Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Nov 1966, p. 5

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Land Developer Closes| 3 Miles Ajax Roads Pay (Malt) Three miles x roads have been cut ote public use by the town's principal land developer Duffin's Creek Hatates, The roads, south of the Rane line. in te undeveloped lake: shore area of the town, have been barricaded hy the de vel afer @ number of warnings with regard to the dumping of garbage were ignored, s NEVER DEDICATED Duffin's Creek project engi: neer, Andrew Pandola, said the roads were never dedicated te the town and were blocked to prevent further deterioriay Hon to the company's holdings rabbit hunting, necking garbage dump' n when M vag everything from Pigeraters along the roadside, ACCHAS NOT CUT Mr, ade and ausgenied, that there waa againat the Es land developers might recon: reopen the roads, Seven People Hurt in Friday Crash WHITRY (Staff) =-- Seven people were injured when two ears and a truck were involved in collision Friday night, on Highway 401, at Thiekaon Rd ohn James MeGrath, 38, of Cedar Street, Oshawa, one of the drivers, suffered facial cuts and his passenger, Mary Day: idge, 49, of Park Road, wa mreres her head, left arm and le The triver of the other car, Hill Crescent, and her four paasen eula and bruises Mary Tunatell, 74, of Ave,, Toronto; Ann Kelly, 4, of Welland Avé,, St, Catharines; Raymond Kelly, 70, same ad: dress; and Josephine Henry, 68, of Hill Crescent Scarborough, The truck driver, Fountain, 9%, of RRA, Orillia s Choice For Transportation Post Ry DICK BARNES WASHINGTON (AP) Alan &, Boyd, 'who says he 'never had a maater plan" for his career, ja President Johnson's eholee to head the new cabinet jevel department of tranaporta tlon, Johnson designated Boyd, 44, for the post Sunday, His nomi nation will go te the Senate next January, The new department, 12th in the cabinet, is a collection of M1 stransportation-related unite and neat 100,008 employees plucked from throughout gov ergment, yd haa worked with some ef them as undersecretary of ecommerce for transportation The department's object, Johnson said, is 'untangling, o » ordinating and building a national transportation system worthy of America," te 'tirat tank, said Royd tn! Aurora Man's eae P. Condition Poor UXBRIDGE (Staff) -- A 1 arold man is in "poor" con tion in Toronte General How pital today following an acel! dent Friday afternoon when his ear atruck a garage at Coppin's Corner, 1A County Road, near an interview ia "one of organi gation, That doesn't be done first," The long « range challenge, we have the moat could have," Bure Worl afier the war, during War and atudied Ne did five years in the state govern: ment of his native Florida him in 1958 to a Democratic vacancy on the civil aeronau tea board, Boyd held that job, including four years aa chair man, uatil Johnson moved him to the commerce undersecre: ltaryahip in June, 1965, MILWAUKEE (AP) --Sen ator William Proxmire (Dem, Wis.) saya Senate members of the Great Lakes conference will not be quick to endorse Presi: dent Johnson's choice of Alan Reyd aa secretary of tranapor tation, Proxmire eald in a statement that Boyd, undersecretary of ecommerce, has said "he per sonally favers increased toll rwies for the St, Lawrence Seaway' while the group of Great Lakes senators agrees Brock Road, Uxbridge, Fred Moffat, of 204 Kennedy Weat, Aurora, who waa alone in the car, received a fractured skull and fractured ribs, The ear apparently dit two guide posta on the road, went out of control, and ran into a garage in the northeweat corner of the intersection, Damage to the garage, the ear and a gasoline pump & also Ny totalled $2,750, The owner @ the property is D, Coppina WHITBY DISTRICT) Township Hall 'BOWLING SCORES! Gifts For Nursery Are Flowing In AJAX (Staff) - It's just like Christmas already in Ajax tava, dolls and gifts have etart ed flowing in in response to an appeal by the organizers/ @ Ajax Day Nursery, Toast ite equipment in the com munity centre fire Several stores have given ar teles or cash, local residents) have sent in toya, dolls, and a couple of trikes, and