THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, November 12, 1966 19 Danger In Leisure 1° Brothers Die Lets celebrate electric heating' arrival In Unused 'Fridge | here in the sunroom! Se mn me io RE rN ORE NABI = ram WIDOWED TWICE BY VIET NAM WAR" Kistler, 26, is shown early last year with her first son William Jr,, as she learned her husband, Army Ist Lt. William T, Reach, had been killed in Viet Nam, Yester- day, just one hour after giv- ing birth to her second son, she learned her second hus- University Admissions Clearing House Planned WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- An|for 1967 and algo elected to the C0. electronic data processing cen-|committee of universities com Ontario} cils on admissions, tre to- coordinate all university admissions is in the planning stage, A committee of the Ontario Universities' Council on admis: sions, which met at the Univer: sity of Windsor Friday, will make recommendations to the committee of presidents of the universities and colleges of On- tario for a tinal decision on the} location of the centre, A spokesman said prospective sites include Brampton and Port Arthur, The centre would provide a more efficient placement for ap- plying students, A telecommu- linking the pus is also planned, Part of the p ad $250,000 operating budget for the centre would be met by a non-refund- able application fee from. each student applying for admission, The remainder would be paid by @ grant. | v repeatiee students will be} asked to state their first four) university preferences, A stand-| ard application form will also be introduced to clear up con- fusion which some committee members said existed now among the 14 Ontario universi- ties, A student turned down by one university could still be notified, through the centre's services, If Professor TORONTO (CP) -- A United States professor warns that a police state will develop if a culture gap similar to today's income gap still exists when au- tomation frees men from labor, Prof, John R, Seeley, director of the Centre for the Study of Democratic Institutions at Santa Barbara, Calif,, said Fri- day: "A world divided between the culturally poor and the cul- turally rich, freed of economic harness, would gravitate ra- pidly to a state divided simply La |between the police and the po ced," He told a conference on recre- ation sponsored by the Ontario band, also an Army Lieu- |education department that cul- Warns and have no work to do would not be able to fill thelr time "because they are intrinsically serly or early reach their lt a These persons 'will be inter: nally so apathetic that they will be a charge and care on all the rest, or, externally, so explosive as to constitute an intolerable tax on the police powers of BLACKFOOT, Alta. (CP)--| Two young brothers suffocated Thursday in an unused refriger: | ator in their new home at Blackfoot, 150 miles east of Edmonton, : Four-year-old Warren McFad- yen and his brother, Darron, 5, children of Mr, and Mrs, Ken- neth MeFayden, were found in the refrigerator by their mother. RCMP said the family had just moved into the house, a others, ..." converted store, tenant, had been killed in | tural poverty would be intoler- a Viet Cong attack, Doctors |able, Persons who lack culture at Meadville City Hospital ms M e Pennsyivainia, said today Mrs, Kistler was coming F or the Traveller... out of the shock of the @ Jaguer Traveller Kit news, (AP Wirephoto) @ Transistorixed Record Player " Wednesday's Paper" LYNSAN TRADING RR. 3 BURKETON STN., ONT, 39 Simcoe N, Tes, we do KECG CHESTERFIE Interiors hy Windolf with Expert Care! PLEASE CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE o--~ 728.365) a. VER your Favorite LD or CHAIR FOOD SERVICE SOCIAL CATERING CALL 728-7305 _ 'cATmiNs MANAGER FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the latest Shades and fabrics... see... Mé&C Dry Geode & Draperies prety INSTALLED APERY TRACKS 74 CELINA STREET 723-7827 his application was accepted by a second, The centre was also the problem of Grade 13 stu- dents applying to more than one university on a speculative! seen as one way to "iat is, The processing centre wit| still guarantee a student's free- dom to apply to the university) of his choice and the univer.) sity's right to make its own de-| cisions on admissions, a spokes: man said. "Nothing will happen before the 1968-69 school year and any recommendations we make will) have to be approved by the presidents committee when they meet next month," he said. At a co-incidental meeting of the Ontario Registrars' Associ- ation, E. M. Davidson of the University of Toronto was 20 ome wales DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER Did you know we have the fast processing color machine? Retouch Color -- 2-5 minutes Retouch Bleach -- 5-10 minutes Open Daily fer your convenience The Mayfair. Salon 728-0662 27 CELINA ST. 728-0662 ~" pews anAnnnns ws nA | Negro Vote Near Record WASHINGTON (AP)--A_ high | justice department official said Friday the extent of Negro' par- ticipation in