Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Nov 1966, p. 18

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18 TE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondor, --. 1946 "wy we? YS ewer ery: Don't Store Those Summer Left-Overs.. Use A Want-Ad For Quick Cash Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 am. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY Accountents Building Trades __|Gardening and Supplies ae . Soave Beadle, CA' &. Lukow, ™ on IN, Charte i iat ne sha rR, Chartered Kevour: fay et Ae wih e " Orn: Barristers ae § eer Ane re KELLY, yi natn nat | -- r,_ Barristers, % aren Bast, na v, Ke WV) ice ane be nomen Hi, Jermyn, BA, LLB, 72 ioe Re ise gen oh rene Vi "é EE el neh WYN Mees Sulte AA la ne Whe urns he cansos nee 708-4) 139, i me funda available, » GG, Soliction moti aking. sireet ee wa v bowie Te pak ta ny F King Wi sg Mo ia sil ge | Many TASANG or 728471 " Be yh gl ® we xt at or nyves @hange will be he phe eases ft Mt + 'ne phy te Soar tor wa mut ' Clasalt » Whether you're vel 4 for @ better lod, "1 Want *aatine Wanted" nowt CLASSIFIED RATES Pam 1 Insertion of be a var wert ™" "s *. ote aera "ne pean psa Anne's h. SRRGUAAKING, | aieratione, mT STP Wen ren INSERTION, DEADLINES TR a) PREVIOUS % MT OR ORY Busi ication ATMA ; Lpoledlhelbs PUBLICATION pattise pay Revious CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 ealuma = 4 pm, day previous: @ a! wawns of larger = 10 am, day previous eauitang 9 am, DAY OF PUBLICATION 'ce SiN' Ee charged en day's Insert BOX NUMBER RENTAL ne aoe BASY TO PLACE A TOMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS Nornen ys CQlWANn pe ate romeeny one rere loca ond ROOF iar rand 4 Dentistry | EAREROOY," BA. OW wreten, appain MAT be EB, Bente immense Street N sonal Dresemaki Sea ey Residential Commercial Industrial a repalra == - = Averations dali Construction eeds m= CALL JAMES ALLEN & SONS 723-6126 | ni all "OSHAWA HOME IMPROVEMENTS Custom Built Kitchen==Bath> FOO == Fee, rooms == and all General Repairs, H. MeKOY Prop. 725-8576 eer] EXPERT PAVING. Free vailenates, & eludes gradi nat Ft, twee r pee A, yeara in Vounen. Ferreno wing. CARPANTRY w= NeW ang Fepaire nt work, Free estimates, aaw er FLARraNe. "and repalra, Fee-roona, \ree THN or 18 lock valbh] ALL WVPES" BUILDING" HERAT -- war" eavestt I, fire Gord May, Whitby, Wane odes construct ia jet ne on, ASA paevaet Your" car spew, Mave your 6" slab, over door, and Basy monthly payments arranged, tay VERTROUGHING™ =~ Murray" Holl day, Guaranteed work, Free estima YOUR" COEAL chlinney nae a Tah | neya built, Toptiree. an hit roots repaired, E Sal "WOM | hes formats ee coats pie Free ire, ree, estimates, AYCANVIC™" PAVING "and concrete, Get |p yor Sr lyewey paved i | experts, 20 cents » fh AN werk work guar, 2 years, Ri O28), Carpentry REMOOUTLING, CONG, "Wriey were ma Teena ns Cartage CARTAGE OF ANY KIND @ HOUSES @ BARNS @ SHEDS Anything Demolished or Re- moved Reasonable Rates. 728. 7020 728-1892 King aire east, mY oft HROAt, 5 PAE SIT, Oshawa, Fer » FRNA) iment, Pueseat or ta, Y covers, drapes, Mi i " TOP. you AND PLL 'tor ale Beatty ainted, p bt " | taben* Not Juat "Nursery Sod' But 100% és SOD PICKED UP OR DELIVERED Visitors Weleome "ALL. GREEN" NURSERY SOD GROWERS Tounton-village , Townline N,, ' nas 9674 TOP SOIL, SOD Fall Sale of NURSERY STOCK HARDSAND LANDSCAPING 55 Glovers Re. 725. 