parents and their neighbors have col ected hoxes of playthings for the children, Donations can he sent te Teen Hall Mailmen Back Strike Action SAULT STR, MARIE, On, | (CP) -- Strike action was em @orsed al a meeting Sunday of adout 150 northeastern SE postal workers The men, members of the Ca. nadian Union of Postal Work: era and The Letter Carriers Un fen of Canada, adopted a reso: tution asking the federal gov erament for new regulations that would give postal workers) equal bargaining fighia wil! ada 'The resolution threatened a withdrawal of services if the WerAMeNt does not meet the mands Ben Mowat, national officer for District 7 of the letter can riers wnion, told the meeting! all waioan members should be ready fer & crose-Canada walk q@ai if negotiations with (he gov erament break off before a Now. 15 strike deadline The men attending the meet tag represented lecals from Sau Ste. Marie, Sudbury, BI Het Lake, Kapuskasing Timmins, whieh | "that such an increase could be seriously damaging to the sea: way," "it Boyd, as secretary of transportation, is to insist on the last pound of flesh from the seaway in higher tolls, Great Lakes: senators will consider his appointment long and hard before acting an |Roya' # confirmation," BOWLING League THURSDAY AFTERNOON Seetion Winner: Pansies Team Standings: Dalaies |}, Violets % Roves 1, PonePom & teeta Tulips §&, Pansies 14, Astere }) | i ih Dowdle Fiate: Ev Curtis ai; Mi 1b | Wl mie Wik Pelee: Berethy Brown 3? Wr Sinale Plate: Dorothy McRae 2a | bien Dinele Wh Heep |e VE end Gver N. Bhephare te, @ | Rare 10 wi. ' Niner 16, Ki. Petter Ph Wileex in. i) 'eeattnere wa, 3, +. Beier awl ), Qian 22), B, Srannett Ne BA, A, Cormack 25 weirey ane Paeret MEn"® ' a ya at MeATater mh " 2 con" Wendersan ia Bon son_ GS eR). t (Re Bave Foster! at "ie my as 4 (BR lrendernen 4 (AM); Dove (te), Dea Denver ess th) emt (ee: Ys Sia * an) ] Ba): Jena Pian |. See Winners Red Winer dena Oe ve Seaver, Dave Porter, Colm, Jee tart, Dick Adare Wwerirey ane Bispace? MENS LRAGUR es Gt Gere ever Riehare we Wy & wa. Jak gl at Aid | De Jenn Ader PR | awen Pe (PO) Chraracte oly aan Moa oe (om) S aaAlu " aie Ree (HO. Wihke Av ry Ree Ch ke tal is md sg Den Bereta) [eve Waren ' | WRPRY ONTARI® HODPITAL Leaeue @her organized labor ta Can:! haw ee we t wt seetin of fhe Ror section five pin WR oe etn Brite, en & oer pe Ary earn payer? rite and tele Penta ' Boy: ieee BF Me peer RE ™ are, 9.4 ' OA w es me, 2h. What: Mawks, 16 10.0) Grom a 4 Maa Oeaeers = Uh Reaches, % VE Alice, & 1208 Rereers, & Math Bags, & h400), ENO. 9 » TRACK LOST NICKREI, RONN (AP) Rver lose a coin in a vending machine and ae knew where te complain? The West German Parliament iS leach vending machine to dis andiplay the name and address of (ite owner in the south area of the town, Mr, Bandola said the roads were primarily used for ieee) an He said his company did no object to the necking, but did get peeved le began dumping aofaa to Pee Randola said the com pany had not out off access to the lake by their road ae | ublie oulery closings the nider their move and possibly fearborough, era all had ey were Lyall Patrick was unhurt, The vehicles were damaged to the extent of $2, Mary Josephine Henry, 35, of/ 000, Boyd President have a great deal to do with subsiance, but it's the thing that haa to sald Boyd, "ls to try to devise some way to assure ourselves efficient tranaportation aystem that we Boyd flew troop carriers over the Second law some work related to aviation during President Eisenhower named have to} »/ Dept Ruth Mergen Jahe Reweenie 'an aenn rh CR); Sem Certs ual a. my considering a DI te require The company spokesman bar that the lands in the south of the town were still open to the ownenene po that they would have to Duffin's Cresk Watates re: cently sent # letter to the Ajax Town ape Log oy Hg Me the aoe oe queation, ince the = town dump in the area closes at 5 pm, daily ue MB od garbene only from lenin it ie Mn Bs, "thet the garbage hes largely been dumped by residents of neigh boring municipalities, MANY SMALL DUMPS Kengineer Bandola anid there seemed to be about % or 96 separate litte dumps in. the avea