Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Nov 1966, p. 5

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WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Whitby Reeve To Seek Wardenship Of County WHITBY (Staff) -- The reeve of Whitby n, George Brooks, confirmed this week inai be. intends running for heewuce: of Ontario County in ealy, "Henry " Polak, reeve of Ajax, was a definite that he will not be a candidate. His practice as a barrister did not allow him time, he said, Two others rumored to be in- terested in running are Francis Area Schools Plan Commencements The annual commencement » exercises, a highlight of the . school year, are coming up at several local high schools. The first will be at Ajax High School tonight. when Mr. Frank Finlay, assistant vice-principal of Pickering High School, will be guest speaker. Indecent Assault Charge Dismissed A 21-year-old Pickering Town- ship man had a charge of in- decent assault dismissed against him by County Court Judge Alex C. Hall in County Criminal Court Wednesday. Claude Shepherd, of Cherry- wood, pleaded not guilty to the charge after he was charged last July 25 of indecently as- saulting his 15-year-old baby- sitter. Pickering Township Police Sergeant Richard Bodley said gaid he questioned the accused after the complaint had been laid by the teenage girl and her father. Bodley testified that the accused had told him he had not touched the girl indecently when she ran from his car after he parked in a lane. The 15-year-old student girl Hockley, reeve of Scott Town- ship and Charles Healy, Reeve of Mara Township, Both told The Oshawa Times they would rather not comment on this yet. Mr. Brooks ts sorving 3 t¥o- year term as reeve, Other possible candidates for the posi- tion of warden have civic elec- tions in their own area first. The present warden is W, H Gould, reeve of Uxbridge. Pickering's own commence- ment exercises will be held Noy. 18. This is also the date chosen by Clarke District High School. Two schools, Bowmanville and Dunbarton, will be having thaire Nav 98 Canrtica Hieh School's big day will be Dec. 2. said she had run out of the car after the accused parked and that he had chased her and pushed her down on the side of the road. She admitted getting back into the car to be driven home by the accused after he had kissed her. Judge Hall said he did not accept the evidence of the ac- cused or the plaintiff 100 per cent. and suggested that if the age of chivalry had not passed entirely a kiss did not -con- stitute an indecent assault, The judge said there was no doubt in his mind that the ac- cused intended to become famil- iar with the girl but ruled that there was a reasonable doubt that an indecent assault had taken place. Day Nursery Chattel AJAX (Staff) -- Where are eur toys? Twenty-five little voices will be piping with that question next week. The answer is: they were destroyed in the Ajax Community Centre blaze Thurs- vi Every piece of equipment owned by the Ajax Day Nurs- ery was lost, It was worth be- tween $2,000 and $2,500 -- and, by an unfortunate oversight, none of it was inaured. Now Mrs. "Shirley Stefaniuk, of. ; Parents the non-profit making eo is te the public for help gz up the nursery's equi it again, 3 COTS LOST The nursery lost 26 camp cots, tables and chairs, educa- tional toys, heavy play equip- ment such as trikes and pedal cars, dolls, books . . . all of which must be replaced. And that takes money. The cots alone cost $10 each. Brand new toys for the win- ter season and expensive books . still in their boxes were burnt. s Lost nursery can re-open Monday in its temporary home at St. Paul's United Church. The Ajax branch of the Red Cross has generously given $300 to pay for the camp cots, and Thurs- day the parents bought two trikes, a carriage and a pedal- car -- but they won't go far among 25 toddlers. NO GRANTS The day nursery, started five years ago, does not receive an: grants. The parents pay for all the equipment and the staff) wages out of the fees charged. Tomorrow the nursery is sub- mitting a brief to Ajax Town Council asking for subsidiza- not provide equipment -- a 12-month period. Gifts to the nursery should be sent to Ajax