72) @ Cedars for Hedges @ Manure (cow, sheep or horse) @ Dry tire wood cut to suit posts and poles Call collect Newtonville 786-2283 Haulage, 7952 MANURE, ee Tek T Va, 00 4 yd, and s ya, piven Rsiouty TREE VO FRING Call Him, oF TT evt them down, Free estimates, 725118 or B Nada , Instruction AURELIA. "eURTH, "ARCT, "Studie of Piano instruction, 3 to § pm, 1120 King Raat or phone 723-5600, BALLET BAYON twirling. Register 4) dal Harvey Dance Academy, thawe Shopping Centre, 7286192, ' WANT TO PLAY the guitar? Lessons now available in the Oshawa, Alax and Port ney rt Bay or night lessens in ne barrier, Telephone "andy Up a Money to Loan + Whe LOAN you up te $5,000 at @ reasonable rate of interest te consolidate your bila er 'er any ether worthwny purpose providing you are byw? em we ved one have » aeed credit MOI, "MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys dveilable fer frat and second mortgages, Open mortgages, No bonus, First mortgages, second mortgages and agreements for sale pur- chase: M, F, SWARTZ 26% King St, Boat } Werk done Sonali. Mra, 'eharnen won EXPERIENCED BREMMARING, alte lone on ladies' and genta' an wor por PRI, Gardening and Supplies BUY BULBS NOW For Color in the Spring Plant Now ! sss : Freshly dug Evergreen and Flowering Shrubs FERTILIZERS @ So Green @ Evergreen LAWN SEEDS Stop in today for el! your garden needs RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE LOTS King St, E 725-655} | raat po Yexen "i your ewa Rene a jones ¢ eont, Oshewa, Onterio 723-4697 ist and and _ MORTGAGES @ Residential @ Commercial @ industrial tramediate Service and Even- ing Appointments, For com plete details call BRAN' REALTY INVESTMENTS LTO. $1 King E bOUG TERWILL EGAR 723-1187 Res. 725.6210 FIRST and SECOND MORTGAGES All Classes City, Rural, Vacation SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED Member bt te Mortgage roker 2 Simeoe x <a 725-3568 mina Ane SECOND mortaages avel} mean Realtor, 114 Breck Sree North, Wale, Ha SB BIRTF AND" SECOND" mor oie agreements purchased and ye ora Neen Barristers, 2) King See Gast, 723-7232, Optometrist -- ®, . RICHARD hae "OD, Street North, Suite 6, Qahawa. _ ~ 'Tolepnene [Painting and 'Decorating -- PAINTING and paver pena, ree e! fenates. Tetepnene | 7833 Photography Mast reasonable it Ae) WEDDINGS, Bo ype. enttdren, tn "piack jane coher Dee, Plumbing and Heating -- " awinter Ideas' WILD BIRD MIXTURE SUNFLOWER SEED WILD BIRD GRAINS BIRD FEEDING STATIONS WATER SOFT SALT PURITY DOG MEAL. PURINA DOG FEEDS MASTER DOG FEEDS PET SUPPLIES BRITANNIA MALT FLOUR CANARY SEED BUDGIE SEED FLOWER POTS STRAW | j Cooper-Smith Co, 16 CELINA ST 723-2312--723-1 139 | PLUMBING MART | SOLD DIRECT 20% OFF Copper pipe, pumps piece bath, stelniess sinks, vanities ete Hours == 12 pm. to 9 am Sat. «= 9 am. to 5 pam Closed Wed. 149 Brock St, N., Whitby 668- 6601 ALA TYPES or REMAINS ¢ and remodel | Wg. Wow and ured pater iaty Reasonane ates, Estimates free, 723-1191, J, Foley jae PLUMBING | An SEAS ee pies, Tetephone 725-212), Harel i. Lit, Prarpbina, teste MQ aed Bageeering. evice three stee! | | | i | | | {ass Searoe Street Seute Rug, Upholstery Se PROFESSIONAL RL G CLEANING 2 Dey Servic e Free Pic and Dplivery Angus. Graydon 228-6234 We do RECOVER your CHESTERFIELD at modest coat SMITH'S TREE FARM ~' eve) om | PRIA, Ontario Rug, Upholstery Service CWEATERRIELDS reu gatered and feostyled, Free esti Silly ever, tering: n cherie ree. seas. Nee. real eniture rerinianed, reiting MF Bean Avenue, ranteed. ter Mantrese ma mae Mad Sales and Service ADDI [ANCE REPAIRS Expert repaira to all mokes of washers, dryers, ranges, ete, @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ ALCAN FURNITURE ond APPLIANCES 452 Simeoe 5, --= Oshawa Telephone 723-001} Harris Aluminum Soles roaven