLICATION WATER SOFT SALT RUG CLEANING black and white T.V. Ant ° steamer, milk shake machine, cash reg-| RESIDENTIAL and commercial floor of Romie Any advertisement cancelled before pub- big rsh da ale ee Ada ag Uedl dp vege and window maintenance, _ hardwood| ~ wre Ww Ucation 'will be charged en day's Insert PURITY DOG MEAL 2 Day Service as, Ms gittelied. foles WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL, news Teleahane Mier McMillan, 723-0124 Moors sanded and refinished, Scuttresie| OWNER TRANSFERRED Free Pick-Up and Delivery on rvice 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Ho i weights per whee ow ine dent, ron intenance free, Free estimates YOUNG MAN 3 bedroom bungalow situated aes NUMA aTAL Gal PURINA DOG FEEDS Angus-Graydon 248 Quebec St. Call 725- | each $1.95 |ERBEI Furnace cleaned, adivated. tree NORTH West ARMA Wil cores on high ground. Walkout While every endeavor will be made P| MASTER DOG FEEDS 0500, All work guaranteed. SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, purchase from Western Oll Company 725-| 016° or two children' In ian harms ee basement. Stream running ers eee ett een oe be we PET SUPPLIES 728-6254 : FRONT-END WORK AT = iziz.__________ldays week. Telephone 720-1871. « Required by the accounting | through beck of property, cant or Tiebiiity tn respect. of T:V. Rentals COMPARABLE PRICES MATTRESS BARGAINS, All types of mat! igving? CALL ROBCO. Reasonable iedaieenant-obve. prosraaaive Lot 51' x 176. Carries for cept no. lability in respect of loss Ty pee oo pay tresses, all reduced, Smooth-top mat: ; bina damage alleged to arise Tnrogn sir BRITANNIA MALT hy Md Me ae eoye'd mate- New Sets tresses, $29.) crib mattresses, $9.88) mat- tel uae pill eM gale oFak | f $102.00 principal, interest rier pswevar caused whether. bY neal FLOUR rial for re-covering, Slip covers made ALCAN UNIROYAL treasen for Bunk eds, $16.89) roll-away! 724-0992, 729-6030 anytime. |. furniture. manufacturer: to and taxes, Beracenate Wer ropes nealee | CANARY SEED -- [Sire nomi, ON OL RE AND CENTRES. |Semereeee ee araer--a--r lee ors ae relat Salad] Seating ot proauer ewe, | LOW: DOWN: PAYMENT USED TIRES, most all sizes, 6, F.|°"e_OF two children. Telephone analyzing of pl t costs. : i coenia BUDGIE SEED aE-UPROLSTORY pyaar Eat APPLIANCES Goodrich, 88 King Street West, 728-450. "|WILL CARE FOR child, 2% and aver,! Position will provide opport- Six room, 2 storey home with- The 'New Nome of TYPEWRITERS, $4. No Money down,|Weekly $15. Playmate for mine, Near in walking distance of shop- TIONS Free estimates. Credit terms, Matt R ee re tN FLOWER POTS ea uit, turnfure refinished 'Omawa 'Up "723-0011 DOMINION TIRE STORES $2 weekly. Adders, cashiers, file cab.|SnPPing Centre. 576-2675, ie anity for oaveneamnint, > Ne ping centre. Only $1500 in avertisements submitted STRAW holstering, 287 Dean Avenue, Tas 0311. MRSA hee A i 17 Pork Rd. § Hemiton, Region." service, trades, Bil! 7. e costing experience necessary, down poyment. Taxes $228 otherw' an in writing 'or Ss J oc i apes tha insertion. of any advertisement Sales and Service GUARANTEED USEC 7 however, applicants must Xs oar bovete rine price charge for a single : COLOR eb V. Phone 725-6511 pa refri wrateh, hee asi nd have completed Grade 12. GOOD VALUE Insertion In which error occurs. Coo r-Smith Co OR BLACK AND WHITE up. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 at $18,500.00 --. 