30--Automobiles for Sale DOWN----$30 MOQ. 59 - 61 models your choice! BILL BENNETT MOTORS 484 oe Ww. 7123+ 7\ ~ CONVERTIBLE TOPS Nylon $89.00 up Repairs to all makes of cars. Antique upholstery ond re- storation. BILL'S CUSTOM AUTO TRIM 409 Brock St. S. Whitby, _Doys 668-8101 Eve, 655- 4575 MERCEDES BENZ TORONTO. 100 OA ROAD 927- 5030 " CORVAIR a automatic, f irdoor 'sedan, 25,000 ae wife 39 Excellent condition, aes rust. Take over peymen' ORICEE, (rad Wescnare: 2 asa, wat Ford dogr sedan. 'soll car paris, Late . Courtice Auto is 300, 6 cylinder, . owner, collision free, a. 668+ pough /32--Trucks for Sale GMC) Mmadal V553, "fivecton, tong | wheel base dump truck. Combination box and hoist, V-8 engine, 18,000 pound rear end, DP axle, five-speed. Clarke trans-| mission, \0 x 20, 12 ply tires. Best offer.) Telephone 7: ssa7, 1 am. 4 om, i TRACTOR and Crawler back hoe "Yor sale, Telephone 728-189 WALF-TON Chevrolet Kup condition, Best offer over § A oy | 1952 FORD | helen, faut "Yood "condition, | 9150, » Telephone 7: Wow To GT It: tr you do not find trv | you want in the Want Ads, place "ad ana get it! Dial So 3492 | 13--Automobiles 'Wanted _ CARS WANTED | Buying A New Car? Sell your used car to 'Ted' Talk "Cash" to the Cor Dealer and "Save" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 LAKSSHORR AUTO WRECKERS want New cars for wrecking. 'iene orices bald | | 200 Wentworth East SHAW" AUTO WRECKING CO. arts for sale. Iron and met Bloor Street Bast, 725- 23h GQSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars for wrecking. Tires and parts for ad | is Nelson Street. Telephone 725-2" .| WANT ADs reach "mousanas @r interest. @d prospects every day. Take atunmnage by "ears washers, back-up lights, radio, Private $1,150 or nearest offer, Telepnone ye>- erry 199) METEOR four-door, V4, "Handara| 5 transmission. ood shane th ti or hest | ve Part fern 905-7123, 9 DODGE lacaunt, fou "sedan, ve he radio good Sa 'Must sell $250 cash will consider nearest offer. Phone 725-2540, 92" JHEP in good condition. Telephone 72-8772 after 4 p.m, '@ PARISIENNE, 327 ening, au @;_ automatic, four-door, hardtop, teering and brakes, radio, "aises, Tele phone 728-9543. vs "ase 5a" power whitewalls, ran Liens PAID OFF: We rade up, down. Choose from over 60 cars, No down pay ment, Gus Brown .N Motors Ltd, 728-7375, "4 PONTIAC, two-door, V-8 automatic, radio, clock, whitewalls, and undercoat. ing. Owner leaving country. 728-429). 'Wal PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, six cylinder automatic with power steer power 35,000 original .. Hampton 263-0834. 1968 5 SCA Jetstar, 4 door, top, power brakes and steering, = blues A-1 condition inside and eg also mechanically A-1; low mil gg tive car, Best sitee around Call or 728-0884. we B6068 Your door. Running con- dition. Sound nL clean, 728-8450. 444 OLDSMOBILE hardtop, "steer ing and vag 394 cubic inch wager | pasitraction, many ore A-1 condition. enue priced, 723-80! 'American, setae oun andition low down pavnent, Easy terms, Licence 85080, Wellman | Los of the vast Yio 35--Lost « et Found | lied winanviie & | colored Wittnauer wristwatch, and wallet with personal. papers. Reward. Telephone James MacDonald 725-9704 or Bowman) ville Police. | -|LOST-- Ladies Bulova wristwatch with Rebecah crest in vicinity of Simcoe and) King Streets, on November 4, Reward | Telephone 723-2374 or 725-4313 | sir. MONEY TALK: "Classified Ads} | sett things you don't need for SPOT| CASH. Ola) 723-3492 for an ad-writer now! 36--Legal Judicial sale of house and premises being part of Lot 20 in the First Concession of the Township of Pickering IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO BETWEEN FRANCES DRAGAN, PLAINTIFF, and THERESIA PFUNDT, et al DEFENDANTS Pursuant to the judgment and final order for sale made in this 'cause there will be offered for sale by public auction in one parcel - with the approbation of the under- signed Master, by the Master of the Supreme Court at his Chambers at Osgoode Hall in the City of Toronto in the County of York at, the hour for Rambler. 726-738 7351 door Rideau, V- 4| @ METEOR two - radio. Must sell. $1,850 best offer. Terms can be arranged. call 728-4755, 1940 SUNBEAM, i, convertible, dual _car- buretion, 4 on the new Good =. sas. 