Road &, Ham Phone Geko Siding, windows, doors, awn ings, stonework, railings, 16 years experience Siding Experts, Lowest Prices Rent A Piano SEE HEINTZMAN 79 Simeoe St. N,, Telephone 728-292) Oshawe GUARANTEED REPAIR to all wringer washers and ranges, Free estimates VRe1PaD or 72D001), Septic Service SEPTIC" YANRG creaned, Prompt ae on calla, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut ater Weat, » Whitby, 48-9503, Surveyors BONWVAN™ ANG FCBTINMANN farlo Land Surveyor, Corynareta treet, 72S5622, WO RLU AND FROLCOPE, Ontario vrveyors, 112 Elgin Street Gest, yesana), ede Heain for perfect tv reception en 10 channels with no antenna get cable tv TV. TOWERS - "BUILT IN. OSHAWA" AT QUR OWN PLANT We give you @ better tower for Less Money OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD, AUNTON RD, E Cust East of Ritson) 723-8131 HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS ARE BEST WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! TRO, TELEVISION Corner Bond end Division TELEVISION--RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE HOLMES ELECTRONICS For Prompt Service Cal! Whitby -- 668-5679 CITY TV televisions, redios service ond repoirs, Service dept, open 7 days a week Alse T.V. towers, color and bleck and white TV, Anten wae, rotors installed. Soles and Service 9 a.m, to 9 p.m 306 Kitchener Avenue, Coll 725-0500. All werk qua enteed SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 Fast T.V. Service DOMINION TELEVISION 935. 6064 On | vive Brone 723-8132 | RE Aik YEAR * Vas, 1h THE UE A VT. 9F CONGR MEN KAWED SP CANDIDATRS is PRE a ByR J. SCOTT |e Ay DALS(RS f, Mad oN AND Rh vin ny PRODVONG RNR 1» SKIRT, WORLD'S Most WIDELY USED Foopsture RICE. © Ams renee ted Som M8) With ugh came 8---Articles for Sale $K1-D00 SNOWMOBILE by Bomba' oer world's ta ver 1,0 fol! saws, pl ' 'Uri Rena" Marine, Hinon, 728-5865, " "Rone Boome FWo-ritice CHESTEARIET, iW iyo ene ond {aplen, one cofien tabier two teble | All My go pH pie Wig of ) 57993, Hale tae NeW, Ube 7 caine. pairs to He makes, New Jack Leos, 726-6986, ¥V YOwaRE PREIAL my all channel antenna, viston, 4. CHESTERFIELG == = eeniempor vie, sik months, barely wee Cush i. holstered, Telephone Claremont, 0. aKATERL A lad "pelection of few 'and used, Also pment, realn gcse hockey wide yele Centres" bt] Street, 725-634 anal Guaranteed trouble = tre firenene from Western O} Company - Bila MATTRERE BARGAIN, All types oF mai- ar Weieee ff 8 6FeUVeRG, 4 mat trenses, $29) crib mattresses, $9.08) tresses for bunk beds, 614.80) roll. aA cota complete, $19.88, Wilson's Furn! ture, 20 Church Street, BUVAND SHLE -- Good Used furniture and appliances, One location reat Pretty Furniture, 444 Simeoe South, un UES TIRES, most m) "i Zs Goode! teh, ino Stree t West, TAS-484, , 6%, No Money down, $2 weekly, Addera, enthierss file cab, New, used, rentals, service, trades Hamilton, Raglan, GUARANTEED USED Wringer \ TV--Redio Repairs _ T.V. Rentals New Sets ALCAN FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES '> 3001 * COLOR TV. OR BLACK AND WHITE All work gueranteed T.R.1.0, TELEVISION 728-5143 Rust I T., V, "TOWERS Bd COLORED TV or black and white 24-Hour Service 723-0065 or 668-5830 RAE'S RADIO & TLV, TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS go's TV "TOWER and Aerial srvice. Free estimates, all Work guaranteed, For feat seevice call G6b6P6) oF 7ORGRTP at YOUA Byron Street South, Whitby. Well Drilling--Digging WELL BIGGING by machine Tring inh Stineh tile, W. Ward, 204 rela heat 2--Personal 4) Removal of luous hoir Merle Murduff will be in