and that the company had spent some monies already in attempting lovkeep ahead of the garbage. Mr. Bandola sald the roads would ha reopened as the area in developed. ONTARIO COUNTY FARM CALENDAR Nov, 7, 7 pm. Port Perry, Conway Gardena Restaurant = Port Perry Lions' Club Award Night for Members of the Port Perry Lionas' 4H Grain Club, Nov, 8 6:30 p.m, Uxbridge Secondary Sehool November Meeting for Uxbridge Junior Farmers Nov, 0, 8 p.m, Unbridge De: partmem of Agriculture oBard Room = November Meeting for Unbridge Horticultural Society, Novy, 6, 1:30 pm, == Visit of Students of Kingaway College, Oshawa, to farms in the Brook: lin area, Noy, 10, ® am, Royal Coliseum = Inter-County Live Stock Judging Competition, Ontario County team composed of Charles Sutter, Oshawa, RR 9; Michael MeGriskin, Biavk- water, RR 1 and Murray Em pringham, Uxbridge, RR 3, Nov, 10, 8 pm, Unbnidge oRom Toronto Milk Produe- Room Toronto Milk Producers' era' Meeting, Nov, 10, 8 p.m, Oshawa, City Hall == Agrioultural and Re forestation Committee of Cen tral Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, Nov, 14, @ pm, Uxbridge, Dept, of Agriculture Board Room --- Ontario County Co-op Medical Services Directors' Meeting, Nov, 18, 12:15 p.m,, Toronte, Broadview YMCA Annual Visit of Junior Farmers from the Uxbridge area to Riverdale Kiwanis Luncheon, Nov, 15, 8:30 p.m,, Canning: ton, Brock District High School November Meeting for Port Perry Junior Farmers, Noy, 18, #15 p.m, Green bank Community Hall November Meeting for Perry Jualor Farmers, Noy, 16, 8 p.m, Uxbridge, Dept, of Agriculture Board Room Ontario County A,R\D,A, Committee Meeting, Nov, 18, 10 a.m, Toronte, Main Ring, Coliseum -- Royal Winter Fair Queen's Guineas steers will be judged, Nev, 2, & p.m, Usdridge, Dept, of -Agriculture Board Reem ~ @H Club Champion ship Show Committee Meeting, ev, 22, 7 P.M, Sandford Community Hall -- Annual Om tario County 100 Bushel Cora Club Award Night Nov, 25, 6:30 p.m., Brooklin, ion Fellows Hall Annual Banquet, Brooklin Spring Fair: Nov, 26, 8 am, Brooklia 44% Home! making Club Achievement Day) es South Ontarie, Nov, 2, ? pm., Uxbridge lunited Chureh Annual Ranquet, Ontario County Federation of Agriculture, Nov, 28, 8:30 p.m,, Uxbridge of Agriculture Board jRoom Ontario County Junior Farmers' Directors Meeting, Nov, 3, 7? pa Sandford |Community Hall -- Annual On Port ve, Prencottitaria County 500 Bushel Potate| Club Award Night, Amalgamation «| Address Theme WHITRY (Staff) Mayor Desmond Newman will address 'ithe Whitby Retary Club at al Ea Braniluncheon meeting Twesday at} Farmers' wa GO 12.15 p.m, om the amalgama: tion of the town and Whithy! an Township. Mayor Newman promised to pall ae punches ia his apeech| te the Whithy service elud) 'members Amalgamation has been the) -- of numerous committee 'meare| Meetings for the past year and a brief on the annexation ques itton is Deing presently » Wiens Feet Mar wn' Meried by A Toreate Planning < tea Adan yawiataat firm Toronte| ~ County Cream Producers Hear District Director WHITBY -- AJAX Aa bulldovers cleared away the debris of the demolished Community cen tre on Kings Crescent the walla began rising for the new Ajax Communtlty Centre Arena north of the Ajax + Pickering General Hospital, The centre, being UXBRIDGE --- The annual meeting of the Ontario County Cream Producers' Association was held in the Department of Agriculture, Uxbridge, W, D,. Chipehase, district director on the Cream Pro ducers' Marketing Board, ad: dressed the meeting, He out. lined some of the work that the Cream ucers' Marketing Roard carried out during the year, Glea Cole, director on the Cream Producers' Marketing Board, stated that a more ef fective job had been done this year by the Cream Producers' Association in getting higher returna for Cream Producers, He stated that there is no butter surplus at the present time, and that Canada would have to import substantial amounts of butter in the next few months. He also stated that the qua) ity of farm separated cream was the responsibility of the Ontario Department of Agricul ture and Food, while the price Brooklin Wins Debating Cup Ontario County Junior