Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Nov 1966, p. 2

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2 THE OCHAWA TIMSS, Monday, November 7, 1966 AGLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Canada, Britain Try Peacemaker's Role ANDREI GROMYKO Scientists Depart Reports Denied MONTREAL (CP) -- Antonio English on a television inter- view. ' The incident occurred Oct. * real service club in French on the subject of Hellenism. The boat's Bota yb terview but refused -to answer questions in English. In a letter published today in The Gazette, Mr. Barretis said LEGION MOTHER New Pact May Prevent Civic Strike In Toronto TORONTO gla igre hall of the settlement were 'not an- nounced, Local 43, Canadian Union of with T Members of the local are to vote today on the settlement, In an earlier development Sunday night, it was decided that picket lines around city' could be removed today to mem! 79, Friday refused to cross icket lines and stayed off their jobs in a sympathy walkout, The settlement, which. came after about 15 hours 3 talks, will be applied to a separate|® to- to | sta! agreement to be worked out day between the city of Toron and the other 2,500 members in Local 43. Both Metro and the city had filed applications Friday with he answerea tie TV seporie?'s request for the h-language interview in the affirmative. "But I asked him (the re- rter) if he would write down is questions, adding that I had to be more careful with the nuances now than in the past," ctifi-|Mr, Barrette wrote. Results of the study were pub- lished in the current issue of Canadian Medical Associa- Journal. It was conducted romy! have used a Nam, disarmament and other|trained scientists in the U.S. officials. Brigadier Dies w,|and a failure to beep in touch TORONTO (CP) -- Brig. Writ) Canadian scientists in Basil Wedd, i ne of both| American graduate and post- on hos-|Staduate training 4 visit} 2 Scarcity of research funds. 3. Lack of ity due to of medical et general-manager of] -vintments by an old-guard "es- a fablishment." i Pt ie Plan Popular? gallantry) SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont. (CP)--Defence Minister Hellyer Commander|says he expects many Western British Em-|countries, including the -- Canada's a i f the for 2% F é 2 § 7 5 § i have already "I was thinking, needless to say, of the functions I have held in recent years, "This reporter simply turned his back to me and walked away." Mr.. Barrette retired from his diplomatic post last month, He was premier of Quebec for sev- eral months in 1960 after hav- ing served as a cabinet minister with the UN government. No Danger Seen WASHINGTON (CP) -- State Secretary Dean Rusk said to- day that if both North Viet- namese and allied forces were *| withdrawn from South Viet Nam, the danger of a Viet Cong take- over would be practically non- existent, Rusk, speaking in a televi- sion interview, said the seven nations taking part in the re- cent Manila summit conference showed their will not to let North Viet Nam take over the "| South. The attitude of the population in the South shows they want nothing to do with the Na- tional tion the po- Front, ap-|litical arm of the Viet Cong, or with Hanoi, Rusk said. It forces sent by Hanoi south of the 17th parallel go home, a process of reconciliation will be able to develop in South Viet Nam, he said, The problem of peace at the moment depends Lunar II Passes Test PASADENA, Calif. (AP)-- Nine hours after an Atlas-Agena blasted it skyward from Cape Kennedy, Lunar Orbiter 1 passed a test its predecessor flunked, thanks to a bit of black paint, Scientists, controlling it from Jet Propulsion Laboratory here, hope it will be able to carry out a schedule far more ambitious than that of Orbiter I--taking, developing and sen back to earth more than 200 pictures of 13 possible astronaut landing sites on the moon. As Lunar Orbiter II sped at 5,200 miles an hour toward the moon 250,000 miles away shortly after 3 a.m. today, it responded to scientists' orders, rotated and locked on the star Canopus as a navigation guide, spokesm id. en vehicle was day from Cape Kennedy, Fila. devices Lunar hting on pce Bagg Me ype Ag: to apparently balked by g from the craft's antenna