'eiephone 668-8101 days, 655: | ) wagon, body ~ Telephone 728-/ 6443. | *@ BEAUMONT, two-door Hardtop, V-8,| dark green, standard parece on) column, reverberator. 7,000 miles $7. 668-3614. 198 FORD Fairlane, four-door V-8 auto. matic, cog steering, one owner. Nicols | Sales Ltd, [ust west of Thickson's| Rd. Highway No. 2. 668-33: an 18s EMBASSADOR 990. Demon- » 20,800 miles, Pun smal 'car war: | Nicols Motor Sales Ltd., lust west) FAY ickson's Rd. on Highway No. 2. 66% 1 CHEV saftationwagon X67, $549 full price. Nico! mn "just west of Thickson's Rd, on Highway No. a4 668-333). 1945 MUSTANG, red with black Interior 22,00 original miles, Nicols Sater Lid, lust west of Thickson's Rd. on Highway No, 2, 668-3331. Wa) CHEVROLET | stationwagon, Ne. 7501. V-8 automatic. Just 'ine te new, | Nicol's Motor Sales Ltd., just weat of| _--" Rd. on Highway No. 2 ¢48) Ne. Haa880, tour. | door nen et idea! family car. wat Maotor Sales » just west 'Thickson's Rd. on tigh Ay 3 468-333) ines { PONTIAC, 'door aria, ieee | ig. 183599, balance of new Car warr i Nicos Motor Sales Lid, just west Hy Thickson's Rd, on Highway No. 2 668) 3. WH GLOSMOBILE, A-i ~eandition. reasonable offer refused. Nicol's Motor) Sales Ltd., just west of aickan's Re. on Highway No, 2; 668-339 "os s CHEVROLET Super eat "convertible Power steering, brakes, radio, white walls, 19,000 miles, Must sell, Consider | older car on trade, Private, 668-5152 wes MS CHEVELLE Malibou ~Super-Sports automatic, V-8, seot et eal el ~ @, good condition. Cal 4 -- 5 p.m, anytime atter 72! | =: ; OLDSMOBILE "et" ta eer "auto. | matic, power steering and na brek cellent Condition throughout. 'Apoly a pal --. a 2 WOT RO! » perfect best sir. "Apery Ly ne Auto = fs Grentel! 3 penevnou 'tix, automatic. Radio. | 7S, Telephone Vad. anne DEAL -- 'S 5 Chevrolet im pala, two-door hardtop, automatic V-8 with radio, white, red interior, Excellent condition, Can arrange financing with ao down payment. 655 3136 after 6 pm. 18 RAMBLER, $350. Radio, one owner, e t Condition. Telephone 725-2330. | '7 CADILLAC sedan, V-8, automatic, power windows Cs gad seat. Excel- lent condition throughou' 31--Compact Cars for Sele | ZOLTAN AND NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing Repair and Service 160 Simeos South 728-0051 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. Volkswagen Sales and Service New and Used Cors 334 RITSON RD. S$ 723-3461 Open Evenings % VOLVO & PEUGOT te MERCEDES BENZ General Repair ond Auto-Electric Service Valvewnans in Volkswagen Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-092 el at HILLMAN for sale. $200. Telephone = PVoKEWaaaT sation wagon car custom radio, Like new, 942-1593 yee BLACK VAUXHALL Deluxe four. door sedan with seat belts and new battery ae price onty $250 or bes? offer. 668-4772 a WASH "Metropolitan, runs well, goed body. Telephone 660-4646 after 6 p.m "@ VOLKSWAGEN 38450. Telephone 72- a3 For RESULTS TIMES Classified ACTION ADS 723-3492 $350 or best) offer, Telephone 725-7913 "ener 6pm. | $975. Telephone | of 3:30 o'clock in the after- noon on Thursday, the 17th day of November, 1966, the following lands and premises being described as the house and premises occupied by the Defendant, Theresia Pfundt, an the North side of the Kingston Rood in the Township of Pickering in the County of Ontario, being Part of Lot 20, Concession 1, Township of Pickering, County of Ontario, more particularly described in the mortgage registered in. the Registry Office for the Reg istry Division of the County ef Ontario, as Number 125979, which property has o postal address of R.R. +3, Kingston Road, Pickering. The property will be offered for sale subject to a first mort registered as num- ber 125979 and securing ap- proximately $12,890.08 with interest thereon at 7% from the 15th day of September 1966, repoyable in combined payments of interest and prin- cipal at the rate of $103 87 per month and the balance of principal falling due on the 15th day of November, 1969, which mortgage shal! be as- sumed and poid by the pur- chaser and -also subject to a@ reserve bid fixed by