Far- mere held their annual debat- ing and Public Speaking Com: ition Novy, 1, at the Brock istrict High School, Canning: ton The topic for the debate was "Resolved that there are too many clase © fairs in Ontario," The Ontario County Junior Farmer Inter » Club Debating Trophy was won by the Brook lian Junior Farmers, with Bea verten and Port Perry tied for second place, | The top four debaters, as se leeted hy the Judges, were June Parliament, Cannington, RR; Sheila Disney, Brooklin, RR} Doreen Jones, Ashburn, and Ken Stickwood, Claremont, /RRI, The public apeaking compe lution was won by Terry Mal coim, Cannington, RRQ, Terry receives the Whitby Rotary Cour Trophy for this achieve: ment The judges for the competit- ion were Jim White aad Allan MePhail of Cannington; with Miss Anne Dryden, president iof the Ontario County Junior Association, chairing ithe event, / Your RED CROSS is ia i RR)" in built at a cost of $460,000 will house all facilities which the old centre pro: vided for the town during the past 25 years plus an jee surface, The building was designed by the same firm of architects, Craif, Zeidler and Strong, whieh of butter fat to the cream axe the federal government, OFFICERS ELECTED The election of officers and directors resulted as follows: President, Gordon Rynard, Zephyr, RR i; Vice-president, George Morris, Uxbridge RR 1; Secty,-Treas, it, L, Fair, Ux. bridge. Voting Delegates, Gordon Ry- nard and George Morris, Directors -- Rama, Leonard Cooper, Washago; Mara, John B, Warren, Brechin RR 1; Thorah, Leonard Davis, Beaver- ton, RR 2; Brock, Les Faux, Blackwater; Reach, Fred Lamb, Port Perry RR 4; Scott Stewart Annand, Uxbridge, RR 2; Uxbridge, Gordon Ewen, Ux- bridge, RR 1; Pickering, Lioyd Wilson, Ashburn, RR 1; Whitby, William = Parrinder, Ashbura, RR 1; Bast Whithy, Fred Me- Laughila, Oshawa, RR 2; Seu Everett Prentice, Port rry RR 3, Wil RR 1 Federation of Agriculiure liam Parrinder, Ashburn, Wiring Blamed In School Blaze ORONO (Staff) Crooked Creek Public School, Clarke Township is closed today follow: lng a fire yesterday afternoon, The fire started in the base: ment of the one » room build: ing and burnt a section of the hardwood floor Orono Fire Department had to knock down part of the wall between the washrooms and the schoolroom to bring the fire wader control, The desks and equipment were saved. The cause of the fire is not known but faulty wiring Is a possibility, } | [Raney fer Tomarrow , NOVEMBER Town of Whitby ber, 1966, | he TOWN OF WHITBY NOT REMEMBRANCE WEEK By virtue of @ resolution of the Council of the ssed on the 17th day of Octo- y declare the week of NOVEM. BER Fra TO NOVEMBER T2eh REMEMBRANCE WEEK IN THE TOWN OF WHITBY, ICE 7th to 12th db. G. NEWMAN, MAYOR | AJAX COMMUNITY CENTRE UNDER WAY drew specifications for the Ajax Munielpal complex and the hospital, The town recently completed a land deal with Duffin's Creek Estates for the 25-acre site at a cost of 875,000, Oshawa Times Photo 'Four Injured At Sunderland Sunderland (Staff) -- old baby, were passengers, 12, rilled down a 30-foot em ite roof, early ing, The car was a write-off, The driver, Gibbs, 30, of RRI, was treated at Ross Momoria Hoxgpital, Lindsay, for facia cuts. and then released, mitted with a cut forehead, Their son Kenneth 8, and daugh- ter, Karen, 6, were also admit- had a head injury, Dale Gibbs, Metcalfe, 25, sprained his night thumb, ja mile south ot Sunderland, Director of Ontario County]. O10 WORLD TRADITION LONDON ~|Grain Club, 16 members com- Four ducer waa the responsibility of|children, including a nine-month escaped serious in- jury when a car, in which they went through guide poste on Highway 7 and bankment, and came to rest on Sunday mom James Dennis Oakwood, \ 1 His wife, Olive Doreen, 27, was ad- sited, Both had cuts and Karen 5, was treated for a cut nose and released, Baby Janice was kept in for observation, A friend, Harry of Cannington, The accident occurred about GORDON SINCLAIR | «.. é8 another reason why most peop/e listen to CERB 21010) 4 This bere (0 end over'aa of Jon 1) ized into a senior of the club, ai isnt five COWS ia tie HOM; * members eompleting their 