a es eal ee ne ne ee er a ak Seek ah a en a ia lh So a al tl Mai di OS OOO OF ee eee eer Se tal at a ae ee oe SEND CASH ABROAD Britain has about £11,000,000,- 000 invested overseas. For the Traveller... @ Jaguer Treveller Kit @ Trensistorized Record Player 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, November 7, 1966 ANN LANDERS Every Girl Dislikes Insulting Treatment FASHION THAT GOES UNDER FASHION... Wednesday's Paper" LYWSAN TRADING R.R, 3, BURKETON STN., ONT. SARGEANT'S himself. I have sent him book- lets, magazine articles. and T have ac- went out to smoke. He swears he has limited him- self to eight cigarettes a day but I'm sure he is still burning up. at least a pack. How can I get through to him that he is shortening his life? 4 take me to a place to/I'm so worried that I've had to later, After we got in the; go om tranquilizers. Can you said: A car he d girl. Accept the situation before you ruin your He SETS FOR GIRLS AND BOYS th. ticket?" Nicotine addicts will give up| Two style hats and mitts these instructions with -- sistance and mothproofed, members warm and cosy I was insulted that he would) the habit only if they like them- ve : suggest such a thing and I said| selves well enough to be good for boys and girls sizes 1 to double knitting yarn which Choose the popcom or rib- throughout the chilly winter 0, He looked very disappointed| to themselves. In this sense the] 4 years can be knitted from is patonized for shrink re- bed style with gauntlet days. and called me a poor sport and) problem is the same as alco- said I had Jet him down when holism. he mitts to keep the younger All Brand New Semples able bit of decoration by playing cards than for the game cor- Exercise Keeps See tnenrn etme eeEerenreeson needed me. Now I feel guilty, although part of me says that he is thr one who ought to feel guilty. What do you think? -- Insulted Inez wear inez: No girl should be asked to be a party to such a cheap 'trick. And Peter has his nerve suggesting that you let him down. When a girl accepts a date to a drive-in she has every rea- son to expect to go through the ee. oer. in the seat. Floor Dear Ann Landers: By this time everyone knows that cig- arettes endanger the health. My problem is that someone I love very much is a heavy smoker even th he has a respira- tory problem and the doctor him two years ago to give up cigarettes. I have begged him to stop--for me, if not for Dear Ann Landers: It sure is easy for you to sit out there in Chicago and deal advice off your arm like a_ sleight-of- hand artist in a carnival show. You told a man who said he was very fond of wearing sport shirts that it wouldn't kill him to put on a white shirt and tie for a special party if his wife asked him to. How do you know whether or not it would kill him? I happen to be a man and it kills me. Some men just hate to put on a white shirt and a tie. So why don't you stick to problems you've had some experience with? -- Had Enough of You Dear Had: If I had experi- enced even a small percentage of the problems I deal with every day I would be in no shape to write this column. You don't have to be a cow to know what milk is, buster. CHILD GUIDANCE It Takes Perseverence Throatline Young By IDA JEAN KAIN Is the throatline the feminine Achille's heel? One woman €X-| There's a sense of satisfaction pressed the heart's desire of|in making use of things that are Eve's daughters when she|jno more in active use, but are face which looks By ELEANOR ROSS still in too good a condition to "Do you know any exercise|be discarded. We're not con- that would improve a neck that|cerned with clothes, but with looks 20 years older than my/|other items such as playing 10 years|cards. We saw a variety of de- younger than I am? I cream lightful decorating ideas worked my face and neck every night!out with playing cards, several and morning, and the skin on|making use of those with at- my face is excellent, But my tractive geometric back designs neck is droopy and wrinkled|in blue and white, or red and under my chin," she concluded.|white--because design and col- Beauty creams are fine forjors are not too obtrusive and they help to keep the skin pli-jdon't quarrel with the usual able. But the secret of a firm, |decor. clearly defined throatline is in} One idea we admired was good muscle tone. There are/,qding a row of playing cards about 15 muscles in the neck./t, 9 short bridge table cover-- The large muscles are braced/two rows if the cover is quite Oa nee, yneed tas te It gives the cover @ hand- ea! properly balan helps to maintain tone in all ba skirt and dresses up the te eck muscles, Mont ua[_ Jn the bathroom, decorate an old square wastebasket or a Used Playing-cards Become Cheerful Decorator's Item make a fluttery mobile of those old canasta or bridge cards. Older children will enjoy glu- ing the playing cards.to small boxes to create mobiles that swing from colored cord at- ner? To store playing cards, chips and other items, decorate a wooden box by painting it first, then -- on the card backs. For a finishing touch, use the backs of old playing cards to decorate scorepads, tallies, coasters and mint cups, Then buy several packs in the same design for a smart co- ordinating touch. 