Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Nov 1966, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, November 7, 1966 NO. 2 DEATH CAUSE Pressure Student By BERNARD GAVZER AP Newsfeatures Writer Suicide is the No. 2 cause of death among American college students. Among those aged 15 to 19 it is the No. 3 cause of death. There are nearly three known adolescent suicides a day and some experts say the true figure may be 5,000 a year. "The most onerous suicide is the suicide of the adol gy says Dr. Edwin S. Shneidman of Los Angeles, secial consultant to the U.S. National Institute of Mental. Health, "In such a suicide we are troubled with the assault upon) our accepted values. We are) tormented because we say,! 'Here is a person who is about Causes Suicides The most common reason ts the pressure to achieve high grades. The danger period is just before examinations, A re- cent study indicates that by the tinh By THE CANADIAN PRESS Food prices in most Canadian cities have changed little in the last three weeks despite mass supermarket boycotts by irate housewives. A Cross-Canada survey by The Canadian Press Friday 000 U.S. coll will pared supermarket prices have threatened suicide and time 1966 ends, as many as 90,- 1,000 will have succeeded. "I am not one who believes that suicide is related to hu- midity or the 'phases of the moon," Dr. Shneidman says. "I believe it has to do with a damp and drizzily November in the soul."" In defining suicidal people, the Los Angeles Suicide Preven- tion Centre concluded: "They fs anter the external natential of life and yet because of inter- nal conflict takes his own 1*.. "| ve ao longer able to sw waeir feelings under the rug oi indifference and denial. They are ci with prices three weeks ago and found some price fluctuations) but few constant changes. In Regina, most groceries, in-| cluding meats, eggs and frozen) orange juice, were a few cents higher than at mid-October. A pound of pork sausage was up 27 cents at 86 and a dozen grade A large eggs 10 cents higher at 75. Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver] Boycotts Have No Effect ° Few Food Price Changes your gross on the chicken and give the round steak away." IGA was advertising chicken at 35 cents a pound Friday. Mr. Hudon said the price was 43 cents three weeks ago. The Dominion Bureau of Sta- tistics' prices and price index shows there have been increases in the price of most foodstuffs' report for June, 1966, since June, 1965. EGGS DOWN, MEAT UP A dozen grade A large eggs was 48.2 cents in 1964 and 57.3 cents this year. A pound of sir- increased to $1.14 from $1.07 in 1965. A pound of lamb, leg roast, increased to) loin steak 89.3 cents from 79.7. | Prices decreased among fruits There. were virtually no/and vegetables. A six-ounce can ehangee in nrices in Toronto.|of frozen orange juice was 27.4|¢ cents in June, 1963, and z one week put that week you make your gross on the round steak; the next week you make apple juice, onions, cabbage and lettuce. Supermarket spokesmen in Halifax and Darmouth, N.S., said chicken was selling for 39 cents a pound compared with 45 cents three weeks ago, but lamb leg was up 16 cents a pound to 79 cents. : At Saint Jolin prices were lewer for soup, chicken and ba- nanas compared with three weeks ago. Other prices re- mained about the same. Most prices were unchanged at Toronto markets. Bananas were down slightly, One chain store reported: a four-cent drop for a pound of chicken and a 10- cent - a - ind drop in sirloin steak because of "competition." Prime roast rib and egg prices were down in Winnipeg. Sirloin steak was up 10 cents to $1.09 in Edmonton. Eggs EA nante 2 Jonnn ve Conw @ ausoE Cooking onions a Why should such young people) must face their feelings of hope- | kill themselves, or try to? lacenace Naoeeeaae gs i "There are five categories ot| pendency." ee eee ie akcae e. Dr. Robert