LETTER FR Jeff Turner, 16 year old Fremont, Calif,, high school student who wrote North Viet Nam's President Ho Chi Minh, today received a telegram in reply. Turner, shown above in September | 67 Killed In Accidents | 53 Traffic Deaths Listed Cheryl] Day, 17, New Lovell, Ont., in a two-car crash near Barrie, By THE CANADIAN PRESS \ Pitty ~ three traffic victims were among at least 67 persons who died if accidents across Canada during the weekend, A Canadian Press survey from 6 p.m, Friday to midnight Sunday, local times, included four drownings, fourth deaths in fires, two in hunting accidents and four in miscellaneous mis- haps. Ontario reported 20 persons killed--15 in traffic accidents, Another two persons were killed when their light plane crashed in Lake Huron, two were killed in fires and one woman drowned im a bathtub. There were 12 traffic deaths fn Quebec, one drowning, two ville, this year when he was near-. ly expelled from school for 'black power' said the telegram was signed by the Commun: wearing a button, ist chief, (AP Wirephoto) Emile. Landry, 22, and Earl Ottawa, when a car in which he was riding hit a hydro pole in Ot- tawa Julie Rose Benton, 19, Brock- George Car- ruthers, 35, Stittsville, Ont., and his wife Mariam, 29, in a two- ear collision near Richmond, 10 miles southwest of Ottawa. Anne Chambers, 13, Toronto, when struck by a car while crossing a street in. Toronto's east end. | Kenji Nagao, 78, Toronto, and his son Tadashi, 42, Agincourt, in a two-car crash on the out- skirts of Toronto, hunting fatalities, and one man killed when a car alipped off a fack and fell on him, Six persons died on roads in gach of Manitoba and British Columbia, two in Alberta and one in Saskatchewan. Alberta also had two drownings and in Manitoba a girl died in a trac- tor mishap on a farm, There were six traffic deaths) J, in in New. Brunswick, three Nova Scotia and two in New also Gordon Atkinson, 50, Canfield, Ont., and his son Randall, 10, when their truck left the high- way and struck a tree 25 miles south of Hamilton, Mrs. Arvella Wood, 58, In a fire in her third-storey apart- ment in Kingston, Edward Vincent, 53, Toronto, jin a two-car crash near Orillia, D. Oakes, 63 Guelph, and his wife Leona, 58 when their -|Cessna 210 aircraft crashed 19, IF TALKS WITH FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FAIL By PAUL DUNN down, the to call a strike, they favored giving increase, were improperly marked, OTTAWA (CP)---Letter car: riers have authorized their un- fon executive to call a national strike if current pay talks with the federal government break Roger Decarie, president of ,000-member Letter Car- riers Union, Saturday night an- nounced results of a national referendum that produced a 90- per-cent vote in favor of em- powering the national executive The carriers were asked If their na- tional council authority to ac: cept or reject any interim pay The result; 7,760 yoieg ia ts- vor 842 against and 22 ballots view the vote means the council now has authority to call a strike if the government doesn't come up with an adequate in- terim pay increase, Letter carriers are seeking a 50-cent-an-hour increase now---a 20-per-cent raiseand want to negotiate for an additional 10 per cent next year, The total raise would be retroactive to Oct, 1, 1966, CAN STRIKE The 11,000-member Canadian Union of Postal Workers has an identical pay demanc, This union, composed mainly of postal clerks who -sort mail, empowered its executive sev- eral weeks ago to call a strike time after Nov. 15 if pay 8 prove unsatisfactory, Mr. Decarie'and William Kay, Mr. Decarie said in an inter-iprestdent of the postal workers 36 PC In Pay increase 0 wage negotiations way, are unde Otherwise, he said, the work- lers will walk off their jobs, He made the statement while addressing a rally attended by jabout 600 workers. | jacroas CALGARY (CP) -- William Kay, president of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, said Sunday postal employees will jaccept nothing but the 'Pear- son formula' ofa 46-per-cent wage increase and an interim 18 per cent while Mr. Kay said postal workers Canada are solidly united, "and if there is a na- Boost Asked tional strike, we will walk off as one man," The postal workers are ask- ing an increase of $1 an hour for letter carriers and $1.16 an hour for mail handlers, Workers at the rally endorsed a resolution protesting a federal rilabor bill which would allow them to bargain for wages only, and exclude working conditions and fringe benefits, The bill has reached the committee stage in the House of Commons, He said the union membership has voted 87. per cent in favor of strike action if wage negotia- tions with the federal govern- ment break down, TORONTO (CP) -- The On- tario government wants find five young people to train in Britain as theatre directors. The community programs division of the department of education has $20,000 and is looking for candidates, Each will get a $4,000 grant for a year's study with leading Brit- ish repertory companies, and to FIVE YOUNG PEOPLE SOUGHT | AS DIRECTORS OF THEATRES then be expected to return to small Ontario communities to work with local theatrical groups. There are. about 600 commu- nity theatre groups in Ontario |" which the department hopes to help during the next three years, says George Merten of the community programs di- vision, Son Of Brooklyn Machinist Southey Saul, 44, Exchange, "T would have been amazed) Heads U.S. Stock Exchange NEW YORK (AP) -- Ralph son of ajfi Brooklyn machinist, U.S, Navy veteran, former foreign service officer, Yale law graduate and former critic of securities trad- ing, began another job today-- president of the American Stock U.S. mutual fund management rm, Shortly after, Etherington re- signed to become president of Wesleyan University. The ex- change's directors--secure in their new image, mindful of how they got it and wanting to maintain it--turned to Saul, Saul does not feel the SEC and the exchange are adver. Mailmen Ready To Call Strike union are working closely and have sald any strike deadlines would likely be set jointly by their unions, The Civil Service Commission has recomm a six-per-cent interim increase for the postal workers and an additional 30, 000 employees in the Group D pay grouping, Union representatives for non- postal workers are seeking an eight-per-cent interim increase, Skydiver Dies At 11 Chuie F ails MANASSAS, Va, (AP)--Dana Rutledge, 11, spent half his life around skydivers. He was so skilled and trust. worthy that for the last 300 of 1,000 jumps his father has made, he was allowed to pack the chute, ' The father, Carl A, Rutledge, is a classifier at the U,S,patent office in nearby Washington and lives in Vienna, Va, He has been jumping for five years and is president of a skydiving club, None of the 160 or so mem: bers of the club loved skydiv- ing more than Dana did, Yet, when Dana begged to be allowed to jump, Rutledge thought -a long time, Finally, because of Dana's "over-all general knowledge" of skydiv- ing, Rutledge gave in, Dana made his first jump last summer, Sunday, he made his ninth and last. His chute failed to open properly and he fell to his death in a field on the family's farm near here, On the ground, Rutledge saw it happen, He was in charge of the jump. ANDOVER, England (AP)-- Kenneth Smith, 22, joined a local sky-diving club Sunday, made his first jump from a plane and plunged 3,000 feet to his death beside a busy high- way, The parachute did not open, Students Award Program Studied WATERLOO, Ont. (CP)--The provincial government is study- ing its student awards program and changes will be made, in- cluding a revision of the present application form, Education Minister William Davis said Saturday. He told a conference of the Canadian Union of Students that one year of university education costs Ontario universities about $2,400 a student, But student fees are only about $500, Mr, Davis said the applica. tion for student aid--described by some opponents as having been "designed by a sadist" -- has been redesigned and new Restoration Said Plan KARLSRUHE, West Germany (Reuters)--A young Austrian- American told a West German federal Supreme Court today how he came to Germany with a secret plan to re-estab- lish Nazi rule, Telephone engineer Reinhold , 24, of New York, went! on trial charged with helping to form a secret organization almed at reviving Nazi rule and committing punishable offences. Ruppe, born in Yugoslavia of Austrian parents, and German stoneymason Erich Lindner, 34, are jointly accused of a series of offences, including plotting to murder Fritz Bauer, Frank- furt prosecutor mainly responsi- ble for Nazi war crimes trials, The two are also. charged with planning to biow ip the Ludwigsbury central office for investigation of Nazi crimes and planning to destroy its rec- ords to prevent further trials, Tha nuncanutin~ is neaded tvewvuuvil t Germany's federal Martin, prosecutor, Ludwig The prosecutor's desk was piled with red and white elec: tion posters of the extreme right-wing National Democratic party, which scored significant gains in Sunday's state election in Hesse, Students Get Sex Booklet TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario's first province-wide sex educa- tion courses were mailed to lo- cal schools this weekend. They are written for students in Grades 7 to 10, The bookleis discuss some specific male and female sex changes at puberty, but the closest they come