Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Nov 1966, p. 25

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24 «(THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 4, 1966 COUNTY LINES Four Kedron Area Boy Scouts Spend Weekend In Rochester KEDRON (TC) --- Douglas Pascoe, Donald Werry, Bill Elliott and Larry Hopkins of the 2ist Oshawa Scout Troop senior patrol were in Rochester over the weekend with mem- bers of the 7th Oshawa Troop) on an exchange visit wit! Rochester scouts, The group left by bus Thurs- day evening, stopping over in Niagara Falls, They visited the Toussaud Wax Museum and the Skylon Tower, On Friday they continued on to Rochester where they were the guests of families of Rochester Scouts, On Satur- day evening the group attended an AHL hockey game, Members of the Rochester Scout troop will return the visit in the wislt in the anving af 1087, Clarence Werry has returned from Cutknife, Sask., where he and Mee Warru ware the ouacts of their son, Rev, and Mrs, Robert Werry and family, Mrs, Werry will remain in Cutknife for an externded visit. edron Hi-C members at-| tended the Folk Sing sponsored) by Northminister United Church. Hi-C Sunday evening at North- minster Church, SCHOOL PROGRESSING Work on the addition to Ked- ron School is progressing on schedule, Barring unforeseen difficulties the additional class- rooms will be ready for occu- pancy at the beginning of the second term, At that time an opportunity class for East Whit- Farm Improvement Winners Named GREENBANK -- The ban-jand Ralph Jones, Claremont, et and award night for the/RR 2; Lindsay Death, Ash- ntario County Farmstead Im-jburn, RR 1; Walter Pascoe, ovement Competition was|Claremont, RR 2; John eld in the United Church.|/Empringham, Ashburn, RR 1; oes tel = of the} Fred Fiss, Balsam, committee, presided, Ninety- ' eight farmsteads were judged, bn Ad EAST WHITBY hn gid Ke gad habe es pA, Smithlands Limited, Oshawa, the Gear cae ey Send "he RR 1; Robert Batty, Brooklin; Saned 7 8 fati g are Neal Grandy, Brooklin; Bert Appreciation to the) Guthrie and Son, Whitby, RR women for the dinner, Keith/,, W. F. Guthrie and Sons Rynard introduced the guests, |Wyithy, RR 2; Gordon Corner, Joe Lanthier, of Bradford,/Oshawa, RR 1; Norman Alves, who acted as judge, showed/Rrooklin, RR 1; Fred Obstfeld, colored slides of the first, sec-|Oshawa, RR 1; A. C. Parrott ond and third prize winning/and Son, Ashburn, RR 1; farmsteads in the six competi-|sames E, Cook, Myrtle; Jack: tion areas. son Bros,, Brooklin. RR 1, The prize winners in the stituted under Mrs. R. Draper, who is now teaching Grades 4 teacher at Kedron school, will rebar to complete the teaching staff, Rev. Winnifred Bridges, min- ister of Kedron United Chureh, officiated at the installation of officers of the 2ist Oshawa Cub and Scout Mothers Auxillary meeting on Wednesday even: ing in Tedres lower hall, Hold- ing the flags for the brief cere- mony were Mrs, Wm, Elliott former Akela of "A" pack and poh Nelson Wright, past presi- ent, Mrs, Fred Densham was re- turned as president for andther term, and Mra. Cliff Honkins will serve a second term as secretary, New officers Mrs. L. Lanine. Vice Presid and Mrs, Dick Walker, te surer, The business meeting was conducted by Mrs, Densham, Mrs, Hopkins read the minute and the annual report, In the absense of the retiring tre' surer, the president read th auditors' financial report, All reports were approved as read, The annual Christmas pot: luck supper will be held, Nov, 40 in the lower hall, commenc- ing at 6:30 p.m, It was announced that the annual Father and Son banquet will be held this year at the Council Hall, Camp Samac, Feb, 18, southern section of the county were: PICKERING Murray Dunkeld, Claremont, RR 2, Elmer Wilson and Sons, Balsam; Allan Lishman, Pick: ering, RR 1; Reg. Hoskins, Claremont, RR 3; Lorne Jones, Ashburn, RR 1; Lioyd Wilson, Ashburn, RR 1; Joe Forsyth, Balsam; Milton Pegg, Clare- mont, RR 2; Albert Foster, Claremont, RR 2; Frank Me- Avoy, Claremont, RR 2; Percy REACH AND 8CUGOG TOWNSHIPS Leonard Jarvis, Seagrave, RR 2; Lesiie Smith, Port Perry, RR 2; Nelson Reader, Port Perry, RR 3; Morley T. Raines, Blackwater, RR 2; Clifford Redman, Port Perry, RR 3; Hugh R, Baird, Black- water, RR 2; Gerrow Bros., Port Perry, RR 3; Bruce Bea: ton,, Blackwater; G, Hunter, Uxbridge, RR 3; H. Jeffery, Prince Albert; Bruce Bailey, Uxbridge, RR 4, UNESCO, Agency With Ideas Celebrates 20th By MARILYN ARGUE OTTAWA (CP)--A_ worldwide érganization promoting peace through non + political channels will be 20 years old Friday. The United Nations tional, Educa- Scientific and Cultural Birthday }search, informational and edu- cational projects involving affil- jated individuals and groups across Canada, International UNESCO origi- nated the International Geo- physical Year, and the Interna- 4 i ' | | by Township pupils will be in-| and 5, Mra, Robertson, a former | ' diesel and gasoline fumes, and English, a believer in colorful relief for drab streets, came up with the idea of planting different types of cabbage. which grew in various hues, The Robert English, park di- rector of Luton, England, tends cabbage pot one of the many on the main street of the big in- dustrial city, Planted flow- ers just couldn't survive the Monster City Of Future WINDSOR, Ont, (CP) -- Thejalized through maximum trans city of the 2ist century was pic: |portation access, tured Wednesday night as avast! Mr, Parkins saw the "mon r= ie Pag oo og aren ister city" as a type of "multi where mankind mig ac@/regional, multi - state, chaos and despair if adequate urban - planning was 'not forthcoming.