E.. Litman of the Boycotts of supermarkets in Yolles 7 netitu t ' dicactor: centre says the suicidal person|several Canadian centres began)" 5 : | 3 '\faces his problems with tunnellin October, when housewives; "YOu give the chicken away'price changes in Vancouver. and the cops are sure to be |"'These are problems the young). :; Daten " ; 2 watching if -- and when -- j|people do not readily discuss| sion. | This ia ayes sag ay epee . pry hg WHAT'S 9 WITH YOUR WRONG = DANCING? - en Yvonne and her cohorts | with peonle who are in the posi- : me ' pila Ryall open a nitery in New York. |tion to solye them. They are: "If an unmarried gill should| cause of increasing food costs. | Fa te oe ----~- | Parents, poverty, peers, broken) become' pregnant or believe she The protest movement later | . romances and pregnancy." is pregnant, she may begin con-|'petered out in some areas, but jwas made after the Bank of sidering her problem by listing| was continued in many sub-| Lack Confidence Outdated Steps . Can't Lead ..... Can't Follow ... Need Practice .. and Halifax - Dartmouth, N.S.|cents this year. There were, Sirloin steak and chicken were There ware came a creases in Saint John, N.B. an nrice (Sie: UCCitesees dk piluoE aaa | Meea ie |advertise all things at the same|three weeks ago, but most other \time,'"" he said. |goods remained the same. There w ere no significant THE COPS ARE WATCHING hattan, She's visiting New against the law in Gotham York in an effort to bring for gals to appear as. they the famous west coast city's do in San Franciseo (with- night club styles. east. It's out tops on their dresses), Miss Yvonne d'Angers, a topless entertainer from San Francisco, makes telephone call from a booth in Man- e ) - : bag Ze Hits used cies ia lew UNDER PRESSURE her alternatives. So she says,| urban and city areas across the unds to repay overseas Joans| jn the college atmosphere}|'A--I could have the baby and| country. Some groups blamed jmade to defend sterling earlier.| there js intolerable pressure for|keep it, B--I could have the! high prices on "gimmicks" such The improvement re-|some young people. Often it is |sults largely from a better over- | indirectly applied. seas trading record, which in) 'My parents have not said a September resulted in the low-| thing to me about maintaining aj esi trade deficit so far this! high average," says a Cleveland} UK. Austerity Target = reesei ai LONDON' (Reuters)-- British;street is feeling the pinch. ting serious long-term injury to cee aa pia i . é ; ' "4 government economists say the Already thousands of workers| industry and the nation's work nee Hog Macher a ir could face them, if I failed. Labor administration's eco-| have lost jobs or are working on | force. 1. 998L'2$ Woy Fb gin pro versity of Connecticat says: "I nomic squeeze imposed July 20|short time because of a reces-| A boost for the pound sterling (ye yuiy 19 i: was always bothered when fi- SEES ONE CHOICE newspaper advertisements. last As the girl gets deeper into week with prices three weeks) i i ieving|sion in s i stries--nota --under heavy pressure earlier)' ,, : its i din, te dies the suse, tadaateds ik mmee| tote year on Intornationsl mar-|_ The average Briton, with aninal exams came, but now it's oti : 'win . P hy " jeye on mounting unemployment,| too much. If I don't really score her problems her vision nar-jago, Items compared included) pork sausage, No. 1 cooking' rli 100,000 idle ki is--and an effort to balance ; ; $ he ; et dermas ols: oer Kans hg pe fetes gag | oe faltering balance _of\!® becoming more cautious in|high, I mean real high, then it) TOws and, she keeps coming) po! 4 ~ t os ae Fears were growing thatloverseas income and expendi-|"0W he spends his money. |means that I could end up be-|back to S--suicide. onions, a 10-ounce tin of vege-| ments. h a 3 sped se eas i id.