the said Master. The purchaser shall pay down to the ven- dor's solicitor on the day, of sale 10% of the purchase money, not including the mor- tgage to be assumed, and shall pay the balonce of the purchase money into Court without. interest within 30 | days after the date of sole Adjustments to be made os of date of closing. The pur- chaser shall search the title at his own expense. In all other respects the conditions of sole ore the standing con ditions of sale of the Court as modified by the conditions of sale settled by the under signed On the premises is said to be erected a detached, six room, brick bungalow, full bose ment; o two car brick garage; two and one-half bathrooms; two fireplaces; ponelled rec- reation room with bar, Lot size is approximately 200° x 770'. Further porticulars and Ae hia of sale may be had rom Messrs, Newson and Sheard, 330 Bay Street, Toronto |, Ontario DATED. at Toronto. this 2!st day of October, 1966 "WG DUNN" S. Master NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that Ronald Edwin Schneider, of 945 Sim- coe Street North, in the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, will apply before the presiding Judge of the County Court of the County of On- tario at his Chambers in the Court House, Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario on Thursday, December ist, 1966 aot 10:30 o'clock the forenoon, to change his name to Ronald Edwin Snyder and that of his wife Leonne Gayle Schneider of 945 Simcoe Street North, in the City of Oshawa, the County of Ontario to Leanne Gayle Sny- in in de: DATED at Oshowo this 3Ist dey of October, 1966 MARKS & McNEELY 17 King Street E., Oshowa, Ontario Yohic tors for the App! icant L PATRICK 43. MAHONEY, 104 Grock Street South, Whitby, will. not be respon: jsible for any debts contracted in my }name by anyone, on or after this date, }Nevember 5, 1966, without my written jepasent.(signed) Patrick J }NEED LIVING QUARTERS? Read "Rent" ads in Classitied now ! {RENT THAT VACANCY through Rent} | Ads. it's ab Call 73. is! M2 tor an 3 | Mahoney. 138--Coming Events THE RESIDENTS OF HILLSDALE MANOR " Cordially Invite You to attend their ANNUAL BAZAAR Wednesday, November 9th At 2:00 P.M, Sale of work, Afternoon tea, __Home baking and Door Prizes DEATHS BE nde Dr, Albert Lf, sabia. » Now Sibert "; Muintel Bort will ly of Hampton); beloved a Dorothy Kirkton, dear father of David of Toronto. Resting at the Northcutt and Smith Funéral Home, from uleeey morning. Funeral service at 2.20. asert, afternoon. interment Hamtan JENKINSON, Florence Beatrice | Entered into rest in Ww General | on Sunday, fe Besirice Wharton, widew of Erne est eat Richard Jenkinson; mother of Ernest, | Oshawa; sister of Mrs. Olive Dickinson) and Eva wharton, England, in her 79th year, Resting at the Armstrong Funeral ge Oshawa, with funeral service in the ¢hapei T y, Nov. 8 at 3 p.m, Interment Mount Lawn * Cemetery, awa RIOUAL, Michel Entered into rest in the Hos: pee Children, sereela, on 5, 1966, Mighel of of Paul; grandson of Mr. ai Donald rison, Azilda, Onterio, pet 10 months, Resting at the Armstr: Funeral Home, Oshi with funera tal for etyriay, TEN PERFECT CHANNELS the finest in ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS i ae Dalavad home via Cable TV. directly to interference vour tree Phone Now and place your order for Cable TV PHONE 723-5278 Oshawa Cable TV |Our Food Dollar How far does it | go? MISS RUTH MOYLE Food consultant of the On- tario Department of Agricul- ture, will be the speaker at a Special Meeting of the Consumers Association of Canada in the E, A. Lovell School, on November 9th, ot & o'clock, Mrs. Buckley, © supermarket representotive; an independent grocer and our local president Mrs, 4. L. Haisell, will conduct a questionnaire. H. MeGREGOR BINGO St. Gertrude's AUDITORIUM TO-NIGHT AT 8 P.M. 690 KING E. et FAREWELL FREE ADMISSION | Snowball Jackpot $200, 56 Nos. | $20 Consolation Reg. Jackpot 61 Nos. GOOD PARKING Extra Bus Service Tickets available at the door $100 $20 Consolation, Good Prizes _ CHRISTMAS BAZAAR at the HUNGARIAN CULTURE CLUB 64 ALBANY ST. sponsored by HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE on TUES., NOV. 8, 2:30 p.m Bake sale, fancy work, and tea room, etc. WOODVIEW COMMUNITY. CENTRE BINGO Nos. 53 and 56 1966 --9 p.m. candy TONIGHT - 8 P.M. RED BARN EXTRA BUSES NEW Kinsmen Bingo $1,500. IN PRIZES | SEE SATURDAYS AD EVERY TUESDAY 7:45, $1.00 ADMISSION ST. ANDREW'S U.C.W FALL ANB CHRISTMAS BAZAAR and TEA FRIDAY, NOV, 4 ot 2:30 p.m. Babysitting service, bring the children Everyone Welcome UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT "WHITBY CAB" 203 Dundas Street West Whitby 668-5855 668-8151 cr RUMMAGE SALE, on Tuesday, Novem- + 1:90 p.m, at the | bray, ber 8, 1966, 10:30 a.m. VAW Hall FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES READ AND USE THE MARKET BASKET service Monday, Nov. 7 at 2 pm, Inter: ment Resurrection Cemetery. SEVERN, Robert Gordon At Collingwood General and Digg Hos- we on FB Tig uF November 4, 1964, Rob- Creemore jarior pt loses ne oy pe ing in his 70th year, Beloved husband of Elsie Severn, dear father of Gordon, Violet (Mrs. Glen em Denis and Derek. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman: ville, & chapel on Monday, + Orann Cemetery. <2 In the -- | | indnace | hevand Price. vet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL) | 390 KING STREET WEST | Telephone 728-6226 "IN MEMORIAM RANT -- In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, George Francis | Gi w passed away November 7, 196 Thos his smile is gone forever, And his hand we cannot touch, Still we have so many memosion Of the dad we loved so much Sadly missed by daughter Betty, son in-law John, and grandchildren. GRANT -- In loving memory of a dear \father and grandfather, Frank George Grant, who passed away November 7, 1963. His smiling way and pleasant face Are a pleasure to recall; He had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all Some day we hope to meet him, Some day, we know not when. | Ta clasp his hand in the better land, | Never to part again, Always remembered by son, Donald, daughter in + law Doreen and grand. | children A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN It MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS Four courteous advice please visit the Park Office. 723-2633 LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral arrangements for all occassions. OSHAWA SHOPPING NTRE | ce | 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE im 728-6555 After hours 725-7928 OBITUARIES | MRS, EB, R, JENKINSON The former Florence Beat-|,; lat the Oshawa General Hos- |pital, following a short, serious' }sickness, of Mrs., Florence |Beatrice Jenkinson, of 69 Beat-| jrice Street. She was in her! 79th year. | The former Florence Beat- rice Wharton, the deceased was born Aug. 1, 1888, in Lincoln, Yorkshire, England. A resident jof Canada and Oshawa for 40) |years, she was a member of! | St. Stephen's United Church. Predeceased, July 30, 1960, jby her husband, Ernest Rich- ard Jenkinson, the deceased is }survived by a son, Ernest, of | Oshawa. Also surviving are two sis- jters, Mrs. Olive Dickinson and Miss Eva Wharton, both of England and a granddaughter, Victoria Lee Jenkinson. The memorial service will be ~iheld at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 3 p.m., Nov. 8, Ingor- ment will be in Mount Lawn i\Cemetery. S. G. Saywell, lay jpastor of St. Stephen's: United Chureh, will conduct the | service. EVERITT SHORTRIDGE A veteran of two world wars passed away at Gravenhurst, Ont.,. Tuesday, Nov, 1, in his ' 72nd year. He was the eldest son of the jlate Thomas and Annie Short- lridge of Columbus, Ont. Pre- ideceased by one sister, Olive fand one brother, Wilfred, also |two half sisters, Rose and. Effie.) One half sister, Minnie (Mrs. W. E. Phillips) of Toronto sur- vives He lived for many at Brooklin, Ont.,. where. he own- ed and operated a drug store, He was well known for his wit and .humor and often referred to by his many friends as "The Mayor." He sold his store and retired _|\many years ago making his home at Gravenhurst, His pallbearers were mem- bers of the Canadian Legion, Funeral was Friday, Noy. 4, from the Cosby Funeral Home. Interment in Mickle Memorial iCemetery, Gravenhurst. His} cousins, Earl Van Dyke, Cam- Ont., and