|, , , that if allowed 1 grow and Internationally - noted urban/develop without control, planner Constantinos A, Doxia-jeventually lead to self-extine dis and Detroit -- consul: tion," tant Maurice F, Parkins pre-| He advocated dicted the a ay Anco of ment of a federal agency or ur tomorrow's hed sn na by Hah |ban research institute to ex: . oe" = od seni id rae |Dlore new approaches, devise three-day Cana wr awe U ;inew urban systems, develop ton gh Pg py by the Unt+) mathematical models for analy Dr. Doxiadis, whose re jicies, searches into the megalopolis--|,.. the massive city of the en form the basis of much of the seminar, said Detroit would be) IF you ARE THINKING ABOUT LIFE INSURANCE the core, by the turn of the cen- | tury, of an urban area: stretch: ing 120 miles north and south between Port Huron, Mich., and Toledo, Ohio, and would itself be part of a city reaching to Chi cago in the west. On the periphery of the United States growth would be Windsor and Sarnia, both forming a part of the Detroit megalopolis but also sharing in the secondary growth of-a less densely popu: lated Canadian megalopolis ex- tending through London, Tor-| onto, Kingston, Montreal and Quebec, The Greek planner said it was WHERE CABBAGES ARE KINGS ~ Outlined By Urban Planner super:| suburban agglomeration may the establish- LONDON (Reuters)--The ar- rests of'two men in England and the United States in the last few days brought a wave of spy fever to Britain but intelligence sources here denied speculation that they were seeking to crack a massive transatiantic espio- " system, hey confirmed that the usual close liaison between U.S, and British security services was stepped up but suggested that maybe too many British report: ers were addicted to lan Flem- ing's. James Bond spy thrill- ers, And Scotland Yard flatly de- nied published reports that all leave for its officers was can: celled for a major spy hunt, The speculation arose follow. ing the arrest Wednesday of Willlam Cecil Mulvena, 47, a res! estate and shipping agent, who was charged with violating the Official Secrets Act by ob: taining a British passport under § jfaise preiences last year for use against the safety of Britain, There was no immediate indica- tien who was to use the pass: port, Spy Fever Sweeps Britain Following Prison Escapes brushed off enquiries with a tart and predictable comment that. even if anything were go- ing On, nobody at the ministry could say a word, Meanwhile, as police and se- curity officers scoured the country for traces of escaped master-spy George Blake, the mass-circulation Dally Mirror voiced a growing demand for a super-prison to stop Britain's prison system from becoming the laughingstock of the world, Noting that more than 500 TRIBE FEELS WEALTH The world's largest platinum deposit is in the Bafokeng tribal sector of South Africa, popu- lated by 50,000 tribesmen, Malinin, former assistant commercial counsellor at the Soviet embassy in Washington, was accused of conspiring with Boeckenhaupt to pass defence secrets to Russia. Two hours after his arrival here Malinin left for Moscow on a Russian Aeroflot flight, JAN'S TEXACO! GARAGE (Complete Repairs) MOVED TO 83 RITSON RD. SOUTH To Serve You Retter 725-8371 HAND TURNZD CAREER Toronto - born Percy Faith turned to composing music when an injured hand ended his + tighaececngg career at the age es arb ~~ including Blake-| o¢ 4 ad "gone over the wall" in the last year, the newspaper said Britain needed an island prison. TOTALLY ESCAPE PROOF The prison should have a watching (elevision eye, elec: tronic "bugging' of cells, searchlight towers, pa- iroi boats, and helicopters to make it totally escape-proof, And there should be one guard to 'every two prisoners just to make doubly sure, it added, Meanwhile, detectives kept watch at London Airport today when Soviet. diplomat Aleksei Malinin arrived here on his U.S, SOLDIER ARRESTED Farlier this week German: i/born US, Air Force Sgt, Wil-) Silliam Boeckenhaupt was) arrested in the U.S, and| charged with handing secrets to) a Soviet diplomat in the U.S. | = | Although Scotland Yard de-| nied reports of a crackdown on| a giant spy ring, they said it) : en