3 bedroom wis Gales Haak tment viet pe ' APPLIANCE Simco®, South, 72-00 ee TINS wader Please apply in writing to: bungalow with fireplace in classify advertising according to Its 16 CELINA ST. All work guaranteed KEEP HEAT IN: Caulking and weaihe living room; wall I . PAIR ng wall to. wall Proper classification. srepeng fal tee of Ming DRIVE - IN MRS. RIDDELL broadloom in living room, din -- ans r " = In the cases ot display, advertisements 723-2312--723-1139 Boer peat to all makes bia so 9 Phone 723-6058 | 83 ing room area, Completely The Times will ni r of washers, dryers, ranges, -5143 MOR FURNITURE -- three rooms, new qual- tinished basement. 2 bath- smreonce "at ENO. CM8L ------stvery Service ee _ nS Et nie 'beticn, Wie an Hist | 1327 Simcoe St. North | SKLAR-STANCOR | rooms. Fenced yard, Close to all facilities in N.W. aree, il advertisi . ' LSO PARTS AV. Techie 'but assume no, liability of 'sdver- established 1909 @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ | service CALL ONLY 2.50 Wa: dalitie ia Valle ios ren Barone' tame' Furnishings se REQUIRES 617 Victoria St. E. ti int it inaccuracies in any form te , | are contend Haren. SMITH'S TREE FARM A L C A N Fast T.V. Service ee SRE ae ee ee sie CAR HOSTESSES Whitby eS Y <8 Iv'9 BASY TO PLACE A © Cedors for Hedges FURNITURE ond APPLIANCES DOMINION 4 ee Oe, eee ee TIMES ACTION WANT AD 452 Simcoe S, -- Oshawa HIND V4, units of S0v's JuD0 WuiT, ai vis aa boya| EARN EXTRA MONEY LATHE A BEAU VALLEY Call Classified Direct © Manure (cow, sheep or horse) Telephone 723-0011 TELEVISION F » [hockey skates, new, size nS ase' cock: 728-5154 9 a.m. ole lasts BRAN NEW itoring, soar CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS SATURDAY & @ Dry fire wood cut to suit tall dresses, size 13-14, for AND Harris Aluminum Sales ane. oe} ee stones heal In white gold. see Telepnene 723-3492 posts and poles. Call collect Newtonville 786-2283 Taunton Road E. £0's Tv TOWER and 'and Aerial service. INDEX TO RR T, Hampton [eases tutu Seraneagyray| SIDES of PORK .49c Ib. ee aaa ca maae aie] Pert time help only reauir, | BRIDGEPORT FROM 1:60. uet CLASSIFICATIONS [25 80"4,.ANB FILL fF 5818 B88] Phone Oshawa 725-6064 | Byron street South, Whitby. SIDES SF LAMB: .49¢ Ibs tiie oc LOL Rue |" Cndey ret uritoema OPERATOR 5:30 pm k-Women's Column MANURE, 9000 mite ya. and ve. i Bla ang an, ie Well Drilling--Diggirg ~*ee Nylon party dresses, size 7-8, 725-0016. | private transportation: to 3--Sportsmen's Columa ' Q and up, ings, stonework, railings, WELL biee PIANO, girls'. bike, electric broom, al-| 4, ft id-night. No ex- ye. Delivered. 7eseew?. | years experience. oi ep pies: | by machine speciat F TS of VEAL .49e.1 most new. Also set of antique dining Ome Aer MICHght, ex ' TREE TO TRIM? Call Sim orien! ding Experts. Lowest Prices, | cn*aitec' Meth tit, Marts oe Chast RONTS o -49c Ib. |Toom 'chairs. Telephone 723.3078. perience required, training Need man to operate lathe : " 6--Marine Equipment them down. Free estimates, 725-5118 or 3809. 2 eee BARBECUE With grill new, golf set new| Program avoilable. Married end bridgeport mill, day For full particulars ca Paw SR ' Rent A Pi this surmener, ironing board new, wosh- women preferred but not es- shift, between Wyoming ond 723-2265 ir, s prbhete 2 -, 9--Market Basket ction en ano 2--Personal au All cut and wrapped Siaree hd coin collection, 420 Harneny sentiol, Must be neat, pleo- Livernois, Detroit. Telephone Irene Brown 725-3867 10--Farmer's Column : « SEE sdieetemmiennhig with: Budaat deren Road South. 