Hazel Van Dyke, Reg.N., Oshawa, were jamong his many friends attend- ing the funeral. years | j FUNERAL OF FREDERICK W. DOBNEY The funeral service for Fred erick W. Dobney, Sr., a re- sident of Hillsdale Manor, who died Noy. 2, in her 78rd year,/ 313). John Banks 1359 (350) and! twice, on the eighth and 11th died Noy, 3, at the Oshawa General Hospital, was held at 13.90 p.m, Nov. 5, at the Me- |Intosh-Anderson Funeral Home. | | Rev. G. W. CG, Brett, mini-) jster of Knox Presbyterian) |Church, conducted the service,|terment was in Oshawa Union) -- in the Toronte City Ma-|ene more than Dudley Wysong, jInterment was in Oshawa Un- ion Cemetery. The pallbearers were War- ira Lanning, Alex Blyth, Ernie Dobney and Grant Evans. | al, hag th and Mrs. Princ Riqual, brother ' | year-olds, | Stoned HIGH SCHOOL TEXTBOOK A Terry Copp (left) and identical terms the history Marcel Hamelin have writ- of Confederation, It will be ten the first Canadian high published early in No- school textbook to tell in vember and results from English and French and in complaints that teachers GREENWOOD RACE oo | Mees Purse $2,200, year-olds, 1 1-16 miles poet Packed Miss Dynamic Altona Miss (Robinson) Time: 1.50 Peace Lilian, ise, Mr. Goo, Cote, Lady Alexina, and; Fitth--Purse $2,300, claiming, olds and up, 7 furlongs 13.10 6.30 4,90/Lykke Til (Harris) 10.70 8.50! Ky, Quill (Barroby) 12.00 Leader Hane (Gormez) Time: 1.26 4-5 Shining . Wings, Control, Mis pega Sai, also rai Late seratch: Cantidad nd, claiming, 3 S-year- i 250 Kinguste, Greet Prom: Lenden Wise, Royal Neade else ran. Park Heights, Cruise Canadian Statute " Doc Nan SecondPurse $2,500, 1 mile Mile (Grubb) Roup (Dittfach) (Barroby) 4s claiming 2% @xactor: $57.10 Crow's 12.00 5.20 3.80 4% 3.10 5.60 SixthPurse $2,300, claiming, olds and up, | 316 miles Spicy Favour (Harris) 660 4.00 3.20) No Discard (Ditttach) 610 4.40} bag a Wallace (Inouye) 2.00 Roman Countenaire Time: Blue Forest, Yumka, Famous Late scratch 3-year Soda also ran, Arab Orange Kid, Tour Fieet Billi, Acouchi, 35 fare Bimint also ran. Motor Daily double; $61.80 Third---Purse $2,200, claiming, 3 and 4year-olds, 1 1-16 miles anad'n Love (Sw't'k) 10.30 3.50 3.00 Orag Pit (Gomez) 3.00 2.90 dqRoyal Missy (Brownell) 5.30 Time: 1.49 Milady's Choice, Deal, Phantom Flyer; Bachelor of Arts, dq--tinished first fled and placed ird Fourth---Purse $2,000, claiming, year-olds and up, 7 furlongs (Griffo) 17.40 Lark (Gordon) Party (Gomez) 1.27 2-5 Leader, Tony's Count, Solar Mineral Wealth, Tanwood, Small Fio B. Good, Autumn Souvenir cids and up, 1 mile Titled Hero (Walsh) Sunstruck (Gomez) Hempeter (Barroby) Time: 1.37 45 No Reasoning, Grand Galop, Belfort, Gaucheseo, Native Victory also ran. Late scratch: He's a Smoothie 9.90 4.20 3.10 3.90 2.70 3.70 Enchow Lucky Miss Tiger Cat, Sun Stage also ran. but was disquall Bighth--Purse $2,200, claiming, % year-olds and up, } 1-16 miles New Herod (Inouye) 18.80 4.80 5.00) Forty Carat (McComb) 3.20 2.70) Navy Grand (Walsh) 490 Time: 1.48 2-5 Recent Years, Saher Broom, Beav, Con-Jo, Mr. T. F., Chi cmb 'x Dominion Brave me Late scratch: Run Indian River Time: Steel Apex, Type, o ran, Late scratch: Well Now a 4.00 5,30) 3,30 ran. Edgor"s Lane, Sliver Attendance: 18,437, Handle: $933,868, MOHAWK RACEWAY RESUL suits from Mohawk Raceway Saturday! a eT A pas axl night 5 Lime Eset, Jean First, Hold The Phone, Patsy . Teddy Direct ¢./ 2.4 2.40 2.90 also started. (Rebinsen) 4.40 3.20 ey to Dryer « sel Jr.) 3.70, Sixth--$2,500, mile, Time: 2:12 Admit (Waples) Siikway Direct: Lynden Alice, Delany Foaviens John (Lake) P, Hal, Demetryus also started. Wann (Bolly) Time: 2:07 4§ id $800, va furlengs, pace. Eagle Armbro, Dell Humes (Feagan) 6.50 3.90 en started. Lincolns Champ (Robillard) 6.90 4.50 Tay Town Laddie (Lerush) 7" Time: 1:27 45 Lond N Lovely, Gzras Byrd, Henry T, Grattan, Tommy also started. First--$800, mile, Tartar (Wellwood! mac Grattan: pace. pace, 3.90 4 2% 2.50! Gentry Yates Bxactor: Rose, Gracie, Seventh---$900, mile, pace Echo Ridge Roger R. Grattan (F'gn) 9.00 3. Ballastar (Norris) 4 What's (Wellwood) Times 2:11 39 Fast Rodney. Mooreland's Dusty, | pace Mach Schnell, "lohniay Bing ae started. Cindy Van Patrick (B'd) 15.20 §.70 2.40; Late scratch: dean's. Magi Northwood David B (Filion) 3.40 2.20 dh--Mighty Stein (Furness) 2.20, Bighth--$3,480, mile, dh--Miss sr ga saretion (Gem"ii!) 2.10) Celerina (Kopas) Time: 2:10 nds «Dan Bud Gist, Zewnrine Babe, Rebel Armbro Gladiator Land Harry, Embassy Mt started, dh) Time: 2:10 25 Deadheat for third place. | Barry Johnston, Danny Bee Gordon's Express, Mae Mir ce started. 