16 THE OFHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 14, 1966 B | receivin NEW LOOK FOR BICYCLES This new British bicycle differs radically from. the long-accepted shape of the standard large - wheel mod- el. Its small wheels give it hg hd manoeuvrability, and three-speed gears speed. It folds in 10 sec- onds to stow in a car trun (CP Photo) oe Tew rer ery Prince Charles 18 Could Be King Now LONDON (AP) -- Prince ies celebrates his 18th birth- Nov. 14 and thus to be King in his own hould the necessity arise the death or abdication Queen. ith his birthday comes speculation on his S85 igh of McGill bee in Montreal in this con Sources who are Lay . trusted say that after -- a Brit- university, not yet an- ced, Charles will probably to McGill, And the famous a university has also mentioned in recent news- 52 He ally mature he also coule be- come prince regent--king in all th temporarily become unable to fill her duties. Under Britain's Regency Act of 1953, Prince Philip had been empowered to act for his son as regent, Now Charles replaces his father as potential prince re- gent. Charles becomes one of six counsellors of state and starts a fixed annual income of £30,000 ($90,000) becomes/tor cars, or throwing education and the men-/in --_ speculation. iow that he is constitution-|< "This doesn't mean that: he's| A-level examinations, necessary going out and start b Bw ag es] versity. harles graduates, as about," said a source close Gos toluene next summer he will the throne. 'He's always had albe more than 18/44--old for a private income, and . . . he's|British schoolboy. certainly been ven everything} One reason for his being be- he's needed, Getting £30,000 a/hind most boys of his age is year should make no difference the two terms he spent at the his way of life." Geelong school in Australia, What is his way of life? Asa Friend of the family put For one thing, there is no real] it: girl-friend, "He had a good time there, "You must remember," said) was extremely popular, spent a the royal source, "English boys|lot of time outdoors, but I don't of just 18 don't usually have/think he did much studying." girl-friends. They know os, Nearly every adult Who regu- yes, and plenty of them, but!larly comes in contact with the they don't usually settle' down|heir to the throne remarks on to one, is good manners and his "Charles goes out a lot so-|thoughtfulness for. others. Economic Problems Blamed For Quebe's Nationalism CALEDON, Ont. (CP) -- The new surge of nationalism in Quebec is caused more by eco- nomic than cultural problems, Conservative MP George Hees said Saturday night. In a speech to the University of Toronto Progressive Con- servative Club, the former trade minister said he is con vinced Quebec will not separate from the rest of Canada. "The reason is that the over- whelming majority of people living in that province realize An officer at Buckingham Pa- lace put it this way: "He never passes ee by. If he sees you in the hall, or if he's passing your office, he'll stop and have something to say, He doesn't just make polite con- versation, He talks." that economically, and in every other way, bec needs the rest. of Canada, and the rest of Canada needs Quebec," These people believe French Canada can achieve its fullest development within Confedera- tion, Mr. Hees said, "but they want to feel that their cantare -}of living is equal to that in any other part of Canada," Mr, Hees, now member of Parliament for Northumber- land, is a former chairman of the Montreal Stock Exchange. Mr. Hees also spoke of de- teriorating federal - provincia! relations and blamed on both sides. He said the provinces look on the federal government "as a source of funds to be milked as dry as possible," while Ottawa considers the provinces "as cially, especially when he's in London, at