19.95 OVER 100 GOWNS TO CHOOSE FROM SARGEANT'S 463 RITSON S$, -- OSHAWA 725-3338 tached to clothes hangers twisted in free-form shapes, For inexpensive, sturdy and practi- cal place mats, glue playing cards to both sides of cardboard from dad's shirts. You can make the mats waterproof. TRIM ITEMS Use playing cards to give pep to a screen, either in the large room-dividing size or the newer small ones for table display. The latter is an easy do-it-your- self project for which you'll require hardboard, hinges and paint. If the surface for your screen is a desk top, co-ordinate your bookends, ash tray, lamp base and little boxes for paper ized business training. DON'T ASK WHAT THE FUTURE WILL BRING YOU! ASK YOURSELF WHAT YOU WILL GIVE THE FUTURE! The future in business is exciting to think about. There will be jobs; mew careers; new systems; new methods; new new | thinking; new ideas! Why not be a port of this rich, reword- ing future! Become a specialist in office work through special- at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Fully equipped and staffed to prepare you for a responsible posture. From tand: sturdy box to use as a/holdall.|clips, etc., with the same play- Me Bye Barone og tl Cover the basket or edge it with|ing card motif. portant to keeping the. throat-|2 border of playing cards and| And what better or more suit- To Let Child Cry It Out fine looking young is the pla-|finish with a trim of plastic If you are going to give up, tape at th t i tysma--a thin sheet of muscle/'ape @ e corners, top ant why let him cry at all? Why/tipres which cover the collar| bottom. not take him up at his first] bones and extend obliquely UP-| wawE TOWELS grunt or stirring? It is not fair} wards Se ae ak One very cute idea is to iden- to him or you to go through all fact seg tify towels belonging to the position with a future . . . advancement. . . security... and prestige. FREE LITERATURE! Enroll now! @ DAY SCHOOL: Nine career designed courses from which to choose. @ EVENING CLASSES: Tuesday end Thursdey evenings "i @ HOUSEWIVES: A special course available. ' night school. @ SHIFTWORKERS: Attend two weeks dey school; 2 weeks 10 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa Dial 725-3375 = gE WORLD OF your head erect, but family members, using playing ding See eet Ween tt is, al {care Frame a king of hearts to HiG AWAITS YOU HERE! throat. When it is al- for dad, a queen for mother ; lowed to become flabby and fat i Removes superfluous hair per- ed, as "t oo A with|a0d_| cards representing chil-|f manently and painlessly by a i ids dren's ages and place them on droopy-head posture, then folds|in9 wail above the towel racks! ELEGTROLYSIS French-type lining in bureau|f The Kree Imperial now installed Glue playing cards as a and cabinet drawers. Or glue|f for your convenience, Over 15 Years Experience MARIE MURDUFF Will be in Oshewe et the Genoshe Hotel Nov. 7, 8, 9 PHONE 723-4641 gs E 6 52 se : ME H EXERCISE MUSCLES When thin, scrawny throats|them to closet doors for a lively are exercised, the muscles be-|and handsome decorative note. come stronger, contours fill out|/For an inexpensive headboard have doubts for any reason you| and wrinkles tend to disappear.|in an extra room or a young- should confer with your physi-|txercise will also deal firmly|ster's room, buy a piece of clan the next day. with a double chin by restoring|hardboard. Brace it by nailing Whenever you do let a young-|bracing tone to the supporting|two-by-fours to the back, paint ster cry it- out, you should re-/ muscles. it a lively red and then glue main in easy distance| The following exercises, taken|on playing cards and hang on to make sure he does not suffo-|daily, and backed with proper|the wall, For baby's room, cate from vomiting or entangle-|head posture, will restore ment in bedclothing. needed tone to the throat What may intensify the prob- muscles. lem is disagreement between| While still flat on your back mother and father or other fam-|in bed in the morning, slip & ily members--one for letting] soft pillow under your shoulders, him ery longer, the other for|with back of head resting on him up. bed. Raise head to a level line Besides, both parents may|and hold the muscle contraction hesitate to expose the neighbors|to a slow count of six. Lower: to the child's crying. They don't|head again, and repeat three figure out that, by settling the| times, always holding. matter--letting the youngster) Take a second resistance ex- cry it out for a few nights--they|ercise. Seated at the dressing could protect the neighbors for| table, first pull up with that line years thereafter. at the back of your neck so as In case you are sure you have|to start the exercise in perfect the intestinal fortitude to let|head posture. Now, place palm your youngster at six months,|of hand on forehead. Resist .