Town Hall, King's Crescent, Ajax. The parents would prefer money with which to buy the correct equipment, but they would be grateful also for any toys, dolls, etc., in good condition, Some . bewildered three-year- olds would be very grateful, Mrs. -Stefaniuk hopes the too. BOWLING SY. JOHN THE BVANGELIST MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE Team standings as of October 3) gy ¥, Nolsemakers 16, Creepers iy Hengpine, We 1%, eens 10, Jerks &, Cerner Pins 5. Balls ons 330 and ced _ re "Chias: » 727 277); &. Samanski, Tie 'aa, a) J. Smyth, bd - Pong H, be ont 410 (241); 0s c. anal 93 a); x "\eolateren ng es ry aoe and over -- T. Chiasson $82 Py Gaudet 72 ai) Pp. *Morrew ae ins: $. reve $44 (211); RR. Rev- ir S38; F. Ottendrite $29; F. Schatzmann mm (208); @. Rieger 514 (210). MONDAY MIXED BOWLING League Conarenviotans are extended to the Whitby Cleaners who won the first sec lon with . score of 47 AE ge High Triples over were: John Pisani, 765 (216, 223, st); Don Grant, eS ms, 249); Hans Zimmer, 7: Marty Jordan, 740 (295, 222, Eo os Holter, 729 (254, 285); Bill Vaughan, 715 (262, 274); Keith King, 687 (233, = =~ Wsisiad: area (270, 7 | Slee. ~ eis ee 2. Sand a es mi) Can ha Ri gg "2): (257); Millie Pe nh 606 ct | 206); Bruce! | RESULTS LADIES' CIGARETTE LEAGUE The league has finished rolling the be section of the 1966-467 season. mn} champions were the Exports with 2 ints, Other team scores were: Players, 8; Rothmans, 17; Lucky Strikes, 16; Cameos, 13; Buckingham, 117 No. 7, 10 and Viceroys, 7. The highest triples were: Highest Triples Over 500 and rag on Over 200: Elaine Haines 603, 208; 's. "= are 633, 24; Bea Hepburn v, Doris Howes 640, 280) Clore Rowden ie 220; Pat Brown 73%, 283; Gileen Clarke 210; Ginny Ponseete 47, = Wi Rempel 625, 250; Irene Olsson a Gloria Vipond 789, wn) Janice ce Knob née; Heather Vipond $03, 283; Sandra {Allen 527, 2467 jLeonere Hardy 700, man 618, 266; Deanna MacDui Eileen Dalby 44, 243; Marjorie en S41, 228; Johnny Clive 993, 22); Batherson S94, 223; Jeanette lott "Me 232; Orme McKinley 676, 271) Vi Jordan AJAX MUNICIPAL COMPLEX CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY At the Ajax Municipal Complex site construction continues on the $640,000 complex which, wheh com- pleted, will house' the municipal offices, fire and School Board offices and the council chambers. Town council discovered recently that the federal govern- ment has cut off the Munic- ipal Loan Fund under which Oe ee ee THE OSHAWA TIMBS, Friday, November 4, 1966 WHITBY GREGORY & PECK ane uul TECHNICOLOR'/ PAN AVISION® PLUS MUSICAL & & CARTOON -- ALL COLOR PROGRAM -- SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 ----y Oshawa UNITED APPEAL TOTAL $8,200 WHITBY (Staff) -- Dona- tions to the Whitby United Appeal jumped by $1,600 yes- terday, This sum. included $500 from Mr, and Mrs, G. N. Irwin,, $500 from the Andrew Antenna Foundation sits some 35 or 40 individual Evening Programs 7: & 8:50 Lost Complete Show at 8:50 : These donations brine the ete in the kitty so far to gy canvass at Dunlop Can- ada Ltd. is almost completed and donations from the em- ployees are expected to be about. double last year's sum of $450. Family Home on Beaufort Ave. a major part of the build- ing was being financed. The loss to the town will be $39,000. Oshawa Times Photo Hospital Workers Plan Queen's Park Protest WHITBY (Staff) Angry about péor pay and work condi- tions, nurses' aides and atten- dants at the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, are holding an emet- gency meeting Monday to dis- cuss a demonstration outside the Parliament Buildings, Queen's Park, Nov. 14. Fifty people from Whitby Branch 27 of the Civil Service Association, Ontario, will pick- et there all day. This is part of a protest in which aids and attendants from mental hospi- tals all over the province are taking part, picketing on dif- ferent days. George Scott, Whitby branch secretary, says: 'There is defi- nite unrest at the hospital ow- ing to low salary, shortage of staff and excessive overtime to coverthe shortage." STAFF BELOW STRENGTH Because of this about 20-25 employees had left within the last two years to take other jobs, said Mr. Scott. He