Oshawe, Nov. 7th, 8th end Sth. Phone Genosha Hotel on these elt s for appointment, LECTROLYSIS ath 464) ANYORE "KROWING The" Whereabout ot Lorne Cooper, anne ot wat (Ricky) Coaper please contact the aren' of ala Society My *paitevitie, Ont. 3--Sportaman' s Column | HUNTING Re new ane ned jguee. ok sold, Baver skate ex ange, weed skates, Beat orem vatey Creer, "6 hell st Ww 4--Motorcycles ieee TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE, ~ excel tent condition, 2,900 mites, Telepnone tes: 20%, | Ved MATCHLERS M0 CC Twin for sale | Exeetiont condition, many extras, Tele jprene pee? | \S--Trailers a RAMBLER | TRAILERS SALE == RENT Open Sundeya 2-4 P.M, BUDDY TRAILERS PORT HOPE __Lot_at 401 end 28 TRAILER CLEARANCE TRAILERS. HEATERS, RE- FRIGERATORS, . Authorized Service on trojler heating end refrigerators MILLER HEATING 9 Tudor St., Ajox, 942-349) fut Street Weat, Whithy, 668-2863 er 668.) 3808 ; toi = " q | CAMPER, 9490 oF Dest offer, Winlertzed, a 8--Articlea for Sale Bou NOW SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- mouth, Pontioe, We correct wheel alignment, inspect and correct castor and camber, align toe-in and toe-out to correct condition $6.88 @ Parts, extra if required @ Torsion bar adjustment extra, WHEEL. BRAKE SPECIAL Most popular cers, First Quality Royoline, 4 wheels, WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per wheel each .. ; $1.95 SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT.END WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL CENTRES The New Nome Of DOMINION TIRE STORES 17 Park Rd. § Phone 725-6811 WHY PAY MORE ? We deliver to Your Door * 2 2 @ HIND V4, unitsof MORE ites OOD eo We SIDES of PORK .49c Ib, SIDES of LAMB .49c Ib, eee FRONTS of VEAL .49¢ Ib. ee ek ae All eut end wrapped with Budget terms Re eee KLEER-PAK FOODS LTD. Oshawa 725-8863 {suppliers to home freezers) All types of lumber, pipe, wine dows, doors, stairs, toilets, sinks, tubs, overhead garage doors, steel windows, steel beams, wooden beams, cup- boerds, furnaces, panei box es, boilers, rods, Anything in woe | RERP WHAT IN Caulking » refrigerator, ete, $34.50 and vp, Alean Furniture ad Appliances, 452 Simeoe Souths LL 0011 "and weather stripping for all types of bulldl Pri- vale or contractors, Free es! nates. Phone 723-6058, PHILIP'S POUR-TRAEK slereo Tape re gorder. complete with all accessories, Two years old, Like new condition, Tele phone 728-7137 after 6 pm, RURNITURE -- three rooms, new qual ity. furniture, only $299, Includes com: plete bedroom, living room, kitehen en: Semele. Pay only $3. weekly, Unbeatable values! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simeve South, PASTEL MINK bolero, worn once, orlg- inal value $1200, Telephone 725-18! afier 6 p.m, BROWNIE UNIFORMS, size 8, uniform, alte 10; boy's 3 "a set, size 3, Telephone 720-6 PIANO, crib and mattress, "sigh chair, in excellent condition, Telephone 728-2845, GIRLS W coat, site 10-12, large vapor! ier, Both good condition, Telephone 7h: 44d, BLHePRE Spanish guitar and jmpliter with case and attachments, Mint tion, Must sell immediately, 8198, ele. phone 795-1455, 2 CU, FT, chest freerer, 2509, Guide winter REFRIGERATOR, automatic defrost, oo condition, Asking $90, Telephone Northern Blecirie |r) About aix years : REA HP console" lelevielon, "good cond: tion, Telephone m9 wo TUbELEST anew "Tires, 78 AY tess than miles, With wheels, 420-7269 ater 6 Satirday anytime, KITCHEN SUITE, brown) one lady's black coat, sire 12, with larse munkra collar, one brown re wom Te fue like new, 482 Cromwell, [RESTORED ANTIQUE HORA