Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Nov 1966, p. 5

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WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Officials Interested In Driver Education WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby,Andrew, civic officials. and educators this week expressed their in- terest in driver education by accepting an invitation to take the wheel of the Ontario Motor League 'Drivotrainer." A, Gib- son, OML instructor, demon- strated the equipment. Fifty students from Henry Street High School and Ander- son Collegiate and Vocational Institute aré receiving instruc- tion in driver education with a primary interest in develop- ing proper attitudes and de- fensive driving skills, Ander- son Collegiate. and Vocational Instituté is undertaking its third yea in. driving training. Among the officials availing thémiselvés of the opportunity. té try Gut thé equipment were Chief of Police Rankine, Sér- geant Barker of the i hithy rincipal of Anderson Collegiate and Vocational Insti- tute; 0, B. of Henry Street Hi Constable Kavanau Whitby Police Department and Mayor Desmond Ni he simulator ts bridge the aa room and ving car, The student goes through all the usual functions of driv- ing a car while viewing a wide. screen film of his progress along @ highWay With all its normal hazards. Road and traffic emergencies occur, As he operates the cOn- trols on the simulator, his re- actions to situations are wateh- éd of & Control panel by the In- structor ahd can' bé Corrected. They are alsd charteréd by a tecording computet and all errors or weaknessés are re- sarded Legion Auxiliary Installs New Officers Menibers of Royal Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliaty were reminded at Wednesday's meet- ing, chaired by Mrs. Phyllis Norris, that the children's Christmas party will be held at the Légion hall Dec. 18. The last acceptance date for mem- bers to give their children's names is Dec. 8 To attend childrén must be 12 years old and undef. It was mentioned that the Veteran's service will be held in All Sainté Anigli¢an Church Nov. 13. All those wishing to parade will meet at 10.90 a.m. at the Dominion Store Plaza. The auxiliaty Christmas party will be held Dec, 14 when meéem- bers will exchange gifts. Thé Presidént, Mrs. Noéfris, faid the highlight of the Nov. 93 meeting will bé & demon- ftration in halt tintifig, styling and wig showing. All members fre invited té attend this spe- éial evening, a question and answef pefiod will follow the demonstration and helpful ad- Vise Will be giver, Thé sick con- ener, Mrs. Jéan King, report: éd Mrs, Thelma Keédgen is in hospital, Thank-you cards were received from the Ashton fam ily and thé Jermyn family who were récently bereaved, The meeting was turned over to Mrs, Mabél James who con: ductéd the nomination and @lection of officers. The offi¢ers for thé coming term ate: President, Mrs. Dor- othy Ormiston; first vite-pres- ident, Mrs. Fay Carswéll; sec- ond vice- president, Mts. Doro thy Ormiston; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs, Fay Carswell; sec- ond vice-president, Mis, Doro- thy McRae; secrétary, Mrs. Jean King; tréeagurér, Mrs. Mabel James. members: Mrs. Executive Lillian Confiér, Mfs Eileen Dorothy Humphreys, Mfs. Moore, Mfs. Margatet Stur- géss, Mrs, Dotothy Mclvér and Mrs. Anti Stanlick. Chaplain, Mrs, Alice Carr; fergéant - at - arms, Mts, Lil- lian Kitk. Mrs. Norris thanked all thosé¢ who assisted hér with the fomiinatiog of officers. November 23 being a special social @vening, auxiliary mém- bers volunteered (6 Bring all refreshments; Parents View Child Problem Film Principal William Haynes showed a film entitled "Jamie"| af Sinclair Home and School) Association meeting held at the athool. Jamie is a 10-yearOld, an age! When it hurts if fae ~ < aa a it's approval. Jamié is forced to yield both to his older) sister Who 1§ constantly held- up as an example to him and t6 his little brother to Whom he must make cofcéssions. Jamie builds up resentment Which at times find outlet in aggressive benavior. Following the showing, mtich| éfijéyed by all members broke ifito groups to discuss théir Opinions of the behavior showed! in the film. At a short business séssion chaiféd by thé présidént, Mrs. Ed Saunders, it was mentionéd that the association will piir- chase name plates to be placed! on Grade §@ hono? foll at the school. 