to dealing with the sexual process is in the grade 9 course, a section that is left to the discretion of local principals and school oards, An explanatory state ment says: 'The purpose of this section is to give the pupil a simple explanation of the repro- ductive system and the process of reproduction, and to provide an acceptable vocabulary relat: 'ing to the reproductive organs," The Grade 7 course includes a section on menstruation and hygiene, Grade 8 pupils learn of changes associated with pu- berty; changes in body con- tours, distribution of body hair, menstruation and increases in weight for girls, voice changes for boys. The Grade § curriculum in- cludes study of reproduction, outlining the reproductive sys- tems, development of a baby and the birth process. LOAN EN NG AA OE ee By DON ANGUS - HALIFAX (CP) -- Opposition Leader Diefenbaker flew back to Ottawa Sunday, confident that at least Nova Scotia Pro- gressive Conservatives stand squarely behind him, The former prime minister unsheathed his most eloquent oratory at the provincial sociation's annual meeting & urday and evoked thundering cheers and aqplause when he ees to stand firm in the eadership post, He wound up an oblique at- tack on a party faction seeking reappraisal. of his leadership with the vow: "Y shall atand ao long as it is necessary to ensure that this ieee a a i a as hk Bel ee hn ae BCS Re Fos "THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, November 7, 1966 3 party will not return to the days of reaction," He asked conventioneers: "Do you want to go back to the old days when we had four ers in five elections and were trying to i pn 41 mem- oe in the House? from the floor of the hall, Mr. Diefenbaker said he was t the party convention Oct, 26, 1926, when Arthur Meighen "was driven out because he ry to lead rather than be ed, CITES, GOLDWATER hen alent they tried to drag the country back into the ivin century?" When Power By DAVE SMITH NEW YORK (AP)--In any given half-hour anywhere in the civilized world, millions of light go on or off--a vast current made up of many small events, each one as unremarkable as flicking off the light on your back porch, But in only 12 minutes on the night of Tuesday, Nov. 9, last year, more than 30,000,000 per- sons in the northeastern United States and parts of Canada thought it remarkable when all the lights went out, The worst electric power fall- ure in history crippled, for many hours, the most populous sector of North America, It darkened 80,000 square miles in seven states and in parts of On- tario and Quebec, It also triggered a massive soul-searching into man's rela- tionship to his machines, his dependence on them and his vul- nerability when they stop. The blackout was caused by human failure. In 1963, at the Sir Adam Beck plant No, 2 at Queenston, a southern Ontario village four miles west of Niag- ara Falls, someone set an auto- matic power relay device too low for what it would be called upon to handle in 10965, When that moment of unfore- seen demand came last Nov, 9, the self-protective relay shut down and thousands of kilowatts were rerouted to the plant's four other lines, These also reacted to the overload by shutting down, This in turn rerouted about 1,200,000 kilowatts back to U.S. members of the grid, where obedient circuit-breakers shut down, one after another, to pro- an nnn nnn 1.4 Ne Tin 30,000,008 Had No Light Failure Hit tect their plants as the electrical surge hit the overload point. With the north part of the grid blacked out, power from New York's Consolidated Edi- son Co, in the south rushed north--much as air rushes to fill a vacuum, Con Ed engineers decided quickly that rather than cut off from the collapsing grid they would try to fill the sudden de- mand from the north, For a few moments their generators were making headway, but suddenly another northern area went down and Con Ed quickly found itself being asked for another 800,000 kilowatts, In seconds the demand had leapfrogged ahead of the slow-growing supply and Con Ed collapsed too, City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 BUILDING ASSOCIATES presents ... mon houts of "nn" came back A Diefenbaker Confident NS. Tories Back The Him 26,/ation president over a candidate» * favoring national leadership ree» appraisal, He Mr, Flemming, who sald he was intentionally avoiding the TE TE eal yoy "surely we can r 7 this party without resort, Halt aco alifax executive Ae Mac' : Mr, MacNonald had publucly . come out in favor of the a ty by Dalton Camp, Natl Pc Association president, for reguy" iar reassessment of the national leadership. He threw his sup. © port behind Mr. Flemming after the ballots were counted," prompting Premier Stanfield to comment: "Both