Windsor Castle, or -|up at Balmoral (in Scotland) during the holidays. "He and Princess Anne (Charles' 16-year-old sister) are great friends, and they often go out together to parties and dances, but if there's a girl- friend I've never heard of it and I should have." Charles is a senior at Gordon- stoun, a spartan Scottish school with 380 students. He is studying hard to pass his TORONTO (CP)--Results of Cataract Roar Silenced Several Hours Saturday NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. (AP) The cataract is ay feet high Man diverted 75 per cent of the|and 1,050 feet wide, water that flows over the Amer-/ REMOVE DEBRIS og Falls and virtually silenced @ mighty roar of the famed pon Saturday for several |brink, other sections adjacent to a, step, which involved ing a series of gates, was part of a program to prevent erosion and possible long-range While the water poured at a reduced rate over part of the Luna and Goat islands were bare. The rockbed just above the brink was visible and water in the upper rapids so low and so slow-moving that workmen destruction of the falls. waded into the stream to re- The action cut the normal/move debris accumulated over flow of 60,000 gallons a second|the years. to 15,000 gallons. Much of the|,Approximately 40 engineers water was sent over the larger/surveyors, geologists, soil tech- Horseshoe Falls on the Cana- -- and photographers in- dan side. pected the rock formation of U.S. and Canadian power offi- the falls and took depth-sound- elals joined with the U.S. Army |ings in the lower Niagara River. Corps of Engineers to slow the} They hoped to gather enough flow for inspection work, before |information to begin a remedial returning the water to normal.|program to prevent rockslides The inspection lasted about/similar to those that heavily eix hours and the full flow was restored during the afternoon. damaged the 1931 and 1954. escarpment in ft US. Business Community Seen With More NEW YORK (AP) -- The United States business commu nity may have more influence Influence gress might be less inclined than the 89th to swallow de liberately-incurred budget defi- in shaping federal government | cits. economic policy in the wake of Tuesday's election. Big Republican gains in Con- gress were interpreted by some this week as likely to provide a rein on federal expenditures and ease some of the pressure for a tax increase to curb inflation. Stock prices rallied briskly on news of the Republican gains. Brokers saw the returns as a hope for a cutback in federal spending and less treasury bor- rowing, which would relieve up- ward pressure on interest rates. The Republicans will consider going along with higher taxes only if President Johnson sub- mits an austerity budget dras- tically cutting Great Society epending, said Representative John W. Byrnes of Wisconsin, the ranking Republican on the ways and means committee. Even then, Johnson would have to demonstrate that a tax increase was necessary, Byrnes For months businessmen and economists, Republicans and Democrats, have speculated about the possibility of a tax increase after the election, a little something to take some of the steam out of an economy swollen by heavy spending for the war in Viet Nam and John- son's Great Society programs. INTEREST RATES SOARED Interest rates have soared as the federal reserve system ap- the horse show in non-interna- tional competition at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in- cluded; Single harness pony with long mane and tail: 1. Fashion's Miss Alice, Mrs. Elgin Arm- strong, Brampton; 2, Marden Fidelity, Mrs, Elgin Armstrong, Brampton. Three-gaited saddle horse: 1. Tamberina Supreme, Grape Tree Farm, St. Catharines. Lady's pair of hackney ponies mare and-or gelding: 1, Laudy- dale Rajah, Mrs, Elgin Arm- strong; 