17 TOPS Members Lose 21 Pounds rene McQue was crowned)were guests. Bonnie Aubérton| anniversary dinner will be held "Queen" for two consecutive Weeks at Whitby Shrinking Violets TOPS Club meéting at Dundas Street School. She lost fine pounds. A loss of 21 pounds was re- ported by the 17 members pres- ént. Two prospective membérs |joyed by all. was "Queen" for the month of October With 13 pounds lost. The club held an auction sale to raise moénéy for cofvéntion fund, this was theroughly en- Members are reminded the election of officérs will bé held this month, SILVER CROSS wottan Mrs, Herbért Bratiey places a wreath at the Whitby Cenotaph, Friday, About 100 Legionnaires attended A surprise birthday dinner jparty was held in honor of Mfs. Harold Huntley at the home of her brother and sister: in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Wiles, 308 Gilbert Street Bast, Présent were: Mr, and Mfs. James (Bid) Conway, Scat borough; Mr. and Mrs, Mansel MéLéod, Mf, and Mts. Mirde MéLeod, Dr, afd Mrs, Alex Fawarts, Mf, afid Mfs. Grant Huntley, Whitby. Mr, and Mrs, J, W. Hutchin- son and childrén, Lloyd and Lisa, were guests of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Milburn Hutchins son, Lindsay, Mr. and Mis. Allan Mutton and their 86h, Allan, Jr., spent last wéekéhd ih Kingston visit: ing Mr. atid Mrs, R, K. Lioyd, | Mr. and Mrs, Charles Ander- son and three children, Wayne, Paul and Darlene, Tétonto, were visitofs at the home of Mr. afd Mrs. William Ibbitson, 108 Wellingtén Street. Kenneth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Garside, is celebrating his secnd birthday today. Mrs, Walter Weir, Valléy Cour, Whitby, is opening her fiomé Mofiday to House of Witdsor Chaptér IODE mém- oe for their November meet- a. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Women's Group 1 is meeting Monday at the home of Mrs. Dave Zilstra, 210 Palace Street, St. Mark's United Chureh Nov. 15. The first setting will be at 4:45 p.m. and the second at 6:30 p.m, All groups are |taking an active part. | Mrs. E. T. Kearney and' hér jdaughter, Ann, Ottawa and Mrs, iC, R. Harfisoh, Toronto, weré | visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A, C. Smith, 131 Hickory Street, Little, Oshawa; Gail and Seott) WHITBY PERSONALS Unity Club Past Noblé Grand (Rebekah) met in the IOOF hall, Noble Grand Mrs, Ruéséll Saunders chaired a short busi- hess session and afterwards members played cards, Win- ners were: Mrs. Russell Saund: ers, Mrs, Lottie Plaskitt and Mrs. Afthur Holiday, Mrs, Kathieéh Brough and Mrs, Isa. bel Méier provided refresh. ménts, The Royal * Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary spent a social evening in Toronto Thursday | Legion possessed an indestruct-| died in wars. stating with dinner at the/#ble image in Canada and said) yet to se@ a man Or) frdin Towh and evening of Countty and éntertainment an in- cludifig a tour of the new city) chartered | jahd $5 members enjoyed the} oliting organized by the enter. | tall. A bus was tainment committee, Mis, Thomas Spellen, 982 Dovedale Drive, opened her home to the néwly élected offi- cers of the 5th Whitby Cubs and Scouts Attending were: Past presidént, Mrs. Vincent Mallon; Mis. M, DéHaas, Mrs. William Goverde, Mrs. Bén LaHaye, Mfs, Harold Forbes, Mrs. Dan O'Hagan, Mrs. P. Van Gils ahd Mrs, Robert Gag. non, Members discussed the activities for the new terih and Made suggestions for fund rais- in® projects, A tasty lufich was Sérved by the héstegs, assisted by Mrs. Robert