m= over 100 years old, red volvet, 725-1343 THREE-QUARTER GREY Persian lamb coat, size 1416, Excellent condition, 8125 Telephone 728-8837, GUITAR, "Givson Soetere eb "nice condition, Telephone 623 oolBLe Beko" ee "ai weet a We. d@avenport with atta ehair ha wee pon tes, Nien Bas $2.50, 668 TRIANG "acta "FRAIN With Ot table and various accessories, Call 72 N16 after five, am ACEGRDION™" for sale, famous thellan make, student's alre, goed condition, 814s, Telephone 725-1914, BOY'S BICVELE, 1" Wheel, maroon and White, Telephone 725-1950, chest es gina Good condition. Tele. phone 705-2075. TAPE RECORDER, Yepee, shy, offer: four aquaria, $45) Colonial style cradle, $0, 72 PIANO -- reconditioned end "Tevernished. Telephone 942-2702 9--Market Basket Ln hora es Melntosh, $1.50 per bushel » $2. per bushel and up; alro Helous, Foca Toleman weet and peark, yO Orchards, Thiekson's Road North, t) PRESH VEGETABLES, Cabbages "end carrots. Walter Huron Farms, Ye mite west of Oshawa on 40}, north service read Lebighh B, \¢ dale, tree delivery, Tele: phone 728 APPLES, <o Beilelous, Gourtiand | Bast on No. 2 Righways pase Bad Boy's ito Ovhawa Motel, Va mile north, white Thouse Bring containers. MEINTOSH $1.75 bushel, @V and Thick ton Ro POTATORE. Gnjaro No. _\, seventy-five delivered, Telephone 720: Boner 439, tS or Lond record pla 10--Farmers' Column |DeAD AND | CRIPPLED term. stock "plek yy For Farm, JQUANTITY of jality Way, Tele: good quality hey. VW--Pete_end Livestock K-W RANCH All types of horses for sale, $25-down. Easy terms. Trial rides, hay rides, sleigh rides. the line of used building ma: |e2o336 alter 6 Bam. Saturday anvlime, 6--Marine » Equipment |MSTARCRART® Hee _Travatigr peat |Seinrose "horin Huds Sroaxtinn 635.94) (een ALUMINUM Gee lee TF boats, $1.00: iS S1P5.00, Wilde Rental, 66 lmwren Soke Oe. wile Rental, Wit [7--Swep_ ond 'Barter |SNRT AND" VANIFY" units, 88.08 Davins, HO stateless steel sinks, $1): mt tbs, Yoltets, laundry tude, piping, fi bes nk pressure aysterns, repatrs Rag » Yanks, 6M Cnn, O08 Hie Are One of the Thousands Who Read TIMES Classified ACTION ADS EVERY DAY To Place an Ad Telephone | 723-3492 | 8:00 am. to §:00 am * | Prekering. terials, For sale year round, Telephone 725-4171 or 728- 3521 from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. j Ta STs "BARGAINS _ FLOOR COVERING Thousands of yords of discontinued patterns from 29¢ Wilson's Furniture 20 ) Chureh St. ; SCRAP LUMBER. Load your own truck, any size $3.00 per load 725-118) i .-- VACUUM eRepalns, "all mares, Drusnhes, Pickus, delivery, MN Fleming Yevwom Service, Mam Siveet, APARTMENT SPECIALS -- "bees 36) @reavers $10, crits 810, atoves 818, washers $15. 4 Bond Street Wert, 25 Bong Street East, Valley Creek RRA) CONTINENTAL BED BARGAINS, mah jtvesses Nall price. Finest quality Pos.) | hwepedic Perma Foam. Meadboards, one! he re off, mms Batt, [WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE Gace |tornivore OF anyihing you Rave, The City Post 44 Simmeoe Street » TADVOP nee OR SELLING tarntore oF ap-! jpliances, Cal Elen tempter wail oF DéD-2085. pote eek realy wrap, 72-404) j [tana typewriter, K3 irr as earns ere atin x) ' re al Shewrine. PUREBRED ,, ReCTERED Srenaera BARYSITTER Ride daily Mon, + Fri, $9 Spacious box 'stalls, Ask 'for Joey or Ted, Pickering 942- 110) [CORY RANCH, Reg'd, German Shep. Show mea: Heres, PUPS, horse, Pony. jequipmrent, clothes, Ashburn, 685-4862, BUDGIES, ready tia' we Fd a Apply Mrs. 4 BEAUTIFUL BABY | jfer traint iy Bread, TONTING enti eeee-- Srmeunces black Miniature from |. caemecare, SI Stock, Also » Siver white noe vane and Tetepnone 723.5930, poodle puppies, 10 week Diack, Drown, white MSA. REGISTERED CHINDANUA A Popeten tor sale, male and ie had some needtes, ore ye have papers, ee FRS-SEP9. tag itn. = _ GERMAN CHPRERET. Canada's fines! 