| Officially the government is|ing drafted and going to Viet) Studies show 'she is more table soup, sirloin steak, grade} But while economists think|while the short-term remedy to|ture were the key motives guid-| al b a arniae ae . | See 8 ee b: a dal "things are moving in the right|Britain's economic ills may sat-jing the government when it)°o™ out the growing army of|Nam. When I think about that,/prone to attempt suicide if she|® U@tR@ eBgs, danan's ant direction," Britain's man-in-the-'isfy the government, it is caus-|imposed emergency regulations.|U"e™Pioyed. It was expected|I think sometimes I'd ratherjhas 'a background in which aj Sx-ounce Hn of frorén orange) vee oe pid : : 8H mene i many in so-called luxury trades/kill myself." jparent, relative or close friend) juice. Guy Hudon, vice-president in iy inne a tales cet erica ees lose their jobs, but the| School problems make stu-|has attempted suicide; if one higher taxation to cut spending| 2°Verament planned they should|dents a high-risk group, Thejor both of her natural parents|charge of merchandizing for | Ta e n e@aver ar e at home and more - stringent| °° re - deployed into overseas!New Jersey education depart-|was absent from home through|IGA supermarkets in Montreal, | | said prices fluctuate because . . S s the company buys its produce ' Brings Security Scrutiny WASHINGTON (AP) -- The;paying some fancy prices for|it, is to be divided into two six- i Bins + fowly beaver is getting some|peaver. month periods--six months of |i - | full freeze to be followed by six Commission thinks the breeders = a Gift a Da at q a H should register with the govern-|ake City agreed with the com-| One of the most vital guide: e | | a ment what the commission de-|™!ssion. 4 lines is the reserves of gold and | ' It has ruled the investment|other convertible currencies --| pretty misleading statements|ing statements by the beaver) Since August these have and buyers from the United|people in their attempt to sell/jumped to £1,149,000,000 ($3,- States and Canada have been'live beavers. |000,000 ($69,000,000). This gain! "sb "ilities ; |revenue-producing work ment said a three-year study|divorce, separation or death; if "dersadl ee. Bh rsgug en i Labor unions--and many em-| showed 41 students killed them-|there was a step-parent with | on a daily basis. | "You advertise at lower) higt-level attention from the} 5 U.S, government and bad sep srtsce contend | months of severe restraint. securities are involved and the! After one-quarter of a year of| scribes as investment contracts | 24 4 ) ' 'enc | calling for the sale, care, man-/ contracts are securities and is-|the till into which Britain dips| ver 00010) 10 a.m: - 10 p.m. baby and give it up for adop-|as trading stamps and fancy tion. C--I could go to Japan for) packaging. Others said that big a legal abortion. D--I could go|food chains arbitrarily change to Mexico for a safe abortion.) prices on food already on the E--I could try to have an abor-| shelves. tion here, F--I could force J ion here 1 could force Joe THREE-WEEK SPREAD _|to marry me. G, H, 1... Sel y A student attending the Uni-| could commit suicide... . The CP survey compared |prices for various foodstuffs in r We are offering a special introductory dance course for only $15.00. Because we wont you to see for yourself how quickly and easily you can learn to dance at the Arthur Murray Studio, Even if you've never danced before, you can go dancing after a lesson or two, and at gay student parties, you'll meet new friends... gain poise and popularly. There are no strangers ot Arthur Murray's. Everybody dances ond has fun. This $15.00 dance course is offered to adults only. Open daily 1:00 to 10:00 p.m. Group classes are syailable et Specie! Rates. ARTHUR MURRAY "S010, STUDIO 11V2 Simcoe St. S. 728-1681 éarnings plevers, too--feel this was a the-|selves and 738 tried, but failed.