Gagnon. The Pentecostal Chitréh Women's Missionary Council Will méet Nov, 14 at the home of Mrs, Johh Leavitt, 201 St. Lawrence Street, when the élee- tion of officers will be held. Sandra, daughter of Mf. and Mrs, Ray Hottot, is eelebrating her fourth birthday today, Young guests attending her party are: Cheryl and Donna Read, Steven Rossiter, Kelly Neville, Dawn Hottot, Leanne Lynch, Beth Afné Fralick, Linda and Marilyn Horack and Sandra's baby brother mond, Eastern Star Members Hosts To Guests St. Andréw's Presbyterian | Miss Eleanor Davis was & The Worthy Matron Worthy Patron éxtendéed a Warm welcome to all present! at Whitby Chapter No. 248, Order of the Eastern Star, Meeting at the Masonic hall. The secretary, treasurer and auditor all gave excellent re- porté. Bach member had in- vited a@ friend to be her guest for the remainder of the even- ing When Court Whist was layed, Small prizes were given io lucky ticket holders: Refreshments were served at the Close of an enjoyable even- ing. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Coffe? Byron at St. John Whitby Rev. We de Sc MeGluré, B.A, Mr, 8. 6, Gevereux, Organist 11:00 A.M, "| AM NOT ASHAMED OF =" 9:45 AM, CHURCH SCHOOL CLASSES Nuréty, Kindergérién @>@ Junior Congregation during Divine Warship. fe _WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West Gt Centre) Miniter Rev. Jehan MeLeod gonist Mri. W. 8. Summers, ATOM and) Members were reminded that jat the Nov, 24 meeting, the in- jStallation of officers will be jheld at § p.m. |Women, Group 4, will meet | guest for a day at the home of \Monday everiing at the home|Mrs. Cofa Fallow, 521 Palace of Mrs. J. R. Frost, 501 Dun-|Street. dag Street West, for its Novem- bér meéting | 1 i ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH 1 ANNIVERSA RY SERVICES 4 BA, B.0., $.T.M, Secretary of the Board of Evangelism and Social Rev, J. M. Smith, B.A, 8.0 Mr. Gorden Har Celebrating 140 years congregational history Service. YOU ARE INVITED TO SHAR entre & Golborne Sts 7.30 P.M, FOLK SERVICE Conducted by the HI-C thembers in the beat end tempo of modern youth. E THIS DAY WITH US --Miss 114 Newton, Deaconess le, B.A, Organist 3) --__ -------- a (4 bloeks south of For Information re Other WHITBY #BIBLE\ CHAPEL == - -- MEETINGS AT R. A. HUTCHISON PUBLIC SCHOOL SUNDAY 11:00 A.M.=Family Bible Hour and Sunde ' CS ge ------ Blair Pork Pleee) School Services, Phone 668-4576 11:00 A.M.---MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M.-EVENING WORSHIP 9:45 AM.--Bible School Bible Study end Préyer Wed. at 7:30 P.M EMMANUEL REFORMED 403 Rossiend Rood West Rev, Harold Hesselink 10:30 AM ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL er 419.8 REV. DeLOSS FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH rock Street_N M. SCOTT, Minister SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 AM.--"'Faith Tidings" Radio Broadcast 6A your dial. Ture if, 1380 9:45 A M«Bible School 11:00 A.M.--Morning Worship Service Pastor's Sermon: -- "THE SIN WE'RE A 7:00 P.M.--Gospel Hour Poster's Sermon: "1AM THE WAY" 8:00 P.M..--Monthly Gommutiion Service and Reception Of. Members. wun Welcome FRAID TO MENTION" of Sermon and Song WEDNESDAY PRAYER, PRAISE & 7PM ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED | "You Gre never EVE., 8:00 P.M. PASTOR'S BIBLE CLASS @ stranger ot Faith to. 1986, as follows Ray: | the Remembrance Day service, Wreaths were also laid by Mayor Desmond 200 Pay ! | WHITBY (Staff) - Over 200 comrades paid tributes to their fallen brothers at the Whitby | Branch 112 Canadian Legion |46th annual Remembrance Day }banquet Friday evening. Ontario Regiment Comfhatid- er Col, Leo Tigglets told his audienite that the Canadian |he had |woman refuse to buy a poppy: Deputy Zone Vern MeCarl told his Legion: aires to work for their Legion and reprimanded the entire aud fence for not participating to a greater degree in Legion ac- tivities, Guest speaker at the banquet MONDAY, Nov; 14 Co-Op