723-7426. sant and courteous, between 834-6446 ond ask for JOHN Marg Hall 723-1358 | st ag ing BATON twirling. Register 4-7 HEINT. A Removal of superfluous hair 9 . EVENING DRESS, floor lengihy empire} 18-35 BARXELL Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 13--Articies for Rent Oshawa Shopping Centre, 725-6192, . ZMAN Marie Murduff will be in x~*e** waist, dark brown velvet top and gold ; : Mike Belmonte 725-8300 14--Business Opportunities WANT "FO" PLAY the --gultac? Ceasers Ps Oshawa, Nov, 21st, 22nd, and srepe skirt, size 10, worn once. Telephone TELEPHONE 728-5731 SERVICE STATION Bill Johnston 728-1066 an wane now available. Age no berrior. Telephone imcoe St. N., Oshawa 23rd. Phone Genosha Hotel.on KLEER PAK eres ATT N Mel Dale 823-5038 Female Help, Wanted 942-5282 or 720-3892. Telephone 728-2921 et fos for appointment. §e SALESLADIES ' , ina if Maible Boudreau 728-2233 1 ale Help Wanted * Se ee re Batt LECTROLYS| a ---- : equired for modern Super- Ed Drumm 725-9345 N-Male gt remale ep Wanted Money to Loan |QUARANTERD REPAIR Snir 733. rey S FOODS TED. ig bapa ngytal o Rel Br 0k- Full or part time for exclusive test outlet. Excellent working Reg, Aker 725-0201 Se-domine Pressites T WILL UOAN you up to $5,000 a a| 728-1742 or 723-0011, Osh 725-8863 your containers. 173 Garrard Rd. North.| 'adies' sportswear shop. Ex- conditions, full benefits, 46/4 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 stan te kale' resseneme cate of interest to: consolidate igi, USED <= vecune pellshari, Re-| ater en? . a th Se Se aN perience in selling desirable. hour week, Neat, clean ap- 22--Lots for Sale y iwnw | pairs 10 all makes, New. hoses. Phone 3--Sportsman's Column POTATOES for sale, tree delivery. Tele-| Pleasing personality, good ap- earance essential, App! Member of the Oshawa & 2--Real Estate Wanted Bred OO hove nied Cet tee at | ack kate, Salgpe'iers to home freezers) | phone 728-1306 earance and ref ° it could District Real Estate Board 24~Stores Offices wna Storage Ployed and have good credit. 723-4631, -- A --|HUNTING LICENCES, new and used POTATOES, Ontario No. 1, seventy-five ential 'Good salary tn. ped cue Sane ; ny H guns, bought and sold. B. kat aaa ATIC 4 1 ¥ 4 Septic Service Bircces ee ae tte, Bver akate a. BARGAINS pound bags, delivered. Telephone 728+! cordance with ability to. sell. 'iene ae ces WE LIST EXCLUSIVE For SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt service| Prices. Valley Creek, 16 Bond St. W. C TT ere a ae tor AND M.L.S 2-R our +S on calls. Waller Ward, 204 Chestnut Street! we skin, cut anc" wren deer and FLOOR COVERING APPLES -- Mcintosh, $1.50 per bushel! Apply in person to: pet 30--Automobiies for Sele RESUL West, Whitby, 668-2563, | moose, Telephone 668-8745 or 723 192. Thousands of yards of 4 5 er Ruatel and Ye: eine ' ~ | » Delicious, Russet, Tolman SEIGN EUR S MORTGAGES 31--Compact Cars for Sele TIMES Surveyors | discontinued potterns and pears. Algoma ore All western cities, Florida Sportswear Ltd. SOO A ian) ARRANGED AUTO DRIVE 360 King St. West 12--Trucks for Sale o-- Tracks or Sate est eatveyors from 29¢ Thickson's Road North, Whitby ucAitomssy Rega Classified liane Land Sewer eammaesl wax! Want-Ads Don' t Wilson's Furniture} ; So htget ACTION ADS Co ee ean : C h 20 Church St. WANT-ADS DON'T |_Oshawa Shopping Centre AWAY CO. bisa: sobs tele Gann , B--Coming Events 723-3492 urveyors, 112 Gigin Street Bast. Prone ost-T ey Pay NEED HELP INA HURRY? Pua e| COST -- THEY PAY |S! Wor ge it Came nas Di Toronto 1; Ont. 362-1391 lige Livine GUAR TORS --- A oNgttess 1725-6581. : tieip Wanted ed now by dialing 723-342. 4 723-4492 now for an ad-writer, 4137 Yonge St. (Arcade Bldg.) 'Read "Rent" ads. in Classified newt