these candidates are pretty determined fellows, Mr," Diefenbaker, They share this quality with you," The Young Progressive Con+ servatives, although displaying" near-unanimous support for the party chief, also passed a mo tion calling for periodic review of the leadership and recom: mended the first such tion be made before the spring . of 1968, | WHIT KUM tastes as good as good um shuld foundland, Two persons into Lake Huron near Sarnia, died in fires in New pamewics:| Roy Secord, Hagersville, Prince Edward Island had no) Ont., when his car was struck eccidental deaths, jby a train at a level crossing The survey does not include |near Brantford, } natural or industrial deaths,| Gefim Charytonow, 56, Ham-| known suicides or slayings. ilton, when struck by a car as he ran across a street to catch The Ontario dead: SATURDAY ja bus in Hamilton. if somebody told me a year ayo that I would be in this job," he said in a recent interview, In 1961 Saul was a Securities) and Exchange Commission law: yer with a reputation for having lambasted the American Steck Exchange. Now he is its head, Jonn 8 vin, 83. T to.| Dulcie Segler, 30, drowned|so there is reason for surprise.) n Sempkin, 52, Toronto.) when she fell into a tub of hot} Saul helped write a report) " ome when thrown from his car afteriwater in the house where she/that a he old cochannalt S$ $s § 2s ft went out of control on High jjived in Toronto management, It accused some $ in ds aaa 30 miles north of FRIDAY traders pt "manifold and_pro-| BE WISE... ECONOMIZE! " Chapados, 6, when) crue nblered, Sune wei § SAVE DOLLARS! to jail, $ forms will be available in Janu- ee WORKS 100 Downsview Park Ray Boyle, Danny Kaye's stand-in for his TV show, has FLOODLITE MODELS produced or acted in 400 stage plays and 235 televisions shows, and all day TUESDAY TILL 9 PM. saries now, nor does he see any danger of friendship comprom- ising the role of either, His initial salary is $80,000 a year, the same as was pald Etherington when he began, Etherington went to $100,000 after 21 months, ; ACADIA hss LIGGH | RUM lastes as good as, good Rum should hw We Sd \PPAPAAPAAABAABAH "STEP UP" | to modern living... tastes as quod as. good Aum should imminence of worldwide TV will) allow continued use of this medium and of radio for na tional ends, He wondered too whether the public really wants Canadian': Would you consider trading your present home? Full Price $22,600 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, hollywood kitchen, ' Various finished models available. BUILDING ASSOCIATES Developers of 'DOWNSVIEW PARK" -- "BRAEMOR GARDENS -- "BARKLEY SQUARE" eration with the SEC, A new) $ $ MONTREAL. (CP) Donj|becoming more and more/until last year when he became|S $$$ $$ $ $ $$$ $ sripeemensiieinsiliente ---- -- Parliament | show more daring in reporting 1 of LEAN AND TENDER CLUB c --/0 63 59: programming Elizabeth Anne Barry, 24,| Denise Soo 'after, Edward T, Me-|2 Premium Quelity - GAL. image of responsibility devel- Jamieson, Liberal MP for) characterized by monopoly con-|a_ vice-president of Investors Mr, Jamieson, a past presi- } RO United States affairs than Cana-| George Ferguson, editor - in 39° Chatham, when her car over-|fire destroyed the home of her| 48 about 15 miles north of Chat-|Chapados at Sowerby, 55 miles | Cormick resigned as president. | $ ham. east of Sault Ste. Marie He was replaced by Edwin | $ FUEL OIL ony Phone 668-3341 oped, Burin-Burgeo, Nfid., said Sun- ditions, | Diversified Services, the largest) dent of the Canadian Associa- dian events TASTY, SKINLESS (1 OR 2 YEARS) chief of The Star, told the ses- turned in a ditch on Highway|parents, Mr, and Mrs, Ernest) 7 oe Etherington, who corrected the MP Charges That Canadians $ DX FUEL LEFT SEC IN 1065 day Canadians are not suffi-)---~ a, tion of Broadcasters, also told a} | university discussion on com-) munications that Canadian tele- Y 0 l) R The MP, who made his name! sion the newspaper industry is! ' AT r , r oe ener? |] GUARANTY TRUST abuses and established co-op | $ . . Lack Parliamentary Details srr sne wwe § svg cosana tay -- wx a psTmer ciently informed about events in| ~ vision news reporters tend to! MONEY EARNS - Tuesday and Wednesday Specials - in Newfoundland as a radio and) LEAN MINCED RUINESSMEN'S FEDERALLY INCORPORATED AND SUPERVISE® Capital and Reserve $25,000,000 Deponits in exceas of 8350,000,000 RM} of our mortgages, Government Guaranteed Rein Harmatere, Manager 32 King St. E., Oshewe Tel, 728-1653 fb = Se -- 1.35 DINNER 9.90 te 8:00 P.M, Good Food television personality, said he) LUNCHEONS BEEF wonders whether the nearness) FRESH CUT SHANK to Canada of the U.S., and the! Boneless Beef Reasonable Prices Porking Rear of Hotel MOTEL LANCASTER 2? KING ST. W