Credit Union Banking Night, Ist Whithy Seouts, Whit+ by Baptist Chureh Explorers, St. Mark's United Church Unit 7, Blair Park Vista Teen Club, St. Andtewé Presbyterian Women Group 1, St. Mark's United Chutch Unit &, St Mark's United Church Unit 1 atid 2, St. Andftew's Presby- terian Women Group 4, Whitby Brass Bafid Ladiés Auxiliary, House Of 'Windsor Chapter IODE. TUESDAY, Nov. 15 Whitby Whittlers TOPS Club, Whitby Shrinking Vidlets TOPS Club, Whitby Duplicate Bridge Glub, Red Cross work room, Faith Baptist Church Pioneer Girls, Al-Anon Family Group, The Antique Club, Almonds United Church Women Evening Group, Women's Christain Tem- perance Union; Ajax Kinettes. WEDNESDAY, Nov, 16 Whitby St. John Ambulance, Salvation Army Prayer and Bible Study, Ontario Ladies College Castle Chapter, Knight of Columbus, St. John's Angli- jean Church WA, Benévolent NOTICE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOLS FOR THE TOWN OF WHITBY | TAKE NOTICE that The Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate Schools for the Town of Whitby on the 9th day of Novembér, 1966 passed By-law Number 16 to authorize the borrowing of money by the issue and sale of a Debenture of the said Board in the principal amount of $200,000.00 1. The purpose for which the money is to be borrowed is the construction of additions to St. Theresa and St. John the Evangelist Schools, sites improvements and purchase of school sites The amount to be berrowed is $200,000.00 on the security of the said Debenture, which shall be a charge upon the schoolhouse property and premises and any other réal or personal property vested in the said Board and upon the separate school rates collectible by the said Board. The Debenture is t6 be dated December |, 1966, is to bear interest at the tate 6f 5%4% per annum payable semi-annually on June | and December 1 in eath year of the currency of the Debenture and is to be repayable in instalments of principal on December | in the years 1967 Principal Améunt $6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 9,000.00 . 9,000.00 BENSON S. HAMILTON At Legion Dinner Commandef) sponsible for ahd we've earned WHITBY CLUB CALENDAR | Safety Rules Disregarded PICKERING (Stat) -- The accident in which a S4-year-old man =~ éd to his death at the ure plant, Pickering, Oct, 9 'was caused by a disregard Of established safety rules by the deceased" decided the jury at an inquest Thursday. The dead man was Philip Ma- ire, married with five chil who lived at Fairport South, RRS, Pickering, le on night shift at 11. p.m. he fell about 35 feet from a trestle to the concrete floor below, The inquest was at Pickering before Coroner Dr. W. W, linson. In bringing in a verdict of accidental death, the jury add. three riders, Ih the first they ommended that closer en- reement of the safety regula tions be carried out by the On- they su |tarid Hydro. Secondly, ggonied "that in future fio bundles of rods of other obstructions be flasad 1A the wark aren white hoppers and trunks are being installed", Finally the jury recommend: | éd "that another steel rigger be used in this operation and the tadio Man guide the- crane only". Mr. Magiiré had been em: Newman and Branch 119 of the Canadian Legion. , Oshawa Times T soto exhibiting theit 4H steers at THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, November 12, 1966 Jr. Farmers Seek | WHITBY BRIDGE Queen's Guineas | CLUB WINNERS Ww 'an Four 4-H members will be|pj dy LR in Fo pang , representing Ontario County in od by the Whitby Duplicaté the Quéen's Guineas at the Bridge Club were: Royal Agricultural Winter Fair , Created To Individual MONUMENTS STAFFORD BROS. LTD, MONUMENTS lows: Dorothy Brown, Oshawa, |109 Bach of the steers has met|116; Mrs, R. an A Complete upon artival at the Royal, P COMPLETE North and South -- Mrs, Hy Nov, 18 Welsh and Mrs. C. Stiner, } + ABs Mra. P, Spratt and Mrs. Dy The four members, who afe| Wilson, 113%; Miss @, ov } e RR 1; Sandy MoeTavish, Ux. Hee and West -- Mr. bridge, RR 3; Jim Newman,|/Mrs..D, Desrosiers, 12444; thé rate of gain requirement of Barrons, 115. 