claim- tion. But, if granted, this would |/ itis would only subsidize loss over |= DINNER SPEAKER Professor Marcu Long, of the Philosophy Depart- ment, University of To- ronto, will be the speaker at the annual dinner meet- ing of the Whitby District Family YMCA, Nov, 15, in the Whitby Royal Canadian Legion Hall. His address is entitled "Youth in a Chang- ing World." Harold A, Brown, national vice-presi- dent, will bring greetings from the national council of YMCA's of Canada and pre- sent a charter to the 757, 279: Connie Denyer 737, 287; Elsie poaiong Ah a 208; Joan Denver 615, 272) Joyce Denyer 657, 291; Myrt Denyer 608, 2; Denne" Sendison $27, 250; Verna Sandford 74, 261; Eleanor Vipond 507) et, Rv Virginie Dede $09, | oo Oia MeConnell ) wn Dede a merry "uy, m6; Joan | Vessey «1, 25; "May, Dowson $71, 255) ie MB af 492, 255) < Johnsen | Boris Jatiecye 408, 2 "eae AND istrict MEN'S LEAG "Me Triples 460 end over -- Bill Steck 794 (47); Tom Perrow 761 (294); Des Den- 72 (288); Bob McAllister 711 Puekrin 705 (287); Bill Jor. Dick Adame 70 ( (242): BIN Collins rows 646 (269); Ed Brush -- Ken Smith Const, vise keel | Office 7, Legion Old Sweats 7, Firemen | FOREIGN MINISTER Maurice Couve de Miur- ville, France's foreign min- ister, visited Canada re- cently. (Cc ds Photo) VARIES WITH MOON Easter can fall on any date between March 22 and April 25 and is calculated from a table (B) 6 Mercantile Dept, Store 6, Andrew': (No, 2) 6, Whitby Hardware 4, "| Whitby organization. One-Stop BPeee 2TiVs VEVUNA TING CALL, Paints and Vernishes Benjamin Moore Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron S$. $., Whitby PHONE 668.5862 Ladies Pipe Ajax Community Centre Band Dance ed the male staff was 30-35 be- low strength. Overtime was being abused, he said, and was not being paid until four months after the hours were put in. The staff wanted overtime paid at least monthly instead of quarterly. "One man has to look after a cottage housing 70 patients on afternoon and night shifts. I feel that until someone is in- jured nothing will be done about it. Mental patients are unpre- dictable," said Mr. Scott. SEEK RAISED STATUS "We feel there is too big a gap between the attendants and the registered nurses, We Ajax Fire Loss $54,400 AJAX (Staff) --Ajax Fire Chief Clifford Harris said to- day that'the insurance loss in Thursday's Community Centre fire was $54,465 to the building and contents, Chief Harris said the esti mated value of the building at $80,000 and the replacement value at $130,000. The chief commended the three departments activiated by his mutual ald call including his own. He said the Pickering Village and Township depart- ments arrived within 20 minutes do quite a lot of registered nurses' duties on the wards. We would like to have our status raised and to be classi- fied as pscyhiatric nurses, as Ps. the English system," he said A Grade 2 attendant, who has passed two examinations, is paid only $200 more per year than a cleaner, he continued. The Whitby pickets will be volunteers or off-duty staff so that patient care at the hospi- tal is not affected in any way, stressed Mr, Scott. He and two other Whitby members will also take part in a protest march of 300 people from the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, to the Parlia- ment Buildings the first day of the association's annual general meeting, Nov. 16. The protest by the aides and attendants of the province's mental hospitals is against the government's apparent refusal to allow the question of salar- ies for hospital staffs to be placed on the agenda of the Ontario Joint Council -- the negotiating body for civil servants, PAY RAISE SOUGHT The employees want an in- terim pay raise of $1,500 back- dated to April 1966, until nego- tiations for a new contract open in 1967. Mr. Scott explained that in| April 1965 all groups of insti- tutional. employees except nurses' aides and attendants were granted two pay in- of the time the Ajax depart- ment received the call. Ajax fire department turnout at the blaze was 100 per cent and the department battled the flames for nine hours. Chief Harris said that homes on Heatherwood ave- nue were definitely in danger at the height of the blaze