Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Nov 1966, p. 23

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 7, 1966 23. BRIDGE ' By B. JAY BECKER (Top Reeord-Holder in Masters' © jindividual Championship Play) FAMOUS HANDS West dealer. North-South vulnerable, NOBTH. Sirss Kj2 SGivo8e 710972. 43 RIGHT PATICSS KQ RIGHT TWA es a 9 WE CAN SURPRISE a4 Skr532, ieaseiata Sons A i sa deamiimieactina eit ---- othe oe in world championship RELAKH@ AH sf A . ' THAT 6CUNDE: har this one which occurred CHEAPER WAV? Al'LL ork in the semifinal FUST, AH Nees 4 DRAB a SMALLTIMERG Olympiad oie Belek. UST, \ o! s (a) BLOOD FUM A INBIE p It was the very last deal of LAMB! the 60 - board match between Italy and Great Britain. A huge audience watched on Bridge-O- Rama as Reese and Schapiro, respectively East-West for Great Britain, fought against Bella- donna and Avarelli, North-South lis \ | "Avarell became 4 Y ; va! me declarer at ee staas six diamonds on the bidding shown and wound up going. down three--300 points--as a result of the 5-1 spade break and the 4-1 trump break. Actually, six diamonds was an entirely reasonable contract on the combined North-South NO ANTENNA cards, and the world - famous 4 2A ls ; 10 CHANNELS & j Italian pair, playing the Roman \ Club system, did well to reach the slam, Three diamonds by Avarelli was 'an asking bid in mild diamonds, and Belladonna's four club response identified three MUGGS AND SKEETER 600 KING STREET E. (IN THE EAST MALL) There's More To See With Cable TV Srutiane, hang 1966. World tighen smerved Sa | = Me wy Pan po mat) You cise WITH IT? TELEVISION LOG 9--Miss Canada Pageant | 3-6-Butternut Square 7--Peyton Place 4-Andy of Mayberry 4--Law and Mr. Jones 10:00 P.M, 6-2--News Special 7--Big Valley 3-4-12--Front Page Challenge 4--Jean Arthur ers P.M, 12--The Cat ts A-Go- 11:25 A.M, +6--Emergency Ward 138 A.M, Ni--Mike Douglas istrate's Court 7--Dating Game 24-- Squares 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 12:00 NOON 12--Cartoon Party 4--I've Got @ Secret %--Toronto, Today 3--Candid Camera 11:00 P.M, 12-11-9-6-7-6-4-3-2---News Weather snd Sports | 4--News and Weather Tels PM, 3--Popeye and Pals 2--Johnny Carson 12:8 P.M, ee: ee :30 PLM, " J2-oilligan's island dic mie tae -- 1--Plerre Berton 46~--News, Weather, Sports 1:38 PLA, T2435 P.M, 6-4--Guiding Light 1:00 PLM, 11--Theatre 9--Movie %--Court Martial Dialing for Dollars 1--C Girl Polk ne 1:45 PLM, 12.00 A.M. N--Mystery Theatre TUBSDAY 1:38 PAM. &4--As The World Turns aN Let's Make a Deal ¥ ' 2:00 P.M. 1}--Albert Steed J--Newlywed Game %--Romper Room 6-4--Password 2-4--Days of Our Lives 2.9 sn - 9--People in Conti , 9:08 AM, 6--Coronation Street 3-11-12--Ed Allen 7--A Time for Us 4--Bonnle Prudden 4--Linkletter's Party 9--Uncle Bobby 2 rs %--Lucille Bal 8--Smile Time 7--Iron Horse 2~-Boro's Big Top 4-Gilligan's Island 3-612--Don Messer 2-8--Monkees 0:00 P.M. @--1 Dream of Jeannie %--Bewitched 8:00 AM, 4--Captain Kangaroo 0:55 A.M. ¥%--Diallng For Dollars, Girl Talk 3:00 A.M. 9--Words and Musi¢ 8-2--Another World 7~-General Hospital 4--To Tell The Truth 346--Take 30 : re 3-6-9-11-12--Ontarlo 23 PAM, Schools ' 2--Jack Lalanne News 10:00 A.M. 9:3 A.M. 8--Dialing for Dollars, 3.90 P.M, 1i--Little People 9--It's Your Move 7--Superman Show 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night 24--You Don't Say li-_ it's @ match 9--Fractured Phrases 8-2--Eye Guess 4--Candid Camera 3-6-12--Canadian Schools 10:38 A.M, 4:00 P. Ni--Funny Company 9--1 Love Lucy s-Match Game 4--Secret Storm 3-6-12--Communicate 2--Mike Douglas Ne i 'ime 4--Luciile Ball Ha agt a ™ 9:00 P.M. 8-2--Cencentration V--Let's Sing Out T--Donne Reed Country le Hell 4--Beverly Hillbiiiies @--Road West 46-12--Fri only Giant 4--Andy Griffiths 11:00 A.M. 4:9 PAM. barat ing) Bhat owariene Contidentiall 'tier arriage oF ovie 34-12--Show of the Week | |--Marringe | Co at 9:90 PLM, 3-6-12--Time for Adyen- N--Merv Griffin ture ' 24---Pat Boone 7--Supermarket Sweep wingin' Country arch for Tomorrow OUTFITS WITH LITTLE LEROY Wh ~~ i BUT HE'S GONE TOO FAR THIS TIME / , CUAS. 1-7 KUHN- WELL, GRANDMA | |ANDTOMAKE A " HAD A PHONE CALL] |LIONG STORY SHORT... NDBOPYS w~ CROSSWORD ACROSS 3. Superia« 1. Exclama- tive tion 4. Pronoun S.Apartment 5, Deceive 9. Reason 6. Giving 10, Lubricated ear 12. Dwarf 7. Height: 13, Am, abbr. 25. C1} composer 8. Equip. 