southern U,S. local elections "reflected a milestone | en the road to putting racial! voting discrimination behind the) nation once and for all," Despite a few complaints! which the department. is in. vestigating, the 6 i said elections throughout the South went off smoothly and produced) what was undoubtedly the big- gest Negro vote since Recon- THE HOUSE OF FLAIRE COIFFEURS Ww ELCOMES 1 would like at this time to PAT SISSON appologize for any inconven- ience incurred by my patrons and | hope to see you and new patrons over the festive season = Pat Sisson FOR PERSONALIZED SERVICES The Ultimate in Hairstyling and Shading' 723-6901 14 Ontario St struction days, although no over-all figures are yet avail: able. Somewhat less than 50 per cent of Negroes in Alabama, | Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia and South Carolina are regis: tered to vote, the official said, A large percentage of these actually voted, Actions Filed Against Dow QUEBEC (CP) -- Three ac- tions claiming damages against Dow Breweries were filed in Su perior Court Friday by persons who allege they suffered from myocardiosis, a heart disease, after drinking beer The actions were brought by J.C. Gingras who is claiming $23,483; Magella Marcoux whose claim is for $21,890 and Guy Hebert who asks $19,500, All three are from Quebec City Last autumn and spring 20 persons died of a disease diag- nosed. as myocardiosis in the Quebec City region All were said to be heavy deer drinkers though no definite con nection between the disease and beer-drinking was established at the time, ' NOW AVAILABLE FOR INVESTORS NET 50% PER YEAR PLUS To a limited number of non-active (management available) or active investors (training provided). Small investment $12,000.00 can net annually $25,000.00 to $50,000.00 depending on area. A top profit business in multi-million $ field, estab- lished 18 years! now increasing volume 40% year, Firms such es G.M., G.E., IBM, AT&T, 3M Co, among clients, Our preeminence in industry has been recognized by The Wall Street Journal. Nationally edvertised in Time, Newsweek, Dun"s Review, etc, America's largest firm of its type hey- ing more than 100 offices, also on 3 continents. Participation now available to Investors across Canade while territory laste, All replies answered. BOX DI112 THE OSHAWA TIMES Botty Haydl INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 Gota chilly sunroom? Adding a new room? Y ou can make any room warm and livable with electric heat- ing. It's simple and inexpensive to install and oper- ate. You can add electric heating without disturbing your present heating system. And it will cost you less to install than it would to extend your present system, Flameless electric heating is the quietest, safest, cleanest heating system ever devised, The drinks are on me! operating costs and help in Call now, OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - PHONE 723-4624 -- In Co-operation with -- WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ............. 668-5878 AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ........... 942-2930 se eee eer ere ELECTRIC HEATING INFORMATION CENTRE your hydro Electric Heating Information Centre. The spectal- ist at your Hydro's Electric Heating Information Centre can give you complete information on the type of unit best suited to your room, installed cost, arranging installation. «++. 942-0500 irene carmcmnntcars ne You Can Cross The No. 2 Highway Median From the lege! department Police, of the Onterle Provincial IT 1S LEGAL TO MAKE A LEFT HAND ENTRANCE OR EXIT TURN ACROSS THE SINGING MEDIAN STRIP FOR GREATER SAVINGS TURN INTO OSHAWA DIS- COUNT HOUSE. Boys' Sixes 8 te 14 SWEAT SHIRT Sport fleece lined; crew neck; rag- ten style; in several colors, COMPARE AT 2.49 FOR PRICE SAKE 1.32 MAIN FLOOR TOYS! TOYS! Johnny Eagle LIEUTENANT RIFLE FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL Boys' Sizes 8 to 18 STYLEX BRAND DRESS PANTS Compete at 4.98 to 5.98 peir FOR PRICE SAKE 1.00 PR, =e MAIN FLOOR G-I JOE GAMES @ cComBaT @ MARINE @ FROGMAN COMPARE AT 1.29 FOR PRICE SAKE 66° LOWER LEVEL a Gift a 0.D.H. OPEN DAILY 10 am. - 10 p.m. FLASH BULBS FOR PRICE SAKE ga doz. MAIN FLOOR N.H.LL. HOCKEY GAMES Compare at 8.95 FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL 3 0.D.H. Fleece sheep lined; sizes 6 te BY only. Rowntree's Smeeoth milk chocolate crunchy candy coating, Regu- ler 25, FOR PRICE SAKE 4 for 77° MAIN FLGOR OFFICIAL HOCKEY PUCKS ee FOR PRICE 10° ' SAKE HOCKEY STICKS LOWER LEVEL. GENUINE "PRESTONE" BRAND ANTI- SKI BOOTS SATURDAY NITE "ZIPPIES" a Child's SNOWSHOE Lote of fun for ages 2 to 6; easy te use, Compare et 2.95. .. LOWER LEVEL FACELLE DISPOSABLE Flush-A-By RE sags ts ' se ine COMPARE AT 3.95 GALLON @ * FOR PRICE SAKE 2.49 LOWER LEVEL COMPARE AT 10.95 PAIR FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL 2.49 dos. FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN FLOOR FOR PRICE SAKE it's NOWHERE ELSE King St. W. at Garrard Rd. OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE