Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Nov 1966, p. 7

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Mrs. Wallace's Candidacy) Upsets Dreams Of Others may not be visible in the re- sults tomorrow night, but will be there just the same, is the effect of Bobby Kennedy, the aspirant to the White House who spearheaded the Democ- ratic campaign while LBJ was 'out east, Bobby tried hard to rescue Brown in and Douglas in Illinios, Jobngon 4ouched these states this week/ end so he can claim credit for the rescue if they work. But Bobby was campaigning as much for himself as for the local tigers. He cannot lose tomorrow night because he isn't up for election. The question is: how much nearer will the result take him to the Presidency of the United States in 19727 Ex-Mayor Now "Rat-Catcher" oveseeen sb In the deep South events are place which may end forever the Goldwater dream of iblican victory by the roster." This plan the replacement of' conservative segregation- ists southern democrats with conservative segregationist re- publicans. One man can put an end to that and name is George Wallace, Governor of Alabama. Because war baa ~ared himself running s wife's name (Lurleen), works he will retai id power base in Alaba- ma and be free to run as a third - party candidate for the Presidency in 1968. The old Southern politicians have landed on Wallace like flies on a carcass, E Knows that George stands for "segregation forever and the appeal | of this slogan spre poe a on Former mayor Stan Woolhouse is back at the town hall and quite happy about his new. job as_rat-catcher. The 56 - year - old Woolhouse, who was beaten for re-election last year, said he doesn't mind taking orders now instead of giving th but: "I don't like being called a rat-catcher,"' Woolhouse, whose proper title is rodent operative at a salary of about £700 ($2,100) a year, explained; "People have the wrong im- pression about this job, . They imagine me tn overalls and rub- ber boots walking in sewers, It's not like that at all, Some- times I go to work in my best suit, when there are problems to be surveyed." Woolhouse gave up a job with an engineering company to re- turn to the town hall, explain- ing: "I left because there was a suggestion of redundancy in the future." Being declared re- dundant under Britain's auster- ity program means being laid o! pe = snes COBURN |"; DHERT Oy, | As mayor, Woolhouse did not | get any pay. CSA Disbands For Merger OTTAWA (CP) -- The Civil Service Association of Canada formally died Saturday as a prelude to its merger with the bigger Civil Service Federation later this week. ; In a climax to six years of effort, the two will form the Public Service Alliance of Can- ada at a founding convention Wednesday and Thursday, All told the alliance will have 115,000 members, The 30,000- member OSAC went out of busi- ness by, unanimous vote of 80 delegates at its ninth national conference here. The Saturday vote approved transfer of all property, rights and other inter- ests to the alliance. Power Cut Off Car Hits Pole OWEN SOUND (CP)--A car struck a hydro pole near Shal- low Lake, five miles northwest of here, and blacked out the Bruce Peninsula and parts of the city Saturday. Power was restored from Hepworth north to Tobermory within 40 minutes and to Owen! Sound an hour later. | North where there has never been more than de facto seg- regation, but the cities are be- coming centres of the "black power" movement, Lester Maddox, an ardent Wal lace fan famous (only) for chas- ing Negroes out of his rest- aurant with a pistol and hand- ing out ax - handles to his White customers, is likely to become Governor of Georgia, and another wild man called Jem Johnson, is about to take over from Orval Faubus as Democratic Governor of Ark- ansas. In Maryland, moderate Dem- ecrats hold their noses at the sight of their party candidate for Governor, George Mahoney, an unlettered millionaire build- er who runs on a straight ap- al to the backlash - 'your jome is your castle + protect it" (translation: keep the Blacks off the block). REMEMBER BOBBY.. .. The other great issue which Firefighter Murray Hamilton, chairman of the Oshawa Firefighters Mus- cular Dystrophy Assacia- tion, is shown. presenting campaign kits to three Girl Guides, members of the 14th Girl Guide Company. On Griddle At Ottawa OTTAWA (CP)--The wrath of retired admirals, vented during the weekend against Defence Minister Hellyer's unification bill, will probably be carried into the Commons today as a supply debate continues, The Conservatives have been blasting Liberal defence policy since the debate began last "|Monday while New Democratic Party members have focused their criticism against routing of a second natural gas pipeline through the United States, The supply bill would give the overnment authority to spend some $372,000,000 for November bills, It allows the opposition to debate just about any matter it wishes. Almost without exception, Conservatives have been hitting defence policy and NDP mem- bers a government decision to allow Trans-Canada Pipe Lines Co, Ltd, to build a line from Manitoba to Ontario through the U.S. BACK GOVERNMENT Conservatives,, the western members anyway, departed from defence usually to support the government pipeline deci- sion, The controversial unification bill, given first reading Friday, says the prefix "royal" will be dropped where used for the navy and air force, Army ranks would be ex- tended to the other services in the unified Canadian Armed Forces, to which all servicemen would be compulsorily trans- ferred, Retired naval officers blasted the bill as 'irresponsible mad- ness" during the weekend. Domination By U.S. Seen COOKSVILLE, Ont. (CP)-- Japanese All-Stars Batter Dodgers time -- the starving eat any- thing." . .. Py ae billing get? In recent times we've seen such absurdities as special guest star, also starring and co-starring. Now comes the biggest bundle of which lists four stars, then adds with the participation of Vittorio De Sica. ... Broadway show to break his medical-man image, but cent Edwards Alee Roddy McDowell ond Tuesdey Weld in "LORD LOVE A DUCK" One Complete Show et 7:15 39 KING ST. PHONE 725-5833 TOKYO (AP)--The Japanese All-Stars battered Los Angeles Dodgers 11-3 with 13 hits, in- cluding three homers Sunday in the llth game of the Dodgers' exhibition tour in Japan. Attending the game were Emperor Hirohito and Empress Nagako. The Dodgers collected 11 hits, including a homer each by Ron Fairly and John Roseboro, The Dodgers, also lost 8-2 Saturday. The 18-game Dodger series in Japan now stands 7-4 Canada faces political and eco- nomic domination by the United States unless the U.S, takeover of the Canadian economy is stopped within 10 years, T, C. Douglas, New Democratic Party leader, said Saturday. Speaking to about 300 people at a four-riding rally, Mr. Doug- las said two-thirds of the four major segments of Canada's economy are foreign controlled and Canada is fast reaching a point of no return, "Once we reach the. point in favor of the U.S. National League champions. Zz A Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 poseeniscnren aaa. LIVERPOOL. RO. maT an 942.1250 ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE 1 FREE CAR HEATERS } | TE PEE DRIVE-IN BOX OFFICE OPENS aT | 7:00 P.M. SHOW STARTS AT 7:30 P.M, where 75 to 80 per cent of our economy is foreign-owned there is nothing we can do," he said, He said history has proved that once a country loses. con- trol of its economy, loss of polit- ical control follows. Lord Fraser | Dies At 63 GLASGOW, Scotland (AP)-- Lord Fraser of Allander, owner of Harrods and other top Lon- don department stores, died Sunday night of a heart attack "4 his Glasgow home, He was Lord Fraser also was chair- man of George Outram and) Cc y Ltd., publishers of the influential Scots daily newspa- per the Glasgow Herald. Fraser, who became manag- ing director of the family shop at the age of 21, was once re- ported as saying: 'Some day I will be the No, 1 draper of Brit- ain." He achieved it. He figured in a number of take-over deals and in 1959 took control of Harrods, the famed London store which says it can provide everything from a pin to an elephant. TOOK TO AIR They are, from left to right: Brenda Burtch; Candy Chase and Lois Har- rison, The girls have joined the march against Muscu- lar Dystrophy and will aid the firefighters in their bid to raise $10,000 this year to By BOB THOMAS | HOLLYWOOD (AP)---Around the lots in 40 dots... As with all over-sized epics, Hawaii is getting a trim after its premiere---15 minutes of foot- age is to be cut, Why don't the film companies bring their blockbusters' down to size be- fore opening and thus save the slings and arrows of benumbed critics? ... Bob Hope's holiday bundle for U.S, troops in Viet Nam--are you ready for this? -- Phyllis Diller, But he'll be taking some other charmers along, too, . . . Miss Diller also is hitting the personal appearance trail to plug her own new tome, Phyllis Diller's Housekeeping Hints. Among them: 'Don't taste food while you're cooking it -- you may lose your nerve to serve it'; "Never serve meals on Further literary note: Which autobiography will win the 1966 bad-taste prize? -- Hedy La- marr's or Lita Grey Chap- How much sillier can movie them all Richard Chamberlain chose a Vin- is sticking to films, He hopes to land the union, Transport and General Work- ers' Union, long parliamentary MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY DRIVE STARTS combat the crippling dis- ease, The guides are one of many groups in the city that along with more than 800 persons, will join in a door to door canvass this week, --Oshawa Times Photo Liberals | Hawaii Film To Lose 15 Minutes Of Footage now gets a chance to sing for herself, She stars next January in Lady in the Dark at the Pas- adena Playhouse, where she first appeared at a 12-year-old actress. It will be the first full- scale production of the Gertrude Lawrence vehicle--Ginger Rog- ers did the film --- in many YOOTS. 6 55 With Milton Berle and Garry Moore back on television this season and Dragnet returning in. January,-can Hopalong Cas- sidy and Mr, Peepers be far be- hind? Frank Colds To Resign Seat NUNEATON, England (Reut- ers) Frank Cousins, former technology minister who quit the cabinet over the Labor gov- ernment's prices and incomes freeze, said Saturday he will re- sign his seat in Parliament, The '6l-year-old militant left- winger and arch foe of Prime Minister Wilson's austerity pro- gram, will concentrate on his job as head of Britain's biggest the 1,400,000 - member Cousins had spearheaded a left-wing revolt within the ruling Labor party over the pay-price standstill introduced July 20, He told party officials he found it impossible to combine sessions with his union job, Nicky Arnstein role in Funny Girl with Barbra Streisand, The part is better written in the movie script, reports the former Ben Casey... . Vocal ghost Marni Nixon--she sang for Audrey Hepburn in NEED A NEW FURNACE? Ne Down Peyment--First Payment December--Cali RY Day er Night... 723-3443 SINGLE VISION Sk \) @ FOR MEN i | AT THE SAME LOW PRICE, ( 17 BOND ST. &. CORSLEY, England (CP) --| Workmén rethatching a wWilt- Shire cottage discovered a fe- male badger which had climbed into the dried reeds to raise her 2nd Floor PHONE 728-1261 Mony P DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS THAN NATIONAL BRANDS @ FOR WOMEN @ BUY DIRECT FROM THE LABORATORY AND SAVE © FIRST QUALITY LENSES ... SATISFACTION GUARANTEED |@ BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT. @ WE FILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRIST PRESCRIPTIONS Wy) plical, BASSES COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM BIFOCALS LENSES AND CASE @ FOR CHILDREN > ty HOURS: MON. to SAT. 9 am.-5 p.m. Closed All Dey Wednesday Divorce By Consent Idea Stirs U.K. Controversy CARL MOLLINS LONDON (CP)---A_ reported proposed by a government law commission for divorce by con- sent has aroused controversy even before official publication of the idea, Advance reports of law-re- form proposals due to be pre- sented to Parliament Wednes- day include suggestions for wid- ening the grounds for divorce from the Shean' adultery, cruelty and desertion, The breakdown of marriage would be an additional ground for divorce, Courts could allow divorce by mutual consent of the partners after a specified period of sep- aration, possibly five or seven years, Either partner could peti- tion a court for divorce on the ground of marite! breakdown, The court would require satis- faction that wife and children were making out adequately, Reaction by churchmen was summed up in the comment of Rt,. Rev, J, Leonard Wilson, Bishop of Birmingham, who said any system of divorce by con- sent would be "disastrous," While saying he favors divorce. law reform, the bishop added that "divorce by consent is opening the gates far too wide," CHURCH URGED CHANGE An Anglican committee ap- pointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury recommended re- form of divorce laws in a re- port Jast July, The church group urged replacement of the pres- ent divorce grounds by demon- stration of the irretrievable breakdown of a marriage, In the church committee's proposal, divorce courts would have an investigating and ad- visory role--similar to juvenile courts--and would grant a di- Freighters Hit In Canal Area PORT COLBORNE, Ont, (CP) -- A six-foot-long hole was punched in the stern of the lake freighter Griffon here Saturday when it collided with the freighter Manchester Port, There were no injuries, The Manchester Port was not damaged and, after making a report on the collision, con- tinued through the canal, The Griffon remained at Port Col- borne for repairs, BUILD NEW MOUNTAIN The artificial mountain built for the new James Bond movie, You Only Live Twice, used 700 tons of ateel and 200 tons of plaster, etna meted metre ae ah vorce If the marital collapse was judged to be beyond repair, Courts would no longer seek to establish that one partner was guilty of matrimonial offence adultery, cruelty or desertion, The government - appointed law commission--five legal ex: erts headed by High Court Jus tice Sir Leslie Scarman--con- ferred with the church commit: tee, which included present and former justices of the high court, The government commission, assigned last year to carry out an extensive review of English law, is understood to have sym: pathized with the ehurch com- mittee's idea, But it felt that the requirement for a detailed in- Ex-Editor Tiiac As 7 waww en 7 VU MINNEAPOLIS, Kan, (AP)-- Barry Faris, 78, former editor- in-chief of the International News Service, died Sunday, He was a native of Ipswich, §.D,, and started his newspaper career as a reporter on the St, Joseph, Mo,, Gazette in 1908, He worked on the old Kansas City Post, the St, Louls Globe-Demo. crat and the St, Louis Republic, Faris became editor in chief of International News Service in 1932 after working for the United Press in Washington and New York, He was also inter. national editor of Hearst Metro- tone News, News of the Day and Telenews, He was named one of its first three fellows by the newspaper fraternity, Sigma Delta Chi, in 1948, Faris was married three times, lastly in 1960 to Kay Law- rence, women's editor for Asso- clated Press Radio-Television. pacceeeninils IF YOU ARE NOW TAKING A LAXATIVE ONCE, TWICE of THREE TIMES A WEEK oon THEN YOU SHOULD BUY BR TORAW the Laxative Tablet with the GENTLE DIFFERENCE Take gentle-acting Mi... Naveres Remedy! There is no letdown, ne uncomfortable after-feeling. Nt ts an all-vegetable laxative, For over 70 years, Nt has been giving folke y t, effective relief night, me tonight. *e alright? Helps you feel better oo and look better! REGULAR» CHOCOLATE COATED > JUNIORS quiry into every marriage breakdown would overwhelm the divorce courts, which. al- ready are burdened by 40,000 undefended divorce actions an- nually, The commission adds the ground of marital breakdown without abolishing the grounds based on matrimonal offences or allowing for judicial inquests into broken ma » The church committee had empha- sized the positive aspect of seek- ing to repair marriages by law reform and hopefully reducing the number of divorces, ow would you like an interest in a wide range of blue-chip stocks? Subscribe now to the new Canada Permanent Investment Fund Canada Permanent Investment Fund Yes, I wish to learn more about your new investment fund. I understand there is no obligation. 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