2 Ibs. pér day over a 150-day The judging of thé Queen's S 3 R Vv t C e Guineas classes will take place Heating Rathranme and B. Coles, 111%; Miss the Royal this year, are a8 fol-/Lawlor and i J. Frost, Udney and Gwen Strachan,/and Mrs. F. Wells, 11 i Udney, B. Wilson and, Mrs. utt feeding period, and will be gub- jected to a culling commitiee on Nov, 18, at 10 a.m. Plumbing Kitchens "COMPLETE Tribute ployed at the plant as an iron: worker - journeyman for only) two weéks when the accident) | happened, | 668-3552 318 DUNDAS East crete te KEEPS DRAMA RECORDS |Lt, Col, William Paynter 6f) Hamburg University has $0,-| Oshawa congratulated the men/qo9 hooks on theatre, old post- | 6n the 100th anniversary of thejers, photographs and phond-| Ofitario Regiment which started) raph fecords, and a sélfcari. | th Whitby. : |cature by Caruso. Lt. Col. Paynter said armis-/------_--________. |tice day was a personal thing) jfor eaeh soldier and reminded \fellow Legionaites that since 13600 B.C, over 3,640 milliéh men) ""Thdse of us Who come home thé wars have a little |more than otirselves to be re Ly, HENRY ST. HIGH SCHOO COMMENCEMENT 8:00 P.M, NOV. 12th Speaker: Honourable Michael Starr MP. the right to speak out a6 Can adians ahead of all others. | Lt. Col, Paynter told the | werranp that he did not be+) jlieve a soldier ceased to be &} | soldier when hé took off his tihiform, ACADIAN Rébekah Lodge 189. | THURSDAY, Nov, 17 | Whitby Baptist Chureh Cubs, | SLENDERIZE 4 Now For Christmas Newest uipment. The Cost by | --» Surprisingly Little. Specializing ak, PHONE 728-4351 or M ACADIAN hs WHITE RLIM tastes as good as good Aum should Salvation Atmy Women's Home League, Faith Baptist Church Women's MissiGnary So ciety work night; St. Mark's United Church Women Unit 3. FRIDAY, Nov. 18 Pentecdstal Church Youtig People's Christ Ambassadors, Co-Op Credit Union banking Aight, Salvation Army Timbral Brigade. 4 SATURDAY, Nov, 19 Salvation Army People's Band. SUNDAY, Nov. 20 &t. Mark's United Chureh Mi- CG GRoup. Young YOUR RED CROSS THANKS YOU FOR YOUR HELP LIGH | RUM 'tastes as good as. good Rum should MRS. HUGHES 668-3061 == TOWN OF WHITBY Notice Re By-Law Number 2349 CITIZENS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT IT 18 UNLAWFU TO DISCHARGE FIRE ARMS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF TOWN OF WHITBY, Clause 1 end 2 of Bylaw Number 2349 reads as follows: 1. N6 person shall discharge of couse to be discharged any gua, rifle, pistol, Psy or other fire arm of Git gua, spring gun r any cléss or Of spring within aries f the Town of Whiter except in Creve -- tesolution of Council from time to time énd in manner and with such safe guérds as dre approved by Counell for the Purpose of holding rifle and shot guh shoots under the Guaplees of © charteréd Whitby organization in eonjunetion with and - under registration with the Dominion Markimen Or other op proved national organization, 2. The recipiénts of an approval of Council a4 set forth in section | herein shall carry such liability insurance os is op- proved by the Council. Vernon MaeCerl, Chairman, Fire and Community Services Committee SAVE $ $ ON AUTO_ INSURANCE If you are an Abstainer you save up te $22.00 on your auto insurance. "JOHN RIEGER 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA DIAL Siig a ACADIAN SEAS DARK RLM tastes as good'as | good Rum should Principal Amount $10,000.00 10,000.00 11,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 13,000.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 15,000.00 16,000.00 sees Secretary-Treasurer gh man Rg A om re 728-7567 METRO JUNIOR "B" SUNDAY, NOV. 13th b : BRIAN SORICHETTI on ro Whithy Lasco Steelers Toronto York Steelers Admission: Adults $1.00 -- Students with cords 500 "Waich For The North Bay Trappers"

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