7.10 4.10 2.90! ome 17.70 7.20' Ninth--$1,400, mile, pace. 5.00; Kelly Mac Hal (Barcee) 10.00 4.20 | Checkit (McElroy) 4.2 Polly,|Armbro Egan (MeKinley) Glenadie| Time: 2:08 15 | Don Mektye, Seoteh Andy, Doctor Kirk, Missile Dares, Jarvis Ra 8., also started 0 50} Dally double: Nom 7 and 2 paid $9.98. Third--$900, mile, pace & 3.20 2 (Hie) 2.9 2, (McKinley) x Volaw, also Feurth-$800, mile, Johnny Hy (Ropiiterd) Cooke Pick (Laframboise) Pepper Yates (Johnson) Time: 2:12 45 choridge Jack, Willow's Boy C., Jerry also started 2.90 3.40 Perishing's Dot's Girl, Fifth$800, mile, pace Wally Spencer "(Waples) Lady's Adios (Filion) 670 4.40 3.00 6.60 4.90 k OBITUARIES _ Motor City FUNERAL OF Loses Sixth MRS, F, BENSON FORSYTH The Toronto City Men's, The memorial service for) Mrs. F, Benson Forsyth, who died Nov. 3, at the Oshawa Major league conducted sche- duled league play at the Osh- awa Shopping Centre Lanes General Hospital, was held at the Armstrong ee Home Club of Oshawa doing battle) against the L. J, McGuiness| at 3 p.m. ae 'entry. Rev. John "Wirrat, mini- ster of Boces Steet United Chureh, conducted the service.) Interment was in Oshawa U nion| Cemetery The Oshawa squad tees The pallbearers were William) the first game, 1176 - 142, | Gummow, Alec Brent, William/came back to take the pt Rrent. Grant Bennett, John 1162 - 1092, lost the third, 1286- Forsyth_and Graham Forsyth. |1051, then tied the series up by winning the fourth, 1329 - 1382 and finally, the fifth and "'re-| bber game" was won by Mc- Guiness 1429-1239, Jim Cassels went the five - 4,635, Mutuels: $234,004, Attendance FUNERAL. OF MRS, ROY MAJOR The memorial service for Mrs. Roy Major, who died at the Ajax and. Pickering Gener- game distance for Motor City gave - ; {for a 1241 count, Sel Himes ab Seren Lat :. in her 34th with 1194 for his five-game get . * was ag hat ad Home at 1 srundier to last the full series, The service was conducted) Ron Jay, who had to work by Rev. A. Woolcock, rector} |until three o'clock, certainly of St. Mark's Anglican Church.|made his presence felt when |Interment was in Mount Lawn) he racked up 844 for the 30) Cemetery. frames. He bowled with two) The pallbearers were Fred dandy scores of 335 and 326, Steinmetz, Bob Lewis, Fred) 'Mic'? McMaster batiled hard) Major, Paul Collins, Alex Wil- and his 700 for 30 frames = liams and Cliff Wallace. jwellearned. Al Perry 697 for 34; John Trott_571 for 27 and) Alex Donaldson 602 for 25, were! the other Oshawa scores. For the McGuiness club, FUNERAL OF MRS. ANNIE MAY MOSS The memorial service for Mrs. Annie May Moss who was it was held at 2 p.m., Nov, 5,| Pere Cutting 1259 for his five- at the Armstrong Funeral game stint. Home. The defeat marks the sixth The service was conducted by consecutive decision against Rev. H. Dyck, minister of Al-|the Motor City Lanes club, bert Street United Church. In| which has as yet to win a | Cemetery The pallbearers were Warren Next Saturday's Lanning, Gordon Coppin, Obert/take place at Willow Bowl when Gow, Peter MacDonald, Jack!the Oshawa orew will meet Welsh and-Carmen Whyte. ithe 'T, Anthony Ltd. entry. Saventh--Purse $10,000 added, tyear-| 6 2.30| Mariboros late in the first pe- aise} Now 3 'and 4 pela siego| Duffe was injured and replaced 90 2, 80 3.30 5. a¢/wins in 10 outings. the only other Oshawa! Ernie Hughes 1366 (307,| action will) UTHORS were forced to work from history beoks colored by sectional and cultural prej- udices. (CP Photo) Canadiens 2 Trip Flyers By THE CANADIAN PRESS It's a long way to first place in the Ontario Hookey Associa- Paul Hart, Brian Cowan, Gary| Mom Ralph Ronald Donald Stephen Bruce, |tion Junior A series, but Mont- jreal Junior Canadiens are on the way up. Montreal, in second-last place