|10 months or two years, cry it strongly with palm as you push ,/out tonight, record the time he forehead against palm. No cried. Do likewise tomorrow pe inne Rage ~~ -- sician's advice. If suspect| night and the next night. There| contra ion for a slow coun hunger, a bottle of wack water| May be no third night of it. Yet/six, then release slowly. Repeat there may be a fourth or fifth.|three times. With your free The curve you can plot from|hand, feel the muscle contrac- of 6, 8 or 10 months is put down|these records will amaze you.|tion both fore and aft. in his crib he. cries for more| YOU may want to frame it. a peg _ age S. than a few minutes, and does) aNsWERING QUESTIONS | "4 Pull up with the line at back so night after night, and you! @ In playing with a youngjof neck and hold tip. of chin ppg he eel eng child, is it well to. let him|level. Add a couple of bracing After -you let hi # 16 | usually win in order to keep| exercises daily and you can fool SOO Hat Seen Cy Ok oy OF in BtTtViNg? "\the public by 20 years. 15 minutes, you may be unable| 4 No- he's fortunate when he to stand it any longer and go F take him up. often plays with another child LONG FOR A BOY 81 William St. West - hi é Next evening you try it again. = loses about as often as he _ No male heirs have been born You let him cry a few more|------ in the Dutch royal family for PHONE 723-3012 minutes this time but succumb 115 years. in and take him up. Y BRIBES FOR CHURCH? sein this fashion evening after] WOMBWELL, England (cP) | i Si i i i i oe a a a a Hunt, the Sunday school chief, ,| "but in these days it is no use Color -- 2=5, minutes SPECIAL THIS WEEK Made With Flaky Pastry Retouch Bleach -- 5-10 minutes evening or for several times the|--Sunday schools around Barns- children to. attend with candy : é oy asking children; you have S Ld ¢ "ci: =<"e Super Bakery Specials » a @ OFF ne BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR KITCHEN - wd OCOLD WAVES | 5 i Open Daily for your convenience PER c Ih ti 69 59: > 7 Mayfarr Salon ; Two or three tier wedding cakes -- Order One Week Ahead ry > 728-0662 27" CELINA ST. 728-0662 37 pon oo ape npn es ee --- bars. "I suppose it does look WOOLWORTH'S FAMOUS DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER i it if ' le if f F g 3 : 3 Z ¢ F ge vase Hl ze E538 i i : i i fa Kee TR IN ree D ox GO | TS BRAS&GIRDLES by Formfit' Underfashions that are gentle persuaders in the art of curving you where you should be curved ... and confining you, well, where you should be confined. All this, these new bras and girdles perfected by Formfit® will do for you, What's more, they are se artfully constructed you'll never know a moment's restraint. Do arrange for a and Window oo caewte 95 ATHOL ST. E., OSHAWA professionel fitting seen --et Wetker's, OSHAWA FUR AND |-- foe camer ae LOCKER STORACE sion egtmmatang. Lye poweeast bale for mid-riff smoothing. Lycra" powernet SRF a BY I Wh sO back with five snap closings. Adjustabie lingerie straps, White. A, B, C cups; 32-38. Pe Low Rental Rates by the Month or Year Expert Meat processing and Custom Cutting Save on Wholesale Meat Buy in Quantity and | Save Why {jl i -- Showroom and Factory PHONE 728-1633 Re-glazing and Complete Locker Service precraeng SKIPPIES WAISTLINER PANTY GIRDLE: Fashioned from sheer Lycra® powernet with a front lace panel for tummy control. Nylon tricot crotch, White. S, M, L. (not illustrated) vg tab 2 WAISTLINER Mg none GIRDLE: n sheer powernet for just-enough, just- right a, Front lace insert. White. S, M, L. $6 Reg'd. T.M. Delicious CHERRY PIE 3 prs. of our traditionally fine Fairweather hose for 2.85. Season's newest shades; seamless mesh. Sokwenther Foshions since 1867 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE WALKER'S THE HOME OF THE BRANDS like bribery," admitted John ORANGE TWIST Did you know we have the fast processing color machine? Retouch SPECIAL THIS WEEK . SHOPPING IS Ci JONVENIENT ON A WALKER'S 'PLAN' ACCOUNT OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-4626