1966 project are as follows: Section) - Sandy McTavish, Uxbridge, RR 3; Brian Beath, Brooklin, RR 1; Jeff Bailey, Uxbridge, RR 4; Keith Batty, Brooklin, RR 1; Ron Brooklin, RR 1; Ken Geer, Port Perry, RR 1; Cameron Deeth, Port Perry, RR 2; Don Card, Port Perry, wed Pat Coffrey, Uxbridge, RR 4 16 MEMBERS ia sponsored by the Scott Agri- cultural Society, Ball, RR 2, Uxbridge, and Neil McLeod, RR 2, Blackwater, as club leaders, In the Scott 4-H pleted their project, with the high member being John Noble, RR 2, Uxbridge, To complete a 4-H Grain Club project, each member must exhibit a sample of seed|i em Uabedae 3 4; year the senior mem- A more ad- malatalsing. various records on Senior Batty, | May, The Scott 4H Beef Calf Club with Alan a es es THE OSHAWA TIMES, ote EEE I NM , oe ies die blend Mondey, Movember 7, 1966 § Oshawa Girl Winner Beef Calf Project Larry Noble, Norman Wil-| Club or ieeedee, ARS project gy foaen ee Other members of the Scott 4H Potato Club lows; Malcolm Colwell, Clare: mont, RR 1; pres Ross, Ux- bridge, RR 4; Zephyr} H Margaret Goodwood, RR 1; Stuart Perry, RR 1; Harrison, Mount Alert, POTATO CLUB The Scott 4H Potato Club is sponsored by the Scott Agri- cultural Society and the Ux- ridge Kinsmen Mu with Albert meorer. Be Clare: e = R 3, their 1966 project are as fol- Leates RR Sails cea Completion of the 47 sample the club's '4 7 FTE, E 7 bie tot ral Richard Oldham,|@nd girls m, Zephyr; Karen Geer,| dal and winner of the Scott Radio Forum Trophy, was Jim Phoenix, @ David McTavish. "RR ogy he awarded on Cornis' 'rophy member in the Beef Other Junior Calf Club mem- bers completing their ee i mont, and Wal hy Port Per: , as club leaders, A new 4-H club, the Clare: mont 4-H Corn Club, was or- ganized in the area last spring. Eleven members completed their project in. this club, with the high member being 'Lloyd Harbron, RR 1, Ashburn, this year are as follows; Section -- Barry McKean, grave, RR 2; Terry Blackwater, RR 1, Beef Section -- Laurie Tavish, Uxbridge RR ; MeIntyre, Uxbri Bt Batty, Brooklin, . Hee b grain, harvested from their 4H plot, at the club's achievement day. Points are awarded on the achievement day entry, as well as on the project work throughout the year, Last spring, 4-H grain club members had been offered the choice of either barley or oats as thelr project crop an inno: vation which proved most suc- cessful during the club season, Other Scott 4-H Grain Club members completing their 1066 project are as follows: Maivin Ross, Uxbridge, RR 2; Grant Mustard, Uxbridge, RR 2; Ger- aldine Swanick, Uxbridge, RR 3; James Ross, Uxbridge, RR fy Bob Camsall, Uxbridge; Richard Oldham, Zephyr; Wayne Kennedy, Uxbridge, RR 2; Dale Swanick, Uxbridge, RR 3; John Bagshaw, Ux- Uroridge: Bi x' ;_ Barry Jones, Ux- bridge, RR 2; Stuart Oldham, Zephyr; Bruce Wilson, Ux One-Stop DEOORATING VOF Byron 9. 8, Whitby PHONE 666.5062 This eight room brick home and two car garage, may be what you are look- ing for with five rooms downstairs presently renting for $135 monthly and three rooms and bath upstairs rented for $95 monthly, Close to Simcoe St. N, yet away from the heavy traffic, makes this @ very desirable residential property. Real living here with cosy open fireplace and many other extras. found in a better North with upstairs income to R18 Dundee bh. £., Phone 668-8826 {2 doors cant of Whitby Post Offices) Glen Forsythe, geo BROCK Now Playing -- One Com WHITBY Program Each Evening at "00 BEGING 9:10 -- RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Also 2nd Feature Attraction Begins 7:30 "THE ALPHABET MURDERS" Staring TONY RANDALL -- ANITA BKDERG = CANCELLATION NOTICE Whitby Police Assoc. Dance Ajax Community Centre NOVEMBER 11, 1966 With Regret -- The Donce Is Cancelled to a Fire, Money will be Returned to Ticket Holders at the Whitby Police Office... 403 Dundes St, W., Whithy, - Dance Chairmen, | Merley Nicholson. -- End property. Could be a dandy retirement property pay taxes, heat and other maintenance, $26,000, REALTOR 2 OFFICES TO S#RVE YOU Whitby 48 Simone %. 8, Orhows Phone 728-5157 {Opporite Oshawa Post Office)

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