with six points, scored its first jwin of the season Sunday by outlasting Niagara Falls Flyers 4-3. St. Catharines Black Hawks, meanwhile, defeated Toranto |Marlboroes 63 and moved into first place with 14 points. | Judes Drouin led the Montreal jattack with two goals. Larry Pleau and Don Lisemer added one each. Jim Lorentz, Don Webster and Bil) Little scored for the Flyers. MYRE QUITS NETS With 40 seconds remaining in the game, Phil Myre was taken out of the Niagara Falls nets in jfaver of a sixth attacker, But |the Montreal defence held off x Fiyers for the victory. | A capacity crowd of 3,397 saw Barry Salavarra score |twice for St. Catharines. Bob Sicinski, Pete Mara, Ron Ander- json and Don Burgess added one je@ach, Steve King scored for the jriod and Frank Hamill added one in the second, Regular St. Catharines netminder Peter Mc- \by Larry Holmes who stopped 21 of 23 shots. Nationals Win | Weekend Tilts By THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian national hockey team scored a pair of wins in jweekend exhibition games to bring its season record to nine The Nationals downed York-/ ton Terriers of the Western Can- ada Hockey League Sunday night at Yorkton, Sask., and jedged Drumheller Miners, de- fending Allan Cup champions, Reid, , Grant Martin and and Ken Tabb; John Johnson, Paul David Poole, Donald Bennett, Bobby Luxton, Peter Nowlan, Phillip Harness, Bvran Haimac jyards, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 7, 1966 27 in pee. wee|ceighin, 3 Teague will consist of seven wee teams and an Atom Fred Coaches, Keith Smith Butch Stephen, Martin, an. Aces: Erie Martin, Stanhen Rillatt. Neil | Goff, Doug Vivian, David Oudshoorn Ron Piper and Don- Bruins: Coaches, Duke Brunt and Doug Parker; Dave Purdy, Paul Jones, Robert Turney, Donald Smith, Kenny Living- stone, Max Johnson, David Osborne, Boyd Knox, Jan Ben-| nett, John Parker, Larry Brunt, John Whiteman, Jobn Colwell, Paul Cornell and Archie Gra- h Wilcox and John Fowler; ingstone, Micael Hobbs, Stephen Hobbs, Donald Spicher, Timothy Jozkoski, James Lar- kin, Ricky Leblanc, Pearce Wil-| cox, Grant Luxton, Rory Gibbs, Dennis Broome and David Mac- Gregor. shoorn and John Westover; Qvenden, Dale Cowle, Mills, Larry Little, Smith, Terry Baker, Sylvester, Michael Ormiston, Eddy Van- hune,. David Cook, Nemis and Wayne Hicks. Vance, Bradley Rundle, Bruce am, Atom All Stars: Coaches, Don Mark Slemon, Ted Puk, Dennis Liv- Rangers: Coaches, Jan Oud derbyl, James Mann, Cris Ter-|"%, Richard ' Leafs: Coaches, Larry Devitt Limerick Leads Rifles To Victory erick scored all in a Continental night.' 12 starts for the first-place Ri- their 12th straight setback. 170 yards, Rearterback Tom Wilkinson. Halfback Bob Blakely, had a record test, ~| thes for 145 yards. -- TORONTO (CP) -- Dick Lim- 10 points in leading Toronto Rifles to a 10-0 victory over Wheeling Ironmen Football League contest here Saturday The victory was the ninth in fles while the Ironmen suffered Limerick scored a touchdown and kicked a convert and a field Og He caught 10 passes for including a 24-yard pass-and-run play with rookie who 1,102 rushing yards gained prior to the con- carried 15 times for 46 Boh Morgan, replacing _|injured Joe Williams, carried 16 mt we es eae ety Gary Rel, Kenny Mi sal ke itton, Randy Coombes, Steve Rowe and Kim d ry M mae | ani urray; Wind, Martin Wind, Sellers, Jimmy Peterson, rg of Verboureh, Keaay ae Miuae Mas ety ERCRRERY anny Coty, John Bond, Larry Latur ski, Tommy Woolner, ayn -- = Stanhaw Land, Lenard Fowler, Paul 'Sare ginson and Arthur Doyle. BOWLING NEWS SHERIFF'S LADIES' TAILORING The first section has ended with the Carnations out front and poy with 2 points, eee! Peas os Roses 1! Pansys 17, Phiox 17, and the Daffys 14, 600 Triples -- Jossie Brown 699 (76, way McGuire 602 210 res -- Tammy Harlock 209, Dianne Fisher 251. Gillen G 18; Bev Hicks 217, Janice Hughes 212 and i Mead gsc an. beg 4 varia "%, ev now vm ond Dorothy 3 | | CATHOLIC LEAGUE High Triples -- John A. Cardinal 788 (7) A Marie Comiieur 713 (380). 200 Jim Brady 237, Har veh Mon hy. ~ = 285, Sie tee Rolfe ah ¥ ers, Holy a4, "Jon Peters. 245 and rene 'Lipsk! 