3 Old, Solld Very reasonadie, SIAMESE Kittens, _poredred papers avalladie, Veanves. Make Seorae Christpas gifts, Three months old. Also jpuredred stud services availedie, 728-/ ye Nall ym-Oda) FREE -- Toree German Shephere | ples fer someone adie A provide @ al | home Teleprone 728-7 HORSES BOARDED, dovghi, soe. Han: leack Road North, just east of Courtice H PRIME or TST For RESULTS Classified TIMES G00b Ute | Wight prices, al | RESIOENTIAL 8100. Call aad: 850, ge for permanent, 12---Articles Wanted -- "WANTED" "Hordwood lumber green from sow, sawn to our specl- fications . Cut your Elm before the disease kills It," Peacock Lumber Ltd. Oshawa me 000, usm © SURNITURE. seat awe West, tT he Furniture, 668 nas meta WANTED YO" sre = A ehlid's electric train; spring horse mounted on at wm also @ pony saddle, Phone ro as. cc |13--Articles For Rent hey 2° Chairs, Linens, Dish. ey, Cutlery, Glas s Cottee Weer, Men's nape: White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd, $,_ 725-3338 wom CHAIRS, | ial beds, walkers, room su) Rentals, 105 Beatrice, asa, mee NTERTAINING? Fifty} people? Oshawa Tennis wy quets, parties, weddings, Ber, parking? 723-776, hundred for ban. kitchen, # Opportunities SHELL CANADA LIMITED has & serv ice station for lease on a busy artery, Better than average income, minimum investinent required, For information, » B. Van Zant, 726-640), baxavy "BALON, medium site, In plaza, ood opportunity for couple or male hair atyiate inquiries kept confidential, Prb vate, Write Box M50626, Oshawa » Times, RevrAURANT "on Simeoe South, s eating eppronimets ly 20 persons, Will « wutrle art payment en or trade as houne, Telephone 720-499) or 65: 448, WELL" BSTABLISNED, motive parts and machine shop, Toronto area, serving good Industrial and trans. port accounts. Thorough eseiien open to serious Inquirer, Box 56087, 15--Employment Wanted and eecommercial tioor | and window maintenance, oe sanded and refinished, ree tree, Contract lnvited, nent 1885, MOVING? CALL" ROBCO, Reasonable! rates, Free estimates, Rake leaves and haut away same, Handyman services, #20-2882, 729-4090 anytime, TRACHER REQUIRNGS "Touekeepar im. mediately, Telephone 728-398) 5 seuneetie TAILOR "MOVING to Oshawe requires full time employment, Telephone 728- 1503, RELIABLE WOMAN in Central Park = Rossland will oye or care to one ena nt mre 'home, 723-236 CHOAL" "SECRETARY, "oxparlonced, tL or long temporary assignments, Call 66 ta evenings or Saturde ays. DEALING IN BRRVICES? An ad in the ae ve Direct bri SALESLADIES Full or part time for exclusive ladies' sportswear shop, Ex- gies in selling desirable. leasing personality, good ap- pearance ond references es- senticl, Good salary in ac- cordance with ability to sell, Apply in person to: SEIGNEUR'S Sportswear Ltd. Oshawa Shopping Centre SPEEDHAND Canadion ABC System enable U qualify for Stenographer in 10 weeks at home on easy terms, Dept, of Education ap- proves, Free lesson, Write, or phone 668-4607, CASSAN SYSTEMS 805 BEECH ST., WHITBY, ONT Saleswoman To sell @ new typist's copy- holder to offices, Commission, age no barrier, Full or part- time, Write, ins CANADIAN RODUCTS 3139 Credit Woodlends, « Cooksville, Ontario, STENOGRAPHER For local office, Experience in filing, invoicing, typing and maintenance of es. sential, Accuracy and depend- ability @ must, Grade 