was possible that clandestine -- els ny tk Roa |operatives of the home office or | fe cappages fave atoo defence ministry might be en-| up to the onslaught of the gaged on a security shakeup fumes. (AP Wirephoto) A home office spokesman! way to Russia after being or- dered to leave the U,S, through RED CROS Your help does so much Md '< '| at any price de No smooth whisky selling ~ livers sis and the testing of public pol- Something new. Rye whisky that tastes like rye whisky. as much rich rye flavour as Adams Gold Stripe. Custom-Made or Ready-To-lang OSHAWA'S INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE WARD'S Simeoe St. $. ot Athol 725-1181 = SINCE 1919 == r erchant: If you're looking for a low cost, highly effective way to promote your business this Christmas , . . you have found the answer, the Oshawa Times tional Hydrological Deca de® "tragic phenomenon, that only launched in 1965 to help fight /® small percentage of the area the world's growing water which will form part of the Organization (UNESCO) began with 20 member countries and a budget of $7,000,000, This Classified Gift Spotter. year it has 120 members and runs on a biennial budget of $62,000,000, "Ideas are its stock in trade," D. W. Bartlett, secretary - gen- eral of the Canadian national commission for UNESCO, said in an interview Wednesday, shortage. Educational projects are stressed, with 500 schools par- ticipating in a worldwide twin- ning program, More than 12,000 travel grants to teachers have been given since 1952 Great Lakes megalopolis is cuy- ered yet by planning control, He said urbanization precedes plan- ning but it was this progression that sometimes caused antagon isms between planners and smaller developers Lake Erie was the first of the Why Not Call TOM FARQUHARSON SUN LIFE THOMAS ADAMS DISTILLERS LTD, TORO! ADAMS GOLD STRIPE Canadian Rye Whisky. » HoH OOO & NTO The Gift Spotter is a 26 time SALES producing fea- ture that starts in the Times Assurance Company Of Canada RESIDENCE: BUSINESS: 668.437) 723.4563 Next year a project to raise Great Lakes to be completely the status of women through ed- ringed by highways--a classic ucation, science and culture will example of the formation of a begin, | megalopolis arounded a needed ATTEND CONFERENCE rT with urban develop A Canadian delegation is at. ent deing only completely re: | tending the biennial conference t UNESCO headquarters in} Paris, | The Canadian committee is the liaison between Canada, the Paris headquarters and com-! mittees in member countries, | aney have sponserea semi nars in Canada on films on art, school publications and interna- tional relations Next June, a Centennial sem- inar at University of Moncton will bring together about 40 scholars to discuss bilingualism. RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH $8.00 PER DAY atiate'cn MILEAGE CHARGE 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST, howe NOW {S THE TIME TO CONVERT AND CALL McLAUGHLIN wus 220°d481 SUPPLIES Classified columns on Novem- ber 2Ist. CHRISTMAS fT. Girl SPOTTER @ HIGH READERSHIP @ LOW COST @ PROFITABLE RESULTS "No government ever had an idea in its life. Only people have ideas and, therefore, we must find a way to reach be- yond governments to individu als and groups." Within the United Nations aystem, UNESCO is an inte. pendent agency, working with UN headquarters and organiza- tions around the world, SMALL STAFF The Canadian headquarters stall escc ss wt tr, Bartiett, two project officers and two part-time librarians. The Canadian commission is part of the Canada Council. From a Wellington Street of- fice across from the Parlia- ment Hill they direct the re- 1 * Model Snartan Home POOL TABLES See Join the further tion on how you can enjoy the low-cost results of the Christ- mas Gift Spotter call one of For informa- Go where the fun is-- get a performances proven MOTO-SK! and a whole new wortd of fun and action is waiting for yout |, Underneath it's still the rugged, depend. able MOTO-SKI that winter working paopie rely on, So join the GO people Please send me free by retum ' your fun with MOTO-SKI, mail, full colour literature on --_~- ~~ ae MOTO-SKI, vom MOTO-SKI S< F. MANLEY & SONS LIMITED 25 Lesmill Road, Don Mills, Ontario our helpful classified girls at 723-3492, acHin, PHONE 723-3492 RE" MADE RIGHT WERE In OSHAWA hy Major Pool Equipment (Can) Lid. Now you can own your own home pool table for a little as 97¢ down and ' seth 3 "Ad ta al'peal tehon MAJOR POOL EQUIPMENT 'sx? Limited 690 DRAKE ST, 7256582 -- 725-3661 a OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! we Toke advantage of it! 24 hour sen vice; and rodio dispotched trucks @iwoys on the ready to serve you, Fuel Oil Budget Pian evailable, ADDRESS. Nothing but the best STARR Sports & Marina KING ST. EAST at TOWNLINE OSHAWA, ONT. PHONE 723-0211 110 KING ST, W,

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