frame- leaf clover -- to approach the moon Thursday and begin a month of picture-taking. It will orbit at between 125 and 1,150 launched at 6:21 p.m, EST Sun-jrendered PARIS (Reuters)'-- They hate noise 40 much in Evaux-les-Bains that a ban has been placed on the use of cars without good reason. Local laws in the town in central France have barred the crowing of cocks, the barking of and braying of donkeys. Now mayor, Serge Cleret, has published a municipal CARS, DOGS AND DONKEYS ANTI-NOISE LAW TARGETS decree forbidding the use of mater vehicles excent for clearly defined professional, commercial or tourist pur- poses, He also ordered driv- , ers to turn off their motors whenever they stop, Another decree, issued last month, warned that if the resort's domestic birds and beasts are not silent at night, their owners will be brought before a magistrate, KINGSTON (CP) -- If provin- cial and federal governments re- fuse to change injunction laws then the governments must be changed, David Archer, presi- dent of the Ontario Federation federation's annual convention, he said the use of injunctions in labor disputes must be stopped, He said negotiations can be On the pretext of de: with a su serious inflation. miles above the moon. Stop Injunctions Use! David Archer Tells OFL eral government has cut back on two important measures -- medical care insurance and gtu- dent aid -- which should be- come part of the policies of Can- ada under any circumstances, If the British Labor party could introduce a national health program in Great Brit- ain r the war, he said, Canada can do it in 1966, "The cutting off of the ed distribution of $10,000,- federal government gave the it auto corporations a gift of $50,000,000 to bribe them into the U.S.-Can- health ada auto trade pact. "In 1066 this same govern- ment refuses a fifth of that amount for support for educa- tion in the name of fighting in- the Ontario Labor Relations Board seeking a declaration that the office workers were en- g in an illegal strike by 5 ig to pass Local 43 picket es, yg CROSS In its last offer prior to the strike, Metro had offered a 35- cent increase oyer a 21-month contract. Since the strike began an ade- quate one of pure water to Metro's 1, been maintained by su x who have sta; on the job. However, garbage has been piling up in the city and hard- est hit are restaurants and smaller downtown buildings. In the suburbs, where each munici- pally is bie go for its oe removal arrangemen' Service has not deen affected. DIRECTOR Dr, David M, Baird has been named director of the new National Museum of Science and Technology. He is a native of Fred flation, How cheap, how irra- ary situation, he said, the fed- tlona, can you get?" ton, N.B, (CP Photo) on North Viet Nam giving up its ambition to seize the South, he said, 49th. Anniversary PEKING (Reuters) -- China marked today's 49th anniver- 4 of the Russian revolution with the shortest greetings mes- cage ever sent to Moscow on occasion t deal of interest fication of Canada's forces. "I'm convinced that it won't be many years before other ag will follow us," he . "T think the United States will also follow us, but not soon. They are the great power in the free world and they have over|strong industrial lobbies that e and interest/ will bring a lot of pressure to policy discus-|bear against unification." denounced the| Mr, Hellyer said unification of ceeding "'quite smoothly." .| "Of course we're having its felt the leader-|problems, but that's to be ex- between national pected... . We had to establish fd a 5 fie EF te oee 75328 ap The 100-word message for the first time confined its "heart- felt greetings' to the Soviet people and did not once men- tion the Soviet government or Communist party. All previous messages on this day have been addressed to top Soviet leaders name and signed by Mao Tse-tung, Liu Shao-chi, Chou En-lai and Chu Teh as heads of the Commu- nist party, state, government and. parliament. But today's message was sent from the Chinese party, parlia- ment and government to their Soviet counterparts without giv- ing the names either of the senders or . t Dalton Camp andjnew lines of communications, forces backing Leader John|learn new vocabulary and