3. Commandos Mon- arch, Mr. Walter Clarke, St. Marys, Ont, Single hackney horse over 15 hands, two inches: 1, Dufferin Horse Show Results Given In Non-International Events Hurdman, Ottawa; % Haw- thorne Co-Pilot, Dr. W. W. Bart- lett and Son, Brampton. Fair hackney ponies: 1. Haw- thorne Mellody Farms, Liberty- ville, Ill; 2. Laudydale Rajah, Miss Elgin Armstrong, Bramp- ton; 3. Cambridge Star Flame, E. P. Graham, Preston, Ont. Single roadster: 1. Dr, Fri- day, Lorne Crawford, Ottawa; %. Jenny Lee, I. Meéwhiney, Vineland, Ont. Palomino golden saddle horse: 1. Bourbon Special-De- sign, Paul Wilt, Botkins, Ohio; 3. Belvedere's Baron, J. Cleve- land, Brantford. $400 amateur stake single hackney horse: 1. Dufferin Star- light, Sraser Hurdman, Ot- tawa; 2. Application, Frank Brown, Erin, Ont.; 3. Princess Mom Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Margaret, Leckie Bros., Sarnia. SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL FRANK "Dual Trumpeter" ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY AND SATURDAY MATINEE 4 TO 6 P.M. FRENCH BUFFET-- DAILY... 12 - 2:30 & 5. 9 p.m. --SUNDAY 5 to 8 p.m. Banquets -- Weddings -- Parties -- For Information Phone Whitby 668-3386 a Harry's [Jideaway Te AA 4 HELD OVER FOR THE Onn. BIG. WEEK THE TROUBADOURS Featuring the Go Go Dancing of Denise Rock and Roll AND THE ROUNDERS @ SWINGING BAND @ FIERY ELAINE, Exotic Dancer kk 2 dh ee 2.2. O. 2. &.2.,2.2. 9.9. 2, 2 2.22.22. 2.2.2 2.2 222d plied brakes, This week Alfred Hayes, the New York Federal Reserve Bank president, said there still was a clear danger of inflation, despite some cooling off in re- cent weeks. He added he still advocates a tax increase. Hayes challenged President Johnson's statement that there "had been a very healthy move- ment toward ,Price stability in recent weeks." Hayes said the administra- tion's wage-price guidelines had said. Bankers said the 90th Con- been threatened with extinction. ak DANCING NIGHTLY 9 te Midnite in the Dining Lounge APPEARING TONITE AND NEXT WEEK "THE VINTAGE ROOM" The Fabulous Music of ALLEN AND THEIR COMEDY ROUTINES LICENSED UNDER L CONTROL BOARD OF 'ARIO GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL THORNTON RD, SOUTH AT CHAMPLAIN AVE. a, [HicHLY RECOMMENDED THE RIB ROOM FEATURING FRENCH CONTINENTAL BUFFET DAILY For Reservations Phone 723-4641 ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY & SAT. AFTERNOON rue GENOSHA tore. FORO OOOO ORO ORO OI OR ROR IO * * , hee. ee ee, 2.8. 2.6 & o.oo @ & &.& & &.& & @ 2 O22 & 2.2 2.2.2 2.2 2.2.2 22.2 oS .sbodies which cause it nothing]eost to the federal treasury." but trouble, and which must be] The text of Mr. Hees speech kept quiet at the least possible!was released before delivery, "SPECIAL ATTRACTION® Well Known for their and Western ee THE RUTH FORRES TRin HOTEL LANCASTER ms canaraenomenaR tt SEQUINS CARMITA The Swinging "Miss Hoover the Mover" {2 - 2 P.M. DAILY TRY OUR BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON Club Camaro DANCE PARTY Carousel Inn Continental Room (FOR YOUNG ADULTS 21 TO 36) GUEST BAND: Clyde Don Quartet Tickets at the Door Admission $2.00 Ber Facilities Pi 0 pier! & The " FRIL, NOV, 18th--9 P.M, to 1 AM. Mr. Bonney's sateen presents SPOTLIGHT REVIEW 300 lb. T.N.T. MR. T.LN.Y. (Al Mason) Big Leugh Comedy and Song et ite best AN EXTRA PLUS MISS CINDY LOU-oooh ! Exciting. Exotic Dancing TOMMY DANTON, M.C. and THE IMPACTS featuring WAYNE McKINNON, orgen The CADILLAC HOTEL Pec cocesecoccesescesesosceses cess eeseeS ees seseescoseessesesee Nightly et 9 P. MATINEE SATURDAY 4 P.M, TO 6 P.M, FULLY LICENSED Facilities for 20 to 300 723-5271 BANQUETS @ MEETINGS @ WEDDINGS 942-5580 For Information and Reservations CROSSWINDS with CAROL CRAIG Sounds Unheerd of -- Songstrene Enterteinment et 2 PM. sence Putty Licenses eee" 4 PM to 6 PM,