|whom she could not get along, ge ae Br val oretical dream rather than a|Thousands made suicide or if communicatién with her) The squeeze, as Britons call) practical policy. threats. \parents was poor. iprices, but of course you don't! beaver breeders have their fur) one - up about it. Rectelraten right to require operation, statisticians now can) Securiti ixch es ; show what results have The Securities and Exchange) A U.S. district court in Salt emerged. agement, replacement and re-| sued a temporary injunction|for settling international obliga-| sale of live. beavers, jbarring what the commission|tions. It says there have been some) charged were false and mislead-| UP $69,000,000 LAY-AWAY MONEY TREE Ley-Away Your Christmas Shopping at Oshawa Dis- count House . . . chéeose @ Lay-Away Discount slip from their "LAY-AWAY MONEY TREE" . , . you may win $1.00-$2,00-$5.00 . . . or up te $100.00, credited when you pick up your ley-away purchase. 10% Deposit required on all lay-aweys . . . end lay-away purchases must be picked up on or before Seturdey, December 17th, te perticipate in Money Tree Offer. ONLY AT THE DISCOUNT HOUSE PRIZES to be won over 10 WEEK period include... . The New CAMARO Ontario Motor Sales 2, 7 day vacations to HONOLULU via CANADIAN PACIFIC AIRLINES 4, winter vacations for 2 to The BAY MOTOR INN and SK! VILLAGE ELECTROHOME Portable TV PARKWAY TELEVISION $1,540.00 in MERCHANDISE VOUCHERS | | | | / | | | HERE ARE LAST WEEK'S WINNING ENTRY COUPON NUMBERS HOLDERS OF WINNING STUBS MUST CLAIM AWARDS BY NOV. 12th, 1966 AT THE CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION, OR NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY NEW LOWER PRICES ON ALL UNITS! TAPE RECORD PLAYER Muniz Stereo Pak PRICED PROM Entry C A Identified with ""Win-a-Prize" Giant 72" x 86" Size QUALITY | BLANKET by Endress Textiles; of viscose and wool gives warmth without weight; double weave for added warmth. Hi bulk super fibre finish F Compare at 10.95 FOR PRICE 5 8 88 MAIN FLOOR Men's Heavy Weight WORK or HUNTING SOCKS High bulk blended wool vis- cose and nylon; reinforced toe and heel. Bonners. NOTE! NOT OPEN TUESDAY 88 UNTIL Compare at 179 pele ge aS woryN, FOR PRICE ¢€ 12770 1 P.M. 88 ASK FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION WITH SAKE 48379 4 RE YOUR FAVORITE ARTIST OR MUSIC TOYS! TOYS! | RECORD Check These Values JOHNNY SEVEN - SPECIAL WE'RE OVERSTOCKED 6.99 MOVEABLE JOE | Superb 4-tradk solid state stereo cartridge ployer; over 50,000 selections available in LP album; unlike records the Muntz Stereo Pack requires little or no.care; losts: idefini- tely, Con't scratch or get dirty you never thread, wind, rewind, You get superb instant stereo ot the some low prices as plostie LP albums. "ern = 192900) | and PRIZE 25.00 102822| | 8th 608363) ™ | Tth PRIZE 5.00 -- : 343167 PRIZE 5.00 -- 21202 stack or tum over, 3rd PRIZE 10.00 PRIZE 5.00 Adults Only Allowed Specials We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities PRESTONE Special Priced for 4th PRIZE 10.00 172863 172850, 1 rm 187840 8 PRIZE i 10th PRIZE 5.00 Sth PRIZE 19.00 lith PRIZE 5.00 so -- 358514 By Canada's Top Manufacturer HOCKEY HELMETS Cedbury's Assorted Chocolate Bars 6th PRIZE 5.00 i= Hunting Licences and Gun SPECIAL BONUS DRAW to be made on SAT., NOV. 12th. Winners will receive a vacation for 2 to the BAY MOTOR INN and SKI VILLAGE. MONO RECORDS OVER $8,500.00 IN PRIZES! Ow Wwin-a- prize Covers heed for best protection. Compare at 4.95 each FOR PRICE 2.84 Sorry or Clue Game 2.29 ETCH-A-SKETCH 2.88 LOWER LEVEL Res. 198 Velwe........ VUE STEREO RECORDS Reg. 2.98 Vajue FOR PRICE SAKE _ Poly . bagged . for bigger. savings. 20 Se BARS ..... 77° 1S Se = 59: BARS .. MAIN FLOOR Licences Now Available at O.D.H. Top Value. 2.49 LOWER LEVEL FOR PRICE SAKE, gel. FOR PRICE SAKE it's NOWHERE ELSE King St. W. at Garrard Rd. OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE

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