re- lefenbaker should have been|vise forms and this always the agenda. creates temporary problems. HERE and THERE MINOR FIRES TV STOLEN Oshawa fire department an-| A 13 year - old television swered nine minor fire calls|yalued at $25 was the only over the weekend. City ambu- house calls. There were no(*ticle stolen in a break and road accident calls during the |¢nter at the home of Mrs. R. E. weekend. Noonan, 194 Athol St. E., on Saturday night. see DRIVER ESCAPES ee DISCOURAGED ... IN NEED OF HELP? "LIFE-LINE" 728-2111 'A Hamilton man climbed out unhurt when the tractor truck] é age driving overturned y morining on Highway 401 near Sheppard Avenue, Children Need This Health Supervision They require the very best medical end surgice! cere. Otherwise, thelr leter yeers mey be plegued by con- tinueus peor health thet might heve been prevented. Medical euthorities agree that ited, of and Rad Trucking Limited of ust Guulé he' etiaddid, Pint Pickering Township. these reguier physician cheek- yeor--at least every four te six weeks. Second yeer--every three monthe, Ages twe te six geyser STOLEN Four vendin machines osekat & ci yeer, If medication le needed even those from physiciens in every six to 12 months, Ages six te 18 et lecst once @ we con fill ony prescription, ether eities, YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you machines are owned by Fred- need « medicine. Pick up erick May. Mey we your prescription if shep- ping nearby, er we will deliver promptly without extre charge. A greet many people entrust us with thelr 4d end dis yours? Whee Buying er Salling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker -- President Bil MecFeeters -- Vice Pres, SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 573 Row NG P. B. Francis, Phm.8, --~ Mm EASTVIEW PHARMACY PHONE 725-3594 Motorized King Street East Oshawa ree -- Delivery J. R. Steffen, B.Sc. Phm. Savings Bonds the you have only a few days left to buy Canada Savings Bonds without paying accrued interest After November 15th when you buy Canada purchase price will include accrued interest. So don't wait. Buy yours today! They're easy to buy where you work, bank er invest. They're simple to eash any time at your bank for their full face value plus earned interest, And now they are beter than ever to keep. Annual interest ranges from and averages 5.48%. There is also a special new compound interest feature which pays you interest em your interest. You can double your money with Centennial Series Canada Savings Bonds ! After November 15th they'll cost you more, So don't delay. Buy yours today. you have only a few days left to buy Canada Savings Bonds without paying accrued interest 5% right up to 6% TORONTO (CP) --Forecasts at 5:30 a.m, Synopsis; Bitter cold air is moving eastward from Mani- across Northern Ontario, with snow expected today, In Northern Georgian Bay, Al- me, White River, semagems, sueears, Nowh Baw ult Ste, Marie: Showers to- day, Wet snow and rain Tues- » Mild today, cooler Tuesday, Winds southerly near 15, becoming northeast 15 Tues- 'ochrane: Periods of drizzle and light rain cha: to snow. frewssat anowtinries Tesedey, ent sn es i le northeast 15, Forecast tem; Lew overnight, high Windsor... .s+ ove ow St, Thomas ..- «+42 LONGON,.. soe ove 0040 Kitchener ... o.. +» Mount Forest ... ...38 Wingham ... «+» + 38 FEW LACK JOBS Norway's registered unem- ent rate was 0.4 per cent -|Muskoka .|North Ba: Warmer Spell Tuesday Cloudy, Some Showers Hamilton... +++ o+04@ St, Catharines .., .40 TOFONtO .++ see ove M0 Peterborough oe 00088 Kingston ..+ ss. » 38 'Tren +70 08m eee Killaloe . .ss0s eens y eee oon dB ete @ee © 8 eee fee Bee farie 4.4.25 | old Ssussesassescscass PLANNING A.*.« © BANQUET © CONVENTION © MEETING First Closs Facilities For 20 to 400 Guests Quality Service Experienced Steff RESERVE YOUR FUNCTION NOW! '723-4641 ugust, 1966, the lowest since 1055, You get the quality you expect ALUMINUM 191 Ashtonbee Road, Scarborough, Ont. SUPREME AND DOOR 1700 SIMCOE ST. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL KAISER DEALER PRODUCT 723.9043 LES EVENISS 725-4632 SALES LTD.4 15 PRINCE ST. or after hours 722 ' a Re RNR semen oem sesh es

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