and that the Pickering Beach con- tingent of the township fire fighting forces poured 6,000 gallons of water on the roofs and gardens of the nearby homes, DON'T HAVE MONOPOLY OTTAWA (CP)--No undertak- ing was given that Air Canada would have a monopoly on the Montreal - Moscow run, Trans- port Minister Pickersgill said in the Commons Thursday. The new route was opened by Air Canada this week. "KNOW HOW" OUR TRUST OFFICERS HAVE THE TRAINING AND THE EXPERIENCE SO NECESSARY FOR THE. EFFICIENT AD- MINISTRATION OF AN ESTATE. T Victoria and GREY TRUST the | A HEAD START WILL LICK YOUR STARTING PROBLEMS Nearly 80 percent of all winterizing work handled by car dealers is jommed into a few days each yeor starting with the first cold spell. Service facilities are swomped, lea are peg e@ job and the chances be kept weiting when you need most. generally not able te de en thor- ere you'll trans- portetion Most starting failures result from pitted or defective distributor condensers. points and worn The condenser intensifies the spark which is in turn transmitted through the distributor points other colder weather or apote. Sludge must be removed from the _ a winter grade of oi! and crankcase and replaced phy oy fully cho the winter would be te 4 sete for the i added p a the cherging rate of your battery increased te compen- drain on b sterts. y power from Winter A cold battery generally delivers no more than 80 percent of formance: warm pe half again as fest. @ while the engine must run over 'l\eation had taken place. creases. His colleagues were only given one but understood they would receive an increase in April, 1966, after reclassifi- This did not happen and the Civil Service Commission denied -- was any such understand- ing. Local MPP's Dr. M. B, Dy- mond and Albert V. Walker, have been invited to Monday's meeting at Whitby. | % assembled in the 16th century. | SAT., NOV. 5 CANCELLED... Please return your tickets to where they were purchased and your money will be refunded. These basic items will solve the greet mejority of ste: problems. You'll be cheed in time and convenience oa them attended te. now before you oe te wait in line. For complete, quelitied service di service facilities, modern end up te dete. Be on the sitestde service your cer et Northside. For @ particular client interested in. @ better city location. This popular east end location with the friendly neighbors will give you and your family o felling of always being here. Situated on @ wide 65' frontage corner lot to give plenty of light and swing yet not too much lawn for the busy executive owner te trim ond keep trim. Extras galore here including red wood fenced yord, generous patie, hobby bench, built-in china cabinet, built-in stove and oven, and even @ better built double swing for the kiddies. You will appreciate the cozy open fireplace and the deluxe humidifier te keep the pleasant warm olf halthful and invigorating. Don't discount this beauty for $24, 700. with a 6% interest mort- goge if you need ao 3 bedroom home ! REALTOR 2 OFFICES TO SERVE YOU '218 Dundes St. E., Wh 49 Simcoe 3. $., itby $., Oshawe Phone 668-8826 Phone 728-5157 (2 doors east © Whitby Post Office) (Opposite Oshawa Post Offies) MICHAELS STERN Finest quality -suits tollored F from sharp looking long wear- } ing COURIER cloth in shades of HICKORY'N BLUE SPRUCE. Now in Stock Mercantile Dept. Store 321 Brock $, $. WHITBY PLAZA ANOTHER EXCEPTIONAL VALUE AT ROUSSEAU HERITAGE HOUSE DURING OUR FALL CLEARANCE SALE! MUELLER, the leading name furniture fashion, hes cerefully co-ordinated this beautiful Sote and its handsome companion Chairs with luxurious Imported fabrics that capture the rich character and colourful charm of the Mediterranean. So easy to make a selection that Is exciting and decor- ator correct. This Is the finest upholstered furniture truly Inspired by old world feeling Spanish Sofa Chair with Barcelona Valance .. High Back Orsini Chair ROUSSEAU HERITAGE P= HOUSEA $218. "Pitany Fuonstewe and design and will add new drama to your home. All custom covered to yeur erder, Open Thurs, ond Fri. Ti 9 P.M... Closed Mondays 216 MARY ST. E., WHITBY PHONE 668-3483

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