1) edu- cation minimum, Apply in person to: BD. A, HOULDEN GENERAL PRINTERS LTD: 57 Simooe St. South INSTRUCTOR wanted in business subjects by o private business school located in south central On- tario,, Yearly contract, good salory, hours, benefits, Reply by letter giving qualifications, experience and solary ex- pected to Box, 57774, Osh- awa Times Se ag of Rome, R wanted, preferably th. my home, one toddler, | -- ent housework, waite S30 PM, Ve--Mele Help Wented -- 3%, Telephone 66807) alter WANTED IMMEDIATELY Mature Man to train for Sales Staff on | | commission besis, Cor nec- PS, ete, Phone 723-1163 oF call essary, Pension pion. et Chamber Foods "eaulpped autor | 10--Mele_ Help 'Wented Sales Positions With a Future TWO MEN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY To earn above average coms missions servicing business ae+ counts established in income protection, Guaranteed $100 weekly for the first 4 weeks, To qualify -- Must have eor Good backgr erage intelhnenes, Bandakle Over 21, Ambitious and responsible, Free to travel, YOU will be given a come plete training program at Company expense. YOU will be selected for ad- vancement to key manage- ment positions, with avs YOUR future and a Seer ore assured, THIS is @ lifetime connection for you if you have what we want, Call for appointment Mr. A. Van Der Vliet 723-4641 Tuesday Only 10 am, to 6 pan. Are You Interested In a Rewarding Career ? HERE |S WHAT Zeller's Limited OFFERS YOU IN RETAIL MANAGEMENT * Good starting solary * Excellént training program * Rapid advancement for those with industry and ability Liberal benefits Company policy of from within "a Opportunity for high-level income Interesting and active environment Strong expansion program creating unusual opportunity for progress Applicant Must Be Able To Relocate Periodically Junior Matriculation is Essential Please Direct All Replies To Box Num 56313 Oshawa Times EXPERIENCED MACHINIST A growing company in the electronic industry re- quires additional help for its machine shop, Fringe benefits, profit sharing plan and steady employment. Contact: MR, C, TAYLOR CROVEN LTD. 500 BEECH ST. WHITBY, ONT, THE ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE Hos vacancies for single men between 18 ond 30 years of age who ore at least 5'8" In height, have successfully completed Grode Eleven or better and are physically fit, Contact the nearest Royal Canadien Mounted Police of. fice oF write to the Commis. sioner, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Ottawe 7, Ontario. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Position available for honest, aggressive person, interested in selling city, town or country properties, Age no barrier, rofessional training, For in- terview contoct: John F. DeWith, of JOHN F. DeWITH Real Estate Ltd, Bowmonville, 623-3950 --_ ee WEATER, of, white enamel, t CONGTHON, Brovkiin 6h0078 efter) ye BA. OF Saturday, ShOW HIRES, eo 1 Demimion Rovai Wirter-Rige, whitewalls, steel stoqaed,! with ied, UNeT MATER Mentha, Svcationt| conaitien, THe 'GET A-JOR with work "wanted" adem /Classitied, Dial 722962 now and nave je" ed-writer help yoo @hrase your Jom getting ad. LTD. 933 Ritson Rd, South, FREE ESTIMATE 728-3681 INTERIORS by WINDOLE 3% Simcoe St. N all, Delivery Service established 1909 brea wee ow a WORRY? Place Mele Wanted 06 con by Galne ACTION ADS 723-3492 ; < 728.5184 am, to 9 am {SOMETHING DISAPPEAR? Pince a ea! = Ciaseihed te reach the finger TIGR fer On aderiter new, i Saturday till 12:00 noon li Oshawa De '

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