26. Globule Bas (1826-64) | ped 28, Close * with 31, Speak. bicuspid orn 9, Shellfish, mallet : forone 32. City: \ 11, Slavers Belgium 19, Rever- 13. Culti- 33. Other- berate vate wise 21. Kind of 15, Thailand 36, Handle 22. Christmas Le Cs 7 bo (a Lo Yi song 23, Vapor Yi 26. Ties 27. Antler YG % 28, Jay H, coin C 20. Peruse 23, Kgis 29. Mesopo- tamia 30. Wrangle 34, Diminu- © King Focteres Syndicata, lan, 1904, YOUR HEALTH Muscular Disease Progresses Slowly By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: Please write about myasthenia gravis. ~B. M. Myasthenia gravis is a con- dition in which there is abnor- mal muscular exhaustion. It apparently is not too com- mon--probably 50,000 cases, more or less, in the United States--although there is some indication that it may be more prevalent than we know. The cause is thought to be a defect between the nerve ends and the muscle fibres, so that impulses to move are not trans- mitted effectively te the mus- cles, Small muscles are involved first, and some of the initial signs are in the face. The eye- lids droop, and talking and chewing can become exhausting. The gullet may be affected, making swallowing difficult. Ul- timately larger muscles of the limbs may become involved. The patient cannot hold his arm out, for example, and use of the hands becomes an effort. Walking, particularly on stairs, may be exhausting. This is not the kind of fatigue that comes from every-day ac- tivity, but an abnormal weari- ness. Sometimes the patient is not too tired in the morning but loses strength as the day pro- gresses. COURSE VARIES Women are twice as likely to develop this ailment as men, and in women it usually starts before age 40, later in men. The course of the disease varies. It may progress steadily, or there may be plateaus or periods in which it gets no worse, in fact it may even improve some- what. At the present state of know- ledge, it must be regarded as an incurable disease -- yet con- trollable, which is important. There are drugs (called cholinergic agents) which affect the nerve ends in such a way as to restore muscle tone, Some of these must. be taken -several times\a day; others are of a long-acting type and are taken once or twice a day. There has also been consider- able study and discussion on the role of the thymus gland, Some believe that removal of the gland is helpful. The consensus is that young women (under 30) who have had the disease for a short time may be benefitted the most from this procedure. Cases in which surgery is to be attempted must be carefully chosen, however, to avoid those in which improvement is un- likely. The majority of myas- thenia gravis patients are kept comfortable by medications, Extensive research is continu- ing, and the Myasthenia .Gravis Foundation, Inc., in New York, has done much to foster re- search and interest in the dis- diamonds to the king! At the other table, where the hand had been played earlier, the British North-South pair Konstam and Gray, playing against Forquet and Garozzo, arrived at five spades on this bidding: West 2 hearts North pass South 3 hearts, 000,000,000 postage stamps a year, QOUNT THE ISLES 4 There are 3,000 islands in Asia equatorial country of donesia, STEAM STILL LEADS Steam locomotives pull 54 per cent of the world's trains, -- SALLY'S SALLIES "E think the heavyweisht champion of the third grade should retire from the ring." opinion, I am 24.---Mrs. R, N. Prefer to bother me, eh? Well, I don't mind--but neither would your own doctor, Any doctor would rather be "'both- ered," if that's the word, than let some little thing develop into something big. This "I don't want to bother the doctor" story usually really means, "I'm afraid to go find out." How about it. Mrs. N? Skin cancer is commonly des- cribed as "a sore that isn't sore but doesn't heal," but it can take many forms, which is. why we keep repeating the advice: Dear Dr. Molner: Does taking too much of any certain vita- min aggravate an ulcer?--Mrs. B. B. 'No, none of the vitamins harms an ulcer, Dear Dr. Molner: How does skin cancer start? I have a Have such things looked at. A. E. JOHNSON, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST 14% King St. East 723-2721 small lump on one arm. that looks like a large pimple but isn't. It's about a quarter-inch in diameter, has been there about two months and seems to be growing slowly. The doctor I go to is so busy I hate to bother him with some- Oshawa Diving Club Skin and Scuba Diving AT THE BOYS' CLUB For information ALEX MacDonald 725-9704 BILL MITCHELL 623-7285 DON SMITH 728-9042 thing silly. I'd appreciate your

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