241 NICKEL PLATE LEAGUE with 822 end we games. hey were ---~ iy Jessome 783 and R, Balser 729. ther High Triples -- ' By aty 1 689, M. , . Dewsen Pi D. Wilson , B. Thornbury 642, 440, B. Gibson 638, Rn Van Meek 616 and C. Dass 614, 300 Games -- R. Blaser 337, H. Vann 3, 6. sone | sia and DB, Wilson 4, Mixers 0) Platers Results--Racker: 3, Polishers 1; 'Autornattes & Tankers v Shiners 2, Anodizers 2, Waples Registers Double Victory CAMPBELL VILLE, Ont. (CP)--Driver Keith Waples did it again Saturday night, gg back-to-back victories in fifth and sixth races at Mohawk Raceway. He reined Wally Spencer to a front-running verdict in the fifth for the gelding's fifth victory in ll starts this year. In the featured sixth, a $2,500 invitation pace, Waples took Ad- mile mark and was never headed in scoring a eon 4 decision over Earlylakes John, Friday night, Waples, whe captured the driver's title at Mohawk's inaugural session in 1963, scored three victories. 4-3 Saturday night at Rosetawn, re n Huck scored three times] - the Nationals Sunday. Play-/ ing coach Jackie McLeod scored twice, and Ray Cadieux,| |Morris Mott, Bill McMillan and (Ted Hargreaves scored once} | each. ) Yorkton goals were scored by| |Brian Schick, Jerry Hudy, | {Gerry James, Bernie Basaraba, | Doug Dilts and Barry Ross. Jack Bownass, Hargreaves, Cadieux and Danny O'Shea [ecores for the Nationals Satur-| }day, Rock Crawford, Tony Koll- jman and Ron Halas replied for) | Drumheller. Norman Third | In Tourney y| MONTERREY, Mexico (CP) Moe Norman of Gilford, Ont., turned it on Sunday to score a five-under-par 67 and walk off with the $1,500 third - place money in the Mexican open golf) tournament. | Norman, one of three Cana- \dians to make the cutoff after | the first 36 holes Friday, almost j}went all the way on the final | day. After shooting rounds of 72-72- |@9- prior to Sunday's final 18 jholes, the Kitchener native shot birdies on four of the first five holes to take a two-stroke lead over the entire field, | He went one over par only holes. McCallister Wins His 72-hole total of 280 was two strokes back of Bob McCal- lister, who walked off with the }$3,000 first-place cheque, and | Wilf Homenuik of Winnipeg finished with a 293 and Dan Pesant of Montreal had a 72- hole total of 308. Both finished out of the money, GREAT SKIRT ! By ANNE ADAMS Grey flannel? Black-and- white checks? this A-skirt in several versions. It's swift, simple. Printed Pattern 4571: Misses' Waist Sizes 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, takes 1% yards 45- 32. Size 26 inch fabric. FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in coins for each pattern, Ontario residents add plainly (no stamps, please) Print ADDRESS, 3c. sales tax. SIZE, NAME, |STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., 60 Front St. W., Toronto 1, Ont. FALL'S 130 BEST DESIGNS -- lively school, sport, career, glamor styles, all sizes, extra features in new Fall - Winter Pattern Catalog. Clip coupon in Catalog -- choose one free pattern, Send 50c Heathery tweeds? Why choose one--sew OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS BRIGHT TULIPS By ALICE BROOKS Tulips so colorful in bloom, will add a sparkling touch te any room in your home, site, bright tulip pictures. Quick embroidery, just outline stitch. Pattern 7438: two 73x | %-inch transfers. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for each pattern (no stamps,. please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needle- . craft Dept., 60 Front St. W., Toronte 1, Ont. Ontario regi- dents add 2c, sales tax, Print plainly PATTERN, NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. 210 MOST BEAUTIFUL, NEEDLECRAFT DESIGNS im new 1967 Needlecraft Catalog! Knit, crochet fashions, afghans,c quilts, embroidery, toys, gifts. Two Free Patterns, Send 25¢.. today. 12 remarkable heirloom quilts -- complete patterns in color in Museum Quilt Book 2. Quilt- iag motifs. Send 60c. Send also for Quilt Book 1 -- 16 complete patterns. 60c. ree" You will enjoy these exqui-') We had one 800 game, H, Vanm, had 00 mit to the front past the quarter | Bowmanville Announces " Eight-Team PeeWee Loop. team: Tein arte ae tee 1bketl" sehen lan {